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.)(\(.;! 0 lDIi~-~-----IiII<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>llECSSS 5:00 P. M.Pursuant to a recess order entered on December 3, 1957, the !'layor and Board of Aldermen meton December <strong>17</strong>, 1957 at 5: GO "D. M. in the ~'layor and ?oard of Aldermen's Chamber in the CityHall when and where the folloHing were present:/Pete IvIcElreath -Hayor, ':lresiding~';illiamN. Lovelady - Aldermen at LarGeFrank \t,. Belk, Jr. - l~lderman It!ard OneJames ~T. Roberts - Alderman ~Iard TwoHarry S. Sisk -Alderman '.,JarJ Three1':ill A. Hickman -Alderman I"lard FourRoberts and Craig -AttorneysC. P. Fulmer - CL?rkAfter the meet i,ng was called to order the folloHing business \.a~otransacted:A group of members of the Advis<strong>OF</strong>y Council for the R.ecreation "DrograJl of the City of Oxfcrdmet with the :3oard and VIr. H. H •. :hitworth )resented and read to the Board the follmoJirgresolution:JlJ'J ACTTON <strong>OF</strong> THE ADVISOi1Y ':;UUNCIL TO THE R.ii:C3,E:ATL)~T<strong>OXFORD</strong>BOARD <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong>II\RESOLVED:1. That He, the mem,ers of the ildvisory Council for the RecreationProgram of the City of Oxford, constitute ourselves or those who shallsucceed us as repres'.:mtatives on the Council as a group to raise an addi~ionalamount of money by private subscripUon to be added to thatmade available by the Board of AlderrLen of the City of Oxford for aminimum Recreation Program for the Cit:! of Oxford for the year 1958 asset forth by the Recr'?ation Board;2. That the undertaking of such an effort be contingent upon the assuranceof the Board of Aldermen that it "rill continue to move towardmaking a full Recreation ProGram available for the City of Oxford insubsequent years;3. That, with this assurance, we pledge ourselves to the endeavor ofraising the difference between the amount granted by the Board of Aldermenand the amount needed for a minimum program in subsequent years;4. That l"e see this as a temporary measure only in order to make anadequate minimum 'tecreation Progr;cm imrnediatel y available, and we dourGe the ::loard of Aldermen of the '~i ty of Oxford to underwrite theRecreation "Drogram in its entirety as soon as possible;5. That such action would give this Council no measure of control inthe operation of the 1ecreation Program, the control and operation remaLningvested in the Hecrertion Board appointed by the Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford;6. And, that "re urge the Board of Aldermen to reappoint the RecreationBoard vJhich has been in existence the past ye:,.r and the members of thisRecreaticn Board to accept reappointment by the Board of Jl~dermen.After a discussion of the matter AJderman ~oberts made a motion that the Board reaffirm the orderpassed at the December 3rd meeting to appropriate $2,500.00 out of the General Fund to the ParkCommission of the City of Oxford to be used for recreational pl~rposes, and that the Board continuetoward a full Recreation Program and that the Old ~ecreation Board be reappointed to serve onthe 1ecreation Board of the City of Oxford. This motion was seconded by Alderman Lovelady andoassed unanimously and it is so ordered.Hembers of the Recreation Board are as follows:J. G. l1cHurray - i·lard 3 - Term to expire July 1, 1958lvlrs. R. L. Holley - :'ard 1 - Term to expire July 1, 1959c. H. Quick -ard 2 - Term to expire July 1, 1960M. C. Lovelady - At Large - Term to expire July 1, 1961L. C. "'ilson - 1,'ard 4 - Tprm to expire July 1, 1962-j

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