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-<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>451________________"_Ha_4K__T_OM_L_._KE_TC_H_'NG_S_CO_._.N_AT_C_HE_Z _______________________________________________________________________ ~RESOLUTIONPROTESTING THE PETITION<strong>OF</strong> UNITED GAS CORPORATION FOR A RATE INCREASJWHEREAS, United Gas Co~oration, a public utility, has applied to the Public Service Commissionof the State of Mississippi for a rate increase; and,WHEREAS, United Gas Corporation is operating under a franchise in the City of Oxford; and,WHEREAS, the rates which United Gas Corporation now have in effect are in excess of ratescharged for gas in adjoining areas; and,WHEREAS, United Gas Corporation is requesting a rate increase which will materially effectthe rates of its consumers in the City of Oxford, Lar~ette County, Mississippi<strong>No</strong>w therefore be it resolved that the Public Service Commission of the State of Mississippibe placed on notice as to the opposition of the City of Oxford for said rate increase or any rateincrease because if said requested rates are put into effect, the inhabitants of the City ofOxford will suffer as their rates will be increased and they will be required to p~ more thanthey are now paying.Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the Public ServiceCommission with the request that it be made a part of the record and oonsidered a protest onthe part of the City of Oxford, MissisSippi, to the petition of United Gas Corporation for arate increase.Th~ above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing, was read and consideredsection by section, and then as a whole, and, upon motion made b,y Alderman Hickman andseconded by Alderman Lovelady, it was adopted section by section, and then as a whole, ana thevote on the final passage thereof was as follows?ALDERMAN JAMES ROBERTS _",y~ea ____ALDERMAN WILLIAM LOVELADY _..&y.-.e..;;;,a___ALDERMAN WILL HICKMAN ___ y ... e_a ___ALDERMAN F. W. BELK, JR. _ ...ALDERMAN HARRY SISK _....aye ... a ___It U IBlIllot JI II Jilty:...e..;;a~ __THE STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPITHE COtJNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTEPETITION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE <strong>OF</strong> FILLINGSTATION ~~D/OR SERVICE STATION IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT.To The Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi:Comes now your petitioner, GULF OIL CORPORATION, a Pennsylvania Corporation who would mostrespectfully show unto this honorable oody the following facts, to-wit:1. Your petitioner, GULF OIL OORPORATION, a Pennsylvania Corporation is the owner of theproperty described as follows, to-wit:,A fraction of City Lot <strong>No</strong>. 197, in Section 21, Township 8 South, Range 3 West, in the Cityof Oxford, County of Lafayette and State of MiSSissippi, as said lot is laid down and designatedon the official map of Oxford, Mississippi on file in the office of the Chancer,y Clerkof Lafayette County, Mississippi; being more completely described as follows: From the pointot intersection of the center lines of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Boulevard and HighW~ <strong>No</strong>.7_run South 1924' West along the center line of <strong>No</strong>rth 0Lamar Blvd. a distance of 9).4 f'eet; thenoe runsouth 79 0 36' East a distance of 37.5 feet to an iron stake on the East margin of <strong>No</strong>rth LamarBl8td. and the point of beginning; thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 12 0 4 f East a distance of 94.9 feet to alead plug in the South edge of a paved dr1 veway, 1b ich is the <strong>No</strong>rth-west corner of the landherein described; thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 86P 05' East a distance of 54 feet to an iron pipe inconcrete; thence run South 78 0 19' East a distancd of 100 feet to an iron gipe in concrete,which is the NVrtheast corner of the land herein described; thenoe South 8 9' East a distanceof 143.56 feet to an iron stake, which point fDrms the Southeast corner of the landherein described; thence run <strong>No</strong>rht 79 0 44' West a distance of 200 feet to an iron stake,which is the Southwest corner of the land herein described; thence <strong>No</strong>rth 10 0 24' East a distanceor 32.57 feet to an iron stake, which is the point ot beginning.2. That said property is presently in the B or Commercial District according to the ZoningLaws of the CitT of Oxford, Mississippi.). That on the 1st d~ of April 1958 you directed the City Engineer to issue a permit for thelocation and maintenance of a filling station and/or service station on all except a small portionof the property aoove described to E. E. Murray and his successors in title to said prpperty.l4. Your petitioner desires that all of the property above described be used for fillingStation and/or Service Station purposes, but beforj all of said property can be used for such purposeit is necessary that you issue a new permit to include all of the property above describedwhicn w&s not inc.Luded in the original permit., and before you CS'l issue sucn a permit it is neces .. ···

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