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<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>The IJIayor and Board of Aldermen again took up the matter of the issuance of One Hundredand Forty Thousand Dollars (~14U,OUU.OU)Special Street Improvement Bonds of the City of Oxford,I'1ississippi pursuant to resolutions of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen as authorized by Chapter495 of the Laws of Mississippi, 1950, as amended, and foll01ring a discussion of the subjectAlderman B. O. Elliott offered and moved the adoption of the following resolution:A i1.ESOLUTlON AljTt-~OTIZING MID DI::tECTP'G THE ISSUANCE <strong>OF</strong> SPECIAL STREET IHPROV~ME~TT BONDS<strong>OF</strong> TH~ <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFOHD, MISSISSIPPI IN TH~ PRI~TCTPAL A1-iOUNT <strong>OF</strong> ONE HUJlIDRED A:~m FOR.TYTHOUSAND DOLLARS ($140,000.00); PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND n!CIDEt..lTS <strong>OF</strong> SAID BONDS AND~1AKING PROVISIONS FOR THE PAYMENT <strong>OF</strong> THS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST <strong>OF</strong> SAID BONDS.\-IHEREAS, heretofore on the 7th day of <strong>No</strong>vember lY5b, the Mayor and Board of AldermeD ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, acting upon the request of property owners on all that portionof :Villiams Avenue Extended lying between Avent Acres Subdivision and 'Jark Drive; the entirelength of Park Drive from Bramlett Gardens Subdivision on the south of the north boundary lineof the Gity of Oxford, JVlississippi; and all that part of South lOth street lying between theold south boundary line of the City of Oxford, Mississippi and Cleveland Avenue; and the entirelength of the following streets in Part 1 of Braw~ettGardens Subdivision to the City of Oxford,Mississippi, to-l·rit: Bramlett Boulevard and f1cLaurin Street and also that part of Sisk AVenuelying in said Part 1 of Bramlett Gardens Subdivision from Avent Acres Subdivision to PoplarHeights; all streets being as sho~mupon the official map of the City of Oxford, Mississippior the maps and plats of the subdivisions referred to; did adopt a resolution declaring necessarycertain special improvements over, on and along said streets, locating them, providing for themanner in which they were to be made, 9roviding for publication of said resolution and settingthe 4th day of December, 1956, at 7:30 o'clock, in the regular meeting room of this governingbody as the date, time and place for the meeting of this body to hear objections and remonstrancesof any persons aggrieved that might be made to said improvements; and,'i\;K~REAS,said resolution was published in the Oxford Eagle as required by law on the 8th,15th and 22nd days of <strong>No</strong>vember, 1956, and;1-JHEREAS, the said notice "las published in said newspaper once a week for three successivepublications as required by 1a:v, the first publication thereof being more than 15 days prior tothe meeting held to hear objecticns and;~:HEREAS,heretofore on the 4th day of December, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen sittingto hear objections, protests and remonstrances against said special improvements adjudged thatno successful objections had been made an~ heard and did adopt a resolution determini~g to proceedwith said special improvements, and;1rJHEflEAS, heretofore on the 4th day of December, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen actingupon the request of property owners on South 18th street, Ross Avenue and Johnson Avenue Extended,~eingall that part of said streets lying and being in Haley Subdivision, Part III, in the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, as said streets are shown and designated upon the official map and Dlatof said subdivision, did adopt a resolution declaring necessary certain special improvementsover, on and along the entire length of said streets as above described, locating them, providingfor the manner in which they were to be made, providing for pUblication of said resolution andsettiI1.f" the 8th day of Jam.Jary, 1957, at 7:30 o'clock P. 11., in the regular meeting room of thisgoverning body as the date, time and place for the meeting of this body to hear objections and

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