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I •<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>157~\~II'SI'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGB co" NATCHEZupon the official map of said city in use since June 6,1939, copies of which map are, on file in the office ofthe Mayor of said City and the Chancery Clerk of saidCounty.<strong>No</strong>w, therefore, notice is hereby given to all property owners and citi3ens interestedthat a meeting of the lvjayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, willbe held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday the 2nd day of April, 1957 at the City Hall ofsaid City, to hear ob:ections and protests against said change and to do such other actsand things with, respect to said petiticn as may seem just and proper.Objections and protests against said change may be filed with the City Clerk of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi at any time prior to said meeting.(S~AL)lsi c. P. FulmerClerk of the City of Oxford, HississippiGayle Hilson appeared before the Board and requested damage in the amount of $390.00 done tohis 1956 crop by the construction of sewer line, and on recommendation by E. P. Lowe, CitySngineer, motion was made by Alderman Crouch and seconded by Alderman Elliott and passed thatthe Clerk be authorized to issue a check for said amount to iV'lI'. Hilson.A bill was presented to the Board from C. M. Smith in the amount of $325.00 for crop damage,fences and expense of correcting erosion problems caused by construction of sewer line acrosshis property. 'After consideration of the matter motion was made by Alderman Lovelady andseconded by Alderman Sisk and passed that the Clerk be allthorized to issue a check to Mr.Smith for $325.00 for said damage.Mr. Johnson brought to the attention of the board the immediate need of a Fire Hose andafter a discussion Alderman Lovelady made a motion that the matter be considered an emerryencyand Mr. Johnson be authorized to buy 300 feet of Fire Hose. This motion was seconded byAlderman Hickman and all aldermen present voted yea.Mr. Johnson brought to the attention of the need of a pickup truck for the ~lectric Department.'After consideration of the matter, motion was made by Alderman Sisk and seconded by AldermanLovelady and passed that Ylr. Johnson be aut:-wrized to advertise for bids on one pickuD truck}Tewt King, City Marshal., appeared before the Board and asked that he be authorized to buysummer uniforms for the policemen, and after due consideration, motion was made by AldermanCrouch and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that Mr, King advertise for bids on twosl.:its for each policeman.Ne"l-rt King, Cit~shal, reported to the Bmrd that "\'1]. F. Tate of Tupelo, Mississippi, claimedthat some moneYAstolen from his store and had placed a claim on the balance of the money thatwas found hidden on City property December 27, 1956. After a discussion of the matter motionwas made, seconded and passed that the Clerk deliver said money to Hr. Tate less $10.00 rewardfor the finders and it is so ordered.Alderman Lov clady brought to the attention of the Board that something "l-18S needed at each end ofthe Culvert on South 18th Street as a safety measure for_children. After a dismIssion, motionwas made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman HJckman and passed that a Cyclone fencebe put at each end of said Culvert.A request came from T. S. Avent that the building on Lot 56, .Avent Acres assessed on Dage 3,line 13 of the assessment roll be struck from the roll for 1956 for reasons that the house wasnot finished January 1, 1956. After consideration of the matter, motion was made by AldermanElliott and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that l'vlr. Avent's request be granted.Motion was duly made seconded and passed that this Beard do now recess until March 11, 1957at 7:00 P. M.L-______________________________________________________________________________________ ~ ___________________________________/

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