Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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CambridgeCambridge and ChelmsfordTaught coursesTaught coursesComputer Science(MSc conversion)Computing and the Internet(MSc)Length of courseFT 3 semestersStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• The standard minimum entry qualificationis a second-class Honours Degree in anysubject other than Computer Science.However, some basic computer literacy isexpected. Candidates thought suitable inother ways, but with no previous knowledgeof computing, will be required to study ourundergraduate Computer Applications moduleby Open Learning before starting the course.• Non-graduates (for example those withHNC/HND) will be considered on theirindividual merits.• Applicants for whom English is not theirfirst language will be expected to provideproof they have attained a level of Englishequivalent to an IELTS score of at least 6.5.• There is similar provision for experientiallearning, which may lead to credits beingallowed without formal study of someindividual modules.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukThe MSc in Computer Scienceis intended as a conversioncourse designed for graduateswhose first degree was in somearea other than computing.Graduates in any discipline willbe considered, although somefamiliarity with computing(for example, as a spreadsheetand word processor user) isassumed. However, if you haveabsolutely no knowledge ofcomputing, it is possible to takea preliminary course to help youdecide if a career in computingwould be suitable for you.Course contentAs well as covering programming andsoftware engineering skills, the course offersstudy in some depth of the following key areas:Computer Networks; Systems Analysisand Database Design; Object-orientedDesign and Programming.In all of these areas the aim is to equip you witha deep understanding rather than with superficialskills. The intention is that all candidates willhave studied the key topics in sufficient depth forthe knowledge and understanding gained to beimmediately useful in employment withoutsignificant further training.Stage one modules include: System Design;Software Engineering; and Design andImplementation of Databases.*Stage two modules include:Computer Architecture; NetworkingCommunication and the Web; and ProjectManagement and Dissertation Preparation.*Stage three: Students prepare a mastersdissertation.*Modules may be subject to change.Methods of teaching and learningThe full-time course typically involves threeor four days of lectures each week.AssessmentThis depends upon the modules studied,and normally involves both assignments and anexam. However, some modules are assessed byassignment only and others by examination only.Benefits to youPrincipally this course will provide you with thespecialist knowledge and skills in programming,networking, hardware, and analysis that areneeded in the computer industry.The MSc will also enable you to evaluatealternative solutions to computing systems’problems and to make choices between suchsolutions. Students will be able to assessthe work of others based on mastery ofthe fundamental principles of the subject.Professional qualification/exemptionThese courses are recognised by theBritish Computer Society.Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptember and JanuaryEntry requirements• Students require a good Honours Degreein a relevant subject or an Honours Degreecombined with relevant professional experience.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.The MSc Computing and theInternet is a vocational Masterof Science award programme.It has been designed anddeveloped in response to acontinuing local, national,and international demand forpersonnel equipped to analyse,design, and implemente-commerce applications.The course has been designed for IT-literategraduates who wish to acquire specialised skillsin these vibrant areas and develop a successfulcareer in the multifaceted fields of e-commerce.The pathway provides a broad range of analyticaland technical skills specific to the continuallychanging and expanding use of the Internet,with a principal focus on technical solutions.Course contentStudents can take modules with a focuson either e-business; Internet Technology;or Multimedia. All routes contain a majormodule in Web Development; and Client ServerTechniques. The e-business route containsmodules in the commerce areas of: e-businessInitiatives and Integration; IT Law andCompliance; and Computer Communications.The technology route contains modulesin Software Development and Databases.The multimedia route contains modules onMultimedia Tools; Technologies and Production;Interfaces and Usability; and Design.Methods of teaching and learningA variety of teaching methods will be used,but the emphasis will be on autonomouslearning. You will be involved in lectures,seminars, tutorials, group projects, andopen learning.You will use the Internet to support onlineand open learning methods.The Department has over 100 networkedmultimedia PCs; a sound studio; digital videostudio; a 16-station networking laboratory;Internet access on all machines and a widerange of sophisticated software packages for thecreation of multimedia-rich solutions. A computerwill be assigned to each full-time student forthe duration of the course, and a well-equippedroom will be dedicated to the course for tutorials,presentations, and for student-centred learning.AssessmentA broad range of assessment methods will be usedmeasuring every aspect of your understandingand skill application of multimedia technology.These include written assessments,laboratory practice, presentations anddemonstrations, mini-projects, and a60-credit dissertation.Recognising that this course relies heavilyon knowledge and practical skills, there willbe a significant emphasis on the results oflaboratory-based assignments. A number ofmodules will be examined on laboratory-basedassignments only, thus enabling skillsassessment as well as technical understandingto be measured.Benefits to youThis course aims to equip you with the ability toconstruct a variety of business and commercialwebsites incorporating graphics, audio, and data.You will learn to design and build fully functionale-commerce sites using a variety of commercialpackages and development tools. As a result,you will be able to appreciate the theoreticaland practical aspects of e-business.Benefits to your organisationYou will acquire an up-to-date perspective of thewhole range of e-business, Internet technologiesand web-based digital multimedia and changemanagement issues.How to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.24 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 25

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