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I IiIi! (St2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RffiULAR M HTING 7: 30 P. !v']. NOVB1!BF..R 6, 1956Then came on for consideration the paying of Mr. A. ~. Varner for a righ-of-way damagefor spwer lines and after a discussion, Alderman ~lliott made a motion that Mr. Varnerbe paid $75.00 for said damage. This motion waS seconded by Alderman Sisk and allaldeman present voted yea and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a checkto Mr. Varner for $75.00The following petition was presented to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen:AN ORDINANCF: Rl~ZONING T}-TE WFST FRACTION <strong>OF</strong> LOT NO. 475IN SECTION 21, IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> C'F <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI FR()lvI R:§­IDl~TIAL TO C<strong>OF</strong>}lERCIAL US 8.WHER!i:A.S, Dr. J. P. McLaurin and his wife Fugenia McLaurin and G. F.Heard petitioned the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Nississipri to re-zone a portion of Lot 475, as hereinafter described,from residential to con;mercial uses, and,WHfR~AS,notice was duly and legally given to all property ownersand citizens interested that a meeting of the hayor and Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford, Mississippi would be held at the city hall ofsaid city at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the 6th day of <strong>No</strong>venber, 1956to hear objections and protests against said change, and no objectionsbeing int~rsposedthereto, and it appearing to this governing authoritythat such change would be proper and beneficial;<strong>No</strong>w therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen ofthe 8ity of Oxford, Mississippi:SECTION 1. That, the West Fraction of Lot <strong>No</strong>. 475, as the same islaid down and designated on the plan of Map of saidOxford, a copy thereof being on file in the office ofthe Mayor of said City, and a cory of said Map beingon file in the office of the Chancery Clerk of saidcounty, and state, in Section 21, Township 8, Range 3West, and more particularly describ8d as fronting 60feet on Van Buren Avenue, and commencing at the Southwestcorner of said Lot 475, run thence <strong>No</strong>rth alongand with the West line of said Lot 475 a distance of122 feet; thence East parallel with the South line ofsaid Lot 475, a distance of 60 feet; thence S0uthparallel with the west line of said Lot 475, a distanceof 122 feet to the South line of said Lot 475, a distanceof 122 feet to the south line of said Lot 475;thence West along the southOline of said Lot 475 adistance of 60 f·~et to the point of beginning, andbeing the same property sold and conveyed to the lateMrs. Winnie McMahon by W. C. Cox, et ux, be deed datedArril 18, 1927, recorded in Deed Book 91, at Page 629of the record of Deeds in said Chancery Clerks Office,to which reference js here made.Be and the said property hereb,y is re-zoned and changed from residentialto corr~ercialuses and purposes, and the City Lngineer is ordered to notesuch change on the Hunicipal Zoning Map.SEr:TION 2.That this ordinance shall become effective according to law.The above ordinance WaS introcuced by Alderman Bernie H. Crouchseconded by Alderman H. S. Sisk and passed unanimously.APPROVED lsi Richard W. Elliott , MayorATTYST ED:, lsi;c. P. Flllmer<strong>CITY</strong> CLF...RK

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