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<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>327I (C ...... K-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO •• NATCHEZ~' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~I ,IThere came on for consideration a discussion of the mD.tter of theaddition to the Cemetery.The ::::ity of Uxford owns Lots en to 144, both incl'.~sive,of Avent}.cr€s Subdivision, 2S said lots are shoNn D.nl desip;nated upon the OfficiD.lj'~apand Plat of said Subdivis:,on recorded in '"'lat :So ok 1, o;:;ge 11 of therecords of the ChancAry Clerk of Lafayette Cc-cmty, Mi~;si~E;ippi, ~md desic:natedas "Amended r':ay of kent Acres S'J.bdivision, Oxford, Mic;sisc,iDpi".There are protective covenants on tho lots of land situated in saidAvent Acret; Subdivision, of \,nich Lots 81 to 144, both inclusi"e, form a pc:rt.Said restrictive covenants are recorded in the Office of + C C'>Uc ~ Clerkof the8fJanc8t"y CO"L'rt of Lafayette County, Hississippi, in "Sook <strong>No</strong>. 126, Page L.72,Yhich covenants are as follows:A. AJ 1 lots in the 0u1:Jdivision shall be knovm and described asresid,~"tii 1 lots and are not to be rosubdivided. }eTo structllre shall be erected,al tered, olaced or permitted to rem2;_n on any residential buildinz Dlot otherthaT1 one and tHO famil:,' (hrelline:s not to exceed one and one-half stories inhei~~r~t and a private garB"€" for not r'iors than tviO ~'ars a"j one serval't I s room.'3. ?uildin~- lines e'S sholtm on recorded 91~n of subdivision abevereferrod to s~:211be observed except that steps, stoops, and olJ:'n Dorches iTIdYoroject.C. <strong>No</strong> residential structure shall be erected Or nlaced on anybuildilY: Dlot ;Jhl_ch Dlot hES an area of less than 6500 S!'}UE re feet or a ,.,;ridthof less th2n 50 feet at thA front bu:Udinc: setback line.D. >'0 noxious or offensive trade or D.ctivit,~' shell be carricd onHoon any lot 110r shall an:,rthins: be done thereon l;nch may be or become anannoy~rce or nuisance to th; rcirhhorhocd.l':. Po oersons of any r2C2 other than the::a 1 Icasian 'i,ace sha]] Use oroccupy any buildinc on 2ny lot excent that this coven2~t shall not preventcc C',;,'l,"nc~r of the Bervants I quart8t'8 by domestic ~;e r"~ n+,8 of P. diff'erent raceemDloyed by the O'i.'ner or occu)&nt.~'. l'fO traile:;-:l, basc-:nent, t.er:t, shack, £8.ras8, barn or oth'~~!' ol1th""J.ildingerAct8d in the tract sh[J(ll at any tirr:e be used as a rcsidcr.ce teJr':qcl'~rily orperma!'ertly, nor shall any structure of a t'~mporary charo der be used as ar:::sidence.G. 1'1:e1'e is [: perpet'J.cl erSCI'1Cnt as sholtm on rec;.1'ded Dle'r' ofsubjivision reserved for 1:ctility instal1atlcm E'r~j m~~lntenance.Jr. 1,10 di'Tel1in~r shall be p~rP1i tted on any lot at a cost of less than$5500.00 based l~on cost levels prevailin~ on t~e dpte these covenants areC'ccorded, it 1)(:i1";' the irtention and purpose of the covenant to assure: that alldlt1ellings shall he of a quc::li~'JT of Korkmansll~_p C'd'lj m",terials Substcll:tially thesc:mc or better t:;an that ,·T .~_ch r~:n be produced on the date these covenants arerecorded at the minimum cost stated herein for tile mini;]':t:}n oermi tted duellingsize. rhe ~ro'J.nd floor area of the ~ain struct~re, exclusive of ore-story ODonOOT'C'l8S 2nd cara~es, shc:ll be net les8 than 800 square feet for a ons-storyd T T811ip;:, nor loss th2r' 700 sC]u~.'re feet for a d"J811in.~,; of more than one story.1. These covenants are to run ;,Tith thl) IG y 'd 2'1-:1 5ha11 be bindingon alI tho 9 art,ie~; and ,,11 ocrcens c12irr:in r under them lmtil January 1, 1975,Et which time said covenants shall autofficticallyextend for successive periodsof ten :,'eClrs, nnless by a Ir:ajority of the t"en 01mers of the lots, it is af~reedto ch;::rwe the seid coveM,:f1ts in "hol or in part.J. If th9 parties hereto, or ru~ of them, or their heirs, orass~zns, 8110.11 vioht", or atte(flnt to ,.riolate any of the covenants herein, itshall ::e lavlful "e'or cny person or persons ovmin~: any real property situated inthe s aid development or subdivis:i_cn to prose c"L'_te any proceedj r:s at 12H or inequity a~rainst the persen or perscns violating or attempting to violate an:' suchcovenant 2nrl either to prevent him or them from so doins or to recover damagesor other d~es for s~ch violaticn.

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