Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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Fees and financeFeesand financeFunding and sponsorshipFunding for postgraduate courses varies, as do fees. Finances willbe especially important for you if you have dependents, or you aremoving from overseas. This section will help you to plan yourfinances for the year, and also how to contact the various officesat <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> who can provide you with advice and supportin these areas before you begin your course of study.FeesFees for postgraduate courses and research opportunitiesvary according to the type of study, course, the mode of study,and the length of the course.For up-to-date fees information visit our websitewww.anglia.ac.uk/fees or our online course calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees. Alternatively you can callour Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333 or emailanswers@anglia.ac.ukWhen you accept your offer you will be responsible for thepayment of fees. Fees are normally paid annually in advancealthough it is possible to make an application to the FinancialCredit Controller to pay by instalments.If your employer is sponsoring your course of study, we willrequire written evidence of this, together with invoicing details.Support with financeIf you get into financial difficulties at any time, you can get helpand advice from our Registry and Student Support Services staffin complete confidence.Funding may be available for some full-time courses but,unfortunately, many postgraduate students have to fundthemselves as the Government does not provide an officialframework of financial support for postgraduate studies inthe way that it does for undergraduate.ProspectsThe essential guide to funding further study may provideuseful information about possible sources of funding.Visit www.prospects.ac.uk for more information.Career Development Loan SchemeSome courses may be eligible for the Career Development Loanscheme operated by some of the major banks; information onthis scheme is available from the Department for Educationand Skills website: Visit www.direct.gov.uk and search forCareer Development Loans for more information.Grants RegisterProspective postgraduate students can also seek funding fromcharities and trust funds: The Grants Register (available inStudent Support Services on both campuses and also in thereference section of your local library) gives details of trustfunds and charities that offer grants for postgraduate study.Prospective students should be aware, however, that mostgrants offered are relatively small.Access to Learning FundsThe University’s Access to Learning Fund gives grants to UKstudents for course-related expenses but does not make awardsfor tuition fees. Further information is available from the FinancialAid and Advice teams in Student Support Services.Cost of livingLiving in Cambridge and Chelmsford can be done on abudget. Cambridge has a large student population and theatres,cinemas and other entertainment venues offer student discounts.Many venues in Chelmsford also offer similar discounts. Plenty ofrestaurants and cafés in both cities offer low prices, and museumsand galleries offer free entrance. Holders of NUS cards can takeadvantage of discounts on public transport.International students can obtain details about living costs inthe UK from the <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> International Office (see page 16for details).Students with childrenStudents with young children can contact Student SupportServices for information about possible sources of assistance withthe cost of childcare. To ensure they receive all the help available,it is essential that prospective students with children contactStudent Support Services well before their course commences.Students with children can also apply for an award from theUniversity’s Access to Learning Fund.Employment BureauMany students find they need to work to support their studies.The Employment Bureau, which has a branch on both theCambridge and Chelmsford campuses, can help you gainpart-time work during term time or temporary holiday work.The Employment Bureau also liaises with local employers tosecure permanent career opportunities and work placementsfor graduates and final year students. In addition, they also offerinformation on employment law, current legislation, nationalminimum wage, NI, and tax.Details on working entitlements for international students canbe found in the International <strong>Prospectus</strong> available from ourContact Centre.If you have any further queries please contact ourfinancial aid teams at Student Support Services:Cambridge CampusJulia ManleySenior Student Adviseremail: j.l.manley@anglia.ac.ukcall: 0845 196 2288Rodney BlairStudent Adviseremail: r.blair@anglia.ac.ukcall: 0845 196 2600Chelmsford CampusBridget SearleSenior Student Advisercall: 0845 196 4240email: moneyadvisers@anglia.ac.ukSheryl WilbyStudent Advisercall: 0845 196 4240email: moneyadvisers@anglia.ac.ukLesley GreenChildcare Advisercall: 0845 196 4287email: moneyadvisers@anglia.ac.uk14 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 15

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