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~-------~~- -----------------------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A RESOLUTION DECLARING the Intention of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, to Borrow Eight Thousand Dollars for the Oxford Separate School District forthe purpose of Purchasing Land for said School District, Prescribing the Maximum Annual Interest Rate,the Manner of Evidencing the Indebtedness, Providirg for Installment Payments on said Indebtednessand the Time for P~nt of Installments, Prescribing the Manner of Raising the Taxes to Retire saidIndebtedness, Providing for Publication of the Resolution, and Prescribing the Date and Place of theFinal Action of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen upon the Question of Authorizing the Borrowing ofsaid Money for said Purpose.The above and forgoing Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Oxford Separate SchoolDistrict having been certified over the signature of the President of said Board of Trusteesto the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS:(1) That the Mayor and Board. of Aldermen do, and they do herel:v, declare their intention toauthorize the borrowing of the sum of Eight Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/100 ($8,000.00) Dollars, as set forthin said Resolution of said Board of Trustees, for the purpose of purchasing the land described insaid Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Oxford Separate School District, and to issue negotiablenotes or certificates of indebtedness of said Oxford Separate School District as evidence of saidindebtedness, together with interest not to exceed four percent per annum on the diminishingprincipal of said indebtedness.(2) That if the final action of this Board is that said mone.y shall be borrowed for said purpose,then the City of Oxford shall annually levy a special tax on all of the taxable propert,y of theOxford Separate School District in an amount which shall be sufficient to pay the principal of andinterest upon such negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness as the same shall respectivelymature and accrue, Which shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner asother taxes are collected. and which shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law,and that there shall be set up a special account, in which special account shall be placed thefunds collected b,y special tax to retire the indebtedness, both principal and interest aforesaid.(3) That the final action of this Board upon the question of authorizing the borrowing of saidmoney for said purpose be, and the same is hereb,y, set for 1:30 O'Clock, P.M~, on the 5th day otAugust, 1958, in the Office of the Mayor of said City of Oxford, at which time all persons orproperty owners affected by this Resolution and the action of this Board may present a petitionin writing requesting an election be called on the question of incurring said indebtedness; andthat the Clerk of this Board be, and he here1:r', authorized and directed to publish in The OxfordEagle, a newspaper havirg general circulation in the Oxford Separate School District, the aboveand foregoing Resolution once each week for two consecutive weeks.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing, was read and consideredsection by section, and then as a ~~ole, and upon motion made by Alae~~ Hickman for theadoption of said Resolution, and seconded by Alderman Roberts, it was adopted section by sectionand then as a whole, and, when submitted to a vote, the Aldermen voted as follows:F. W. Be1k, Jr.,--- -YEAJames Roberts,-------YEAHarry Sisk, <strong>No</strong>t PresentWill Hickman,--------YEAWilliam Love1ady,-----YEA1UIlIlIIU IUOU IIA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND <strong>CITY</strong> CLERK <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI TOEXECUTE A DEED TO MINOLA R. ROSS TO CERTAIN PROPERTY ERRONEOUSLY SOLD FOR TAXES.On motion of Alderman Roberts, seconded by Alderman Lovelady, and passed unanimously, it ishereby resolved as follows, to-wit:Whereas certain property assessed to W. C. Beasley, described as Part of Lot 66 & 13in section 28, township 8 south, range 3 west on the tax rolls for the city of Oxford, Mississippifor the year 1944 was on the <strong>17</strong>th day of September 1945 sold for taxes for the year 1944 and whereassaid sale appears of record among the records on file in the Office of the Chancer,y Clerk of Laf~etteCounty, Mississippi,And, whereas the records of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, including the tax roll abovereferred to shows a double assessment of said property for the year 1944 and the tax records forthat year, specificallY tax receipt #196 shows that taxes were paid on property assessed to W. C.Beasley, described as above set forth; andl4hereas title to said property has travelled by various mesne conveyances until the presenttime it is claimed by Mino1a R. Ross,And whereas taxes have been regularly paid to the City of Oxford, Mississippi on said propertyunder the same assessment for all other years for which there is a record, and

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