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RH::ESS, RECFSS, RECESS, Rl1jT:,SS, RfCESS, R~F1)S, RffiULAR ¥Eill'ING 5:30 P. M. S EFT. 21, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on September 20, 1956, the Mayor and Boa rd of Alderwenmet on September 21,1956, in the};:yor and Board of Aldernens' Chamber in the C~ty Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. r~liott,Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alder man At LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourGill W. Johnson, Superintendent Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:On motion made by Alderman B. O. Elliott, seconded by Alderman H. S. Sisk andrassed unanimously, it was ordered that the land roll and the assesswents contained therein,being of the total assessment of $4,212,955 dolla~s, and the personal roll and the assessmEntscontained therein, being of the total assessment of $1,,654,,457 3011ars both for theyear 1956, and both having been equalized, corrected and revised according to law andbeing the personal and real property rolls for the City of Oxford, Lafayette County,Mississippi, be and the same hereby are approved with corrections, subject to the right ofparties in interest to be heard on all objections hereafter made by them and subject tofurther changes and corrections by this board as authorized by law. It is further orderedthat a notice be rublished in The Oxford Fagle, a newsPaper published at Oxford, LafayetteCounty, Mississippi, notifYing the public and taxpayers of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,and of the Oxford ~'unicipal Separate School District of Lafayette County, Mississippi:A. That said asspssment rolls so equalized are ready for inspectinn and examination.B. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will be in session for the purpose of hearingobjections to said assessments which may be filed at the City Hall in the City ofOxford, Mississ ippi on the 4th day of October, 195~ and continuouslythereafter until all of the taxPayers who havj filed objections have been heard.C. The Mayor and Board of A Idermen will remain in session from day to day until allobj ections lawfully filedshall have been disposed of and all proper corrections madein the roll. Be it further ordered that the notice shall be given in the followingformPUBLIC NOTICFTO THE: PUBLIC AND TAXPAYERS <strong>OF</strong> TflE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI,.AND <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>OXFORD</strong> SiPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPIYou are hereby notified that the personal property assessment rolls ofsaid city and school district f or the year 1956 and the real propertyassessment rolls of said city and school district for the year 195~continuing the action of the hayor and Board of Aldennen of said city onspplications for homestead exemptions for the year 1956, have been equalized,corrected and revised according to law. The said rolls are now ready forinspection and examination. Any objections to said rolls or any asses smentstherein contained shall be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of saidcity on or before 7:30 P. M., October 4, 1956, at his office inthe City Hall of said City. All assessments to which no objectio s are then

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