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i /~------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~IIIIWI :IlIr284K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEl:<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 16 <strong>OF</strong> AN ORDINANCE ENTI'ILlro "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE ANDRESTRICT THE LOCATIrN, CONSTRUCTION AND USE <strong>OF</strong> BUILDDlGS AND PREMISES IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, AND FOR SAID PURPOSES DIVIDING THE <strong>CITY</strong> INTO DISTRICT$, AND PROVIDING A PBlN.ALTYFOR THE VIOLATION <strong>OF</strong> ANY PROVISION <strong>OF</strong> SrtID ORDINANCE"', WHICH SAID ORDINANCE IS REDORDEDIN ORDIIDCE <strong>BOOK</strong> NUMBm 2, AT PAGES 27 to 3l,.INCLUSIVE, <strong>OF</strong> THE: RECORDS IN THE <strong>OF</strong>FICE<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> CLERK <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong>, SO AS TO ENABLE THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDmJEN TOAMEND, SUPPLEMENT, CHANGE, MODIFY OR REPEAL THE REGULATIooS AND RESTRICTICNS AND TH.mBOUNDARIES <strong>OF</strong> THE USE DISTRICTS CRFATED UNDER SAID ORDINANCE IN THE MANNER SEt' FORTHIN THE STATE ZONING LAW, BEING SECTICNS 3590 TO 3597, INCLUSIVE, MISSISSIPPI com <strong>OF</strong>1942.WHEREAS notice was duly and legally given to.all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of A ldermen of the City of Oxford,MiSSissippi would be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., on the 16th day of August, A. D.,1956, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to hear objections andprotests against the adoption of the following ordinance, and no objections being interposedthereto and it appearing to this governing authority that such amendement would beproper and beneficial,NOW THERJl'.FORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A ldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi:S'&:TIoo 1. That Section 16 of the ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance to Regulate andRestrict the Location, Construction and Use of Buildings.and Premises in the City ofOxford, and for Said Purposed Dividing the City into Districts, and Providing a Penaltyfor the Violation of any Provision of said Ordinance", which said Ordinance is recordedin Ordi ance Book Number 2, at Pages 27 to 31, Inclusive, of the records of this governingauthority of file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, be and the samehereby is amended so as to read as follows, to-wit:23( ISECTION 16.CHANGES AND AMENIMENTS: The Mayor and Board of A ldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, may from time to time on its own motion or on petition, amend, supplement,change, modifY or repeal the regulations, restrictions and boundaries herein orsubsequently established. However, no such regulation, restriction or boundary shallbecome effective until after a public hearing in relation thereto, at which partiesin interest, and Citizens, shall have an opportunity to be heard. At least fifteendays' notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in and officialpaper, or paper of general circulation, in the City of Oxford, Mississippi. In case,however, of a protest against such change signed by the owners of twenty per cent,or mote, either of the area of the lots included in such proposed change, or of thoseiw~ediately adjacent to the rear thereof, extending 160 feet therefrom, or of thosedirectly opposite thereto, extending 160 feet from the stre~t frontage of such oppositelots, such amendment shall not became effective except b.Y the favorable vote of fourfifthsof the Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi.SECTICN 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict l'lm-ewith arehereby repealed.SECTICN 3. That said ordinance take effect as provided by law.The above ordinance having been first. reduced to writing was introduced byAlderman B. O. Elliott at a recess regular meeting of the Mayor and Board ofAlderman of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, held at 3:00 o'clock P. M., on the<strong>17</strong>th day of August, A. D., 1956, at the City Hall of said City pursuant to arecess order of said board entered at their meeting held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., onthe 16th day of August, 1956, and the motion to adopt having been. seconded b.Y AldermanH. S. Sisk, the ordinance was read and considered b.Y sections and voted on by yeaand nay vote, and all aldermen present voted yea. The ordinance having received theaffirmative vote of all aldermen present it was declared duly adopted •SIGNED:....... /~s~/ __Ri=-c-=h~ar=-d_W__ • _E_lo::;l;;:;;i-=-ot_.t____ , MayorCERTIFIED TO: lsi C. P. Fulmer , <strong>CITY</strong> CLFRK

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