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•<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>4278tZa4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZCame on for consideration by the Mayor and Board of Alderman of a policy concering sicknessand injuries. On Motion made by Alderman Lovelady.· secorned by Alderman Roberts and unanimouslypassed that the following policy be adopted;Each employee of the City of Oxford shall be entiled to one day' sick or injury leaveper month, howev~r, the employee must be able to furnish, if requested, to the City Clerk a docto~sstatement signifjirlg that the employee was accually sick. An employee may accumulate sick leavebut , at no one time may said employee have accumlated more than 24 days. If an employee becomes,njured or sick he will draw his full salary until his accumulated sick leave and vacation timehas been used up. If said employee be entit'led to ~·other. ,payments, he may draw same.However if said employee is not entiiled to ~ Lother', payments the City will not beliable for his salary.Came on for consideration the representation of the City of Oxford at the Municipal AssociationConvention to be held in Boloxi, Mississippi June 12-14, 19$8. Atter a di~~sion it was theopinion of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen that the City Clerk should attendAtQnvention. Motion wasmade by Alderman Belk and seconded by Alderman Lovelady ~d passed that it be so ordered.The matter of a raise in salaries of the Police Force came on for consideration and after adiscussion, motion was made by Alderman Hickman that the salaries be raised as follows:Newt King from #300.00 to $32$.00 per month effective June 1, 19$8Donald Carwile from $240.00 to $27$.00 per month retroactive to May 1, 19$8R. H. Mills from $240.00 to $260.00 per month effective June 1, 1958R. E. King from $22$.00 to $2$0.00 per month effective June 1, 19$8M. T~ Styers from $240.00 to $2$0.00 per month effective June 1, 19$eH. E. De~e8t from $22$.00 to $2$0.00 per month effective at the end of threemon1if employment.This motion was seconded by Alderman Roberts and all Aldermen voted yea.RESOLUTIONWHEREAS, Mr. Wiley Chandler has served as an Alderman of the City of Oxford for a period of28 years and as an employee for $ years; and,WHEREAS, during said 28 year period as Alderman, Mr. Chandler served as Mayor Pro-Tem, CityClerk, Light & Water Commissioner and Street Commissiomer; and,WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford desire to commend him for hisunselfish service and tine efforts in such capacities;THEREFORE, m IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Missis­Sippi, that it is hereby declared to be the sense of this Board that Mr. Wiley Chandler, whoretires on Monda;y, June 30th, 19$8, has served unselfishly, faithfully, and efficiently duringthe past 33 years as an Alderman of the City of Oxford and as an employee of said City, and thathe should be commended by the Board for such efforts and service;BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be handed to Mr. Chandler and a copyspread upon the Minutes of this Board.MAYOR ALDERMAN WARD 2ALDERMAN AT LARGE ALDERMAN WARD 3ALDERMAN WARD I ALDERMAN WARD 4rIl-Motion was made, secorned and passed that this Board do now recess to June 9, 1958 at $:00 P. M •

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