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i3451I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> !~- -...,-, ---------------------------------------------------jSI234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .• NATCHEZJune b, 1939, copies of which map are on fiie with the Mayor of saidCity and the Chancer,y Clerk of said County; said parcel being moreparticularly described as follows: beginning at the point of intersectionof the centerlines of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar street and Highway Number 7; run thenceS 80 0 lb' E 40.42 feet to a lead plug in the south edge of a paveddrivew~, this plug being the point of beginning of this description;run thence N 8b O 33' E a distance of 54 feet to a point, thence S 78 019' E a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence S 22 0 33' W a distanceof 139.4 feet to a point, thence N 79 0 44' a distance of 125 feet toa point in the East right of way line of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street, thenceN 10 0 24' E along the East right of w~ line of said <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar streeta distance of 32.57 feet to a point, thence N 12 0 ~4' E along the Eastright of w~ line of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar street a distance of 94.9 feet to apoint which is the point of beginning of this descriptionJNOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all property owners andcitizens interested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, will be held at 7:30 o'clockP. M., on the 1st day of April, A. D., 195B at the City Hall of theCity of Oxford, MiSSissippi, to hear objections and protests againstthe granting of said permit., and to do such other acts and thingswith regard to said petition as may seem just and proper.Objections and protests against the granting of said permit maybe filed with the City Clerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, at anytime prior to said meeting.(SEAL)lsi c. P. FulmerCLERK <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPIHIUUIlJOIIlICPursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on suppiies for the ElectricalDepartment to be opened at 7:30 P. M. March 4, 1958, bids were received from the follOwingfirms:Ludke Eiectrical Company, Inc.- Vicksburg, MississippiWestinghouse Electrical Supply Company - Memphis, TennesseeTennessee V ~liey Electric Supply Company - Memphis, TennesseeCobell Elect.ric Company - Jackson, MississippiGraybar Electric Company, Inc. - Memphis, tennesseeSouthern Supply Company - Jackson, TennesseeElectric Suppliers, Inc. - Memphis, TennesseeGeneral Electric Supply Company - Memphis, Tennesseestuart C. Irby Company - Jackson, MississippiMotion was made, seconded and passed that General Electric bid be accepted, it being the lowestand best bid.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on Chlordane for fogging purposes tobe opened at 7:30 P. M. March 4, 1958, bids were received from the follOwing firms:Chapman Chemical Company - Memphis, TennesseeCenter Chemical Company - Atlanta, GeorgiaCenter Chemical Company (Rob Green) - Jackson, MississippiCertified Laboratories, Inc. - Fort Worth, TexasAfter the bids were opened and read, motion was made by Alderman H~ ckman, seconded by AldermanRoberts and passed that the bid from Chapman Chemical Company be accepted, it being the lowestand best bid.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for-bids on Liquid Chlorine for six month tobe opened at 7:30 P. M. March 4, 1958, bids were received from the following:Ideal Chemical Company - Memphis, TennesseeDiamond Alkali Company - Memphis, TennesseeAfter the bids werA opened and read, motion was made b,y Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman-Hickman and passed that the bid from Ideal Chemical Company be accepted, it being the best bid.101 )( IC IC lBOI J( )(,I~~--~----~~--------

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