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<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>101I r,S2'2a4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZMr.. W. I. Hqe.~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~GuT B. '1'ay1.r,. Jr.Mr.. Hewari C. MurpJayDr. W. M. TaylerPart .t Let 13 aDt StreetPart Let. 12, 13 ant.St.Part L.t 12Part L.t 1296 F •• t96 reet96 Feet96 reetThi ••• tien va •• eoente4 by Altel'll&n BiokaaD aM all alt.nen pre •• nt v.t_I.a, .. the Cl.rt i. herelly' autheriset t. tiYite the .peeial etreet iapr ....... ta.Heasent. in th. ab ... unner.**.*****************Pursuant t. an atverti •• ent in '!'he Oxteri Ea«l. t.r 1Dit. en trattio 1ipt. t. be.penet at the Becular .... tine .t the May.r ant Beari .t Ui.1'Mn .n De_ber 4, 1956,bii. vere receivM tr. the t.llev1ncaHint.n Fire EquiJ8ent C.paDl'Laurel, Mi •• i •• ippiFrieehen &: Beleenlev Orlean., L.ui.ianaAtter o.n.it.ri!}1 the bii. tr. the terel.inc, •• tien va ..... b,-Aliel"ll&n I,evelaqthat all bi'e be rejeeW. '!'hi ••• tien va •• eo.Met'by Al.eraan Hiclraan, pa ....uno'."<strong>17</strong> aM it i ••• eri.N4l.***************.***Nauant t. Ul aberli_.nt in tlae Od4t_dEa,l. ter b!.. .n a typewri tar t.be .peRM at the Beplar Meetiq .t the May.r aD. Beari .t AlterHD .n Dec_be,4, 1956, bit. were reeeivet tr. the t.ll.villl:Carrell f1pevriter C.paDT Jackaen, TenD .....'!'he bit tr. the ."'-. c_paIV' heill, the w,. ene receivM, •• ti_ was ....b,. Alieman Illi.tt that the bi. be accept... ru ••• tien va. .ec .... ~Alie1'll&D Siat, pa •• et •• n1 .... <strong>17</strong> .. it i.. •• riere4.***********.** .. *** .. *.*On •• ti.n .t AlteJ'lWlllli.tt, Mod .. by Alclel'lW1 Levelaq aDt pa •• e. un8n i •• ua<strong>17</strong>,it i. here~ .relerei ant Hrect. that a hearine M ~t en th. _tter set terth 1D. thetell.vine •• tice an. the tiae ani place thereiD epecltie. t.r tbe he1ti., .t wtheariDe ie herebT appr.vei and the Clerk i. tire ate. t. publi.h ad. n.tioe accU'tiact. lav, Alt •• tice beinc •• tell •• ,te-wit,.0000ICE or HlWtING '1'0 ACT CIf PE'l'I'1'Iac <strong>OF</strong> PBI'1' TOLOCATE· FILLING STA'1'Iaf ABDI OR SERVICEI' S'1'A'1'Iaf IIC(MU2tCUL DIS'l'RIC'l'.Wherea. Cl.7te C. Huaill., Jr., ani the staniart Oil C.p&nT et lentuck;rhave ru .. a petiti .. vith the Mqer ani Beari .t Al.e1"ll.n .t the Cit,- .t Oxtert,Mi •• i •• ippi reque.ti., that the,. be i •• u" a per.it ter the lecati .. &Di waintenano •• t a FUline Statien anti -* Senice Statien _ that part .t x..t "ber 1 illSecti .. 28, '1'ewn.h1p 8 Seuth, RaIl,e 3 Weet, in the Cit,. .t OJetert, Ceunt,. .tLafayett. ant Stat. .t Miui .. ippi, a. Ai. l.t i. shewn' an4 .e.icnatet 1lpen tile.rticial up at plat .t .aiel cit,- in uee .ince June 6, 1939, cep1e • • t which wapare en til. in the .ttice et the Mayer an« .d. Ci V ant in tJae .trice .t theChancery Clert .t eait c.unt,., ant beiDe particularl,. 'e.crib. ae bepDanine atthe n.rtheut c.rner .t .al. l.t an. run thence in a ve.terl,. t!reetien alene thenerlh line .t .&1t l.t ter a ti.tanoe .t 126 teet t. a peint; na thence in a•• utherl,- directi_ parallel t. the .aet b.UDd&r7 line et .ai. l.t ter a di.tance .t81 teet t •• peint; run theace in an ea.terl,. '!rectien .parallel t. the nerthb.Wld&r7 line .t eait l.t ter a tinance .t 51 teet t. a peillt, ruB thence nerlhparallel t. the eaat b.unar:r line .t .&1i l.t ter a ti.tance .t 6 teet t. a p.int;run then •• in an ... ter1,. diree1ii_ parallel t. the n.rth beundal7 l1De .t sdcl l.tt.r a ti.tance .t 75 te.t t. a peiat eo the east b.UD4ar.1 line .t eaii 1.t; rmthence in a nertherly tincti •• alene the east beundary line .t 15&1. l.t ter atietance .t 75 te.t t. the p.int .t beeirmiDlJ\/~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--//

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