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22<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>AN ORDINANCE TO AMflm SECTION 8 <strong>OF</strong> AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE ANDRESTRICT THE LOCATICN, CONSTRUCTION AND USE <strong>OF</strong> BUTI,DINGS AND PREMISES IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, AND FOR SAID PURPOSES DIVIDING THE <strong>CITY</strong> INTO DISTRICTS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTYFOR THE VIOLATION <strong>OF</strong> ANY PROVISION <strong>OF</strong> SAID ORDINANCE", WHICH SAID ORDINANCE IS RECORDEDIN ORDINANCE <strong>BOOK</strong> NUMBER 2, AT PAGES 27 TO 31, INCLUSIVE, <strong>OF</strong> THE RECORDS IN THE <strong>OF</strong>FICE<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> CL~ <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong>, SO AS TO R~UIRE THE APPROVAL <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong>ALDERMAN <strong>OF</strong> ALL PERMITS IN THE CG'JMERCIAL AND/OR INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS BEFORE THEIR ISSUANCEBY THE <strong>CITY</strong> BUILDING INSPECTOR. 0WHEREAS notice \Tas duly and legally given to all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi \Tould be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., on the 16th day of August, A. D.,1956, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to hear objections andprotests against the adoption of the follo\Ting ordinance, and no objections being interposedthereto and it appearing to this governing authority that such amendment ~ould beproper and beneficial,NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of ~idermenOxford, Mississippi:of the City ofSECTION 1. That Section 8 of the ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance to Regulate andRestrict the Location, Construction and Use of Buildings and fremises in the City ofOxford, and for said ~oses Dividing the City into Districts, and Providing a PenaltyFor The Violation of any Provision of Said Ordinance", Which said Ordinance is Recordedin Ordinance Book Number 2, at Pages 27 to 31, Inclusive, of the r~cords of thi~ governingauthority on file in the office of the City Clsrk of said Pity, be and the samehereby is amended so as to read as f?llo\Ts:, to-\Tit:SECTION 8Application for Permit: The City Building Inspector shall pass on all applicationsfor permits, on all matters under this zoning act and he shall pass upon all plans andspecifications relating to use, and thE applied for use, of said property. Provided,hO\Tever, that permits pertaining to property in the Commercial and/or Industrial UseDistricts shall not became effective until approved by the Mayor ·and Board of Aldermen.Provided further, hO\Tever, that in the event'': said permit is submitted for theirapproval \Then they are not in official session that said permit may become effective uponall alderman and the Mayor indicating their assent thereon in writing.SECTION 2.hereby repealed.That all ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict here\Tith areSECTION 3. That said ordinance take effect as provided by la\T.The above ordinance having been first reduced to writing \Tas introduced qyAldenran William N ~ Lovelady at a recess regular meeting of the Mayor and Board ofAlderman of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, held at 3:00 o'clock P. M., on the<strong>17</strong>th day of August, A. D., 1956, at the City Hall of said City pursuant to arecess order of said board ,entered at their meeting held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., onthe 16th day of August, 1956, and the motion to adopt having been seconded by AldermanBennie H. Crouch, the ordinance \Tas read and considered by sections and voted on by yeaand nay vote, and all aldermen present it \Tas declared duly adopted.SIGNED:lsI Richard W. Elliott ,MAYORCFRTIFU:;n TO: lsI C. P. Fulmer , Ci ty Clerk

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