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<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1TE E STAT:Z <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPITH~ COUNTY CF LAFAYITTPTH~ <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>TO: B. O. :lLliott, Bennie H. Crouch, Hillian N. Lovelady, H. S. Sisk andvlill A. Hickman, Aldermen of the City of Oxford; Richard H. ~lliott, Mayor ofsaid Gity:Yo~ are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Mayor and Boardof Aldermen of the CitY" of Oxford, Mississipp;f.,is call cd to rreet at tileCit; l:all in said Cit;r' of Oxford, Mississippi, at 5:00 o'clock F. M.,on the lOth day of July, A • D., 1956.The obj ect of said rr'eeting is to hE' ar and consider the petition ofH. H. Hhitworth that the Zoning Ordinance of the r:ity cf Oxford, Mississippi,be amended, and to tak such action on said matter as may be necessary orproper.lsi B. O. 3lliottAlderman and' FAYOR -FRO T 1¥lsi Hill A. HicmanALD ::P,l~.fuTlJ'The }'arshall will rxecute and return the above notice instanter.lsi B. 0, ElliottY AYOR-PRO T 1¥cR8C8ived the above call at 1:20 o'clock r. F., on this the lOthday of July, A. D., 1956.lsi Newt KingMARSHALLHe, the undersigned aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, herebyacknowledge service of the above call upon us personally at least three hoursbefore the time of meeting and waive copy of the call.lsi Will A. Hickmanlsi B. O. ZLliottIsL-H. S. Sisklsi Bennie H. Crouch/~William N, Lovela

2<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>, <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>[urst:.ant tc theilder:ren of th8at 5;00 olelCCL},rS;j ~ nt :I-re~( ~ding r:CTI·~~- C}· '::';i ~ 8I.a.L ~·~TrTINC, tl".L€ l

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>3r-----.:;;:I;;;---------------------------------------------------------------S2"IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZAfter carefully cor.sidcring the proposed ammdmsnts contained in thefollowing notice of h-aring, Alderman Sisk made a motion thata hearing be had on said rroposcd ammdmsnts at th~ time and place specifiedin said notice and that said notice be published as reauired by law. This ITotionwas seconded by Alderman Hickmar., and passEd unaniBously, and it is soordered; the notice referr8d to being as follows:~:OTIC" CF r"rilRING ON PR<strong>OF</strong>OS 2D AY;:oN]}.' ;.]',TTS TO SiCTICN 5 <strong>OF</strong> I'u"1 ORDIANCI TN'IITLill:"AN O::LIJI~A~C? TO RTGULATf API> R§TRIST TFlS LOCATICN, CONSTRUCTION :-,FD UST <strong>OF</strong>BUILDPWS M:D FR'1

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>7~'-'-~---­If-----i82284K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZPursuant to the preceeding NOTICE <strong>OF</strong> SPECIAL MFEl'ING, the Mayor and Board ofAldermen of the City of OXf'ord, Mississippi, met on Friday, .July 2!7, 1956at 5:30 .tclock P. M. m~1 the ~C4f:dt ~1~ ss was hadaMr. C. W. McGonagill, Supervison of Beat One, Lafayette County, Mississippi met withthe Board in regard to paving md Taylor Road fran the end of the pavement in theCity of Oxford to the factory site of Chambers, Inc., and requested that the Cityshare equally with the supervisors in the cost of having said road blacktopped.On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it is h€reby resolved that theCity pay one-sixth of the cost of said blacktopping if E>ach of said supervisorsof Lafayette County ~s one-sixth of the cost of blacktopping and upon the furthercondition that all of said road be brought up to specifications b.f grading andgraveling at no cost of th~ City of Oxford, Mississippi.************On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously the Mayor is directed t.purchase from Mr. Gayle WU.en the propertl selected by the engineers as a sitefor the ScIIt16ewerage Disposal Plant plu~ necessary pipe line right-of-wayseasement for a road and release. fran Mr. !ljll ... )tor all damages occasioned by the Citydischarging sewE>rage on his property and to pay hf:a on behalf of the City the sum of$5,250.00 for such interest.**************Upon motiom duly made, seconded and passed unanimously the Mqor is directed t.purchase the property selected by the engineers as a site for the <strong>No</strong>rthwest SewerageDisposal Plant fran .John Tatum for the sum of $<strong>17</strong>50.00**************" .. Upon .otion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, the Mayor, City Clerk andCity Attorney are hereby authorized to institute Eminent danain proceedings to. acquire any sewer line easEments that they are unable to acquire otherwise.************On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimMlsly, it was ordered that this Bdarjdo now adjourn sine-die.~ , Clerk

-~~------------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>REC ESS, REGULAR M EEl'ING ,,7:00 P. M. AUGUST 7, 1956Pursuant to a reeess order entered on July 3, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmet on August 7, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of A Idermens' Chamber in the Oi ty Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. J!J.liott, Mayor, PresidingBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam H. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourB. O. El.liott, Alderman at Large**************J. W. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe , lihgineerG. W. Johnson, Superintendent Light DepartnlentC. P • Fulmer, Clerk***********A iter the meeting had bem opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that the minutesof the July meetings be adopted as read.On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that thisBoard do now adj ourn sine-die:'MAYOR"'.'\~Il

~---------------------------------------------------- ~i~>---­f--1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-------- -"'---"--------... -.---------------. ,---1SI234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ----------------.---.. -.UNITED STAT ES <strong>OF</strong> AMFRICA9S TAT E <strong>OF</strong> MIS SIS SIP P IC 0 U N T Y 0 F L A FAY E·T T ECIT Y 0 FOX F 0 R.D* * * * * ** * * * ** * * ** * ** **RFGULAR M EEI.'ING 7:30 P. M. AUGUST 7, 1956Be it remembered that the Board ot Mayor and Aldermen ot the City of Oxrord, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7130 P. M., TUesday, August 7, 1956, it being thetue and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and Where thE followingwere present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at Large(l 'Bennie H. Crouch,Alderman Ward OneWilliam H. Lovelady, Aldermen ward TwoWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward Four*************J. W. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, EhgineerG. W. Johnson, Superintendent Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, Clerk************Arter the meeting had bef'n called to order, the following business was transacted:motion was made and seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that the followinga ccaunts be allowed for payment:.WARlWfl' NO.,9836 09839,9842,9848 "98499856,9859,9864 .98659873,9876,9875 ,987798789879wo WHCl1CORPORATIOO FONDThe Bank of Oxford, S. S. WithheldThe Bank of Oxford, S. S. Administration feeThe Bank at Od'ord, InOOlle tax withheldOxford Lafayette County lihamber of Commerce, advertisingC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, payrollThe B ank of Oxford, retiralent withheldThe Bank at Oxford, Administrative fee - retirEmentC. p. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty CashOxford Lims Horse Show, advertisement'Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, salary for July- $4.00 w/hB. o. FJ.1iott, Alderman at Large - $0.50 w/hBennie H. crouch, sa1ar,r tor July- to.50 w/hWilliam N. Lovelady, salary tor July- .5.10 w/hH. S. Sisk, salar,y for July - 10.50 w/hWill A. Hickman, salary for July _ $0.50 w/hACCOUNT <strong>No</strong>..,Various·183Various137VariousVarious183Various137110110110110110110AMOUNT$443.7520.37;140~40405.18537.40246.0716.69211.7412.50196.0024.5024.5019.9024.5024.50

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>11_' (1-, _______._.... _K__TO_M _L._KE_TC_H'_NG_S C:..:...O •..:-. N..:-AT....::..:CH.=EZ=--_. ________________________________ ~i 1( ICORPORATION FUND CCNTINUIDWARRANT NO. TO WHW ACCOUNT ,NO. AMOUNT9954 """39~59956995799589959996099619962996399649965996699679968996999709971m2997399749975997699779978997999809981998299839984998599869987998899899989999099919992999399949995123445678'0. Hser '·Me 0•Clyde Huggins, Jr.David NeilsonR. E. ShellabargerCrack WilsonScott BlackIra E. 6rowsonW. J. AustinG. D. ParkerW. O. SmithWade StephensRoy '1'hanasR. L. TidwellR. H. WinterE. T. HaneyA. B. GlmdnerD. S. Rossn ton AddingtonGlen GardnerR. !t. ToddDonald CarwileFire at Joe ThcmpSOl'l Hane Highway 6 - Fast 10:45 A. M. 7/9/56Homer DukeClyde HUggins, Jr.David NeilsonRoland TidwellCrack WilsonScott BlackIra L. CrowsonG. D. ParkerR. L. TidwellR. H. WinterM. C. FalknerB. O. Elliott, Jr.Jack ParksDoy1 e LutherNewt KingThe Oxford Eagle, notice concerning children playing in streetThe Oxford Eagle, legal. printing for rezoningBurroughs Corporation, service on machine from 7/14/ 56 to 7/14/57Tan L. Ketchings Co., office suppliesS. C. Toof and Co., binderThe J. E. Neilson Co., Buie Muse1.DDTom L. Ketchings Co., coin wrappersC. S. Wilson, <strong>No</strong>c. tar y Pulbic fee ELliott and FulmerD. H. Marchbanks &: Co., public employe,es bondM. M. Winkler and AssociatesJ. B. Howell, recording deJCisHarden's Printing Company, cleaning and adjust:ing typewriterHarden's Printing Co., office suppliesW. H. Ivy, plans for sale barn additionJ. B. Howell, r~cord1ng deedMississippi Muni~pal Association, MMA Special AssessmentI!.ugene Dietzgen, duplicate of check <strong>No</strong>. 9497135135135135135135135135135135.1351351351351351353.35.]'35135135l;.35.135135135135135135135135135l35.135135135135135122122146146146').47').591-53,156131153146146149l53153151$2.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.509.00156.8518.003.3465.9928.807.502.00252.77150.007.4014.101.4038.503.65108.009.099837984098439850,98579860986298949895,9896.9897,98979909The Bank of Oxford, S. S. withheld for quarterThe Bank of Oxford, S. S. administration feeThe Bank of Oxford, Incane tax withheldC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payro11 7/15/56The Bank of Oxford, retirement withheld for quarterThe Bank of Oxford , administrative feeC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty CashR. L. Tidwell, salary for July - $6.02 w/hG. D. Parker, salary for July - $25.02 w/hW. T. Chandler, salary for July - $19.83 wlPW. I. Mills, salary for JulyW. I. Mills, salary for JulyC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payro11Various279VariousVarious279 &: 280279Various225235280227237Various$321.2522.6035.601,636.49221.4811.064.22224.08204.98163.9231.5031.502,372.15

(~ 12<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>WARRANT NO.~9910111240131314151516<strong>17</strong><strong>17</strong>1819191919192021222223242525262728293031323334353636373838383839TO WHG1STREEl' FUND QQNTlNUIDShaw and Sneed Hardware Canpany, supplies for repairsShaw and Sneed Hardware Company, supplies for street maintenanceShaw and Sneed Hardware Company, supplies for equipmentMetts Brothers Hardware Co., sheel for mower for streetELliott Hardware Company, suppliesEast Motor Parts Co., suppliEs for equipment repairsOxford Light and Water Plant, July bill - Police OfficeOxford Light and 'Water Plant, July bill - City BarnOxford Light and Water Plant, July bill - street lightingJ. H. cn.iver and Co., common nailsOzburn-Abston & Co., Inc., supplies for equip. repairsOzburn-Abston & Co., Inc., supplies for shopSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., July billHane Ice Co., ice lD oksHome Ice Co., ice booksOle Miss Press and Book St ore, office suppliesJ. H. Mans el., 767 gallons of gas for truckJ. H. Mansel, 239 gallons of gas for truckJ. H. Mansel, 5 gallons of gas for shopJ. H. Mansel, oil for shopJ. H. Mansel, grease for truckOxford Wholesale Grocery, Inc., filesOxford Motor Company, repairs to police carOle Miss Service Station, gas for police carOle Miss Service Station, 5 wash and grease jobsStandard Welders Supply Co., supplies for shopC. G. Huggins, Jr., tireStandard Oil Co., keroseneStandard on Co., motor oilPidgeon-Thomas Iron Co., supplies for street maint.Morgan and Lindsey, one case of batteriesF. W. Balk and Son Motor Co., goosterJ. B. Brown and Son, grass blades. Mjer:-,s and Knight Fquipment Co., equipment repairsD & J Tire Canpany, recapping tiresBagwell Service Station, wash and gT3ase for trucksRoad Builders Fquipment Co., service and partsOxford Welding Shop, repair on equipmentElliott Hardware Co., concreteOxford Auto Parts, supplies for equipment repairsOxford Auto Parts, supplies for equipment repairsBoyce G. Bratton, care of prisonersW. H. Ivy, survey of Metts propertyW. H. Ivy, survey of City Limits - Spears propertyW. H. Ivy, survey of Bramlett GardensW. H. Ivy, survey of City Limits Dr. Linder Proper:tyDoyle and Charles Ivy, gravel for stockpileVIVIAN SP EQIAt STR EFT IMPROV 1J-' ENT FUNDACCOUNT NO.229239227227229227218259259239,227243216.229239210.228239243243228229223224223243230239228239210237.227227230228227227239227237211,25325,3253253239AMOUNr'$3.102.351.6014.35.6019.9111.622.79295.1919.9116.316.8015.2120.0010.0098.15188.7058.121.2431.395.696.7015.7191.6312.502.7356~7816.712.2592.366.0037.504.755.6318.9011.6083.313.0056.2518.6631.3847.0056.50122.7513.0026.0036.00, 198524243C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, laborElliott Hardware Company, concrete, cement, pine, etc.Oxford Sheet Metal Works, metal$511.891<strong>17</strong>6.1020.00WATIR SYQ:t J:l:1CONTING FNT FWD9854The General Fund, transfer$1100.00WA:tFR SYSTlt1 DEfREQIATICN FUND9855The G 'neral Fund, transfer$1100.00HATre DEfAR'lY]NT FUND98389841984498459846985198539863The Bank of Oxford, S. S. Withheld for quarter 6/30/56The Bank of Oxford, S. S. Administration feeThe Bank of Oxford, Income tax withheld for JuneS~parate School District Fund, transfer to correct errorSeparate School District FUnd, transfer to correct errorC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, PayrollThe General Fund, transferC. p. FulKer, Clerk, Petty CashVlU'ious543508514510$37.401.9031.4028.284,471.7295.2523,3<strong>17</strong>.0919.70(\I

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>13i..-----,--__~( r--_______.O_ ..._K_T_OM_L_"_KE_TC_HIN_GS_CO •• NATCHEZ---------\ )WARRANT NO. TO WHCM ACCOUNT NO,98589861989898999904990699079910444546474849505151525354555656575858595959606060616lThe Bank of Oxford, retir ement withheld for quarterThe Bank of Oxford, adJninistrative - retirementFlton A dd1ngton, salary for July - $41.08 w/h508 & 543543508W. I. Mills, salary for JulyUnion Plant~rs Bank, for deposit to Water & Sewer, Interest514Water and::Sewer Depreciatio n Fund 533Water and Sever Contingent Fund534C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, payroll514 & 521Oxford A uto Parts Co. soandmaster525J. H. Mansel, 50 gallons of gas for truckOxford Motor Canpany, muffierH01Ile Ice Canpany, ice book525525510Central Service Association, watE'r billing for July539Layne-Cllntral Company, switch for Factory tank5<strong>17</strong>Delta Plumbing & Flectrical Supply Co., meter partsOxford Light and Water Plant, July bill - Factory wellOxford Light and Water Plant, July bill - Water pump512537537Mississippi Foundry and Machine Co. ~ Inc., meter boxes 512Harper lotindrT and Machine Co.~ meter boxes complete512Murphey Truck Line, Inc., freight on meter parts512Southern Supply Company, water departm~nt supplies510Illiott Hardware Co., cementE..liott Hardware Co., cement513520Well Machinery & Supply Co., Inc., water meter parts512BOO FUNDUnion Planters National Bank, interest on bondUnion Planters National Bank, collection chargeUnion Planters National Bank, principal.Union Planters National Bank, interestUnim Planters Natdonal Bank, co1lectio~ chargeUnion Planters National Bank, princip alUnion Planters National Bank, interestUnion Planters National Bank, cOllection chargeUnion Planters National Bank, intere.stUnion Planters National Bank, collection charge61161Z610611612610611612611612AMOUNT$35.261.82186.9263.003354.<strong>17</strong>150.00100.00202.402.6512.375.7810.00101.8525.0089.161.00335.6090.00moo6.5032.367.004.20133.41$550.002.254,000.0050.005.206,000.0075.007.80135.001.00smUT. STREEI' IMPROVllMFNT BOND AND INTEREST FUND6262Union Planters National B~, interest on bondUnion Planters National. Bank, collectiCll charge811812$1037.504.10S EPWT F SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND AND INTEREST FUND6363Union Planters National. Bank, interest on bondUnion Planters National Bank, collection charge71<strong>17</strong>12$4301.2516.101954 SfWIAI, STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUND646464Union Planters National Bank, bondUnion Planters National Bank, interestUnion Planters National Bank, collection charges10\010111012$5500.00447.0413.201953 SPECIAL STREEt' lMPRQvFMM, BOND AND INTFRFST FVND656565'!be First National Bank, bonds 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14The First National Bank, interest'!be First National Bank, cOllection charges910911912$5000.00700.008.25SDiER CONSTRUCTION FUND98669867986898709872987466676869707141J. W. Price, ser vice in bond issueThe G~neral Fund, reimbursementIrby S eay and Canpany, on contract for sewer constructionWater and Sewer Fund, aecrned interest on Water and Sewer Revenue Bondsfor July 25, 1956 "John F. Tatum, sever dis posal Plant SiteGayle Wilson, Plant siteWilliam A. Bacon, validation of $575,000.00 bondsCharles and Trauernicht, legal feeJ. B. Howell, recording deedsJ. B. Howell, recording deed for Jill Faulkner SmnmersS. C. Toof and Canpany, printing bondsThe Oxford Fagle, proofsIrby S ay Canpany, Fhgineering Fee$4750.005393.2015,185.121.341.65<strong>17</strong>50.005250.00100.001150.008.151.85476.502.001,44l.80

(u!<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~S EWFR CONSTRUCTION FUND CONTlNU ID, '\JliARF!.ANT NO.TO WHCMACCOUNT NO.AlI~7273'71;J. B. Howell, cost bend validationJ. B. Howell, recording sewer easementW. H. Ivy, surveying location of lines for Sanitary Sewer.~ ... /$69.982.6584.50WATER SYSTJl1 REVENUE BOND AND INTEREST FUND98699871The Sewer Construction FUnd, interest on bondsTAQ General Fund, transfer of balance$900.00418.51Then came on to be considered the transferring of funds to camPl~te the work forVivian Strees Extension and aft~r considering the matter, motion was made and secondedand passed unanimously and it was ordered and the City Clerk is hereby authorizedto transfer $10,000 from the General Fund to Vivian Street Special Improvement Fund.********************Then came on for consideration a request from Earl Cook to drive a taxi in theCity of Oxford, and after considering Mr. Cook's request, motion was made andse~onded that Mr. Cook's request be approved and he be granted a permit to drivea taxi in the City of Oxford. All aldermen present voted Yea.*******************Then came on to be considered a request from Dee Hillhouse to own and drive a taxiin the City of Oxford and after a consideration of Mr. Hillhouse's request, motionwas made and seconded and passed unanimously that Mr. Hillhouse's request be approvedand he be granted a permit to ow and drive a taxi in the City of Oxford and he begi ven Taxi Permit <strong>No</strong>. 116.***************Then came on for consideration a request from Mr. H. M. Lamb to ow an additional taxiand after considering Mr. Lamb's request, motion was made and seconded and passedunani ously that Mr. Lamb request be approved and he be given PErmit <strong>No</strong>. 115.**************Then came on to be considered a request from David W. Haymie to own a taxi in the Cityof Oxford and after considering Mr. Haytl(ie's request, motion was made and secondedand passro unanimously that Mr. Haymie's request be approved and he be granted a permitto own a: .-em in the City of Oxford.*******************Then came on to b0 considered a request fran Hal D. Fuller to drive a taxi in theCity of OKford and after considering Mr. Fuller's request, motion was made and secondedand passed unanimously $hat Mr. Fuller's request be approved and he be granted apermit to drive said taxi and be given Badge <strong>No</strong>. 157.******************,~I !

'---­l<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>---------------------------------- ---------------------------------i!t2234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ------------------REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. AUGUST 7, 195615\ INOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~OLVED b1 the Mayor and Board ofAlderman of the City of Ox!'ord, Mississippi, on motion made, dulyseconded, and on the unanimous vote of all of the members of theBoard of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, who were present,that B. O. :Elliott and Will Hiclanan, members of the Mayor and Board ofA 1dermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,. be and they are herebyappointed as members of the City of Oxford, County of Lafayette JointAirport Zoning Board, whose term shall be coextensive with the term ofthe Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi.RFSOLVID. in Regular Open Meeting CIl this the 7th day of August,1956.MAYOR(S E A L)/s/ Richard W. ElliottATTEST:(/s/ C. P. FulmerCity Clerk********** *****Then came on for discussion the raising and the lowering of the American flag in frontof the City Hall and a.fter considering the matter, Alderman Hickman made a motion thatMr. Co11in."Windham be invited down to show the janitor how to raise and lower theflag. This motion was seconded by Alderman Crouch, passed unanimously and it is soordered.***************Then came on to be consider~d the buying of gasoline for the city vehial as for thenext six months and after a di~cussion, motion was made and seconded and passedunanimously and it was ordered that Mr. Lowe be authorized to have published inthe Oxford Eagle an invitation for bids to be .opened at the Regular meeting onSeptember 4, 1956.**************Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on transformers for theElectnc Department, the bids, were turned over to Mr. Johnson for tabulation andconsideration at the Regular Meeting of the ~or and Board of Aldermen on July 3,1956 and at that meeting Mr. Johnson was authorized to make a report to the Mayorand Board of A 1dermen. Mr. Johnson recanmended that the bid frail WestinghouseElectric SuPPly CaIl~ be accepted and after.a discussion, Alderman Crouch made a motionthat said bid be accepted it being the best and,lowest bid. This motion was secondedby Alderman Elliott and all ,aldermen present voted Yea.************Then came on for consideration the matter of exchanging the 12 cubic yard garbage collectionunit that had recently been purchased frem United Road Machinery Company for a 16 bubicyard unit and pay the sum of $200.00 difference. After considering the matter AldermanLovelady made a motion that said exchange be made by the City of Oxford. This motionwas seconded by Alderman F11iott, all aldermen present voted Yea, and the Cle:rk is herebyauthorized to issue a check for same.************~-------------------------------------------------------------------~

16<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. AUGUST 7, 1956It was brought to the attention of the Mayor and Board of A 1dermen that the fOllowingwater bills for the month of July were out of line as compared to bills for previousMonths:Blaylock Prug StoreThe Kream KupJim and Mary's CafeAfter a discussion, Alderman Elliott made a motion that all customers listed above begiven a bill for the same number of gallons they had used in July of 1955 and bills becalculated CIl the new rate scale. This motion was seconded by Alderman Crouch, passedunanimously and it is so ordered.******************Mr. Johbson,recommended to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen an increase in salary forRoland Tidwell and after a discussion, Alderman Lovelady made a motion that RolandTidwell's monthly salary be incr'3ased from $253.00 to $265.00 a month. Thismotion was seconded by Alderman Crouch and all aldermen present voted Yea.*****************Then came to the attention of the MaYor and Board that there was no light on a lightpole on South 18th Street near the ditch on said street and arter a discussion,Alderman Fl1iott made a motion that a light be put on said post. This motion wasseconded by Alderman ~Sisk' l. and passed unanimously.****************Then came to the attention of the Mayor and Bf)ard the need for a water line franJefferson <strong>No</strong>rth on <strong>No</strong>rth Sixth Street and after a discussion, Alderman Lovelady madea motion that a six inch water line be extended fram Jefferson on <strong>No</strong>rth Sixth Streetto <strong>No</strong>1ia Bank's hane. '1'his motion was seconded by Alderman Elliott and all aldermenpresent voted yea.***************Then came to the attention of the Mayor and Board of Aldennen that Mr. MOITis andMr. Barrett had asked the Mayor and Board to deed them that part of Adams Streetlying betwem said Mr. Morris and Mr. Barrett's property. Arter considering thematter, Alderman Hickman made a motion that the City deed the South half of that partof Adams Street to Mr. Morris and the !!orth half of that part of Adams to Mr. Barrett,provided they assume the front foot aSseSSD'lent in tul1. This motion was seconded byAlderman Elliott and all aldemen present voted Yea. It was brought out in thediscussion that the other end of Adams Street from the Garrett property to <strong>No</strong>rth 11thStreet had already been deeded away.*********** **the exteriorPursuant to an adv~rtisement in the Oxford F~glE' for bids on painting the interior andof the Mary Buie MUseum, the following bids were received:Johnson and Fitchett ---------------------$1,407.00H. M. Garrison and W. C~ Hardaway $1,130.00Arter considering the foregoing bids, Alderman Lovelady made a motion that all bids berejected and negotiate with Mr. Wingo who had agrepd to paint and fix leaks in theMary Buie Museum for the sum of $300.00. and'Johnson and Fitchett·,w,o h~ad agreeCt·, to: .pafrtt' the~ outside 'inti 'iIiside -:tor fQI' $1120.00. This motion was seconded by Aldermana.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong><strong>17</strong>\[----7HI ,- il________"'ZS4K-TOM L. KETCHINOS co .. NATCHEZ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------jRIDULAR MEEl'ING 7:30 P. M. AUGUST 7, 1956It was brought to the attention of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen that the Fl.ewerMart had been paying for two water meter s when they only have one and it was boughtout that that they had been paying this for a number of months. After a discussionAlderman JUliott made a motion that Ya-. Johnson be authorized to search the recordsand determine the refund due The Flower Mart and issue warrant for same. This motionwas seconded by Alderman Crouch, passed unanimously and it is so ordered.-t:Jd. 'II/~~ no ,Jl15~ {MJ /"- $-.56I' C~/oJ"j.*************** ~r'Mrs. Pearl Beck appeared before the Mayor and Bbard of Aldermen requesting that thepersonal assessment on the ale Miss Beauty Parlor Shop appearing on Page 111, Line3 be reduced. Arter a careful. consideration of Mrs. Beck's request, Alderman Hiclananmade a motion that said assessment be reduced from $820.00 to $300.00. This motionwas seconded by Alderman Crouch, passed unanimously and it is so ordered.***************(The City Attorney read to the MaYor and Board of Aldermen a letter from Messrs.Fant and Bush, Attorneys for S. E. Spears in which he submitted an offer tosettle Mr. Spears' law suit against the City of axford, Mississippi for damagesto Mr. Sp ears property by reason of the city emptying sewerage thereon. Theoffer also included a release fD~ damages from the time of filing of said lawsuituntil the sewer system is installed. The settlement will also include the necessaryeasements for sewer lines across Mr. Spears' property land release for all damagesin the construction of said lines except crop damage to his tenants.The offer of settlement was the sum of $4,500 with the City paying all courtcost. After a general discussion of the subject, Alderman Lovelady offereda motion that the offer of compromise be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerkauthorized to issue the necessary warrants to effecutuate said compromisesettlement with Mr. S. E. Spears. The above motion was seconded by Alderman 1fl.liottand the Board finding that the Surpreme Court had found that the City of axford,Mississippi was liable in damages to Mr. Spears and the only question remainingbeing tb determine the amount of damages and the Board further finding that thecompromise offer is a fair and reasonable offer and that it is to the advantageof the City of axford, Mississippi to accept same, the said motion having beenput to & yott was passed unanimously and it is so ordered.****************On motion of Alderman Elliott, seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed unanimouslyit is ordered that this Board do now recess until 7:00 p. M., Thursday, August16, 1956.( \

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, R m~AR ME El'ING 7:00 P. M. AUGUST 16, 1956Pursua nt to a recess order entEred on Ausust 7,1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmet on August 16, .I956 in the Mayor and Boar d of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and wher the following were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingBennie H. Crough, Alderman Ward OneH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeB. O. Elliott, Alderman a t LargeJ. W. Price, AttorneyC. p. Fulmer, ClerkE. F. Lowe, Engineer**************On motion of AlderITAn Crouch, seconded by Alderman Sisk and passed unanimously, itis hereby ordered that all matters before this Mayor and Board of A ldermen be continueduntil August <strong>17</strong>, 1956 at 3 o'clock P. M. in the regular meeting room of this governingbody.Upon motion made and seconded and passed unanimollsly, it was orderedc-that thi8"'Board do now,·'recesslmtll August '<strong>17</strong>, ·1956 at 3:00 O'Clock p. M.,."

~--------------------------------- ---------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--_._----- .--------- _._--I!Ir234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZ-----------------------19RICESS, R~ESS, RIDULAR MFEl'ING 3:00 P. M. AUGUST <strong>17</strong>, 1956PursUallt to a recess order entered on August 16, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmet on August <strong>17</strong>, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens I Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following WE're present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, Pr~sidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward Three*** *** ** ** **J. W. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, EhgineerC. P. Fulmer, Clerk******* *******Atter the meE"ting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto~it:A lderman Lovelady made a motion that M. M. Winkler and Associates be requested to makean estimate on the following:Make a statement of the cost of each new street that has been constructed in the lastfive years.Check records to determine what part of the total cost the City is expected to pay.AJ40 part property owners ,are expected to payCheck assessments on new streets and give amount of taxes being collected on eachone and how long it takes assessments to amortize the indebtedness.From the information received from the above analysis; predict if the generaltax structure will have to be raised to meet these obligations if constructioncontinues for the next five years as it has in the last five years ••Aldermen Crouch seconded the above motion and all aldermen present voted yea and itis so oredered.*iliA************After receiving an easement from Dr. Linder for sewer lines for about 3,000 feet throughIm. t.inder's pecan orchad, motion was made by A lderman Elliott that the City payDr • Linder $500.00 atter receiving a certificate from The Irby Seay Company to paysame. This motion was seconded by Alderman Sisk, passed unanimously and the Clerk ishereby authorized to issue check for same.**** *********

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>AN ORDINANCE TO llli.END SECTION 2 <strong>OF</strong> AN ORDINANCE ENTITLF.J): "AN ORDINANCE TOREDULATE AND RESTRICT THE LOCATION, CONSTRUCTICN A ND USE <strong>OF</strong> BUILDINGS ANDPREMISES IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, AND FOR SAID PURPOSES DIVIDING THE <strong>CITY</strong> INTODISTRICTS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE CIOLATION <strong>OF</strong> ANY PROVISION <strong>OF</strong> SAIDORDINANCE", WHICH SAID ORDINANCE IS RECORDED IN ORDINANCE <strong>BOOK</strong> NUMBER 2, ATPAG~ 27 to 31, INCLUSIVE, <strong>OF</strong> THE RECORDS IN THE <strong>OF</strong>FICE <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> CIFRK <strong>OF</strong>SAID <strong>CITY</strong>, SO AS TO CL ERALY DEFINE THF~ TERM "PUBLIC GARAGE" SO AS TO EXCLlJDl!THEREFRCM THE PRlliISES CCMVONLY KNOWN AS FILLING STATIONS AND/ OR SERVICE'STATICNS.WHEREAS, notice was duly and legally given to all property owners andcitizens interested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi would be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., on the 16thday of August, A. D., 1956, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,to hear objections and protests against the adoption of the following ordinance,and no objections being interposed thereto and it appearing to this governingbody that such amendment would be proper and beneficial,NOW TPEREFORF, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi:SECTION 1. That SUb-section 13 of Section 2, of the ordinance entitled"An Ordinance to P"gulate and Restrict the Location, Construction, andUse of Buildings and Premises in the City of Oxford, and for said PurposesDividing The City Into Districts, and Providing a Fenalty for the Violation ofAny Provision of said Ordinance", which said ordinance is recorded inOrdinance Book Number 2 at Pages 27 to 31, Inclusive, of the records of thisgoverning authority on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, be and thesame hereb,y is amended so as to read as follows, to-wit:Pub lic Garages13. Any premises except those described as a private garage, used for housingor caring for more than three(3) steam or motor driven vehicles, or where anysuch vehicles are equipped for operation, repaired, or kept for remuneration, hireor sale. This term does not include premises commonly known as filling stationsand lor service stations.SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewithare hereby repealed.SECTION 3. That said ordinance take effect as provided by law.The above or dinance having been first reduced to writing was introduced byAlderman B. O. Elliott at a recess regular meeting of the Mayor and Board ofAlderu.an of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, held at 3:00 o'clock P. M., on the<strong>17</strong>th day of August, A. D., 1956, at the City Hall of said city pursuant to arecess order of said board entered a t their meeting held at 7: 00 o' clock P. M.,on the 16th day of ~ ugust 1956, and the same having been seconded by AldermanBennie H. Crouch was read and considered by sections and voted on by yea and nayvote and all aldermen present voted yea. The ordinance have received the unanimousvote of all aldermen present it was declared duly adopted.Signed:lsi Richard W. nliottMAYORCertified to: lsi C. P. Fulmer<strong>CITY</strong> CIBRKAN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 5 <strong>OF</strong> AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE TO REDULATE ANDRESTRICT THE LOCATION, CONSTRUCTION AND USE <strong>OF</strong> BUILDINGS AND PREMISES IN THl!:, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, AND FOR SAID PURPOSES DIVIDING THE <strong>CITY</strong> INTO DISTRICTS, AND PROVIDING A PENA LTYFOR THE VIOLATION <strong>OF</strong> ANY PROVISION <strong>OF</strong> SAID ORDINANCF)1, WHICK SAID ORDINANCE IS RECORDEDIN ORDINANCE <strong>BOOK</strong> NUMBER 2, AT PAGES 27 to 31, INCLUSIVE, <strong>OF</strong> THE RECORDS IN THr: <strong>OF</strong>FICE<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> CLERK <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong>, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT PUBLIC GARAGES, POOL RC~S ANDFIV_,ING STATIONS AND/OR SERVICE STATIONS SHALL BE p;JCCLUDED FRCM THE CCMMERCIAL usmDISTRICT AND PROVIDING A M ErHOD WHEREBY SPECIAL PERMITS FOR THE LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE<strong>OF</strong> SUCH BUILDINGS AND PREMISES IN SAID USE DISTRICT MAY BE ISSUED.WHEREAS, notice was duly and legally given to all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi would be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., on the 16th day of August, ~. D.,1956, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to hear objections andprotests against the adoption of the following ordinance, and no objections being interposedthereto and it appearing to this governing authority that such amendment would beproper and beneficial,NOW THEREFORF, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A ldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi:

-:----' -' I---It234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>---------- ---------_..SECTION 1. That Section 5 of the ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance to regulate andRestrict The Location, Constructio n and Use of Buildings and Premises in the City ofOxford, and for Baid Purposes Dividing the City Into Districts, and Providing a Pena ltyFor the Violation of any Provision of Said Ordinance", WhiCh said Ordi~nce is Recordedin Ord ina nce Book Number 2, at Pages 27 to 31, Inclusive, of the records of this governingauthority on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, be and the samehereby is amended so as to read as follows, to-wit:Commercial District.SECTICN 5.B'e it f'urther ordained that in the "B" Commer~ial District, all buildings and premises,except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, may be us ed for any use permitted in the"A" Residence District or for any use except the following:1. Bakery(employing more than five (5) persons.2. Blacksmith or Horse Shoeing Shop3. Bottling works.4. Cooperage Works.5. Livery Stables.6. Machine Shop.7. All uses excluded from the "en Industrial District.8. All kind of treatment or manufacture, or treatment other than the manufacture,or treatment of products clearly incidental to the conduct of retail bUSiness conductedon the premises.9. Pool Rooms.10. Public Garages.11. Filling Stations and/or Service Stations.Provided, however, that special perm! ts for the location.:and maintenance of PoolRooms, public garages and Filling Stations and/or Service Stations in the CommercialDistrict may be granted by:\ the Mayor and Board of A ldermen on petition, after at leastfifteen (15) days public notice and hearings as prOVided by law; however, in case of aprotest signed b,y the owners of twenty per cent (20%) or more, either of the area of thelots included in such proposed change , or of those immediately adjacent to the rearthereof, extending 160 fef't from the street frontage of such opposite lots or wheresuch pool room, public garage, filling stat:l.on or service station shall have an p.ntranceor exit for motor vehicles within two hundred (220) feet of an entrance or exit of apublic or private school, play ground, public library, church, hospital, children's orOld PeoPle's home or other similar public or semi-public institution, such permit shallnot become effective except for the favoreable vote of four-fi~s of the aldermen ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi.SF£TION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith arehereby repealed.SECTION 3. That said ordinance take effect as provided by law.The above ordinance having been first reduced to writing was introduced byAlderman Bennie H. Crouch at a recess regular meeting of the-Mayor and Board ofAldermen-of-the City of Oxford, MiSSissippi, held at 3:00 o'clock P. M., on the<strong>17</strong>th day of August, A. D., 1956, at the City Hall of said City pursuant to arecess order of said board entered at their meeting held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., onthe 16th day of August, 1956, and the motion to adopt having been seconded by AldermanB. O. Elliott, the ordinance was read and considered by sections and voted on by yeaand nay vote, and all alderreen present voted yea. The ordinance having received theunanimous vote of all aldermen present it was declared duly adopted.SIGNID:lsi Richard W. ElliottMAYORCERTIFIED TO: ____________ _<strong>CITY</strong> CLERK**********************(L-__________ --___________________________________________ _/////

22<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>AN ORDINANCE TO AMflm SECTION 8 <strong>OF</strong> AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE ANDRESTRICT THE LOCATICN, CONSTRUCTION AND USE <strong>OF</strong> BUTI,DINGS AND PREMISES IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, AND FOR SAID PURPOSES DIVIDING THE <strong>CITY</strong> INTO DISTRICTS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTYFOR THE VIOLATION <strong>OF</strong> ANY PROVISION <strong>OF</strong> SAID ORDINANCE", WHICH SAID ORDINANCE IS RECORDEDIN ORDINANCE <strong>BOOK</strong> NUMBER 2, AT PAGES 27 TO 31, INCLUSIVE, <strong>OF</strong> THE RECORDS IN THE <strong>OF</strong>FICE<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> CL~ <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong>, SO AS TO R~UIRE THE APPROVAL <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong>ALDERMAN <strong>OF</strong> ALL PERMITS IN THE CG'JMERCIAL AND/OR INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS BEFORE THEIR ISSUANCEBY THE <strong>CITY</strong> BUILDING INSPECTOR. 0WHEREAS notice \Tas duly and legally given to all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi \Tould be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., on the 16th day of August, A. D.,1956, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to hear objections andprotests against the adoption of the follo\Ting ordinance, and no objections being interposedthereto and it appearing to this governing authority that such amendment ~ould beproper and beneficial,NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of ~idermenOxford, Mississippi:of the City ofSECTION 1. That Section 8 of the ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance to Regulate andRestrict the Location, Construction and Use of Buildings and fremises in the City ofOxford, and for said ~oses Dividing the City into Districts, and Providing a PenaltyFor The Violation of any Provision of Said Ordinance", Which said Ordinance is Recordedin Ordinance Book Number 2, at Pages 27 to 31, Inclusive, of the r~cords of thi~ governingauthority on file in the office of the City Clsrk of said Pity, be and the samehereby is amended so as to read as f?llo\Ts:, to-\Tit:SECTION 8Application for Permit: The City Building Inspector shall pass on all applicationsfor permits, on all matters under this zoning act and he shall pass upon all plans andspecifications relating to use, and thE applied for use, of said property. Provided,hO\Tever, that permits pertaining to property in the Commercial and/or Industrial UseDistricts shall not became effective until approved by the Mayor ·and Board of Aldermen.Provided further, hO\Tever, that in the event'': said permit is submitted for theirapproval \Then they are not in official session that said permit may become effective uponall alderman and the Mayor indicating their assent thereon in writing.SECTION 2.hereby repealed.That all ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict here\Tith areSECTION 3. That said ordinance take effect as provided by la\T.The above ordinance having been first reduced to writing \Tas introduced qyAldenran William N ~ Lovelady at a recess regular meeting of the Mayor and Board ofAlderman of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, held at 3:00 o'clock P. M., on the<strong>17</strong>th day of August, A. D., 1956, at the City Hall of said City pursuant to arecess order of said board ,entered at their meeting held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., onthe 16th day of August, 1956, and the motion to adopt having been seconded by AldermanBennie H. Crouch, the ordinance \Tas read and considered by sections and voted on by yeaand nay vote, and all aldermen present it \Tas declared duly adopted.SIGNED:lsI Richard W. Elliott ,MAYORCFRTIFU:;n TO: lsI C. P. Fulmer , Ci ty Clerk

i /~------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~IIIIWI :IlIr284K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEl:<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 16 <strong>OF</strong> AN ORDINANCE ENTI'ILlro "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE ANDRESTRICT THE LOCATIrN, CONSTRUCTION AND USE <strong>OF</strong> BUILDDlGS AND PREMISES IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, AND FOR SAID PURPOSES DIVIDING THE <strong>CITY</strong> INTO DISTRICT$, AND PROVIDING A PBlN.ALTYFOR THE VIOLATION <strong>OF</strong> ANY PROVISION <strong>OF</strong> SrtID ORDINANCE"', WHICH SAID ORDINANCE IS REDORDEDIN ORDIIDCE <strong>BOOK</strong> NUMBm 2, AT PAGES 27 to 3l,.INCLUSIVE, <strong>OF</strong> THE: RECORDS IN THE <strong>OF</strong>FICE<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> CLERK <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong>, SO AS TO ENABLE THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDmJEN TOAMEND, SUPPLEMENT, CHANGE, MODIFY OR REPEAL THE REGULATIooS AND RESTRICTICNS AND TH.mBOUNDARIES <strong>OF</strong> THE USE DISTRICTS CRFATED UNDER SAID ORDINANCE IN THE MANNER SEt' FORTHIN THE STATE ZONING LAW, BEING SECTICNS 3590 TO 3597, INCLUSIVE, MISSISSIPPI com <strong>OF</strong>1942.WHEREAS notice was duly and legally given to.all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of A ldermen of the City of Oxford,MiSSissippi would be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., on the 16th day of August, A. D.,1956, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to hear objections andprotests against the adoption of the following ordinance, and no objections being interposedthereto and it appearing to this governing authority that such amendement would beproper and beneficial,NOW THERJl'.FORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A ldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi:S'&:TIoo 1. That Section 16 of the ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance to Regulate andRestrict the Location, Construction and Use of Buildings.and Premises in the City ofOxford, and for Said Purposed Dividing the City into Districts, and Providing a Penaltyfor the Violation of any Provision of said Ordinance", which said Ordinance is recordedin Ordi ance Book Number 2, at Pages 27 to 31, Inclusive, of the records of this governingauthority of file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, be and the samehereby is amended so as to read as follows, to-wit:23( ISECTION 16.CHANGES AND AMENIMENTS: The Mayor and Board of A ldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, may from time to time on its own motion or on petition, amend, supplement,change, modifY or repeal the regulations, restrictions and boundaries herein orsubsequently established. However, no such regulation, restriction or boundary shallbecome effective until after a public hearing in relation thereto, at which partiesin interest, and Citizens, shall have an opportunity to be heard. At least fifteendays' notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in and officialpaper, or paper of general circulation, in the City of Oxford, Mississippi. In case,however, of a protest against such change signed by the owners of twenty per cent,or mote, either of the area of the lots included in such proposed change, or of thoseiw~ediately adjacent to the rear thereof, extending 160 feet therefrom, or of thosedirectly opposite thereto, extending 160 feet from the stre~t frontage of such oppositelots, such amendment shall not became effective except b.Y the favorable vote of fourfifthsof the Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi.SECTICN 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict l'lm-ewith arehereby repealed.SECTICN 3. That said ordinance take effect as provided by law.The above ordinance having been first. reduced to writing was introduced byAlderman B. O. Elliott at a recess regular meeting of the Mayor and Board ofAlderman of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, held at 3:00 o'clock P. M., on the<strong>17</strong>th day of August, A. D., 1956, at the City Hall of said City pursuant to arecess order of said board entered at their meeting held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., onthe 16th day of August, 1956, and the motion to adopt having been. seconded b.Y AldermanH. S. Sisk, the ordinance was read and considered b.Y sections and voted on by yeaand nay vote, and all aldermen present voted yea. The ordinance having received theaffirmative vote of all aldermen present it was declared duly adopted •SIGNED:....... /~s~/ __Ri=-c-=h~ar=-d_W__ • _E_lo::;l;;:;;i-=-ot_.t____ , MayorCERTIFIED TO: lsi C. P. Fulmer , <strong>CITY</strong> CLFRK

--------------------------------------~~~----~~~~'~I24<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>AN ORDINANCE" R~ZONING PARTS <strong>OF</strong> LOT NUMBER 1 IN SECTION 28, IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, FRCM RESIDJ!NrIAL TO CeM'mCIAL.WHF~EAS, Clyde G. Huggins, Jr. and others having petitioned the Mayorand Board of A ldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi to re-zone theproperty hereinafter described from residential to commercial used; and,WHEREAS notice was duly and legally given to all property owners andcitizens interested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi would be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., on the16th day of August, A • D., 1956, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, to hl')ar objections and protests against said change, and onlyone objection being intersposed thereto and it appearing to this governingbody that said objection is insufficient and that such change would be properand beneficial said objection is hereby over-ruled.NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi;SECTION 1. That the property hereinafter described be and saidproperty hereby is re-zoned and changed fram residential to commercialuses and purposes, and the City Engine r is ordered to note such change onthe Municipal Zoning Map.SECTION 2.The property referred to in Section 1 hereof is descrived as:TRACT NO.1! A part of Lot Number 1 in section 28, to'WIlship 8 south, range ~west, in the City of Oxford, County of Lafayette and State of Mississippi, assho'WIl upon the official map and plat of said city in use since June 6, 1939,copies of which map are on file in the office of the Mayor of said City andthe Chancery Clerk of said County and being particularly described as beginningon the south line of University A venue at the point of its intersectionwith the east line of South 11th Street as said streets are shown anddesignated upon the map of the City of Oxford, Mississippi above referredto; run thence east along the south line of said University Avenue adistance of 84 feet; thence south at a right angle a distance of 122 feet;thence west parallel with the south line of said University Avenue a distanceof 84 feet to the east line of said South 11th Street; thence north alongthe east line of said South 11th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning.TRACT. NO. 2: A Part of Lot Number 1 in section 28, to'WIlship 8 south, range3 west, in the City of Oxford, County of Lafa yette and State of Mississippi,as said lot is sho'WIl and designated upon the official map and plat of saidcity in use since June t, 1939, copies of which map are on file in the officeof the Mayor of said City and the Chancery Clerk of said county and whichpDrtion of said lot is particularly described as beginning at a point on thesouth line of University Avenue 84 feet east of the point of intersection ofsaid south line of University Avenue and the east line of South 11th Street,as said streets are sho'WIl and designated upon the map of the City of Oxfordabove referred to, and running thence east along the south line of UniversityAvenue 51 feet to the northwest corner of the parcel of land owned qy theStandard Oil Company, thence south at a right angle a distance of 81 feet,thence west paralled with the south line of University Avenue 51 feet, thencenorth 81 feet to the point of beginning.SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall became effective according to law,The above ordinance was introeucedby Alderman B. O. Elliott, seconded byAlderman H. S. Sisk and passed unanimously.APPROVED:/sl Richard W. ElliottHAY ORATTEST:lsi C. P. Fulmer<strong>CITY</strong> CLERK.. ./'

~~~~~~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~I /~------------~------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------~.--~--~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I25~(.tZa4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ\.AN ORDINANCE RE-ZONING LOTS NUMBERED 4l and 42 in SECTIONS 21 and 28IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, FRCM RESIDENTIAl:. TO COwlMERCIAL-WHEREAS, John C. Wingo has petitioned the Mayor and Board of A ldermen ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi to re-zone the property hereinafter describedfrom residential to commercial uses; and,WHEREAS notice was duly and legally given to all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Al4ermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi would be held at 3:00 o'clock P. M. on the <strong>17</strong>th day of August,A. D., 1956, at: tine City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to hear objections "tand protests against 'said change, and only one objection being interposed thereto andit appearing to this governing body that said objection is insufficient and that suchchange would be proper and beneficial said objection is hereby over-ruled.NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi;SECTION 1. That -the property hereinafter described be and said propertyhereby is re-zoned and changed fram residential to commercial uses and purposes,and the City Engineer is ordered to note said change on the Municipal Map.SF~TION 2. The property referred to in Section 1 hereof is described as:A part of Sections 21 and 28 in township 8, range 3 west, in the City of Oxford,County of Lafayette and State of Mississippi, particularly described as beginningon the mast boundary line of South Eleventh Street at its point of intersectionwith the north line of University Avenue and from said point run thence EEst alongthe north side of said University Avenue a distance of one hundred and seventy twofeet, thence in a northerly direction at a right angle a distance of o~e hundredfe~t, thence in a westerly direction, at a right angle, to the east side of SouthEleventh Street, a distance of one hundred feet to the point of beginning, beingwhat is commonly Called the south half of Lot # 41 and the west fraction of thesouth half of lot # 42 as laid down on the official map of said City of Oxford inthe office of its Mayor.(smcTION 3.That this ordinance shall became effective according to law.The above ordinance was introduced qy Alderman B. O. Flliott, secondedby Alderman Bennie H. Crouch and passed unanimously.APPROVED: /sl Richard W. Elliott, MayorATTEST:/sl c, p, Fulmer _____ , City Clerk*****************AN ORDINANCE RE-ZONING A PART <strong>OF</strong> LOT NUMBER 40 IN SECTION 21 IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI, FRCM RESIDENTIAL TO CCM1ERCIAL.WHEREAS, Mrs. Katie Belle Tate and others have petitioned the Mayor and Board ofAldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi to re-zone the property hereinafter~escribed fram residential to commercial uses; and,WHEREAS notice was duly and legally given to all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOx ford, Mississippi would be held at 3:00 o'clock P. M. on the <strong>17</strong>th day of August,A. D., 1956, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to hear objectionsand protests against said change, and only one objection being interposed theretoand it appearing to this governing body that said objection is insufficient andthat such change would be proper and beneficial said objection is hereby over-ruled.NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained qy the Mayor and Board of A ldermen of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi;SmTION 1. That the property hereinafter described be and said propertyhereb is re=zoned and changed fram residential to commercial uses and purposes,and the City Engineer is ordered to note said change on the Municipal Zoning Map.SECTION 2.The property referred to dn Section 1 hereof is described as:\ ...A fraction of Lot 40 as same is laid down and designated on the official map ofthe City of Oxford, on file in the office of the Mayor of said City, describedas beginning at the southeast corner of said lot and run due <strong>No</strong>rtlh altQnfl.hthe eutline (~hereof a distance of 143 feet; thence run due west paralle: wi'Ch""t e south

26<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>line of said lot to the east side of South lOth Street in said City, thence southalong the east side of said South lOth Street a distance of 143 feet to thesouthwest corner of Lot 40; thence east along south line of said lot to thepoint of beginning being in Section 21, Township 8, range 3 west of said city,county and state.i,.../SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective according to law.The above ordinance was introduced by Alderman B. O. Elliott, secondedby Alderman Bennie H. Crouch and passed unanimously.APPROVED: lsI Richard W. Elliott , MayorATTEST:.r../.::..s/~---::c;.&.._P=-.• :::.-::F-=ul=m=e~r:..l'L--____' City Cl erk*****************Then came on to be considered the bill from Irby Seay Company ahdafter a discUssionAIdman Elliott made a motion that t he bill in the amount of $565.61 for J.It'~ ~professional services in the Spears Suit be allowed. This motiam was seconded byAlderman Sisk, passed unanirr.ously and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue acheck in the above amount.*************On motion duly made and seconded:md passed unanimously , it was ordered that~his Board do now recess until 7:30 p. M., Tuesday, September 4, 1956.

~~'--"-~-~~~~-----------------------------------------~-----,-II<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>27sr234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ\RECESS, RECF.sS, RECESS, REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. SEPT]J.ffi ER 4, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on August <strong>17</strong>,;3:956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmet on September 4, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. Flliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Flliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilli8.Ill N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward Four************J. W. Price, AttorneyF. P. Lowe, FngineerGill W. Johnson, Superintendent Light PlantC. P. Fulmer, Clerk***********(After the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:On motion duly ~ade and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that the minutesof th August meetings'be adopted as read.On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that thisBoard do now adjourn sine-die:CLERK

UNITED STATES o F At! ERICASTAT}!; o F MIS SIS SIP P IIi.-?COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTFCIT Y0 FOX FOR D* * * * * ** * * * ** * * ** * ** **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. SEPTWBER 4, 1956Be it remembered that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City oi/Oxford, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, ~!J:ltettitJe'1,4~1~§~,it being thetime and place fixed by law for the holding of said mepting, when and where the followingwere present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderrrian at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoHill A. HickIr,an, Alderman Ward Four** **********J. W. Price, AttorneyF. P. Lowe, EhgineerGill W. Johnson, Superintendent Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, Clerk***** *******After the meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:Motion was made and seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that the followingaccounts be allowed for payment:WARRANT NO. TO HHCM ACCOUNT NO.AMOUNT75788185969899100101102103104105106107CORPORATION FUNRThe Bank of Oxford, Retirement withheldVariousThe Bank of Oxford, Income tax withheldVariousC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll VariousHeber Ladner, Sec. of State, <strong>No</strong>tary commission 153C. P. Fulmer, Petty Cash VariousRichard W. Elliott, Mayor, salary for August - $4.00 wlh 110B. O. Elliott, Alderman at Large, salary for August - $5OwP{ 110Bennie H. Crouch, sala ry for Aug. - $0.50 wlh 110William N. Lovelady, salary for Aug. - $5.10 wlh 110H. S. Sisk, salary for Aug., $0.50 wlh 110Will A. Hickman, salary for Aug. - $0.50 wlh 110J. W. Price, salary for Aug. - $2.00 wlh 115F. P. Lowe, salary for Aug. - $18.28 wlh 1<strong>17</strong>C. P • Fulmer, salary for Aug. - $25.60 wlh III<strong>No</strong>na L. Woodward, salary for Aug. $22.00 w)h 116$52.46140.40453.6210.0043.95196.0024.5024.5019.9024.5024.5098.00252.97304.40188.00

-~~~-----------~'<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>29.I'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZWARRANT NO.TO WHCMACCOUNT NQ.AMOUNT\CORPORATION FUND CONTINUEDIIIL108109110III1121131141151161<strong>17</strong>11812112211912813113~13914b141.142143144 'i:14514b14714814914915015115215315415,156157158159160161162163164165165167168169<strong>17</strong>0<strong>17</strong>1<strong>17</strong>2<strong>17</strong>3<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>'5<strong>17</strong>6<strong>17</strong>7<strong>17</strong>B<strong>17</strong>918018118218318.4185186187188189190191192193194195Newt King, salary for Aug ust - $38.55 w/hw. G. Kimmons, salary for August l$24.39 w/hR. H. Mills, salary for August, ~16.40 w/hM. T. Styers, salary for August - $20.40 whDonald Carwile, salary for August - $10.40 w/hDonald Carwile, salary for August (Vacation time) - $15.99 w/hDoyle Luther, salary for August - $3.68 w/hRoy Thomas, salary for August - $6.08 w/hW. I. Mills, salary for August - $21.54 w/hMrs. Rose Rowland, salary for August - $.11.40 w/hMrs. J. W. Price, salary for August - $0.50 w/hLafayette County Health Unit, check for AugustLafayette County Library, check for AugustMr. R. E. Tood, salary for August - $2.37C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, PayrollWilliam Ross Parks, salary for AugustC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, PayrollOle Miss Press and Book Store, office suppliesMid-South Ribbon & Carbon Co., repairing typewriterMarchant Calculators, Inc., contract for yearDement Printing Company, seal and stampD. H. Marchbanks & Co., bond for <strong>No</strong>tary PublicTHe J. E. Neilson Co., cil1s for AugustOle Miss Press and Book Store, purchase order padsThe Oxford Eagle, Inc., legal printingRobert G. Jackson, suppliEs for Vet. Apts., repairsStuart C. Irby Co., fan for upstairs officeJ. H. Oliver and Co., water heaters and sink Vets. AptsJ. H. Oliver and Co., Johnson's floor finishOxford Wholesale Grocery Co., janitorial suppliesFire on Garfield Street 10:30 August 12, 1956:Homer DukeR. L. TidwellR. R. ToddM. T. StyersFire at Johbston Paint Shop on E. Univ. Ave. 8/13/56:Homer DukeClyde Huggins, Jr.Roland TidwellCrack WilsonIra L. CrowsonDoyle LutherPaul HudsonWilliam R. ParksG. D. ParkerR. L. TidwellR. H. WinterF. T. HaneyE. B. AddingtonJ. L. BeardB. O. Elliott, Jr.M. C. Falkner,Newt KingM. T. StyersFire at Mrs. Oscar Coug1ass' Home 8/14/56Homer DukeDavid NeilsonRoland TidwellCrack WilsonScott BlackIra L. CrowsonBill JohnsonW. J. AustinG. D. ParkerW. Of SmithRoy homasR. L. TidwellR. H. WinterElton AddingtonB. O. Elliott, Jr.M. C. FalknerJake GardnerDonald CarwileM. T. StyersFire at Cemetary 8/<strong>17</strong>/56:Homer DukeDavid NeilsonRoland TidwellCrack Wilson112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>6<strong>17</strong>6135135135147138136148154Various135126146146146146156147146122149155149127127135,135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135$223.95207.11193.60<strong>17</strong>9.60189.60AS.49180.07161.9241.4693.6024.50162.5032.50116.15522.23<strong>17</strong>6.726.7515.10<strong>17</strong>.5035.009.<strong>17</strong>7.5047.0925.30236.706.0836.00144.2111.656.901.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.~01.501.501.50

WARRANT NO.ACCOUNT NO.1961971980199200201 '202203204205206207208209211212213214215'2162<strong>17</strong>218219220221222223224225226227,0228229230231232233234235236237'238239240241239242242243244244244,245245·245,24524&246247248,249250250250251,252247,76798284:87Q..Q.EgOBATICN FUND CONTINUEDIra L. CrowsonG. D. ParkerW. O. Srr,i thR. L. TidwellR. H. WinterE. T. HaneyB. O. Elliott, Jr.E;. B. AddingtonM. T. StyersFire on Williams Drive 4:25 8/22/56:Clyde Huggins, Jr.R. F. ShellabargerROland TidwellCrack WilsonIra L. CroWsonDoyle LutherBill JohnsonWilliam R. larksW. J. AustinG. D. ParkerR. L. TidwellR. H. WinterB. O. illiott, Jr.M. C. FalknerFJ.ton AddingtonR. H. MillsNewt KingM. T. StyersFire at 3<strong>17</strong> <strong>No</strong>rth 6th Street 2:00 P. M. 8/29/56Homer DukeRoland TidwellIra t. CrowsonDoyle LutherBill JohnsonWillian: R. ParksG. D. ParkerR. L. TidwellR. H. WinterM. C. FalkerE. B. AddingtonB. O. Elliott, Jr.Central Chemical Co., Janitorial suppliesMississippi Supply Co., janitorial suppliesOxford Sheet Metal Works, reroofing Buie MuseumDietzen, tapes and range polesTruss !viotor Co., 1 steering sectorHome Ice Company, 1 ice book - Fire Dept.Eugene Oietzgen Company, engineering suppliesMetts Brothers Hardware, supplies for Cemetary upkeepMetts Brothers Hardware Co., supplies for repairs Vets. Apts.Chapllian Chemical Co., 2 drums of Roach and Pest killerJ. H. Mansel, 150 gallons of g as for fogging machineJ. H. Mansel, 20 gallons of gas for Cemetery upkeepJ. H. }.ansel, ~ gallons of gas for Fire DepartmentSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Aug. bill - Mayor's OfficeSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Au. bill - Cl erk I s OfficeSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., A ug~ bi~l - Fire Dept.Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Aug. bill - Fng'rs OfficeShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., supplies for repairs Vets Apts.Shaw and Sneed Hardwar~ Co, supplies for repaIrs to City HallOxford Auto Parts Co., supplies for repairs fogging machineM. R. Hall, sharpening lawn mower and repairing wheelMorgan and Lindsey, flash light batteriesOxford Light and Water Plant, Aug. bill - ArmoryOxford Light and Water Plant, Aug. bill - City GarageOxford Light and water Plant, Aug. bill - City HallDaley Lumber Co., screen wire, nails, etc. Vets. AptsJohnson & fitchett, painting the Museum and extrasOxford Auto Parts Co., supplies for Fire Dept.STREET FUNDThe Bank of Oxford, retirement withheld for JulyThe Bank of Oxford, inco~e tax withheld for JulyC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 8/15/56Vivian Special Street Improvement Fund, transfer}';yers and Knight Equipment Co., new truc k135 $1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135' 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.501351351.501.501135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50127 44.30127 38.95147 476.16151 34.14180 15.00135 10.00151 16.84120 3.00149 6.15180 184.80180 38.20120 5.10135 2.30124 13.65124 12.15135 21.80124 13.507.6b1~~ .4180 12.50120 2.50135 3.00153 8.42143 3.66143 29.22149 21.87147 1360.00135 .97280 $3.35Various 35.60Various 2,031.7810,000.00231 2,406.00''\

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SJ'234K-TOM L. KETCHINaS co .. NATCHEZWARRANT NO. TO WHCM ACCOUNT NO.AMOUNTSTREET FUND CONTINUED95120123124125125129253254254254255255256256257258259259256260260261262263264264265265266267267268268269270271272272273273273274274275276276277,278279279279280305C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty Cash ,R. L. Tidwell, salary for August - $6.02 w/hG. D. Parker, salary for August - $26.02 w/hW. T. Chandler, salary for August - $19.8) 2/hW. I. Mill's, salary for AUgUstW. I. Mills, salary for AugustC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 3/3/56Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., PoU,ce Office Aug. billJ. H. Mansel, 762 gallons of gas for truckJ. H. Mansel, 2<strong>17</strong> gallons of gas for truckJ. .it. Mansel, oil for shop ,Metts Brothers Hardware Co., supplies f or repairsMetts Brothers Hardware Co., miscellaneous suppliesRoad Builders Euipment Co., parts and labor for repairsRoad Builders F~uip.ment Co., hose for equipmentTri-State Equipment Co., Inc., gasketsViking Supply Corporation, freight charges on materialSouthland Mower Co., Inc., parts for repairsSouthland Mower Co., Inc., parts for repairsRoad Builders F..quipment Co., parts and laborHome Ice Company, two ice booksHome Ice Company, one ice bookPlliott Hardware Co., supplies .Bagwell Service Station, wash and grease' jobs for truckStandard Welders Supply Co., oxygen~nd ,suppliesOxford Auto Parts Co., sUPFlies for equipment repairsOxford Auto Parts Co., supplies for shopEast Motor Parts Co., supplies for shopEast Motor Parts Co., supplies for equipreent repairsF. W. Belk and Son Motor Co., sleaning filterElliott Hardware Co., concrete, pine, etc. U. H. S.FJ.liott Hardware Co., supplies for street maint.Myers and Knight Equipment Co., supplies for repa~rsMyers and Knight Equipment Co., supplies for equipreent repairsOxford Welding Shop, repair on lawn mower.M. R. Hall , sharpening lawn mower and repairing wheelOxford Light and Water Plant, Aug. bill - Police OfficeOxford Motor Company, repairs on Police Car'Oxford Motor Company, supplies for equipment repairsOxford Light and Water Plant, Aug. bill - street lightingOxford Light and Water Plant, Aug. bill for shop on Hwy. 7 South~ford Light and Water Plant, Aug. bill - City BarnOle Miss Service Station, gasoline for Police carOle Miss Service Station, 4 washes and greasesBoyce G. Bratton, care of prisonersStandard Oil 00mpany, keros3neStandard Oil CompanYl oil for truckDoyle Iv", 6t hrs @ <strong>17</strong>.00<strong>No</strong>rth Oxford Junk Yard, supplies for repairsOzburn-Abston Co., supplies for equipment repairsOzburn-Abston Co., supplies for repairsOzburn-Abston Co., supplies for shopShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., supplies for repairsUnited Road Machinery Co., 15 cubic yard garbage unitVarious225235280227237Various21622823824322722922 7227237239227227227229239239228243227243243227227245239237227227227218223 '227259239259224223211239228245227227237243227231$16.11224.98204.98 .163.9231.5031.502,342.7616.10193.9154.8631.643.054.5049.7510.321.472.5043.5019.07136.4020.0010.0014.5010.606.0923.35.951.752.461.50458.4229.2329.595.282.502.2511.5435.8713.02254.951.131.5083.9610.0037.0016.552.0045.501.5023.4319.495.806.853,<strong>17</strong>6.00~lATERAND SE}.TW...R FUND77808394126127130134135136137281282283284285286287287The Bank of Oxford, retirement withheld for JulyThe Bank of Oxford, Income tax withheld for JulyC. p. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 8/15/56C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty CashELton Addington, salary for August - $41.08W. I. Mills, salary for AugustC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 8/31/56Union Planters National Bank, deposit in Water & Sewer Bond andfnterest Fund 6b'll' interestUnion Planters National Bank, deposit for CUs hion FundWater and Sewer Contingent Fund, transferWater and Sewer Depreciation Fund, transferJ. H. Mansel, 50 gallons of gas for truck .Rockwell Manufacturing Co., supplies for Water Dept.J:.'~uel1er Company, corp' stopsViking Supply Corporation, 6" joint with accessoriesB & M Express, supplies.James B. G10:w & Sons, Inc., pipe, bends, glands, etc.Southern Supply Co., 12 mueller corpSouthern Supp1y·Co• goose necks, corp eo~k & curb stops508508514 & 521Various508514Various525510510510510510510510$5.1231.40330.3132.83186.9263.00207.931,677.08600.00100.00150.0012.766.5743.6345.607.491~~19.53~' --~-------~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~--~~~~~--

6")2~)<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>WARRANT NQ.2872872872872882882892892902910291,292292293k£AT ER '&''iD,.S.1A·rm FUND CONTINUl

i~~--~--~------~----~------------------------------~-.-.~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>11'1a.4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZI'---WARRANT NO.1lL.FX}TRIC DEPAR'JJI ENT CON'Dltru'EDAr:COUNT NO.AkiOUNT43tl54370 Graybar Electric Company4371 Central S:rvice Association, postal cord bills4372 Duncan Electric Manufacturing Co., meters43734374Heme Ice Co., ice bookMemphis Plublishing Co., advertising4375 Metts Brothers Hardware, saw handle437b Oxford Welding'Shop, walding beam4377 Ole Miss Press and Book Store, receipt book4378 The Riechamn Crosby Co., materials437943tluStuart C. Irby Co., materialsTennessee Valley Authority, Electric and services4381 The Taxas Company, transformer oil4382 Tennessee Valley Electric Supply Co., materials and supplies,4383 Southern Bell Tel •. & Tel. Co., bills43tl4 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., materialsOxford Wholesale Grocery Co., Inc.438b P. & W. Electric Co., transformers4387 Meter Service & Supply Co., meters438tl L. P. McCarty & Son, supplies$112.32400.0056.1610.0013.202.40.752.7553.05<strong>17</strong>8.146,815.7125.92347.5939.6560.073.50880.00112.325.31******************On motion.of Alderman Elliott, seconded by Alderman Crouch, the following resolutionwas adopted:"\.. A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVFMENT CN VIVIAN STImFI' INWOODLAND HILLS SUBDIVISION TO TH E <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI ALONG ITSFNTlRE LENGTH.( iBe it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi:Section 1. That the cost for the special improvement (s) onVivian Street in Woodland Hills SubdIvision to the City of Oxford,Mississippi along its entire length.is the sum of $5,369.42 of whichamount the City shall pay $391.60 and the property owners on saidstreet shall pay the sum of $4,304.82 on the basis provided for inHouse Bill <strong>No</strong>. 76 of the General Acts of the Regular Legislative Session of1950 and as shown by the assessment to be filed with the City C13rk for saidimprov~ment.Section 2. That after the filing of said assessment the Clerkis directed to notifY the property owners that said assessment in onfile.Section 3. That this resolution take effect and be in forceas provided by law.ApprovedIsL Richard W. Elliott(S E A L )AttestlsI c. P, Fulmer<strong>CITY</strong> CLERK(',

(<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>On motion of Alderman>Elliott, seconded by Alderman Crouch, the followingresolution was adopted:A RESOLUTION IN DF:TERldNING THF COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVBll ENT 00 EAGLE SPRINGSROAD, IN WOODLAND HILLS SUBDIVISIOO TO THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, NISSISSIPPI,ALONG TIfF: ENTIRE LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> SAID STREFT •.Be it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of. the City of Oxford,Mississippi:Section 1. That the cost for the special improvement (s) onPagle Springs Road, in Woodland Hills Subdivision to the City of Oxford,Mississippi, along the entire length of said street in the sum of$19,212.16 of which amount the City shall pay $12,045.52 and the propertyowners on said street shall pay the sum of $7,166.64 on the basisprovided for in House Bill <strong>No</strong>. 76 of the General Acts of the Regularlegislative Session of 1950 and as shown by the assessment to be filed withthe City Clerk for said improvement.Section 2. That after the filing of said assessment the Clerkis directed to notify the property owners that said assessment is onfile.Section 3. That this resolution take effect and be in forceas provided b,y law.APPROVED:Lsi Richard W. BlliottMayor(SEAL)ATTEBT:IsL C. P. Fulmer<strong>CITY</strong> CLF,RKOn motion of Alderman Elliott, seconded by Alderman Crouch, the followingresolution was adopted:A RFSOLUTION DEI'ERlIINING THE COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVEMENT CN CULLEN ROAD, INWOODLAND HILLS SUBDIVISION TO THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONGTH E ENTIRE L l':NGTH <strong>OF</strong> SAID STR J.

------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------~/ri<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>st.l.34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZSTATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPI )~ COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE )~ <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> )You are hereby notified that the assessments for specialimprovements on the above named syreets have been filed with theCity Clerk of the City of Oxford, and are now on record in TheCity Clerk's Office in a book marked "Assess emnt Book for LocalImprovements" and are open for public inspection. The Mayor andBoa~d will meet at the City Hall of said City to finally adopt theassessments on Octob!"r 2nd, 1956. Property owners are notifiedto examine the said accounts and make objections or defense,if any there be, to the Mayor and Board at the meeting tobe held on the above date. Otherwise assessments will finally beapproved at that time.lsi c. P. FulmerCity Clerk( \I\On motion of Alderman Elliott, seconded by Alde:nr.an Crouch, the CityClerk is hereby directed to publish the following notice}.; to propertyowners as provided by law:NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ON Vivian Street, .i:S.gle Springs Roadand Cullen Road, in Woodland Hills Subdivision to the City of Oxford,Mississippi, along the entire length of said streets.of Assessment forSpecial improvements on said streets.On motion of Alderman Elliott, seconded by Alderman Crouch, the followingresolution was adopted:A RESCLUT,ION DEI':ffit.:INING THE COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROV&ENT <strong>OF</strong> VIRGINIA STR'r: El' INHALEYSUBl?IVISICN, PART II, TO THF <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONGTHE unIRE LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> SAID STREET. .Be it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Cfty of Oxford,Mississippi:Section 1. That the cost for the special improvement (s) onVirginia. Street in Haley Subdivision, Part II, .to the City ofOxford, Mississiipi, along the entire length of said street is thesum of $<strong>17</strong>,006.68 of which amount the City shall pay $12,312.35 and theproper~y.owners on said street shall pay the Stml of $4,694.33 on thebasis provided for in House Bill <strong>No</strong>. 76 of the General Acts of theRegular Legislative session of 1950 and as shown qy the aSSessment to befiled with the City Clerk for said improvement.Section 2. That after the filing of said assessment theClerk is directed to notifY the property owners that said assessmentis on file.Section 3.as provided by law.That this resolution take effect and be in force,Approved lsi Richard W~iott __(SEAL)Attest,Is/ c, p. FulmerCity Clerk

~~-;~-6~------~------------------------------------~~~~-----i<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>f----......... ---.----.--.-----... . ... --.-.------.... --- ... - ... _ .... -On motion of Alderman Elliott, seconded by Alderman Crouch, the CityClerk is hereby directed to publish the following notice ro propertyowners as provided by law:STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPI )COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTF<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>))<strong>No</strong>tice to property owners on Virginia Street, in Haley Subdivision,Part II, to the City of Oxford, Mississippi along the entire lengthof said street of assessment for special improvements on said street.You are h.reby notified that the assessments for specialimprovements an the above named street has been filed with the CityClerk of the City of Oxford, and are now on record in TheCity Clerk's Office in a book marked "Assess ment Book for LocalImprovements" and are open for public inspection. The Mayor andBoard will meet at the City Hall of said City to finally adoptthe assessments on October 2nd, 1956:. Property owners arenotified to examine the said accounts and make objections or defense,If any there be, to the Mayor and Board at the meeting to be heldon the above date. Otherwise assessments will finallY be approved atthat time.JIlsi C. P. FulmerCity Clerk****G**G**** •• **Then came on to be considered the raying of Sanford and Bvangeline Higginbotham$42.00 for an easement for the sewer line and the notary fee, and after consideringthe matter, Alderman Crouch made a motion that the above amount bepaid to ¥~. Higginbotham. This motion was seconded by Alderman Lovelady andpassed unanimouslY and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a check for theabove arrount.*~ ** **,!* ** * II **Then came on to be considered the approval of an easement for a sewer lineand after a discussion, Alderman Elliott made a motion that Mrs. J. W.,Homer and Lester McDonough be paid $550.00 for said easement. This motionwas seconded by Alderman Lovelady and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issuea check to Mr. McD01lough in the a.IT1ount of $550.00.Then came on to be considered paying Mr. E. P. Mooney for an easettent fora $ewer line, and after a consideration of the matter, Alderman Elliott made~ a motion that the City pay $500.00 for sald easement for the sewer line and~\~250.00 for damages. This motion was seconded by Alderman Crouch and allr# SS 4 aldermen present voted Yea, and it is hereby ordered subject to the approval of~ Mr. Mooney.**.******llll**Pursuant to an advertisement in The Oxford Eagle for bids on meters to beopened at the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board'of A ldermen onSeptember 4, 1954, bids were received frOI[ the following companies:Southern Supply CompanySouthern Meter and Supply CompanyWells Machinery and Implement CompanyMeter Service & Supply CompanyNeptune Meter Company<strong>No</strong>land & CompanyBadger & Meter Mfg. Co.Jackson, TennesseeHaperville, GeorgiaFort Worth, TexasMemphis, TennesseeAtlaniia, GeorgiaJackson, MississippiMilwaukep, WisconsinAfter considering the bids from the foregoing companies, motion was made andseconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that all bids be turned over toMr. Johnson for tabulation and he be requested to make a report to the Mayorand Board of Aldermen at th e nex t' mee ti ng.

II ,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>'~~_______________.'_.U_K__TO_M_L_'_KE_TC_H_'N_GS_C_O'_'N_A_TC_HE_Z __________________________________________________________________________ ~IIPursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford ~agle for bids on gasoline and oilfor the next six months to be opened at the Regular Meeting of the Mayor andBoard of Aldermen on September 4, 1956, bids were received from the following:J. H. ManselStandard Oil CompanyOxford, MississippiJackson, MississippiAfter considering the bids from the foregoing comapnies, motion was made byAlderman Crouch that the bid from J. H. Mansel on gasoline be accepted and thebid from Standard Oil Company be accepted be tor tlie~ot1l,rthese being the bestand lowest bids. This motion was seconded by Alderman Elliott and all aldermenpresent voted yes.**** ******* ***WHFREAS, W. A. Henry, F.xecutor of the 'll',state of MissMay McGuire, deceased, has tendered to the Board $360~00to be used and invested by the Board in its Cemetery TrustFund for the maintenance of the McGuire lot #64 of the-ST. Peter's Cemetery, and,trust,WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board to accept saidNOW, TBEREFORF, in consideration of the premises, ONMOTICN DULY MADE, SECONDF.l) AND CARRIED IT IS ORDEltED THATthe Clerk receive said $360.00 and invest the same inbonds, and use the interest from said bond or bonds for themaintenance and upke~pof said lot, consisting of the cuttingof the grass, and keeping said lot neat and clean, and thatany excess funds fram said investment be used for the generalupkeep of other lots in the said cemetery.** ***************Mr. Johnson, ~perintendent of the Light Department recommended to the Mayor and Boardof Aldermen the need for advertising for electrical supplies and after a discussion,Alderman Lovelady made a motion that Mr. Johnson be authorized to have published inThe Oxford Eagle an inv itation for bids on a six months supply of Electrical Supplies.This motion was seconded by Alderman Hickman, passed unanimously and it is soordered.**************Then came on to be considered the re-roofing of the Police Station and J. P. Sladesubmitted a quotation for $47.25 for the job and after considering Mr. Slade'sproposal, Alderman Crouch made a motion that Mr. Slade be employed to re-roof saidPolice Office. This motion was seconded by Alderman Lovelady, passed unanimouslyand it is so ordered.*** ***********i(!I .~.Alderman Lovelady made a motion that the garbage be picked up every day and thecutting of gnass between the curb and the sidewalks and the picking up and haulingof brush be eliminated. This motion was seconded by A Iderman Crouch, and passedand vetoed by the Mayor, and the Mayor makes the following statement: Mayor ~liottstates that his reason for vetoing this measure is that the garbage pickup every otherday is working satisfactorily and he can not seE' the necessity of adding this extraexpense. This department is costing the taxpayers approximately $40,000.00 a year and,in my opinion, this is entirely too much. It can,and must be cut by 25% for the taxpayersbenefit and still do an effective jo~ hOJ{ev(\lr", I re~l :cthat it- ,is" Il'eees13.ary tha~}

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RE.GULAR MBETING 7:30 p. M. SEPTJ}'BER 4, 1956lvir. Chandler brought to the attention of the Mayor and Board of Aldennenthe need for a floor polisher for the City of Oxford, and after consideringMr. Chandler's recommendation, Aldennan ~liott made a motion that Mr. Lowe beauthorized to have published in The Oxford Eagle an invitation for bids on newand used floor polishers. This motion was seconded by Aldennan Lovelady, passedunanimously and it is so ordered../JMotion was made and seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that thisBoard do now recess until 7:00 p. M., Thursday, September 6, 1956.,IiI.J

~~~ __ n_._._/<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>u ·'9~, !I\.. 'alaS4K TOM L. KETCHINGS CO., NATCHEZRECESS, REDULAR MEFTING 7:00 P. M. S lPTEMBER 6, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on September 4, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmet on September 6, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of A1dermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the fo10wing were present:Richard W. ~~liott,Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeWilliam N.Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. W. Price, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:Then came on to be considered the appointing of six Oxford Zoning Board Membersand after discussing the matter, Richard W. Elliott nominated <strong>No</strong>el Hodge, BennieH. Crouch nominated Roger S. Myers, B. O. Elliott nominated H. H. Whitworth,H. S. Sisk, nominated Ira L. Morgan, William N. Lovelady nominated Pete MCElreathand Will A. Hickman nominated Harold Haney. There being no other nominations,motion was made and seconded and passed unanimously that the above Jlamed"personsbe appointed.***** ***********Then came on to be considered a request from Billy Gates, Director of the AthleticPublicity Department, soliciting advertisement in the foo'fbal1 programs for theVanderbil t, and Mississippi State game on the "Ole Miss" Campus and for the Tulanegame in Jackson and after a discussion, Alderman B. O. Fl1iott made a motion thata one-half page insertion be placed in the football programs for the City of Oxfordfor the above named games at the cost of $125.00 for the three games. This motionwas seconded by Alderman Sisk, passed unanimously and it is so ordered.************Then came on to be considered the need for a barracade where Johnson I~enue intersectsRoss Avenue and at the end of Virginia Street and after considering the matter, AldermanLovelady made a motion that the City have erected a barracade on the South side of theStreet where Johnson Avenue intersects Ross Avenue and across th~~~~d of VirginiaStreet. This motion was seconded by Alderman Sisk, passed unanimously and it is soordered.************The remainder of the meeting was spent in equalizing the tax roll(Motion was made and seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that thisBoard do now recess until 7:00 P. M., Septemb~r 10, 1956.

(I 40I,r---.------'---.~- ..__ ._--_ ... --'---------.. ---~------ ... -...... --<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECJ

~~~~~~~~~~~----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>41.11'134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZRECESS, RECESS, RECESS, R.&HJLAR MTTEING 7:00 p. M. SEPT:BlIcBER 12, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on September 10, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmet on September 12, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chember in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingBennie H. crouch, Alderman Ward OneH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourC. P. Fulmer, Clerk******************After the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:(t'-The entire time was taken up equalizing the tax roll.On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Boarddo now recess until Thursday,at 2:00 O'clock P. M., September 13, 1956\..IL-

(42<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Pursuant to a recess order entered on September 12, 1956, the Nayor and Board of Aldermenmet on September 13, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of Alderrnens I Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. Flliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Flliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward Fourc. P. Fulmer, Clerk*** -11**#** **i!After the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:The entire time was taken up equalizing the tax roll.On motion duly made and seconded and passed unani~ously, it was ordered that this Boarddo now recess until Thursday, September 20th at 5:30 P. M.II

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I!II'ZS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ, ,RECESS, RECF.SS, R~ ESS, RECESS, REC E)S 5: 30 P. l',. SEPT&BER 20, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on Sept~!bpr 13, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Alderreenmet on September 20, 1956, in the Nayor and Board of Alderrr,ens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. Flliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. crouch, Alderrean Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman War~ Four43******* ******c. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:The entire time was taken up equalizing the tax roll.On motion duly made awd seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Boarddo now recess until Friday, September 21, 1956 at 5:30 p. M.L-__ i ______________ ~~_'_-------------------------------------------------~ ________________________________ ~. ___ ~~-

RH::ESS, RECFSS, RECESS, Rl1jT:,SS, RfCESS, R~F1)S, RffiULAR ¥Eill'ING 5:30 P. M. S EFT. 21, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on September 20, 1956, the Mayor and Boa rd of Alderwenmet on September 21,1956, in the};:yor and Board of Aldernens' Chamber in the C~ty Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. r~liott,Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alder man At LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourGill W. Johnson, Superintendent Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:On motion made by Alderman B. O. Elliott, seconded by Alderman H. S. Sisk andrassed unanimously, it was ordered that the land roll and the assesswents contained therein,being of the total assessment of $4,212,955 dolla~s, and the personal roll and the assessmEntscontained therein, being of the total assessment of $1,,654,,457 3011ars both for theyear 1956, and both having been equalized, corrected and revised according to law andbeing the personal and real property rolls for the City of Oxford, Lafayette County,Mississippi, be and the same hereby are approved with corrections, subject to the right ofparties in interest to be heard on all objections hereafter made by them and subject tofurther changes and corrections by this board as authorized by law. It is further orderedthat a notice be rublished in The Oxford Fagle, a newsPaper published at Oxford, LafayetteCounty, Mississippi, notifYing the public and taxpayers of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,and of the Oxford ~'unicipal Separate School District of Lafayette County, Mississippi:A. That said asspssment rolls so equalized are ready for inspectinn and examination.B. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will be in session for the purpose of hearingobjections to said assessments which may be filed at the City Hall in the City ofOxford, Mississ ippi on the 4th day of October, 195~ and continuouslythereafter until all of the taxPayers who havj filed objections have been heard.C. The Mayor and Board of A Idermen will remain in session from day to day until allobj ections lawfully filedshall have been disposed of and all proper corrections madein the roll. Be it further ordered that the notice shall be given in the followingformPUBLIC NOTICFTO THE: PUBLIC AND TAXPAYERS <strong>OF</strong> TflE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI,.AND <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>OXFORD</strong> SiPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPIYou are hereby notified that the personal property assessment rolls ofsaid city and school district f or the year 1956 and the real propertyassessment rolls of said city and school district for the year 195~continuing the action of the hayor and Board of Aldennen of said city onspplications for homestead exemptions for the year 1956, have been equalized,corrected and revised according to law. The said rolls are now ready forinspection and examination. Any objections to said rolls or any asses smentstherein contained shall be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of saidcity on or before 7:30 P. M., October 4, 1956, at his office inthe City Hall of said City. All assessments to which no objectio s are then

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>45SI'ZS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZI\and there made will be finally approved by the Hayor and Board of A ldermen ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi. All assessments to which objections aremade and which may be corrected and equalizl"d by the said l'!ayor and Board ofAldermen will be made final and said rolls and assessments therein containedwill be finally approVf'o by said Iv!ayor and Board of Aldermen. All applicationsfor homestead exemptionf~r 1956 have been examined and allowed with someapplications being partially or completely disallowed.You are further notified that said Mayor and Board of Aldermen will bein session for the purpose of hearing objections to said assess ments and saidrolls and disallowances for applications for homestead exemptions which maybe filed,said meeting to be hald at the court room of the City Hall of saidCity on October 4, 1956 at 7:30 P. M., and will remain in session fromday to day until disposing of all such objections so filed.Witness the signature and seal of the City of Oxford, Mississ ippi this the21st day of September, A. D., 1956<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPIBY: /s/ Richard W. Elliott, Mayor/s/ C. P. Fulmer, Clerk(S~AL)(*************Then came on to be considered a request from James E. Taylor to drive a taxi in theCity of Oxford and after considering Mr. Taylor's request, motion was made byAlderman Elliott that Mr. Taylor's applicatio~ be approved. This motion wasseconded by Alderman Cpouch, passed unanimously and it is So ordered.*************(On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that thisBoard do now recess until Tuesday, October 2, 1956 at 7:00 P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>_.. __._~___. _____________._._.______._._.. ~ _~______,_>~_. ____ . ".'_______ .___ .__ ~ ..__ .. _._._.~. __._,_.. __ .~_.·~__·'_~R__•__ ._____ _ ______•.••________ •_____ •____• _________ •____••________• ____ _~----------- ._--_._._ .._-_._---_._--_.._- .- ..------.-.......--.--.-.-. .--..-.---...--.---.- -- ---.-.-- .. --- ...--.--- .. -_._------_.- -_ ..._--_._. __._--_._-_.- ._. .._-= )~-IIRBESS, Rl:ITSS, REC ESS, R !!:Cf~SS, REI:5SS, REC}!;SS, RECESS, REGULAR VFtrTING 7: 00 P. M. 10-2- '56jIIIIIIIIPursuant to a recess order entered on September 21, 1956, the hayor and Board of Aldermenmet on October 2, 1956, in the Mayor an Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Richard W. Flliott, HayorB. O. Flliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWillian~N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward Two:;)H. S. isk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. W. Price, Attorneyl~.P. Lowe, FngineerGill W. Johnson, Superintendent Light and viater Dept.C. P. Fulmer, Clerk***~f******lHIAfter the meeting had bern opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that theminutes of the Sertember meeting s be adopted as r

W!lSI'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>U NIT E D S TAT ES o F A lv' E R I G AS TAT E o F 1/ ISS ISS I P P IC o U N T Y o F LAFAYETTECIT Y o F o X FO R D* * *{!* ** * * * **{f* ** * ** **47'\REDULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. OCTOBilR 2, 1956(Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:3 0 P. M., Tuesday, October 2, 1956, it beingthe time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where thefollowing were present:Richard W. Elliott, IJlayorB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderw~n Ward TwoF. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward fb~BeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward Four)~ , , " '. \ ., . ".:~ '" ~;J. W. Price, Attorney1!;. F. Lowe, EngineerGill W. Johnson, Superintendent Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:lvotion was made and seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that the followingaccounts be allowed for payment:klABRANT.JiO.... TO ·.. WHOM A,GC OUNT .N 0 •CORPORATION FU~ID306309320326329330331332333334335336The Bank of Oxford, Retirement withheldVariousThe Bank of Oxford, Income tax withheld Various ..C. P. Fulmer,~lerk, Payroll, 9/15/56 VariousThe Electric Departreent, fogging and fuel oil 180C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty Cash VariousRichard W. £lliott, Mayor, salary for September $4.00 w/h 110B. O. Elliott, salary for September - $0.50 w/h 110Bennie H. Crouch, salary for September - $0.50 w/h 110Willi~ N. Lovelady, salary for September - $5.10 w/h 110H. S. ~isk, salary for September - $0.50 w/h 110Will A. Hickman, salary for September - $0.50 110J. W. Price, Attorney, salary for September 110$57.70150.50503.71348.4814.85196.0024.5024.5019.9024.5024.5098.00

~ ..<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--..._-_._._----_... _.. __ ... _-_.... -......_-_ .........-CORPORATION FUND CCNTINUFDTO WHOMA.CCOUNT NO.A}'OUNT3373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523703713723733743753763773?83793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064974084094104114124134144154164<strong>17</strong>418419420421422423424425426A. P. Lowe, salary for Septerrber - $18.28 withheldC. L Fulmer, salary for September<strong>No</strong>na J:.o. Woodward, salary for September - $22.00 w/hNewt King, salary for September - $38.55 w/hW. G. Kill1l'ons, salary for Septeuber - $24.39 w/h1R. H. } ills, salary for Septerrber - $16.40 wlhM. T. Styers, salary for Septerrber - $20.40 w/hDonald Carwile, salary for Septerrber - $10.40 w/hDoyle Luther, salary for Sertember - $3.68 w/hRoy Thomas, salary for September - $6.08 w/hW. I. Mills, salary for September - $21.54 w/hMrs. Rose Rowland, salary for S~rtember - $11.40 w/hMrs. J. W. Price, salary for September - $0.50 wmthheldWilliar. Ross Parks, salary for Septemb0'r - $7.03 w/hLafayette County Health Unit, check for SeptemberLafayette County Library, check for SjrtemberHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.C. h. FalknerBill JohnsonD. G. Neilson, Jr.R. E. ShellabargerW. O. SmithF. B. AddingtonJ. L. BeardScott BlackIra L. CrowsonH

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>49~SI'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZIWARRANT NO. TO WHCM ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNTIFire at Jirr.mie Thompson's 4:20 P. N. 9/16/56:427.,14284294304314324333194344354364.3743843944044144235944344344344344444444444444544644644744844844945D45145245345445545645645745845845946046146246246346,446546,6lAl:Homer DukeC. M. FalknerClyde Huggins, Jr.Doyle LutherR. E. ShellabargerD. G. NeilsonW. R. ParksRev. D. M. Metts, Sr., Individually and as Agent for Rev. N. F.Metts Heirs, for the purchase of the Metts Property for SchoolFire at Dr. Busby's on Highway 7 South 12:55 p. M., 9/27/56:W. J. liustinScott BlackHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.C. M. FalknerE. T. HaneyR. E. ShellabargerC. S. WilsonDoyle LutherC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll for 9/26/56Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Sept. bill Mayor's officeSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Sept. bill Rngine,r's OfficeSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Sept. bill - City HallSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Sept, bill Fire Dept.Oxford Light and Water Plant, City GarageOxford Light and Water Plant, City HallOxford Light a d Water Plant, City HallOxford Light and Water Plant, The ArmoryMyers and Knight Equipment Co., welding at Sale BarnShaw and Sneed Hardware Co. £aucetsShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., 1 piece of glassBagwell Service Station, repairing tire for fogging machineJ. H. Mansel, 144 gallons of gasolineJ. H. Mansel, 5 gallons of gasoline for cemeteryOzburn-Abston & Co., Inc., muffler for fogging machineSmi th Lumber Co., lumber fr Sale BarnW. H. Ivy, work on Sale BarnJ. H. Oliver and Co., hinges, roofing and nailsChapman Chemical Company, 55 gallon drum roach and pest killerOxford Sheet Metal Works, two shover stallsM. M. Winkler, special report dated 9/26/56Ole Miss fress and Book Store, office suppliesOle Miss Press and Book Store, legal printingMid-South Ribbon & Carbon Co., carbon, ink and ribbonTom L. Ketchings Co., post binderTom L. Ketchings Co., binder for accountsMetts Brothers Hardware Co., supplies for repairs Vets. Apti.The Oxford Ragle, Inc., Balance from August billThe Oxford ~gle, Inc.,' legal printingFlliott Hardware Co., supplies for Sale BarnElliott Hardware Co., supplies for City i,iall repairsOxford Asphalt Co., grader hire Sale BarnHome Ice Company, one ice bookDaley Lun.ber Company, material. for rental propertyMemphis Blue Print & Supply Co., E:ngineering supplic;s135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135Various124124124135143143153153149149155180180120180149149149180149131146122146146146149122122149155149135149151$1.501.501.501.501.501.501.508,000.001.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50493.7116.439.752.8021.803.7831.147.508.86102.004.051.891.0044.661.555.65381.4919.50420.29184.8028.50400.0036.2311.8022.75<strong>17</strong>.609.502.25100.0016.4010.009.2575.0010.005.649.50S TR EEl' FUND30731032132532']35335435535.635.6360467468469470471The Bank of Oxford, retirement withheld for liUgustThe Bank of Oxford, Income tax withheldC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 9/15/56The Flectric Department, street lights and suppliesC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty CashR. L. Tidwell, salary for SeFtember - $6.02 withheldG. D. Parker, salary for September - $26.02 withheldW. T. chandler, salary for September - $1.9.83 w/hw. I. Mills, salary for SeptemberW. I. Mills, salary for SeptemberC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll September 29/1956 226 &J. P. Slade Roofing Co., roofing Police Station<strong>No</strong>rth OJcford Junk Yard, suppliE's for repairsStandard Oil Company, tire and tube copy of Inv. <strong>No</strong>. 0378W. n. Scott, service on Radio Communication systemBoyce G. Bratton, car~ of pris oness280VariousVarious260Various2252352802272372352182372402102113.3535.602,078.921,059.514.25224.98204.98163.9231.5031.501457.3547.2510.0041.8456.2943.00L-_." _________ ~ ___._____-----'.-. ~/

(I50<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~--,-,--------WARRANT NO.TO WHCNACCOUNT NO.f):OUNTSTRF;ET FUND CCNTINUF.D4724734734744744754754764774774774784794804814814814824834844851..85485485486487k884894904904914924921+93494494494495496497498499500501502503522Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Co., blades, rags, wheels, etc.Ozburn-Abston & Co., Inc., supplies for shopOzburn-Abston & Co., Inc., suprlies for equip. repairsff •• H. Mansel, 641 gallons of gas for truckJ • H. Nansel, 195 gallons of gas for truckBagwell Service Station, wash and grease jobs on truckBagwell Service Station, grease job and greaseLantrip Sign Shop, lettering truck for Sanitation Departn entShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., paint and brushf'sShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., paint burshShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., hoe handleMyers and Knight Co., filter .for front end loaderSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Folice OfficeOxford Light and Water Plant, Police Station - S'r-t. billOxford Light and Water Plant, Sf'r-t. bill - City BarnOxford Light and Water Plant, Sept. bills for street lightingOxford Dight and Water Plant, Sept. bill - BarnF. W. Belk and Son Motor Co., cleaning MotorSouth Side Chpvrolet Campan~, parts for Chev. truck repairsMyers and Knight Buick-J~uipment Co., gigging garbage pitOxford Motor 00., parts and labor for Ford Garbage TruckOxford Motor Co., material for repairsOxford Motor Co., material for repairs Garbage TruckOxford Motor Co., parts for repairs - Police Car 'Flliott Hardware Co., 2 yards of hardware clothOxforG Auto Parts Co., supplies for equipment repairsJ. H. Mansel, oil for shopLynn uand and Gravel Co., gravel University High SchoolOle tv'iss Service Station, gas and oil for Police carOle Miss Service Station, wash, tire repairs, tires, etc.Oxford Phillips 66, wash and grease jobsElliott Hardware Co., supplies for streE't work U. H. S.011iott Hardware Co., supplies for street maint.Horne Ice Co., ice book - StreetC. G. Huggins, Jr. , tire and tube Inv. <strong>No</strong>. 0759C. G. Huggins, Jr., tir e, Invoice <strong>No</strong>. 0779C. G. Huggins, Jr., tire and tube, Invoice <strong>No</strong>. 0780Road B uilders Fq~irment Co., Inv. <strong>No</strong>. 13285 - BreatherOxford Asphalt Co., Paving High-: School RoadGathright-Reed Drug Co., 1 pair of rubber gloves<strong>No</strong>rth Oxford Junk Yard, 1 transmissionDoyle Ivy, gravel for school driveway (U. H. S.)Standard Welders Supply Co., oxygen and demergeOxford Wholesale Grocery Co., filesCast Motor Co. supplies for equipment repairsErnest E. Presley, sharpening and reRairing toolsJohn K. Ramey, paving on Old Taylor oad23924322722823822823822923722723922721621825925925923723722922722722722323923724324522422323824523922923023024(}227245239237245243229227237245$49.308.551.68198.5360.4718.056.206.0010.,500.00IVA Tm AND SEW ER FUND308 The Bank of Oxford, retirement withheld for Aug ust '56 508 $5.12311 The Bank of Oxford, Income tax withheld for August 156 508 31.40314 Union Planters National Bank, exchange and interest 536 1.68322323C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 9/15/'36Clelon W. and Irene Brummett, damage for sewer line514 & 521 303.9350.00324 The i{i.ectric Di::partment, labor, transfer, etc. Various 10,557.71328 C. P. Fulmer, Petty Cash Various 21.07357 ~1 ton Addington, salary for Serten'ber - $41.08 withheld 508 186.92358 vI. I. Mills, salary for Se:r:t en:ber 514 63.00361 C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 9/26/56 514 & 521 244.93366 Union Planters National Bank, for depeeit in Water and Sewer Bond 1,677.08and Interest Fund - interFst367 Union flanters National Bank, for deposit in Vater and Sewer Bond 600.00and InterEst Fund, for cushion fund368 Water and Sewer Contingent Fund, transfer 100.00369 Water and Sewer Depreciatio Fund, transfer 150.00504 Oxford Auto Parts Co., plugs for Water Dep~rtment 510 4.48505 J. H. Mansel, 40 gallons of gas for Water Dept. truck 525 12.40506 Central Service Station, water billing for'August 539 101.37507 Well Machinery & Supply Co. , water rreter. parts 512 49.005008 Delta Purr bing fit 2.1ectrical Srpply Co. water supr-lies less Credo Memo 510 67.02509 tv ississiPr-i Foundry and Machine Co., water meter boxes 512 125.40510 Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Co., gate valves, etc. 510 122.48511 Pacific Flush Tank Company, sewerage supplies 518 100.00512 Dr,sserHanufacturing Division, supplies for Water Dept. 510 7.72513 Oxford Light and j"Tater Plant, Sept. bills -Pump. Sta. & Facotry 537 315.40514 Badger t-':eter ~"fg. Co., water Jreter part s $12 45.56

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>51\r--J ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~SfZa4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZHARRANT NO.ACCOUNT NO.\SEMfi-R CONSTRUCTION FUND3123<strong>17</strong>5155165<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>J. 1<strong>17</strong>. McDonough, Homer McDonough, and "W. L. P.cDonoughE;asernent and damage for sewer lineJ. H. Crouch, damage and easement for sewer lineIrby Seay Co~pany, profossional services - Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 28Volz Construction Co., estimate <strong>No</strong>.1 - Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 29J. B. Howell, rpcording sewer line easerrent for J. H. CrouchJ. B. Howell, recoraingreasement from Sanford HigginbothamJ. B. Howell, recording easement from Dr. Linder to CityJ. B. Howell, recording easeKent from Dr. J. W. Donough et al$550.00270.001440.8057169.691.651.501.852.65313518FIRE PROTECTION FUNDSafety First Products Corporation, fire fighting equip.Safety First Products Corroration, fire fighting equipment$153.8610.00315The First National Bank, interest and collection charges$7<strong>17</strong>.4031619.55 SPECIAUTROO }1J,PROV B}'ENT BOND AND INT ffi?ST FUNDThe First National Bank of Memphis, interest and crollection charge$629.40UYIAN STREET SPl';CIAL IMPROV]}'FNT FUND362519520~C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, ician Street ~xtendedFlliott Hardware Co.,~material for ivian Street ~endedDaley Lumbpr Co., Inc., common brick - Vivian Street Ex'eended$156.43284.2574.0012.5,5 SPECIAL STRER'T IEPROVB}FNT FUND521The Oxford bagle, notice of assessment on special street imprafements$20.40------.. ,,-.-----------------------

(~52r---------- ------ ----0_. ____i~--------.- -----.-..--- ---------.. --_._- ---- --.-._------- .._._-<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--.--[ R:JGULAR MITTING 7:30 P. ~. OCTCBili 2, 1956STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPfICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYF TTYCOM~ NOW Dr. J. P. McLaurin and his wife fugenie McLaurin and G. F.Beard by their attorney Dwayne L. Hale, and petitions thp. City Board ofAldermen of the Sity of Oxford, l-ftississippi, and wakes the following request:That whereas, G. F. Heard is the ownrr of a certain lot describedbelow, said lot being located in the City of Oxford, Mississippi, andbeing located on Van Buren Avenue, and within a residential zone in saidcity, said lot having been zoned and designated as residential bJ an ordinanceof a forrrer city board; and whereas, the said G. F. Heard is anxiousto sell said lot to Dr. J. P. ~cLaurin,and whereas said Dr. is anxious torurchase said lot for the proposed purr-ose of constructing and erectingthereon a wasonary type office and or clinic. That in order to be able to doso the petition Frs herein respectfully request the Board of Alderrren andthe zoning corr~issionto specifically designate the lot in question asa commercial lot, after notice as rrquired by the city zoning ordinanceand the amendements thereto, has been properly given to the public.Theproperty is described as follows:The West fraction of Lot <strong>No</strong>. 475, as the same is laid down and designatedon the plan of Map of said Oxford, a copy thereof being onfile in the office of the Mayor of said City, and a copy of said Mapbeing on file in the office of the 8hancery Clerk of said county andstate, in Section 21, Township 8, Range 3 West, and more particularlydescribed as fronting 60 feet on Van Buren Avenue, and commencingat thr Southwest corner of said Lot 475, run thence <strong>No</strong>rth along andwest line of said Lot 475 a distance of 122 feet; thence East Farallelwith the South line of said Lot 475, a distance of 60 f'3et; thmceSouth parallel with thF west line of said Lot 475, a distance of 122feet to thF south line of said Lot 475; th~nce West along the southline of said Lot 475 a distance of 60 feet to the point of beginningand being the same property sold and conveyed to the late Mrs. WinnieMcMahon by W. C. Cox, et ux, by deed dated April 18, 1927, recordedin Deed Book 91, at page 629 of the records of Deeds in said ChanceryClerks office, to which reference is here made.Witness my signature this the last day of October, 1956lsi Dwayne L~aleATTORN}X FOR PETITION"RSAfter carefully considering the foregoing petitionl"Iade, seconded and passed unanimously it is herebyhad on said matter at the time and place specifiedthat said notice be published as required by law;as follows:and on motion dulyordered that a hearing bein the following notice andthe notice refrrred to being

~~~----~~~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,/.~----------~~~~~~~--~~~~~-------~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>53r''''a4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZNOTICE <strong>OF</strong> IffiARING TO ACTON R!':-ZONING PETITIONWhereas, Dr. J. P. McLaurin et al, has petitioned the Mayor and Boardof Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to re-zone residentialto commercial uses the property described as:The West Fraction of Lot <strong>No</strong>. 475, as the same is laid down and designatedon the plan of Map of said Oxford, a copy thereof being onfile in the office of the Mayor of said City, and a copy of said Mapbeing on file in the office of the Ghancery Clerk of said county andstate, in Section 21, TownShip 8, Range 3 West, and more particularlydescribed as fronting 60 feet on Van Buren Avenue, and corrmencingat the Southwest corner of said Lot 475, run thence <strong>No</strong>rth along andwest line of said Lot ~75 a distance of 122 feet; thence East parallelwith the South line of:I'said Lot 475, a distance of 60 feet; thenceSouth parallel with th~ west line of said Lot 475, a distance of 122feet to the south line of said Lot 475; thence West along the southline of said Lot 475 a distance of 60 feet to the point of beginningand being the same property sold and conveyed to the late Mrs. WinnieMcMahon by W. C. Cox, et ux, by deAd datrd April 18, 1927, recordedin Deed Book 91, at page 629 of the record o~ Deeds in said ChanceryClerks office, to which reference is here rrade.<strong>No</strong>w, therefore, notice is hereby given to all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, hississippi, will be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday the 5th dayof <strong>No</strong>vember, 1956 at the City Hall of said City, to hear objections and protestsagainst said change and to do such other acts and things witt respect to saidpetition as may seem just and proper.Objections and protests against said change may be filed with theCity Clerk of the City of Ox'ford, Mississippi at any time prior to said meeting.(S SAL )lsi C, P. FulmerCLERK <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI************~***********The following ordinance was introduced by Alderman Elliott, seconded byAlderman Flliott, and having been first reduced to writing and discussedsecticn by section and put to a roll call vote was passed by a unanimous vote ofall aldermen present.AN, ORDINANCE A PIROVING AND MAKING FINAL A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT'I!w.-:RE-To FORE }ADE BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMW.N <strong>OF</strong> TH E <strong>CITY</strong><strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISS IPPI, AND FIL ED l,JI TH TH E: CL ZRK <strong>OF</strong> SAIDl-':UNICIFALITY, AS PROVIDID IN HOUSE BILL NO. 76 <strong>OF</strong> TH E RffiULAR1950 SF':.SSICN <strong>OF</strong> THF LEGISLATURE <strong>OF</strong> THE STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPI,AGAINST CERTAIN PROPERTY ON VIVIAN STREtl' ,E:AGL.2: SPRINGS ROADAND CULLEN ROAD, IN WOODLAND HILLS SUBDIVISION TO TH E <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPfI, AND VIRGINIA STREET IN HALEY SUBDIVISIONPART II, ALL IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONG THE ENTIRELENGTH O' SAID STREETS, AND THE OWN~S THF..RE<strong>OF</strong>, RE~UIRING THE} TORE.PAY THE ASSESSIv:ENT MADE AGAINST THEIR PROPERTY AND Lb'"'VYING S»1".c;,THEREAS, The Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi have duly passed a resolution declaring necessary thespecial improvements on Vivian Street, Fagle Springs Road andCullen Road, in Woodland Hills Subdivision to the City of Oxford,MiSSissippi, and Virginia Street in Haley Subdivision, Part II,all in the City of Oxford, Mississippi, along the entire length( of said streets, and said resolution being in strict compliance withthe law; andWHEREAS, no objection having been made to said srecial improverrent,the Mayor and Board of Aldermen cf 'fhe Oi" of Oxford,Mississippi have duly passed a resolution deterrr,ining to proceedwith the said imrrovement, and directing how the cost and expenseof the imFfovement was to be assessed and paid; and,

(5·1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>'---.-~~--L-----JWHFREAS, the City fngineFr has com}:uted and furnished, in therr:anner provided by law, the amount to be assessed against eachpiece nf property abutting on said street in accordance with thecost atid expense thrreof and has r)ported said cost and expenseto the Mayor and Board of Aldemen of The City of Oxford, Mississippi;and,WP r:Rr'AS, the assessrrent has been filed with the City Clerk ofThe City of Oxford, Mississippi as provided in House Bill <strong>No</strong>. 76of the Regular 1950 Session of The Legislature of The State oflviississippi; and,WPEREAS, noticp of assessment against said property owners hasbeen duly passed; and,W}l4'REAS, all notices required b law having been given, each andstep taken as provided by House Bill <strong>No</strong>. 76 of the Regular1950 Session of the Legislature of The State of Mississippi, andsaid improvement having been completed; now, therefore,Be and it is hereb ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford, Mississirpi:Section 1. That, proceeding riS rcqll':'red by law, thecost and Fxpens e of said special improvement '( s) on Vivian Stre et1t~gle Springs Road and Cullef1 Road, in Woodland Hills Subdivisionand Virginia Strer-t in Haley Subdivision, Part II as herein aboveset forth, be and the sane is hereb.i finally approved and speciallyassessed upon the lots and parcels of grounds abutting thereon as shownby the assessment on file with the 8i ty Clerk in a book markedItAssessment book for Local Improvements!t, and the owners thereofare hereqy required to pay their respective protions of thecost and expense of the said improvenent, and a lien to securethe payment thereof is hereby declared against said property,said special assessrrent being hereby levied.SFction 2. That this ordinance shall take effect andbe in force as provided Qy law.Spproved this thj 2nd day of October, 1956.~ Richard W. FlliottHAYORj!(S}'~AL)Attest:ill C. P, FulmerCity ClerkThen came on for consideration a request from John R. Jenkins to drive at axiin the City of Oxford, and after considering Ent. Jenkins' request, AldermanLovelady made a rrotion that Mr. Jenkins' request be approved, and he begranted a permit to drive a taxi in the City of Oxford. This motion wasseconded by Alderman Elliott and all alderrren present voted Yea.1-~r. D. G • Neilson, Jr. arpeared before the Mayor and Board of Aldemen inregard to observing Fire Prevention Week and after a discussion, AldermanB. O. Flliott made a IT'otion that the City of Oxford take part in the programby having some circulars printed and distributed pointing out hazards andplacing posters in the business section; all this according to Hr. Neilson'srecommendation. This rr;otion was seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passedunanimously.\

-fIS"IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. OCTOB £R 2, 1956Then came on to be considered the placing of a street light on South 16th Streetnear Mrs. Ada McLarty's home and after a discussion, Alderman Lovelady madea reotion that a stre~t light be placed on South 16th Street t~o blocks<strong>No</strong>rth of University Avenue. This motion ~as seconded by Alderman Crouch,passed unanimously and it is so ordered.**** •••••• **.**.*Then came on to be considered the Annual Accounting Association to be held inNashville on the 11th and 12th of October, and after a discussion, AldermanElliott made a motion that the City of Oxford send Mr. Womack to the associationand pay all expenses of trip. This motion ~as seconded by Alderman Sisk, passedunanimously and it is so ordered.*************.***Then came on to be considered the buying of t~o transformers and Mr. Johnson advisedthe Mayor and Board that he could buy said transformers at P & W ~lectric CompanyinYorkville, Tennessee. After a discussion, motion ~as made by Alderman Elliottthat Mr. Johnson be authorized to purchase 1 15KVA Transformer and 1 30 KVA transformerfor the sum of $900.00. This motion ~as seconded by Alderman Lovelady, passed unanimouslyand it is so ordered.******.*******~**(Then came on for consideration the ne(d for a street light on <strong>No</strong>rth 11th Streetand after a discussion, Alderman Hickman made a motion that a street light beplaced on said street near Mrs. IKe Robert's residence. This motion ~as secondedby Alderman Lovelady, passed unaniI ously and it is so ordered.******** •• **.****Then came on to be considered an increase in Mr. Gill Johnson's salary andafter a discussion of the matter, Alderman Lovelady made a motion that Mr.Johnsnn's salary be raised to $400.00 per month, effective on Octob~r 1st.This motion ~as seconded b,y Alderman Flliott, passed unanimously and it is soordered.Mr. James Roberts appeared before tho Mayor and Board and requested a donationfor the Boys Scruts and after considering the matter, Ald erman Lovelady ma de amotion that the donation policy ~e waived and the City contribute $100.00 to theBoys Scouts of America. He further moved that the City m£5.a be authorized toissue a check for $50.00 and the 1iJ.ectric Department be authorized to issuea check for $50.00. This motion ~as seconded by Alderman Crouch and all aldermenpresent voted yea.** ** **** ** ** *>.1Pursuant to an advertiserrent in The Oxford F,agle for bids on electrical suppliesfor a period rf six months to be opened at the Regular Meeting of the Mayor andBoard of Aldermen on October 2, 1956, bids ~ere received from the follo~ingcompanies:Ottis F1ectric Supply CompanyLine Material CompahyTennessee Valley Flectric Supply Co.Cabell Flectric CompanyStuart G. Irby CompanyGraybar ~lectric CompanyGeneral Flectric Supply CompanyWfstinghouse Rlectric Supply CompanyMemphis, TennesseeMil~aukef, WisconsinMemphis, Tennessee~ackson, MississippiJackson, MississippiMemphis, TennesseeMemphis, TennesseeMemphis, TennesseeIIL--------------------------------------------------____ ~.w~. -/

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>After considering the bids from the foregoing companies, motion was made andseconded and passed unanir ously and it was ordered that all bids be turned overto Mr. Johnson for tabulation and he be requested to make a report to the Mayorand Board of Aldermen at the next meeting.Pursuant to an advertisenent in The Oxford F agle for bids on a floor polisher tobe opened at the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of A Id ermen on October2, 1956, bids were receivsd from the following:F..d frwinCentral Chemical CompanyThe Color MartMemphis, Tennessee},emphis, TennesseeTupelo, MississippiAfter considering the bids from the foregoing, motion was made by Aldermanflliott that the bid from Yd "rwin be accepted it being the best and lowest bid.This motion was seconded by Alderman Lovelady, passed unanirrously and it is soordered.Then carr:e on again for consideration a request from Mr. l-'iorris and tl;r. Barrettthat the City deed them that part of A dams Street lying between said Mr. Forrisand Fr. Barrett's pro:r:;erty. After consider-ing the IEatter, Alderman Hickmann:ade a motion that the City deed the South half ()f tr:at part of Adams Street toMr. V:orris and the <strong>No</strong>rth half of that rart of Adams Street to Vcr. Barrett,:r:;rovided they assume the front foot assessrrent in full. He further moved thatUe Mayor and th() City Clerk be authorized to sign the deed for the City to saidproperty. This motion was s ,='conded by Alderrran flliott and all aldermen presentvoted Yfa.On :tl oti on duly made and s 8C anded and rass ed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board.:do now recess until Thursday, October 4, 1956 at 7 :00 0' clock P. M.. ,I

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>57IJJIMK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZRECESS, REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. OCTOBER 4, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on Octob~r 2, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmey on October 4, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of Aldennens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. Flliott, MayorB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderrr.an Ward OneH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hiclpnan, Alderman Ward Four*********** *J. W. Price, AttorneyGill W. Johnson, Superintendent Light and Water DepartmentF. P. Lowe, EngineerC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was ha dto-wit:lCame on for consideration the bids on electrical suprlies received at the October 2, 1956meeting and turned over to lv.r. Johnson for tabulation and a report to be given at thismeeting. Mr. Johnson reco~~ended that the bid from Westinghouse for electrical suprliesbe accepted and after a discussion motion was made and seconded nnd passed unanimouslythat the bid frOlY. Wl!!stinghouse Electrical Supply Company be accepted it being the bestand lowest bid.*****~*************Then c~-e on to be considered the running of an electric line to the so calledBurney Branch area and after a discussion, Alderman illiott made a motion thatMr. Johnson be authorized to build an electric line in said area as he sees fit.This rr.otion was seconded by Alderman Will A. Hi,kman, rassed unanimously and it is soordered.Then came on to be considered the matter of finishing special improvements onVivian Street and after a discussion, Alderman Elliott made a motion that Mr.Lowe be authorized to have published in The Oxford Lagle an invitation for bids tocomplete speCial street improverrents on said Vivian Street. This motion wasseconded by Alderman Sisk, and all aldermen present voted Yea.'l'heMayor and _Board':'ofAlaeI'lli.en~-theni:took up the matter of offeringfor sale the Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) Special Street ImporvementBonds of the City of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi to be issuedfor the purpose of paying for the special improverr,ents on that portion ofVivian Street lying in Ho-Ka Hills Subdivision of the City of oxford, Mississippi,as authorized by Chapter 495 of the Laws of Mississippi, 1950, andamendments thereto, whereupon the following resolution was presented:A RESOLUTION TO DIRECT THi!:: SATJE <strong>OF</strong> TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,000.00)SPECIAL STR TT IMPROV'¥1+NT BONDS <strong>OF</strong> TH E <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> , MISSISSIPPI.BF. IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDFRMEN <strong>OF</strong> TH€ <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,,IMISSISSIPPI, AS FOLLOWS:I~---~-----~~--------------------------------------------............... -----

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>S :ICTION 1. That whereas the City ligineer has reported to the Mayor andBoard of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi that the improvementsheretofore, on January 23rd, 1956, ordered by this Board to be made on thatportion of Vivian Street lying in Ho-Ka Hills Subdivision of the City of Oxford,lV1ississippi are estirr:.ated by him to cost the sum of $20,000.00, of which amountthe Gity shall pay the sum of $8,000.00 and the property ownors on said streetshall pay thp surr.. of t12,000.00 on the basis rTovided for in said resolutiondetermining to proceed; <strong>No</strong>w therefore this governing body after hearing andconsidering said report doth find and determine and ascertain that the estimated.Icost of said special improverrents are as above set forth in the total arnount ofTwenty Thousand Dollars.SECTION 2.That the Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) Special StreetImprovement Bonds of the City of Oxford, Mississippt, to be issued for thepurpose of paying the cost of the special improverrents heretofore directed tobe Trade on that portion of Vivian Street lying in Ho-Ka Hills Subdivision of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, as s et forth in Section 1 of this resolution, shallbe offerEd for sale on sealed bids in the meeting room of this governing bodyat 7:30 o'clock Fe lI., on Tuesday the 23rd day of October, 1956.Sr~CTION 3. That, as required by Chapter 325, Laws of Mississippi, 1946,the City Clerk shall be and he is here~authorized and directed to givenotice of the sale of said bonds by publication at least two (2) times in theOxford Eagle, a newspaper published in the City of Oxford, Mississippi; thefirst publication to be made at least ten (10) days preceding the date setfor said reception of bids, and such notice to be in substantially the followingform:NOTICF <strong>OF</strong> SAL ;,; <strong>OF</strong>$20,000.00SPE~CIAL STREET IMPROV:':MFNT BOI'1'DSC'F TF~~ <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, LAFAn~TTFCOUNTY, MISSISSIPFI.<strong>No</strong>tice is hereby given under the provi~ions of Chapter 325, Laws ofMississippi, 1946, that the Mayor and oard of Aldermen of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, will sellon sealed bids at 7:30 o'clock P. M., onTuesday the 23rd day of October, 1955, in the chambers of said governingbody in the city hall of said city, the Special Street Improverr'ent Bondsof the City of axford, Mississippi, in the principal amount of Twenty ThousandDollars ($20,000.00).All of the provisions of the Act of the Legislature shall be observed;By order of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississi pi, this the 4th day of Oxtober, 1956.\

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>59S2'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZSECTION 3.That the City Clerk shall obtain from the publisher of theaforesaid newspaper the customary publisher's affidavit proving pUblicationof said notice for the time and in the manner required by law.SECTION 4. That at the time of the sale of said bonds, or at some appropriatetime thereafter, this Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall take such further actionas may be necessary to provide for the preparation, execution, issuance anddelivery of said bonds.SECTION 5.That the City Attorney be paid a fer of 1% of the amount ofsaid bonds for his services in connection with the issuance of said bonds.The above and foregoing resolution on having been introduced at this arecess regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, held on the 4th day of October, 1956, in writing, was read, consideredand discussed, paragraph by paragraph, section by section, and then as a whole,and on motion of Alderrrlan Elliott, seconded by Alderman Sisk, the said resolutionwas duly and regularly adopted qy the affirmative vote of all aldermen present.Approved:lsI Richard W. ElliottMayorAttest:lsi C. P. FulmerCity Clerk** *************~ Then came on to bp. considered the matter of funds to complete Vivian Street andafter a discussion, Alderman Elliott made a motion that the Mayor and Clerk beauthorized to negotiate a temporary loan for said purpose. This motion wasseconded by Alderman Sisk, passed unanimously and it is so ordered.Then came on for consideration the matter of changing the policy of street improvementin regard to the amount that the property owner shall pay and the amount the CityShall pay, and after carefully considering the matter, Alderman ~lliott made a motionthat all new streets opened in the future be paid for in the following manner:Pr~perty Owner shall pay '8,11 the cost of the curb and gutter and sidewalks and twothirdsof all other cost, lncluding water and sanitary sewer and storm sewer. Thismotion was seconded by Alderman Sisk, passed unani ously and it is so ordered.***************Then came on to be considered an increase in C. P. Fulmer's salary and aftera diSCUssion, Alderman Sisk made a motion that C. P. Fulmer's salary be incre,asedto $350.00 a month, effective on October 1, 1956. This motion was seconded byAlderman Elliott, passed unanimously and it is so ordered.II \I 'Ii ~ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~._, __ ~r~

60<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>---------------------------- ---------------- -- ---- ------------------- ------------- ------------- --------_.---The Mayor and Board of Ald ermen, pursuant to an order made at a recess RegularMeeting of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen held on September 21, 1956at the City Hall in Oxford, Mississi pi, and in accordance with a notice publishedin The Oxford ~gle, a weekly newspaper issued in Oxford, Mississippi, did meet onthis date October 4, 1956, at the tin'e and place so stipulated heard objectionsto real and personal rolls of said 'jity of Oxford, Mississippi and the assessmentstherein contained, and, in _ all respects, conforrGed to the requirenents of lawconcerning sucb me etings :i)After no objections were had to the assesSFoents rolls of the City of Oxford,and the assessrrents therein contained and the grandtotal of the personal rollshowing $1,654,457, and the grand total of the land roll $4,2l2.955,and the tot~_numbpr of exempt homes at 697 with a total assessEd value of $1,960,491-not exceeding for my one home; th8 amount fixed by the Home Lxemption Act of 1938and the total assessed value of all oth r real property, it is hereby ordered andadjudged by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, MisSissippithat said rolls and the assessments therein contained, be and they are herebyapproved as determined.The assessment rolls having bRen approved and upon motion made by Alderman Sisk,seconded by Alderman -ELliott and passed unanin'ously, it was ordered by the Mayorand Board of Aldermen that the following tax rates be and the sane are hereby imposedand levied for the year 1956 on all taxable property within the municipality ofOxford, Lafayette ~ounty, Mississippi, as of the first day of January 1956, as follows:EURPOSi", <strong>OF</strong> FUNDSCorp,oration Fund:General current expenses of the municipality of OxfordLafayette County, Kississippi, as a whole, this fund beingknown as the Corporation Fund.RAT::~IN MILLS5 MillsStreet Fund:Street Maintemnce and SanitationBond Fund:General Bond FlmdSeparate School District Bond and Interest FundSpecial Street Improvement Bond and Interest Fund1953 Special Street Improvement Bond and Interest1954 Special Street Improvement Bond and Interest1955 Special Street Improverr:ent Bond and InterestTot al Bond FundSchool Fund:2 Mills2t Eills2 Millst Mill1 Mill1 MillLMills9 Mills9 MillsMinimum School Program Fund (Sec. 6518-02, Code of 1942) 5 MillsDistrict School Maintenance Fund (Sec. 6518-06, Code of 1942) 10 MillsGRAND TOTAL15 Mills33 MillsOn motion made by Alderman Flliott, seconded by Alderman Sisk and passed unaninously,it was ordered that the budget of Receipts and Disbursements for the fiscal yearOctober 1, 1956 to September 30, 1957 be finally approved and adopted in detail asfollows:<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPIWC 2:IPTS.!\d val. orem Taxe sPrivilege LicenseTax PenaltiesSundry ReceiptsParking Meter CollectlonsParking Metpr FinesRents ReceivedInt. on Investment at Light PlantTax i'quivalent on Light PlantDue fr0Tl' l"oan to School Fund$29595.006800.00150.00200.008000.00875.0012720.003363.4816000.008000.0r:( "',I- ./

I~--.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>61(" S":l34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ\.CORPORATION FUND CONTINB1'DTOTAL $85703.48-r e-.I. .~ Ii. 10/1/56 6316.22-TOTAL RiC3IPTS $92020.13DISBURSE} "F'NTSSalary hayorand Board $3900.00Salary Clerk and Tax Collector 4200.00Salary lYlarshal 3150.00Salary Night Marshal 2898.00Salary Cit;, Attorney 1200.00Salary DeIuty Clerk 2520.00Salary Engineer 4455.00Salary F~ra Day Police 2520.00Salary Extra Night Police 2400.00Salary Extra Police 2400.00Cenetery Upkeep 6000.00Legal Printing 500.00Fuel for City Hall 750.00Telerhone City Hall 400.00Postage 250.00Janitor City Hall 1305.00Janitors Supplies 500.00Legal Expense 1000.00Insurance 4220.00Upkeep Fire Truck 500.00Audit 700.00Banquet for Firemen 150.00Fire Department 10000.00Lafayette County Health Unit 1950.00Advertising 3000.00Checking Parking Meter Tickets 300.00::.lection Lxpense 400.00Lights for City Hall 410.00Stationery and Office SuppliesI1500.00"- Buie Museum 2600.00Librarian 390.00Repair to Rental Property 4300.00Airport 1000.00l

62<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>i----- -------------------------.- ---------------.--.-.------- --.-!l--. ___..._-.. -____. --.--- -- ---------------- -. ---. ----------.-- ------ --.-~~-_.--~~~ ..-__ -_.. ~-~~_=--- ~~==.=_~~ :_-=:.'~ --~===.~_~_-_=~~ ~--~=._~_=~= ___ ==~ ___ ~.~~ __ ~.:~-::: _~ ''1=STR:;ET FUND CCNTTI:W:.DjDI SBURS]}"Et-.'TSPolice Officers Su:nliesCare of PrisonersCost in 1i.ppeal::asf sTelerhoneSundryPolice Station .wxpenseFolice Car RepairsPolice 'jar Gas and Oil$600.00375.00100.00200.00100.00250.00900.001100.00Sanitation DerartILentSalary For;';;;en ----Laborr.,quipment and RepairsGas and OilVisco SuprliesTiresN e'W F quipment2772.0030000.004000.002500.001100.00500.002000.00!:;aintenance DepartmentSalary ForemenLabor.Gquiprr ent and RepairsGas and OilYaterial and SuppliesTiresN £1,1 0quipment2772.0011000.001000.00700.008000.00500.002000.00,gtherSundryShop ~uipmfntIncidental ConstructionSurveyingCurrent for Street LightingStreet tighting Sup:r;liE"sSocial S(,cu~:'ity TaxSalary - PurchasingTOTAL200.00600.003500.00500.004100.001000.002200.002205.00$86774.00jJEstimated Cash Balance 10/1/1957TOTAL_19250&$106024.42BcC!!;IPTSWater and SEwer Colle.ctiorsIt-Jater TapsS.:;wer TapsGas IpspectionsTOTALCash Balance 10/1/195612IS~URS H>:NTS1.inerMaintenanc~De12!:!rtmentSalary Supt. Pro RataSalaries CrewSuppliesMeter and SuprliesMiscellaneous SurpliesWag8s and LaborOffice SuprliesPumping Faint. and RepairSewer DeFartmentSewer SupplirsMisc. SuprliesWages and LaborGas - Oil and hepair Service TruckOtherSundT'!Power for Pumping Water$1<strong>17</strong>400.00-1000;.00600.00150.00$661.5010000.0013000.004000.C':0500.006000.00125.00500.001000.001000.001800.00200.00100.003700.00$119150.0010J73.91$129523.91\-~

~\<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>63 IWISI'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZl.WATER FUND CONTINUWDBilling ExpenseTruck RentalAmortizationSocial Secutiry Tax·Transfer to Street FundTra~sfer to Water Revenue Bond & Int. FundTransfer to Water System Depreciation FundTransfer to Water System Contingent Fund$1000.00500.00120.00700.0041000.0027325.001800.001200.00TOTAL$116231.50Fstimated Cash Balance / 0 - I - ~'7~~$129523.91BOND FUNDRECEIPTSR.ECEIPTSCash Balance 10/1/1956Adva10rem Tax 2 MillsSpecial Improvement Collections$2623.6211838.002905.0012ISBURS !J;IENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesW.stiIDated Cash Balance 10/1/1957$<strong>17</strong>366.62$11100.003003.7530.00----El2.87$<strong>17</strong>366.62sn'ARATE SCHOOL DISTRIG.T BOND AND INTEREST FUND(RECEIPTSCash Blance 10/1/56Advalorem Tax2t Mills$L}541.791,4797.00DISBURS WTi:NTSPrincipal NaturitiesInterestColI ection Charges~stimated Cash Balance 10/1/1957$19338.79$7000.008506.2540.003792.79$19338.79~LCIAL S.TRE'EE IMPROVi!}ENT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDRECEIPTSCash Balance 10/~/1956Advalorem Tax 2 MillsSPECIAL Improvement Collections$10571.4211838.00_10387.21DISBURS "&'FNTSPrincipal }iaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesEstimated Cash Balance 10/1/1957$32796.63$21000.003412.5040.008344.13$32796.63125.1.-SP:S'CIAL STREETltEROVi

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>' ___ - ~~ .------.. ~.-. _.-- _...l.2.54 SPr,cI~TRF' 1'T WPROV IFf NT BOND AND INTFRH.::8T FUNDR tiC 2:IPTSC;sh Balance 10/1/1956Advalorerr Tax 1 MillS:recial Improverr·ent Collections$6640.185919.002663.00DISBTJRStWNTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesEstimated Cash Balance10/1/1957$5500.00797.5030.008894.68$15222.18$15222.18R"~C~';IPTSCash Balance 10/1/1956Adval oren: Tax 1 MillSpecial Improvement CollectionsDI SBURS '2MT' NTSPrincipal Nat~ritiesInterestCollection ChargeLstirr:ated Cash Balance 10/1/1957$1919.555919.002834.00$10672.55$7000.001286.2530.00~:l2J.,.l!L$10672.55OP2RATING BUDGF'TCity of Oxford, Flectric DepartmentOctober 1, 1956 to Se:rterrber 30, 1957QP iiRATING2:2V:-~NU~~:R(s. SalesS. L. & P. SalesL. L. & P. SalesSt. Ltg. SalesOther Revenue$88,610.0057,570.0023,380.004,050.00---2.,600.00TOTAL OP i:RA TING R 'WENUE$<strong>17</strong>6,210.00RE\lT~NUED:1)UCTIONS.lPurchases Power (TVA)Distribution Lxrense - OperationDistributinn2:kpense -MaintenanceDi,·tribution ~xernse - MiscellanecusConsumer's Accounting and CollectingSLectrical DevelopmentAdministrative and General LxpenseTOTALDepreciationTaxes or ~quivalents$67,000.0012,000.002,500.00360.007,500.003,000.0011,500.00$103, ~60.0614,000.0016,000.00TOTAL RI';V.i]i1U"; m;DtTCTIONSOP rnA TING INCaiT~$42,350.00INGCMS D':DUCTIONS:InterestEiscel1aneous Incorre Deductions$4,980.0050.00TOTAL INC{}O; DillUCTIONSN:;~T EARNINGS FOR Y:-:ATi~.1Q~t37,320.00'1~)

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>65~\: (~I!IJ234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ,R~VSS, REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M.OCTOB Nt 4, 1956SCHOOL FUNDBUD GET 1956 - 1957(Salary, City SuperintendentSalary, Supt. SecteryOffice 1.ilx:penseTravel ..:.xpensePetty Cash, FlementaryPetty Cash, Training SchoolUniversity High School, TuitionElementary SalariesTraining School SalariesInstructional SUPIliesInsuranceOperation of PlantsJanitorial SuppliesMaintenanceSick LeaveRentSocial Security & Retirement$6,000.002,600.00400.00500.00900.00400.0039.000.00$49,800.00$64,107.7452,045.002,500.003,100.0010,450.002,100.001,100,99900.00588.005.811,26l '--TOTAL BUDG z:r$193,502.00**************On motion made, seconded and passed unanimously, the Mayor and Clerk of the City of_~Oxford, Mississippi are authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi the following deeds:STATF: <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPICOUUTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAY2TTEQ.lllIQL.AlM Q].£:l1FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of Thirty & 08/100 Dollars ($30.08) cashin hand paid, and oth9r good and valuable consideration, the receiptof all of which is hereqy acknowledged, and deemed to be sufficient bythe grantor herein, the City of Oxford, Mississippi, does hereby sell,convey, release and quitclaim unto Russell H. Barrett and his wife, AlaITadaB. Barrett, in joint tenancy with the right of survivorship, all of itsI -- -right, ,title and i~terest iq and. to th~ fol19wingdesPfibed prQperty,-.,,--, r" :"'"' '." " ,-." .situated:inthi:l City of Oxfor-d, L~fayette·C;U1ltY,Mississippi,:to-wit:I'------------ -----.-----------------------~---------------------------

(li6<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>The <strong>No</strong>rth One-Half of an unopened Avenue (Adan:s Avenue)described as follows:Beginning at the Southwest corner of City Lot <strong>No</strong>. 104 asshown on the official rr,ap of the ::;i ty of Oxford, Mississippi,in use since June 6, 1939, which point is the intersection ofthe ~st line of <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street and the <strong>No</strong>rth line of AdamsAvenue (unopened), and running thence South 79 degrees 14rr:inutes least 1l1ong the N ortt line of Adanls Avenue (unopenef.)for a distance of 115 feet; thence run O)outh 10 degrees 2l,.minutes West to the Center Line of Adams Avenue (unopened);thence run Ncrth 79 degrees 14 minutes West along the CenterLine of the above mentioned Avenue to the East line of <strong>No</strong>rth9th Street; thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 10 degrees 24 minutes ~ast alongthe East line of <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street to the point of beginning,and being situated in Section 21, Township 8 South, Range 3 West.As a further consideration, the grantees herein hereby assume, agreeand obligate themselves to pay the Fifty Sox & 15/100 Dollars ($56.15)principal balance, together with interest, of the special assessTi ent whichhas been levied against said I=Toperty for improvements made on <strong>No</strong>rth 9thStreet, with said payments, including principal and interest, to be paidannually and ovrr the remaining seven year period.This conveyance is made subject to, and the City of Oxford, ~1ississippi,reserves a perpetual easereent for its officers, agents, and employees togo on, under, over and across the above described property, to locate andlay water mains, sewers, gas main:: and lines and other surface or undergroundutilities, to locate and erect, service and maintain electric linesand connections on, under, over and across the acove described rroperty,and do all necessary acts and things in and ahout establishing, servicing,maintaining and operating said utility lines thereon.This quitclair:: deed is executed rursuant to that certain rFsolutionunanirrously adoptfd by the Board of Aldennen of the City of Oxford, LafayetteCounty, Mississipri, at its August 7, 1956, meeting, and said resolution isrecorded in }1inute Book on Page of the F inut es "f the Mayor andBoard of Aldernen of thf City of Oxford, ¥ississippi, and being on file in theLayor's Office in Oxford, Lafayette County, }ississippi.WITNESS our signatures this -12-- day of Octob"r, 1956.TW~<strong>CITY</strong> C'F <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPIBy -L~Richard W. FlliottMayorlsi c. P. Fulrr erCity Clerk

~~~~------~~~~--~~~~~==----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>67S'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZST AT '2 <strong>OF</strong> }/ ISS ISSIPPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYITTrThis day personally appeared before me, the undersigned officialin and for the state and county aforesaid, the within named R. W.PLLIOTT,Mayor "f the City of Oxford, Mississipri, and C. P.FULMER, Clerk of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, who each acknowledgc-d that they signed anddelivered in the capacities therein stated for and on behalf of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, the above and foregoing quitclaim deed on theday and year therein mentioned.GIVCN under my hand and official seal this October 19, 1956.Lsi Mrs. <strong>No</strong>na last WoodwardNOTARY PUBLICMy cOIJ1lIlission expires. August 16, 1960STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPI(COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYFT'IFFOR fu~DQ,1LII£1AIM 12~]12IN CONSIDERATION of Thirty & 08/100 Dollars ($30.08) cashin hand paid, and other good and valuable consideation, the receiptof all of which is hereby acknowledged, and deemed to be sufficient bythe grantor herein, the City of Oxford, Mississirpi, does hereby sell,convey, release and quitclaim unto J. H. MORP.IS all of its right, titleand interest in and to the following described property situated in theCity of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi, to-wit:The South One-Half of an unopened Avenue (Adams Avenue)described as follows:Beginning at the <strong>No</strong>rthwest corner of City Lot <strong>No</strong>. 105 as shownon the official map of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, in usesince June 6, 1939, which point is the intersection of the fastline of <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street and the South line of Adams Avenue(unopened), and running thence South 79 degrees 14 minutes l~stalong the South line of Adams Avenue (unopened) for a distanceof 95 feet; thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 10 degrees 24 minutes Last to theCenter Line of AdarLs Avenue (unopened); thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 79degrees 14 minutes West along the Center Line of Adan,s Avenueto thel.::ast line of <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street; thence run South 10degrees 24 minutes West along the Fast line of <strong>No</strong>rth 9thStreet to the point c f beginning and being situated in 3CCt: .. UD21, Township 8 South, Range 3 West.As a furtber consideration, the grantee herein hereby assumes, agreesand obligates himself to pay the Fifty Six & 15/100 Dollard ($66.15) principalbalance, together with interest, of the special assessment which has been\ .'levied against said property for iTl1provements made on <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street,with said payments, including principal and interest, to be paid annuallyand over the renaining seven year period.

l<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>This conveyance is Trade subject to, and the City of Oxford, 1I:ississippi,reserves a perpetual casc;onJer,t for its officers, ag:cnts, and 8Iirloye8s togo on, under, OV":T and acrOS3 the a1)ove describ-::d property, to locate andlay water rrains, sewers, gas nains and lint- sand othc.;r surfact or undergrcul1dutilities, to locat8 and erect, service and maintain "lectric linesand corm8ctions on, under, over and across the above described property,and to do all necessary acts and things in and about establishing, servicing,maintaining and operating said utility lin8s thereon.This qui tdain: deed is executed rursuar,t to that certain rr solutionunanimously ado}t"d b:>the Board of Aldernen of the City of Oxford, LafayetteCcunty, Mississippi, at its August 7, 1956, Meeting, and said rEsolution isrt::corded in Jv:inute Bookon Page ____ of thf: Finutes of the Mayorand Board of Aldern:en of the City of Oxford, Mississiy:pi, and being on file in theNayor's Office in Oxford, Lafayette County, Vississippi.lHTrLSS our signatures this ---12 day of October, 1956.TR"~<strong>CITY</strong> ()F <strong>OXFORD</strong>, NISSISSIPPIBy~ Richard W. "flliott}layor~c. P. FulmerCity ClerkSTAT E <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIFPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAY':;TTEThis day pasonally appeared before rre, the undersigned officialin and for the state and county aforesaid, the within named R. 'We~.:LLIOTT,Xayor of the City of Oxford, Nississippi, and S. P. FULMhR, Clerk of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, who each adnowledgcd that they signed anddelivered in the capacities therein stated for and on behalf of the Cityof Oxford, Nississippi, the above and foregoing quit~laimdeed on theday and year therein mentioned.GIVt~N under my hand and official seal this October 19, 1956.~ Hrs. Nnna .2ast WoodwardFy conmission expires Aug. 16, 1960.On motion duly TLade and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered thatthis Board do now recess until 7:30 o'clock P. E., Tuesday, October 23, 1956.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>!2'234K-TOM L.. KETCHINGS co"NATCHEZ7:30 P. M. OCTCB ~iR 23, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on October 4, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmet on October 23, 1956, in thE Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Flliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. crcuch, Alderman Ward OneH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeJ. W. Price, AttorneyI~~ • P. Lowe, YngineerG. W. Johnson, Superintendent Light and Water DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, G.lerkAfter the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was hadto-wit:\ IThe Mayor and Board entered into a discussion of the present need of cash on hand forcurrent expenditures of the City government. It was brought out that certain revenuesand taxes would be available within the near future to take care of the City's currentexpenditures; however, it was decided that the sum of $15,000.00 would be necessary inorder for the City to meet immediately its current obligations and that a loan for .suchamount should be negotiated. On motion of Alderman Elliott, seconded by Alderman ~iskit was moved that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to negotiate a loan in themaximum amount of $15,000.00 for the City and that thpy be authorized further to executethe necessary promissory not,s or any other paper to secure the said indebtedness.This motion was carried unanimously ••.~*.~********.*.*****Then came on to b8 considered the payment of $120.00 to Winford McLarty and Luke Peguesfor darrages to cotton by laying the City sewer line, and after a discussion, AlderrranCrouch made a motion that damage in the above amount be paid Mr. McLarty and Luke Pegues.This motion was seconded by Alderman Flliott, passed unan!riously and it is so ordered.Then came up for discussion the damage to Derby Boston's cotton b,y laying the City sewerline and after a consideration of the matter, Alderman Elliott made a motion that theCity of Oxford pay said Derby Boston the sum of $82.50 for damage to cotton. Thismotion was sec'Jnded by Alderman Sisk, passed unanimously and the Clerk is herebyauthorized to issue a check in the above amount to ~erby Boston.Then came on for discussion the damage to Yr. C. ~ Mooney's cr9P amd tn,e agreementbetween said Mr. Mooney and Mr. Lowe, the Vngineer, and after considering the matter,Alderrran ::J.liott made a motion that t'r. Mooney be paid $280.00 for damages and rightof-way,as per agreement. Th~ motion was seconded by Alderman Crouch, passed unanimouslyand the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a check in the above amount to p~. Mooney.L

~-------- ---- ----_.--_._--r-----... -.- ---.----------­I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--;;:,;-----,-- ------- - 1-----;The Mayor and Board of Aldermen took ur again for corsideration then,atter of the sale of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) Special Streetlreproverrent Bonds of the City of Oxford, ttiississippi, pursuant to aresolutionadopted by said Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the ~ityof Oxford on the4th day cf October, 1956.The City::::lork reported that, pursuant to the aforesaid resolution, hedid cause to be published in the Oxford L.agle, a newsPaper published in theCity of Oxford, Lafayette 8ounty, Mississipri, a notic8 that sealed proposalswould bf received by the Nayor and Board of Aldermen at the City Hall in saidCity until the hour of 7:30 ?V., on Tuesday, the 23rd day of October, 1956, andthat said nC'tice was jrublishfd in said newspaper on Octob"'r 11th; and 18th, 1956;and the City Clerk presented to the t-Cayor and Board of Alderrnen proof of pUblicationof said notice in the aforesaid newspaper.At the hour C'f 7:30 F. M., on Tuesday, the 2Jrd day of October, 1956, theCity Clerk reported to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen that, rursuant tothe aforesaid notice of sale of Special Street lrnrroverrent Bonds, there hadbeen filed with him, at or prior to th,,::, hour of 7:30 F. }:., on Tuesday, the23rd day of October, 1956, One (1) sealed proposal for the pu}'lehase of TwentyThousand Dollars ($20,000.00) Special Street Improvement Ponds of the City ofOxford, Lafayette County, Hississiq::i, and the Clerk then and there Fresented saidsealed proFosal to th" Mayor and Board of Aldermen.Thereupon it was ordered by the Vayor that the City Clerk proceed toopen the said scaled proposal and to read the san .. ~aloud in thF rresence andhearing of the Nayor and Board of Aldermen and of the bidders and otherpersons assrnbled. The City Clerk thereupon proceeded to open and read theaforesaid bid , whi ~his suncn:ariZfd as follows:Narre of BidderFor bonds BearingInterest at therates ofArr;ount of BidNet InterestCostM. A. Saunders andCompany1957 - 19611962 - 1966Fremium $11.003.421%Following the reading of th bids, the Nayor and Board of Alderrnenprocet?ded to consider there for the purpose of determining which was thebest and most advantageous bid submitted. Whereupon, Alderman B. O. Flliottoffer,d and moved theadoption of a resolution rejecting all bids and directingthat said bonds be sold at public auction.This motion was seconded by AlderrranH. S. Sisk and being put to a roll call vote and all alderrrJen present votedaye and it was so ordered.Following the rej ection of said bids the 1, ayor and Board of Aldernen thenstated to those assembled that they intended to sell such bonds at public auctionand the floor was open for bids on said bonds; Thereupon the following bid was

~~----~//I'II71I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>•~~ ,_________________U_2U_k __ TO_M_L_,_kE_TC_H_'N_GS_C_O._.N_A_TC_HE_Z __________________________________________________________________________ ~submitted by the Fist National Bank, Memphis, Tennesse~:Name of BidderFor bonds Ber~ingInterest at therate ofAmount of BidNet Interest CostThe First N'ationalBank, Merrphis, Tenn.3*% 1957-19633t 196~ - 1966$2.55Premium3.375There being no other or further bids, Alderman B. O. Elliott offered andmoved the adoption of the following resolution:RESOLUTICN DIRf':£TING SAL E AND AWARD <strong>OF</strong> TW.illTY THC'USAND DOILARS($20,000.00) SPECIAL STRFET IMRPOVTI! PNT BONDS 0F THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, LAFAYS':l:'I't o OUNT1 , MISSISSIPPI, DATJID [NeWNBill 1, 1956.WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of AlderrLen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,on the 4th day of October, 1956, did adopt a certain resolution directing thatTwenty 'lhousand Dollars ($20,000.00) Srecial Street Improvement Bonds of theCity of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi, be offered for sale on sealed bidsto be received at the City Hall at Oxford, MiSSissippi, until the hour of 7:30P. 1.,;:., the 23rd day of October, 1956; and.. J'WHLR~S,as directed by the aforesaid resolution and as required by Chapter325, Laws of Mississippi, 1946, the City Clerk of the City of Oxford did givenotice of the sale of said bonds by publication in the Oxford Lagle, a newspaperpublished in the City of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi; said noticehaving b.~enpublished in said newSpaper at least two times, and the first publicationhaving b0en made at least ten (10) days preceeding the 23rd day of October, 1956;all as shown by proof of [ublication of said notice filed in the office of the CityClerk; andWHliREAS, the }ayor and Board of Aldermen did meet at the office of the CityClerk in the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., on Tuesday, the 23rd day of October, 1956; andWHER1~S, .at said time and place One (1) s~aled proposal for the purchase o~said special street improvements bonds was received, examined and considered bythe Mayor and Board of Aldermen; andvJHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen did find and deterrnine that it wasnot to the best interest of the City of Oxford, Mississippi to accept said bidand did adopt a resolution rejecting all bids and directing the sale of saidbonds at public auction irrmediately; and whereas when said bonds were so offeredfor sale a bid was rrade on behalf of The First National Bank, }emphis, Tennessee; andWHERF~S, the ~ayor and Board of Aldermen find and deter.mine that the highestand best bid made for said bonds was made by The First National Bank, Memphis,Tennessee and further find that said offer was accompanied b,)a check payable tothe City of Oxford, Mississippi, in the amount of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00),(as a guarantee that said bidder would carry out its contract and purchase thebonds if its bid be accepted.NOW TP !:'REFOR?:, BE IT Ri.'SOLVED BY THE' MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDffiFN <strong>OF</strong> THE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, AS FC'ILOWS:

L--------- - -- ---- --- --­~------------- - ----- --- -_ .. _-----<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>S~CTION 1. That the Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) Special Street1----Improverrent Bonds of the-::ity of Oxford, It.ississippi bearing date of <strong>No</strong>vembsr 1st1956 shall be and the sru[e hereby are awarded and sold to The First NationalBank, Memphis, Termessee in accordance with the offer submitted to the Eayorand Board of Aldermen, in words and figures as follows:BOND DFPARTII,:2NTTHE'FIRST NATIONAL BANKl

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>73e--(SI'2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZAs an evidence of our good faith, we hand you herewith our Check <strong>No</strong>. 321 for$400.00 to be held by you uncashed pending our cOmplianc~ with the terms andconditions of this bid, and to be forfeited by us as full liquidated darnage in caseof our failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreerr.ent.If forany reason this bid is not accepted, or if for any reason our attorneysd ecline to,approve the issue, said check ~s to be imrr.ediately returned to us.Respectrully submitted,THE FIRST NATICNAL BANK,Bylsi Bill F. SuttonBond DepartmentAccepted and agreed to by resolution duly passed by the Mayor and Board ofAldermen, Oxford, Mississippi this 23rd day cf October, 195t.lsi Richard W. ElliottPresident - Mayor.Attest:(SEAL)lsi C. P. FulmerClerkSECTION 2.That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorizedand directed to endorse upon the;;aforesaid offer a sui table notation to evidencethe acceptance thereof for and on behalf of the City of Oxford, Lafayette County,Mississippi.SECTION 3.That the good faith check filed by all unsuccessful bidders bereturned to they; upon their respective receipts therefor, and that the good faithcheck filed bthe successful bidder be retained by the Mayor and Board ofAldermen as a guarantee that th; bidder will carry out his contract and rurchasethe note or bonds pursuant to the aforesaid bid and contract. If said successful bidderfail to purchase the bonds pursuant to the aforesaid bid and contract, the amountof such good faith check shall be retained by the City of Oxford, Mississirpi asliquidated darrages for such failure.SF~TION4. That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall hereafter, by proper action,provide for the preparation, execution and delivery of the aforesaid bonds inaccordance with the terms of the aforesaid contract.Alderrr.can H. S. Sisk seconded the motion to adopt the foregobg resolution, thequestion being rut to a roll call vote all aldermen present voted aye.The motion haveing received the affirmative vote of all aldermen present, theMayor declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted.This the 23rd day ofOctober, 1956.APPROVFD:_m.. Richard w. ElliottAttest:t-!.:::.s/'---....:C;:...:.:......:.P...!..-=-Ful=m~e~r"--__ , City Cl er k/~--~~~~--~/

( 74<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>"\ .r--.'~iThe Hayor and Board of Aldermen again took up the rratter of the issuance ofTwenty lbousand Dollars ($20,000.00) Special ~treetImproverrent Bonds of the Cityof Oxford, Hississippi, pursuant to a rfsolution of said Eayor and Soard of Alderrrenas authorized by Chapter 495 of the Laws of tHssissippi, 1950, and following adiscussion of the subject, Alderman B. 0. Elliott offered and moved the adoptionof the following resolution:A HI.:S(LUTION AUTEOHIZING :1.ND DIT'-:CTING TH, ISSUANCe, CF SPT~CIALSTRD:~T JY.PROV"}/.:.:;NT BO]\'DS <strong>OF</strong> TPE <strong>CITY</strong> CF <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPFI INTI1T PRINCIPAL A}'IC;UNT <strong>OF</strong> THSNTY TI-WUSA1:D DOLLARS ($20,000.00);PR~~;RIBING THl" FORE AND nJ~IDJJTS <strong>OF</strong> SAID Be"'DS AND HAKINGPROVISIONS FeR PAYl,: LNT CF TH j' PRINCIPAL A~m INT GR:BT <strong>OF</strong> SAID RONDS.Whereas, heret of ore on ths Jrd day of J ar.uary, 11.9'56" the l-Jayor and Board ofAldernan of the City of Oxford, MiSSiSSippi, did adopt ~resolution declaringnecessary certain special improvements over, on and along all that part of VivianStreet in Ho-Ka Hills Subdivision of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, locating them,providing for the manner in which they were to be made, prividing for pUblicationof said rrsolution and setting th;:: 23rd day ('f January 1956, at 7:30 o'clocJ( Po 1'.,in the regular neet~ng roorr of t:r:is governing body to bE fixed as the time, dateand place for the meeting of this body to hear objections and rCI'lOnstran::es ofany persons aggrieved that r,ight be nade to said irrproverrents, and;WH .. ,.R1l.S, said rr solution was published in the Oxford f:agle as reouired by\law on January 5th, 12th and 19th, 1956, and;'vIF i-LK >'-AS, the said notice was rublished in s aid newspaper once a week for threesuccessive publications as required by law, the first pUblication thereof beingmon? than 15 days prior to the rreeting held to hear objections and;'vIHl'~Rr:A.S,heretofore on tlL 2Jrd day of January, 1956, the Mayor and Eoardof Aldernen sitting to hear objections, protests and remonstrances against saidsf;ecial improvements adjudged that no successful objections had been rrade andheard and did adopt a resolution determining to proceed with said special im:;=roven ents,and;1.tlHCfLAS, H;~"p,:r<strong>OF</strong>OR1',on the 4th day of October, 1956 the 1,layor and Boardof Alderrrcn did find and determine and ascertain the rstimated cost of saidirrf;rovements to be the sum of $20,000.00, and;~m i,R:'J\.S, Charter 495 Laws of 1950 of the -State of Mississippi, rrovidesthat all r unicipali tics may issue special street improvement bonds to pay forsuch special street improvements and that such obligations so authoriaed rr.ay beissued at any time after the estimated cost of the special irnproverrents shall havebeen ascertained by the governing authorities of the rLUnicipality, and;WJff'R[AS, heretofore, to-wit, on the 4th day of October, 1956, the Mayor andBoard cf Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi did adopt a resolution todirect the sale of Twenty Thousand Dollars of Special Street Improvetent Bondsof the City of Oxford, Eississippi to be iss ued for the rurrose of paying for thesrecial street improverrent on said rortion of Vivian Street as autl-:orized byChapter 495 of the Laws of MiSSiSSippi, 1950, and;

HIIU:34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>WBSEEAS, heretofor p , to-wit: on the 23rd of Octob r, 1956, pursuantto advertisement as provided by Chapter 325, Laws of Mississippi, 1946, theaforesaid bonds were awarded and sold to the highest and best bidder therefor, and;WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford do now findand determine that they are fully authorized and empowered to issue the specialstreet improvement bonds of said city in the amount and for the purposes hereinaboveset forth and that provisionshould be n:ade for the preparation, execution,issuance and delivery of the said bonds;NOW THMliF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVm BY TH.c.; :rv:AYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALD2PJvfEN CF THP'<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, :tv: ISSISSIPPI , AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. That, to raise money for the purpose of paying for the specialimprovements on Vivian Street in Ho-Ka Hills Subdivision in the City of Oxford,} ississippi, the cost of which improver.:ents are to be paid in whole or in part by theowner of property abutting to the proposed improvements, there shall be and therehereby are authorized, ordered and directed to be issued the negotiable couponspecial street improve~entbonds of the City of Oxford, Lafayette County,Mississippi, in the principal amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00).Thesaid bonds shall bear date of <strong>No</strong>vember 1, 1956; shall be numbered from One (1) toTwenty (20), inclusive; shall be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000)each and shall be payable, both as to principal and intfrest, in lawful money of the,United States at The First National Bank of Memphi~, Memphis, Tennessee. The saidbonds shall bear interest at the rates shown hereafter, payable May1, 1956 and sE1l1i-annually thereaftEr on <strong>No</strong>vembfr 1 and May 1 in each year untilthe principal of said bonds, respectively, shall haVe: been paid.Inter ;st to accrueon said bonds on and prior to the respective maturity dates thereof shall bepayable upon presentation and surrender of interest coupons to be attached theretoand no inter0st shall accrue on said bonds after the respective maturity dates thereofunless said bonds shall bs presented for payment and be not paid.The said bondsshall n,ature without option of prior payment in the amounts and at the timesperfollowing and shall bear interest at the rate of the per cenVannum setopposite the respective bond numbprs, to-wit:BOND NUMB [iRS INTm~T RATE M',OUNT t/ATURITYP ill ANNUl,/;1 & 2, Incl. 3-~% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>vember 1, 19573 & 4, Incl. 3-~% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>verr;ber 1, 19585 & 6, Incl. 3-~% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>vember 1, 19597 & 8, Incl. 3-~% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>vember 1, 19609 & 10, Incl. 3~% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>verrber 1, 196111 & 12, Incl. 3 l % $2,000 <strong>No</strong>verrber 1, 196213f& 14, Incl. 31[% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>venber 1, 196315 & 16, Incl. 31% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>vember 1, 1964<strong>17</strong> & 18, Incl. 31% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>venber 1, 196519 & 20, Incl. 31% $2,000 <strong>No</strong>v;mber 1, 1966SECTION 2.That the said bonds shall be executed by the signature of theMayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, countersigned by the City Clerk of saidCity, under the corporate sPal of the said City.The interest coupons to be attached'-----------.~~-~~--~-~--~~-~~~---

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>to each of said bonds shall be executed by the facs~milesignatures of said officersand shall be for the following amounts for the bonds numbered 1 to 14, inclusive;$<strong>17</strong>.50 and 15 to 20, Inclusive; $16.25, and thr said bonds and the interpst couponsattached thereto shall be in substantially the following forms, to-wit:UNIT:1) STATF <strong>OF</strong> A} i'~RICASTATL <strong>OF</strong> l

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>77~\SI'2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZlocal improvements against property benefited thereby; providing how such assessmentsshall be rr.ade, and how payment thereof shall be enforced; to authorizemunicipalities to borrow rr:oney for such improvementqll passed by the legislatureand approved April 18, 1950, bRing Chapter 495 of the Laws of the State ofMississippi, 1950.It is hereby certified, recited and represented that all acts, conditions,and things r'.quired to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, inorder to make the same a legal, valid and binding obligation of said city, havebeen done, have happened, and have been performed in due and regular time, form,and manner, as required by law; that the amount of this bond and the issue rfwhich it is one, together with all other outstanding indebtedness of said city,does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limit of indebtedness; and that dueprovision has beRn and will be made for the annual levy and collection rf a tax uponall the taxable property within said city and upon the property specially benefitedby said improvements sufficient to ray the principal of this bond at maturity andthe interost thereon as it accrues.IN WITHNESS ~1~:<strong>OF</strong>,The City of Oxford, Mississippi, acting herein by andthrough the Kayorand Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, itsgoverning authority, has caused this bond to be executed by the signature of theMayor of said City, countersigned by the City Clerk of said Gity, under the corporateseal of said city, and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executedby the facsirrile signaturps of said officers and this bond to be dat d the 1st dayof <strong>No</strong>verrber, 1956.THS <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPIBy:Mayor of the City of Oxford, MississippiCountersigned:City Clerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi(FORl-1 <strong>OF</strong> INT"R~T COUPON)<strong>No</strong>.~~---------------------<strong>No</strong>verrberOn the first day of May ,1-,-9 __ , the City of Oxford, Lafayette County,Mississippi, promises to pay to bearerCents ($Dollars and) in lawful rroney of thF United Statesof America at the First National Bank of tiemphis, Tennessee, in the City of Memphis,State of Tennesse,-"for interest due that date on its S:recial Street Improven'ent Bonddated 1 <strong>No</strong>vember 1956, and numberedTHE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFrRD, VISSISSIPPICountersigned:By:Mayor of The City of Oxford, MississippiCity Clerk of the City of Oxford, Mississirpi

--_..__.t= --.•.. -78<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>(RLGISTRATICN AND VAT..JIDATION ~iRTIFICAT ;;.)STAL; CF }C.ISSISSIPPICCUNTY CF LAFAYi.::TTfSSI, C. P. Fulmer, City Clerk within and for the jity of Oxford in LafayetteCounty" Hississippi, do hereby certify that the within bond has bern registered inmy office in a book kept for that purpose, as provided by law.I do further certify that the within bond has been validated and confi~ed bya decree of the r;hancery Court of Lafayette County, Hississi1=pi, rendered on theday of , 1956.City ClerkS.::::GTION 3.That, in order to provide for the pa,YILent C'f the aforesaid bondsand the inter, st thereon, there shall be rr:ade special assessrrents on abutting propertyowners for their pro rata sriare of said ST 3cial irrproven ents and that in additionther;to there shall be and there is hereby directed to be levied and collected,at the SORe tin,8 and in the same manner as oth I' taxes of said City are levied andcollected, a direct, continuing, annual tax upon all taxable prorerty within theboundaries of said city sufficient :'n amount to provide for tLe pa,'yTent of theprincipal of said bonds and tht; interest thereon as the sarre matures and accrues,allowing for srecial assessIcents to be lev ied on a bbutting rroperty owners fortheir }:To-rata share of th costs c:f said special improverents. It shall b·:; theduty of the tax levying anthori ty rf said City in r~achyear while any of thE:; bondsissued shall remain outstanding and unpaid, without any further direction orauthority, to levy and colle:ct the taxes herein provided for, and the rate oftaxation to be levied each y"-~ars:hall bf.' sufficient, after !Taking allowancesfor delinquincies in the r:ay" rnt of taxes dnd the costs of coll cction to providethe sums required in each year for the payment of said interest and principal.ShC'uld there be a failure in any year to comply vith the requ~rer:entsof thissection, such failure shall not imrair the rights of tho holders of any of saidbo~dsin any subsequent year to have adequate taxes levied and collected to meetthe obligations of the bonds herein authorized to be issued, both as to principal andinterrst.S!':CTIC~J 4. That the procl? odings had incident to the issuance of the bondsherein authorized shall b(~subrritted to validation under the rrivisicns of Title18, Chapter 1 of the Fississippi ('ode of 19/+2, and to that end the Sity Slerk shallbe and he is her'::by authorized and instructed to rLake up and to certify to theState's Bond Attorney a full and cOIEpletc transcript of procpedircgs and otherdocu:r.:ents in relation to the authorization and issuance rf said bonds.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>79~\I, ( -'---________________________________________________________________________L-I .__ '.tIUK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZ~St.

(----~~~~~~~-'II~-------..!~~---~---80<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RhC:SS, Rl:C iESS, Ed}ULAR }:-T;]:,TING 7:30 L E. OCTOB:

-------------------------~/~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>81!It.SAlK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZR~;C ESS, R1'C2:SS, REGULAR HfJ':TING 7:00 P. lI. NOVY} Br'R 6, 1956Pursuant to a recess order entered on October 4, 1956, the lv:ayor and Board of Aldermenmet on <strong>No</strong>vember 6, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Charrbf-T in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. Elliott, }';ayorB. 0, Flliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crcuch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Aloeman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman T/ard ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. W. Frice, AttorneyG. W. J nhnson, Superintendent Light and Water Plantw" P. Lowe, T'ngineerC. P. FulIl'.er, Cler kAfter the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business waS hadto-wit:On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that theminutes of the October IT'eetings be adopted as read.On motion duly made and seconded and passed unaniIl'.ously, it was ordered that thisBoard do now adjourn dine-die:CLERK-~~~-l/AYOR

(I82<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>U NIT'; Do FS TAT T o F ~ ISS ISS I P P ICOUNTY () F :J A FAY; T T tCIT Yo FOX FOR Dl!*RLGlJ1AR }~r,rTING 7: 30 P. ~'T. ~1CV~} B -~ 6, 1956Be it remembered that the Hayor and Brard of Alderrr:an of the r::ity ref Oxford,Hississippi met in regular session at the 8ity Hall at 7: 30 P. F., Tuesday,<strong>No</strong>vpmbcr 6, 1956, it being the time and place fixed by law for the holding ofsaid meeting, when and where the following were rresent:Richard W. F11iott, MayorB. O. Flliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Grreuch, Alderman l:Jard OneWillian N. Lovelady, Alderman Hard TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman :lard ThreE?Will A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. 'tl • Price, AttorneyG. W. Johnson, Superintendent Light and v;atE?rDerartment"F • P. Lowe, TngineerC. P. Fulmer, r;IerkAfter the meeting had been called to order, the following business '..Jas transacted:Hotion Was made and seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that thefollowing accounts be allowed for payment:WAPP.ANT NC. TO \.JHQh A'::CCUNT NO. JU:1QUNTCORPORATION FTJi'JD524525528531534537538547550560561563Boys Scouts of America U. S. A., Contribution for driveThe Bank of Oxford, S. S. WithheldThe Bank of Oxford, S. S. Administrative FeeThe Bank of Oxford, Income Tax withheld for SeptenberC. P. Fulmer, (~lerk, to pay Charlie Hathorn's Checklli.win :'-irwin, floor polisherC. F. Fulrrer, Clerk, fayroll 10/15/56The Bank of Oxford, r8tirenent withheldThe Bank of Oxford, Adrrinistrative fee - RetirerrentRichard W. t;,lliott, Nayor, salary for October - $4.00 w/hB. o. flliott, Aldernan at Large, salary for October - $0.50Berrie E. Crnuch, salary for October - $0.50 w/hwh166 $50.00Various 459.08183 15.25Various 140.40153 407.21127 155.00Various 1196.75Various 303.97183 9.15110 196.00110 24.50110 24.50/\

I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>\83 \SI"2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCORPORATION FUND CONTINUEDACCrUN"T NO.AMOUNT5645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785805795815835845595895935985996006016026046056066076086096106116126136146156166<strong>17</strong>6186196206216216226226226236236246256266276286286296306316)1632632632633634634634634635636William N. Lovelady, salary for October - $4:10 w/hH. S. Sish, salary for October - $0.50 w/hWill A. Hickman, salary for October - $0.50 w/hJ. W. Frice, salary for October - $2.00 w/h1':. P. Lowe, salary for October - $18.28 w/hC, P. Fulmer, salary for October $29.60 w/h<strong>No</strong>na D. Woodward, salary for October - $22.00 w/hNewt King, salary for October - $38.55 w/hw. G. Kimmons, salary for October - $24.39 w/hR. H. Mills, salary for October - $16.40 w/hM. T. Styers, salary for October - $20.40 w/hDonald Carwile, salary for October - $10.40 w/hDoyle Luther, salary for October - $3.68 w/hRoy Thomas, salary for October - $6.08 w/hW. I. Mills, salary for Octobrr - $21.54 w/hMrs. Rosp Rowland, salary for October - $11.40 w/hWilliam Ross Parks, salary for October - $7.03 w/h~r. J. W. Price, salary for October - $0.50 w/hLafayette County Health Unit, check for OctoberLaf~tte County Library, check for OctoberC. F'~ Fulmer, Clerk, Petty CashC. P. Ful~er, Clerk, Payroll 10/31/56The Tax Withheld Fund, tax withheld for OctoberFire - Grass Fire at South 16th st. 10/5/56 10:30 A. H:Scott Black,Homer DukeB. o. 1l'lliott, Jr.C. :tv:. FalknerD. G. Neilson, Jr.Fire - Sale Barn 10/13/56 - 10:00 P. M.:Paul HudsonFire Highway 6 - iast 10/16/56 City "Dump 5:30 P. M.p,. B. AddingtonHomer DukeClyde Huggins, Jr.Fire - City Dump Highway 6 East 4:25 P. M. 10/16/56:Homer DukeB. O. F1liott, Jr.C. 11:. FalknerClyde Huggins, Jr.Doyle LutherR. F. ShellabargerW. O. SrrithDonald CarwileM. T. StyersFire Old Highway 6 East 1:00 A. M. 10/31/56:D. G. Neilson, Jr.R. H. WinterGathright-Reeq Drug Co., supplies for Fire DepartmentDaley Lumber v o., suppli"s for rental property repairsShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., supplies for rental repairsShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., Janitor supPliesJ. H. }lanse1, 118 gallons of gas for foggingJ. H. l'ansel, 10 gallons of gas for cen:eteryJ. H. Mansel, 9 gallons of gas for Fire Dept.Ole }'iss Press and Book Store, office suppliesOle Miss Press and Book ~tore, supplies - Fire DepartmentOxford Floral Company and Greenhouse, flowers for'ParkerCrane Company Sales BarnSmi th LllI'1bpr Co. lumber for Sale BarnA. B. Cullen and Son, concrete for Sale BarnChapman Shemica1 ~ompany, 255 gal. drums pest killerChapman Chemical Company 2 - 55 gal. drums pest killerCentral Chemical Co., supplies for janitorThe J. E. Neilson Co., Mary Buie MuseumThe Oxford Lagle, legal printingThe Oxford bag1e, legal advertisingSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Oct. bill - City HallSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Oct. bill - bnglr OfficeSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Oct. bill - ~ire Dept.United Gas Corporation, Octob,::r bill - City HallOxford Light and Water Plant, Oct. bill - baseball fieldOxford Light and )"ater Plant, the ArmoryOxford Light and Water Plant, City HallOxford Light and Water Plant, City GarageFl1iott Hardware Co., supplies for rental repairsDement Printing Co., supplies for Office1101101101101<strong>17</strong>111116112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>6135135135147135138136148VariousVariousVarious135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135149, 149127180120135146135153149149':149180180127147122137124124135123153153143143149146$19.9024.5024.5098.00252.97320.40188.00223.95207.11193.60<strong>17</strong>9.60189.60180.07161.9241.4693.60<strong>17</strong>6.7224.50162.5032.506.54442.36264.951.501.501.501.501.502.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.502.502.503.075.2449.64.8521.131.791.6131.8519.3010.30107.991 31.6L1250.75184.80184.8044.95137.37132.6357.6012.1011.4021.807.841.<strong>17</strong>11.3425.573.3633.7561.49

(<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>STRfV T FUNDAC G('UPT NO.AV rUNTl-_J526529532535539543544 '548551558582585586586590594637638639640640640640641642642643644645645646646646647647649649649649647650650650651651652653654655655656657659658658658658658660660661662648663664665666667668669669670670?-.71The Bank of Oxford, S. S. WithhThe Bank of Oxford, 0. S. AdministrativeThe Bank of Oxford, Income tax withheld for Sert.Standard Oil C(1rr1r any , suprli(~sC. F. Fulmer, Clerk, payrollMotor Vehicle Comptroller, vehicle tagsBoyce G. Bratton, Sheriff, tags for trucksThe Bank of Oxford, r

Ii<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>85•. (Itl34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~1lAT 'P. ilillJD S::W ffi FU1\TDTOWH(}~A.C.Q.CTJN T NO ...527530533541545549552553556587588592595596597673674675676677677677678679680681682683684685685686687688689690690691692The Bank of Oxford, S. S. WithheldThe Bank of Cxford, S. S. Administrative feeThe Bank of Oxford, Oncome tax withheld for Sept.C. F. Ful~er, Clerk, FayrollBoyce G. Bratton, Sheriff, tag for vehiclesThe Bank of Oxford, retirement for qauater 9/30/56The Bank of Oxford, adninistrative feeUnion Planters ~~ational Bank, cost of collectionC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty Sash~.::L ton Addington, salary for October - $41.08 withheldW. 1. Hills, salary for OctoberC. P. Fulmer, ~lerk, Payroll 514 &The Tax Withheld Fund, tax withheldThe Union Planters National Bank, derosi t for interFstThe Union Planters National Bank, for deposit for suchion FundBagwell SErvice Station, wash and grease jobJ. H. Mansel, 40 gallons cf gas for truckSha,-l and Sn~ed Hardware Co., supplies for WatfT Dgrt.B & V Lxpress, Inc., freight on pipe fittingsFlliott Hardware Comrany, cement - Factory Well~dliott Hardware Co., sewer maint. and Fxtension;;lliott Hardware Co., vlatcr Drpt. supplies<strong>No</strong>land Company, water meter partsRockwell l'.anufacturing Co., water meter partsNeumann Brothors, charts for fl ow rreterSouthern Supply Co., supplies 1 essCred Memo. <strong>No</strong>. 6520Southern Supply Co., '-later suppliFs"am,es B. Clow and Sons, Inc., 2 B & S offsetsCities Supply Co., Inc., mekr wrenchesOxford Light and vatcT Plant, Oct. bill - pump. stationOxford Light and Hater Plant, Oct. bill - Factory "FellC. R. G. Hulett, bolt binWholesale Supply Co., Inc., supplies Water Dert.l2.1iott Hardware Co., supplies for HatFT Dept.W. H. Ivy, C. F., surveying for Water Dept. extensionCentral Service Association, water biUing for Sept.Central Service Association, water billing for Oct.Rockwell Manufacturing Co., water mptFrsTennessee Valley .2.1 ectric Supply Co., photo cortrolVarious543508Various5255G8 & 543543510508514521508525525510510537518510512512510510510510510537537510510510514539539512510$37.571.4331.40500.908.0035.601.14.6010.02186.9263.00553.2141.081677.09600.<strong>17</strong>.0019.5320.8656.79108.258.3345.5132.011<strong>17</strong>.7023.27276.002.1010.00131.101.73160.75103.32103.851402.6226.74S~}.Jl'RCONSTRUCTION FUND536546554555557693694695696697Wi~ord Fel,arty ared Ly~~ Pegups, damage to cottonE"", , ws Whitfield, I ayment rf I{ +,.mate N 1~~ r ~ ~Cletus }-!ooney, damage to crop by laying sewer lineDerby Boston, darrage to cotton b laying sewer lineC. 1. Fulmer, Clerk, Fetty Cash,. notery feeC. S. '1Illson, noratizing signaturesIrby Seay Company, professional services - monthly FstimateStandard Service Station, wrecker service, - Sewer JobVo1z~onstruction Corr:pany, payment of 1:Btimate <strong>No</strong>. 2Mathews Whitfield, Inc., pa;y-ment on 'i~stimate <strong>No</strong>. 2120.0029679.21280.0082.501.001.001441.805.1521<strong>17</strong>6.6412656.0254259169869970070<strong>17</strong>02703VIVIAN STRIFT SP}J:;IAL IMPROVPF?NT FUNDC. P. Fulmer, vler1

( 86<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~,--l-JAREANT NO.4446-i.M7Petty Cash, Br ulah Lyl AS, to rAfuns Petty CashT/ISUH RADION STATICN, advprtising<strong>No</strong>rth Miss. Industrial Developerrent Ass 'n duesFetty Cash, 5 r ulah ",yl'?s, refund custorrers derositsJoe Caldwell, reflmd seWfr charge Oct. 5/+ to July 56Boy Scr'uts of Arrerica, donationCity of Oxford, C. I. Fulmer, Water and SewerCity of Oxford, C. I. Fulm?r, Withholding & S. S.Petty Cash, Willian Womack, refund customers rierositsPayroll for OctoberPetty '::ash, Beulah Lyles, refund custorrers r1epositsPetty Cash, Beulah Lyl es, refund cUstorr:ers depositsPetty '::ash, B'3ulah Lyles, refund customers depositsPetty :::ash, Beulah1ryles, refund customers depositsFetty Cash, Beulah Lyles, refund customers depositsBar.k of Oxford, retirement}etty :;ash, Beulah Lyles, customers deposits rFfundS. C. Toof and Company, suppliesLight and water Deposit Fund, transfrr of cashI'1ectric Light Fund, transfer of cashFetty ~ash,l{illiam Womack, refund htty CashPayroll for OctoberC. G. Huggins, Jr., tire end tubeAllen and Hashell,'mgineering servicesTernessee Valley Authority, powerCentral Service Association, billing and SUfplis for Sept.United Gas Corporation, gas bill1!et ts Brothers Hardware Company, suppli ss444 Service Station, wash and greasJ. H. Hansel, gas ar,d oilStandard Oil Co., gasBagwell Service Station, tire re-capCentral Service Association, billingDuncan Electric Manufacturing Co., met8rsThe Oxford Fagle, advertisingOzburn-Abston and Company, materialsThe Office Supply Co., suppliesOxford Auto Farts Co., materialsS. C. Toof &: Co., suppliesSouthern Su:n.ly Co., suppliesr. W. ;.'1ectric Co., transfonnersThe Riechrr.an Crosby Co., materialsSouthern Bell Telephone Co., teleprone billsArkansas Fuel ('il Corp., tire and tubeStuart C. Irby Co., materialsPetty Cash, Wi11irun Womack, refund customers' depositsf11iott Llll1lber Co., materialT~nnessee Valley Electric Supply Co., materials~;51.275.00372.0080.0067.2850.0010219.33668.3747.82143.0415.0077.0062.39<strong>17</strong>0.50135.00251.7025.008.7515.0030.0032.693,056.2646.84212.505,184.25127.674.<strong>17</strong>.553.5532.892.041.001<strong>17</strong>.0058.28<strong>17</strong>.0511.651.2711.8910.6213.47300.0050.3038.2028.03460.3470.803.203218.38!l:r. D. G. Ne~lson, Jr. , with a cormdttee of ba~d rarents, f1.neared bE'fore the 1v:ayor andBoard of Aldermen and requested that the City contribute to the UnivfTsity High School band.After a careful ~()nsideratior. nf the rrattsr, Alderman Sisk rr:ade a rrotion that the Citycontributr $7}O.OO. This potion was second8d by Alderman Hickman, passed unanimously andthe City ";i tTk is hereby authorized to issue a check to the Uni versi ty High School foriJ75~ and the' 'l,dric Derartrrent is authorized to issue a check fo the University HighSeLool band for$3'l~.O<strong>OF</strong>ursuant to an advertisement in The Oxford 1l'agle for bids on inl1::rover:ents on Vivian Street• ...xtEDded to be opeY'ed at the Regular Meeting of tie :\V:aycr and Board of Aldermen on <strong>No</strong>vember6, 1956, bids were received from the following:Oxford Asphalt CompanyOxford, MississippiThe bid frorl: the foregoing comr,any being the only bid received, Alden- an Lovelady made allotion that this bid be accer:ted. This notion was seconded by Alderrran Flliott, and allaldermen ~resent voted yea.

I IiIi! (St2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RffiULAR M HTING 7: 30 P. !v']. NOVB1!BF..R 6, 1956Then came on for consideration the paying of Mr. A. ~. Varner for a righ-of-way damagefor spwer lines and after a discussion, Alderman ~lliott made a motion that Mr. Varnerbe paid $75.00 for said damage. This motion waS seconded by Alderman Sisk and allaldeman present voted yea and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a checkto Mr. Varner for $75.00The following petition was presented to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen:AN ORDINANCF: Rl~ZONING T}-TE WFST FRACTION <strong>OF</strong> LOT NO. 475IN SECTION 21, IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> C'F <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI FR()lvI R:§­IDl~TIAL TO C<strong>OF</strong>}lERCIAL US 8.WHER!i:A.S, Dr. J. P. McLaurin and his wife Fugenia McLaurin and G. F.Heard petitioned the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Nississipri to re-zone a portion of Lot 475, as hereinafter described,from residential to con;mercial uses, and,WHfR~AS,notice was duly and legally given to all property ownersand citizens interested that a meeting of the hayor and Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford, Mississippi would be held at the city hall ofsaid city at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the 6th day of <strong>No</strong>venber, 1956to hear objections and protests against said change, and no objectionsbeing int~rsposedthereto, and it appearing to this governing authoritythat such change would be proper and beneficial;<strong>No</strong>w therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen ofthe 8ity of Oxford, Mississippi:SECTION 1. That, the West Fraction of Lot <strong>No</strong>. 475, as the same islaid down and designated on the plan of Map of saidOxford, a copy thereof being on file in the office ofthe Mayor of said City, and a cory of said Map beingon file in the office of the Chancery Clerk of saidcounty, and state, in Section 21, Township 8, Range 3West, and more particularly describ8d as fronting 60feet on Van Buren Avenue, and commencing at the Southwestcorner of said Lot 475, run thence <strong>No</strong>rth alongand with the West line of said Lot 475 a distance of122 feet; thence East parallel with the South line ofsaid Lot 475, a distance of 60 feet; thence S0uthparallel with the west line of said Lot 475, a distanceof 122 feet to the South line of said Lot 475, a distanceof 122 feet to the south line of said Lot 475;thence West along the southOline of said Lot 475 adistance of 60 f·~et to the point of beginning, andbeing the same property sold and conveyed to the lateMrs. Winnie McMahon by W. C. Cox, et ux, be deed datedArril 18, 1927, recorded in Deed Book 91, at Page 629of the record of Deeds in said Chancery Clerks Office,to which reference js here made.Be and the said property hereb,y is re-zoned and changed from residentialto corr~ercialuses and purposes, and the City Lngineer is ordered to notesuch change on the Hunicipal Zoning Map.SEr:TION 2.That this ordinance shall become effective according to law.The above ordinance WaS introcuced by Alderman Bernie H. Crouchseconded by Alderman H. S. Sisk and passed unanimously.APPROVED lsi Richard W. Elliott , MayorATTYST ED:, lsi;c. P. Flllmer<strong>CITY</strong> CLF...RK

88<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>The following resolution was rresentcd to the Eayor and Board of Aldermen:TH E STAT~

I,----------------------~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SI'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ\Approved:Attest: lsi c. F. FulmerClerk**********-******.Board donate to the Christmas Lighting program.assessment on the building be reduced to $3500.00.Flliott, passed unanimously and it is so ordered.be 7 J 'J 1SIwas seconded by Alderman Crouch, passed unanimously and it is 30 orderpd.,On motion of Alderman Elliott, seoncded by Alderman Sisk and passed unanimously,the foregoing resolution was adopted.lal Richard W. FlliottMayorBill Womack appearpd before the Nayor and Board of Aldermen requesting that saidAfter a discussion, AldermanHickman made a motion that the 11 ectric I:epartment donate $150.00 for said rurpose.This motion was seconded by Alderman ~rruch, passed unanimously and it is so ordered.Then came on to be considered a request from Er. Aub('r Wilds for a reduction onhis assessment on University Avenue appearing on Page 158, Lins 37 of the 1956assessment roll. After a discussirn, Alderrran Lovelady rrade a motion that theThis motion was seconded by AldermanThen came on to rn -?onsidered the placing of a light on the water tank at the Chambers'J'a,ctory and after a: discussion, Alderman Elliott made a I"'ction that Yr. Johnsonauthorized to place a light on the factory tank. This motionThen carr,e on to be considered the extension of the sewer linecan connect to same, and after a discussion, AlderrrJan FlliottCity construct the sewer line to serve Mr. Smeed's basement.by Alderman Hickrr:an and all aldermen present voted yes.<strong>No</strong>rth so l'r. r. W. Sneedmade a motion that theThis motion was secondedThe following petition was present"d to the l'-:ayor and Board of Aldermen:TO MAYOR M;"D BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALm:RIY:F,N IF T}L~<strong>CITY</strong> CF <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPINOV d'Bi'R 6, 1956r E; I I 'I~ N FOR D;~~; DTO TEE J-lONCRABLF Iv:AYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDFRMFN:<strong>No</strong>w comes GForge Lundie a resident of Oxford, Mississippi, and petitionsthis Hoard of AldenE8n and Mayor for a quitclaim deed to a strip of landformally plannEd for use as a city street, and would show until this Boardthe following, to wit:WHFP.LA.S, George Lundie is the present owner of the following describedlands situated in Section 21, Twr. 8, Range 3, West in Lafayette County,Mississippi, towit:

(- !)U<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~----- -1----··--····.IBeginning at a roint on the <strong>No</strong>rth line of Lot <strong>No</strong>. 476 as laid downon the pIar: or map of said City of Oxford, this line being the Southline of Van Bureri Avenue, ar.d this Toint being the <strong>No</strong>rtheast cornerof the prorerty owned by l

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>S"J;S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZA strir of land 15 feet deep and 87.5 feet wide, said stripof land being the <strong>No</strong>rth one-half of Harrison Street extende

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECLSS , RtGULAR MlFTING 7:00 F. M. NOV~oJ:.'BFR 12, 1956Fursuant to a recess order entered on <strong>No</strong>vember 6, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldernlenmet on <strong>No</strong>vember 12, 1956, in the Mayor and Board of Alderrr.ens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard H. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman..Jard Onevlilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Aldern:an l,.]ard FourG. W. Johnson, S upre intendent Light and vI ater Departmentf· • P. Lowe, EngineerC. P. Fulmer, ClerkJ. W. Price, AttorneyAfter the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business vlaS hadto-wit:Then came on to be considpred the need for a street light on Harrison Avenue and aftera discussion, Aldernian Hickman made a motion that a street light be placed on HarrisonAvenue just back of HUIDe's Store. This motion was seconded by Alderman Crouch, passedunanimously and all aldemen rresent voted yea.Then came on for consideration a request from Jack 'White to drive a taxi in the Cityof Oxford, and after considering Mr. White's request, Alderman Crouch made a n'otionthat Er. lfuite's requ'-st be aprroved and he be" grant',,:d a drivers pemit to drive a taxiin the r::ity of Oxford. This motion ",as seconded by Alderman Lovelady, passed unanimouslyand jt is so order~tl.1hen came up for discussion the fact tLat Mr. A. J. Lawrence had been paying fivesewer charges 'ihen she should have been payinfonly four and it was brought out thatS8 id l',rs. Lawrence had been paying this overcharge for approximately four years.After a consideration of thlc! facts, Aldeman Elliott made a motion that the Accountantof the Electric Department, be and he is hereby authorized to check the records and refundMrs. Lawrence the anount due her for overpayment. This motion was seconded by Alr1er menCrouch, passed unanimously and it is so ordered.Then came on to be considered Mr. W. R. Parks' health 8.nd his duties with the City ofOxford Fire Derartn,ent and after a discussion, Aldenrar "'lliott made a motion that Kr.Parks beo relieved of his duties as fireman as of <strong>No</strong>vember 7, 1956. Th"'.s motion waSseconded by Alderman Sisk and all aldermen present voted yea.Then cane on to be considered the nerd for two traffic lights and after a discussion,Alderman Lovelady u'ade a ITlotion that Mr. Johnson be authorized to have published inThe 8xford Eagle an invitation for bids on said traffic lights. This motion was secondedby Alderman Crouch, passed unaninously and jt is so ordered.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>B3\I'---''J'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZPJi'CISS, RffiULAR MT'TTING 7:00 P. M. NOVjjJ;B!m 12, 1956Then came on for discussion the need for a new typewriter for the Clerk's Officeand aftEr a discussion, Alderman Elliott made a motion that 'J. P. Fulmer be authorizedto have published in +he Oxford ~gle an invitation for bids on typewriter.This motion was seconded by Aldernan Hickrean, passed unanimously and it is soordered.****.************On motion made by Alderman Flliott, seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed unanimously,it was ordered that this Board do now recess until Tuesday, December 4, 1956 at 7:00olclock P. M.J~ __ ~~ __________________________./J

'------------------~---------------------_//I'!<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>B3SI'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZm:CISS, RffiULAR MfPTING 7:00 P. M. NOVIjJ;BER 12, 1956Then came on for discussion the need for a new typewriter for the Clerk's Officeand after a discussion, Alderman Elliott made a motion that 'j. P. Fulmer be authorizedto have published in ,+he Oxford ~gle an invitation for bids on typewriter.This motion was seconded by Alderrr:an Hicmcan, passed unanimously and it is soordered..***.************On motion made by Alderman Flliott, seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed unanimously,it was ordered that this Board do now recess until Tuesday, December 4, 1956 at 7:00o'clock P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,7: 00 p. l/.Pursuant to a recess order entered on <strong>No</strong>vember 12, 1956, The l',aycl' dnd Board ofAldermen met on Decerr:ber 4, 1956, in the Hayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in theCity Hall when and where the following were present:RiUari. W. E1liett, Mqer, Presii1n,B. O. Elliett, .uiel'hD at LarpBf>llIlie H. Crellelll, Alieraan WaN QseVUli .. I. L.ftla""~AlieJ'WIan WaN TveH. S. Silk, .u.erau Wari TlareeWill 1. Hiebu, .u.eraaa Wari Feur•• * ••• * •• ~**J. W. Prie., Atter M7E. P. Lew, Eac1.eerGUl W. Jeluase., Superi.te .... t Li,lIlt ani Water Plantc. P. Fulaer, ClerkIf ewt Kill" Maralld••••••••• ** •••Atter tile aeetiDc lIlai bee. epen .. aecertiq te lav, tile tellev1D1 business vas lila.t.-w1t:Oa .etia iU1.y aU. ani le.e._ au. p&SI.- .... 1aeul7, it vas .. ierN tlilat till.ai.utes .t tlileineaber aeetia,s be a •• pte. as reM.On motion duly made and secrnded andBoard do now adjourn sine-die:~passed unanir:ously , it vIas ordered that this~~~---:t

-', Ir-Sr-IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>",ITED STATES or AMERICAB5STATEor MISSISSIPPICOUITYCIT Yor ·L A FAY E T T Eor -0 x r 0 R D• • • • • •• • • • •• • • •• • •• ••7,~ P. M.·Be it meaberet tllat tlle Mqer ani BMri .t nuraa .t til. Cit1 .t axtd, Hi_1ssippi".et ia repl.ar .... i .. at tile Cit1 Ball at 7:30 P. M., TaeNq, De_.ber 4, 1956, it-beiDl tile time ... plaoe tixM b7 lav ter tile llelftBC .t sai ••• etilll, vll •• aM vlaen til.,tellwiJlC wer. pre .. at IRieUr. W. Bili.tt, Mq ..B. O. Elli.tt, Al.enaa at LarpBeDDi. B. Creuell, Al.enaan WaN. OMH. S. Si.t, Al.e1"llU War. 1'IareeVUli .. -I. ~dT, 'AlUraan Wari TnWill A. Hi~, Al ... rau WaN· rev............J. W. Pri .. , AtteraqE. P. Lev., EDc1ae.rGill W. J.lms., S.pt • • t LiCllt DepartaentC. P. hl.aer, Cl.rk•••••••••••••• tHI·Atter tile ... tiqlla. bee eall .. t ...... r, til. tellwinc buille.s vas trauaetH'M.t 1 .. va ..... b7 Al~ Ul1.tt, ........ b7 A1~ Hiaban aM pa ....... iII.ual1aM it wu ....... tIlat til. tellwinc .... unt. be all.".. ter JlQIIeat,WABRm 10. %0 WH(l( AOOOQIT 10.AMom'-"·709710·7<strong>17</strong>71871972072<strong>17</strong>22723724725'Dle tJaiYerQt1 Hip SeIlMl BanIA, o.tributi_C. P. MIter, Cl.rk, PQre1l 11/15/56RiellaN W. n1t.tt, MaTer, Hlai",Y r.r B~_bet ... t4.00 v/llB. O. BlU."', 8al&r7 t.r .... taber - to.50 v/lBeaa1. H. Creuell, aalaJ7 ter ...... r - to.50 v/JaWUli .. I. L-uaq, .alaJ7 t.-l.waNr - .5.10 v/JaH. S. Slat, waJ7 fir R.wabel' - lO.so v/llWill A. Hi .... , aalaJ7 ter ..... ber - 10.50 v,/JaJ. W. M .. , .al&r1 t.r I ... ber - $2.00 v,/JaE. P. Lew, ealaJ7 t'¥' '..,..ber - 118.28 v,/JaC. P. 'ula.r, aalaJ7 ter I..,..ber - 129.60 v/ll166Vari_1101101181101101101151<strong>17</strong>111.,,5.0032l.03196.0024.~24.5019.9024.5024.5098.00252.97" 320--'0

(~•,r------ .,.. _..--_. - ....' _'H_i ... _--- ... __ ... -.,,--. -'- __ .... __ .. _. __ HH._ .. __ ..... ,.,-<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>wwlft 10.TO WH(J:JAQCOUIT 10.AMOlJB'1'OORPORUICI FUJP COIfTIIJlED7267'lt<strong>17</strong>2872973073<strong>17</strong>3273'73473571673673773874474575976076<strong>17</strong>6276376J.765'7667677687697107'7l77<strong>17</strong>72773714715715715715776777mTn11871918078<strong>17</strong>82784785786783787788789790790791.... E. We"wari,' aalary ter leYeJlber - 122.00 v/lllen n." -.l~ ter leYellber - 138.55 v/llw. Q. ~"" eala!'7t'.r leftaber - 124.39 v/llR. H. MUle, ealary ter leY_ber -116.40 v/1l "M. T. Svere, eala<strong>17</strong> t.r H .._ber- $20.40 v/lt.Denal. Carwile, sal&ry' ter leftaber - 110 • .40 v/llDe,-le Lutaer, sal&<strong>17</strong> ter leVU1ber - 13.68 v/ll.. TIl .. a, aalar;r ter .NeYeilber - t6.oe v/1lW. I. Mil1a, aalU7 tir leveaber - $21.54 v/llMrs. Rese Revl"', salary ter leveaber - $11.40 v/llW1l11_ R. Parke, ealary ter leWllber - to.SS v/llMrs.J. W. Pri .. , sal&ry' ter lneaber - to.50 v/lltatatette Cnnt, Heal til Unit,. .heek ter leYeJlberLatqette Ce.t, Lib1'ar7, caeek ter leYeJlberJt.a!e Elv'" Gay, salary ter Heveaber ~ $2.00 v/1lC. P. Fulaer, Clerk, PaYl"el1 11/)0/56Fire .. lerta Firth Street at 12:00 I ... 11/29/56:Ira L. Cr.e.Beer 1AIbC ~M. ralJaaerC~e Hucctae, Jr.D.,le Lutller,D. G. leUee., Jr.W. O. SaltaRi1aDi Tine11R. L. Tl.wl.1C. S. WUeenR. H. WlaterElv'" Gaysaav aDIi Sne" Bari.vare Ce., supplles ter rental rtpa1rsSaav .. saeM Barivare Ce., Jardter supp11esMette Bretaen Har.vare, lava .ever parteJ. H. MaDse1,' p.e11ne ter Fire Dept.M_plale Blue Prat an. Supply Ce., eactaeeriDe suppllesSeutaern Bell Tel. &: m. Ce., ley. bU1 - ~'a otti ..Seutllera Bell Tel. &: Tel. c.., leY. bU1 - Fire Dept.Seut.ern Bell Tel. &: Tel. Ce., leY. bUl - ){qerte OtticeSeut.era Bell Tel. &: Tel. c.., lev. bU1 - City HallUaitei Gas Cerperatl., leY. bill - Cit, Hall. & earapOxter. Llpt oi Water Plant, ley. bU1 - Clt, BallOrl'eri Llpt ani Water P1ut, ley. bU1 - Clt, GarapOxteri Llpt ant Water Plant, lev. bU1 - TIle Araer;yOxteri saeet Metal Werte, .aever stallDale,- Luaber c.., rae., villi. &1ass~e J. E". leU.en c.., Mar;r Buie MuaeuaThe blencan City Ma,asine, aubseriptlen ter ,earOxteri We1". Shep, we1iinc fire truckEuceae Diet.,en Ce., snlineerin« suppllesCrue C_pany, supplles ter repairs - rental prepertyW. H. IY7, seeretarial service - speolticatien'1'lle Oxteri Ea,le, 1e,al prlati.Fieaer Statiener,y Ce., rubber baDisT. L. letehillle Ce., telter aM earbenDeaent Printine c.., ettice suppllesm.e MlsS Press ani Beek Stere, ettice suppliesOle Mise Press an. Beek Stere, en«!neerilc suppliesBe,ce Bratten, preparinc' tve' aut.ebUe ta, re,latratle.116112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>6135135135147135138136148135Varie.e135135135135135135135135135135135135149127120135151124135124124123143143153149149147151135151149151122159146146146151153$188.00223.95207.11193.60<strong>17</strong>9.60189.60180.07161.92~.4693.6043.2224.50162.5032.5097.96384.291.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.S01.501.501.501.508.89.701.201.325.1311.'fO27.9011.602.2044.9924.293.128.9012.50.4069-.194.002.507.281.3239.0028.093.)26.25234.0421.6514.8530.00STREEt FUID71<strong>17</strong>397407JJ.7JJ.746792793793793793794795795796796796C. P. Fulaer, Clert, Payrel1 U/15/56R. L. Tii.11, salary ter leveaber - t6.02 v/1lW. T. ClaaMler, sala<strong>17</strong> ter leveaber - $19.83 w/1lW. I. Mills, salar,y ter lenaberW. I. MUla, eala<strong>17</strong> ter JleveaberC. P. Fulaer, Clerk, Payrel1 11/30/56Jenee Pr"uoe c.paD7, oMlShav an. Snee. Harivare Ce., shells - PeliceSa.. ani SDeei Bartware Ce., supplies - s&nitatieDSUN ani Sne .. Bariware Ce., suppllee ~ st. aalnt.Shav ui Snee. Bariware Ce., euppllea ter Fquip. repairsElliett Hariware Ce., eupplles ter street aalnteDaJloeazteri Meter Ce., supplles ter repaire - Pelloe oarOxteri Meter Ce., auppliee ter equiptent repairsJ. H. Mansel, pseline ter t.ruekJ. H. Mansel, ,ase1ine ter truekJ. H. Mansel, ei1 fer nepVariene22528022721'/Varieu.s2392182292392Z7239~3.2272282382431,313.18224.98163.9231.5021.501210.1518.504.601.95.75.4854.3 115.1050.33132.5652.771.90

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>! S:f'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ'----'WARRlIlIO. TQ.JI.BQo1 ACCOUNT 10. AMOUNT\STRm l1fflP corr1mum Ernest E. Preale)", sharpeniD« tee1a 237 $3.90798 Huclina an. HUbua Meter Ce., label' aD1I parts 2<strong>17</strong> 9.55m Hane)" Chev. 0.., Inc., spart centre1 227 1.92800 Oxteri .lute Parts Ce., parts' ter equip1ent repairs W 24.59801 F. V. Belk ani Ce., Meter 0..,' retact1D« ql1nier he.. . 227 2.00802 Myera aD1I KrdIPt Equipaent Ce., laber en ceapreaaer 237 5.00803 Bacwll Serriee Stat1e., wash ani po8&se jeba _ trueka 238 9.50803 Bapel.l Senice Stat1en, atep leak an. crease jeb 238 3.60804 Staniari Oil C_puy, ker..,ene 239 <strong>17</strong>.78804 Stehri Oil C_puy, ell 243 11.53805 Osburn-Abeten Ie Ce., lae., supplies ter ahep 243 )6.04805 Osburn-AbateD Ie Ce., Inc., auppl1ee ter equip. repaira 2Z1 1.99805 OzburD-Abaten Ie Ce., Ine., suppl1ee ter equip. repaira 237 4.75806 me Miaa Service Stat1eR, tire, aeal_ be ... , waala aM poease 223 58.50806 Ole Miae Serrloe Stat1 .. , pae1iDe ter pellce ear 224 98.64807 Tr 1-8tate EquiJ88nt Ce., parts ter equiJ,aent 237 71.89808 P1.,een-Thtaas IreD Ce~, parta ter equip. repaira 237 16.70809 Iqml SaH' an. Gram Ce., lI'aTel 239 27.74810 Ell1ett If.aftware Ce., auppl1ea ter equi}:aellt repdra 227 2.50811 Dale)" L_ber c.puy, reuP eat 239 13.00812 Mereu aU Liai..,., 3 l1pt paucs 243 .60812 Mereu .... L1IIII .. )", 24 l1cht bulba ter Chr1atu.a l1chte 260 4.56813 Oxteri Licht aM Water Plant, 'eY. bUl - Pel1ce stat1eD 218 9.34814 Unite. Gaa Cerperat1eR, ,w. bill - Pel1ce stat1_ 218 4.66815 Seutllern Bell Tel. Ie Tel. c.., 'ev. bill - Pel1" Stat1. 21.8 15.70816 W. H. IV, Enc1neer1nc eerrices 245 123.508<strong>17</strong> The Oxteri Eaele, lepI. a.Yert1a1n, - 1956 Spec1at Street lap. FUJIi 48.15818 Bqce G. Bratten, eare et pr1e .. er. 211 39.00819 Staaari Weliera Bupp1.)" Ce., auppl1e. ter .hep 243 2.'19820 De)"le .... Charle. IV, II'&ID 239~ao821 'erth Oxteri JUDk Ian, parta ter equ1paent 231 0:00821 lfertla Oxteri JUDk Yari, parta ter equiJ:aent 227 3.00858 Oxteri Licht an. Water Plant, 'eY. bill - St. l1cht1nc 259 325.69.*** .............WAD AND swm mm713 C. P. J\1laer, Clerk, Payr.J.l 11/15/56 514 Ie 521. '492.35714 Seuthern Suppl)" C_~, Inve1ce Ie. 51318 510.94.67742 Elten A.nn"e., sal.ar,y ter lev_ber - $4l..08 v/b 508 186.92743 W. I. MUl., salaI7 ter leT_ber 514 63.00748 C. P. Ful.aer, Clerk, Payre1.1 U/30/56 'arieue 714.63822 W. H. IV, Seuth Laaar Street - water plana 510 35.00822 W. H. IV, Ol. TaTler Rea. - vater plans 510 59.50823 Ell1ett HaNware Ce., 811ppl1ea ter Water Dept. 510 5.10824 Crane C_~, suppl1ea ter Vater Dept. 510 32.48825 Oxteri L1pt .... Water Plant" 'eT. b1ll - puapinla Stat1ea 537 222.00825 Oxteri Licht aD' Water Plant, Ie.,. bill - F ... .zor·vell 531 1.00826 J. H. Manael, psal1ne ter truck - Vater Dept. 525 9.48827 Recltvell Manutactur1nc c.., Water Dept. suppl1e. 510 1005.00828 Mett. Brethea Harivare 0.., Appl1ea ter repa1re - pap 510 13.85829 P1qe .. -Th... Iren C_palV', supplies ter Vater Dept. 510 61.39830 Del ta Pluab1nc Ie Eleetr10al Supply Ce., curlt atepa' 510 155.04831 Seuthern suPf)" Ce., aup(1e8 ter Vater Dept. ' 510 20.23832 Mias1s.1pp1 eunU7 an. ehine Ce., Ine., aeter bun 512 64.80833 DaTi. Meter Bepair an. &appq c.., Water Dept. 'suppl1e. 510 6.84834 Mueller C_~, Water Dept. suppl1ee 510 12.28835 .lues B. 01.., ani Sen., In •• , bell alee9'ea 510 109.55836 Panther C_paq, .ever suppl1ea 518 32.408<strong>17</strong> B &: M Expresa c.~, exprea ... pipe fitt1ncs 510 4.86838 Wbe1esale SupplY' e., , .. HIlMa 510 99.60839 J. H. miTer &: Ce., lao, pi;' 510 162.54839 J. H. m1.,er Ie C_paD1, vater suppl1e. 510 6.50840 Shav ani SIle" Hariware Ce., Water supplies 510 <strong>17</strong>.21.841 1nl1ett Hari.vare C_paq, supplies ter Vater Dept. 510 7.00842 Reokwell Manutactur1Dc Ce., Water .ter suppl1ea 512 7.eo843 Stuart C. IrltT CeapaDT, supplies ter tafte<strong>17</strong> vell Tut 537 9.41844 Tenne .... 'allq Eleotr1. Supply Ce .. , auppl1es ter taak 5Y1 7.58858 Ceatral Bernoe AaaH1at1_,. water bll11n« ter W"""'r 539 104.0'TAX WrrBBSLJ) lJlID"-- 706 PubUe hpl., ... BeUr __ t s,-atea, :Nt1l'WMDt tax v1thlael •. $180.51'105 ·Nera1. ReNrve Bank et st. Leuia, Inc,-e tax vithlael. ' 563.8<strong>17</strong>15SPECIAL STRDT IMPROV!MENT BCl'fD AND IITmEST rmmlYDie. Pl i - " Bank, iaterest ani celleot1.. claar,.antera Bat ena ...$753.00/1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>WARRAN'l NO,708845 .846847TO WH

~~~~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>, <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>"I'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ\ther.t., that it i. nece.sary that the telleviDc ".oribei street., .r perti.naet .tre.t., be 11" ...., craftl_ ani pay", which requires lIDusual eutl81' t.r whiohthe ,.n.ral iaprlftHnt tun •• heul. n.t be u ..;the str .. t. retemi te belD1partloular<strong>17</strong> ... cribe. a. ttll\Lev., te-v1t: THE' FOLL~G STB!E1'S OR PARTS <strong>OF</strong> STREETSLOOATEDm 1U.LEI SUBDmSIOlf, PART III: SOUTH 18tH smu'l'. partlcular<strong>17</strong> ••• oribei a •• tarti. at the peint et inters.oti. .t the centerline et 8.euth 18th Street aMthe S.11th BeuH&r'1' Une .t Reel AftlDue a. shewn ani ••• ienat .. upen the .ttl.lal up.... plat .t Halq Subii n.l_, Part II, reoe~" in Plat Beet 1 at pace. 18 an. 19et the re •• ri. in tk. ettice.t tDe Chanoer,y m.rk .t w.t81'ette O.unt7, Mi •• l •• lpplan. run thsoe S 10 ')7' V a il.'taDce .t 31') te.t te the •• uth be1lDiar1 line etJ.hD •• n A ........ Exteniei a ••&1•• treet i. her.iDatter •••• ribei: ROSS AVEIllE, partl.­u1.ar<strong>17</strong> .e.crlbei.. bel1nninc at the p.int vh.re the centerline .t RN. Awnuelnter.ect. the ... t ript-et-vq lin. et S.uth 18th Street a •• al. Itre.t. are .hwn aU••• ipt .. upen the up er plat et Halq ,su~iYi.l4tJl, Part II abeve reterrH teani ceotinue th.n.. in an ea.ter<strong>17</strong> iir,ctien iB. ittect ext.naien et .al.R ••• Avenue a ti.tance et 240 teet; JOHIOOI AVl!ltOEEITENIED partlcular<strong>17</strong> ••• cribHa. be,iuniq at the p.int en the ea.t richt ... t-W1<strong>17</strong> lin. et Seuth 18th Streetabeft ... oribe4l which liea 290 teet S 10 ')7' V et the inter"otien .t the .a.trl,ht .t WI)' line et Seuth 18th ~tl"e.twith the Seuth richt .t WII7 line .t Bee.Avenue a •• ai. Itre.t. are .h.vn'an ••• s.at .. upen tile _p aD. plat .t Hale7 SuWin­.i_ .beve reterrM t. an. run thence .' 79 03' E' a tistanc. .t 2')0 teet J al ••JOHISOlf AVHltE lmTElIIED, piarticularl)" ••• cribei a. bel1nn1q at the peat en theve.t richt ... t-waJ lin. et S.uth 18th Str.et .beb. .e.oribei vhi.h lie. 290 te.tS 10 ')7' V .t the inter •• etic et the ve.t ri«ht -et-vq .t Seutb 18th streetvi th the •• uth ri«ht ... t-vq line .tRea. Avenue a. .d. .treet. are .hewn an •••• 1.pate. upen the up ani plat .t Hal.7 Subiirl.ia Part II abeve retem.' teaM run thence n 79 ,03' V •• iatance et 340 teet te a paint. TIt. oeur.e aben.e.ctibe. beiD« the OIDterliDe .t .al•• tre.t. in Hale7 Subiin.len Part III an.all er .ai. .treet. exteni 2') teet eo each .i.e .t .al. centerline ••BeetieD 2. That in •• iQl ncb antilll, «raftliq an. parlD, ab ..... a.nti ...it v11l be nee."aJ7 t. 187 curbs ani ptter. ani te 181' vater aaina and l.a.pipe water oemeGti.n., .aidtar,y .ewer. ani .tera "Wr8, iraiD. aD. c.ftre •• i tch.. all as .et t.rth in the plans ani .peciticatl.n. hereinan.r reterre.t.J that .a1. iIlpr ...... nt. require unusual .utlq tel' which the ,.nerll iapr ...... nttun. i. n.t IUttlc1ent ani t.r vh1.h purp •• e tile ,eneral 1apr ....... nt tun4l .heul.n.t lte u ....Seetl .. ,. Be it turth.r re.elTei that the plan. ani 'peciticatieD. pr.pare.br tlle Cit7 EDline .. ani new en tn. in tile Clt7 E.nciaeer'.ottlce ani prmiin, terthe aenatructien .t the abeve l1"a ... , l1"avel.. aD. payElii .treet. ani iIlpr ....... nt •...u ... in Seetien 2 et this reeeluti_ De ani the .... hereb7 are apprey_ ..a.ept...SeetleD 4. That the cr .. e. apeciti.. in the aben aetian" plan. ani.peotticati •• are h.reb,y "ept .. a. e.tabli.h .. a. te the 11'.... ell vhiu .d.pa ...... nt i. te be oen.truot ...Seeti. '). That the pr.pert7 .were whe •• pr.perty abut. eo .d. pertienet .d. .treet. .e.cribet in Se0\1.n 1 her.et .hall ~ the entire ceat .t curD,aM .~ aM ,..ter "' __ 1' ___ :tie. aM.~ ,tve-t1a1ri. et the ceat. .t theether iIlpr ...... nt. herebT •• elare4. Ileoe.-rr er be subj.ct te a •• e.aent ter thec •• t et the epeeia.l iIlpr ...... ent.SHtien 6. !hat the aa.terial. with ah10h .&1 •• treet. are te ~, apecial<strong>17</strong>iapreYElii ·8hall be .. &07 et'that ¥bleb i •• et t.nb in tka plan. aD •• piciticatlell.preparM tv th.1I1t7 Eq1.n.er which have be.n a.ept .. ani·are n.v .. rue withthe C1t7 En~.'Seeti. 7. That the Cit7 .t OKt ... , Mi •• l •• 1pp1 8hall pay .e-thiri et theoe.t et the special iIlpre~Dt8 ~b7 •• clar.. n ..... aJ7 except the o.at etcurbs ani ptt.r. ani water ana .. ver c.nnectien., the .ntire o •• t et vhieh i. t.be pal, b7 the abuttin, pr.pert7 evners.a..'1_ 8. That"ttle Cit1 Clerk .hall publi.h this reIJe]..tieD a. requiI'Mb7 lav, eDOe a week ter three ..... 1 .... puDllcatiena in a pneral aevapaperharlq.a ,.-ral circu1.aiien in the JnlDic1palit7 aD. &07 persell accr1...... aqappear in per •• , IV atterne7 or ~ peti tl.n, ani aq ebj •• t t. er prete.ta«ainat 1Ii.1. iIlpreY .. Dt. er &07 part th.reet, ani that the 8th u7 .tJaDU&<strong>17</strong> 1957 at 7130 e'cleek P. M., in the replar _etiac r .. et thi.«.venia, beq be tlxe. as the ut., t11ll an. place tel' the _etin, .t tJd.beq te hear aD7 .bjectien. or re ... tranC8. that u 7 be .... t. aai. iapre~nt ••. Seeti. 9. That this re • .tuti.1l take .tt.ct ani b. in terce a. Fed .....,.lav.pt...Oa.etieD.JI Aluraan H1clc1laa, •• c ..... bT.Al.eran BElli_t .. pa ....UD .. ~.eu<strong>17</strong>, ,.. tere,.iac re.elutieD was ...'.AT'lEIl':lsI c. P. Fulmer/~I Richard W. ElliottMqer

100<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>REGULAR MEFl'IKG 7:30 P. M.On •• ti.n .t Al.eman Elli.tt, .ec.niei by Al.e1'llaJl L.yelMT aDIl ...... 1DW11n_al1,it i. kereby .r.ere. .ni fir.ete. that , heariD, be h.lt .n tile .. tter .et terth inthe t.UMa, n.tic- ani the tiae .... pl.ce therein .pecit1ei ter the Ilel.in, .taai. hearinc i. lWreby apJ)l'eYe. an. the clerk i. tinct.. t. pub:J.iah .ai. netice .cc.ri.~,~in, t. l.v, •• i. D.tice bain, .a tell.w.i t.-w1t:lOTIO!: <strong>OF</strong> HEARIlfG TO ACT Olf mITIO! FOR PEBMIT TO LOCATE FILLINGSTATIO! AIfD / OR SERVICE STATION II CCMMERCIAL DISTRICT.Where.a H. H. Whitv.rth ani .ther. haYe tUei a petitien with the Mqer an.B.ar. et Al.era.n .t the City .t Oxtd, Mia.i •• ippi requeatine th.t they 'bei •• ue •• pel'll1.t t.r the l.catien ani aaintenance .t • rUl1nc atatien ani/.r .enice.tatien _ Let Isber 130 in Sectien 21, Tevn.k1p 8 a.uth, ranee 3 •• t in tile Clt,..t Oxt.ri, C.unty .t Latayette an. state .t Mi •• i •• ippi, a •• d. l.t ia ahewn an •• eaipatei up_ the .tticia! _p .ni plat .t au. city _ tUe in the .ttice .tthe Mq.r there.t;lOW THJtREFO~,MOTlCE IS HEREBY Glm t. all prepert,. .wner. ani citisen.intereat .. that a ... tin, .t the Mq~r ani B.ar • • t Al.eraen .t the City .tOxt.r., Mia.i •• ippi, v1ll be hel •• t 7:30 .'cleck p. M., en the 8th -1' .tJanuary, 1957, at the City Hall .t the City .t Oxt.r., Mia.i •• ippi, t. hear.bjeeti •• ani pr.teat. ap1net the crantin, .t aai. pendt, an. t •••such .ther .ct. an. thin,a with repri t. s.i. petitien as aay .e.. juat anipr.per.jObj acti_a an. pre teat •• eunst the cr.nttne .t sai. pend:' IIq be IDe.with the City Clerk .r the City .t Oxter., Miaai •• ippi, at aD7 tiae prier t.su •• eetin,. .(SEAL)41 C. P. !'t11'erCLERI 0, THE"CI'l'Y <strong>OF</strong> O~RDMISSISSIPPI***********************Then olle en t. be c.n.i.ere. the nee. t.r li,ht o.ntrel at the c.rn.r et lerthlin\h Stre.t ani ,acks.DrAven" iHka.utlbLaaar Street ani Uniyer.ity AYenue ani.tter a cii.eue.ien, Al.el'll&ll Orwoh .... a •• tien that Mr. Jehn •• n Be .uth.r1z"t. haYe publishe. in The exter. Ea,le an inYitati.a t.r bi •• en .a1 •. li,ht o.ntrel.Thia •• tien va. .ec.niH by Al •• 1"IIa1l LeYel.iy, pa .... unanill.usly an. i. •• .riere ••******************TheD co.e up t.r .i.cu •• iG the tran.ter .t tunia tr_ the Stre.t Fun4 t. Vi rianStr •• t Special Iapr.y •• nt run. t. oerrect err.r ea_ei b7 ohar,e t. Virian SpecialStreet Iapr.veaent Funi vhieh sh.ul. haYe been .a.&r,ei t. the Str .. t JUDi, .n.aner c.nei.erin, the .. tter, Alieraan Bili.tt .... a •• ti.n that the City Clerk bean' he i. here. .uth.r1zei t. tran.ter $7)8.60 t. Vinan Street Speoial :Japr.v •• ntFun. tr. the Stre.t FuM. '1'h1 ••• ti.n va •• eo.niH. 'b7 Al.e1"lla1l Si.t, pa ....unania.uely an. it i •••• riem.*******************Then oaae .n t. be c.n.i •• re. the neei ter a .. itiena]. equiJa8nt ter the ,ar.ce an •• ner a .i.8\18.i., Al •• l'IIan Blliett .... a •• ti.n that Mr. Lew be auth.riBeit. haft publishe. iD The Oxt.ri Eacle an inn tatien t.r bl.. en •• i. equiJaeDt, t.be .pen •• at a ••• tiDe et the Mqer ani BeaN .t Al.era.D _ January 8, 1957.Thi ••• tien w.a .ee .... by Ali.l'II&D Cr.uoh, pa .... --ia.u.<strong>17</strong> ani it i •••• ri.rM.*****************Then aas. en t. be cen.i •• re. the .iri.i.n .t pr.perty ••• e .... t. Mr •• G1q B. Tqler.ni .e.eribei a. Pan .t L.t. 12, 13, 14 ani tv. un.pane. stre.ts .n Swth 14th Stre.tbetweeD J .lm.en ani Garttel.. Atter. ii.cu •• ien, Al •• ru.n L.Tel.~ .... a •• ti.tkat .ai •••• e .... nt be ... e.a .. a. t.il.w.:Mra. G1q B. Tayl.r LOt 14 271.5 'e.tHenaan ~ Tayler Part .t Let 13 aU St. 96 Feet

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>101I r,S2'2a4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZMr.. W. I. Hqe.~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~GuT B. '1'ay1.r,. Jr.Mr.. Hewari C. MurpJayDr. W. M. TaylerPart .t Let 13 aDt StreetPart Let. 12, 13 ant.St.Part L.t 12Part L.t 1296 F •• t96 reet96 Feet96 reetThi ••• tien va •• eoente4 by Altel'll&n BiokaaD aM all alt.nen pre •• nt v.t_I.a, .. the Cl.rt i. herelly' autheriset t. tiYite the .peeial etreet iapr ....... ta.Heasent. in th. ab ... unner.**.*****************Pursuant t. an atverti •• ent in '!'he Oxteri Ea«l. t.r 1Dit. en trattio 1ipt. t. be.penet at the Becular .... tine .t the May.r ant Beari .t Ui.1'Mn .n De_ber 4, 1956,bii. vere receivM tr. the t.llev1ncaHint.n Fire EquiJ8ent C.paDl'Laurel, Mi •• i •• ippiFrieehen &: Beleenlev Orlean., L.ui.ianaAtter o.n.it.ri!}1 the bii. tr. the terel.inc, •• tien va ..... b,-Aliel"ll&n I,evelaqthat all bi'e be rejeeW. '!'hi ••• tien va •• eo.Met'by Al.eraan Hiclraan, pa ....uno'."<strong>17</strong> aM it i ••• eri.N4l.***************.***Nauant t. Ul aberli_.nt in tlae Od4t_dEa,l. ter b!.. .n a typewri tar t.be .peRM at the Beplar Meetiq .t the May.r aD. Beari .t AlterHD .n Dec_be,4, 1956, bit. were reeeivet tr. the t.ll.villl:Carrell f1pevriter C.paDT Jackaen, TenD .....'!'he bit tr. the ."'-. c_paIV' heill, the w,. ene receivM, •• ti_ was ....b,. Alieman Illi.tt that the bi. be accept... ru ••• tien va. .ec .... ~Alie1'll&D Siat, pa •• et •• n1 .... <strong>17</strong> .. it i.. •• riere4.***********.** .. *** .. *.*On •• ti.n .t AlteJ'lWlllli.tt, Mod .. by Alclel'lW1 Levelaq aDt pa •• e. un8n i •• ua<strong>17</strong>,it i. here~ .relerei ant Hrect. that a hearine M ~t en th. _tter set terth 1D. thetell.vine •• tice an. the tiae ani place thereiD epecltie. t.r tbe he1ti., .t wtheariDe ie herebT appr.vei and the Clerk i. tire ate. t. publi.h ad. n.tioe accU'tiact. lav, Alt •• tice beinc •• tell •• ,te-wit,.0000ICE or HlWtING '1'0 ACT CIf PE'l'I'1'Iac <strong>OF</strong> PBI'1' TOLOCATE· FILLING STA'1'Iaf ABDI OR SERVICEI' S'1'A'1'Iaf IIC(MU2tCUL DIS'l'RIC'l'.Wherea. Cl.7te C. Huaill., Jr., ani the staniart Oil C.p&nT et lentuck;rhave ru .. a petiti .. vith the Mqer ani Beari .t Al.e1"ll.n .t the Cit,- .t Oxtert,Mi •• i •• ippi reque.ti., that the,. be i •• u" a per.it ter the lecati .. &Di waintenano •• t a FUline Statien anti -* Senice Statien _ that part .t x..t "ber 1 illSecti .. 28, '1'ewn.h1p 8 Seuth, RaIl,e 3 Weet, in the Cit,. .t OJetert, Ceunt,. .tLafayett. ant Stat. .t Miui .. ippi, a. Ai. l.t i. shewn' an4 .e.icnatet 1lpen tile.rticial up at plat .t .aiel cit,- in uee .ince June 6, 1939, cep1e • • t which wapare en til. in the .ttice et the Mayer an« .d. Ci V ant in tJae .trice .t theChancery Clert .t eait c.unt,., ant beiDe particularl,. 'e.crib. ae bepDanine atthe n.rtheut c.rner .t .al. l.t an. run thence in a ve.terl,. t!reetien alene thenerlh line .t .&1t l.t ter a ti.tanoe .t 126 teet t. a peint; na thence in a•• utherl,- directi_ parallel t. the .aet b.UDd&r7 line et .ai. l.t ter a di.tance .t81 teet t •• peint; run theace in an ea.terl,. '!rectien .parallel t. the nerthb.Wld&r7 line .t eait l.t ter a tinance .t 51 teet t. a peillt, ruB thence nerlhparallel t. the eaat b.unar:r line .t .&1i l.t ter a ti.tance .t 6 teet t. a p.int;run then •• in an ... ter1,. diree1ii_ parallel t. the n.rth beundal7 l1De .t sdcl l.tt.r a ti.tance .t 75 te.t t. a peiat eo the east b.UD4ar.1 line .t eaii 1.t; rmthence in a nertherly tincti •• alene the east beundary line .t 15&1. l.t ter atietance .t 75 te.t t. the p.int .t beeirmiDlJ\/~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--//

102<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>NOW THEREF~,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN te all preperty ewers anel citizensintere8te. that a meecin, ot the Mayer an. Bear. et Al4eraen et the City etOxterd, Mi88i8sippi, vill be ael. at 7:30 e'cleck p. M., en the 8th clay etJanuary, 1957, at the City Hall et the City er extm, Mis8is8ippi, te hearebjeotien8 and prete8t8 alainst the !l'ant1n, er sd. pendt, and te de suchether acts and thin,s vith re,ari te 8ai. Petitien as .ay seem jU8t anipreper.jObjectiens and pretests a«-inst the !l'antin, er saiel pendt -.r be rlleiwith the City Clerk er the City ot axteri, Mississippi, at ~ tiae prier tesai4 aeetiD,.(SEAL)/s/ c. P. FulmerCLERK <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MiSSISSIPPI***********************Alderman Elliett errered and meved the adeptien .t the rellevine res.lutien:A RESOLUTIClf DE'l!,RtiINING TO PROCEED WITH THE SPJiCIAL IMPROW'.M»lTS ON WILLIAMS AVENUEEXTENDED FRCJ.i AVENT ACRES SUBDIVISON TO PARK DRIVE AND ON PARK DRIVE FRCNBRAMLETT GARDF.:lS SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHER! BOUNDARY <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> LIMITS ANDBRAMLETT BOULEVARD IN BRAMLETT GARDENS SUBDIVISION ALONG ITS ENTIRE LENGTH IN PARTI .r SAID SUBDIVISION AND THAT PART <strong>OF</strong> SISK AVDmE Df SAID BRAMLETT GARDENS SUB"­DIVISION LYING AVENT ACRES SUBDIVISION AND POPLAR HEIGHTS AND ALL THAT PART<strong>OF</strong> MCl.AURIN STRUT LYING IN PART I <strong>OF</strong> SAID BRAMLET'!' GARm"NS SUBDIVISION AND ALLTHAT PART <strong>OF</strong> SOUTH 10TH STRmT BEl'WEFX CLEVFLAND AVENUE: AND THE OLD <strong>CITY</strong> LIMITS<strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI.Whereas, en the 6th day et Nevember, 1956 at a relUlar meetin, et thaMayerand Beard er Alaeraan er the City et exterd, Mississippi, a resolutienvas .uly pas8e. cieclarin, the !l'adin" pavin, and layin, er curbs and «uttarsan. sanitary ani st ... severa, vater l1&ins, drains and aevered titches an.lead pipe vater cennectien8 en all that pertien or WilliUls Avenue Extende. lyincbetween Avent Acres Subiiviaten and Park Drift; and the entire lencth et ParkDrive !rem Bramlett Gardens SubcU. visien en the swth te the nerth beundary line etthe City ot Oxterd, Mi8sissippi; and all that part er Seuth 10th Street lyincbetween the eli sauth beundary line et the Cit,. er extert, MiSSissippi and ClewlaniAvenue; and. the entire len«th et the ttilevinl strepts in Part i et BrUllett GardensSub4iv1sien te the Cit,. et extercl., Mississippi, t ... vit; Bramlett Beulevart an.McLaurin Street ani alse the part et Sisk AftnU8 lyin, in sai4 Part I ar Br.mlettGarons Subtivia1en tr. Avent Acres Subiivisien te Pep1ar Hei,hts; all said streetsbein, shevn and •• silDAtei upen the atricial aap er the Cit,. et Oxferd, MissiSSippier the aaps and Plats et the subdiv1siens rererred te an tile with sai.cit,., necesS&<strong>17</strong> and. tintin, that such iapr ... ents require .. an UDusual eutlq rervhich the ceneral iapr .... ent tun. sheulcl net be USN, and,Whereas the Cit,. Clerk published said reselutien in the Oxteri Eacle,a public newspaper hanD« a ,eDeral circulati.. in the City er exterd,Mississippi ence a week rer three successive weeks en the tellevin, dates,ta-wit: Nev_ber 8th, 15th anci 22ni, 1956, aniJWhereas mere than rifteen day8 have elapse. since the rirst pUblicatien\ )at said reselutien, an.;

~, \i________________________________________________________________r .______________ ~~~~~~~~~~S.234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~. Wh.reas .. II&j erity .t the pr.perty ewners ewnin, aer. than ~ .t thetrent t.-'&I' in .... l.,. aM aatually residinc .n. pr.perty evn.d b7 th_ and includedwithin thlt J*!"t .t said streets .rei.reel t. be specially 1Ilpr ...... , er .th.MHactually .ccuP7inc preperty evned b7 the and includ •• within that area hawnet ebj.CtM .r pret.st •• as preTi.M by law, an.JWhereas, this Beard, sittin, t. h.ar .bj.cti.ns and pr.t.stsacainst thec.nstructien .t said special iapr .... ements, a.ju4ces that n. successtul .bj.cti.nsha ... e be.n aad. and h.arj, and;Wh.reas, said G ..... min, Autheri ty adjwl,es that sai. special 1Japr_ •• ntsbe ~a..as pr.Tid.. in said res.lutien •• clarine •• C.SSar,r and adjudces thatthe pr.perty .w.rs vb.s. pr.perty abuts en sai. streets .hall pay the entirec.st .t all curb. and cutters and vat.r and sev.r c.~tiens and two thiNS .tthe a.st .t the .ther iapr ..... ents h.r.in auther1zM t. be CeDstruct"; and thatthe City .t ext.rd, MissiSSippi shall pay en.-thiN .t the c.st .t the specialapr ..... nts h.r.in auth.ri ••• t. be a.nstructM .xcept the a.st .t curbs aMcutt.rs and vater and s.wer cenneeti.ns whiah are t. be pai. t.r by the abut tin,pr.perty .w.rs.Hell, THmEJI'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AID BOARD <strong>OF</strong> AL~ <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>CITY</strong> or <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. That all at the tindin,s .t taat aad. an4 set terth in thepr.lUIlbl. tl this reseluti.n sh.all be and the SUle are h.reb7 •• alared t. betrue and cerrect.SH::TION 2. That the City Ea,ineer be and he is hereby lutherize. t.c.nstruet er cause t. be censtn1cte4l the crad.inc, cra .... lin" paTin" curbsand cutt.rs, sanitar;y ani st.m sever., Jl&t.r I1ains, drains, c ..... red fitches and 1 ...pipe water a.m.etiens en that pertien .t the stre.ts d.scribed in paracraph nuaber1 .t the pr ... bl. t. this r.se1utien, said iapr8'f'e1llents t. be censtruct .. inaccmanee with the plans an. spec1ticati.ns rer.rrM t. in the reseluti.ndeclarinc thP, same n.cessal7.SECTION 3. That the City Enein •• r be aM h. is h.reby requirM t.ke.p an aoo8UJlt .t the c.st .r said special iapr ....... nts an. make a r.pertt. this ,-.mine auther1 't7 in .... r that said ,.vernin, auther1 ty uy 1.V thespecial asses ... nt .,ainst the abattin, pr.perty .vn.rs en the basis abewsp8cifi_ ani in the unDer set t.nIa in Reus. Bill H.. 76 .t the Recular 1950S.ssien .r the Mississippi Lelielature.SECTION 4. 'ftlat this res.lutien take .tr.ct and be in t.rce as prm ...by law.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>;"",--,,J _On .etien er Alcte1"l1&ll E111ett, aecell." by Aldel'llall Siak ana passe. unaniaws1T,the rere~eiD« reselutien vas adeptet.APPROVEDIs! Richard W. ElliottMayerATTEST:Is! c, P. FulmerCity Clerk** •• ** ••• ** •• * •• *On .etien made and secende. and pa .... unanl .. us1T it vas eriere. that this Beartae nev recd until 2 e'cleck p. M., Dlc.bar <strong>17</strong>, 1956.

...1iI~/11'2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>\1t5\I!RECESS, REGULAR MEETING 2100 P. M. D!C!MBER <strong>17</strong>, 1956Pursuant to a recess .rder entern en DeoeJllber 4, 1956, the Mayor and BeaN .tAldel"ll&D .. t .n December <strong>17</strong>, 1956, in the M.yor anel B.ard. et Alcle:naens' Chamber inthe Oi ty Hall when and where the tell.vin~ were preaent:Richard W. Elli.tt, Mayor, Preaidin&B. O. !lll.tt, Alde1"l1aD at tar!"WUli_ N. Levelaiy, Alderman Ward Tv.WUl A. Hickman, Alderaan Ward Four.. ************J. W. Price, Att.meyC. P. FulIler, ClerkE. P. t.we, E~ineer**************Atter the lIl.etine had 'been .penn aco.rdine t. law, the tellev1.~ busin.ss vas ha.te-vit:THE STATE: 0' MISSISSIPPITIm COUNTY 0' ~AlEmRESOLUTION IEOLARING THE INTtXTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD 0' ALIBBMEN 0' THE<strong>CITY</strong> 0' <strong>OXFORD</strong>, .MISSISSIPPI, TO ISSUE $1.0,000.00 <strong>OF</strong> BONDS 0' THE' <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISS ISS IPPI, FOR THE PURPOS& 0' PURCHASING LAND FOR A cntETmRY,AND IMPROVING, EQIIPPING AND ADORNING THE SAMIr.BE, AND IT HEREBE IS, ()Rl)ERED AND RESOLVED, that the May.r an. s.ard .tn4lenaan .t the City .t Oxterd, Mississippi, hereD)" declare their intent i_t. issue bends .r the City .r Oxford, Latayette Ceunty, Mississippi, in the.axiIIlUll ... unt .t $10,000.00, r.r the purp.se .t pr.Yitin~ funds t.r the purpes •• t purchasinc land r.r a cemete<strong>17</strong>, and i pr.vinc, equippin« am ade!'D.iD! _.r.r auch purpe .. , pursuant t. the pr.viaiens .t law and -ene ether Secti_3598-01. at seq. .r the Missiasippi Cede .t 1942 anel acts amendat.ry there.t an.suppleaental theret., sai. b.nds t. be issued by said ~.verniD« auth.r1ties ata .eetln~ .t said Mayor and Beard ot Aldermen .t the City .t axrerd, Missiaaippi,t. be bel. _ the 15th day .r January 1957, in the Mayor and B.ard .r Aldermen' aRea in the City Hall ill Oxterd, Mississippi, or at a .. _etin~ t. be hel.subsequent theret. at the _e place, unless _or prier t. sd. date thereshall be tiled with the City Clerk .t the City .t Oxt.rd, Misaissippi, a writtenpetitien siened by twenty per centUll (-2~)er mere .t the quali1'1_ eleoters.t said JNn1cipali ty pr.testiq apillet the issuance ot Ncb bends, inwhich event it shall be the .ut1' .t this Beard te call and pr.Yicle ter thehe1cli~.t an eleoti.n .n the questien .t the issuance .t such bencls asprevid_ by' law.

I! 106<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>The fere«.i~ re •• lutl~ first haYinC been read and otnsidered was ~ .ttientt Alderman E11ittt, seotnde. b.r Alderaan 81skman, adepted by theAPPROVED /s/ Riohari W, EllitttMaytrAttest: /s/ c, P. FulmerCity Clerk*********************On motion of Aldeman Ltvelady, seoonded by Alderman Ellittt and passed affirmativelyby t~e ima.,., .. vtte ef all aldermen present, the fell twine resolution was adopted:RESOLVW....D that the Mayor .f the City of Oxferd, MiSSissippi be and he hereby isdireoted to fUe an applioatioDr.fer Rederal Grant fer Sewerage Treatment Werks \Ulder33 U. S. c. 466 et seq. with the appropriate aeeney; andThis governing body a~ees that if a Federal Grant ftr the Prtjeot is made pursuanttt the Federal Water Pellution Contre! Aot (33 U. s. c. 466 et seq.) that the City.f Oxford, MiSSissippi will pay the remainine oost of the approved Prtjeot; and,The City of Oxford, Mississippi will prtvide prtper and effioient .peration andmaintenanoe tf the apprtved Prtjeot after oaapletion of oonstruotion theretf;And the Prtjeot above referred t. is the oonstruotion of the tWt seweraee dispesalplants and oclleotin« lines appertenant thereto authtrized at an eleotion heli inthe City ofaxrtra, Mississippi en <strong>No</strong>vember 8, 1955.Attest:lsI c. P. FulmerCity ClerkAPPROVED:Is/ Richard W. Elli.ttMayorJ********************On motion of Alderman Elliott, seoonded by Alderman Lovelady, it is hereby direotedthat the City En«ineer advertise for bids for the oonstruction rf the new Water Lineto be oonstruoted from the old South City Limits to the New South City Limits ofthe City of axford, Kississippi, aooordin« to plans and speoifications for suoh worknow on file with the City Engineer.* *** ** ** ** *** *** **On motion mideand seoonded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that tiis Boarddo now reoess until 7:30 P. M., January 1, 1957.IlI

~-~~~--~--~~~~~~~------~~-~~--~~~~~~----~~IlIaUK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS, REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. January 1, 1957107 \1I1Pursuant to a recess order entered on December <strong>17</strong>~ 1956, the Mayor and Board ofAlderman met on January 1, 1957 in the Mayor and ~oard of Aldermens' Chamber in theCity Hall when and where the following were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayer, Presidin!B. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeH. S. Siek, AldeI'lllan Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward Four*'II ************C. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meetin! had been opened according to law, the following busine8s was hadto-wit:! ',-jOn motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that thisBoard do now adjourn sine-die:CLFRK

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>UNITED STATES o F AVERICAS TAT E o F MIS SIS SIP P ICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTECIT Y0 FOX FOR D* * * * * ** * * * ** * * ** * ** **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. JANUARY 1, 1957Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippimet in r€gular session at the City Hall at 7:.30 P. M., Tuesday, Janauay 1, 1957, itbein! the time and plaoe fixed b.Y 1aw for the holding of said meeting, when and where thefollowing were present:Riohard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward TwoWill A. Hiclanan, Alderman Ward FourC. P. Fulmer, Clerk******il****Arter the meeting had been oalled to order, the following business was transaoted:On motion of Alderman Elliott, seoonded b,y Alderman Sisk and passed unanimously, it wasordered that this Board do now reoess until 7:00 P. M., January 8, 1957.

---~----------~.~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>it!)f-­II ,\..(522a4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZREC ESS, RffiULAR 1-' EEl'ING 7:00 P. M. JANUARY 8, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on January 1, 1957, the l-':ayor and Board ofAlderman met on January 8, 1957, in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens I Chamber inthe City Hall when and where the following wer~ present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie R. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Aldenr.an Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Ricman, Alderman Ward Four************J. W. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, EhgineerGill W. Johnson, Supt. of Light Departmentc. P. Fulmer, ClerkNewt King, Marshal************After th~ meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:The minutes of the December moetings were read and motion was made seconded and passedthat they be adopted as read.Motion was made seconded and passed that the following accounts would be allowed:CORPORATION ~War~t<strong>No</strong>.Account<strong>No</strong>.Amount867C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty cash December 14, 1956Various$159.10869C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll for 12/15/56Various346.27872Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, salary for December - $4.00 w/h 110196.00873B. O. Elliott, salary for December - $.50 w/h11024.50874Bennie H. CrOUCh, salary for December - $.50 w/h11024.50875William N. Lovelady~salary fdr December - $5.10 w/h11019.90876H. S. Sisk, salary for December - $.50 w/h11024.50877Will A. Hickman, salary for December - $.50 w/h11024.50878J. W. Price, salary for December - $2.00 w/h11598.00879E. P. Lowe, salary for December - $18.28 w/h1<strong>17</strong>352.97880C. P. Fulmer, Salary for December - $29.60 w/hIII320 .. 40881<strong>No</strong>na E. Woodward, salary for December - $22.00 w/h116188.00882Newt King, salary for December - $38.55 w/h112223.95883W. G. Kimmons, salary for December - $24.39 w/h113207.11i" i), ./884885R. H. 1"llla, salary for December - $lb.40 w/hM. T. Styers, salary for December - $20.40 'tl/h<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5193.60<strong>17</strong>9.60

I/ 110<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Warrant<strong>No</strong>.CORPORATION FUND CONTINUEDAccount<strong>No</strong>.Amount~)886Donald Carwile, salary for December - $10.40 wlh<strong>17</strong>6189.60887Doyle Luther, salary for Dec~ber - '3.6~wlh135180.07888Roy ThClr.as, salary for December- $7.03 wlh135<strong>17</strong>6.72892Jimmie E. Gay, salary for December- $10.40 wJh135239.60889W. I. ~ills, salary for December- $21.54 wlh13541.46890Mrs. Rose Rowland, salary for December - $11.40 wlh14793.60891lJrs. J. W. Price, salary for Decen:ber - $.50wJh13824.50898Lafayette County Health t~it,check for December136162.50899Lafayette County Library, check for Decerl)ber14832.50754Tax Withheld Fund, tax withheldVarious260.80900Dement Printing Co., balance on Acct. for <strong>No</strong>v.1469.00901C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 12/31/56Various309.27909Th~Tax Withheld Fund, for tax withheldVarious269.27Fire at East and Cl ev el and 2: 15 P. }/. 12/2/56967E. B. Addington1351.50968W. J. Austin1351.50969Scott Elack1351.50970Ira L. Crowson1351.50971B. O. ~11iott, Jr.1351.509721351.50973Clyde Huggins, Jr.1351.50974Bill Johnson1351.50975Dcyle Luther1351.50976D. G. Nelson, Jr.1351.50977David Ross1351.50978D. S. Ross1351.50979R. E. Shellabarger1351.50980Roy Thomas1351.50981Roland Tidwell1351.50982C. S. Wilson1351.50983R. H. Winter1351.50Sale ~arn 3:05 P. M. December 2, 1956:984W. J. Austin1351.50985E. T. Haney1351.50986Paul Hudson1351.50 --I987Bill Johnson1351.50988Doyle Luther1351.50D. G. Neilson, Jr.1351.50990David Ress1351.50

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>111-.-,i---82234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ---------------------Warrant<strong>No</strong>.CORPORATION FUND CQNTINUEDAccount<strong>No</strong>.Amount991D. S. Ross1351.50992W. O. Smith1351.50993Roy Thomas1351.50994Roland Tidwell1351.50995R. L. Tidwell1351.50996C. S. Wilson1351.50997R. H. Winter1351.50998Vernon Chambers1351.50Fire at Holly Springs, Dec. 11, 1956 12:03 A.M.:999H('mer Duke1355.001000Clyde Huggins, Jr.1355.001001Doyle Luther1355.001002D. G. Neilson, Jr.1355.001003R. E. Shellabarger1355.0010C4Roy 'l'homas1355.001005C. S. \filson1355.001006R. H. Winter1352.25Fire at <strong>No</strong>rth 7th Street 10:10 A.M. 12/20/5610071008Homer Duke 135B. O. Elliott, Jr. 1351.50. ,1.501009101010111012101310141015101610<strong>17</strong>1018101910201021102210231024102510261027M. C. Falkner 135Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135D. G. Nelson, Jr. 135EUgene Dietzgen Co, Engineering supplies 151Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Qo~, City Hall - Dec. bill 124South8rn Bell T~l. & Tel. Co., Mayor's Office - Dec. bill 124Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Engineer's Office 124Southern Bell Tel. ~ Tel. Co., Fire Dept. - Dec. bill 135Oxford Light and Water Plant, - the Armory 153Oxford Light and Water Flant, City Hall 143Oxford Light and Water Plant , Girl Scouts 143United Gas Corporation, City Hall - Dec. bill 123United Gas Corporation, City Hall - Dec. bill 123United Gas Corporation, City Garage - Dec. bill 123l' etts Brothers Hardware C('., supplies for rental repairs 149The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing ~o., Miss. code 146Dement Printing Co., cash book 146S. C. Toof and Co., bonds 122Fisher Stationery Co., change maker 1461.501.501.5014.251.4020.8015.2524.409.6626.93.5396.<strong>17</strong>1.506.839.3912.5072.04110.278.18-------------------------------------------------------------------)

-_._- - - .. -.---~ .. ----_ ..... -.-.~-.-~~~.,112<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Warrant<strong>No</strong>.~ORPORATIONFUND CONTINUEDAccount<strong>No</strong>.Amount1028The Oxford Eagle, tnc., advartising1377.201029The Oxford Eagle, legal printing122152.181099The University of Miss., Dept. of Int€Tcolegiate Athletics137125.001030~J:. E. Winkler & Associates, audit for year ended 9/30/56131150.001031William H. Ivy, secretarial service - for Engineer15112.001032D. H. Marchbanks and Co., liability, workrrens' corrren.and autoreobile liability1293<strong>17</strong>7.961094Harden's Printing Compa~,TYrewriter ribbon installed1461.85916Roy Thomas1351.509<strong>17</strong>C. S. 'Nilson1351.50918Scott Black1351.50919H orner Duke1351.50920B. O. Elliott, Jr.1351.50921M. C. Falkner1351.50922D. G. Neilson, Jr.1351.50923R. E •. Shellabarger1351.50924925C. S. WilsonHomer Duke1351351.501.50I926M. C. Falkner1351.501927Clyde Huggins, Jr.1351.50928Doyle Luther1351.50929D. G. Nelson, Jr.1351.50930R. E. Shellabarger1351.50931Roy Thcmas1351.50932C. S. Wilson1351.50933E. B. Addington1351.50934Ira L. CrrlWson1351.50935Horner Duke1351.50936¥.. C. Falkner135l.,;v937Clyde Huggins, Jr.1351.50938Bill Johnson1351.50939Doyle Luther1351.50940D. G. Neilson, Jr.1351.50941David Ross1351.50942D. S. Ross1351.50943R. E. Shellebarger1351.50944945946W. O. SIT.i thWade StephensRoy Thomas1351351351.501.501.50, I--947Roland Tidwell1351.50

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>113!l22S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCORPORATION FUND CO~~INUEDWarrant<strong>No</strong>.Account<strong>No</strong>.Amount948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964Vernon Charr.bersDelta Chemical Co., Janitorial SuppliesOle Miss Press and Book Store, stationeryOzburn-Abston Co., suprlies for rental repairsElliott Hardware Co., supplies tOr rental repairsJ. H. Oliver and Co., supplies for rental repairsJ. H. Oliver and Co., janitorial suppliesJ. H. Oliver and Co., supplies for rental prppertyCentral Ch~~cal Co., janitorial suppliesShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., janitor suppliesShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., supplies for repairs~organ and Lindsey, janitor suppliesHederman Brothers, 1000 duplicate tax receiptsJ. H. Mansel, 8 gallons of gas for Fire Dept.Daley Lw.ber COIT'pany, rraterial for repairs - rentalDaley Lumber Company, stakesThe J. E. Neilson Co., Buie ~useum1351271461491491491271491271271491271461351491511471.5028.352.55<strong>17</strong>.606.2030.5311.6557.9021.501.10.501.7430.771.7913.6720.00114.94STREET FUND8688707558578938948958959029049101033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045104610471048104910501051109510531054105510561057105810591060106110621063108210831084108510861087108810891090109110921095c. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty Cash 12/14/56C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 12/15/56Tax Withheld Fund, tax withheldVivian Street Special Improvement Fund, reimbursementR. L. Tidwell, salary for December - $6.02 w/hW. T. Chandler, salary for December - $19.83 w/hw. 1. Mills, salary for DecembervI. I. Mills, salary for DecemberC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 12/31/56The Bank of Oxford, <strong>No</strong>te and interestThe Tax w~thheld Fund, tax withheldE. E. Presley, sharpening picks and sawsHarry L. Shapiro, caps and topsOxford <strong>No</strong>tor Co., supplies for equipment r0pairsOxford Motor Co., supplies for repairs - Folice carF. W. Belk and Son ~otor Co., repairs new Dodge truckEast Motor Co., supplies for repairsEast ~otor Co., supplies for upkeep on equipment, repairsShaw and Sneed Hardware Company, supplies for equipmentShaw and Sneed Hardware Cempany, supplies for shopShaw and Sneed Hardware Company, blades and broomsShaw and Sneed Hardware Company, supplies fOr pclice carShaw and Sneed Hardware Company, misc. supplies - SanitationPolice StationJohnson and Fitchett, labor and material for paintingKorgan and Lindsey, batteriesElliott Hardware Co., cement for streetsH & S Shevrolet Co., suppli~s for equipment repairsBagwell Service Station, wash and grease jobsBagwell Service Station, washing and greasing for trucksStandard Welders ~upply ~o., supplies for shopStandard Oil Company, Esso EXtra for shopJ. H. Mansel, 659 gallons of gasJ. H. Mansel, 198 gallons of gasOzburn-Absten & Co., Inc., supplies for repairsOzburn-Abston & Co., Inc., supplies for repairsOzburn-Abston & Co., Inc., supplies for shopBoyce G. Bratton, care of prisonersOle Miss Service Station, gas for Police carOle 1-':iss Service Station, wash, grease and sealed beamPolice carMyers and Knight Equipnent Co., making garbage pitLynn Sand and Gravel for streetsPidgeon-Thomas Iron Company de-romed barsOxford Light and Water Flant, Dec. bill - Police Sta.United Gas Corporation, Dec. bill - Police OfficeOxford Light and Water Plant, Dec. bill - City HallOxford Light and Water Plant, barn on Highway 7 SouthOxford Light and Water Plant, street lightingSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Dec. bill - Polioe OfficeJ. H. Mansel, 5 gallons of ~easeIllinois Central Railroad Co., rental billWilliam H. Ivy, surveyingOxford Asphalt Co., road gravelDoyle and Charles Ivey, gravelStandard Oil CompanyVarious 56.89Various 1298.78225 & 280 25.85.239 738.60225 224.98280 163.92227 31.50237 31.50226 & 236 1328.2115085.00225 & 280 25.85237 6.30210 13.37227 31.85223 9.60237 90.65237 .75227 13.25227 1.50243 .25229 11.70223 3.20239 1.45218 29.00218 6.00. 239 14.00227 9.38238 4.80228 13.00243 6.66243 6~63228 147.69238 44.82237 6.57227 6.66243 5.45211: 21.00224 98.19223 <strong>17</strong>.75229 563.30239 63.75239 50.96218 10.42218 6.72259 1.56259 1.00259 313.99216 15.80228 5.95239 15.00253 292.00239 112.50239 119.69243 6.63j~~~----------------~/

11,t<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Warrant<strong>No</strong>.WATER AND SEWER FUm;?AccountNc.Amount)75075<strong>17</strong>52753756757758865866871896897903905906907908911106410651066106710681069107010711072107310741075Union Planters Nati,nal Bank, for deposit to Waterand Sew,er Fund for cushion fundUnion Planters National ~ank, for deposit - InterestWater and Sewer Depreciation Fund, transferWater and Sewer Contingent Fund, transferTax Withheld Fund, Tax withheldWater and Sewer Depreciation Fund, transferWater and Sewer Contingent Fund, transferUnion Planters National Bank, collectiln chargeC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty CashC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, PayrollElton Addington, salary for December - $41.08 w/hW. I. Mills, salary for DecemberC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, payroll 12/31/56Union Planters National Bank, for dep~sit - interestUnion Planters Nati0nal Bank, deposit - cushion FundWater and Sewer Depreciation Fund, transferWater and Sewer Contingent Fund, transferThe Tax Withheld Fund, for tax withheldOxford Light and Water Plant, p~ping station - Dec. billOxford Light and Water Plant, FactoryCrane Company, supplies for Water DepartmentElliott Hardware Co., cement for Sewer Dept.J. F. Mansel, 80 gallons of gas for truckDaley Lumber Co., brick, cement, oak, etc.Wholesale Supply Co., supplies for Water Dept.Pidgeon Thomas Iron (b., Water Dept. suppliesCentral Service Association, water billingTriplett FJ..ectric Co., Light for water tankBadger Meter Mfg. Co., water meter partsRockwell Manufacturing Co., water meter parts535532533534508533534536510514 & 521508514521 & 5215355335345085375375105185255185105105395<strong>17</strong>512512600.001677.09150.00100.0041.08150.00100.0028.757.07626.60186.9263.00588.691677.09600.00150.00100.0041.08<strong>17</strong>2.0082.642.887.006.72155.5013.7929.01105.85287.3037.3711.09VIVIAN STREET SPEIAL IMPROVlJv1mT FUND8618628638641076Charles and Trauernicht, professional servicesWilliam A. Bacon, services as State's Bond AttorneyJ. W. Price, professional services for $20,000 bond issueThe: Street Fund, to pay loanOxford Asphalt Co., Second estimate on Vivian Street Ext.75.0023.00200.0020256.552361.30SERER CONSTRUCTION FUND10771077107810791080Dr. F. E. Linder, J. L. Tubbs and Siemn Free.w~n, crop damageby Sewer lineStandard Service Station, wrecker service - Varner LoopS. T. MitchellStandard Service Stati~n, wrecker service - Dewey Hawkinsand Mrs. S. T. MitchellVo1z Construction Company Estimate <strong>No</strong>.4, Certificate <strong>No</strong>. 47}.:athews Whitefield, ~nc. Est1Ir~te <strong>No</strong>.4 CertificatE <strong>No</strong>. 48Irby Seay Company Professional Service Certificate <strong>No</strong>. 46300.005.0010.009664.3513473.801441.76TAX WITHHELD FUND856855Public Employees Retirement System, retirement withheld for<strong>No</strong>vemberFederal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, income tax withheld for<strong>No</strong>vember<strong>17</strong>4.4l564.18..FIRE PROTECTION FUND1081Safety First Froducts Corporation, hose and regulator30.27EL?iCTRIC DEPAB'WENT45804603 '4604460546064607-461246154613-4614Petty Cash, William WcmackBetty Cash, William WomackC. P. Fulmer, Water and SewerC. P. Fulmer, Tax withheldUnited States Post Office, EhvelopesPayroll for December 15Petty Cash, William Womack65.0012.498986.43423.3276.40132.8045.01""

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--------'\115 I1IIf234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZELECTRIC DEPARWENT CONTINUEDWarrant<strong>No</strong>.Account<strong>No</strong>.Amount461646<strong>17</strong>-46184621-46304632-4637464046414642464346444645464646474648464946504651465246534655465646574658465946604664466546664667466846694670467146724677467l/,467546734676Dr. W. A. Busby, refund of Sewer chargePet ty Cash, William E'. WcmackPayroll for December 31, 1956Western Auto Store, MaterialsP. A. Wilson, Service Station, wash and greaseM. M. Winkler and Associates, Audit for fiscal year 1956Walker Electric Co., Light bulbsUnited Gas Corp. Gas billS. C. Toof and Co., SuppliesTruss Motor Co. ,Material for line truck<strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss. Electric Power Association, Meeting<strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss. Public Power Association, duesTenn. Valley Public fower Association, duesTenn. Valley Authority, PowerShaw & Sneed Hardware, SuppliesThe Oxford Eagle Inc., SuppliesJ. H. Mansel, Gasf"Standard Oil Co., Oil<strong>No</strong>rth Miss. Ind. Dav. Association, DuesCentral Service Association, billingEast Motor Parts Co., SuppliesElliott Hardware Co., ConcreteElliott Hardware Co., NailsSouthern Bell T&1ephone Co. Phone BillD. H. Marchbanks Ins. Agency, InsuranceClement Safety Equipment Inc., SuppliesMiss. Municipal Utility Association, DuesOle Niss Press and Book Store, SuppliesStuart C. Irby Co., MaterialsOxford Auto Parts, PartsOzburn-Abston & Co., PartsThe Riechman Crosby Co., MaterialsOxford Motor Co., PartsTenn. ValleY Electric Supply, }'aterialsMeter Service and Supply Co., MetersHaney Chevrolet Co., SuppliesDuncan Electric Co., Meters8.3319.283111.921.003.00250.0011.0070.1951.5322.5081.25150.0085.005314.692.3554.0028.983.06372.00234.8126.6433.75.3041.101367.782.3525.00.5916.9620.569.3042.041.7335.40102.3023.3358.28**** ** *****A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE <strong>OF</strong> A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE LOCATION AND ~~INTENANCE<strong>OF</strong> A FILLING STATION AND/OR SERVICE STATION IN THE C(MIERCIAL DISTRICT <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI.WHEREAS NOTICE WAS DULY AND LEGALLY GIVEN TO ALL PROP.tRTY OWNBRS and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi would be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on the 8th day of January, A. D.,1957, at the City Hall of the City of Oxf'ord, Mississippi, to hear objections andprotests against the granting of a permit to H. H. Whitworth and others, to locateand maintain a filling station and/or service station on the property hereinafterdescribed, and no obj ections being interposed thereto and it appearing to thisgovdrning boqy that the granting of such permit would be proper and beneficial,NOW THEREFORE, be and it herp-by is ordered and directed that the applicatiOnot H. H. Whitworth and others for a permit for the location and maintenance of a_filling station and/or service station on Lot Number 130 in Section 21, Township8 South, Range 3 West, in the City of Oxford, County of Lafayette and State ofMississippi, as sai'd lot is shown and designated upon the official map and plot ofsaid city on file in the office of the Mayor thereof, is hereby approved; and theCity Engineer is hereby ordered and directed to issue said permit on behalf of theCity of Oxford, ~ississippi.The above resolution having be"n first reduced to witing was introduced byAlderman Is/ B. O. Elliott , and the same having been seconded by Alderman/sl H. S, Sisk, was read and considered by sections and voted on by yea and nayvote, and all aldermen present voted yea. The resolution having received theunanimous vote of all aldermen present it was declared duly adopted.APPROVED:lsi Richard W.MayorElliottATTEST: lsi C. P. FnJmerCLBlRK:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---/

(~11tj<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE <strong>OF</strong> A SPECIA~J PERGT FOR THE LOCATION AND lI.AINTENANCE<strong>OF</strong> A FILLING STATION AND/OR SERVICE STATIrN IN THE CMIERCIAL DISTRICT <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, lv:ISSISSIPPI'-ojWHEREAS, n~tice was duly and legally given to all property owners and citizensinterested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi would be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on the 8th day of January, A. D.,1957, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, l

C(. II__1<strong>17</strong> \._'_'~O"""'O","o.="m"~INUTE <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong>_O_X_F_O_R_D ____ ~The matter of a division in the assessment of part lot 61 appearing on page 131, line25, being divided between Dr. J. W. Rothchild and others, and H. H. Whitworth, all nowbeing assessed to J. W. Rothchild and others, and on information that H. H. Whitworthhad bought 150 feet fronting on University Avenue off of said lot, motion was made byAlderman Hickman and seconded b.Y Alderman Lovelady and passed that the assessment bedevided according to the number of feet each owns.*************Mr. Lowe brought to the attentirn of the Board the need for a Front End Loader tocover garbage at the disposal pitt, and after considering the matter, motion was madeby Alderman Elliott and seconded b.Y Alderman Lovelady and passed, that Mr. Lowe beauthorized to advertise in the Oxford Eagle for bids on same.************. 'The Board having received a request for a qui~claim deed to a part of JeffersonAvenue ~ West of <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street (u."1op!:m) to the property ownelB on each side of JeffersonAvenue, and after discussing the matter, motion was made b.Y Alderm~C~h .. tMt onehalf of said Jetfet,'son AvenUE> be deeded to th", property ownere adjo1nI'ng", prOV!aed theyshow ~roof of ownership, and assume total Cqrb and Gutter and Paving tax on <strong>No</strong>rth 9thStreet on same. This motion was seconded b,y,Alderman Elliott, and all Aldermen presentvoted yea.************Pursuant to an advertisement i~ the Oxford Eagle for a Depository for the year1957, to be opened January 8, 1957, bids were received from the Following:Bank of Oxford,Oxford, Mississippi; The First National aank, Oxford, Mississippi. After considerationof the foregoing bids, motion was made Qy Alderman HickFan and seconded by AldermanLovelady and passed that The First National Bank be accepted for all School Funds andall Electric Department Funds and that the Bank of Oxford be accepted for all otherfunds for the City of Oxford.************Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on two Traffic Light Controls,to be opened January 8, 1957, bids were received frOUl the following:Crouse Hinds - Syracrus~, New YorkHinton Fire Equipnent Company - Laurel, NississippiEagle Signal Corp. - Moline, IllinoisFrieshon & BolsCm - New Orleans, LouisianaGr~bar Electric Carrpany - ~emphis, TennesseeGeneral Electric Coxr.pany - Memphis, TennesseeAfter the bids were opened and read, motion was made, seconded and passed that the foregoingbids be turned over to G. W. Johnson, Supt. of the Electric Department, for tabulation andreport at the next meeting of the Board.************Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on Shop Equipment to be openedJanuary 8, 1957, bids were received from the following:Whi tehead Auto Supply CC!I'1Fany, Oxford, Mississipr,i1 Garage Valve Grinding Machine Completc $547.401 6 & 12 Volt TiJDiilgLight (1302 Alle!")1 Garage Spark Plug Cleaner (Fodel KAC)29.1113.00After considering the foregoing bid, it being the only bid received, motion was made b,yAlderman Ellimtand seconded by Alde~~ Sisk and passed that this bid be accepted for the Volt Timing Light and theGarage Spark Plug C19aner, and the bid on the Valve Grinder be rejected.************Pursuant to an advertisment in the Oxford Eagle for bids on construction of a water lineSouth on number 7 Highway ~ to the new City Limits, bids were received from thefollowin&: Volz Construction Company, Riple,y, Tennessee. This being the only bidreceived, motion was made b.Y Alderman Elliott and seconded by Alderman Sisk and passedthat the Volz Construction Company bid be approved.************Came on for consideration applications for taxi drivers permits from the following:Curtis MillerDonaid Mal oneAaron BeardFred Curtis, Jr.Bobbie G. HankeHorrace HuckabyAfter considering the foregoing application, motion was made by Alderman Elli'tt and

;18<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~~~-~-'-l1seconded by Alderman Sisk, and passed th~t thv applications of Curtis Miller, Fred J. Carter, Jr.and Horace Huckaby be approved and that the applications of Donald Malone, Aaron Beard andBobbie G. Hanks be rejected.************L. G. Lynch, Jr. appeared before the Board and requested that the assessment on the buildingof the ;"ynch Motel, arpaaring on page 91, line 5 of the assessment roll of the City ofOxford, be reduced. Arter consideration of the above rpquest, motion was made secondedand passed that the assessment on the above building be reduced to $25,500.00.************Came on for consideration the employment of an assistant in office of the ElectricalDerartmeL.t. After consideratil"'n or/.. the a~plications filed, motion was made by AldermanLoveltidy and seconded by Alderman S'isk and passed that Mrs. }~ary ~la.lone be anployedto beiin immediately at sal..ry of $<strong>17</strong>5.00 per month.********* ***Came on for consideration for the employment of an assistant in th~ Clerk and Tax Collector'sOffice. After considering all applications filed, motion was made by Alderman Elliott andseconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that 'tt:rs. Marie Gillis be anployed to beginimmediately at a salary of $185.00 per month.**** *** *****A letter of resignation was presented to the Board by Mrs. BeulaWDell Lyles, effectiveJanuary 12, 1957. Aft~r the resignation was read motion was made by Alderman Elliottand seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that ~rs. Lyles resignation be accepted.Alderman Lovelady offered and mov3d the adopti~nTHE STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPITHE COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTETHE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>******* *** **of the following resolution:JA RESOLUTICN DETEBKINING TO PROCEED WITH THE SPECIAL ]}JiPROV~1!NTS ON SOUTH 18TH STREETFRet" ROSS AVENUE TO JOHNSON AVl!NUE EXTENDED, AND ALL <strong>OF</strong> ROSS AVENUE AND JOHNSON AVENUEEXTENDED LYING WITHIN HALEY SUBDIVISION PART III IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI.Whereas, on the 4th day of Dec:;mber, 1956, at a regular meeting of the !-',ayor andBoard of AldermEn of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, a resolution was duly passeddeclaring the grading, gravelling, paving and laying of curbs and gutters and sanitaryand storm sewers, water mains, drains and covered ditches and lead pipe water connectionson the following streets or-'parts of streets located in Haley Subdivision, Part III, inthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, particularly described as follows, to-wit: SOUTH 18th§~, particularly described as starting at the point of intersection of the centerlineof South 18th Street and the Soutp Boundary line of Ross Avenue as shown and designated uponthe official map and plat lof Haley Subdivision, Part II, recorded in Plat Book 1, at pages18 and 19 of the records/in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Lafayette County, Mississippi,and run thdnce S 10 057' W a distance of 315 feet to the south boundary line of JohnsonAvenue Extended as said street is hereinafter described; ROSS AVENUE, particularly describedas beginning at the point where th:.l centerline of Ross Av£nue int:3rsects the east right-of-wayline of South 18th Street as said streets are shown and designated upon the map or plat ofHale,y Subdivision, Part II, above referred to and continue thence in an easterly directionin a direct extension of said Ross Avenue a distance of 240 feet; JOHNSON AVENUE EXTENDED,particularly described as beginning at the point oi the east right-of-way line of South 18thIlStreet above described Which lies 290 feet S 10 0 57' W of the intersection of the east rightof way line of South 18th Street with the south right-of-way line of Ross Avenup as said

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>119\------------1Sf234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZIstreets are shown and designated upon the map and plat of Haley Subdivision, Part II, abovereferred to and run thence S 79 0 03' E a distance of 250 feet; AtSO JOHNSON AVENUE EXTENDED,particularly described as beginning at the point oil the west right-of-way line of S('uth 18thStreet above described which lies 290 feet S 10 0 57' W of the intersection of the west rightof way line of South 18th Street with the south right-of-way line of Ross Avenue as saidstreets are shown and designated upon the map and plat of Hale,y SubdiviSion, Part II abovereferred to and run thence N 79 0 03' W a distance of 340 feet to a point; the courses abovedescribed being the centerlines of said streets which extend 25 feet on each side of saidcentsrlines; necessary and finding that such improvements required an unusual outlay ~orwhich\the general improvement fund should not be used, and;Whereas the City Clerk published said resolution in the Oxford Eagle, a public newspaperhaving a general circulation in the City of Oxford, Mississippi once a week for three successiveweeks on the following dates to-wit: December 6th, 13 and 20th, 1956, and;Whereas more than fifteen days have elapsed since the first publication of said resolution,and;Whereas a majority of the property owners owning more than 50% of the front footage involvedand actually residing on property owned by them and included within that part of said streetsordered to be specially improved, or otherwise actually occupying property owned b.Y them andincluded within that area have not objected or protested as provided by law, and;Whereas, this Board, sitting to hear objections and protests against the construction ofsaid special imprcvements, adjUdges that no successfUl objections have been made and heard, an&,-Whereas, said Governing Authority adjudges that said special improvements be made asprovided in said resolution declaring necessary and adjudges that the property owners whoseproperty abuts on said streets shall pay the entire cost of all curbs and gutters and waterand sewer connections and two thirds of the cost of the other improvements herein authorizedto be constructed; and that the City of Oxford, Mississippi shall pay one-third of the cost ofthe special improvements herein authorized to be constructed except the cost of curbs and guttersand water and sewer connections which are to be paid for b,y the abutting property owners.~/',.-'NOW TH:EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDER-'.El~<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI, AS FOLLOWS:SlIlCTION 1. That all of the findings of fact made and set forth in the preamble to thisresolution shall be and the same are hereby declared to be true and correct.SECTION 2.That the City Engineer be and he is hereb,y authorized to construct or cause tobe constructed the grading, gravelling, paving, curbs and gutters, sanitary and storm sewers,water mains, drains, covered ditches and lead pipe water connections on that portion of thethe preamble tostreets described in paragraph number 1 off this resolution, said improvements to be constructedin accordance with the plans and specifications referred to in the resoluti~ndeclaring thesame necessary.SECTION 3.That the City Engineer be and he is hereby required to keep an account of thecost of said special improvements and make a report to this governing authority in order that'said governing authority may levy the special assessment against the abutting property ownerson the basis above specified and in the manner set forth in House Bill <strong>No</strong>. 76 of the Regular 1950

120<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>r--'_.---Session of the Mississippi Legislature.SECTION 4. That this resolution take effect and be in force as provided by law.On motion of Alderman Lovelady, seconded by Alderman Hickwan, and passed unanimously,the foregoing resolution was adopted.APPROVED:/s/ Richard W. Elliott~iayorATTEST:/s/ C. P. FulmerCity Clerk************The l-.ayor and Board of Aldermen then took up the matter of off:')ring for sale the OneHundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) Special Street Improvement Bonds of theCity of Oxford, Lafayette CdUnty, Mississippi, to be issued for the purrose of raying forthe special irr~rrovements on that portion of Williams Avenue Extended from Avent Acrps Subdivisionto Park Drive and on Park Drive from Bramlett Gardens Subdivision to the <strong>No</strong>rthernBoundary of the City Limits, and Braml~tt Boulevard in Bramlett Gardens Subdivision alongits €ntire length in Part I of Said Subdivision, and that part of Sisk Avenue in said BramlettGardens Subdivision lying between Avent Acres Subdivision and Poplar Heights, and all thatpart of McLaurin Street lying in Part I of said Brarrlett GardensvSubdivision, and all that partof South lOth Street lyinr between Cleveland Avenue and the Old City Limits of Oxford,Mississippi, and on South 18th Street from Ross Avenue to Johnso~ Avenue Extended, in HaleySubdivision, Part III, and all of Ross Avenue and Johnson Avenu3 F~ended lying within HaleySubdivision, Part III, all in the City of Oxford and County of Lafayette and State of~ississippi, as shown on the maps and plats of the subdivisions referred to, as authorizedby Chapter 495 of the Laws of }/ississipri, 1950, and amendments thereto, whereupon thefollowing resolution was presented:A RESOSUTlnN RE~EIVING THE REPORT <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> ENGlNEF,R AS TO THE COST <strong>OF</strong> CERTAINSpreIAL STRlET ThPROVBllENTS AND DIRECTING S» E TO BE FILF~ '.fITH THE <strong>CITY</strong> GLF1tK,ASCERTAINING, FINDING AND DEmRl-'JINING THE COST <strong>OF</strong> SAID SPECIAL TIlPROVFl'ENTS, THEASSESSED VALUATION <strong>OF</strong> TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, ¥.ISSISSIPPIAND THE OUTSTANDING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong>: ALSO ASCERTAINING, FINDINGAND DE."" ... J~

I r, ~------------------------------------------------------,----------------------~! ~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Bt2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINaS co., NATCHEZand This governing authority has received said report and carefully examined same and heardevidence thereon; <strong>No</strong>w therefore, this governing body after hparing and considering said reportdoth rind and determine and ascertain that the estimated cost of said special improvements isthe amount of One Hundred and Forth Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00), of which amount the Cityof Oxford shall pay the sum of $40,866.00, and the abutting property owners shall pay thesum of $99,234.00 on the basis provided for in the resolutions determining to proceed; thata summation of said costs by streets is as follows:SlW¥ARYLength Cost Cost Totalin Property to CostFeet Owners CityBramlett Blvd. 735 10695.89 4059.92 14755.81Sisk Avenue 1649 31839.82 13037.38 44877.21McLaurin Drive 778 13255.48 5266.20 18521.68Park Drive 2003 15599.12 7794.55 23393.67Williams Ave. Ext. 400 4<strong>17</strong>3.71 2086.84 6260.55South 10th Street 500 5<strong>17</strong>5.14 <strong>17</strong>55.41 6930.55Ross Ave. Ext. 300 3831.53 1353.22 5184.75(South 18th St. Ext. 310 3852.09 1326.91 5<strong>17</strong>9.00Jrhnson Ave. Eat. 660 10445.80 4052.84 U1.98.64TOTAL 98868.58 40733.27 139601.86CONTINGENCIES 265.42 132.73 398.14TOTAL 99234.00 40866.00 140000.00SECTION 2.That the assessed value of the taxable property within the City of Oxford,Mississippi, accofding to the last cOmpleted assessment for taxation is as follows:Real Estate, 4,212,955Personal Propertyl,654,457Public utility Property ; 270,708TOTAL 6,138,120SECTION 3. That outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,exclusive of School Bonds and Revenue Bonds is as follows, to-wit:(IBOND ISSUE5/1/1948 Funding Bonds12/1/1951 Refunding Special Street Improvement4/1/1952 Water and Sewer Improvement12/2/1952 Special Street Improvement <strong>No</strong>tes3/1/1953 Refunding Special Street Improvement9/1/1953 Special Street Improvement3/1/1954 Special Street Improvement9/1/1954 Special Street Improvement4/1/1955 Special Street ImprovementOUTSTANDIN G INDEl3TEDNESS$45,000.0060,000.0012,000.00',,4,200.0082,000.0035,000.003,200.0044,000.0063,000.0011/1/1956 Special Street ImprovementTOTAL20,000.00368,400.00

!-I_ ..__._.____ . __ - __ _122<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~.------- .. -.-!I,SECTION 4. That the amount of th~bonds hereinafter Froposed to be issued, when added to theaforesaid outstanding bonded indebtedness, will not result in the imposition on any of the propertywi thin said municipality of indebtedness of more than fifteen percentum of the assessed va.lue ofthe taxable property within said district according to the last completed assessment for taxation;and this governing authority does ascertain, find and determine that the amount of bonds hercinafterdirected to be issued, when added to the outstanding bonded indebtedness of th€ City ofOxford, Mississippi, will not exceed any statutory or constitutional limit of indebtedness.SECTION 5.That the One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) Special StreetImprovement Bonds of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to be issued for the purpose of payingthe cost of the special improvements heretofore directed to be made on the streets set forthand described in Section 1 of this resolution, shall be offered for sale on sealed bids inthe meeting roan of this governing body at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on Monday, the 18th day ofFebruary, 1957.SECTION 6. That, as required by Chapter 325, Laws of ¥ississippi, 1946, the City Clerkshall be and he is hGreby authorized and directed to give notice of the sale of said bonds bypublication at least two (2) times in the Oxford Eagle, a newspaper published in the City ofOxford, Mississippi; the first publication to be made at least ten (10) days preceding thedate set for said reception of bids, and such notice to be in substantially the followingform:NOTICE <strong>OF</strong> SALE <strong>OF</strong>$140,000.00SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEl< liNT BONDS<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, LAFAYETTECOUNTY, MISSISSIPPI<strong>No</strong>tice is h0reby given under the provisions of Chapter 325, Laws of Mississippi, 1946,that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, MiSSissippi, will sellon sealedbids at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on Monday, the 18th day of February, 1957, in the Chambers ofsaid governing body in the City Hall of said City, the Special Street Improvement Bonds ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, in the principal amount of One Hundred Forty ThousandDollars ($140,000).The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and all of the provisions ofthe Act of the Legislature shall be observed.ay order of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, this the8th day of January, A. D., 1957./s/ C. P. Fulmer<strong>CITY</strong> CL EPZSECTION 7. That the City Clerk shall obtain from the publisher of the aforesaid newspaperthe customary publisher's affidavit proving publication of said notice for the time and in themann,r required by law.SECTION 8. That at the time of the sale of said bonds, or at some appropriate timetherfaft'Or, this Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall take such further action as may be necessaryto provide for the preparation, executinn, issuance and delivery of said bonds.The above and foregoing resolution having been introduced at this a recess, regularmeetirlg of the }f~ayorand Board of Aldernen of the City of Oxford, MiSSissippi, held on the8th day of January, A. D., 1957, in writing, was read, considered and discussed, paragraph

~--------~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~.UII8J2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>----------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------_11:23by paragraph, section by section, and then as a whole, and on motion of Alderman Elli~tt,seconded by Alderman Sisk, the said resolution was duly and regularly adopted by theaffirmative vote of all aldermen present.ATTEST: lsi c. P. Fulm,3rCity Clerk******** ****APPROVED:/sl Richard W. Elliottt/,AYORA RESOLUTION APPROVlNG AND ACCEPTING HALEY SUBDIVISION, PART III, AS A SUBDIVISION <strong>OF</strong> THE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE l

( 12·1Ir---"--------L-------.­II<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECE;BS, RECESS, REGULAR ~_:2ETING 7:00 P. M. JANUARY 15, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on January 8, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Alderman meton January 15, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Alderrnens' Chamber in the CityRall when and where the following were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward Four***fI**fI*****J. W. Price, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, ClerkE. P. Lowe, EngineerNewt King, Marshal***** **** *fI *After the meeting had been opened according to law, the following business was had to wit:Mr. Robert Davis appeared before the Board and asked that the assessment for the building onlot 29 Haley Subdivision, Part II, appearing on Page 61, Line 13, be excluded from the assessmentroll for the year 1956 due to house not being complete January 1, 1956. After consideringthe facts in the matter, motion was made by Alderman Flliott and seconded by Alderman Hickmanand passed that Mr. Davis' request be granted and it is so ordered.************The matter came on for consideration of excluding the assessment for the building on lot 13Woodland Hills Subdivision assessed to Ernest Hefley on Page 64, Line 23 on account of thebuilding not being complete January 1, 1956. After consideration of the facts, moti~n wasmade by Alderrean Hickman and seconded by Alderman Elliott and passed that said assessment beexcluded from the assessment roll for the year 1956.************A request for Mr. Branham Hume for the return to him of $193.33 stolen from his store and laterfound hidden on City property, and now in the possession of the City Clerk. After considerationof th matter, motion was made by Alderman Elliott, and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passedthat the Clerk be authorized to deliver $193.33 of said money to Mr. Hume.****** *** ***Came on again for consideration the: bids for Traffic Light Controllers opened January 8, 1957and turned over to Mr. G. W. Johnson for tabulation and on recommpndation of Mr. Johnson,motion was duly made seconded and passed that the bid of Eagle Signal Corporation be accepted,it being the lowest and best bid.************A request from Mr. A. H. Russell for a reduction in the assessment on his home on lot 18Woodland Hills Subdivision, page 131, line 33. After consideration of the matter, motionwas made, seconded and passed that the assessment on the building be reduced from $4000 to$3750.************

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>125~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ S2'ZS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZRESOLUTION D~LARING N~ESSITY FOR TAKINGThe question of the necessity for the taking for public use of the property hereinafterdescribed having been duly considered and the Mayor and Board of Alde~en being of the opinionthat it is necessary to take for public use the following described property, it is herebyordered that the property of Emmett E. Williams 'and wife, Alice M. Williams, being describedas a perpetual easement and right-of-way for the construction, operation, maintenance, repairand/or removal of a water line and sewer fine by the City of Oxford, MissisSippi across theproperty hereinafter described, with the right of the City of Oxford, Mississippi to enterupon said property and construct said water and sewer lines and to make necessary repairsthereon at any time in the future and to have the right to clean out said water and sewerlines, said easement to extend 10 feet on each side of the present sewer line running ina general north to south direction across the property described as:A part of the <strong>No</strong>rthwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 8 South, Range3 West, in the County of Lafayette and State of Mississippi, particularlydescribed as follows, to wit: Begin at a point 63 rods south of the northboundary line of said section 33, which point is 97 rods east of thewestern boundary of said section 33; run thence north approximately 6 rodsto a point in the center of the Old Oxford~arkette Road, or where itwas in 1922, run thence south on the centerline of said Old Oxford~arketteRoad a distance of 435 feet to the point of beginning of this description;from this point of beginning run thence south along said Old Oxford-MarketteRoad a distance of 300 feet to a stake in the centerline of said OldOxford-Markette Road; run thence west a distance of 225 feet to an ironstake on the East Right of way line of Mississippi State Highway #7; runthence north along the East right-of-way line of said Mississippi StateHighway #7 a distance of 274 feet to an iron stake; run thence east adistance of 210 feet to the point of beginning;is hereby declared to be necessary for the construction operation and maintenanceof a part of the waterworks and sewerage systems of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, andthe City Attorney, J. W. Price, is hereby authorized and directed to institute any and allproceedings and condemnati0n proceedings necessary to acquire the above described property•for the public use mentioned, the owners and other parties interested in such land beingunable to agree with the Mayor and Board of Aldermen on a fair price to be paid therefor.The above resolution was introduced by Alderman Hickman, seconded by Alderman Elliottand adopted by the affirmative vote of all alderrren present.ATTEST: lsi C. P. FulmerCity ClerkAPPROVED:/s/ Richard W. ElliottMayorCame on for consideration the matter of appointing a trl'stee for the Oxford City Schools tofill the vacancy c[lused by the expiration of tbeterm bf W •• V.I. East, Jr. Alderman H. S. Siskmade a motien that W. ;.J. 3ast, Jr. be reappointed to serve a term of five years. This motionwas seconded by Alderman Elliott and passed and it is so ordered.The following are the names and te~ofoffice of the trustees of the Oxford City ~chools:O. D. Smith - term expires January 1, 1958C. 1'1. Murry - :,,~rm expires January 1, 1959James C. Hartsfield - term 8x,jires January 1, 1960D. H. Harchbanks - term expires January 1, 1961W. :1. East, Jr. - t,erm expires January 1, 1962~----~--------------------------~----~------~--~--~----~------~------~--------~--~-------------/

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Then came on for consideration the matter of the is~uance of $10,000.00 of Bonds of the Cityof Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi, for the purpose of purchasing land for a cemetery,and improving and equipping the same and after a discussion of the matter and hearing evidenceon the subject the following resolution was introduced:A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSTJANCE <strong>OF</strong> $10,000.00 <strong>OF</strong> BONDS <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, LAFAYETTECOUt-TTY, MISSISSIPPI, FOR THE PURPOSE <strong>OF</strong> PURCHASING LAND FOR A CEMETERY, AND IMPROVING ANDEQUIPPING AND ADORNING THE SAME.Section 1. Be it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, that proceeding under the provisions of Sections 3598-01 et seq., of theMissisSippi Code of 1942, and all amendments thereto, that the Bonds of the City of Oxford,Lafayette County, Mississippi, in an amount not to exceed the sum of $10,000.00 are herebydirected to be issued, the proceeds to be used for the purpose of purchasing land for acemetery, and improving and equipping and adorning the same.Section 2.That no election shall be held on the question of the issuance thereof forthe following reasons: (a) The amount of said bonds so directed to be issued is not in excessof $50,000.00 or 5 percentum of the assessed valuation of the City of Oxford, Mississippi;(b) This governing authority adopted a resolution declaring its intention to issue such bondson <strong>17</strong> December,19$6, which resolution was published in the Oxford Eagle on December 20 and27, 1956 and January 3 and 10, 1957 as required by law and no protests have been filed againstthe issuance of said bonds.Section 3.This board does find and determine that the amount of bonds directed to beissued, when added to the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City of Oxford, MiSSissippi,will not exceed any statutory or constitutional limit of indebtedness.Section 4. That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall hereafter, by proper action,provided for the preparation, sale, execution and delivery of the aforesaid bonds.Alderman Sisk offered and moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution which motionwas seconded by alderman Hickman and the motion being put to a roll call vote received theaffirmative vote of all aldermen present and thereupon the Mayor declared the motion carriedand the resolution adopted.APPROVED:lsi Richard W. ElliottAttest: lsi c. P. FulmerCity Clerk

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>127r-;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ ':t234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZTHE STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPITHE COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTETHE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>AN ORDINANCE DETEiMINING THE AIDUNT <strong>OF</strong> LIABILITY INSURANCE THAT MUST BE CA.R.RIED BY ALL TAXIDRIVERS &~D OWNERS OPERATING IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI.Be it ordained by ~hefollows:Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi asSection 1. That from and after the effective date of this act it shall be unlawful forany person to operate a vehicle for hire for the transportation of passengers inside thecorporate limits of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, unless there is on file with the CityClerk of said City a valid policy of insurance issued by a reputable insurance companyauthorized to do business in the state of Mississippi for each person so operating suchvehicle and/or for each such vehicle in the following amounts, Bodily injury liability inthe amount of $10,000 for each person and $30,000 for each accident and property damageliability in the amount of $5,000.00.Section 2. <strong>No</strong> permit to operate or own a taxi shall be issued to any person on orafter the effective date of this ordinance unless the application for such permit isaccompanied by insurance policy in the amount provided for in Section 1 hereof, and anypermit now or hereafter in effect shall be automatically suspended if a policy as providedin section 1 hereof is not on file and in effect on and after the effective date hereof.Section 3. That aqy person violating the provisions of this ordinance may be punishedby a fine not to exceed $100.00, or by imprisonment not to exceed 30 days or both such fineand imprisonment.Section 4. That for cause this ordinance be in force and take effect as provided by law.On motion of Alderman H. S. Sisk, secondec_ b:t Alderman B. O. Elliott and passed unanimouslythe motion to adopt the foregoing ordinance is hereby approved.(I/s/ Richard W. Ellio_t_t __ _MayorAttest: /s/ C. P. FulmerCity ClerkI certify that the foregoing ordinance was passed at the meeting of the M~or and Boardof Aldermen held on 15 January 1957 and the above and foregoing is a true and correct copyof said ordinance./s/ C. P. FulmerCity ClerkSEALOn motion made and seconded and passed unanimously it was ordered that this Board do nowrecess until 7 o'clock P.M., February 5, 1957.II ./------------------------------------------------------~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>R~CESS, RECESS, RECESS, REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. February 5, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on January 15, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen meton February 5, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the follo,dng were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneH. S. Sisk, Alderman iJ\iard ThreeHill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. \11]. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, ~ngineerGill W. Johnson, S~pt.of Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkNewt King, Marshal.After the meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:~iOn motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that the minutesof the January meetings be adopted as read:On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Soarddo now adjourn sine-die:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>129SI'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZU NIT E D S TAT E S 0 F A MER I C ASTATE <strong>OF</strong> MIS SIS SIP P IC 0 U N T YCIT Yo F L A FAY E T T Eo FOX FOR D* * * * * * ** * * * -II- .,.** ** **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. FEBRUARY 5, 1957Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, MissisSippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, February 5, 1957, itbeing the time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where thefollowing were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBenrtieH. 9rouCh, Alderman Ward OneH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. W. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, EngineerGill W. Johnson, Supt. of Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkNewt King, MarshalAfter the meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:Motion was ma1e by Alderman Crouch , seconded by Alderman Sisk and passed unanimouslyand it was ordered that the follOwing accounts be allowed for payment.WARRANT NO.ACCOUNT NO.AMOUNTCORPORATION FUND912109611001101110611081109111011111112111311141115111611<strong>17</strong>111811191120Tax Withheld Fund, transferC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 1/15/57<strong>No</strong>na E. Woodward, salary thru Jan. 8, 1957 $1.38 w/hTax I

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>WARRANTNO.CORPORATION FUND CONTINUEDACCOUNTNO.AMOUNT11211145112311241125112b1127112/)1131113511421138114b1156115711581159116011611162Ilb31164Ilb5116611671<strong>17</strong>01<strong>17</strong>1115711581<strong>17</strong>21<strong>17</strong>31<strong>17</strong>41<strong>17</strong>511591161116211631<strong>17</strong>6116911661<strong>17</strong>71<strong>17</strong>81<strong>17</strong>91<strong>17</strong>11<strong>17</strong>21159116211681<strong>17</strong>61166u8011811<strong>17</strong>91<strong>17</strong>1115611571<strong>17</strong>21<strong>17</strong>411591160lIb 111621163116811691164116511671182118111801<strong>17</strong>01183R. H. Mills, Salary for January - $26.93 w/hH. T. Styers, Salary for January - $14.90 w/h.Donald Carwile, Salary for January - $/).50 w/hDoyle Luther, salary for January - ~4.13 w/hRoy Thomas, Salary for January - $7.4/) w/hMrs. Rose Rowland, Salary for January - $11.b6 w/hMrs. J. irJ. Price, Salary for January - $.5b w/hElwood Gay, Salary for January - $11.03 wlhL'J. I. Mills, Salary for January - $22.01 w/hCarroll Typewriter Compc.ny - for Royal t)rpewriterT ax:Ji thheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty CashC. ~. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 1/31/57Fire at t19 University Avenue 8:25 P. M. 1/1/57Ira L. CrowsonHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.Clyde Huggins, Jr.Bill JohnsonDoyle Lutherp. G. Neilson, Jr.David RossRoland TidwellR. L. TidwellC. S. WilsonR. H. It!interJ. E. GayFire on Old Taylor Road at 3:20 P. M. 1/11/57Scott BlackHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.C. M. FalknerA. B. GardnerE. T. HaneyPaul HudsonClyde Huggins, Jr.Doyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.David RossR. E. ShellabargerRoy ThomasC. S. l",lilsonGlenn GardnerJack ParksFire on Old Highway 6 East, 2:00 P. M. 1/<strong>17</strong>/57W. J. AustinScott BlackC. M. FalknerClyde Hug~ins, Jr.D. G. Neilson, Jr.D. S. RossR. E. ShellabargerC. S. l'iilsonJ. L. BeardHoward DavisFire on Van Buren at 12:30 P. H. 1/19/57V.I. J. AustinScott BlackIra L. CrmvsonHomer DukeC. M. FalknerE. T. HaneyClyde Huggins, Jr.Bill JohnsonDoyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.David RossD. S. RossRoy ThomasRoland TidwellR. L. TidiV"ellR. H. v.TinterW. E. \iliomackHoward DavisJ. L. BeardJ. E. GayVernon Chambers<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>6135135147138135135146VariousVariousVarious135135135135135135135~35135135135135135135135135135.135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135.135135135135135135135135135135135183.07185.10191.50<strong>17</strong>9.62<strong>17</strong>b.2793.3424.44238.9740.99207.50270.647.84352.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50l.501.501.501.50l.501.501.501.501.501.50l.501.501.501.501.501.50l.501.501.501.50

~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>131, (r-!SI2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZWARRANTNO.CORPORATION FUND CONTINUEDACCOIDlTNO.AMOUNT1<strong>17</strong>91<strong>17</strong>1115611571<strong>17</strong>21<strong>17</strong>31159116111681169116411661167118211831<strong>17</strong>0118411851186118711881189119011911192119311941195119611971198119912001201120211531154Fire on Ross Street at 3:00 P. M. 1/19/57W. J. AustinScott BlackIra L. CrowsonHomer DukeC. M. FalknerA. B. GardnerClyde Huggins, Jr.Doyle LutherD. S. RossRoy ThomasRoland TidwellC. S. WilsonR. H. WinterW. E. HomackVernon ChambersJ. E. GayJ. H. Mansel Gasoline for Fire truckShaw & Sneed Hardware Co. for Supplies Vets Housing RepairOle Miss Press & Book Store - Office SuppliesOle Miss Press & Book Store - Parking Meter Office SuppliesCourtesy Cards & Receipt BooksFisher Stationer,y Company - Stationer,y and Office SuppliesOxford Light and Water Plant - The Armor,yOxford Light and Water Plant - Jan. bill - City HallUnited Gas Corporation - January Bill - 6ity GarageUnited Gas Corporation - Januar,y Bill - City HallUnited Gas Corporation - January Bill - City HallSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. - Engineer's Office January BillSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. - City Hall January BillSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. - Mayor's Office Januar,y BillSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. - Fire Dept. January BillOxford Eagle, Inc. - Advertising for BidsThe J. E. Neilson Company - Buie MuseumOxford Eagle, Inc. - Tax noticeWilliam H. Ivy - Southeast Oxford Map (B1ue1ine PrintsMiller Meter, Inc. - Parking Meter PartsLafayette County Health UnitLafayette County LibrarySTREET FUND1351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351491461591461531431231231231241241241351221471371511601361481.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.502.842.7~G1.2075.754.4512.5840.046.951.50112.199.755.~011.6024.407.0082.8818.003.0034.63162.5032.50913 Tax Withheld Fund - transfer10971102C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - PayrollTax Withheld Fund1129 R. L. Tidwell - ~alar,y for January - $6.60 w/h113011321'1. T. Chandler - Salary for January - $20.28 w/hW. I. Mills - Sa1ar,y for January1139 C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Petty Cash1143 Tax Withheld Fund1147 C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll for January1203 Ole Miss Press & Book Store - Police Office supplies1204 Shaw & Sneed Hardware CompanY - Equipment Repairs1205 J. H. Mansel - Gasoline 836 gallons126~1207Standard Oil CompanYOxford Wholesale Grocer,y, Inc. - Police Station supplies1208 Standard Welders Supply Company - shop equipment1209 Rebel Chevrolet Company - Police Car repairs1210 Oxford Sheet Metal Works - Stove pipe for old barn1211 Jones Produce Company - Coal1212 Oxford l'ITe1ding Shop - Equipment repairs12131214Daley Lumber Cbmpany - SuppliesRebel Chevrolet Company - Equipment n.epairs1215 Bagwell Service Station - Wa~hing and greasing trucks1216 F. W. Be1k & Son Motor Company - Equipment Repairs12<strong>17</strong> Oxford Auto Parts Company - Equipment Repairs12<strong>17</strong> Oxford Auto Parts Company - Police Car Repairs12<strong>17</strong> Oxford Auto Parta Company - Equipment & Repairs1218 Oxford Motor Company - Police Car Repairs1219 Oxford Motor Corr~any - Equipment Repairs1220 OZburn-Abston & Company Inc. - Shop equipment1220 Ozburn-Abston & Company Inc. - Equipment repairs12211222Linn Sand and Gravel Co. - Material and SuppliesSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Company - Police Station1223 United Gas Corp. - ~olice Station1224 Oxford Light and Water Plant - Police Station1225 Oxford Light and Hater Plant - Street Lighting279226 & 236279225280227 & 237243 & 227225 & 280Various221227Various243 & 2392182u3223239239237229 &239227 &237228 &238237227223243 &237223227243227239216218218259268.241379.68231.33224.40163.4763.00.4226.881397.9537.50.32297.8529~j53.50279103.851.5018.502.5031.8122.67<strong>17</strong>.75105.1420.9311.181.5216.4283.904.806.8525.6015.459.6511.68323.63

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~~ARRANTNO.STREET FU~IDCONTINUEDACC01Jl\TT~TO.MTOUNT12261227122812281229122812291229123012311232123312331234123512361237Charlie Belk's Garage - Equipment repairsThe Oxford Eagle, Inc. - H.esolutions and advertisementsWilliam H. Ivy - Locating Power ?oles on Chickasaw Roadwilliam H. Ivy - Southeast Oxford MapWilliam H. Ivy - Haley Subdiv. <strong>No</strong>.3, Sections & ProfilesleJilliam H. Ivy - San. Sewer Grades So. Lamar & Garfield,So. 16th Street ChurchtJilliam H. Ivy - Plans & Specifications for St. ImprovementWilliam H. Ivy - Sewer EasementsStandard Oil Company - Motor Oil for ShopMemphis 31ue Print & Supply Company - Blue Prints1ri. S. Darley & Son - Street Lighting suppliesEast Motor Parts Company - Equipment repairsEast Motor Parts Company - Equipment repairsBoyce G. Bratton - Care of Prisonersqadio & Television Center - ~epair Radio in Police CarDoyle & Charles Ivy - GravelOle Hhs Service Station - Police Car gas and oil227St. Imp.245245St. Imp.245St. Imp.St. Imo.243St. Imp.2602272372112232392248.0024.306.5074.0099.0019.50<strong>17</strong>0.005t.00<strong>17</strong>.23<strong>17</strong>0.8452.351.162.1271.0049.25335.08189.07WATE'i. AND SEI,'ER FUND914 Tax~1fithheld Fund - Transfer5431098 C. ~. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 1/15/57 514 & 5211103 T ax vIi thheld Fund 5431133 \'J. I. Hills - Salary for January 5141134 Elton A~dington - Salary for January - $41.65 w/h1140 C. '). Fu.imer, ClerK - Petty Cash Various1144 Tax Withheld Fund 5081148 C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll Ij31/57 514 & 5211238 Central Service Ac:osociation - \'Jater & Sewer Billing5391239 Oxford Light and vJater Plant - Pumping Sta. January bill5371240 Oxford ~ight and Water Plant - Booster Pump Sta. January bill 5371241 Oxford Light and :rJater Plant - Factory5371242 Southern Supply Company - l-Jater Supplies51012L~3 Del ta Plmnbing & Electrical Supply Company - Water supplies5101244 Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Company - ,>'Jater supplies5101245 Oxford Auto Parts Company - 1v~'ter Supplies5101246 J. H. Mansel - Gasoline 59 gallons5251247 Elliott Hardware Company - Sewer Supplies5181248 Arkansas Heter Repair Service - :Jater meter supplies5101249 Southern Supply Company - Hater Supplies5101250 ~Jholesale Supply Company, Inc. - v

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>!l22S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ-~JA,lRANTNO.ELSCTRICAL D.&.n A;tTdENTACCOUNTNO.~>vjOUNT463846394671)4679-8646874681)4689-90469146924(7104711471247134714a 7154693-4706471647<strong>17</strong>4718471947204721472247234724.4726472!54726472747284729473047314732473347344735Petty Cash - l'Jilliam E. ~jomack (Customers [tef.)T ax Withheld Fund - C. P. FulmerUnion Planters National Bank (Interest)Payroll - January 15, 1957C. P. Fulmer - Water & SewerT ax vIi thheld Fund - C. P. FulmerPetty Cash - William E. WomackUnited Finance Company (Customer Rfd)United Finance (C;xford Brokage Co.) (Gust. Rfd)Tennessee Valley Authority (Power)Marchant Calculators, Inc. (Service Contract)Southern Bell Telephone Company (Telep. Bills)United Gas Corporation (Gas Bill)S. C. Toof (Office Supplies)Ole Miss Press & Book Store (Office Supplies)Payroll - January 31, 1957Standard Oil Company (C. G. Huggins)(Oil for Trucks)J. H. Mansel ~Gas for Trucks)Bagwell Service Station (Grease)Central Service Association (Billings)Duncan Electric Mfg. Company (Meters)444 Service Station (Grease & Wash)International Assoc. of Electrical Insp. (Dues)Rebel Chevrolet Company (Parts)Ozburn-Abston & Company (Parts)The Office Supply Company (Office Supplies)The Oxford Eagle (Advt)P & W Electric CompanyThe Riechman-Crosby Company (Materials)Seymour Office Equipment Co. (Repairs on Machines & Service Contract)Tennessee Valley Electric Supply Company (Materials)City of Water Valley Electric Dept. MaterialsWestern Auto Store (Supplies & Spot Light)Hardens Printing Company (Office SuppliesOxford Motor Co:npany (Parts for Line Truck)11estinghouse Electric Supply Company (Material)11alker Electric Company (Light Bulbs)110.00244.81621.00244.548709.15568.4922.5215.009.455415.1347.0035.05~9.4r;9.2135.552476.411.8533.523.201<strong>17</strong>.2858.283.4510.0014.6265.0520.037.50264.8042.8279.9574.4715.0018.324.25.4265.37219.92Mrs. Dorothy Hamilton appeared before the Board with a request that the assessment on thebuilding on part lot 58-28-8-3 appearing on Page 61, Line 31 of the assessment roll for theyear 1956 be excluded for the year 195~ reasons that the house was not complete January 1,1956. After consideration of the matter, motion was made by Alderman B. O. Elliott andseconded by Alderman Bennie H. Crouch and passed that Mrs. Hamilton's request be granted,and it is so ordered.T. F. Alexander appeared before the Board and requested that one building on part lot 228-8-3 assessed to Ole Miss Service Station on Page 115, Line <strong>17</strong> for the year 1956 beeleminated for the reasons that the building was removed from this lot in the year 1955,and after consideration of the matter, motion was made by Alderman Bennie H. Crouch andseconded by Alderman Will A. Hickman the assessment of $2000 for this building be struckfrom the roll, and the 1956 tax in the amount of $06.00 which had been paid on receiptnumber 369 be refunded, and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a check for said amountto Ole Miss Service StationMr. J. L. Walker appeared before the Board and asked for a reduction in the assessment on hisstore, and after a discussion of the matter it appeared that this assessment which appears onpage 162, line 1 of the assessment rolls for the year 1956 was excessive, and motion wasmade by Alderman Elliott and seconded by Alderman Sisk and passed that it be reduced to $1000.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on Concrete Pipe to be opened at7:30 P. M. February 5, 1957, bids were received from the following:Choctaw Inc., Memphis, TennesseeDixie Culvert and Supply Company, Oxford, MississippiMid-South Concrete Pipe Company, Memphis, TennesseeAfter consideration of the foregoing bids, motion was made by Alderman H. S. Sisk and secondedby Alderman B. O. Elliott and passed that the bid from Dixie Culvert and Supply Company beaccepted, it being the lowest and best bid.

( "1') " ~)i 1f---. __ ..1----.---.--..<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>IIIPursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on a Front ind Loader to be openedat 7:30 ~. M. February 5, 1957, biis were received from the following:Taylor Machinery Company, Memphis TennesseeI{oad Buijders Equipment Company, Hemphis, TennesseeDal~nple Equipment Company, Memphis, TennesseeAfter a discussion on the foregoing bids, motion was made, seconded and passed that the matterbe postponed to a later meeting, until the Board could see the machines that were bid on.Nr. ·G. H. Johnson brought to the attention of the Board the custom of having a firemens banquetonce a 'rear. Hotion was made by Alderman Elliott and seconded by Alderman Hickman, and passedt lat Hr. Johnson proceed "lith the arrangements and have banquet as in the past.Mr. G. W. Johnson presented the matter to the Board of having a fixed charge on temporarylight connections to replace the policy of requiring a deposit and after a discussion, motionwas duly made, seconded, and passed that a flat charge of $5.00 be made plus the current usedat the regular price, with no refunds and it is so ordered.The matter of the employment of ~ws. Annie E. Lane as an assistant in the Clerk and TaxCollector's Office was brought to the attention of the Board and motion was made by AldermanElliott and seconded by Alderman Crouch, and passed that the en~loyment of Mrs. Lane beapproved as of January 14, 1957, at ~<strong>17</strong>5.00 per month.The matter of the amount of salaries of W. I. ~lills and J. E. Gay came before the Board, andafter consideration, motion was made by Alderman Crouch and seconded by Alderman Lovelady,and passed that IvIr. ivlills salary be fixed at !lli225. 00 per month and l'-1r. Gay's salary be fixedat $300.00 per month as of February 1, 1957.'\I•Motion wc.s duly made seconded and passed that this Board do no, .. recess until February 11, 1957at 7:00 P. N.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>s"a34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ\RECESS, REGULAR ¥£ETING 7:00 P. M. FEBRUARY 11, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on February 5, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenmet on February 11, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in theCity Hall when and where the follOwing were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingBennie H. Crouch, Alderman ~JardOneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. 1-1. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, EngineerGill '!tI. Johnson, Supt. of Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been called to order, the follOwing business was transacted:(Motion of Alderman Crouch seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed unanimously, it ishereby ordered that the special improvement assessments heretofore levied againstLafayette Sales Company for special improvements to South 14th Street be divided asfollows:That Portion of said city lot number 65 conveyed by Lafayette Sales Company on13 September 1956 to John H. Phillips by deed recorded in Deed Book 160 at Page 39of the deed records of said county shall hereafter be separately assessed as theseparate property of said John H. ~hillips and his successors in title and said propertysold to said John H. ?hillips shall be liable for the sum of $197.21 of the princi~indebtedness for said special improvements now assessed to Lafayette Sales Company:Also that portion of said property conveyed to Dorothy F. Dodson by said LafayetteSales Company by deed dated 12 Septernber 1956 recorded in Book 160 at Page 45 of thedeed records of Lafayette County, Mississippi, shall hereafter be assessed separatelyto said Dorothy F. Dodson and her successors in title and the proportionate part of theassessments remaining to be paid by said Lafayette Sales Company which shall hereafterbe a lien only upon the land of said Dorothy F. Dodson is the sum of $194.06 principajplus interest and the said Lafayette Sales Company shall remain liable for all otherspecial improvement assessments not hereby released.l'lr. Irby Seay brought before the Board the matter of a request from Mathews Hhitfield Inc.for extension of time on construction of the sewage disposal plants and after a lengthydiscussion of the matter between }1r. Seay, Mr. Mathews and the Board, and on recommendationby Mr. Seay, Alderman H-ckman made a motion that 12 days extension of time be given up toand including January 21, 1957 for bad weather, and he further moved that all other matterspertaining to alleged delay caused by steel strike and delivery of equipment be continuedfor further study by the Board, this motion was seconded by Alderman Crouch, and passed,and it was so ordered.Motion was duly made seconded and passed that this Board do now recess untill February 18, 1957 at7 :J()P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECES~, RECESS, REGULAR HEETING 7:00 P. M. FEBRUARY l~, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on February 11, 1957, the Hayor and 80ard of Aldermen meton February It), 1957 at 7 :00 P. I'"l. in the Hayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the following were present:Richard '-'I. Elliott, Hayor, :?residingB. O. Elliott, Alderm,m at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Kard One1:Jilliam ~r.Lovelady, Alderman iNard Two~"!illA. TIickman, Alderman l:Jard FourJ. w. Price, Attorney~. "") 101-'J8, ~ngineerGill \rIo Johnson, Supt. of Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been calJ.ed to order, the follmving business was transacted:The Hayor and Board of Aldermen took up a~Etinfor com;ideration the matter of the saleof One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) Special Street Improvement Bonds of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, pursuant to a resolution adopted by said ['layor and ~oardofAldermen of the City of Oxford on the ~th day of January, 1957.The City Clerk reported that, pursuant to the aforesaid resolution, he did cause to be~)Ubli8hedin the Oxford Eagle, a ne:ispaper published in the City of Oxford, Lafayette County,l'iississippi, a notice that sealed proposals would be received by the Mayor and Board ofAldermen for the sale of said bonds in the chambers of said governing body in the City Hallof said City until the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. H., on I1onday, the 18th day of February, 1957,1\l!ere and 'iThen said bonds wOD~dbe sold, and that said notice was published in said neLvspaperon January 24th and 31st, 1957 and February 7th, 1957; and the City ~lerkpresented to theMayor and Boc::rd of Aldermen proof of publication of said notice in the aforesaid newspaper.At the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., on Monday, the 18th day of February, 1957, the CityClerk reported to the Hayor and Board of Aldermen that, pursuant to the aforesaid notice ofsale of Special ~treetImprovement Bonds, there had been filed with him, at or prior to thehour of 7:30 o'clock P. /t., on Honday, the l/)th day of February, 1957, Six (b) sealed proposalsfor the pDrchase of One Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) Special ~treetImprovement Bonds of the City of Oxford, Lafayette Ccunty, Mississippi, and the clerk thenand there presented said sealed proposals to the Hayor and '3oard of Aldermen.Thereupon it was ordered by the Nayor that the City Clerk proceed to open the saidseeded :)roposals and to read the saJTle aloud in the presence and hearing of the Mayor andBoard of Aldermen and of the bidders and other persons assembled.The City Clerk thereuponproceeded to open and read the aforesaid bids, which are swmnarized as follows:j

~.~~~----~~~~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~f, (r--<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~!II134K-TOM L.. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZName of BidderFor Bonds Bearinginterest at therate ofAmount of BidNet InterestCost137Herman Bensdorf & Company& Alvis & CompanyHarrington & Co., Inc.M. A. ~aunders & Co., Inc.& Union Planters Natl. BankAllen and Company &Scharff and Jones &John R. Nunnery CompanyLewis & Company &Kroeze, IlIJ.cLarty & Co.First National Bank ofNemphis, Tennessee3%; 58 thru 623~%; 63 thru 673-3/4% 58 thru 623% 63 thru 673~% 58 thru 633<strong>17</strong>~ 64 thru 673~% 58 thru 633 4 % 64 thru 673~% 58 thru 61310 62 thru 63J~% 64 thru 67premium-$39.20premium $154.00premium $11.11premium $43.40premilL"Tl $50.003.<strong>17</strong>67%3.1e454545%3.265% averageinterest cost overlife of bondsFollowinr, the reading of the bids, The Mayor and Board of Aldermen proceeded to considerthem for the purpose of determining which was the best and most advantageous bid submitted.l~lhereupon,Alderman \-.fill A. Hickman offered and moved the adopticn of the following resolution:RESOLUTION DlREGrING SALE AND A.vARD <strong>OF</strong> ONE HUNDID..Ll AT\TD FO>lTY THOUSAND DOLIA qs($140,000.00). SPECIAL STREET IHPROVEME:N'I' BONDS <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, LAFAY"STTECOUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, DATED MARCH 1, 1957.WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, on the 8thday of January, 1957, did adopt a certain resolution directing that One Hundred and FortyThousand Dollars ($140,000.00) Special street Improvement Bonds of the City of Oxford, LafayetteCounty, ~lississippi,be offered for sale on sealed bids at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on Monday, the18th day of February, 1957, in the Chambers of this governing body in the City Hall of saidCity; and~vHE=tZAb,as directed by the aforesaid resolution and as reqUired by Chapter 325, Lawsof Ynssissippi, 1946, the City Clerk of the City of Oxford did give notice of the sale of saidbonds by publication in the Oxford Eagle, a newspaper published in the City of Oxford, LafayetteCounty, Mississippi; said notice having been published in said newspaper at least two times,and the first publication having been made at least ten (10) days preceeding the 18th day ofFebruary, 1957; all as ShOI.n by proof of publication of said notice filed in the office of theCity Clerk; and~'JHE BAS, the IVlayor and Board of Aldermen did meet at the office of the said governingbody in the City Hall of said City at 7:30 o'clock P. H., on Monday, the 18th day of February,1957; and,hHEREAS, at said time and place six (6) sealed proposals for the purchase of said specialstreet improvement bonds were received, examined and considered by the Mayor and Board ofAldermen; and1r~HER.EAS,the Mayor and Board of Aldermen find and determine that the highest and bestbid made for said bonds was made by Herman Bensdorf & Company of Memphis, Tennessee and Alvisand Company, of Jackson, Memphis and further find that said offer was accompanied by a checkpayable to the City of Oxford, IJIississippi, in the amount of Twenty Eight Hundred Dollars($2,800.00), as a guarantee that said bidders would carry out their contract and purchasethe bonds if their bid be accepted.i"--

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>NON TH~RSFO R i;, Bi; IT R.ESOL 'fED BY THE MAYO R Al'TD~rrs~; ISSIP?I, AS FOLLOl'JS:SOA,1.D <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> TH3 <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFOW,)-'SECTIon 1. That the One Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) Special StreetImprovement Bonds of the City of Oxford, Mississippi bearing date of March 1st, 1957 shall be andthe same hereby are awarded and sold to Herman Bensdorf & Company of Nemphis, Tennessee and theirassociates, Alvis & Company of Jackson, Hississippi in accordance 1..;rith the offer submitted to theMayor and Board of Aldermen, in words and figures as folloHs:IlInvestmentSecuritiesTo: Honorable Hayor & Board of AldermenCi ty of OxfordOxford, MississippiHERNAN BENSDORF & COHP ANYCommerce Title BuildingT.ilemphis, TennesseeTelephone 5-5058Teletyoe HE 295February 18, 1957For ~140,000.00 bonds, proposed to be is::ued by City of Oxford, Hississippi for Special streetImprovement purposes, said bonds to be dated Harch 1, 1957 bearing interest at the rate of 3and 3-?t% per annum, vJhich shall be payable semi-annually in the months of September and March,both principal and interest to be payable at National "Sank of Conunerce, IJlemphis, Tennesseesaid bonds to be of the denomination of $1,000, and to mature serially on Harch 1:$14,000 each 1958 through 1967T'Jithout option of prior payment, and to be general obligations of said City of Oxford,Hississippi1'ie 1..;rill pay you for said bonds delivered to us in Memphis, Tennessee par and accruedinterest plus a premium of ~P39. 20 for ~nO,OOO bonds bearing interest at the rate of 3% andmaturing 1958 through 1962 inclusive, and for $70,000 bonds bearing interest at the rate of3-?t% and maturing 1963 throUGh 1967 inclusive (total interest cost 3.<strong>17</strong>67%)?HOVIDED that you promptly furnish us, prior to the delivery of the bonds to us, 1rJithoutcost to us, a full transcript, properly certified, of all proceedings had prior to and incidentto this issue, satisfactorily evidencing to our attorneys the legality of the issue in allrespects; and, you agree to take such further action as our attorneys may reql:ire, to establishthe validity of said issue.As an evidence of our good faith, we hand you herel-lith our check <strong>No</strong>. 11620 for *;2,800.00to be held by you uncashed pel"ding our com.;liance ,nth the terms and conditions of this bid, andto be forfeited by us as full liquidated damages in case of our failure to comply 1rJith the termsand conditions of this agreement. If for any reason this bid is not accepted, or if for anyreason onr attorneys decline to approve the issue, said check is to be immediately returned to us.'\\Alvis & Company, JacKson, jlljississippiRespectfully submitted,W.;; ?MAN ~~NSDORF& COHPANYBy:J uli us FrankAccepted and agreed to by resolution duly passed by the Hayor and Board of .Hdermen of theCi ty of Oxford, Mississippi this H3 day of February 1957.( SEJIL)/s/ Richard \f. 2;lLiottHayorAttest/ s/ C. P. Fulmer, ClerkSEcrrON 2. That the Hayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directedto endorse upon the aforesaid offer a suitable notation to evidence the acceptance thereof forand on behalf of the City of Oxford, Lafayette County, MississippiSECTIUN 3.That the good faith ci1ecks filed by all unsuccessful bidders forthwith be returnedto them upon their respective receipts therefore, and that the good faith check filed by thesuccessful bidder be retained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen as a guarantee that the bidderwill carry out his contract and purchase the bonds pursuant to the aforesaid bid and contract.If said successful bidder fail to purchase the bonds pursuant to the aforesaid bid and contract,the amount of such good faith check shall be retained by the City of Oxford, Mississippi asliquidated dame>.e;es for such fail"C.re.----I./

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.---?'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------________________.-=•.:..::..:.:..:::...K_T.:..::O.:.:.M..:.L.:...,:K:.::.ET.:..::C.:..::H'.:.:.NG:..::.S-=.CO:.:.:....:. N.:..::A.:..TC:.:.:.H:::::EZ ____________.______________________________________________.______SECTION 4. That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall hereafter, by proper action,provide for the preparation, execution and delivery of the afore said bonds in accordance withthe terms of the aforesaid contract.Alderman B. O. ~lliottseconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and thequestion being put to a roll call vote, the result was as follows:Alderman B. O. Elliott voted:YesAlderman Eennie H. Crouch voted:YesAl:::lerman 1.rJilliam N. Lovelady voted:YesAlderman H. S. Sisk voted:AbsentAlderman Hill A. Hiclanan voted:YesThe motion having received the affirmative vote of all of the Aldermen present, the Mayordeclared the motion carried and the resolution adopted, this the 18th day of February, A. D.,1957.AP?ROVED:lsI Richard,~.Jv1..AYORElliottATTEST:lsi c. P. Fulmer<strong>CITY</strong> CLERK

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>The IJIayor and Board of Aldermen again took up the matter of the issuance of One Hundredand Forty Thousand Dollars (~14U,OUU.OU)Special Street Improvement Bonds of the City of Oxford,I'1ississippi pursuant to resolutions of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen as authorized by Chapter495 of the Laws of Mississippi, 1950, as amended, and foll01ring a discussion of the subjectAlderman B. O. Elliott offered and moved the adoption of the following resolution:A i1.ESOLUTlON AljTt-~OTIZING MID DI::tECTP'G THE ISSUANCE <strong>OF</strong> SPECIAL STREET IHPROV~ME~TT BONDS<strong>OF</strong> TH~ <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFOHD, MISSISSIPPI IN TH~ PRI~TCTPAL A1-iOUNT <strong>OF</strong> ONE HUJlIDRED A:~m FOR.TYTHOUSAND DOLLARS ($140,000.00); PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND n!CIDEt..lTS <strong>OF</strong> SAID BONDS AND~1AKING PROVISIONS FOR THE PAYMENT <strong>OF</strong> THS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST <strong>OF</strong> SAID BONDS.\-IHEREAS, heretofore on the 7th day of <strong>No</strong>vember lY5b, the Mayor and Board of AldermeD ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, acting upon the request of property owners on all that portionof :Villiams Avenue Extended lying between Avent Acres Subdivision and 'Jark Drive; the entirelength of Park Drive from Bramlett Gardens Subdivision on the south of the north boundary lineof the Gity of Oxford, JVlississippi; and all that part of South lOth street lying between theold south boundary line of the City of Oxford, Mississippi and Cleveland Avenue; and the entirelength of the following streets in Part 1 of Braw~ettGardens Subdivision to the City of Oxford,Mississippi, to-l·rit: Bramlett Boulevard and f1cLaurin Street and also that part of Sisk AVenuelying in said Part 1 of Bramlett Gardens Subdivision from Avent Acres Subdivision to PoplarHeights; all streets being as sho~mupon the official map of the City of Oxford, Mississippior the maps and plats of the subdivisions referred to; did adopt a resolution declaring necessarycertain special improvements over, on and along said streets, locating them, providing for themanner in which they were to be made, 9roviding for publication of said resolution and settingthe 4th day of December, 1956, at 7:30 o'clock, in the regular meeting room of this governingbody as the date, time and place for the meeting of this body to hear objections and remonstrancesof any persons aggrieved that might be made to said improvements; and,'i\;K~REAS,said resolution was published in the Oxford Eagle as required by law on the 8th,15th and 22nd days of <strong>No</strong>vember, 1956, and;1-JHEREAS, the said notice "las published in said newspaper once a week for three successivepublications as required by 1a:v, the first publication thereof being more than 15 days prior tothe meeting held to hear objecticns and;~:HEREAS,heretofore on the 4th day of December, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen sittingto hear objections, protests and remonstrances against said special improvements adjudged thatno successful objections had been made an~ heard and did adopt a resolution determini~g to proceedwith said special improvements, and;1rJHEflEAS, heretofore on the 4th day of December, 1956, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen actingupon the request of property owners on South 18th street, Ross Avenue and Johnson Avenue Extended,~eingall that part of said streets lying and being in Haley Subdivision, Part III, in the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, as said streets are shown and designated upon the official map and Dlatof said subdivision, did adopt a resolution declaring necessary certain special improvementsover, on and along the entire length of said streets as above described, locating them, providingfor the manner in which they were to be made, providing for pUblication of said resolution andsettiI1.f" the 8th day of Jam.Jary, 1957, at 7:30 o'clock P. 11., in the regular meeting room of thisgoverning body as the date, time and place for the meeting of this body to hear objections and

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>141~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~I If--------J,-IIa.2UK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ~~HEREAS,/and;\ ,jremonstrances of any persons aggrieved that might be made to said improvements, and;'\v'HEi1.2:AS, said resolution was published in the Oxford Eagle as required by law on the 6th,13th and 20th days of December, 1956 and;1tlliEqF.AS, the said notice was published in said newspaper once a week for three successivepublications as required by law, the first publication thereof being more than 15 days priorto the meeting held to hear objections, and;1tlliEREAS, heretofore on the 8th day of January, 1957, the 'Mayor and Board of Aldermensitting to hear objections, protests and remonstrances against said special improvementsadjudged that no successful objections had been made and heard and did adopt a resolutiondetermining to proceed .. lith said'special improvements, and;Chapter 495 Laws of Mississippi, 1950, provides that all municipalities may issuespecial street improvement bonds to pay for such special improvements and that such obligationsso authorized may be issued at any time after the estimated cost of the special improvementsshall have been ascertained by the governing authorities of the municipality, and;v,lliEREAS, heretofore on the 8th day of January, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen didreceive the report of the City Engineer as to the cost of the Special Improvements theretoforedirected to be made by the resolutions hereinabove referred to and after fully considering thematter did adopt a resolution finding and ascertaining and determining the estimated cost ofsaid special improvements to be $140,000.00; also finding, determining and ascertaining that ifbonds were issued by the City of Oxford, ¥~ssissippiin the amount of $140,000.00 to p~ forsaid special improvements that the cmount of such bonds, when added to the outstanding bondedindebtedness of the City of Oxford, Mississippi would not exceed any statutory or constitutionallimit of indebtedness, further finding that the amount of t~xableproperty in said municipalityaccording to the last completed assessment for taxation was $6,138,120 and the outstandingbonded indebtedness of said municipality, exclusive of the $140,000 worth of bonds proposed tobe issued and School Bonds and revenue bonds, is the sum of $36e,400.00.At the same time andin the same resolution said governing authority directed the sale of One Hundred and FortyThousand Dollars ($140,000.00) of Special Street Improvement Bonds of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, to be issued for the purpose of paying the cost of the special improvements abovereferred to and set Monday, the 18th day of February, 1957 at 7:30 o'clock P. M., in themeeting room of this governing body as the date, time and place fer the sale of said bonds anddid direct the clerk to give notice of the sale of said bonds as required by Chapter 325, Lawsof l'1ississippi, 1946, and;1tlliEREAS said notice was published in the Oxford Eagle as required by law on January 24thand 31st, 1957 and February 7th, 1957, and;wHEREAS, the said notice was published in the Oxford Eagle at least two times, the firstpublication being made at least ten (10) days preceding the date set for said reception of bids,t,mEREAS, heretofore, to-wit: on the 18th day of February, 1957, pursuant to said notice ofsale, the aforesaid bonds were awarded and sold to Herman Bensdorf & Company and their Associates,Alvis & Company, they being the highest and best bidder therefor, and;

142<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~--".-.-.HHEREAS the City of Oxford, l'-lississippi has not issued any bonds or other evidencES ofindebtedness since the resolution was adopted directing the sale of these bonds on January 8th,1957 the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the said City of Oxford, Mississippi do now find anddetermine that the amount of such bonds,when added to the outstanding bonded indebtedness ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limit of indebtedness,and;:mE1EAS, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the said City of Oxford donow find anddetermine that they are fully authorized and empowered to issue the special street improvementbonds of said city in the amount and for the purposes hereinabove set forth and that provisionshould now be made for the preparation, execution, issuance and delivery of the said bonds;Nm! THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED i3Y THE IVlAYOR AN;] BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,HISSISSIPPI, AS FOLLOHS:SECTION 1. That the findings of fact and determinations hereinabove set forth in thepreamble to this resolution are hereby readopted and made again as fully and completely as ifset out herein and That, to raise money for the purpose of paying for the special improvements on':jilliams Avenue Extended, from Avent Acres Subdivision to Park Drive, and on Park Drive fromBramlett Gardens St:.bdivision to the <strong>No</strong>rthern Boundary of the City Limits, and on BramlettSoulevard in Bramlett Gardens Subdivision along its entir,::; length in Part I of said subdivision,and on that part of Sisk Avenue in said Bramlett Gardens Subdivision lying between Avent AcresSubdivision and Poplar Heights, and on all that part of McLaurin Street lying in Part I of saidBramlet Gardens Subdivision, and on all that part of South 10th Street lying between ClevelandAvenue and the Old City Limits of Oxford, Mississippi, and on South 18th Street from qoss Avenueto Johnson Avenue Extended, in Haley Subdivision, Part III, and all of Ross Avenue and JohnsonAvenue :;;xtended lying within Haley Subdivision, Part III, all in the City of Oxford, COUl1ty ofLaf2yette and State of Nississippi, and as shown on the map of the City of Oxford, I1ississippiand the maps and plats of the subdivisions referred to, the cost of which improvements are tobe paid in whole or in part by the owners of property abutting to the proposed improvements,there shall be and there hereby are authorized, ordered and directed to be issued the negotiablespecial street improvement bonds of the City of Oxford, Lafayette County, Hississippi, in theprincipal amount of One Hundred and Forty Thousand Dolla rs ($140,000.00).The said bonds shallbear date of Harch 1, 1957; shall be numbered from One (1) to One Hundred ani Forty (140),inclusive; shall be of the denominations of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each and shall bepayable, bo~has to principal and interest, in lawful money of the United States at the NationalBank of Commerce, Hemphis, Tennessee.The said bonds shall bear interest at the rates shownhereafter, payable Se.?':,ember 1, 1957 and semi-annually thereafter on l'larch 1 and Septemher 1in each year until the pri':1':::ipal of said bor..ds, respectively, shall have been paid.Interestto accrue on said bonds on and prior to the respective maturity dates thereof shall be payableupon presentation and surrender of interest coupons to be attached thereto and no interest shall"- accrue on said bonds after the respective maturity dates thereof unless said bonds shall be dulypresented for payment and be not paid.The said bonds shall mature without option of prior

-I~.------~---~----------~./~~~ ~~~~~~~~---=----------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>143~, ~~-------------------------------------------------------------~ ( !11234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ!----of prior payment in the amounts and at the times following and shall bear interest at the rateof the per cent per annum set opposite the respective bond numbers, to-wit:BOND NUMBERS INTEREST RA'I'E AMOUNT YLATURFrYPER ANNUM1 to 14, IncI. 3% $14,000 Harch 1, 195815 to 28, IncI. 3% $14,000 March 1, 195929 to 42, IncL· 3% $14,000 March 1, 196043 to 56, Incl. 3% $14,000 March 1, 196157 to 70, IncI. 3% $14,000 March 1, 196271 to 84, IncI. 3t% ~~14,000 March 1, 196385 to 98, IncI. 3-% $14,000 Harch 1, 196499 to 112, IncI. 3*% $14,000 March 1, 1965113 to 126, Incl. 3±% $14,000 March 1, 1966127 to lLo, Incl. 3t% $14,000 Harch 1, 1967SECTION 2.That the said bonds shdl be executed by the signature of the Hayor of theHayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, countersigned by the City Clerk of said City, underthe corporate seal of said City.'rhe interest coupons to be attached to each of said bondsshall be executed by the facsimile signatures of said officers and shall be for the followingamounts for the bonds numbered 1 to 70, Inchsive: .$15.00 and for bonds numbered 71 to 140,incllJsive: $16.25, and the said bonds and the interest coupons attached thereto shall be insubstantially the following forms, to-~Qt:----'%Special Street Improvement Bond<strong>No</strong>. $1,000.00Know all men by these presents that the City of Oxford, in the County of Lafayette,State of Mississippi, acknowledges itself indebted and, for value received, hereby promisesto pay to bearer the sum ofO~lliTHOUSAND DOLLARS($1,000.00) on the 1st day of Harch, 19 __ , with interest thereon from the date hereof at therate of-----------------------per centum______ %) per annum, payable Septerr:ber 1, 1957,and semi-annually thereafter on September 1 and Harch 1 in each year until this bond shall havebeen fully paid.Interest accruing on this bond on and prior to the maturity date hereof shallbe payable upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as theyseverally become due, and no interest shall accrue on this bond after the maturity date hereofunlesb this bond be duly presented for payment and be not paid, in which event interest shallcontinue hereon at the rate hereinabove specified until this bond be paid.Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable in lawful money of the United Statesof America at the National Bank of Commerce, in the City of MemphiS, State of Tennessee; and forthe prompt payment of tnis bond and the interest thereon, according to the terms hereof, thespecial assessments hereinafter to be made and the full faith, credit and resources of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi are hereby irrevocablY pledge~

(! t44<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--.., :This bond is one of a series of One Hundred and Forty (140), all of like date, tenor andeffect, except as to number, rate of interest and date of maturity and numbered from one (1) toOne Hundred and Forty (140), inclusive, aigregating the principal amount of One Hundred andForty Thousand Dollars (140,00U.00) of an authorized issue of the corporate authorities of saidcity for the purpose of paying for special improvements on :=3ramlett Boulevard, Sisk Avenue andNcLaurin Street in Part I of 3ramlett Gardens Subdivision, and on South leth Street, Ross Avenueand Johnson Avenue Sxtended in Part III of Haley's Subdivision, and on hfilliams Avenue 2:xtended,Park Drive and South 10th street, all in the City of Oxford, Nississippi. This bond is issuedunder and by authority of and in strict compliance ~.Ji th the constitutLn and statutes of thestate of Nississippi, including among others an act of the legislature of said state entitled"AN ACT to auVlOrize the municipalities of the state to assess local improvements againstproperty henefited thereby; orovi:iing how such assessments shall be made, and how payment thereofsh811 be enforced; to authorize the municipalities to borrow money for such improvements;"oassed by the legislature and approved April Ib, 1950, being Chapter 495 of the Laws of theState of Nississippi, 1950.It is hereby certified, recited an:i represented that all acts, conditions, and thingsrequired to be done precedent to and in the issuance of t;,is bon:i, in order to make the samea legal, Valid and binding obligation of said city, have been done, have hapoened, and havebeen perfcrmed in due and regular time, form, and manner, as required by lal-'[; that the amountof this bond and the issue of which it is one, together with all other outstanding indebtednessof said city, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limit of indebtedness; and thatdue provision las been and will be made for the C'.lIDual levy and collection of a tax upon all thetaxable property v-ri thin said city and upon the prCpt';i~ty::opecially benefited by said improvements::iufficient to pay the principal of this bond at maturity and the interest thereon as it accrues.IN '~iTnrESS··Ii{E::E<strong>OF</strong>, the City of Oxford, Hississippi, acting herein by and through the Nayorand Board of Jlldermen of the City of Oxford, Hississippi, its governing authority, has causedthis bond to be executed by the signature of the Mayor of said City, countersigned by the CityClerk of said city, un:ier the cOr?orate seal of said city, and has caused the annexed interestcoupons to be executed by the facsimile signateres of said officers and this bond to be datedthe 1st day of Narch, 1957.THi: <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, HISSISSIP?IBy:Mayor of the::;ity of Oxford, MississiooiCountersigned:City Clerk of the City of Oxford, 11issis~sippi

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~,--------------------------------------------------------------------SI234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZL'I(FClRf'il <strong>OF</strong> INTEREST COUPON)<strong>No</strong>. $Narch -------------------On the first day of September, 19 ___ , the City of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi,promises to pay to bearer _________________ Dollars and _________________ Cents ($ __________ )in lawful money of the United states of America at the National Bank of Commerce, in the Cityof Memphis, State of Tennessee, for interest due that date on its Special Street ImprovementBond dated Harch 1, 1957 and numbered _______________ _Countersigned:THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPIBy:------~~----------------~Hayor of the City of Oxford, MississippiCity Clerk of the City of Oxford, MississippiSTATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSIS~3IPPI)S::;COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE)(REGISTRATION AND VALIDATION CEJ.TIFI CATE)I, C. P. Fulmer, City Clerk within 2nd for the City of Oxford in Lafayette County,IVJ:ississippi, do hereby certify that the within bond has been registered in my office in a(book kept for that purpose, as provided by law.I do further certify that the within bond has been validated and confirmed by decree ofthe Chancery Court of Lafayette County, Mississippi, rendered on the _______ day of _______ ,1957.City ClerkSECTION 3. That, in order to provide for the payment of the aforesaid bonds and theinterest thereon, there shall be made special assessments on abutting property owners for theirpro rata share of said special improvements and that in addition thereto there shall be and ishereby directed to be levied and collected, at the same time and in the same manner as othertaxes of said city are levied and collected, a direct, continuing annual tax upon all taxableproperty within the boundaries of said city sufficient in amount to provide for the payment ofthe princi9al and interest on said bonds as the same matures and accrues, allOwing for specialassessments to be levied on abutting property ovmers for their pro rata share of the costs ofsaid special improvements.It shall be the duty of the tax levying authority of said City ineach year while any of the bonds iSS11ed shall remain outstanding and unpaid, .... ri thout any fUrtherdirection or authority, to levy and collect the taxes herein provided for, and the rate oftaxation to be levied each year shall be sufficient, after making allowances for delinquenciesin the payment of taxes and the costs of collection, to provide the sums required in each yearrfor the payment of said interest and principal. Should there be a failure in any year to complywith the requirements of this section, such failure shall not impair the rights of the holders ofany of said bonds in any subsequent year to have adequate taxes levied and collected to meet theobligations of the bonds herein authorized to be is[;ued, both as to principal and interest.

( 146<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>That the proceedings had incident to the issuance of the bonds herein authorizedshall be submitted to validation under the provisions of Title 18, Chapter 1 of the ~ussissippiCode of 19h2, and to that end the City Clerk shall be and he is hereby authorized and instructedto make up and to certify to the state's Bond Attorney a full and complete transcript of proceedingsand other docunlents in relation to the authorization and issuance of said bonds.SECTION 5. That lr,lhen the said bonds shall have been prepared, validated, and executed asherein provided, they shall be registered by the City Clerk in a book kept for that purpose inhis office, and the said clerk shall sign the registration and vali::iotion certificate endorsedthereon.SECTIUN 6. That when the said bonds shall have been registered as hereinabove providedthe City Clerk shall be and he is hereby authorized and directed and instructed to deliver thesame to the purchasers thereof under the terms of the contract for the sale of said bonds datedFebruary l/:), 1957, which said contract is hereby in all respects ratified, ap'Jroved and confirmed.SECTION 7.That the City Attorney, J. I':. Price, be paid a fee of 1% of the amount of saidbonds for his services in connection with the issuance of said bonds.SECTION 8. That all orders and resolutions, or any part thereof, which may in any mannerconflict with the provision of this resolution shall be and the same are hereby repealed andrescinded insofar as they may so conflict.SECTION 9.That the issuance of the bonds as herein provided and the construction of theaforesaid special improvements being immediately necessary, this resolution shall take effect andbe in force from and after its passage and approval.Alderman Bennie H. Crouch seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution and thequestion being P1,t to a roll Gall vote, the result was as follows:Alderman B. O. Elliott voted:Alderman Bennie H. Crouch voted:AIde r'man :,Jilliam N. Lovelady voted:YesYesYesAlderman H. S. Sisk voted:AbsentAlderman 1!Till A. Hickman voted:YesThe motion having received the affirmative vote of all of the aldermen present, the Mayordeclared the motion carried and the resolution adopted this 18th day of February, A. D., 1957.ATTEST:AP?]OVED:lsi c. P. Fulmer<strong>CITY</strong> CLERK <strong>OF</strong> THE: <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, NISSISSIPPI.rlAYO~lsi Richard ~'j. Elliott<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>147~- ~I - ._________________________________________________________________________________________________ SI'2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ~Again came on for consideration the bids received on a Front End Loader at the regular meetingFebruary 5, 1957 and action continued to a future meeting. Motion was made by Alderman Crouchand seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that all bids received on Front End Loader berejected.The matter of redempticn of ?art lot 59 28-8-3 (Lot 19 Oldham Subdivision) which sold to theCity September 21, 1953 for 1952 taxes. After consideration of the matter, Alderman Loveladymoved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a q1.Jiet claim deed to said lotif and when all delinquent taxes, interest, and penalties had been paid~ Alderman Crouch secondedthis moticn, and all Aldermen present voted yea, and it is so ordered.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on Special Street Improvements to beopened February 18, 1957, bids were received from the following:Oxford Asphalt Company - Oxford, MississippiB. ~. Walker Construction Co. - Jackson, Miss.Volz Construction Company - Ripley, TennesseeG & Z Contracting Company - l'lemphis, Tennessee$124,278.34122,100.501<strong>17</strong>,526.76122,379.95After the foregoing bids were opened and read, motion was made seconded and passed that theybe turned over to IvIr. Lowe, City Engineer, for tabulation and to report at the men meetingof tne Board.-Motion was duly made seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until February 19, 1957at 4:00 p,: M.c~ ____• ___________--_____________________________________________________________________________________________-

148' ( -<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>4. I. • 00 D :. _ IV, 1. Fi':BIWAl'tY 19, 1957'Jursuant to a recess order entered on February 18, 1957, the Hayor and '3oard of Aldermen meton February 19, 1957 at 4:00 P. M. in the IJiayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the followins: were present:'~'{ichard\,j. Elliott, Mayor, Dresiding'3. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman \"Jard OneT,o,Jilliam ~".Lovelady, Alderman::ard Two1:Jill A. Hickman, Alderman ':.ard FourJ. W. Price, AttorneyE. D Lowe, Engineer0C. , . Fulmer, Clerk, .After the meetinsT had been called to order, the following business was transacted:Again came on for considerat:,on the oids on bpecial street Improvements opened at the meetingon Februcry 18, 1957, and passed to the next meeting for tabulaticn. Hoticn was made byAldern:an E:lliott and seconded by Alderman 8rouch and passed that the bid from Volz ConstructionCon:pany be accepted, it beinG the lowest and best bid.Motion was duly mad.e seconded and passed that this Board do nov! recess until February c5, 1:157at 7: 30 P. H.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>149>----,LJ!I!1I234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZRECESS, RECESS, RECESS, RECESS, REGULAR I1EETING 7:30 P. M. FEBRUARY 25, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on February 19, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen meton February 25, 1957 at 7:30 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the following were present:Richard 1~.Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Aldel'man vJard Onev:illiam N. Lovelady, Alderman "V-]ard T.,.,mH. S. Sisk, Alderman \,Ii'ard Tl1ree1\'ill A. Hickman, Alderman 1:Jard FourJ. vI. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, EngineerGill vI. Johnson, Supt. of Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfte~the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Came on for consideration the matter of running a sewer line to the Coer's property in Whatis known as Haley Hollow and after a discussion of the matter, motion was made by AldermanElliott and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that a sewer line be run to said propertyand that the City Engineer and City Attorney proceed to acquire easements for same.The matter of purchasing approximately 22 acres of land adjacent to and immediately north of thepresent Cemetery from T. E. Avent for the purpose of enlarging the present Cemetery came up forconsideration. After a discussicn of the matter, Alderman Elliott made a motion that said landbe purchased for $10,000.00 to be paid over a period of 20 years at 3% interest per annumprovided a warranted deed can be obtained. This motion was seconded by Alderman Lovelady andall aldermen present voted yea, and it is so ordered.Mr. G. N. Johnson brought to the attention of the Board the meeting of the InternationalAssociation of Electrical Inspectors in Jackson, Mississippi, March 4th and 5th and advisedthat someone from the Electrical Department should attend this meeting. Motion was made byAlderman Elliott and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that Mr. Johnson and Mr. Crowsonattend this meeting and expenses be paid by the Electric Department and it is so ordered.(-Motion was duly made seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until March 5, 1957 at7:00 P. M.L ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~

(150<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS, RECESS, F?12~CES0, :1.8SESS, £L;Gt'LA1 jJISETP~G HAl.CH 5, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on February 25, 1957,':lYe Narch 5, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the I1ayor and .soard ofHall when and where the follo~:im' were Dresent:the Hayor and 302rd of Aldermen metAIJermens' 8hambe c in the CityRichard 1: •• Elliott, Hayor, PresidingB. O. £llictt, Alde;'man at LargeRennie H. Crouch, Alderman :Iard One'hilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman I'lard TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman "'lard Three1':ill A. Hi clonan , Alderman Hard Fc\;rJ. 1,\'. ?rice, ,AttorneyE. P. 100Je, EngineerNe1vt King, Harshalc. D. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been called to order, the following business was trciDsactE'd:tJioticn was made seconded and passed unanimously that the minutes of the February meetings beadopted as read:On motion duly made and seconded and passed ur,.s.rimot:sly, it vJrS ordered that tilis Board do nowadjourn sine-die:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>15~!t2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZlU NIT E D S TAT E S <strong>OF</strong> A MER I C As'rATE o F MIS SIS SIP P IC 0 U N T Y o F LAFAYETTECIT Y o F o X FOR D* *a;}* *-ll-* ** * * * **il-* *-l~ -l~ -l~ -!} ~~~,"olioi' ..*REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. MARCH 5, 1957Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, March 5, 1957, it beingthe time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where thefollcwing were present:Richard W. Elliott, Hayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeRennie H. Crouch, Alderman l-vard OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman I'lard TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman 1.oJard Three:Jill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. W. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, Engineer•Newt King, MarshalGill W. Johnson, Sl'.pt. of Light DepartmentC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the Meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:Motic~ was duly made, seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that the followingaccounts be allowed for payment: except 4;,150.50 to \'Jilliam H. Ivy in the Sewer Construction Fund:COR.DORATIUN FUNDACSOUNT NO.AMOUNT\.,1260 Paul Davis 153 5.401271 c. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 2-14-57 Varioli.s 307.041276 Richard H. Elliott, Salary for February wlh $4.50 110 195.501277 B. O. Elliott, Salary for February wlh ~.56 110 24.441278 Bennie H. Crouch, SalaFJ for February wlh $.56 110 24.4h1279 TNilliam lIT. Lovelady, Salary for Feb. wlh $5.16 110 19.841280 H. S. Sisk, Salary for February wlh ~.56 110 24.441281 Will A. Hickman, Salary for February wlh ~;.56 110 24.441282 J. 1·'w T • Price, Salary for February wlh $2.25 115 E DLowe, Salary for February wlh $19.20 1<strong>17</strong> 352.05D1284 C. " . Fulmer, Salary for February wlh $20.48 III 329.521285 Annie E. Lane, Salary for February ~v/h ~j5. 24 116 169.761286 Narie W. Gillis, Salary for February wlh $41. 06 114 143.941287 Ne,

(152<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>"!iJ,ttRANTNO.12921293129h1295129612991303130h13071310131113l1.~1323132h132513261327132813291330133113321333133h1335133613371338133913hO132513hl13h21339132h13251327132813h3133013hh13h5133113l~b13h213321333133h1335133713LI71338132513h813h913h3133013hL.13h213321333133513381336133713391323132h132513h8132613hl1328CuFf'ORATJON FTlND CONTINUED AC::;OUNTFO.Doyle Luther, Salary for February w/h $h.13 135Roy Thomas, Salary for February w/h ~7 .48 135lVlrs. Rose Rowland, Salary for February w/h $11.66 Ih7iVlrs. J. '(,Ii. ?rice, Salary for February "I-J/h $.56 138Elwood Gay, Salary for February w/h ~20.75 135~.;. :::. IJlills, Salary for February w/h :jji<strong>17</strong>.15 135Lafayette County Heell th Unit 136Laf2yette County Library 148TeX ':Jithheld FundVar:_ous~istilis Restaurant - Firemen's 3anquet 134C. P. Ful:-r:er, Clerk - Payroll 2/28/57 Various8. ? Fulmer, Clerk - Detty Cash VariousFire at Vinson I s on Hwy 7 <strong>No</strong>rth at 5: 00 P. Iv:. 2/2/57~";. J. AustinIra L. CrowsonHomer DukeC. j~l. FalknerA. 1=1. {1ardnerClyde IIu;!~ins, Jr.Doyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.R. S. Shellab,cJrgerRoland TidwellR. L. TidwellC. S. l/,'ilsonR. II. 1.rJinterHm-mrd Davis'_[. E. I.'!omackVernon ChambersJ. E. GayDonald CarNileFire at Avent's warehouse at 6:00 P. B. 2/9/57Homer DukePaul HudsonRoy ThomasJ. E. GayFire at Truss Botor Company 12 :15 A. i'1. 2/11/57Ira L. CrowsonHomer DukeA. B. ~}ardnerClyde Huggins, Jr.'3ill JohnsonD. f}. ~;eilson, Jr.David flossD. S. RossR. ~. ShellabargerRoy Thomas:tm..rland TidwellR. L. TidHf~llC. S. 'dlsonR. H. '.'!ir'ter\'. S. 1· iom8cK:J. L. i1eardVernon "),ambersFire on 'Tjlliams btreet at h:ho ? ['I. 2/16/57Homer DukeR. O. Elliott, Jr.E. '1'. Haney8ill JohnsonD. G. Neilson, Jr.D. S. :tossRoy ThomasRoland TidwellR. L. TidwellR. H. ifjinterVernon ChanbersH. Davis':J. E. vTomackS11wodJayFire on <strong>No</strong>rth 5th Street at 8 :40 :'. Yl. 2/Hl/57~':. J. AustinIra L. erN/SOnHomer Duke9. O. Ellictt, Jr.C. r'1. [i'alkner?aul HudsonClyde Huggins, Jr.135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135Ml0UNT<strong>17</strong>9.62<strong>17</strong>6.2793.342ll.44279.2539.10162.;;032.50286.381<strong>17</strong>.20267.839.851.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.S01.501.501.501.501.501.50

~/lISJ234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZW...;1RANI'NO.<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>CORPORATION b'UND :nNTUmEDACCOUNTNO.1343 Bill Johnson 1351330 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 1351331 R. E. Shellabarger 1351346 \'I. O. Smith 1351342 Roy Thomas 1351332 Roland Tid"lell 1351333 R. L. Tidwell 1351334 c. S. ~ilson 1351335 R. H. /linter 1351337 1'). .t!:. I'Jomack 1351339 Elwood Gay 1351336 H. Davis 1351338 Vernon Chambers 1351327 A. B. Gardner 135Fire at 316 Ross Avenue at 1:45 P. M. 2/22/571350 Elton Addington 1351323 \'1[. J. Austin 1351325 Homer Duke 1351348 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 1351326 c. M. Falkner 1351327 A. B. Gardner 1351341 Paul Hudson 1351328 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 1351329 Doyle Luther 1351330 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 1351345 D. s. Ross 1351331 R. E. Shellabarger 1351342 Roy Thomas 1351334 c. S. 'rJilson 1351336 Howard Davis 1351337 "ltJ. E. Womack 1351338 Vernon Chambers 1351339 Elwood Jay 135Fire on University Avenue 2t Falkner Home 5:00 P. M. 2/26/571323 H. J. Austin 1351325 Homer Duke 1351348 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 1351326 M. C. Falkner 1351349 E. T. Haney 1351341 Paul Hudson 1351328 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 1351343 Bill Johnson 1351329 Doyle Luther 1351330 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 1351331 R. E. Shellabarger 1351334 c. s. 1:,rilson 1351351 Glen Gardner 1351352 Jack :?arks 1351353 Central Chemical Company - Janitor Supplies 1271354 I

( 15·1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>__ _. .------,'".'ARRANT}TO.ACSUUNTBO.1426D. H. t"archbanks &: Company - Irs"l-raI' ce "remiulTl1291,lLo.82ST REE'f FUND1264127212741275129712981300130813121315137513761377137813791379137913791379137913791380138113BO13821383138413851386138713881389139013911392139313941395139513961397139813991400lLol1402Uf0314041405140614051407140811-1-081409btandard Oil CompanyC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 2/15/57C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 2/15/57Dixie Culvert 8", 5up.;ly Corr~panyR. L. TidHe11 - Salary for 4'ebruary w/h 4)lb. GO1:;. T. Chandler - Salary for FebruE..Y'Y 2/l1 :jji20.28H. I. Hills - Salary for Fe bruaryTax hithheld Fund - Tax T,JithheldC. P. Fulmsr, Clerk - Payroll 2/28/57C. rye Fulmer, Clerk - ?Atty CashShavJ and 0need Hardware Comp any - Street Sup;liesJ. H. Kansel - 1asolineSoyce G. Bratton - ~eeding PrisonersOle Miss Service Station - Gas S· Oil and 3.e:)airs to ?oliceCarOxford Light & \,jater Plant Street Lighting So. 14thOxford L.a:ht ., ... & t''aTcter Dlcmt Street Lighting <strong>No</strong>. 14thOxford Light & 1-:at '.r Plant City HallOxford Light g, \'Jater Plant :"l"y ,.,.+ BarnOxford LiC!ht 8( lfJater Plant - ~;ales 'larnOxford Light & \\'ater ~Jlant - ;::>olice St3ticnOxford Light & It:ater Plant - City GarageUnited Gas Corporation - Police btationqebel Chevrolet Cnmpany - Squipment repairsUnited Gas CorQoration - City GirageSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Company - Police :J + "a"lon +"Linn Sand and Gravel Company - ']ravel]". H. Scott - .R.adio repair for 'Jolice CarJ. H. Oliver & Compan;:'T - Street brooms without handlesHuycCins & Hilbun Botor Company - Axle for dump truckLehman-Roberts Company Inc. - CoLi lVlix AsphaultOle Miss Service Station - Tire repairH. 8£ S. Chevrolet Company - AxleF. l:J. Belk & Son Hotor Company - EqLipment repairsOxf'ord l\'[otor Company - Police car repairsOxford Tractor Company - Equipment repairsOzburn Al:Jston &: Company - seat covers for truckOxford AV.to Parts Company - Equipment & Squipment repairsElliott HardvJare COi:tpany - Prooms for street8.:11ictt Hard1rlc-re Company - Cement for streetTruss Hotor Company - R.epairs for front end loaderStandard ~'!elders bupply Ccnp8.ny - Shop eqllipmentHississippi Paint~r Varnish Corp. - Traffic paint':)a£T';ell Service Station - Squipment repairsBruce qecap)ing Company - 1ecapping tiresIV'Jy8rs & Kni;:rht Buick-Equipment Company - steam cleaningfront end loaderSt?nclard (til Comnan;'T - Pdn"S thinner &. GasolineDoyle &. Charles Ivy - Clay 1ravel~agle Signal Corporation - ~treet Lighting 01JppliesIf:illiam H. Ivy - Yil1iams Avenue Layoutl\illia.rn H. Ivy - E3torm S81.;rer Varner Loop 8:. Sleveland Ave.Centerline Descriptionl'lillimrl H. Ivy - Street Const. tTotesDaley Lumber Company Inc. - Survey Stakesiviemphis D-u.blishinC! Company - <strong>No</strong>tice to T

~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------~---<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>155r!(SJ"2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ----.------------------------,---------------------------------------------------~1,.jARRANTNO.1rJil.TER AND .si!.,ItJ~RFUND CONTINUEDACCOUNTNO.AMOUNT141114111411141214131414141S1416Oxford Light & ';Jater Plant - FactoryOxford Light & It!ater Plant - Booster Pump StationOxford Light & l~ater Plant - PumpCentrcil Service Association - vJater & SevIer BillingSouthern Supply Company - ;"Iater Suppliesv>.:holesale Supply Company, Inc. - Curb StopsB.sdger Meter }Ifg. Con:pany - \iater SuppliesJ. H. ManS81 - Gasoline53753753753951051051052594.1613.85190.40104.21103.0759.161.475.001155'!i!J '14<strong>17</strong>14181418141914191420142114221423Emmett E. ~'!illiams, Alice IvI.\'lilliams & The Bank of Oxford& C. B.1-oberts, TrusteeT,,,!illiam H. Ivy - Sewer 2:asements and Reloca.ticnFields & :1ay Ale.to Clinic - I,.rrecker BillC. s. :":ilson - lIJotary FeesC. S. 'Filson - Hotary FeeJ. B. Em,ell, Chancery Clerk - Recording EasementsJ. ~. HOIvell, Cl1ancery Clerk - Recording DeedIrby Seay Company - Drofessional services, Cert. '11 1 0. 62JV1athevJS ~.TIitfield, Inc. - Estimate <strong>No</strong>. 6, Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 63Volz Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>. (;, Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 64Volz Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>.2, Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 65100.00150.507.216.501.503.301.501,307.3734,721.443,433.101,964.75TAX 'bITHHELD FUND12c2It:63Public &nployees' Retirement System - =tetirement Tax for JanuaryFederal Reserve'3ank of St. Louis - Income Tax ~'Jithheld for January168.39512.10(VETERAN'S HOUSING DEPOSIT13<strong>17</strong>12(:5C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty Cash1953 SP3CIt.L STREET H'lPROV!!1'1EN'T DOND & INTEREST FmffiThe First Naticnal Rank of Hemphis - Interest and Collecticn 911charge on street Improvement 'Sonds 912BOND Fmm16.00614.501266Union Planters National Bank, 11emphis, TennesseeFunding Bonds $5,000.00Interest $550.00Collection Charge ~9.756106116125,559.751267Union Planters National Bank, Memphis, Tennessee\,';ater and Sewer Bonds $2,000.00Interest $135.00Collection Charge $3.106106116122,138.101306D. G. Neilson, Sr.Street Improvement Bond ~?700.00Interest #lbb.OO610611868.00SP2:CIl\L STREET H:I?ROVELENT BOND & INTEREST FUND1268Union Planters NatLnal Bank, JV1emphis, Tennesseestreet Improvement Bond ~11,000.00Interest $1,012.50Collection Charge $<strong>17</strong>.8571071<strong>17</strong>1212,030.35SEPARAl'E SCHOOL DISTRI Gr 3(lND & INTEl.SST Fllm(1269Union Planters National Bank, Memphis, TennesseeSeparate School District Bond $7,000.00Interest $4,301.25Collection Charge t24.851954 SP;':;CIAL STREET Il'lPROVE.HETlTT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDBI081181211,326.101270Union ?lar.ters National Bank, Hemphis, TennesseeInterest $398.64Collection Charge $4.4010111012403.04

(~III156<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>• jWAm~UJTNU.~~1I~ CTi.I Cf L DEP PRTHENTACCort"TNO.AlvIOlTTlTT4708-094737h738 & 47474748-494750-544755-564757L~758-47704771477247734774~7751+776J.)7?7h7791.~778h78047811J.7324783478447854786478747884789L~7904791479247934794L~7954797L<strong>17</strong>9t)Petty Cash - lr 'iilliam 2. :ornackTax II,ithheld Fund - C. P. FulmerPetty Cash - ~'Jilliam E,'lomackPetty Cash - \':illiam E. '.'lomackPayroll - February IS, 1957Petty Cash - F. E. ltJomackC. P. Fulmer - v:ater & be\~agePayroll - February 28, 1957Clem?nt Safety .~auipment In c.City of ~,',ater Valley-Electric Dept.Oxford hholesale Grocery, Inc.Stuart C. IrbyDunc::m Electric l'1fg. CompanyTennessee Valley Electric Supoly Com,oanyH. '910clcran & CompanyThe liechman-Crosby CompanyThe Oxford Eagle, Inc.Dement Printins: Comp anySouthern lell Telephone CompanyJ. H. HanselStandard Oil Comp2nyUnited Gas Corporc;tion'T'ennessee Ha] 1 ey P,lltlro"'i ty'::;hmv and Sneed HardvJare Company444 Service StationCentral Service Associ~ltionThe Office SuppL CompanyBetts l1rothers HardloTareOxford Auto PartsRebel G'nevrolet CompanyS. C. Toof & CompanyNississippi ?ublic T)oHer ;:>afety & Job Training ProgramD. H. IViarchbanks1.estinghouse Electric Supply Company105.78401.8<strong>17</strong>5.0028.00114.124)1.888,957.592,491. 352.5650.003.el245.1058.2811+4.0834.0018.0644.2528.5443.0031.682.3457.655,426.47.253.561<strong>17</strong>.533. STATE <strong>OF</strong> NISSIS'::;I PPITHE COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> IJ~F ]\YETTETO THE HONORABLE HAYOR AND nOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERHEN <strong>OF</strong> THl~<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI:I, the undersigned property Olmer respectfully petition your honorable body to re-zonesaid property from residential to commercial uses.The property referred to is des cribed as follows, to wi. t:The ~Jorth half of Lot Hurnber 41 in Sections 21 and 28, tovmship 8 south,range 3 "Jest, in the city of Oxford, County of Lafayette and ::.>tate ofMississippi, as shown u~on the official map of said city in use sinceJune 6, 1939, copie~; of IoThich map are on file in the office of theMayor of said City and the Chancery Clerk of said Ccunty.Re~pectfully submitted, this the 5th day of jVlarch, 1957/s/ C. S. HaneyAfter carefully considering the forec:oirg petition and on motion duly made, seconded2nd passed unomiou::;ly it is hereby ordered that a hearing be had on said rr:att2r at the timeand place specified in the follovJinV notice and that said notice be published as requiredby la"T: the notice referred to beinq: ClS follO,ors:Ti'H2lEAS, C. S. Honey, hti0 peti ticned the l'wyor and Board ofAldermen of the City of Uxford, Mississippi, to re-zone fromresidential to cormr:ercial uses the oroperty described as:The <strong>No</strong>rth half of Lot Number 4J in Sections 21 and 28,tovJY1ship 8 south, range 3 ]'Test, in the city of Oxford,County of Lafayette and ;:)tate of Hiscissippi, as shmm

I •<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>157~\~II'SI'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGB co" NATCHEZupon the official map of said city in use since June 6,1939, copies of which map are, on file in the office ofthe Mayor of said City and the Chancery Clerk of saidCounty.<strong>No</strong>w, therefore, notice is hereby given to all property owners and citi3ens interestedthat a meeting of the lvjayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, willbe held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday the 2nd day of April, 1957 at the City Hall ofsaid City, to hear ob:ections and protests against said change and to do such other actsand things with, respect to said petiticn as may seem just and proper.Objections and protests against said change may be filed with the City Clerk of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi at any time prior to said meeting.(S~AL)lsi c. P. FulmerClerk of the City of Oxford, HississippiGayle Hilson appeared before the Board and requested damage in the amount of $390.00 done tohis 1956 crop by the construction of sewer line, and on recommendation by E. P. Lowe, CitySngineer, motion was made by Alderman Crouch and seconded by Alderman Elliott and passed thatthe Clerk be authorized to issue a check for said amount to iV'lI'. Hilson.A bill was presented to the Board from C. M. Smith in the amount of $325.00 for crop damage,fences and expense of correcting erosion problems caused by construction of sewer line acrosshis property. 'After consideration of the matter motion was made by Alderman Lovelady andseconded by Alderman Sisk and passed that the Clerk be allthorized to issue a check to Mr.Smith for $325.00 for said damage.Mr. Johnson brought to the attention of the board the immediate need of a Fire Hose andafter a discussion Alderman Lovelady made a motion that the matter be considered an emerryencyand Mr. Johnson be authorized to buy 300 feet of Fire Hose. This motion was seconded byAlderman Hickman and all aldermen present voted yea.Mr. Johnson brought to the attention of the need of a pickup truck for the ~lectric Department.'After consideration of the matter, motion was made by Alderman Sisk and seconded by AldermanLovelady and passed that Ylr. Johnson be aut:-wrized to advertise for bids on one pickuD truck}Tewt King, City Marshal., appeared before the Board and asked that he be authorized to buysummer uniforms for the policemen, and after due consideration, motion was made by AldermanCrouch and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that Mr, King advertise for bids on twosl.:its for each policeman.Ne"l-rt King, Cit~shal, reported to the Bmrd that "\'1]. F. Tate of Tupelo, Mississippi, claimedthat some moneYAstolen from his store and had placed a claim on the balance of the money thatwas found hidden on City property December 27, 1956. After a discussion of the matter motionwas made, seconded and passed that the Clerk deliver said money to Hr. Tate less $10.00 rewardfor the finders and it is so ordered.Alderman Lov clady brought to the attention of the Board that something "l-18S needed at each end ofthe Culvert on South 18th Street as a safety measure for_children. After a dismIssion, motionwas made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman HJckman and passed that a Cyclone fencebe put at each end of said Culvert.A request came from T. S. Avent that the building on Lot 56, .Avent Acres assessed on Dage 3,line 13 of the assessment roll be struck from the roll for 1956 for reasons that the house wasnot finished January 1, 1956. After consideration of the matter, motion was made by AldermanElliott and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that l'vlr. Avent's request be granted.Motion was duly made seconded and passed that this Beard do now recess until March 11, 1957at 7:00 P. M.L-______________________________________________________________________________________ ~ ___________________________________/

(t58<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>r- "- ""-1-------"- -"- """"'\"-"

~~--~~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~--------~----------------------------------------------------------------~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>159'I'Za4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZof said estate in his official capacity as such from any further claim or claims whatever onbehalf of said City of Oxford and agree that the will of the said Miss Dearl Leavell, deceased,has been fully complied ~Qthas far as this particular matter is concerned.HITNESS my sic-mature on this the 11 day of March, 1957./s/ R.ichard W. ElliottMayor of the City of Oxford,MississippiSTAT.J; <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIP~ICOU1\jTY elF LAFLYETTEPersonally appeared before me, the undersigned a1Athority in and for said county and state,,"tichard ~ ..'. Elliott, who after beinE" by me duly sworn on oath states that he signed and deliveredthe above and forezoing receipt, release and waiver on the day and year therein named as hisact and deed in his official capacity as Mayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and that heis authorized to accept the bequest made therein Lor and on behalf of the City of Oxford, andis therefore authorized to execute this receiot and waiver./ s/ itichard "J. :SlliottRichard 1;J. ElliottSworn to and subscribed before me on this the 11 day of Marc~ 1957.(SEAL)Is/sue F. PriceNOTARY PUBLICHotion wC's duly made seconded and passed that the Mayor be authorized to sign the followingagreement:March 12, 1957lIr. Richard v'f. Elliott, MayorCity of Oxford,Oxford, Mis

· 1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Application from Dempsey NcLc:rty to drive a taxi in tJe City of Oxford was presented to the"'oard, and after due considel'atio:l, motiu" was made by Alderm,m Si~;k and seconded by Alderl!l&Y1Love13d,T and passed that soid apolication be apiJroved.The City Clerk broucht to the att.e"tion of the P·oarcl that there Has a balance of :U,L83.L9left in the TI!orth 15th Special Street Improvement Fund and :j[3,805.2l left in the 1955 ::Jpecialstreet ;:mproverr;ent Fund after con::;truction had been completej and all bills paid on said~Jrojects. After due consideration );,otion ,,:'C5 made by Alderman Crouch and seconded by AldermanSisk and passed that said amounts be transferred to the nond and Interest Funds of said projects,and it is so ordered.Motion was I"'ade, seccnded and passed that Iv]r. Johnson be authorized to advertise for bids onpower line poles.On motion of Alder11lcm Crollch, seccnded by flderman SiE;k :md passed unanirnoL::sly, it is herebyordered thd the '~ity disclaim any liability ':lith r'eE:08ct to any dama2'es suffered by Carl Sandersas a resnlt of an 3l1torncbile accident "Tid that the:~ity Attorney be directed to so inform theVolz Construction Corr:pany.:'Jloticn ,vAS dlJly made secon:led ;:m] oasS3d thut this ::loard do :-0./ reces~:7: 30 ~? '.until J.lar,h 25, 1957 at

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.--.. ----------------.----------------------------------------------------1r--II7: 30 P. ~,;. HARCH 25, 1957PurSt'2:r;s to 2 recess order entered on ?1arch 11, 1957, the Mayor and :Soard of Aldermen met onIVlarch 2:5, 1957 at 7: 30 P. 1'·1. in the r1ay-or and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the follmJing Here present:.=Lichard 1';. 311iott, l'Jlayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at Large161William N. Lovelady, Alderman~",'ardTwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman ':.ar:i ThreeJ. v·I. Price, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meetine: Has called to order, the follm-Jing business ~-Jastr2nsacted:Aoplicatirn of :":illiarr: Johnson for taxi :irivers permit ~vas presented and after due considerationanJ on recommendation of the Hayor motion Has made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by AldermillDEllictt and passed that Mr. Johnson's apQlicnticn be apDroved.Then came on for consideration application from Charlie Plemmons for a ta.xi drivers perrrit andmotion viaS lfli:de by Alderman Elliott and beconded by j\~derman Lovelady and passed that ;'Ir. Flemmon r sgermit be approved.:Motion was duly made seconded and passed that this Board do nOH recess until April 2, 1957 at7:00 P. I'i.

(t62<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>\7:00 P. APHIL 2, 1957P1JrSl 'ant to a reces:~ order entered on :iarch 25, 195'(, the ;Iayor ctnd 3ca:;.~d of ,Uderri'eCl met onAp ril 2, 1957 at 7: 00 P. J". in the I'layor and qo ard of Aldermen I s Charber in the City Eall h'hen2nd IIhere the fcllQ1.Jin(~ were present:!3.ic:ha.rdnlictt, : :c:yor, "residingR. u. '~llictt, ;~lde O;';~;n ,t Lar!:o:e"'illie,m N. LcvelaJ.v, ;,lJprrrolJ"rd T"JOH. :..J. bisk, l'..lderman ,ard Threet':i1l A. dickman, l:"ldeC'man .,erd r0 1 rJ. " 7rice, pttorneyE. ". Lcue, f~n~ineer~}ill",. Johrson, 2>10+:'. of Li::;ht I?"ater De;)artlT;entFulr:cr, Clc;ri{After the meet in::; ,'Tas c~·lledto order, the folloc·jjn:·;usiness wc::s transacted:b~ adopted DB read.ofMarchOn motion duly 22de 2nd secon:ied and passed UnanLYilC nsly, it v.iDSadjoupn sine-die:ordered that t:1is c

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>163't234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZU NIT E D S TAT E S <strong>OF</strong> Af-'1ERICAS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P I8 0 U N T Y 0 F L A FAY E T T ECIT Y0 FOX FOR DREGULAl1 MEETIN'J- 7:30 P. H. A?HIL 2, 1957Be it remembered thnt the {Jjayor ,md Board of Aldermen of the Cit:.r of Oxford, IvlississipDimet in rei,:ular session at the City Hall at 7:30 D H., Tuesday, Aril 2,1957, it beingthe time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, v-Ihen and 1-lhere thefollo'"in": ~"ere present:Qichard T.;.Elliott, Hayor, PresidingR. O. Elliott, Alderman at Largelennie H. 8rouch, Alderman ~,E'rdOne1,-\'111iam N. Lovelady, Alderman :;ard rllOuiH T,-.Johnson) Supt. of Light and l"Jater DepartmentNe~ftKing, lVlarshalC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been cal.ied to order, the fol101ving business "\vas transacted:Hoticn Has duly made, se cLnded and passed un,;nirnously and it \flaS ordered that the followingaccounts be allowed for payment:HAr=W)3T NO.CORPOa.l-1.TION FUNDACCOUNTNO.AMOUNT1432C. P. Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 3-15-57Various326.04143811+3914401!-i-41144214431444144514461447144814!.o145014511452145314)4145514561457Richard 1:,. Elliott, Salary for Harch fd/h ~4.40B. O. Elliott, Salary for lIi[arch w/h :u>.56Sennie H. Crouch, Salary for Harch l.;/h ;;;56,,;illiam N. Lovelady, Salary for 14arch w/h $5.16H. S. Sisk, Salary for March w/h ~56'rJill P. Hickman, Salary for Harch "'rJ/h *,.5(:,J. ~·i. Price, Salary for Harch w/h $2.25s. P. Lowe, Salary for Harch ,.:jh $19.20C. P. Fulmer, 0alary for March w/h $20.48Annie i:J. L2ne, Salary for Harch .. /h $5.24Barie vJ.3illis, Salary for iVi,arch vJ'/h $41.06Ne,ft King, Salary for Narch ;.;/h :jj;39. 20;.J. G. Kimmons, Salary for !'larch w/h :U>34.99Et. H. Hills, Salary for rvIarch ..-Jjh $2f;. 93M. T. Styers, Salary for Harch w/h $34.90Donald Carwile, Salary for March w/h $8.50Doyle Luther, Salary for March w/h. $4.13Roy Thomas, Salary for Barch wlh ;~7.48l'lrs. Rose ROI-.Tland, Salc:ry for March w/h $11.66Hrs. J. ~1. [-'rice, Salary for March w/h $.561101101101101101101151<strong>17</strong>III116114112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>6135135147138195.5021~.4424.4419.8424.4424.4497.75352.05329.52169.76Ih3.94223.30206.51183.07155.10191.50<strong>17</strong>9.62<strong>17</strong>6.2793.3424.44

I16,1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, "., ..l'A'('lXNTNO.A C Ci..:mN'l'!\\U.A,UU;\!T1458lL6114651466lL6714701477lL7814791480lLtn1482IM33148414t514bt,Ehrooj Gay, Salary for ~·Iarc11 14h ~(20. 74\'J. 1. Mills, Salary for Narch "W/h ~<strong>17</strong>.15Lafayette County He31th UnitLafayette County LibraryTa(:ithheld FundC. ? Fulmer, Clerk, Payroll 3-30-;;7Fire at Porter White's at 9:05 A. M. 3-16-57~':. J. AustinHo-,Jaru Da" is:-Iomer :JukeLJ. 0. Elliott1'1. 8. FalknerClyde Hug_cins, Jr.D. G. Neilson, Jr.R. ~. Shellabargor:toy ThomasC. s. '>,ilsonFire at University Fteceiving Dept. 8:05 P. il.1467 E. B. Addington1477 -. J. lmstin1488 'Ternon Chambers1489 Ira L. Crowson1478 Ho"mnl Davis1479 HOmer Duke1480 B. O. Elliott, Jr.1481 E. C. FaD:Y'sr1490 ~l"\'rooj Jay1491 ?aul Hudson1482 Clyde Hu~' ins, Jr.1483 D. G. Neilson, Jr.1492 David Joss1493 D. ~. ~oss1484 it. =-':. Shellab2rger14941495~ade Stephensltoland Tidwell1496 n. L. TiJ1'JelllL~86C. S. l'Iilson1497 R. H. ~inter1498 Bill ~omacklL99 hayne Hipp1500 Newt lung1501 }lenn Gardner1502 Jack ParksFire Rev. Floyd's care at 9:05 p. M. 3-27-571488 Vernon Chambers1479 Homer Duke1490 Eh.rood Gay1495 itoland Tid,,]ell1497 R. H. Winter1498 :-.. E. ;,;omack1502 Jack Parks1477147811+79lL8011+81150311+91Ih8211+(3311+81+Ih(3511+861501+150211+8811+89149011+8211+8511+9511+9711+9815021505150615073-16-)7Fire at:~nett H8nderson's residence on Rivers Hill 3-2(3-;;7';,f. J. AustinHoward DavisHomrer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.H. C. Fal~ne cE. T. r-{aneyPaul :IudsonClyde HUGgins, Jr.D. S. Neilson, Jr.R.. ~~. Shellabar:;er:1.oy ThomasC. S •. ;ilsonDonald~ari;ile135135IX14eVarj_uusVariuus135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135Jack ParksSecon::i l:;'ire alarm at the Emmett ~lenderson house on 11ivers Hill at 4:55Vernon Chambers135Ira L. Crm-Json135Ell-mod Gay135Clyde Huggins, Jr.135Roy Thomas135Roland Tidwell135R. B. '::inter135'iT. l~. ::jomack135Jack Parks135Hederm2n "9rothers - Hayors Docket11+6c. 0./ilson - <strong>No</strong>tary Fee153Ole Miss Press & Boo~ Store - Office supolies11+6279.2539.10102.5032.5031(,.3tl313.711.501.501.501.501.S01.501.501.501.501.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.504502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50P. 111. 3/28/571.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.5097.961.007.05

~--~.~~~~~~~~----~------------------------------------------------------------------~II<strong>17</strong>L--I"234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZl\1INUTE <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1651rIAR1ANTNO.COR?ORAT IClN FUND 001l,TTINUi!:DACCOUNTNO.AMOUNT15081,091510151115111512151315141515151615<strong>17</strong>15<strong>17</strong>1518151915201520152015201521152115221'7221523152315241525Fisher Statlonery Company - File foldersGovernmental Guide (]\1isshsippi Editicn)The J. E. Neilson Company - Hary Buie IvIuseumThe Oxford Ea~le, Inc. - AdverthingThe Oxford Eaf.!,le, Inc. - Legal Printing (City Rezoning)Metts Brothers Hardware - Lawn Mmler 31ade & Tires & t11besJ. H. Oliver & Company - Supplies for rental propertyReynolds P & Hand 21ectric Service - supplies for rental proper~yCentral C~:emical Company - Janitor SuppliesCenter Chemical Company - Spraying CityShaw and Sneei Hardware Company - Janitor SuppliesShaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Paint for rental propertyOxford A~to Parts Company - Battery Clamp for Fire DepartmentJ. H. Mansel - Gasoline for Fire DepartmentSouthern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City HallSouthern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Engineer's OfficeSouthern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City HallSou~hern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Fire DepartmentOxford Light & v)ater Plant - City HallOxford Light & vJder Plant - The ArmoryUnited ::las Corporaticn - City HallUnited Gas Corporation - City HallDaley Lumbe' Company, Inc. - Supplies for Fire DepartmentDaley Lunlber Company, Inc. - Supplies for ::1.ental PropertyJ. '3. Howell - =i.e cording deed from T. E. Av~nt to CityThe L[;'JYers Co-Operative Publishing Company1461461471371221201491~9127180127149135135124124124135143153123123135lL~91531464.473.00lZ8.6911. 2518.2014.4057.8523.4023.8097.903.7521.42.543.441. 7012.5512.2524.4026.6114.38100.194.6328.8820.381.50<strong>17</strong>.00STRSET FUND(1433145914CO146214()814711526152715271527152715271527152715281528152915301531.15321533153315331534153415351536153615371538153815391540158415421543154315441545lS45154515h515~6154715~81549C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 3-15-57R. L. Tidwell, Salary for Harch wlh $$6.60"'.I. T. Chandler, Salary for March wlh $20.281'!. 1. Hills, Salary for MarchT ax vIi thheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Cler~ - Payroll 3-30-S7Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Police Dept.Oxford Lisht & I'/ater Plant - City GarageOxf'ord Light & ~'jater Plant - Police ;;>k.tionOxford Light & ~'later Plant - City HallOxford Light &'tJat::r Plant - City BarnOxford Light & 1,-"ater Plant - Sales ParnOxford Light & Jater ?lant - Street Lighting <strong>No</strong>. 14th StreetOxford Light & !':at:r :'lant - ~)treet Lighting So. 14th StreetUnited Gas Corpora'sicn - Police Dept.Uni ted G'as Corporati( n - City GarageOle Miss Service St2ticn - Kerosene for street mainten,mceA. Tj. 8ullen & Son -lrading and drag~:cing roades for CityDecember, January & FebruaryLinn Send and Gravel CompanyR.oad Builders Equioment ,:crr.pany - Equipment repairsJ. H. Mansel - GaGoline Sanitation Dept.J. H • .tvlansel - 'J-aeoline 0traet DepartmentJ. n. 1'la[,5el - Josoline Street DepartmentShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Axe HandleShaw & Sneed rtardware Company - KeyslViyers & Knight Buick-i£quipment Compan y - Equ. pment repairsBagwell Service Station - Gas and Oil Sanitaticn Dept.'3ag"ell Service Station - Gas and Oil Street Dept.Tri.-State Equipment Company, Inc. - Equipment repairsuxford Auto Pc:rts COlTipany - Equipment Repairs for Sanit;:,ticn Dept.Various225280227 & 237225 & 280226 & 2362162432182592592592592592182432392392392272282382342292392272282382372272Lt3OxforJ Auto Parts 80mpany - Shop EqLlipmentChoctaw-, Inc. - Equipment £?epairs 237Oxford T'!eldinE Shop - Sharpened and tempered 11 points for air hammer 237Elliott HardvJare Compc.;ny - sledge hammer & handle & pad lock and 239t1;.rineTropical Daint Company - Street markinB; paint239Stcmdard Oil Company - Kerosene239Standard Oil Company - Esso Extra for Shop243Standard lJelders Supply Company - Oxy,'!:en, Acetylene, 13ronze & Steel 243Ozburn-Abston &:ompany - Block for Chevrolet Trash Truck227Ozburn-Abston & Company -",heel Cylinder & Repairs to Chevrolet 227trash truckOzburn-Abston 8r. Company - Spark plug cleaner & timing lightOzburn-Abston & r::;ompany -Floor sl\eep2;rnest E. Presley - Street Equipment repairsOxford ~

( 166r-----L- ___ ., .. __ . ___ -"<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-~~~-'-----~'-~-,I'\ ...I I! hAIV{ANTNO.~Tfu,~ri'FUND CONl'nm.tSDAC::;OUNTj\~0 •Al'10UNT15501550155115511552lSdl1555158315b31563155615:;71558Oxford Hotor Company - :le;Jlace coil for Golice car223 C.25Oxford Hotor Comp!:"ny - F'il tel' for 1;'ord Garap;e Truck227 1.62Ole Hiss Service .':Jtaticn - Gas and Oil for police car2~Lf 107.86Ole r~ifoS Service Staticn - Police Car a.epairs223 <strong>17</strong>.),0~oyce G. ~ratton - ":are of Prisoners211 55.00v:illi2m H. Ivy - Bock measurelr,entfJ:;': resetting lot cor:cerson Vivian street & 'i'reverse of Coer I sHoll OHseTtier245 42.25East f10tor Partt; Company - 3attery C.sble for front end loader 227 1.20v,;illia."Tl H. Ivy - Set',in;:; reference ~;take::> in~rDm18tt Gardens, St.!mp.Haley Subdivisi.on 1"0. 3", South 10th ~it.45.50r-il1iam iI. Ivy Fieldbook notes for Street Construction st. Imp. 20.00'!illimn H.. IV'J - I"Ieasurelr.ents between City '?ark and ?rarnlett ::Jt.lmp. 13.00BoulevcTd:',;illiam A. [lacon - ::.>ervices as State I s lend AttorneyDoyle 8:. Charles Ivy -}ravelDaley Lumber Company, Inc. - ::;tDke::: for ::';pec. st. Imp.St. Imp.239st.lrrp.100.00169.c,010.001318131913201321143414631464lLI69147215591560156115611561156215631564156615661567156b1569Union ?lanter::, }lasicnc:.l !lank - for deposit - inter'st532Tlnicm Planters Natonal Dank - for deoosit - cushion535i":ater and Seller Depreciatj_on Fund - transfer533',eter and ~':'e'i;er Oontingent Fund - transfer534C. D Fulm, Clerk, Payroll 3-15-S7 )'14 8(' ~)21\'J. 1. l':ills, Salary for i'iarch514:::Uon Addington, (la12ry for ;'IClrch ..:Ih ~;~1.t5508Tax.it!1hcld Fund50BC. ? 0ulm:cr, Clerk, Payroll 3/30/:37::agj",ell oervice Station - Fori "ater Tn.ck ,~rease ,J eoJ. H. ~ansel, 1asoline for ~ator dept.Oxford Li2:ht & T;ater 'llc:!1t - Pump So-uth 14th St,.Oxford Liht & .,ater Plcmt - Factory 1':ellOxford Lj.~ht P'I, \";ater :'lcmt - Bcostcr ?'..'mp ~itati(jnDaley LwnDer CCni;J2ny, Tnc. - ':;ement, ::'rj.cl\', nail::., ::;Lakes,etc.Central Serv.i.ce Ac;soci

-------------------------------//<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Sf'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ\.1:.-A.:.."?RANTNO.ELEGrRIC D.J.:PA3.THENTAC CDlTNTNO.JUVIOUl\1T48004801-02480448034805-06L!807-114B1348154816-28Ml3248334034483548374J384829h83948404841Ll84248434G444el454846118474848484948504(3514852Tax Hithheld Fund - C~ P. FulmerPetty Cash - '\11:. 3. 1';ornack3ro-wn I s Gen & l"iareh01.1 se':,ater & Se',..age - C. P. FulmerPetty Cash - \.~. i. RomackPayroll Harch 14, 1957Trmit Dept. Union Planters National BankPetty :';ash - vI. E. hornackPayroll - March 31, 1957J. H. HanselSt2ndard Oil Company (C. G. Hug::ins)United Gas. Corp.Elliott Hardware SompanyThe Office Supply CompanyRebel Chevrolet CompanyPetty Cash - b.S. ~~orflackJ. B. Howell, Chancery ClerkThe Oxford l!;a:"le, Inc1.Tennessee Valley AuthorityTri-State Armature & r!:lectrical \';orksP. & b. SlectJ'ic CompanyOle Hiss Press and Book StoreBagwell Service ~tatonSouthern 3ell Telephone C;ompanyCentral Service AssociationStL:

(168I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>r--- .L-___ ..?urSlJant to an advcrt.Lf;ement in the UxforJ ~agle for bids on a one-half ton piCi-(UP truck to beopened April 2,1957, bidf3 liJere received from the follOJlinz,:ITyers c£ Knizht i:qLi:/tment C;oTrt;)any - uxford, l',is~~2.c:;::;io:)i~ebelChevrolct COiluany - uxford, Hissis~;ippiF. ~elk & ~on - Oxford, Mississippiuxford Hotor Co::.oany - Uxfori, iVd.ssissippi~~l ,450.001,361.671,441.<strong>17</strong>1,392.18After consideration of the fore;o:oingrcids, rTictiOf1 Has made by Alderman Lovelady and secondedby Hderman Srouch an:: passed that she bid from :(e:)ol Chevrolet Cowpany be accepted, it beingthe 10~'J8st ard best bid.lJiotion ,iTas made by Aldern~an~llLtt that ,;hereas Hr. Carl Ceers Oims certain rent21 pror)erty inthe City of Oxford, j'juGsissippi, co[nmonly referred to as Haley's Hollo',!, and 'Whereas he has inthe P&st con~ tructed simit&ry outhouses for use of SE.id premises and the City is nOvI desirous ofrunninl~ a sc::er line t,'lroue;h said pro)erty and ho.vint; Hr. Coers abanclon said outhouses andcon:nect on to tile city se,·wr system, and lJhereas lVlr. Coers is agreeable to doing so iJut bas,tated ti18t ;w -,ill not ,-:ive the City an eaS8JEent to lay ~;aid seT,Ter line across his prop,,,rty unlesshe is allo';ed to ~:onnect onto seoid S8v'or line ;,;ithout paying the customary selier connectionfee, nmJ thernfor8, in consiJerati· n of the exocut.':.on of said easernent for said se,:er line tothe City of O:,:ford, ;'lississippi, emd the further consiJer::ticn of the prem1ses ClS h8rein2~)OVeset forth, the j:ayor and ':;ity Clerk arc hereby 2uthorizer.l to accept an ea.ser:ent for said Sel'lierline 2 cross sail Jroperty from l;;r. Coers ccntainin.J' a pr,:vision that he shall be allm·Jed toconnect the l1c:ses nCI on ';c id proDerty on to s8id se~;er line ,dthout payinp; the customaryconn2ct-Lon fee. ThiS mo~,icn

,--~~~--~~=-~---~.. ~ ... ~--=-.----------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16;\<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>s .. a34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZAn appliccction from fl. H. Garrison for a permit to own a taxi in the City of Oxford was presentedto the Board and after considering the matter, motion was made by Alderman Crouch that saidap,)lication be ap,)roved "Then liability insurance has been filed. This motion 1-;as seconded byAldern12n Hiclanan and all Aldermen present voted yea.AN ORDnTAFCE ~-W)\!l'\lG <strong>OF</strong> THE FORTH HALF <strong>OF</strong> LOT <strong>No</strong>. 41 IN SECTIONS 21 A~m 28, IN THi;; <strong>CITY</strong><strong>OF</strong> OXt?U3.D, HISSISSID?I Fi1.0H RSSID£NTIAL TO COlvj}13'1.CI.AL U£E\~'JIE~1.2AS,c. :). iiaJ'1ey has potitioned too Hayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, ;'LL~;sissippito re-zone a portion of Lot <strong>No</strong>. 41, as hereinafter described, fromresidential to cornr::ercic:.l uses, and,",l':::-:'2:AS, notice was duly and leg.slly '"'iven to 011 pro~)ertyO1-mers and citizensinterested that a meeting of the i"loyor and Board of Hdermen of the City of Oxford,l"iissisf;ippi, would be held at the City Hall of said City at ? :30 0' clock'") H. on Tuesdaythe 2nd day of April, 1957 to hear objectiuns and protests a,~l:aipstsaid change, and noobjections beinz interposed thereto, and it ap)earing to this~;overning2ut,lOrity thattluch change "mId be proper cmd beneficial;~JOWtherefore, oe it ordained by the Heyor and Board of Aldermen of the Ci.ty ofOxford, Nississippi:SECTIon 1. That, the <strong>No</strong>rth half o i.' Lot Number 41 in Sections 21 and 28,tmmship d sOLlth, range 3 ,,rest, in the City of Oxford, Countyof Lafayette and ~~tate of Hississippi, as shown upon theofficial map of s2id city in use since June (, 1939, cepiesof :.J rJ i.ch map are on filo in the office of the l'!jayor of saidCity and the Chancery Clerk of said County.'3e ani the said property he.ceby is re-zoned and changed from reiOidential to com. ercialC.ses and purposes, ani the C~.tyEngineer is ordered to rote such change on the HunicipalSECTION 2. That thi_S orJinance sLall be effe cti ve according to 181".The abOVe? ordinance llaS introduced by Alderman Lovelady seconded by AldermaniiickulCln and passed unanimously.A.-r:n~tuVED lsi Richard .,'1. Blliett ,jV1AYORATTE::>TSD :_---"'I_s..J..I_c..;.._::'..;.._~_H'ul_rr_.le_r ___ . <strong>CITY</strong> CLi:d.KA. B. Cullen appeared before the Board and stated that he had sold J. R. Adams the South 107.8feet of lot 10 Cullen SubdiviSion, and he retaining the <strong>No</strong>rth 238.05 feet and requested thatthe Special Street assessment on Elm Street be divided accordingly. After consideration ofthe matter, motion was made by Alderman Elliott and seconded by Alderman Lovelaqy and passedthat the assessment on said lot 16 be divided according to Mr. Cullen's request, and it is soordered.IvJ.otirn vms3:30 P. h.duly made seconded and ,)assed that this 'joard do now recess until April 8, 1957 at

(t~oi -,!<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A?:r.IL 0, 1':157?urs3nt to c; rece~;::; crJer entered on April 2, 1957, the l'iayor and 'jo; rd of /~lderl!Jen iTiet on.h.'Jril 0, 1/57 at 3:30 ? rio in the 1'1a.;or and ?oC'.L'd of Ald8('lr!8:lS' 8rw:;ber .n the i:;ity Ballh':'le'n and l'i[1erc tne lo11m',ir' vJere present:1~.ch2rj',.Elliott, ;1C!yor, '>residingQ. o. i~lliott, Alderma:, at Lerge'Jennie Ii. Crouch, Alderman 'ard Une\'.illiam II;. Lovelcdy, Alderman \':i~rdTwoh. b. 0i81

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>:<strong>17</strong>1~----­t /I--III\'.SI'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZTIE STATS <strong>OF</strong> HISSISoP?ITH!i: COUnTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTEPersonally ap[Jeared oefore me, the undersigned authority in an-] for the state and countycforesaid, R.icnard \-J. 611iott and C. P. Fulmer Hho aCkn01\Tledged that they signed, sealed anddelivered the above and foregoing instrwnent for the pl:rposes, in the capacities and on theday and year therein set forth.}iven under my hand and official seal of office, this the __ doW of April, A. D., 1957.(Sj~AL)(:Tctary Public)Y'ry commisbion Rx:pireb:------------------The follm,'inrr letter from J. -=toin the minutes:.Marns viaS presented to the Board .rLth a request that it be spreadApril 6, 1957TO TH:C; ['jAYOii. Al\TD RUJ,rW <strong>OF</strong> ]IL DE:llUI,j<strong>OF</strong> L~j1~ <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OX:FC3.D, .i'lI':':;~)ISSI?PI:T:lis is to inform you that I am the O1"mer of certain lots on the ','est side of <strong>No</strong>rthFinth Street in the City of Oxford,Past the curve on th8 <strong>No</strong>rth part of these lots thereis a ditch which runs in front of about fLve lots and wh:Lch makes it impossible for me toutilize these lots for buildin,,. plTooses becau.se their approach to the street is cut off bythe ditch.This is to request you to lay in said ditch ,Jhatever ~ 'pes you iJish to lay bO that I canfill UP the ditch, grade these lots and can sell same.As it is, I am paying On a front footassessment of abuut ;~,2700.00and cannot utilize the lots at all.!1espectfully sU')iiiitted,/b/' J. Roland AdamsJ. i1.olcmd Adams't,'. P. l-ialey appeared before the 30ard c:nd requested that selNer service be made available toproper::-y On SentL Lamar Street opposit bf South Lamar loop. Aftsr consideration of the matter,motion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Sisk and passed that seTATer servicebe [(iade available to said property and it is so ordered.Motion was duly made seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until May 7, 1957 at7:00 P. M."-.Iii~-------~-~-~~~-~~---'-~~--~--~~~~~~~~~~-~~~----~~~-~~~-~~--~~-~-~~~~-

<strong>17</strong>2<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~­~----- -RECESS, RECESS, REGULA R I-lEETING 7:00 P. M. MAY 7, 1957jPursuant to a recess order entered on April 8, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onMay 7, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Richard vJ. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ward OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. W. Price, AttorneyGill W. Johnson, S1.:.pt. of Light and Water DepartmentE. P. Lowe, City EngineerNewt King, lV.arshalC. P. Fulmer, Clerk**********After the meeting was called to order, the following business was transacted:Motion was made seconded and passed unanimously that the minutes of the April meetings beadopted as read., On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadjourn sine-die:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> BOOI( <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong><strong>17</strong>3~----------------------------------------------tll:l:34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZUNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICAS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P ICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>* * * * * *~ * * * ** * ** **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M. MA-Y 7,1957Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Oity of Oxford, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, May 7, 1957, it beingthe time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the followingwere present:Richard W. Elliott, M~or,PresidingB. o. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Ivard OneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman ~lardTwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman \1ard ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ(IOI II II 1001 UJ. W. Price, AttorneyGill W. Johnson, Supt. of Light and Water DepartmentNewt King, MarshalE. P. Lowe, City EngineerC. P. F'ul.l1e r, Clerk, .After the meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:Motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that the followingaccounts be allowed for payment:WARRANT NO.CORPORATION FUNDACOOUNTNO.AMOUNT15761589159415991603160416051606160716081609161016111612161316141615161616<strong>17</strong>16181619Tax Withheld Fund - Employer $271.47, Admin. $16.30Tax Withheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 4-15-57c. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty CashRichard W. Elliott - Salary for April w/h $4.50B. O. Elliott, Salary for April w/h $.56Bennie H. Crouch - Salary for April w/h $.56William N. Lovelady - Salary for April w/h $5.16H. S. Sisk, Salary for April w/h 1~5oWill A. Hickman - Salary for April $.56J. W. Price - Salary for April w/h $2.25E. P. Lowe - Salary for April w/h $19.20C. P. Fulmer - Salary for April w/h $20.48Annie E. Lane - Salary for April w/h $5.24Marie W. Gillis - Salary for April w/h #41.06Newt King - Salary for April w/h $39.20W. G. Kimmons - Sal ary for April w/h $34.99R. H. Mills - Salary for April w/h $26.93M. T. Styers - Salary for April w/h $24.90Donald Carwile - Salary for April w/h $8.50Doyle Luther - Salary for April w/h $4.1318318aVariousVarious1101101101101101101161<strong>17</strong>III116114112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>6135287.<strong>17</strong>245.79397.0013.74195.5024.4424.4419.8424.4424.4497.75352.05329.52169.76143.94223.30206.51183.07<strong>17</strong>5.10191.50<strong>17</strong>9.62

( t7·1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>\-.--~+ .--.... -- --_. .~-.---'.-"\WARRANT NO. ACCOUNT AMOUNTCORPORATION FUND CONTINUEDNO.1620 Roy Thomas - Salary for April w/h. $7.48 135 <strong>17</strong>6.271621 Mrs. Rose Rowland - Salary for April w/h $11.66 147 93.341622 Mrs. J. H. Price - Salary for April wlh $.56 138 24.441623 Elwood Gay - Salary for April w/h $20.75 135 279.251626 w. I. Mills - Salary for April wlh '<strong>17</strong>.15 135 39.101630 Lafayette County Health Unit 136 162.501631 Laf~ette County Library 148 32.501632 Tax Withheld Fund Various 296.381636 c. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 4-30-57 Various 442.80Fire alarm at 306 <strong>No</strong>rth 7th Street at 8:35 P. M. 4-8-571644 E. B. Addington 135 1.501645 w. J. Austin 135 1.501646 Vernon Chambers 135 1.501647 Howard Davis 135 1.501648 Homer Duke 135 1.501649 M. U. Falkner 135 1.501650 Elwood Gay 135 1.501651 E. T. Haney 135 1.501652 Clyde Huggins 135 1.501653 William A. Johnson 135 1.501654 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135 1.501655 R. E. Shellabarger 135 1.501656 W. o. Smith 135 1.501657 Roland Tidwell 135 1.501658 C. S. Wilson 135 1.501659 R. H. ~vinter 135 1.501660 Jack Parks 135 1.501661 R. L. Tidwell 135 1.50Fire alarm on South 18th at 8:45 A.M. 4-11-571662 J. L. Beard 135 1.501648 Homer Duke 135 1.501663 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135 1.50Fire alarm at Price Street at 4:30 P. M. 4-18-571645 H. J. Austin 135 1.501647 Howard Davis 135 1.501648 Homer Duke 135 1.501663 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135 1.501649 M. C. Falkner 135 1.501651 E. T. Haney 135 1.501652 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135 1.501664 Doyle Luther 135 1.501654 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135 1.501665 David Ross 135 1.501665 R. E. Shellabarger 135 1.501656 w. O. Smith 135 1.501666 Roy Thomas 135 1.501658 C. S. Wilson 135 1.501667 Donald Carwile •• 135 1.50Fire alarm at Van Buren AVenue at 5:50 P. M. 4-19-571644 E. B. Addington~ 135 1.501645 W. J. Austin 135 1.501646 Vernon Chambers 135 1.501668 Ira L. Crowson 135 1.501647 Howard Davis 135 1.501648 Homer Duke 135 1.501649 M. C. Falkner 135 1.501651 E. T. Haney 135 1.501652 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135 1.501665 David Ross 135 1.501656 w. O. Smith 135 1.501657 Roland Tidwell 135 1.501661 R. L. Tidwell 135 1.501658 c. S. Wilson 135 1.501669 Bill l.Jomack 135 1.501670 Glen Gardner 135 1.501660 Jack Parks 135 1.50Fire alarm at 639 <strong>No</strong>. 7th at 4:30 A. M. 4-23-571662 J. L. Beard 135 2.501646 Vernon Chambers 135 2.501668 Ira L. 6rowson 135 2.501648 Homer Duke 135 2.50 \1649 M. C. Falkner 135 2.501670 A. B. Gardner 135 2.501650 Elwood Gay 135 2.501651 E. T. Haney 135 2.50 -.. -'" /

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong><strong>17</strong>5tJl234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZi-JARRANT NO.CORPORATION FUND CDNTINUEDACcaJNTNO.AMOUNT(165216541665167216551656165716581669164816701673167316741674167516751675167516761677167816791679168016811682168316831683168416851686168716881689169016911692169316941695Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135David Ross 135D. S. Ross 135R. E. Shellabarger 135W. O. Smith 135Roland Tidwell 135C. S. Wilson 135Bill WOmack 135Fire alarm at Jackson Avenue at 10:20 A. M. 4-24-57H~rfub 1~Glen Gardner 135Oxford Light and Water Plant - The Armory 153Oxford Light and Water Plant - City Hall 143United Gas Corporation - City Hall 123United Gas Corporation - City Hall 123Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City Engineer 124Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City Hall 124Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City Hall 124Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Fire Dept. 135$11iott Hardware Company - Plywood (Engineer Supplies) 151M. R. Hall - Sharpen 2 lawn mowers 120Memphis Blue Print and Supply Company - Blue Prints 151Metts Brothers Hardware - Supplies for Cemetery Upteep 120Metts Brothers Hardware - Supplies for rental property 149Miller Meters, Inc. - Parking meter parts 160National Disinfectant Company - Spraying City 180Ole Miss Press & Book Store - Office Supplies 146Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Paint for rental property 149Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Janitor Supplies 127Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Hose <strong>No</strong>zzle for Fire Dppt. 135Standard Welders Supply CompanY - Oxygen Qy1inder 135J. H. Mansel - Gas for Cemete.r-y UpkeJtP 120The Oxford Eagle, Inc. - Legal Printing 122Jack Gregory, Sheriff & Tax Collector - Tax on Arkansas 153PropertyMrs. C. E. Morgan - Purging the registration books (6 days) 141Mrs. Robert L. Holley - Purging the registration books (1 da)l41Mrs. Verna McElreath - Purging the registration books (3da) 141The J. E. Neilson Company - Mary Buie Museum 147C. S. Wilson - <strong>No</strong>bary fee 153J. B. Howell, Chancery Clerk - Recording releases to City 153All-State Termite Control Company - Mary Buie Museum 147Harden's Printing Company - Ballots 1412.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.501.5011.3621.521.6<strong>17</strong>8.5912.40<strong>17</strong>.602.3024.402.663.507.6224.202.2567.3685.372.6027.781.65.751.083.5811.5474.3530.005.0015.0078.001.0015.0018.0076.85STREET FUND/I~ ..157715901595160016241625162:11633163516371696.1696.1696169616961696.169616971697169816991699.<strong>17</strong>00<strong>17</strong>01<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>03<strong>17</strong>04<strong>17</strong>04<strong>17</strong>04<strong>17</strong>04Tax Withheld FundTax Withheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 4-15-57C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty GashR. L. Tidwell - Salary for April wlh $6.60w. T. Chandler - Salary for April wlh $20.28W. I. Mills - Salary for AprilTax Withheld FundDixie Cu1 vert & Supply CompanyC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 4-30-57Oxford Light and Water Plant - City GarageOxford Light and Water Plant - Police StationOxford Light and Water Plant - City HallOxford Light and Water Plant - City BarnOxford Light and Water Plant - Sales BarnOxford Light and Water P1a~ - Street LightingOxford Light and Water Plant - Street LightingUnited Gas Corporation - City GarageUnited Gas Corporation - Police StationAutomotive Electric Service Company, Inc. - Parts forengine on fogging machineBagwell Service Station - Gas and OilBagwell Service Station - Gas and OilJ. B. Brown & Son - 3 seed forksBoyce G. Bratton - Care of PrisonersBruce Recapping Company - Equipment RepairsBruce Recapping Company - TiresDaley Lumber Company, Inc. - Rough Oak, Brick & CementElliott Hardware Company - Equipment RepairsElliott Hardware Company - Miscellaneous suppliesElliott Hardwar e Company - Material and SuppliesElliott Hardware Company - Material and Supplies, Cement279 280.90279 219.95226 & 236 1,602.47Various 5.06225 224.40280 163.47227 & 237 56.25225 & 280 26.88239 576.24Various 1,526.852·43 8.26218 8.74259 22.90259 4.822·59 . 1.00259 30.10259 255.95243 6.95218 7.61227 4.37228 12.00238 5.452~ 25.35211 69.00227 18.90240 64.69239 30.70227 11.25229 2.25239 15.00239 95.43Concrete, et~. )~~------~/

(II,ir-­f----.-.---Ilit)WARRANT NO.<strong>17</strong>06<strong>17</strong>07<strong>17</strong>08<strong>17</strong>09<strong>17</strong>10<strong>17</strong>11<strong>17</strong>11<strong>17</strong>11<strong>17</strong>12<strong>17</strong>13<strong>17</strong>14<strong>17</strong>14<strong>17</strong>14<strong>17</strong>15<strong>17</strong>15<strong>17</strong>16<strong>17</strong>16<strong>17</strong><strong>17</strong><strong>17</strong>18<strong>17</strong>18<strong>17</strong>19<strong>17</strong>20<strong>17</strong>21<strong>17</strong>22<strong>17</strong>22<strong>17</strong>23<strong>17</strong>24<strong>17</strong>25<strong>17</strong>25<strong>17</strong>26<strong>17</strong>27<strong>17</strong>28<strong>17</strong>29<strong>17</strong>30<strong>17</strong>31<strong>17</strong>32<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>STREET FUND OONTINUEDGathright-Reed Drug Company - soap for shopHarper Foundry & Machine Company - Cast Iron GratesDoyle & Charles Ivy - GravelLehman-Roberts Company - ColayLinn Sand and Gravel Company - gravelJ. H. Mansel - Gasoline for Sanitation Dept.J. H. Mansel - Gasoline for StreetJ. H. Mansel - Gasoline for ShopMetts Brothers Hardware - Mower BladeMyers & Knight Buick-Equipt. Company - Equipment repairsfor SanitatLn Dept.ACCOUNTNO.243239239239239228238243227227Ole Miss Service Station - Kerosine for st. Dept. 239Ole Miss Service Station - Police Car Repairs 223Ole Miss Service Station - Gas and Oil for Police Car 224Oxford Auto Parts Company - Equipment repairs for Sanitation 227Dept.OXford Auto Parts Company - Shop Equipment 243Oxford Motor Company - Police Car Repairs 223Oxford Motor Company - Equipment repairs for Sanitation Dept.227Oxford Tractor Company - Equipment Repairs for Sanit. Dept. 227Oxford Welding Shop - Equipment Repairs for Sanit. Dept. 227Oxford Welding Shop - Material and Supplies 239Ozburn-Abston and Company - Shop equipment 243Pidgeon Thomas Iron Company - Material and Supplies for 239Street Dept.Harr,y L. Shapiro - Policemen's uniforms (shirts)Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Police officer supplies(Shells)210210Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Grass Blade 229Smith Lumber Company - Material for Street Dept. 239Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company - Police Dept. 216Standard Oil CompaQY - Keresine for Street Dept. 239Standard Oil Company - Oil for Shop 243Standard Welders Supply Company - Tank of Oxygen for Shop 243Stuart C. Irby Company - Soldering Iron for Shop 243Truss Motor Company - Repairs to front end leader 227William H. Ivy - Incidental Construction 245William H. Ivy - Street Imp. Contract (slope stakes, Spec. St.drainage and notebooks. San. Sewer location on Imp.Eddie Mac Morgan's propertyDaley Lumber Company ,Inc. - StakesRoad Builders Equipment Company -, Equipment repairs forSanitation Dept.Spec. st.Imp.227AMOUNT.9081.6057.2143.8818.80138.9445.48.902.9546.601.0019.25108.232.346.541.934.6620.802.00.756.80104.7980.275.112.50306.35<strong>17</strong>.2018.66<strong>17</strong>.006.1211.2025.0032.50308.5010.00220.931473147414751476157515781591159616011628162916341639<strong>17</strong>33<strong>17</strong>34<strong>17</strong>35<strong>17</strong>36<strong>17</strong>37<strong>17</strong>38<strong>17</strong>39<strong>17</strong>39<strong>17</strong>39<strong>17</strong>40<strong>17</strong>41<strong>17</strong>42<strong>17</strong>43WATER AND SEWER FUNDUnion Planters National Bank - for deposit in Water and 532Sewer Bond and Interest Fund for InterestUnion Planters National Bank - for deposit in Water and 535Sewer Bond and Interest Fund - Cushion FundWater and Sewer Depreciation Fund - Transfer 533Water and Sewer Depreciation Fund - Transfer 534Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Company - Water Supplies 510Tax Withheld Fund 543Tax Withheld Fund 543c. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 4-15-57 . 514 & 521C. P. Fulmer, Petty CaSh VariousW. I. Mills - Salary for April 514Elton Addington - Salary for April w/h $41.65 508T ax Withheld Fund 508C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 4-30-57 514 & 521Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Company - Water Supplies 510Layne-Central Company - Plant Maintenance 5<strong>17</strong>J. H. Mansel - Gasoline 525J. B. Howell, Chancery Clerk - Reoording DeePs 528C. S. Wilson - <strong>No</strong>tary Fees 528Central Service Association - Hater Billing 539Oxford Light and Water Plant - Pump 537Oxford Light and Water Plant - Booster Pump Station 537Oxford Light and Water Plant - Factory Well 537Harper Foundary and Machine Company - Water Supplies 510Levee Street Foundry & Machine Works - Man Hole Rings &Covers 521Southern Supply Company - Water Supplies 510M. & H. Valve & Fitting~ Compal\Y" - l{ater Supplies 5101,677.08600.00150.00100.0095.2932.1935.53358.4756.8156.25186.3541.65276.3011.61913.6614.149.003.00105.74286.0019.841.0057.60579.6030.54136.34

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I (~, -,ISI'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO., NATCHEZ-------------- ----------WARRANTNO.SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDACCOUNTNO.AMOUNT<strong>17</strong>44<strong>17</strong>451151Irby Seay Company - Professional Services, Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 75&16Vo1z Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>.8, Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 11Vo1z Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>.4, C'A!!rt. <strong>No</strong>. 182,100.006,804.393,431.181951 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND1598160211461147157915801592J. ''N. Price - FeeC. P. Fulmer, Clerk ~ Petty Cash (Expense delivering gonds)Toof and Company - Printing BondsStreet Fund - refund due for Spec. St. Imp. paid out of St. FundTAX WITHHELD FUNDPublic Employee's Retirement System - Social SecurityDirector of Internal Revenue - Income Tax Withheld in MarchPublic Employees' Retirement System - Rett~ement tax for1st quarter 1951BOND FUND1,400.0018.16150.851,163.461,589.49511.59838.911593The First National Bank of MemphisInterest $342.50Collection Charge $5.00611612341.50SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUND16391953 Special Street Improvement Bond and Interest Fund -Transfer to correct error in deposit 4-19-57619.11FIRE PROTECTION FUND<strong>17</strong>48<strong>17</strong>49<strong>17</strong>50East Motor Parts Comp~ - Batteries for Fire Dept.Eureka Fire Hose - Hose for Fire Dept.Gathright-Reed Drug Company - Replacements for first aid kitfor Fire Department29.24351.112.41ELECTRI C DE? ARI'MENT,(483148364853-54485548564858-614868-694870-8448854886-904898-994900 ;'4901-1649<strong>17</strong>491849194920492149224923492449254926492749284929493049314932493349344935493649314938493949404941494249434944Tax Withheld Fund - C. P. FulmerC. P. Fulmer - Water and SewagePetty Cash - W. E. WomackC. P. Fulmer - Tax Withheld FundH. L. KingPetty Cash - W. E. Womack (Refund Customers Deposit)Petty Cash - W. E. WomackPetty Cash - W. E. Womack (Refund Deposits of Temp. Conn.)Tax Withheld Fund - C. P. FulmerPayroll for April 15, 1957Petty Cash - W. E. WomackPetty Cash - W. E. WomackPayroll for April 30, 1951The Office Supply CompanyJ. H. ManselStandard Oil Company (C. G. Huggins)Rebel Chevrolet CompanyD. H. Marchbanks & Company<strong>No</strong>rth Miss. Industrial Dev. Assoc.Lantrip Sign ShopHuggins & Hilburn Motor CompanyWalker Electric CompanySIni th Lumber CompanyRebel Chevrolet CompanyShaw and Sneed HardwareThe Oxford Eagle, Inc~C'A!!ntra1 Service AssociationDuncan nectric CompanyElliott Hardware CompanyGraybar Electric Company, Inc.Stuart C. Irby CompanyGulf States Creosoting Co.M6Cabe-Powers Auto Body Co.Meter Service and Supply CompanyMississippi State CollegePatterson Heavy Haul ServiceThe Riechman-Crosby CompanyTennessee Valley Electric SupplyTennessee Valley AuthoritySouthern Bell Telephone CompanyWestinghouse Electric Supply Company362.348,858.<strong>17</strong>92.30216.946.05105.00<strong>17</strong>6.09114.38<strong>17</strong>7.1814l.2959.6130.002,565.1233.1536.962.081,361.6728.58372.008.003.0052.097.5021.30.6134.25124.58116.565.3841.1680.21641.505.84250.003.46195.005.44255.984,928.5941 • .308,319.30----,-----------------------------------------------------------------------/

(l .·1~,J..1'. '(J<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>WARRANTNO.494549464947ELECTRIC DEPARTMENTUnited Gas CorporationBruce Recapping CompanyOxford Auto Parts CompanyAMOUNT56.089.067.64Persuant to a request for bids on gasoline for Police Ca~ bids were received from the followingfirms:Hugh's Service Station )¢ offOle Miss Service Station 27.25 Regular )0.25 Premium444 Service Station 26.9 Regular )0.9 PremiumJ. B. Carpenter & Son 27.9 Regular )0.9 PremiumFields & Ray 29.9 Regular 32.9 PremiumAfter considering the foregoing bids motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded byAlderman Elliott and passed that the Ole Miss Service Station be accepted, premium only,it being the lOi-iest and best bid.The matter of employing someone as recreational director came before the Board and afterconsideration of the matter, motion was made by Alderman Hickman 2nd seconded by AldermanElliott and passed that Billy Calhoun be employed at a salary ~ $250.00 per month to beginwhen school is out.A service contract from <strong>No</strong>rth East Mississippi Electric Power Associaticn for furnishingpower at each of the sewage disposal plants, and the north plant control house was presentedto the Board and motion was made by Alderman Crouch and seconded by Alderman Elliott andpassed that the Mayor be authorized to sign said contracts when approved by the City Attorney,and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a check for $)0.00 for deposit for said service.The matter of a correction in the assessment of Joe W. Overstreet's property assessed on pagenumber 115 line 29 of 1956 assessment was presented to the Board. Motion was made by AldermanHickman and seconded by Alderman Crouch and passed that said assessment be corrected to readcenter part of lot 62 instead of part of lot 62 and 68 and it is so ordered.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on electrical supplies to be openedMay 7, 1957 at 7:30 P. M., bids were received from the following:Ludke Electric Company, Vicksburg, MississippiGeneral Electric Supply Company, Memphis, TennesseeOattis Electric Supply Company, Memphis, TennesseeLine Haterial COIl19any, Milwaukee, WisconsinGraybar Electric Company, Memphis, Tennesseel'Jestinghouse Electric Supply Company, Memphis, TennesseeStuart C. Irby Company, Jackson, MississippiCobel Electric Compary, Jackson, MississippiThe Riechman Crosby Company, Memphis, TennesseeAfter the bids were opened and tabulated, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and secondedby Alderman Sisk and passed that the Riechman Crosby Company bid be accepted, it being thelowest and best bid.Motion was duly made seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until June 4, 1957 at7:00 O'clock.P.N.

~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~-~-.--~~~--~----------------------------------------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I-J?- ________________.._.~_K__TO_M_L_.K_E_TC_HI_NG_S_CO_ ••_N_AT_CH_EZ_____________________________________________<strong>17</strong>9----~--~------jTHE STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPITHE COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTETHE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>TO: B. O. Elliott, Bennie H. Crouch, William N. Lovelady, H. S. Sisk and Hill A. Hiclanan,Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi:You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, is called to meet at the City Hall in said City of Oxford,Mississippi, at 4:30 o'clock P. M., on the 27th day of May, A. D., 1957.The object of said meeting is as follows:1. To consider the matter of a recreation program for the City of Oxford, Mississippiand to take such action on said matter as may be necessary or proper; and2. To consider the matter of the acquisition of cemetery property and to take suchaction on said matter as may be necessary or proper./s/ Richard vI. ElliottMAYORThe Marshall will execute and return the above notice instanter./s/ Richard W. ElliottMAYORReceived the above call at 12:50 P. M., on this the 27th day of May, 1957./s/ Newt KingMARSHALLWe, the undersigned aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, hereby acknowledgeservice of the above call upon us personally at least three hours before the time of meetingand waive copy of the call./s/ Bennie H. CrouchlsI Will A. Hickmanlsi B. O. Elliott/s/ H. S. Sisklsi William N. LoveladyI have served notice on the above aldermen at least three hours before the time of meeting.lsi Newt KingMARSHAL\

(I 180<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~--.S PEe I A LM E E TIN GPursuant to the preceeding <strong>No</strong>tice of Special Meeting, the Mayor and Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, met on Monday, May 27,1957 at 4:30 o!clock P. M.at the City Hall when and where the following were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeHill A. Hickman, Alderman Hard FourJ. W. Price, Attorneyc. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting was call ed to order the following busine E,S was transacted:On motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadjourn sine-die.CLERK

~-~---if;==:82'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZLJ- ..- ------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>181RECESS, REnULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. JUNE 4, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on May 7, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onJune 4, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard W. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Hard Onev!illiam N. Lovelady, Alderman l,'iard TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman (.vard ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJ. ~'i. Price, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, ClerkE. P. Lowe, City EngineerGill ~tV.Johnson, Supt. of Light and \vater DepartmentAfter the meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:Motion was made seconded and passed unanimously that the minutes of the May_meetings beadopted as read.~, • __ ~ ____________ ~~~~_~_E_RKOn motion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadjourn sine-die:~MA_Y_O~R=-~~\ ~~/______-=________________________________ ______

(lfl2<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>f-IU NIT E D S TAT E S 0 F A MER I C AS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P I)COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTECIT Y0 FOX FOR D* * * ** * * ** * ** **REG U L ARM E E TIN G 7: 30 P. M. J U N E 4, 1957Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Pldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, June 4, 1957, it beingthe time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the followingwere present:Richard "i. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliutt, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman JJard OneHilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman Ward TuoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward Three\!ill A. Hickman, Alderman \'iard FourJ .,1. Price, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, ClerkE. P. Loue, EngineerGillj. Johnson, Supt. of Light and ~JaterDepartmentMotion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that the followingaccounts be allowed for payment except $2,204.51 to Oxford Asphalt Corr:pary in the VivianStreet Special Improvement Fund:tvARRANTNO.CO:iPORATIClN FUNDA6COllTTNO.AMOUNT<strong>17</strong>55<strong>17</strong>62<strong>17</strong>63<strong>17</strong>64<strong>17</strong>65<strong>17</strong>66<strong>17</strong>67<strong>17</strong>68<strong>17</strong>69<strong>17</strong>70<strong>17</strong>71<strong>17</strong>72<strong>17</strong>73<strong>17</strong>74<strong>17</strong>75<strong>17</strong>76<strong>17</strong>77<strong>17</strong>78<strong>17</strong>79<strong>17</strong>80<strong>17</strong>81<strong>17</strong>82<strong>17</strong>85C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 5-15-57Richard "'/. Elliott - Salari-ror May u/h $4.50B. O. Elliott - Salary for Hay w/h $.56Bennie H. Crouch - Salary for NClYi..;rjh :j)i.561t,'illiam N. Lovelady - Salary for May w/h $5.16H. s. bisk - Salary for May w/h $.56Will A. Hickman - Salary for May u/h $.56J. 1'1. Pri ce - Salary for Hay w/h $2.25E. P. Lowe - Salary for May w/h $8.35C. P. Fulmer - Salary for May w/h $10.48Annie ~. Lane - Salary for May w/h $5.24Marie ti. Gillis - Salary for May w/h $41.06Newt King - Salary for May w/h $39.20w. G. Kbmons - Salary for May w/h $;34.99R. H. Mills - Salary for May w/h $26.93M. T. Styers - Salary for May w/h $24.90Donald Carwile - Salary for May w/h $8.50Doyle Luther - Salary for Nay w/h $4.13Roy Thomas - Salary for May w/h $7.48Mrs. Roce Rowland - Salary for May Iv/h $11.66Mrs. J. W. Price - Salary for May w/h $.56Elwood Gay - Salary for May w/h $20.75'ItT. I. Mills - Salary for May w/h $<strong>17</strong>.15Various1101101101101101101151<strong>17</strong>III116114112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>6135135147138135135409.80195.5024.4424.4419.8424.4424.4497.75352.05329.52169.76143.94223.30206.51183.07<strong>17</strong>5.10191.50<strong>17</strong>9.62<strong>17</strong>6.2793.3424.44279.2539.10)

,------------- -------------------------------------------------------~i<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>r--r~----------------------------------------~ SI'2I4K-TOM L •. ~KE~TC~H~'N~GS~CO~ •• ~N~ .. T~CH~E~Z ________________________________________________________________1~3._-----_.----_._----------,( .i-lARRANTNO.<strong>17</strong>89<strong>17</strong>90<strong>17</strong>91<strong>17</strong>941806180718081808180918101811181218121812181318141815181618<strong>17</strong>1818181918201820182018211822182218231824ItJ25182618261827182818291830183118321833183418a518361837183818391840184118421843184418451846CORPORATION FUND COOT' DLafayette County Health UnitLaf~ette County LibraryC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 5-31-57Tax Withheld Fund - Tax Withheld 5-31-57Fire alarm on town square at 11:10 A. M. 5-27-57David RossRoy ThomasElliott Hardware Company - Cemetery UpkeepElliott Hardware Company - Repairs to rental propertyM. R. Hall - Mower blades sharpenedElliott Hardware Company - City Hall repairsHome Ice Company - cemetery UpkeepJ. H. Mansel - Gasoline for Fogging MachineJ. H. Mansel - Gasoline for Cemetery UpkeepJ. H. Mansel - Gasoline for Fire DepartmentThe J. E. Neilson Company - Mary Buie MuseumOxford Auto Parts Company - Fogging MachineOZburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Car Polish for Fire Dept.Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Power Mower blade forCemetery UpkeepOxford Lumber Company - City Hal~ RepairNational Disinfectant Company - Malacide for FoggingMachine (Spraying City)Tyco, Inc. - Name plates for Supt. Light & Water andCity Enginee rACCOUNTNO.136148VariousVarious135135120149120155120180120135147180135120155180Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City Hall 124Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City Engineer 124Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Fire Departmtne 135United Gas Corp. - City Hall 123Oxford Light and Water Plant - The Armory 153Oxford Light and Water Plant - City Hall 143J. B. Carpenter and Son - Diesel Fuel for Fogging Machine 180New's D;ug Store - Respirators for Foggers 180The Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Company 146Ole Miss Press & Book Store - Office Supplies 146Ole Miss Press & Book Store - Parking Meter Office Supplies 159Walker Electric Company - OUtlet box & receptical for light 180at Fogging machine garageThe Oxford Eagle, Inc. - Election ExpenseMrs. R. S. Black - Holding Election 5-14-57Mr. JohnE. Belk - Holding Election 5-14-57~tr. Glynn Fudge - Holding Election 5-14-57Mrs. o. H. Gathright - Holding Election 5-14"57Mrs. C. E. Morgan - Holding Election 5-14-57Y~s. Cleo Reaves - Holding Election 5-14-57Mrs. L. H. Hatt - Holding Election ,5.-14-57Mrs. Katie Belle Tate - Holding Election 5-14-57Mr. Van East, Sr. - Holding Election 5-14-57Mrs. E. P. Fuller - Holding Election 5-14-57Mrs. Frances Nunnery - Holding Election 5-14-57Mrs. Ruth Roulette - Holding Election 5-14-57Mrs. Holder Gathright - Holding Election 6-4~51,Mrs. Frances Nunnery - Holding Election 6-4-57Yws. Ruth Roulette - Holding Election 6-4-57Mrs. Robert L. Holley, Jr. - Commissioner ~or ElectionMr. <strong>No</strong>el M. Hodge - Commissioner for Election (2 days)Mr. W. W. Joor - Commissioner for Election ( 2 days work)153l41141141l41141141141141l4114114114114114114l141(2 das)l41141141AMOUNT162.5032.50507.97296.381.501.504.907.753.5060.8510.0024.50~.3A1.3552.281.721.092.5022.8286.2020.4213.8015.0024.4016.4312.2825.0783.505.90<strong>17</strong>. FUND<strong>17</strong>56<strong>17</strong>83<strong>17</strong>84<strong>17</strong>86<strong>17</strong>92<strong>17</strong>951847184818481849185018501851---18521853C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 5-15-57R. L. Tidwell - Salary for May w/h $6.60w. T. Chandler - Salary for May w/h $20~28V.I. I. Mills - Salary for May -..C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 5-31-57Tax Withheld FundAlderson Pure Oil Station - Grease for Street MaintenanceArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Tire and tube for GarbagetruckVarious225280227 & 237VariousVarious238230Arkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Tires far Street Department 240Automotive Electric Service Company, Inc. - Equipment Repairs 227Bagwell Service Station - Wash & Grease jobs for Sanitation 228Dept.Bagwell Service Station - Wash & Grease for Street Dept. 238F. W. Belk & Son Motor Company - Equipment repairs for Street 237Dept.Boyce G. Bratton - Care & Feeding PrisonersCenter Chemical Company - 55 Gals. Cento2112291,378.88224.40163.4756.251,540.1226.885.9564.6964.6727.5015.402.8514.9940.00<strong>17</strong>8.75

(<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-.... ----,._-' \-"~~ARRANTNO.STRE~ FUND CeNT'DACCOUNTNO.AMOUNTI)1854185518561856185818581859185918591859166018611862186318631864186518661867186818691869187018701921187218721873187418741874187518751875187518751875187518761876191918771877187818791880188118821882188218831884188518861886188618871888188916901891189218931693189418951920Choctal-J", Inc. - Equipment Repairs for Street Maintenance 237Clark Rental Corporation - ~quipment repairs 237Daley Lumber Company, Inc. - Buick & Cement for Street 239Daley Lumber Company, Inc. - Equipment Repairs 237East Motor Parts CompanY - Repairs to Dodge Dump truck 237East Motor Parts Company - Repairs to Ford Garbage TruckElliott Hardware Company - Equipment Repairs (Sanitation)227227Elliott Hardware Company - Equipment Repairs (Street) 237Elliott Hardware Company - Material and Supplies (street) 239Elliott Hardware Company - Shop Equipment 243Hope ~vans - Sod oft Pierce Street 239Gathright-Reed Drug Company - Rubber Gloves 239Elliott Hardware Company - Cement, Pine for Street 239Home Ice Company - Supplies for Smitation Department 229Home Ice Company ~ Supplies for Street Department 239Huggins & Hilbun Motor Company - Wrecker Service 227Hume's - Slacks for Policemen 210Doyle & Charles Ivy - Gravel 239l-Jilliam H. Ivy - Surveying, storm. Sewer So. 16th, Coer'sSanitary Sewer, 13th Street Right-of-way253Linn Sand and Gravel Company -for Street Department 239J. H. Mansel - Gas and Oil for Sanitation Department 228J. H. Mansel - Gas and Oil for Street Dept. 238Metts Brothers Hardware - Mower blade and fork handle 227Metts Brothers Hardware - 6 grass bladesMorgan Lindsey - Batteries for Policemen229210Ole Miss Service ~tation - Gas for police Car 224Ole Miss Service Station - Police Car repairs 223Oxford Asphalt Company - Resurface pavement on Vivian Street& 15.8 tons Asphalt239Oxford Auto Parts Company - Spark Plugs for power mower ani 227repair to front end loaderOxford Auto Parts Company - Copper tube for Dodge dump truck 237Oxford Auto Parts Company - 1 can oil for Shop 243Oxford Light and ,Jater Plant - Police Station 218Oxford Light and ~"iDter Plant - City Garage 243Oxford Light and Water Plant - Street Lighting South 14th 259Oxford Light and Water Plant - Street Lighting <strong>No</strong>rth 14thOxford Light and 1rJater Plant - Sales- Barn259259Oxford Light and :\iater Plant - City Barn 259Oxford Light and!\'ater Plant - City Hall 259Oxford Motor Company - ?olice Car Repairs 223Oxford Motor Company - Equipment Repairs 227Oxford ~\'holesale Grocery, Inc. - Files for Sanitation Dept. 229Ozburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Batteries for Front end loader 227Ozburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Shop Equipment 243Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Company - Material and Supplies for 239Street MaintenanceRoad Builders Equipment Company - Equipment Repairs 227Myers & Knight Buick Equipment Company - Oil cap for Garbage 227TruckSargent-Sowell, Inc. - Street Signs 239Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Power mower engine 227Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Hooks, snaps, screws for 229Sanitation Dept.Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Wrenches for ~)hop 243Smith Lumber Company - Material and Supplies for Street Dept. 239Harry L. Shapiro - Policemen's caps 210Southland Mower Company, Inc. - Equipment Repairs 227standard Oil Company - Gas and Oil for Sanitation Dept. 228Standard Oil Company - Gas and Oil for Stre3t Dept. 238Standard Oil Company - Gas for Shop 243Standard Welders Supply Company - Oxygen & Acetylene 243Electrode Holder & DemurrageTri State Equipment Company, Inc. - Overhaul compresser 237Truss Motor Company - Axle for Chev. Trash TruckUnited Road Machinery Company - Cable for Garbage truck227227Western Auto Store - Tires for Power MowerSouthern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Police Phone227216United Gas Corporation - Police Station 218Uni ted Gas Corporation - City Garage 243Metts ~rothers Hardware - Street Lighting Supplies 260Walker Electric Company,-St:r:eet Lighting Supplies 260Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Balance from last month 22940.10154.0069.50.722.623.8414.45.805.951.5070.80.7976.1410.0010.002.0067.2737.8194.5019.52206.0065.754.706.007.20108.0881.70224.803.212.10.8510.746.98240.1126.101.002.1616.9012.2929.745.8041.993.5058.8427.291.20180.7146.031.105.9053.9014.4164.0013.0819.5534.5219.40324.7415.0038.045.1515.452.051.50.602.651.00WATER AND SEWER FUND1640 Union Planters National Bank - for deposit in Water and Sewer 532I 1641Bond and Interest Fund for InterestUnion Planters National Bank - for deposit in Water and Sewer 535\ Bond and Interest Fund - Cushion Fund~---~.1,677.08600.00J

-----­I--~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~. ,~IelaS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>185WARRANTNO.WATEa. AND SEWER FUND CONT' DACCOUNTAMOUNT16421643<strong>17</strong>58<strong>17</strong>88<strong>17</strong>93<strong>17</strong>96H~961901190218971903189819041905190619071908190919101911189918991899191219131914Water and Sewer Depreciation Fund - TransferWater and Sewer Contingent Fund - TransferC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 5-15-57Elton Addington - Salary for May w/h $41.65c. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 5-31-57Tax Withheld FundBagwell Service Station - Grease Job on Ford ~.JaterTruckJames B. Clow & Sons, Inc. - Water suppliesDelta Plumbing & Electrical Supply Company - Water suppliesElliott Hardware Company - Sewer SuppliesHarper Foundry & Machine Company - Water boxes and lidsHome Ice Company - Ice BookJ. B. Howell - Recording deeds and easementsM & H Valve & Fittings Company - Water SuppliesM & H Valve & Fittings Company - lr.jater suppliesJ. H. Mansel - Gas and Oil for vvater DepartmentJ. H. Oliver & Company - Water SuppliesShaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Water SuppliesSouthern Supply Company - Water Supplies~~olesa1e Supply Company, Inc. - Water SuppliesOxford Light and Water Plant - Factory WellOxford Light and liater Plant - South 14th Street PumpOxford Light and ~aterC. S. Wilson - <strong>No</strong>tary FeesFields & Ray Auto Clinic - (oJrecker ServiceCentral Service Association - Water BillingPlant - Booster Pump Station533534Various508Various508525510510518510528528510510525510510510510537537537528528539150.00100.00429.37186.35506.3941.651.0057.70207.6625.92139.2010.004.80125.34153.8223.4231.381.70133.61191.0510.30296.0020.542.505.00106.56TAX h"ITHH3LD FUND<strong>17</strong>52<strong>17</strong>53~Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Income Tax ~iithheldPublic EmPloyees' Retirement System ~Tax Withheld522.62<strong>17</strong>3.48(SEVJER CONSTRUcrION FUND<strong>17</strong>591915191619<strong>17</strong>Mathews ~'1bitfie1d, Inc. - Estimate <strong>No</strong>.8, Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 79Irby Seay Company - Professional Services, Certificate NO. 80Vo1z Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>.9, Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 82Vo1z Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>.5, Cert. <strong>No</strong>. 8142,195.051,400.006,236.40444.69SP8CIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUND<strong>17</strong>54Union Planters National BankBondInterestCollection Charge71071<strong>17</strong>1210,000.00750.0015.501957 SPECIAL STREET IMPR.OVEMENr<strong>17</strong>6119181900Street Fund - Refund - Sprveying $308.50, St&kes $10.00Volz Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>. 1William H. Ivy - Street Improvements Contract318.5021,075.55783.00VIVIANSTREET SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDOxford Asphalt Company - Third EstimatePaving, gravel and retainage on previous estimates2,264.51ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT49854950-51494949524956-574960-62496349834981-e2498449864987498849894990499149924993Elliott Hardware CompanyPetty Cash - 1-1. E. 'iiomackC. P. Fulmer - Hater and SewageTax withheld Fund - C. P. FulmerPetty Cash - W. E. I~omackPetty Cash - W. E. WomackPetty Cash - ~. E. WomackSouthern Bell Telephone CompanyPetty :::asn - .J. E. WomackShaw & Sneed Hardware CompanyBagwell Service StationJ H. ManselStandard Oil Company (c. G. Huggins)United Gas CompanyVIestern Auto StoreCentral Service AssociationTennessee Valley AuthorityHestinghouse Electrical Supply Company10.4988.468,782.21371.2024.5535.00<strong>17</strong>5.6235.0743.441.501.8033.603.646.842.59519.905,283.01130.60

( IHfjIl~--<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>ELEGrRI CAL DIP ARTlvfu""'NTCONT' DAMOUNT50015002500350064953-554965-79499450045005Duncan Electric CompanyThe Texas CompanyTennessee Valley Electric Supply CompanyThe Office Supply CompanyPayroll for May 15, 1957Payroll for May 31, 1957Stuart C. Irby CompanySouthern Petroleum Company, Inc.:,ialker Electric Company116.5631.32259.0838.78136.882,676.12162.83590.80114.25)C. F. Roulette appeared before the Board and requested a loading zone be marked off in frontof his place of business (Oxford Auto Parts) on Jackson Avenue. Motion was made seconded andpassed that the matter be postponed until a later meeting for study.Jack McCormick presented the following petition to the ~oard:To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, MississippiI respectfully petition your honorable body to curb and gutter that portionof the south side of Tyler Avenue abutting my property in Lot 31. I agree top~ for same when completed.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Jack McCormickAfter consideration of the matter, motien was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by AldermanCrouch and passed that the petition be approved.G. W. Johnson brought to the attention of the Board of the meeting of the Central ServiceAssociation June 21st in Chattanooga, Tennessee and recommended that someone attend thismeeting as a representative of the City of Oxford. Motion was made by Alderman Crouch andseconded by Alderman Sisk and passed that two members from the Electric Department attendthis meeting, expenses to be paid by the Electric Department.)E. P. Lowe requested of the Board to give a name to the street running by the home of Tad Smithwhich is a part of the Old Jefferson Davis highway lying east of South Lamar Street in thesouthern City limits entension. After a discussion of the matter, motion was made by AldermanLevelady and seconded by Alderman Elliott and passed that said street be named Jeff DavisRoad, and it is so ordered.Then came on for consideration the naming of ~he street from the south end of Lamar at the oldCity limits to the new City limits entension, south, and from the north end of Lamar at theold City limits to the new Jity limits entension,north. Motion was made by Alderman H.ckmanand seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that the south portion be named South Lam~r andthe north portion be named <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar.Alderman.1?velady called attention of the Board that there was an open storm sewer near JohnKing'~~n ~~chanan Avenue and he considered same dangerous to children. Motion was made byAlderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that a protective cover be puton same.Mr. Seth Styers appeared before the Board and requested that he be ~1~ run a l~ inch wat9rline from the City limits on East Jackson to his home, and havG metersAtnere for himself andtenants instead of running separate lines for each to the City limits. Motion was made byAlderman Crouch and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that the matter be postponed untila later meeting.

I~-- ~---------~-----/I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>187~~, ______________ ~.t~.~=K~T~O:M~L~.~KE~T=CH~IN=G.~C=O~ .• ~NA~TC=H=EZ~ ____---------------------------------------------------------------------lIThe Mayor and Board of Aldermen received and ordered entered upon the minutes the followingreport of election returns in the municipal Primary and the General Election of 1957:Oxford, Mississippi, Lafayette County, MississippiMinutes of Meeting ~ Municipal Democratic ExecutiveCommittee as of M~ 15, 1957At a meeting of the Municipal Democratic Executive Committeeat the Oxford City Hall, May 15, 1957, the returns for the DemocraticPrimary Election of Tuesday, May 14, 1957, were canvassed by thefolloiving members present: Mr. A. Garrett, Mr. Mack Reed, Mr. LesterYoung, Mr. William Henry Tate, Mr. Omar Craig and Mr. W. L. Todd.It is hereby certified that the nominees received the followingvotes and duly declared elected to the offices listed oppositetheir names.Mayor -----Mr. Pete McElreath 533Marshall --Mr. Newt King 632Alderman at Large ---Mr. William N. Lovelady 666Alderman Ward One ---Mr. Frank W. Belk, Jr. 144Alderman\'ljard Two ---Ylr. James N. Roberts 142Alderman Ward Three ---Mr. Harry S. Sisk 188Alderman ,iard Four ~---Mr. Will A. Hickman 185There being no opposition the following were declared electedto the Democratic Executive Committee of the City of Oxford,( \Mississippi: Mr. Mack Reed, Mr. A. Garrett, Mr. Omar Craig,Mr. Lester Young,Mr. l'iilliam Henry Tate, Mr. J. B. \I{ooten andMr. W. L. Todd.There was one contested ballot which was accepted by thecommittee and explains a change from the totals in Mayor, Marshaland Alderman at Large offices on the tally sheets. Mr. PeteMcElreath's vote should read 533 in lieu of 532 ac,.::ording totally sheets. Mr. C. D. Malone's vote should read 275 in lieuof 374 according to tally sheets. Mr. William Lovelady's voteshould read 666 in lieu of 665 according to tally sheets.Motion by Mr. Omar Craig, seconded by Mr. Lester Youngthat the committee recommends to the City of Oxford Mayor andBoard of Alderman that four seperate voting or polling places beset up next time in convenient locations, one in each ward.Motion carried./s/ W. L. ToddSecretary

(<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong>: <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>)GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONHELDJUNE 4, 1957CERTIFICATION BY ELE~IONCOMMISSIONERS <strong>OF</strong> MUNICIPAL <strong>OF</strong>FICERS ELSCTEDSTATE CFMISSISSIPPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> ..:;:U:..;:u4':...;1;.:;,;1YET:..;::..;:;.:T..:;:E;,..-.. ___ _VILLAGE, T01AJN or <strong>CITY</strong> of __ O:.;;XF=-:O:.:.RD=-_______________ _We, the undersigned Election Commissioners, do hereby certifythat an electioni£s held, as the Law directs, on the 4th day of June,1957, and the following Officers were elected:NAME <strong>OF</strong> PERSON ELECTED(Please Print)<strong>OF</strong>FICE ELECTED TO(Please Print)?ete McElreathMayorNewt KingMarshalll1jilliam N. LoveladyAlderman-At-LargeFrank v.J. Belk, Jr.James N. RobertsAlderman Ward OneAlderman Ward Two)H. S. Sisk Alderman }iard ThreeHill A. Hickman Alderman ~vard Four't-JITNESS our signatures, this the 4th day of June, 1957lsi Mrs. Robert Holley, Jr.lsi w. w. Joorlsi <strong>No</strong>el M. HodgeELECTION COMMISSIONERSMayor Slliott recommended to the floard that the salaries of the Aldermen be increased andafter a discussion of the matter, motion was made by Alderman Elliott and seconded by AldermanCrouch and passed that the salaries of the new Board beginning July 1, 1957 be raised to $50.00per month each and it is so ordered.-Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on asphalt to be opened ~une 4, 1957,bids were received from the following:Southland Company, Yazoo City, Miss issippiThis being the only bid received, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by AldermanSisk and passed that the Southland Company bid be accepted.

~~--~-,.-----~~~-----------------------------------------------...~-------------~----------------------------------------------------------~p-iS"Z34K-TOM L. KETCHIN~S co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Mr. B. O. Elliott requested of the Board to consider the purchase of East 33 1/3 feet Lot 15and ~'Jest 33 1/3 feet Lot 14 Anunadelle Subdivision, as this lot is of no good for a buildinglot, and serves only as a drainage from Price & Sivley Street. After consideration of thematter, motion was:dulyzgade,' seconde'd and passed unai:ti:ino-qsly that x:x:xXxxxxxx:x;:6csaid lot be purchased at the price of $162.52 and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue acheck in said amount when deed is received.189RESOLUTION DIRECTING EMINZNT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGSIt being brought to the attention of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen thatcertain property purchased from T. E. Avent by deed dated 20 March 1957, recordedin Book 162 at Page 292 of the deed records of Lafayette County, Mississippi,described as Lots Numbered 81 to 144 inclusive of Avent Acres Subdivision to theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, as said lots are shown upon the official map ofsaid subdivision on file with the City of Oxford, Mississippi, is possibly subjectto restrictive covenants recorded in Book 126 at Page 472 of the deed recordsaforesaid; and,villEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Oxford, Mississippi to use theproperty so acquired for a cemetery; and,WHEREAS, a large proportion of the landowners owning the remaining portion ofthe property in said Avent Acres Subdivision have executed instruments agreeingthat said property may be used for cemetery purposes; and,(Irelea~ea few landowners and a number of lien holders have refused tosaid property fram the operation of said restrictive covenants; and,~EREAS,l'ffiER.E.AB, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen do now find and determine thatsaid property is the most suitable land available for cemetery purposes,among other things being adjacent to the present cemetery and thereby enablingthe City to maintain only one cemetery;NOW THEREFORE, BE AND IT HER~BY IS RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board ofAldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, as follows, to-wit:1. That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi does find as a fact all of the preceeding statementscontained in this resolution.2. That all of the property in AVEnt Acres Subdivision to theCity of Oxford, Mississippi lying south of the south boundaryline of Chandler Avenue and the south line of Lot Number 145,all 8S shown upon the official map and plat of said Subdivisionrecorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 11 of the reoords in the officeof the Chancery Clerk of Lafayette County, MissisSippi, is needed bythe City of Oxford, Mississippi for use as a cemetery and theCity Attorney and the Mayor are hereby authorized, directed andempowered to bring an eminent domain proceeding on behalf of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi against all persons having or claimingan interest in said property which will or might prohibit theuse of said property as a cemetery, to the interest and purposethat the said City may acquire said property for such use.On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously the foregoing resolutionis hereby adopted.(,

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~----.--.-~.- >.--"---- . __ .-.IOn motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously it is hereby ordered anddirected that the Mayor and City Clerk execute quit claim deeds on behalf od the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi to the abutting property owners along the Old Dallas Road, inlots 63, 66, 67 and 80 in Section 28, TownshipS South, Range 3 ·v,est, as said roadis shown and designated upon the official map and plat of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,when said abutting property owners file an instrument agreeing among themselves as to"mere the centerline of said road is located, it being impossible to ascertain theexact location of th:is road, and it being the intention of the l-iayor and Board ofAldermen to abandon any interest it may have in said road, subject only to agreementof abutting landowners as to boundary line between themselves.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that this ~oard do now recess until June 11, 1957at 7:30 'J. M.

~~~--~--~~~--~~~--=-~--------=--------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~------------------------------------------ -------~ BU:34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>lYl1RECESS REGULAR MEETING 7: 30 P .11. JUNE 11, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on June 4, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onJune 11, 1957 at 7:30 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Richard 1'1.Elliott, Mayor, PresidingBennie H. Crouch, Alderman ~"iardOneWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman VJard TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman ~"ard ThreeHill A. Hickman, Alderman ;'iard FourJ. W. Price, AttorneyE. P. Lowe, EngineerC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been called to order the following business was transacted:( ,It being called to the attention of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen that the OxfordMunicipal Separate School District had transferred to the City of Oxford, Mississippithe sum of $8,000.00 in payment of the Metts property, title to which is in the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, and which sum should not have been paid to the City of Oxford,Mississippi until title to said property had been transferred from the City of Oxford,Mississippi to the Oxford Municipal Separate School District. <strong>No</strong>w therefore, uponmotion duly.made, seconded and passed unanimously, be and it hereby is resolved thatsaid $8,000.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the School Fund.Again came up for consideration the Oxford Asphalt Company bill,which was not allowedat the June 4th meeting, in the amount of $2,264.51 for Special Improvement on VivianStreet extended. Motion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Loveladyand passed and it was ordered that a check for $1,964.51 be issued to Oxford AsphaltCompany and the balance be held until further orders from the Board."(I

(~ln2I~~ .......... ~ .. .<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RES 0 L UTI 0 NMfEREAS, the United States Department of Agriculture,based on its experience, knowledge and investigation, decidedthat the proposed soil sedimentation research laboratory shouldbe ~~thin the Yazoo-Little Tallahatchie watershed area andspecifically in the vicinity of Oxford, Mississippi; and,\,'.IHER,!;AS, the United States Department of Agriculture, inits proposed budget, included an item of $600,000.00 for theconstruction of such a laboratory in the vicinity of Oxford,which budget request was approved by the Bureau of the Budgetand the ?resident and submitted to Congress; and,1r,ffiEREAS, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture E. L. Peterson,on March 29, 1957, by letter, advised that the "proposed Oxfordlaboratory cannot be located appropriately at any point outsidethe "lvatershed to be studied", and that IIthese research studies ccould not be done as quickly, as effectively, or as economicallyif the laboratory were lucated at Mississippi State College";and,'"HEREAS, information has been received that the Presidentof Mississippi state College, the head of the 4'arm ~ureau inMississippi, and the national head of the Farm Bureau, and otherpersons, during the \,eek of June 3, 1957, met \-Jith the Secretaryof Agriculture in/,'

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>lB3~ISl2S4K-TOM L.. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZBOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, HISSISSI?PIBennie cr~chv.Jilliam N.~·d.~WiiLHiclanaflThe undersigned constituting the Hayor Elect and AldermenElect have read and do hereby approve the above and foregoingresolution.Pete McElreathFrmk BelkJames RobertsThe matter of appointing Park Commissioners carr~nominations were made as follows:up for consideration. After a discussion,J. G. McMurray - Ward 3 - for one year term to expire 7-1-58Mrs. R. L. Holley - liard 1 - for two year term to expire 7-1-59c. H. Quick - ;,~ard 2 - for three year term to expi~ 7-1-60M. C. Lovelady - At Large - for four year term to ~ire 7-1-61L. C. l'11ilson - Ward 4 - for five year term to expire "'~1-62There being no other nominations, motion was duly made seconded and passed unanimously thatthe foregoing nominees be appointed, and it is so ordered.(\.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until June 28, 1957at 4:00 P.M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~----- --IRECESS, Rf£CESS Rl!;GULAR. MEETING 4:00 P. M. JUNE 28, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on June 11, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Alderrnen meton June 28, 1957 at 4: 00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens I Chamber in the CityHall when and where the fol101ving were present:Richard H. Elliott, Mayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, Alderman at LargeBennie H. Crouch, Alderman Hard OneH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeHill A. Hickman, Alderman Hard FourC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been called to order the follo1ving business was transacted:Again came up for consideration of the balance of Oxford Asphalt Company bill for $300.00which was held up at the previous meeting, and motion was duly made seconded and passed thatit be paid and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a check for $300.00 to the OxfordAsphal t Company.Motion was made seconded and passed unanimously that the minutes of the June meetings beadopted as read.On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadjourn sine-die.

~~~~~------~~----~--~--------------------------------------------------------------------------~,~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~,~l' ,L! ~ _______l\1INUTE <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1!l5------ --_._----_.,------•-----------------------------1."_"_K_T_O_M _L._KE_T_CH_'N_GS_CO_",_N_AT_CH_E_Z ___________U NIT E D S TAT E S 0 F A MER I C AS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P ICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>{~ * * * * ** * * i~ ** * * ** **REGULAR MEETING 7;30 P. M. JULY 2, 1957Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, July 2:, 1957, it beingthe time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the followingwere present:Pete McElreath, Mayor, PresidingFran~ W. Belk, Alderman T,ojard 1James N. Roberts, Alderman Ward 2Harry S. Sisk, Alderman l~ard 3(Will A. Hickman, Alderman 1hard 4Gill W. Johnson, Superintendent of Light & Water Dept.E. P. Lowe, City EngineerC. P. Fulmer, ClerkNewt King, HarshalMoticn was duly made, seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that the follOwingaccounts be allowed for payment:CHECK NO.CO&OORATION FUNDACCOUNTNO.AMOUNT18011805192819321933193419351936193719381939194019411942194319441945194619471948194919501951C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty CashC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty cashC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 6-15-57Richard 1ri. Elliott - Salary for June wlh $4.50B. O. Elliott - Salary for June wlh $.56Bennie H. Crouch - Salary f or June wlh $.56Hi1liam N. Lovelady - Salary for June wlh $5.16H. S. Sisk - Salary for June wlh $.56v.Jil1 A. Hickman - Salary for June wlh $.56J. W. Price - Salary for June wlh $2.25E. P. Lowe - Salary for June wlh $19.20C. P. Fulmer - Salary for June wlh $20.48Annie E. Lane - Salary f or June wlh $5.24Marie Gillis - Salary for June wlh $41.06Newt King - Salary for June wlh $39.20d. G. Kimmons - Salary for June wlh $34.99R. H. ~lls - Salary for June wlh $26.93M. T. Svyers - Salary for June wlh $24.90Donald Carwile - Salary for June wlh $8.50Doyle Luther - Salary for June wlh $4.13, Roy Thomas - Salary for June wlh $7.48~~s. Rose Rowland - Salary for June wlh $11.66Mrs. J. ,v. Price - Salary f or June wlh $.56Various153Various1101101101101101101151<strong>17</strong>III116114112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>61351351471385.4298.00468.35195.5024.4424.4419.8424.4424.4497.75352.05329.52169.76143.94223.30206.51183.07<strong>17</strong>5.10191.50<strong>17</strong>9.62<strong>17</strong>6.2793.3424.44

(-HIt)<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>CHECK NO.1952195519591960196219641967198019811982198320522052198519861987198819891990199119921992199319931993199419941995199519891989199619971998199920002001200120021802192919531954195619631965196820032003200420042005200620072008200920102011201120112011201220132013CO:l,."'OMTION FUND CDNT'DElwood Gay - Salary for June w/h

RI I122a4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>CHECK NO.STREEI' FUND 00 NT 'DACCOUNT NO.1n7AMOUNT201420142015201620162016201620<strong>17</strong>20<strong>17</strong>20182018201920202021202220222022202220222022202220232024202420252026202720282029203020312031203220332034203620372038Oxford Motor Company - Repairs to Police Car 223Oxford Motor Company - Repairs to Garbage trucks 227Oxford Hholesale Grocery Company - 1 doz. filesOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Battery & Cl~ps for229223Police CarOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Hose for windshieldwiper for Jhev. Trash Truck2~Ozburn-Abston fe: Company, Inc. - Spark Plugs 237Ozburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Brake Fluid & box 243hot patches for ShopRebel Chevrolet Company - Repairs to Ctlev. trash truckRebel Chevrolet Company - Equipmenta.epairs for Street227237Dept.Shaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Bolts & l~ashersShavl & Sneed Hardware Company - Forked Hoe & Pipe for227229San. Dept.The Southland Company - Asphalt (Bid Price) 239Southland Mower Company - Equipment repairs for San. 227Dept.Standard Oil Company - Gas for ShopOxford Light & Water Plant - Police Station243218Oxford Light & i:Jater Plant - City Hall 259Oxford Light & Water Plant - City Barn 259Oxford Light & vlater Plant - Sales BarnOxford Light & Water Plant - Street Lighting (N.14thSt.)259259Oxford Light & \'iater Plant - Street Lighting (s.14th st.) 259Oxford Light & iriater Plant - City GarageSouthern Bell Tele. & Tele. Company - Police Station243216Home Ice Company - Ice Books for Sanitation Dept. 229Home Ice Company - Ice Book for Street CrewLinn Sand & Gravel Company - Gravel239239Oxford Asphalt Company - Cold Mix Asphalt 239Standard ~']elders Supply Company - Demurrage on Oxygen 243& Acetylene Cylindersv!. ::J. Darley & Son - Traffic control 260Daley Lumber Company - Brick & Cement 239Bruce Recapping Company - Patching tire 227F. W. Belk & Son Motor Company - Repair to Gamage Truck 227F. W. Belk & Son Motor Company - Universla Joint for 237Dodge Dump truck & fuel Pump for Chev.Street TruckMetts Brothers Hardware - Eq1ipment Repairs 227Truss Motor Company - Roller for Front end loader 227Smith Lumber Company - for Street Maintenance 239Ole Miss Service Station - Gas for Police Car 224Ole Miss Service Station - Police Car(Repairs 223Boyce G. Bratton - Care of Prisoners 21160.9222.837.60<strong>17</strong>.04.703.366.5012.271.951.105.26486.9810.0021.2611.2218.501.861.0026.90238.195.6215.8020.0010.0040.6871.683.7251.8325.506.421.50<strong>17</strong>.5111.0515.007.30109.4416.0052.00l'jATER AND SEIfER FUND\~ "<strong>17</strong>97<strong>17</strong>98<strong>17</strong>991800ltl0319221925193019311957195819661969203920402041204220432044204520452045Union Planters National Bank - For deposit in Water &Sewer Bond & Interest Fund for InterestUnion Planters National Bank - For deposit in ~later &Sewer Bond & Interest Fund - Cushion Fundl'iater & Sewer Depreciation Fund - Trcn sfer'VJater & Sewer Contingent Fund - TransferC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty CashStreet Fund - Budget TransferUnion Planters National Bank - Collection Charge on\'7ater and Sewer InterestC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 6-15-57Southern Supply Company - ~vater Supplies\.J. I. Mills - Salary for JuneElton Addington - Salary for June w/h $31.65c. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 6-29-57Tax I'lithheld Fund - Tax liithheldDavis Meter & Supply Company, Inc. - r,;ater SuppliesDresser Manufacturing Division, Dresser Industries, Inc.'I'Jater SuppliesElliott Hardware Company - Tarred Oakum for Sewer Dept.J. B. Howell, Chancery Cl~rk - Recording Easement fromSelma Rogers to CityM.& Valve & Fittings Company - v;ater supplie~,J. H . .Hansel - Gas for Hater Dept.Oxford Light & 1Jater Plant - Booster Pump StationOxford Light & Hater Plant - PumpOxford Light & ~'later Plant - Factory Well532535533534Various531528Various510514508Various508510510518p285105255375375371,677.08600.00150.00lOU.vO116.8920,000.0028.75449.1665.1456.25196.35287.3931.6590.5291.483.501.50156.4710.2320.76306.0015.10

III<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>----- ---'---=-=-~----------.------'~=----~-~--'-'-=-==--=~~----'-~--~~~-'.-'--"...._- .._..,---- -~-~=:===~==:--~~CHECK NO.'fiAT':;i1 MID SE:'JER FUND (liNT' DACCOUNT NO. Al10UNT I2046204720482051Bruce Recapping Company - Recapping tireR.ockwell Manufacturing Company - ,,later sup)liesC. S .;,:ilson - <strong>No</strong>tarization of signatures for easementCentral oervice Association - ~'vater Billing5255105285396.54116.111.50107.51VETE3.AN'S HOliSING DEPOSIT1804C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty Cash 6-5-5748.00TAX h:rTHm~LDFUND1923192h204920505007-0850095010-15501650<strong>17</strong>-185019-335034-6050615062506350645065 & 82506650675068506950705071507250735074507550765077.50785079508050815116Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisPublic Employees I Retirement System1957 SPECIAL STREET IHPROVEIvIENT FlJND":illiam H. Ivy - Street Improvemcm t ContractVolz Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>. 22;LEcr:rr C D~P ARTH3NTPetty Cash - "11. E. ~'IomackT ~'{ ~vi thheld Fund - C. P. FulmerPayroll for June, 1957Cater & Sewer - C. ? F,.lmerPetty Cash - 'i'J. E. .vomackPayroll for June 30, 1957Petty Cash - l1 • .2:. ~JomackUnited Gas CorporationSouthern Bell Telephone CompanyJ. H. Hansel1. L. Heyers Paper CompanyThe Office Supply Com:JanyHetts Brothers HardwareElliott Hardware CompanyBagwell Service StationTennessee Valley Authorityl"Iississippi State CollegeTennessee Valley Electric Supply CompanyStuart C. Irby CompanyDuncan Electric Company, Inc.Westinghouse Electric Supply CompanyNeter Service~ Supply Company~ebel Chevrolet CompanyOxford Auto PartsT',!alker Electric Compm yCentral Service AssociationF~ay' s Jtandard Service Station~neral 3lectric Supply CompanyMeter Service & ::lupply Company555.i+7126.01858.50<strong>17</strong>,625.36110.31385.20169.129,397.37125.342,562.24<strong>17</strong>0.002.4940.5528.5622.9538.753.401.354.956,407.653.46105.21219.55116.5670.0885.704.956.784.051<strong>17</strong>.314.8011.0085.70';,Jinford P. Sparks ap'.')lication for taxi driver's permit vlaS presented to the Board. I-lotion1{aS mode by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Sisk and passed that said applicationbe approved.Hr. G. ,j. Johnson brought to the attention of the Board that a transformer ,-vas needed forstreet lights on south City limits extension. }fotion was made by Alderman Hickman andseccnded by Alderman Belle and passed that an advertisement be placed in the Oxford Eaglefor bids on same.The matter of appointment of a Clerk and Tax Collector came on for consideraticn and motionwas made by Alderman Sisk and seconded by Alderman Belk and passed that ·C. P. Fulmer bereappointed.Came on for consideration the amount to pay J. H. Crouch f or sewer line easement across hisproperty and motion wa~; made by Alderman ,?'oberts and seconded by Alderman ::lisk and passedthat 'Hr. Crouch be paid #40.00 for said easement and damage, and the City to repair thef'Once that had been torn d01m.

~I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1991-=182'2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO., NATCHEZ-------------------The matter of funds for support of parks and recreation program came before the Board andafter consideration, motion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Be1k andpassed that the $2,000.00 allocated for parks be turned over to the Park Commission to beexpended.The matter of homestead exemptions which were disallowed by the Homestead Exemption Divisionof the state Tax Commission and returned to the City for disposition came up for discussionand action, such exempticns being those of:Therecia S. Price, FlI's. Kate F. Jackson, Joe 'WeOverstreetFinding that the Clerk had already furnished each of the above .nth a copy of the disallowance,they had been given 30 days in which to protest or pay such disallowance, and finding thatno objection had been filed, it was ordered that the action of the Tax Commission be acceptedand the City Clerk be ordered to collect the disallowed tax exemption in cases where it hadnot been paid after having been notified of the disallowance by the fo110lving named persons:NANS <strong>OF</strong> APPLI ::;ANT'fO'fALASSESSI18NTAMOUNT ORIGALLQT:~1EDAMOUNTREJ.2:GrEDRFASON FORitEJECTIONTherecia S. Price:Hrs. Kate F. JacksonJoe vi. Overstreet3,5001,7203,0003,5001,7203,0003,50072050Applicant did not havee1igibi1e title to thisproperty on Jan. 1,Sec. 1, 8, 9An Apartment rented oravailable for rent oroccupied by another familygroup. Sec. 9 (e), (f) ,10(101)Since an investigationreveals that the applicantdoes not own all the propertyinvolved, a charge of anestimated assessed value ismade. Sec. 15 (n)G. 1:. Johnson called attention of the Board to an Electrical Meter School being held at StateCollege July 22nd to July 26th and recommended that Ira Crowson be sent to this school.Motion was by Alderman Sisk and seconded by Alderman Be1k and passed that Ira Crowson attendsaid school, expenses to be paid by the Electrical Department.ORDER RESTRI CTING B\. RKINGBE IT REME}1BERED that at the regular July Meeting of the Hayor and Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, that upon recommendation of the City Engineer, E. P.Lowe, and by the authority that was invested in him in Chapter 3 Traffic Regulations ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, Section 21, motion was made by Alderman Be1k and secondedby Alderman Roberts and passed and IT IS, THE~FORE, ORDERED that there will be no parkingallowed at any time on the South side of Jefferson Avenue from <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street Eastwardto <strong>No</strong>rth Sixteenth Street, and no parking on the West side of <strong>No</strong>rth Fourteenth Street fromJackson Avenue to <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street.(Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until July 9, 1957at 4:30 P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>___.____________ ._.________._____________._____________...___ ._________._________________ JRECESS, ni~GULAR j',IEETING 4:30 P. N. JULY 9, 1957PUrS1Jant to a recess order entered on July 2, 1957, the Hayor and Board of Aldermen met onJuly 9" 1957 at 4:30 P. H. in the }'layor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City HallWilen and Ivhere the fol101-Jing were present:Pete 1\.1c.cClreath, Hayor, Presiding1::illiam N. Lovelady, j\~dermanat LargeFrank 1i. Belk, Alderman Hard OneJames N. ~toberts,Alderman Hard T"roHarry S. Sisk, Alderman Hard Three~'TillA. Hickman, Alderman ":lard FourC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting had been called to order the following business was transacted:The matter of appointing a City Attorney came up for consideration and Alderman Sisk nominatedJ. lti. Price for appointment. Alderman Belk nominated Roberts and Craig for appointment. Therebeing no other nominations, motion was duly made seconded and passed that the nominations beclosed and by secret ballot Roberts and Craig -received a majority of the votes. Motion wasduly made, seconded and passed unanimously that Roberts and Craig be and are hereby appointedto serve as City Attorneys.'l'hen came on for consideration the appointment of a Light and hater Superintendent. AldermanSisk nominated G. ~'J. Johnson for appointment. There being no other nominations, motion wasmade by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman noberts and passed that G. Iii. Johnson bereappointed as Light and ~'Jater Superintendent.Then came on for consideration the appointment of a City 3ngineer and motion was made byAlderman Roberts that E. P. Lowe be retained pending reorganization of the Engineering Department.This motion vJaS seconded by Alder ,an Hickman and passed by roll call vote as follows:Alderman Sisk voted yeaAlderman Hickman voted yeaAlderman Hoberts voted yeaAlderman Lovelady voted nayAlderman Belk voted nayThen came on for discussion the Street Sanitation Department and motion was made by AldermanRoberts and seconded by Alderman Belk and passed that this be a separate department and employa man as head of the department. 'fhen Alderman Lovelady made a motion that R. L. Tidlvell beappointed as __ Supt. of the Street Sanitation Department. This motion was seconded by AldermanHickman and all Aldermen present voted yea.Motion Has made by Alderman Roberts, seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that the StreetMaintenance Department be set up as a separate Department.Then the matt8r of appointing a foreman for the Street Haintenance Department .. Jas brought up.After a discussion, motion was made by JQderman Roberts 3nd seconded by Alderman Belk and passedthat the Department continue as it is until furt~er orders of the Board.Then came on the matter of employment of personnel in the Slectric Department and motion wasduly made seconded and passed that all present employees continue as they are at present.

, ,I I~il,,-----------------------------1!11234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Motion was made by Alderman Sisk and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that W. T. Chandlerbe appointed Purchasing AGent, Housing and Cemetery Superintendent.2'1~1 \, -<strong>No</strong>tion was made by Alderman Rickrean and seconded by Alderman Roberts and pa ssed that all otherpersonnel now on the payroll of the City of Oxford continue as they are at present until furtherorders of the Board.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until July 15, 1957at 7:00 P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Pete McElreath, JVlayor, Presiding"Hilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeFrank 1\J. Belk, Alderman Hard OneJames N. i-toberts, Alderman ~';ard T.·lOHarry S. Sisk, Alderman 1!Jard Threedll A. Hickman, Alderman 'iJard FourC. P. Fulmer, ClerkHouse were inadequate for the Recreation program.motion Has duly made, seconded and passed that the nominations be closed.seconded by JQderman Belk and passed unanimously that Will A. Hic~nanMayor Pro tem.Then came on the matter of appointing an Electric CoITnnissioner.Then came on the matter of appointing a Tax Commissioner.that Frank 1'1. Belk be appointed Tax COlTllnissioner.Then came on the matter of appointing a Street COlTllnissioner.passed that James lI. Roberts be appointed Street Cormnissioner.Then came the matter of appointing a Safety and Health Commissioner.\I\---_._--------RECESS, r?ECESS REGULAR FlEETING 7:00 P. H. July 15, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on July 9, 1957, the Hayor and Board of Aldermen met onJuly 15, 1957 at 7:00 P. N. in the gayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hall"l-men and where the following viere present:Gill 1-.7. Johnson, Supt. Light and~)ater DepartmentAfter the meeting had been called to order the follmdng business was transacted:The matter of employing a relief man at the Power Plant to fill the vacancy created by theresignation of Bill Burnham came up for consideration. G. J. Johnson recolTllnended How'ard Davisfor the place. Motion "las made by Alderman Hickman, seconded by Alderman Sisk that Hr. Johnson'srecolTllnendation be accepted and all aldermen present voted yea.Alderman Hickman brouzht to the attention of the Board that the lights around the COlTllnunityMotion was made by Aldennan Lovelady andseconded by Alderman Belk and passed that a proper lighting system be placed around theCOlTllnunity House and it was so ordered.The matter of appointi~g a Mayor Pro tem came on for consideration. Alderman Roberts nominated-Jill A. Hickman. Alderman Hickman nominated l.':illiam N. Lovelady. There being no other nominationsAfter taking a secretballot and "'"El A. Hickman receiving a majority of the votes, motion was made by Alderman Sisk,be declared appointed<strong>No</strong>tion lias made by AldermanSisk, seconded by Alderman Roberts that "William N. Lovelady be appointed Electric COlTllnissionerand all Aldermen voted yea.I'lotion was made, seconded and IBssedMotion was duly made, seconded andl'1oticn was duly made,seconded and passed that H. S. Sisk be appointed. Safety and Health CoITnnissioner.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until July 22, 1957at. 7:00 P. N.

I~~---~-------~--~~-~-~~~~-----~----------------------------------.s:taa.4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .• NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>------------------------------ --------~----------------------------------------------RECESS, RECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. JULY 22, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on July 15, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onJuly 15, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and ,vhere the follm'ling were present:Pete l'1cElreath, Mayor, PresidingNilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeFrank 1,;. Belk, Alderman 1 r Jard OneJames N. 'loberts, Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk, Alderman ':,ard Threel'}ill A. Hickman, Alderman rTard FourC. P. Fulmer, ClerkGill H. Johnson, Supt. Light DepartmentOmar D. Craig, AttorneyAfter the meeting had been called to order the follovang business was transacted:Volz Construction Company bills in the amount of $3,597.Q5 for the lOth estimate on sewerline construction and :W4, 727 • 78 for final payment of construction of \vater line in south Citylimits extension was presented to the Board, and after consideration of the matter, motionwas made by Alderman Sisk, seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that said bill be paidout of the Sewer Construction Fund.The matter of appointing a Deputy Clerk and a Deputy Tax Collector came on for consideration.<strong>No</strong>tion was made by Alderman Belk that Mrs. Annie S. Lane be appointed Deputy Clerk and Mrs.Marie H. Gillis be appointed Deputy Tax Collector. This motion was seconded by Alderman Hickmana~d passed unanimously.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that~his Board do now recess until July 29,1957at 7:00 P. H.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>---""----------"------"--------RJ3;CESS, RECESS, lZCESS, rm C3SS EGUL£l.ii. HE:~TING 7:00 P. :M. July 29, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on July 22, 1957, the Nayor and Board of Alderrr..en met onJuly 29, 1957 at 7:00 n. H. in the Hayor and :3oard of Aldermens' Chamber in the City HallVJhen and where the fol1m-ring were present::?ete :'k"~lreath,Hayor, PresidingFrank '.;. Belk, Alderman 'c.ard OneJ aIne s !'T. ii.c 'oe rt s, Alderman 1 ': aru THOHarry S. Sisk, Alderman I'lard Three:'Jill A. Hickman, Alderman ',ard FourO;r,ar D. Craig, Attorneyv. B.~oberts, Attorneyc. P. Fulmer, ClerkGill 1;. Johnson, Superintendent Zlectric DepartmentAfter the meeting had been called to order, the Board had a lengthy discussion concerningproblems including zoning and traffic and parking re~ulations.Hotion was duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do nmv recess until August 6, 1957at 7:00 J. i'·j.

I~--S'2.34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>IIIRSCZSL;, RECESS, aECESS, REC~S, RECESS REGULAi1 l'EETING 7:00 P. M. . AUGUST 6, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on July 29, 1957, the Hayor and Board of Aldermen met onAugust 6, 1957 at 7: 00 P. :'1. in the Hayor and 30ard of Aldermens' ':::hamber in the City Hallwhen and where the follo"ling were present:Pete Mc~lreath,.rvrayor, PresidingHilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeFrank IV. Belk, Alderman Hard OneJames N. Roberts, Alderman l·,ard T"o"\i,Till A. Hiclanan, Alderman ,ard FourOmar D. Craig, AttorneyC. B. i1oberts, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, ClerkJill 1r;. Johnson, Superintendent Electric DepartmentE. P. Lowe, EngineerNewt King, MarshalAfter the meeting had been called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that the minutes of the July meetings beadopted as read.< Onmotion duly made and seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadjourn sine-die:CLEa.K

1-1 -------------------.---------------..- ..---(20(iIi<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>II U NIT E D S TAT E S 0 F A MER I C A'-'STATi~ <strong>OF</strong> MIS SIS SIP P I~ 0 U N T Y 0 F L A FAY E T T ECIT Y 0 F 0 ~ FOR D* **REGULA~ IEE'l'ING 7:30 P. H. AUGUST 6, 1957Be it remembered that the l'layor and Board of .tUdermen of the City of Oxford, Hississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7: 30 P. i,I., Tuesday, August 6, 1957 , it bei!1gthe time an,} place fixed by la .. r for the holding of said meeting, when and where the follol'lingvlere present:Pete HcElrr;ath, Hayor, °residing, illiam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeFrank 1'!. :gelk, Alderman ~':ardOneJames N. il.obert~ ,Uderman 1';ard Two\ill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourOmar D. Craig, AttorneyC. 3. Roberts, AttorneyC. D. ?ulmer, ClerkGill.· .• Johnson, Superintendent of Electric DepartmentE. ? Lovie, Enc;ineerFelrt King, l;arshalliioticn leas duly made, seconded ani passed unanimoLsly and it 1;'as ordered that the follmJinf,accounts be allovred for p2.yrnent:ClEeK NO.CO~lP()a.l~~rrONFUNDAc~omTTNO.AW'T.JN'T205~2059206220(;320642070207120722073207420752076207720782079208020812082208320842085Tax ,'i thheld FundC. ? Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 7-15-57Oxford Park Cornmissicn~. O. ~lliott - LotTax', i thhold ,cundPete hc~lreath - Sclary for Jdy ~!/:l ~,;4.50'"illiam IT. Lovelady - E;alary .f:or J'uly 'tJ/h ;;':10.13Frank i". BeL:, Jr. - Salary for July "ih :;':10.13James r:.1c'Jel'ts -~)alary for Jlily "\,i/h t:l0.13Harry;;. ;jisk - Salary for July "T/h $1.13\.·~ill J. Hickman - Salary for Jvly ll/h ~~10.13J. • Drice - :..iaLer;l for July "T/h ~~2. 25E. P. LOvIe - Salary for July .-rlh .;p19.20C. P. Fulnv;r - Salar,'{ for July '1·rlh :U020.48Annie !4~. Lane - Salary for ,Tul,Y H/h ~i·5.24Harie ...• tJillis - Salary for July '1·:lh ~p41. 06Fe'trt Kin,:,; - ;3a12ry for July l\T/h ~~39. 20". '1. Kimmons - Salary lor July w/h ~f34.9911.. E. t:il1s - S&lary for J,;ly 14h ~;i26.93H. T .:ityers - Salary for July 1'J/h $2Li.90Donald CaN··'.le - Salary for July H/h $8.50183Variol)::;<strong>17</strong>81531831101101101101101101151<strong>17</strong>1111161111112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>6209.97597.542000.00162.52266.92195.5039.8739./)739.8748.8739.8797.75352.05329.52169.76143.94223.30206.51183.07<strong>17</strong>5.10191.50

!!~-------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>f------J5'284K-TOM L. KETCHIHGS co., NATCHEZCHECK NO.SEE PAG2 212STHEET FUND CONT'DAC:;OUNTAMOUNT2<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>02<strong>17</strong>12<strong>17</strong>22<strong>17</strong>22<strong>17</strong>32<strong>17</strong>42<strong>17</strong>52<strong>17</strong>62<strong>17</strong>62<strong>17</strong>72<strong>17</strong>82<strong>17</strong>92<strong>17</strong>9218021802180218121822182218321832184218521862186218721872187218821882188218921902199219121922192219321942195219621972198219821982198219922002201220222032223Oxford Light & '.:ater rylant - Street Lighting So. 14th 259Oxford Light & 1 .• ater ?lant - Street Lighting So. 14th 259Oxford Light & 'i':ater Plant - Sale Barn 259Oxford Light & ;,ater Plant City Barn 259Oxford Light &,ater Plant - City Hall 259Oxford Light & ~',ater Plant - Police Statiun 218Oxford Light & '!Jater Plant - City Carage 234Southern Bell 'l'elephone & Telegraph Company - Police Station 216Ba[;v,rell Service Station -.ash, Grease, etc. 228BaglTell Service Station - 1.2sh & Grease dump truck 238F.."!. Belk & Son .Hotor Company - ~i.epairs to Dodge dump truck 237Boyce G. Bratton - care of prisoners 211Daley Lu;nber 80mpany - iLough Oak 239East l';lotor Parts COITI?any - Police Car f?epairs 223East Hotor Parts Company - 1epairs to Dodge Dump Truck 237Elliott Hard1-Jare Company - Repairs to Power mOHer 227Elliott Lu.llber Company - Naterial & Supplies for street maintenence 239Home Ice Company - Ice Book for Street HaintenerOxford Asphalt Company - 3.78 tons h.sphaltHarden's Printing Company - Parking Ticket SooksSouthland MNTer Corr.pany, Inc. - 2 power mo~rers237237227227239227229239243243239hr.229239221231236.1+327.701.002.5815.3011.548.02<strong>17</strong>.2522.304.707.5<strong>17</strong>5.003.90<strong>17</strong>.5511.2011. 7071.6010.0020.004.3019.2331.50515.30196.1076.0511.893.00155.009.922~1015.0015.00101.0914.0511.95.382.4020.3021+.9831.205.80.805.458.965.60.60116.4073.503.102.5012.302.407.801,184.19156.2534.0253.15Ill. 8219761977197819792056206120662094209521012104220422042204Union ::'lanters National Bank - for deposit in ~.'ater & Sevler~ond & Interest Fund for InterestUnion Plcmters lTational 'Sank - for deposit in :Jater & Se1..rsrBond & Interest Fund - Cushion FundHater and SeHer Depreciation Fund - Transfer'i.ater and SeHer Contingent Fund - TransferTax :Ji thheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Glerk - Payroll 7-15-57T ax Ii thheld Fund1.T. 1. Hills - S21ary for JulySlton Addington - Salary for July '\J/h~;31.65C. P. Flclmer, Clerk - Payroll 7-31-57Tax \Tithheld FundOxford Light & 1.;ater '.Jlant. - Beoster PWllP Stati;nOxford Light & 1,']ater Plant - PumpOxford Li8ht & ',cater rylant - Factory Hell532535533534543514 & 521543514508Various5085375375371,677 .08600.00150.00100.0033.40L~22. 7636.7756.25196.35682.0431.6522.32315.6019.90/

~08, (...I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>If---------------.-----------.-.---.------_~=_---_-_=_---_---__ -_-._-~------IIIICHECK NO.220522062207220e2209221022112212221322142215221622<strong>17</strong>22<strong>17</strong>22182219222022212222------------AC;'~<strong>OF</strong>jTTCentral Service As;:;o ciation _ater "sil1ine; 510Delta ?lu;)~bing & ~lectrical ;:iuPOly - .ater ~Jupplies510Flexi'Jle?ipe Tool Company - Culvert Scraper518Harper Foundry?,: l:etty Cash - ',. S.iomack',';ater &: oe""Jer - C. ? FulmerLni ted f-;-as Corl).Ole IJjiss Press & 300k Sto2eJ. Ii. j'i[anselBagwell ~;ervice Station4 4 ~ Servil:e 0tatic'n::'::lliott HardHare CompanySast Motor PartsCity of fclilan Deot. of ""L-blic UtilitiesCentral Service l\.c-;scciationDuncan Electric Co.~rleter':.)ervice ?;: Sup')ly CompanyJ-raybar Zlectric Company1-,'estinghouse ~lectric 0upply C.;m;JanySouthern "Sell Telephone C'f. Telegraph Co.'l'ennessee Valley '::lectric Supply Companystuart C. Irby iCompanyTennessee Valley AuthorityJ-at11rir:ht- i ceed Dr"\;.=- Company1.ie ch:ran Cro s by Com" a'1yOxford Motor CompanyOzburn-A;ston ?: Co.Ar;

--~.~~~~~~--~-------------------------------Ii ________ _ISf'2a4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-------------------------9 t '9 f-" JfL_~ ____ ____L____~ .~~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>\ \\ \/\---------------~.'\\-,

-!-.'--------- ----~--,-L,/1!JI"2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>211CHECKNO.COR?OR1-iTION FUND CONT' DACCOUNTNO.AMOUNT2086208720882089209220962097209820992102211121122113211421152111211621<strong>17</strong>21182119212021212113212221232124212521262127212821292111213021212122212421252128212921312132211L21332115211121<strong>17</strong>213021182119211~2120212121342135213621372113212221242138213121322114213321152111211621<strong>17</strong>213021122123212L'21252126Doyle Luther - Salary for July 1,;r/h ~~4.1J]oy Thomas - Salary for July u/h $7.48Hrs. Rose ::lowland - S.slary for July T4h $11.66Ehrood Gay - balary for July vc/h $20.75H. 1. Mills - Salary for July T:J/h $<strong>17</strong>.15~toberts & 8raig - Salary for JulyLafayette County Health Unit - Check for JulyLafayette County Library - Check for JulyC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 7-31-57TCL'C'ithheld Fund 7-31-57Fire alarm at Bagv:ell' s Service Station at 6 :40 7-4-57Homer DukeBill Johnsoniloy ThomasFire alarm at Golden Rule Store at 4:50 P. H. 7-5-57Vernon ChambersHOHard DavisHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.H. C. FalknerE. T. HaneyClyde Hug::rins, Jr.Doyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.Roy ThomasRoland TidwellR. 1. Tid"JellC. S. ';ilsonR. H •.:interBill HomackDonald Car1-JileGlen GardnerJack ParksFire alarm on Highway 6 ":,lest at 2 :50 A.H. 7-7-57Homer DukeElwood GayD. G. Neilson, Jr.Holand Ti:::lHe11C. S. \~i1sonR. H. \rJinterGlen GardnerJack ParksFire alarm at Bramlett Hospital 9:30 A. H. 7-7-5711[. J. AustinJ. L. BeardVernon ChambersIra L. CrowsonHOT:!ard DavisHomer DukeH. C. Falkneri~dwood GayE. T. HaneyClyde Huggins, Jr.Bill JohnsonDoyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.David RossD. S. ]ossR. F. ShellabargervI. O. Smith;loy Thomas::loland TidwellC. S. !.:i1sonFire Alarm in City Apartments at 5 :40 P. H. 7-18-57i:. B. Addine;ton~' .• J. AustinJ. L. 3eardVernon ChambersIra L. 8rowsonH01-1ard DavisHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.H. C. FalknerShwod GayBill JohnsonR. L. TidwellC. s. lilsonR. H. ,linter:=lil1 1;'omack135 <strong>17</strong>9.62135 <strong>17</strong>6.2714713593.34279.2513511539.10100.00136 162.50148 32.50Various 57~.90Various 325.62135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.501351351.501.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.501351351.501.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50135 1.50L_~ _______ ~ ___ ~ __________________________________ ~1351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50j..501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50

(212rI<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>----------_. __""-. -,. :...--..JCH3CKNO.CO ]PC' ~i.AT I d'l FUND Q! NT I DAC~OUN'rNO.AIlOUNT212721392131213221152111211621402119212121342135213721242111212121342135212221242125212~21422Lh2214321442144214521!~621472147214821492150215021:;1215221522152215321542154215421552156215721572158215921592160216121622162216221632164216521662167216821t9Donald Carvale135Ne1,rt King135Fire alarm on South 10th 0treet at 3:10 P. :1. 7-19-571\. J. Austin 135J. 1. 1eard135Eo:,~ard Davis135135135135135135135135135135Homer Duke~. u. 311iott, Jr.Paul HudsonClyde Huge'ins, Jr.D. :J. neilson, Jr.Dayid RossD. ~~. Hoss" .• O. Smithc. s. ~~·;ilsonAlarm on Jackson Avenue at 10:35 D. L 7-25-57Homer Duke 135D.}. NeiLon, Jr. 135David Ross 135D. s. 10S8 135R.oland TidvJel1 135C. s. l'ilson 135~i.. H. ~~inter 135Bill \':omack 135Soutlwrn Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - hayor I s Phone 124Southern Bell Tele9hone & Telegraph Company - Fire Dept. 135United Jas Cor~ooration - City Hall 123Oxford Light and :':ater Plant - The Armory 153Oxford Li-'ht and 1;';ater clant - City Hall 1433urroughs Corporation - ~ervice for 1 year 11+6Clement Safety i~q ipment, Inc - 3 air Cylinders refilled 135Dement PrintinG Comp2.ny - Daily ':;a~;h ;{eceipts Tlinder lL+6Dement Printing Compcmy - ?ri vilege Tax 1eceips 146~,!;lliott Lumber Company - lepairs to rentcl. pro!)orty 149B. 1. FulrEcr - Plumbing repairs to rental property 5c 149Home Ice Company - Ice Book 120Home Ice Corr:pany - I co 'Sook 135J. 1]. :ioiell, Chancery Clerk -1ecordins leed 153Tom L. Ketchin=:s ~ompany - .rile Folders 146Tom L. :(etchin:3s Company - ?ad of :~clumnar ~heets :-:.i.ubber lcmds 146Tom L. :\:ct. hin-s Comp an.y -1ubber :::.;tamp for Docket 300klL~6The Lavyers Co-Operative Pu'-)lishing Corn~)Cl.l1y - Books 146J. H. ;;cmsel - Jasoline for Cemetery Hoi

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>213r---r--------- "---U-2.a4~=;~M L. KETCHINGS co" NATCH;;----- -----­I........-3E IT ?.ESOLV;

f:~1.1I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>---------_._----------....--------.----.---..----._--_._-----------_._._--._----'SO!LW O:~ ALDKU:' SN <strong>OF</strong> TI·E <strong>CITY</strong> 0/ OXFC?D, llIS~iI~;0IP?I,TO 30R~O .=ImiT T1h'~J;:0T;J =~OLL;t0 ·?03. THe,; OXF,'~1D ~;2A.-Ull'S0::;'tIOOL DIoTR.I C'r FOR THE PU;tPOS:':; 0' P1JtWEA;-)IHG LAND ~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>215~-----------------S"INK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZL--:------------------------------------------------------------\"Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO (~8,OOO.OO) Dollars, as set forth in said ,1esolutionof smd 30ard of Trustees, for the purpose of purchasing the land describedin said ,~solutionof the Board of Trustees of the Oxford Separate SchoolDistrict, and to issue negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness ofsaid Oxford ~eparateSchool District as evidence of said indebtedness,together with interest not to exceed four percent per annum on the diminishingprincipal of said indebtedness.(2) That if the final actiw of this -Soard is that said money shallbe borrmJed for said plirpose, then the City of Oxford shall annually levy aspecial tax on all of the taxable property of the Oxford Separate SchoolDistrict in an amount vmich shall be sufficient to pay the principal of andinterest upon such negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness as thesame shall respectively [[,ature and accrue, "lvhich shall be levied and collectedat the same time and in the same manner as other taxos are collected, and ~!Jhichshall be in addition to all other taxes auti:orized by la1v, and that there shallbe set up a special account, in which speci21 aCC(JLlr:t s:1

(211)L------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A T;SOLUTEIJ'J D W'TElIi;} [c01 TIL ;::>;,L::: <strong>OF</strong> TE2 SL2CT.1ICAL}.=";l.l.TI~:G SYi.JT.sI': OR ~~LJ;CTU C;\L G.6N~3.I',TING P10?~ ~TI'SS<strong>OF</strong> TIlE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXF03.D, AFD DECL.AJT'G THZ INTENTICN<strong>OF</strong> TIL~ HAY01 AND BOL~ Oli' ALDEm1~'J; <strong>OF</strong> SLID <strong>CITY</strong> TOST~LL SAIJ~L3CT ue; GI~~E l.ATING ~)YST:H OR. :;:;;L.~CTRICJ2N .G.ATr~3 ?WPERTI~S, PRUVIDPTG TEE ~j.ANlri~,l <strong>OF</strong> FIXINGTIl2 p:nC2; THK~.:W[i', J'l}!') P:WVIDHTG FOlt Si'L:~ <strong>OF</strong> SI·,ID?1\.)?":;'lTISS 2'Cn CASH 0.1 ON DO~'N "J\.YNENT AND DEF'E111iJPJ'Y:'ljNTS'.TTH nfTE1~~ST, P3.0VIDDJG FOR }TO'l'IC8 TO THi~JUALIFISD VOTEi1S <strong>OF</strong> 'lHE Sl[ D <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OTFORD, AND3ET;"DJG THE TIn~ 701 FINPJ, ACTION <strong>OF</strong> SAID l1AYOl. PJJD'30JU.D <strong>OF</strong> ALDER.H"3N ON ITS 1FT iSi'TTIONO S~LL A~TD ONEn ~);:.L'2 <strong>OF</strong> SAID .:i;Li;CT1IC G;£F i:[tATIFG 3Y3T21-1 OR~:~L~CTUC GEilT~.1ATING P.1C!?:i:l.TI :';S, jellD P~UVIDING ?0i1~H::; PUDLI CATION ()F TIE rr':::';SOU:TICJNBi~ IT 1:,SOLV:::D BY 'l':{ ~ l·JAYl.U ;~Jm :=lOA;LD <strong>OF</strong>' ALDKUi~'N <strong>OF</strong> TEi; <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong>' OXF011D,VISSlo IP'?I, 1,'.:) FOLLOLJ:(1) That the said ::::ity of Oxford sell its municipal electric?,eneratin::r, s'stcm or electric r,:erlcratins proc)erties either [l~.Ca Hhole oroi .ce by Diece, or unit by 1mit, to the hi::;hest r8s~)onsiblebidder for cash,or on such do'm ~ayrnent2ni 1-li th such deferred ;Jayments on the rurchase price,,mj ',-i th such l~;\.Tful ~·2..te of interest as may be deemed reasonable by saidHo.yor and 'loard of Aldermen, ani ~:ith such safe-~~uards as "Jill"est promoteand protect the public interest. Said electric gener~tingsystom, orelectric zenerc:ting proJerties, is des cri bed as follmJ3:1 - Busch 0ulzer Jiesel ~ngin, 1500 H. P. Turbo charged 257 [1. P. H.1000 K. ·H. - G.S.}enerator 2400 Volts, h'ith 125 AEP. :2;xciter125 Volts V-Pelt drive.1 - DeLaver~~ne Diesel ~:;n:;ir}e 750 H. ? 327 !1. ? H. 525 K.2400 Volt ,;ith 125 Al"~P 1:. H. V ~elt Drive Exciter.1 - 400 H. P. Dies,,:;;l :::;ngine 277 :1 .• r. II!. model V."". 'J. ~.,.1enerator 275 K.i • 2300 Volts direct exciter connection 86JUclP-125 Volts.1 - Delaver'~nG :;:nzine 260 lIe P. 277 .l. P. lie <strong>17</strong>5 K. 1 .• 'l.o.}enerator 2300 Volts Direct connected exciter b5 MiJPS-125 volts.(2) That said ~Jlayor anJ Board of Aldermen by and throu::;h thG r'!;ayorof sDid C;ity, for an~lon ')ehalf of said Sity of Oxford, transfer title to suchelectric::eneratin;; system or electric Generating properties by l-varranty deed,bill of s;:;le, cOY'tro.ct, or in any otberanner provided by lairJ.(3) That notice of the intention of said j'-Iayor and 30ard of ;udermento make s1]ch sc:.le of said electric .zeneratin:~system or electric 'IeneratingprODerties E'or the price ~mdunder the :"eneral terms and condi"ions set outin this 1esolution, be given by pU81ication once a ·\.T8,:;k for three consecutiveweeks in The Oxfocd jagle, a le~'aln81'[S?iJper ;'Jublished in the City of Oxford,l'iississi9:)i, and havinG general circulation in spid :=i-ty of OXfOl'd, and thatunless ',:ithin ten days after the last pUblication of said notice, that is,on or before September 2, 1957, a peti tion si~~nedby not les s than brentyoc,rcent of tlw '~'alifiedvoters of the City of Oxford, .tvdssissiPl)i, be file)obj8ctin; to and ~rotestini~against such sale of said electric generatingsystem or electric ic::eneratin[,: proY;rtie~;,then said';ayor and Board of ,6.1dermen

~------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------iI! \\,S:f2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>of the City of Oxford will take final action on its intention to sell and on thesale of said electric generatinz system Or electric generating pr0gerties.2<strong>17</strong>The above and foregoing ~esolutionhavin;:,; been first reduced towritins, was read and considered section by section, and then as a \Jhole,and, on motion made by Alderman Lovelady, and seconded by Alderman Belk,t~lis1esolution (JaS adopted section by section, and th En as a Hhole, and thevote of the Aldermen on this Resolution lvas as follo.'1s:ALDE,1HAN F. ',~. BSLK, JR.. - YEAALD.2;]J"lAN,ILLIAl1 LOV2LADY - Y~AALDEJ.HAN hILL HICKMi'.N - y~ALDE ?IJlPJ! HARR.Y SISK - ABS;~NTLynn 'riolfe, bl;siness manager of the Oxford-University High School annual, came beforethe :3oard and requested that the City give an ad for said annual. After consideringthe request, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Belk thatthe City have a ;~30.00 ad P"Llt in the University High School annual and all aldermenpresent voted yea and it is so ordered.1.[. 'J. Haley appeared before the Board and requested that Johnson Avenue be 1.videned andresurfaced from South 16th Street to intersection of R.oss Avenue and after a discussionof the matter, motion was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Loveladyand passed that said Johnson Avenue be repaired from South 16th to the intersection ofi1.oSS Avenue.Ee1·rt King appeared before the Board and requested that he be authorized to purchase",""inter uniforms for the policemen. Hotion was made by Alderman Belk and seconded byjl~derman 11.oberts and passed that an advertisement be placed in the Oxford Sagle forbids on same.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on Concrete Culvert ?ipe to beopened at the regular meeting 7:30 ? M. Auc~ust 6th, bids were received from the folloHing:Dixie Culvert & Supply Company - Oxford, MississippiChoctaw Inc. - Hemphis, TennesseeLamar Culvert & Asphalt Company - Lambert, HississippiAffer the bids were opened o.nd considered, motion viaS made by Alderman Belk and secondedby Alderman Lovelady and passed that the Dixie Culvert & SUP01y Co11'lt1Jany bid be accepted,it being t;le best bid.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on one transformer" a bid 1,asreceived from F. C.'1able and Company, Yorksville, Tennessee. This bid being the onlybid received, motion Has made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by iilderman H~ckmanpassed that said bid be accepted as the lowest and best bid.am(

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>ORDSJ. A?POIN'l'T\iQ T~"O K~!;N~El.S 0,"' TH::;; lIAYOR II.ND BOlLi]) <strong>OF</strong> ALDS;:~F'SN<strong>OF</strong> TtL-':: <strong>CITY</strong> Oti' OXFOn.D, HISSISSIF:?I, TO TIE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> ...COUNTY IF LAFAYJ;TT::

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>219._------_... -----.-------------.---.----.I ( SI"I34K-TOM L. KETCH.NOS co .. NATCHEZ~I\, A 9.~.sOLU'l'ION P.10VIDING FOH. TH~ LAYING <strong>OF</strong> A SIX INCH irJATERHAIN B3'l""1~EN POINTS ON GARFIELD AVENUE IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIP:'I, AT A DESIGNATED DEPTH J'J\ID BACK FILLING ON SAID\TATER IvIAIN, AND Pi1.0VIDING FOR THE PAYNENT <strong>OF</strong> THE COST <strong>OF</strong>LAYllJG SAID' .ATE:1 HAIN OUT <strong>OF</strong> THE ~\:AT:':;H PJm S.8\.3.1 FUND <strong>OF</strong>SAID CIT[, AND ?RDVIDING THE THE AND PLACE FOR FINALPASSAGE <strong>OF</strong> 'rH~ RE.SOLU'l'IONBE IT ~1;~SOLVED BY THE I1AYOR A..1IJD 130ARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDi;lMSN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, that a six inch water main be laid on the property belongingto said City of Oxford betvmen the points described as follm·Js:beginning at the intersection of the <strong>No</strong>rth line of Garfield Avenue "Ji th the\'est line of South Sixteenth Street, and running in an Easterly direction

"I\(<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Ir-----.-------- .---------------~----------- ... ------------------------.-~----.-----.---- ._---_.__...,---------,-L_:~EC;:;;SS 'lSGTJJLAR I3E?DTG 7:00 P. H. AUJ1JST 12, 1957'?urS1Jant to a recess order entered on Al~zuSt 6, 1957, the Hayor and :Soard of .Aldermen met onAuzust 12, 1957 at 7: OG P. E. in the l'Iayor and Board of Aldermens I Chamber in the City Hall1vhen and 1rhere the folloHin; 1·;rerc present:Pete HcZlreath, Eayor -Presiding~. illiam N. Lovelad7, Alderman at LargeFrankBp'lk, Alderman l'iard OneJames N. c~oberts,Alderman \,Tard TwoHarry S. Sisk, }~derman ;.:ard Three1';ill A. Hickman, Alderman lIard FourOmar D. CraiG' AttorneyC. n. ;toberts, AttorneyG. ry. Fulmer, .clerkGill' .• Johnson, Superintendent Electric DeDartmentAfter the meeting had been cal:E d to order the follo'ding business ',ms transacted:1'pon motien duly made and seconded, IT I~; cnmn 7 ') that upon the payment by Omar D. Craig i:l',dC. B. 10berts of the sum of Fifty Eight and 80/100 ($58.80) Dollars, the Bayor and the Clerk oftl-t~.s Board be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to convey to Omar D. Craig andC. B. :1.oberts a pRrt of Ta)lor l'.venue situated in Secticn 28, Tm-ffiship 8 South, Range 3 'est,in the City of Oxford, Lafayette County, Hississip:i, particularly described as follm,'s, to-'\v'it:Beginning at the intersection of the .3ast edge of South 14th Street ,;ith the <strong>No</strong>rthed~e of Tador Avenue; rlm thence Sast on the <strong>No</strong>rth line of Taylor Avenue a distanceof 156.2 feet; run thence South a distance of 15 feet to the center line of saidTaylor Avenue; run thence ::est alon::; the center line of '.Caylor Avenue a distance of156.2 feet to a point South of the poimj of begim,ing; run thence <strong>No</strong>rth a distmce of15 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.DEE D,For and in consideraticn of t

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>"'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ---------------------------------------1\'JITNESS OUR SIGNATURES en this the 14th day of August, 1957/ sl Pete 11cElreathNAYOil <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFOtlC, MISSIS~~IP?I/s/ C. P. Fulmer8L:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>II-/3":; IT1':!;:.)ULVED bJT the Ha~Tor ard "So ard of jl~dermen of the Cityof Oxfor:::"Nississi.. pi)i, at a re6ular recessed r:leetin; of said Hayor and30ard of Aldermen, as follmIs:(1) That it is the intention of scid JVlayor 2nj Board of Aldermen~lectric ~to 9"'- rchase for the Di¢.rtx.~ DeJartment of said '':;i ty four used transformersthat Idll be of the quality and type set out in the speCificationsnmJ on file in the Office of the Suoc;rintE~ndentDepartment.~lectricof sc::id mfitXanaXW's,tet-" -'~(2) That the I'la,:ror 2n:l Board of lJ.dermen of sm d City I·Jill takefinal actLn on this matter at 7:30 o'clock, P. n., ~eptember3, 1957, inthe Office of t'~er:ayor of scid City.T~18 above and fore;::oing 1esolL'ticn having been reduced to \]ritiL[;and read by the ~lerk of s2id Hayor and loard, l-.TaS considered section bysecti ')1, and th~;n as Cl ~Jho12, anj., on motion of ll1derman Lovelad::r andseconded by Ald8rman 10berts, it '\..ra~: adopted ~nction by section, and then asa lvhole, and th," vote of the Aldermen on the passage Lhereof '\Jas as follovJs:I_./: LIJ::: w:J~r Ii'. • B :LI(, JR.. - YSAALD ~JllJ\ HA~t lY SIS K - YiiJ~,<strong>No</strong>tion'V;as duly I:,ade, seconded and passed that this Doard do nOll recess until .I.:.:gl.'st 15,1957 at 5:00 P. H.

~-------------------------------------------------------------~, r---:<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--------------_. _._------ -------.----.--.---SI'.IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ._------_._----_._-_._----....,~CESS, RSC~SS RBGULA:1 nSETING .5:00 P. H. AUGUST 1.5, 19.57Pursuant to a recess order entered on August 6, 19.57, the l'layor and Doard of jl~dermen meton August 1.5, 19.57 at .5:00 P. H. in the Hayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall 1~-hen and "Lv-here the follmring were presef1t:Pete HcSlreath -Hayor, Presiding1;;illiam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank ~.;.Belk, Alderman l;ard OneJames N. ~toberts,Alderman i']ard TwoHarry S. Sisk, Alderman \'/ard ThreeViII A. Hiclanan, Alderman 1-'lard FourOmar D. Craig, Attorneyc. E. qoberts, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, ClerkGill vl. Johnson, Superintendent Electric DepartmentAfter the meeting had been called to order the follo"ring business 1.-las transacted:The Board, with Irby Se!lY ,"ngineer, made an inspection of ~oth Sewage Disposal '?lants andhad a c:eneral discussion concernir'?, S2me. Sue to Aldermar. ~oberts and Alderwan Hickmanhaving to leave early in the IT.eeting, motion 1.·JaS duly made, seconded and passed that theBoard recess to 7:00 o'clock ~. ~. August 16th, 1957 for further discussion on the matter.Iv\otion Has july made, seconded ard passed that tis ':?oard :10 n01J recess until j,ligUSt 16, 19.57at 7:00 ". I!.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>._-- ----.------.------.. 'n~-'l'f'! JV_1.:'JI. .... lC-> 7 : 00 '. i'1. AF-;1.J0T 16, 1957Purm.:ant to a recess order entered on At'J;;~st 15,1957, the; Nayor and 10ard of "lderr~ien met on/,u£,ust 16, 1957 at '7: gO D. E. in the i':ayor Dnd 'cc:rc1 of Aldsrrr:.ens r Chalilber ir! th'? City Hall;hen and ",here the folloeJinr:; Here present;I--iilliam Ii. Lovela,Alderman at Lar::::eFrank 3elk, AldermE..n ard OreHarry S. Sisk, Aldermanard i.hree~.illi1. Hickman, j~lderman 'ard FeurOmar D. :::raig, Ls Lor1[cyc. r:.:cberts, Attorneyc. ? ?ulmer, 21er~{After the neeting had be(-on called to order t:le Board a~2in had a general discussLn concernin£l'the Se,;er Disoos.l Syr:tem, but 1'0 action Has taken on the matt'.:r.\.l'lotion Has :Jc.ly wade, seccllded c:ni passed that this ":ioarj do nm,T recess until Allc:ust <strong>17</strong>, 1957at 9:00 A.L.

1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iI-r ----.---------I~, ( .__________IIIIUK-TOM . L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>9 :00 A. ~J. AUGUST <strong>17</strong>, 1957Pl;rsuant to a recess order entered on August 16, 1957, the gayor and Board of Aldermen met onA1l:sUSt <strong>17</strong>, 1957 at 9 :00 A. H. in the Hayor and Board of Jnde~~mens I Ci1amber in the City HallHilen and ;·Jhere the follm,Ting were present:Pete HcClreath, Hayor, Presiding~.'.il1iam TIl. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeFrank ,.1. Belk, .Alderman :,.lard OneJames ll. :1oberts, Alderman,ard Two:-larry S. Sisk, Alderman ~')ardThreev;ill A. Hiclanan, .Hderman ',Jard FourOmor D. Craig, Attorney~. ? Roberts, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, Clt,rkAfter the meeting had been called to order the folloHing business vias transacted:At a meeting of the Hayor and Board of Aldermen held in the Office of the Hayor of theCity of Oxford, jC;ississippi, on the 22 day of Hay, 1956 there vJaS entered an Order withreference to the p;, rch&se by said City from T. ::. Avent of the lands hereinafter described.Said Order a[Jpears iE Hinute Book <strong>No</strong>. It, Pa,;e 456.0ubseql

(~J""-')-6,----~-~~--~~~-~-~~---1f..! I-

L __<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>ic------------·---------------- -----~-------------------.--------IflS4K-TOM L. KETCHING5 co., NATCHEZ----IREC.c£SS, :n C]£SS , ;(ECESS, TIC3SS, ;U;CESS i.1.GGULAIl f'lE?I'ING 7:00 P. H. AUGUST 19, 1957Pursl ant to a recess order entered on August <strong>17</strong>, 1957, the Eayor and Board of "~ldermen met on.tI.uc!.ust <strong>17</strong>, 1957 &t 7: 00 P. H. in the Mayor and Board of Ildermens' ::;hal:ber in the City Hall,,,;hen and Hhere the folloh'ing Here present:Pete HcElreath, ;layor, ?residing'filliam TIT.Lovelady, Alderman at LargeFrank ,.Belk, Aldennan ir:ard OneJames N. J.obel'ts, Alderrnan';ard '1'1',1:)Harry S. Sisk, J'~derman T~ard Three('ill A. Hiclnnan, ,~derman ~\.2rdL"Ollrc. P. F';..llmer, ClerkT. ChandlerAfter the meeting had been called to order the follolling business 1,as transacted:The matter of a raise in salaries of the ·"'olice Force and 1. L. Tidv1811, Superintendent of theSar:itatiun Department,came up for consideration and after a discussion of the matter, motion"as made by Alder:.an Lovelady that the salaries be raised as follm;s retroactive to August 1,1957:Nevrt h:in3: from :~262.50 to $300.00 per month1, •• J. Kimmons from ;~241.50 to ~275.00 :ler monthR. H. Mills from 1p210.00 to :;~240.00 pe~ monthH. T • .:..;tyers from :;);200.00 to .,i230.00 per monthDonald::;ar1;d.le from $200.00 to ~240.00 per monthR. L. Tidv1811 from $231.00 to ~275 ~OO per monthThis motien vJaS seconded by Alderman i1.oberts and all .,udermen voted yea.The balance of time ;vas used assessing and eq"l~ctlizingtaxes.lj10tien Has made, seconded and passed that this Board do 'ow recess to August 20, 1957 at7:00 P. Ii.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>7 :00 P. 1'11. Al!:.1l!ST 20, 1957':)'l)rsuc:nt to a recess order entered on All~;llSt 19, 1957, the ;·;ayor and noard (;f Aldermen met onAug1.~st 20,1957 at 7:0U p. 1',- i tile llayor and Board of ndermens' Cr1amber in the Cit'{ Hallwhen and Hhere the follcljin[~ ,,'ere present:Pete Mc~lreath,M2yor, Presiding~i'rankBelk, Lldern:2n ,ard OneJames F • {oberts, Alderrr;3n . ard TvJOHarry S. oiSK, Alde2man'ard Three~:ill) .• Hiclanan, illderman ' arJ~~ourC. P. Fulmer, ClerkT. ;handlerAfter the ii,eeting [lad been opened a ccording to lalJ, t;1.

!LI ISII34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ-----------------------------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--------------------IIiAW}TJST 22, 1957ryurs'C.ant to a recess order entered on August 20, 1957, the hayor and Board of P~dermen met onAllgust 20, 1957 at 7:00 P. H. in the Mayor and 30ard of l',ldermens' Chamber in the City HallHhen and "~here the follm',ing were present:Pete HcElreath, l'iayor, PresidingFrank ~' .• 3elk, j'~derman v';ard OneJames N. :t:berts, Alderman '.ard THOHarry S. Sisk, Alderman,ard Three-:il1 _A.Hickman, _Alderman T;:ard FourC. P. Fulmer, Clerk~!. T. Chandler~, "_'!. .. H .. _" __ 'W

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~----- ~----------~ "-----~ ~"~~-~-.. -~---------~----f1~~82SS, RSCESE;, ?~~~=:~S~, Ft~C.i~0S, TISES0, ~t.·:~'=1~:3~, 1SCI~S0, R~C~SS qJCJUIJ~2 l1E~TI1\JIJ 7:00 ?l"l.AUGust 26, 1957nurs1~,ant to a recess order entered on Aucust 22, 1957, the Hayor and Board of j,ldermen met onAug 1 J st 26, 1957 at 7: 00 n. iI. in the Hayor and Board of Alderrr.ens I Chamber in the City Hallv;hen and vJherc:, the follm-.rirri: 1...-er; .0resent:"?ete HcSlreath, hayor, nresidingFrank Belk, Ildermm ~:ard OneJames N.t-oberts, Alderman T1ard TwoHarry S. ::)isk, Alderman \'"Jard ThreeC. "? Fulmer, Clerk. T. ChandlerAfter the meetinE" had been opened according to 12..1v, the follmTing business 1-Jas tra:::sacted:The entire time ~msused assec;sing and equalizinz taxes.1IOn motion duly made, seconded and passed unanirr,ously, it ~"'-~,;:;until August 29, 1957 at 7:00 P. H.ordered that this Board recessi--"

______ _---------..IL-__<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>- -----------------_._ .. _-------.--------------.- ...i / 'I'234K-TOM L. KETCHINOS co., NATCHEZH. !,----_ .. _-----------_._----------RECESS, RECES~i,lECESS, ECESS, ,ECESS, RECE':jS, :=Li:CESS, ECESS,7:00 P. M·RECESS, REGUIA 11 MEETINGAUGUST 29, 1957"'ursuant to a receSs order entered on August 26, 1957, the Hayor and Board of Aldermen met onAL~gust 29, 1957 at 7: 00 P. ~;;. in the I1ayor and Eoard of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hall1Vhen and "mere the folloHin;,; ,'Jere present:Pete Hc:::lreath -Hayor, PresidingJames N. c1.oberts -Alderman "(!ard TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman ~;ardThreeFill A. Hiclanm -Alderman card FourC. P. Fulmer, ClerkAfter the meeting tad been opened accord~_ngto law, the following husiness Nas transacted:The entire time "TaS used assessing

( 2~)2<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>ECESS,7:00 P. H. S::

-.~I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~),·'l3~UH!!2"2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZU liT I T D S TAT t. S o 4' A H E :1 I C Ao Ii' MIS SIS ~ I D ? IC 0 U n T Y o F LA} A Y L T T 3I("I mJ 1Y 0 .~ 0 X ? C 1. D-;~ -~~- ~(- ~~- ?~ ~~-~~- ?~- -;r ~~ -~i-7: 30 ? 1'1. SEPTEEBER 3, 1957ne it rr.onembered that the flayor and ~oClrd of ,~derrnen of the City of Uxford, f'iississi;r:Jimet in regular sesden at the Ci tr JaIl at 7: 30 l' . IT., Tuesday ,Sept..)" 1957, it bein~;the time .:'nd !ilace fixed by la:, for~,hGHer" pre ,sent:holdinG of said meetinG' ,;"rlCn and lcJhere the follov'ingPete Ec:nreath, l':cyor, Presidir'billiam N. Lovelc::.dy, Alderman at L2rseFrank. ?81k, Llderman ,Jard C)neJames r. ,I.oberts, Alderman "ard '1\JO(',ill :'.. Hickm,m, Alde:cman i'ard :"0;..11"Harry S. Sis(, Iliermu.nard r. reec. P. Fulmer, ClerkFot ',on T'TdS July made, seccnded an'1 ,?c::.ssed unanill:ou~;lJT ard it vas orje:coi that the fol1cwingaccounts bo clloc'Jed for payment:• AC::::OUFT Al'lOrnTNO.(22312235224222462247224822492250225122522253225h2255225622572258225922t;022612262226322(:b.226522(?2275227322713~. T) li'Ll_t.er, Clerk - Pet·~y CashColonel Clan, ·In!.versity Hic;h 0chool -Advertising2. D. Fulmer, Clerk - ?c:yrollPete HcElreath - Salary for August 'trlh :,ih.50~;illiam N. Lovelady - Salary for ~'J .. l~;L,st H/h :;;,1.13Fr2r:k 1:'1. Belk, Jr. - Salary for AU~C;l:st ,,/h 610.13James TT. :toberts - Salar;}' for Au~ust "4h ,~:ilO.13Harry S. Sisk - ;)21ary for AUZLC t H/h ~;;1.13" ill L. Hickm.::m - S.:12ry- :::'or .nugust '-,;/h ~Cl0.13toberts 2nd Srcig - Sa]c,ry for ;~UgUf:;tE. P. LOITe - ~;dary for Au::;ust 4h ;,;19.25c. P. Fd,er - Salary for AugllGt .,;/h $20.48imnie .~. I~ane - S31ary for 1'.U :u~,t ;'J/h $5.24:;arie T. :Iillis - Sal2ry for Al:Zl,[;t r/h ;;~1. 06Hed Ki";; - Sdc:ry for August l,lh Uf8.751,~.~}. Kimmons - ~)e.12rJ for J1.u:;';t

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>'--)--12 7L!22F22283')'} rc l.LC. ,_;+~:2S52?862287228822892:902283229122}22236229322942?9522962277228722982299230023012]022290;-2822233229222842285228t:22952267230323022209228122'02283230L,2285228t229322942305230b230722962297228723022281229022822L3322135230B2286229322()!1230223092288229022832292228422852308n,'-\ ):J')')" fT T; l!'-../'_ l.~ '-' u_l j.~,_!I~ C':-:~rGtl-t(e ~OPI-:t~~, .. =~obrc.r,7 - ':~l(_)C~C for -' ,It!'C.St~~i:::,c O]'"l Sut <strong>17</strong>th :~tr'>;t 2.t 11 :10 J\ .'~" 5t 7, n~, 7:-~lTje ~Il; - ires, ,Jr."ill ,JGhr:~:onJ. ~. "\Jil,s;;n, ,Tl'.Yire on~~;,t ~1r:j __ \T8rsity _venue c:t 12:35 A. ". }.u::ast 8,19)7VerJ10n ~b.D.:':~Jel:-'SL~& I~. Cro~'sonr.~.~~[lne:lD. -}. 1\"';tlfjOn, (.Jr.J2 1 Jid ~ossD. ,'j. J.Less~o12ncl T'ij,·:olJ.1. L. '~'id':\Jell8. ~. ilson--, ~ T\,. i_.'::ill}lcmJackT.,.~Tinter, omack:}a l'dr:crcT. J\l:stin~ O. ~11ict~, Jr..~. T. II

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1112S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCHECK NO.COtP03.ATIUN fUNDACCOUN'rNO.2295230722962297221372L9d2c:9923022c:bb228922812c:902203230LI2284228623052296'i2972:C d722982299228522812290228322842285230722862287231023CJ2220122902282228323082286231123112312231223122312231323142315231(231623<strong>17</strong>231823182318231923202321232223912324232523262327232i2328232923902330233111.. t:. ::';hel1abar~;e:":toy Thomas101and T ~_dHellit. L. Tid~JellC. S. T'ilsonR. H. ::inter'. 3. ~ -omacl(Firo at (14 South 8th Street at 1: 40 A. 1':. AU3ust 28, 19571.,. J. AustinVsrnon ChambersIra L. CrowsonJ-lo"\o:'ard8avisHomer DukeH. C. FalknerElwood JayClyde Hu,:~ 'ins, Jr.D. G. 'eilson, Jr.T:" O. S:ni thRoland Tidv:el.L1. L. Tid~TellC. S. :',TilsonR. H." inser~'~. E. ~"'~'oma ck?ill JohnsonFire at 1: 35 P. Ii. on :Jodh 14th street August 22, 1957HOliJard DavisHomer DukeH. C. FalknerClyde Hug:~ins, Jr.Bill JohnsonRoy ThomasD. G. Neilson, Jr.C. S. "ivilsonHax HippFirp at 10:00 A. H. on Garfield Avon·.le (3rass Fire) AUg-Llst 29,19571351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351·:. J. Austin 135Hm-rard Davis 135Homer Duke 135B. O. ~lliott, Jr. 135Eo C. Falkner 135Doyle L~ther 135D. G. ~eilson 135Oxforj Light and ,ater Plant - City Hall 143Oxford Lic;ht and .ater Plant - The Armory 153Southern 3e:Jl Telephone & Tele[3raph Compeny - Fire De~Jt. 135Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph ComJar'y - l'layor I s Phone 124South8rn !:1ell Telephone & _'ele::;r2oh Com:)any - City Hall 124Southern 2ell Tele9hoce f; Tele:-;r.::ph Company - ':::rzinoer 124::;entralChemical Company - Janitor SU;lplies 127Clca0f12n ,'::;hemiical Company - Spraying City 180Daley Lurrber CO';[[lany, Inc. -1epairs to rent,d rroperty Apt 8 C 149}athri~ht-;ec;d ~Jrug Com:Jany - Janitor Suoplies (Soap) 127.Jc:rshri.!ht-leed DrUb 80mpany - ~and IUs for Fire Dept. 135The Lawyers Co-Operative -',,:blishing COm~)ClDyJ. 2. l'"ansel -Jas fOr~0,:Y:3terI i.0ke':J) 120J. :1. Hansel - }os for Fog'{ing l/iachine 180J. H. M2nsel - Gas for Fire Dept. 135!-1archant ~ala'c11ators, Inc. - :..!ervice charge for one year 146J •• ~. l'eilson Company - I!iary [:juie 111.'Seum 11-<strong>17</strong>Ole Niss Press .:~. Sook Store - U"fice ~;upplies 146 ,J .:. ~)liver _i ~0D!p2ny - ~2)Dirs to rental 'Jr00crty Ih9;:iha1.T t~ Snged H2r::11:.:-r::; ::;omoany - ~(nair:< to old fire h:':c;se 149Tcdd :.:ihipy2rJs~orpor&ticn - 3asoline pump for fos~,in2: machi.ne 180united Jas Corpor2tiun - 8it:7 li[;ll 123~11ictt Hard~~re Somp2~Y - lspairs to Old fire hc~se ard city aots. 149SllioV, Ll.mber 8otnoon,;' -1e:;airs eso rental ?ro,')srty and old fire houf3e::lL.ott k:':T~er ::;oYn;Jany - ~nc::'noering SuC)plies 151Sha,,! and Sneed ;1Clr:iT3ro Som,JaY1;1 - C::oloredl.e::t100m rqJ2ir 127trome Ice :~om:?any - Ice book for ~'ire Dept. 135:i:cme Ice Company - Ice book fer Cewct';jr.'l ;'ert;cnnel 120r'Su1-I - 3 spots at ;;;2.00 e.::ch 137Oxford Lions Horse Sho,,~ - -~- pa~se ajvertis~ng 13714blLI.:)2.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.5024.588.5024.4011.605.9515.7844.50465.851.05.81.84<strong>17</strong>.004.32b.801.3841.0045.0545.35l1.ho<strong>17</strong>.3237.081.7635.9726.7918.96.905.005.006.0025.00

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>2232??L!32?1' !2?67226022702276227923322332233223322332233223322333233423352336233723892339233?2]L(0232(1d4223)1323J.+L:23452J~l~2345234623h72347234723472347234823LO2350235123522353235423552356235723572358235823612j(,0~3c'223{;22302363236423tl~23t5~~'.Ll~·":·~~-', "':l'Jrk - T)ett:,r ~aE;h" v.l

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1!I1"134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ2]1::82370237123722373237423752376237723782379230023Gl2392Central Service ;~ssOci2ticn - I ater and bev,Ter 13illingDelta "'hdnbing ~"~ :!:lectrical bG;uly Company - Vater su;"Jlies:311io-t.t IIClrd,var:; Comoany - ~)e'.J~ 'Ie Disc)osal DIClntJ. H. IvIansel - :]as and Oil for; ater D'pc;rtmentJ. H. "liver :':ompaC'l,j" - T,ater sup .lies() 'proal' s''eldirg and Hachine Shop - Se"Ter disposal plant shear pins?idc~eon-'l'ho:nas Iron Cornpony - .)E.')lJt3r Disposal ,GIantsSh2"i~: 3n;ed ,:ard'Jare Company - ~o~'T&;e Disposal pla!ltsSouthern ~);,l.o~ly - 1:!ate.c Sup~)lie"~,holesale ::Jupply CCll1i)an:{, Inc. - .ater suppliesJast Eotor Jarts Company _Jc:tt,~ry for "ater trllckVolz .;onstructiLn ::c:;;.any '18)

L--I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.\51335134-35S13651~~9-(;4~:lc( -6'1S:l.~I~_~-3G5182SlB351811Sli~5~186S1575HlB51595190S19j.51925193S194S195S19651975<strong>17</strong>85199520052015202520352045205'l'

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1I2'I84K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZA :i.ESOLlJ1'IUN J luVID2TJ ~I'O t ? il\T";.L "LS3':L::-:~ 0;

(:240II<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>AL~OLUTLF UJ i,'F!.L "l~S[)i\G -' <strong>OF</strong> lH~~ IF I' ~]\rTI ,~T <strong>OF</strong>-l'[T~.J J-j~~{O:-{ /J,~!J ~,_,lL{i) C(' j'~LD_J 1.!< 'l~~ 03' Td~ '~Il;Y ()F(,'r"·"D ~'T':""I' I'~'~I 'f'''' ,~., ),-,:,:-,c··" TeTe: PI + 11.)·\.!(j,., 1... tJ, ..:~...l-OU k-),.' ,..l,.U, 1.'-'.l.l1~u.JJ .:...J! U U vO 4-4,I"\TC1T ~I\rs, O? 1\\J,1}!~ A~~t3~ ~L~D~\Tl~I, ~.r, \,;1-J ~z ~'ri"_:TlI\lCO"T;)."Tllr~j ~.=' r~:SS;~D T:1ET~IN, ? 7,e 'IDP'J '

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>2411I1'1S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZFa/IOO (:j,10,000.00) Dolh.trs in Favor of T .~~."went, in payment of said lots of land, "lhichcertificates or notes shall drm" inter,~;stat the rate of three (3%) percent per

~( ~J.42<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>of Oxfcrl, J'JLisissil)pi, and the :::lcrk of this "SoDrd be 2utc-lOrized to Qxecuto said note,not:.;s, or cer~ifj_c2teE:>of indebtednes5, for an: on ljeh,l f of sc.:id Sit/ of Oxford, and(5) rfhat unless ~:t le2st tl~ent,y p ;rcen.-!;um of tho qu

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>243II'Z84K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZ/.A q~~)l)l1jTI ~'~T ::i.OVIDINJ FOR. TH,~ FlillAL PAS5AC.L!: <strong>OF</strong> A Pl.IOR'RESOLUTION 2:NTE:?.r-':D AT A l.3GULA 1 Q:2CESSED MEETING <strong>OF</strong> THEHAYOR AND BOLRD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERl\'l;~N <strong>OF</strong> TH2 <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> O'CFORD, MIS­SISSIPPI, J',UTHO:lIZING M: II'TVESTIGATION jjIJD STUDY <strong>OF</strong> THEEUCTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEl'1 IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> P.NDITS IMHEDIATE :=~TVIORNS, TO I'lAKE !:,"IJ::J~D SU;W2:Y, TO REVISESYST~l'1 I"lAPS, TO HAK3 LOAD STUDIES <strong>OF</strong> THE 0 Ul"LA1Y,SECOMDARY, ArT::) STREST LI8HTING SYSTSH, TO HAKE DETAILEDD;:U~'1:NGS AND SryECIFICATIONS AND CONTRLCI' DOCFI-ENTS FORA' ..'ARDPTt:} CmTTRACTS FECESSA ~Y FOq '.i'H~ DESIRABLE I~r'lOVE­JlENTS TO SAID l~LSCI'RIC Dn3T:lI Q l:TIOTlT SYST~M, TO Da.~Pf :I.E~:;T:::;L'\.TS~) O~ :=03T, TO IlAKG i~~,T}lTljAL Ti::VIE'S <strong>OF</strong> SLID SYSTs}ISTUDY, TO ry~~U'~PA'E AN"b\L 1 O:i.K :'LMJS FOil SAl':~, AND TOP:1CNID3 FOl. TH2 ,~fJLOYH~TT <strong>OF</strong> Cmf':~T0.;NT COl1SULT:::NJ..:,"TJIV2:~10 TO DO ALL SUCh vJ

(2411IL.<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I~.'\!.. '"1957, in the orrice of the N~yor of said("'l-i +.'-~ ... U.) •it is h:;re:)y, autl,crized to do ani acsom~J ish "my or 211 the acts onJ:::ingshereiy)3 1 )CV8 enurreratwl.Fri -Sin' ~lnJ r8£d b}T tie Cltork of tt; e 1:c.yor end "'uTd of Lldern:en at :3,~:rd com:idered ~;Gctj_cn b· secthn, Qnd th"]1 a~: ~ .. ~ihole, 2nd, on motion off',lle~'man Lovclo.:J/ ,";Y1d seconded by Lldel'~!:an Sisk, ttl'] 2QOVe [nid fore;~oif'b'?esoh~tin H2S 2,:iopted sectLn b· r f,'2ctic r " 2nd t:;;r> as 2 .bela, 2nd the votecn th9 8assa:"G thereof FOS :::sfollo,,'!:3:"":.T '"- J....':'1 ...". t- 1..,w,Jo..

,~245<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>r---r--------------------.-t-.U-K--T-O-M-L-,-KE-T-CH-'-NG-S-C-O,-,-N-AT-C-HE-Z----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~A l.":i;,OLl'TLJN l-L1KIN'] PPAL TH':: ]3~)OUTI,N D .A1:)3ED AT Ai_~:::~::';S3D ~123::TING 0: TH:":: l'I!AJO:l /1'lD BUARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDKi.NEtT<strong>OF</strong> TEE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXF(I1.~ , l-aSSIS3IP?I, TO PLqC:U,S:-: PD1 q':::L.:.!:C'rn C TlJ\!'TSForV'E1S M;J ryA.Y FO;{ SN-';';::; OtT <strong>OF</strong> T:1:ELECTlU::: FUNDAt a regl.J of .Uderrren of said City ,,"ould ta 1\:e final acticn onSD.:Ld?,esoluticn at '7: 30 0' clcck, ry. r:., Septer:ober 3, 1957, in the Officeof the M::,yor of said City.~)aid?"sol·..;.tL n ado)ted by the j'!ayor and Cloard of j,ldermen on the15th day of August, 1957, as aforesaid, havin;~remained on file on the Minutesof said jvj2Ior and Board for more than tvm ueeks for :;\..blic inspection, andthere havin,; been no objection to or :)rotest agc;.inst saidlesoll:ticn or thefinal pas~a;eth0reof;BS IT, T;T'::\':~~:?Oi.~, Fn1ALLY :t~S~}LVZD that the Eayor and 13oa.::~j ofAldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississi)pi, purchase four used tran:nsformersof the quality and type set out in tr;e s'Jecific.::r+:·icns 0]'1i'ils c:s aforesDid,aed ')ay for same Out of the :nectric Fund.The above and forefScing Hesolution having been red"ced to Hriting,1,as rC3d by the said '::;lerk of said Layor 3rd "':lo2,rd of Aldermen, 1-TaSconsideredsection by secticn and. then as a 1oThole, ar:d, on motion T:lade by AldermanHickmon and seconded by Alderman Lovelady, it was ndopted sectien b~/scctien,nnd then 2,S a Hhole, and the vote of the J,.ldermen on the Dassage ther20f, 'Hasas fol101,TS:ALD"':::UiA~:F.~..-, :LK, J'1. -YEAt .. L!_r~ .1>1 ~ . H)3,e 3ISK- YjA

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>rIf-_ ...--!1~ 1~~S[~'I) 'I'-,-",}f '"")-{~\\r~r;=1'''3 ?C\::' llE 1 '~'~i"~~_1 ?ru:)~[ .. JJi; U~ AT")~?:[,'_? (~=\~)C1I:. :I'Tf.l!'T A-Tril'~(l-~,I~Il',T'} TI~_.~ L~_hJj~~ Ol:r TE~~ _~L~~CT-~IC1 ~" ~ )):rU;i; ,,)"'::;1'~: (1l1 cT.':CT~nJ} }T~~l.l::::'Pl.J ".:r.OT")~'l'n3S(I' Tf!= '::TlY e'i" OXF::1D, IU::l;)ISSI"'I, 'J1.0VIDI'1} TH~1.1 .. \.1'~; _~? cn~ -i'I,\ =r',3- Tlr~~ P,tI:J TE~ ~~o:, ~~\ T) ':1UVIDITJG'~Ol 3AL~ <strong>OF</strong> S;~ID D m?nTL::'~ :"01 CASH :' 1. 'J;! DUN"): :: '~'~i 'Ir ~~T"D D8F}~;:Ll.:)) T\ ll::~~;TcJ T '-I'T}~ I;~T ~~-'::~)T, "'J.~:DJ(.:":IlJP;:} Fen .~';."l';:O E~'Y o~,'r 1'~ i;J,YU1 <strong>OF</strong> EJAID::;UY,H'O!. A~ D OtT ')':;HIJ~F O? SAID CUY, TO T \l':';0EY;'~'t,,='I', (}( IN AllY OTtL;1L~":.,·1 ?WVD..:DlY LN"~t the re:ul.::r AU~l~t 1957 Veeting of the Eayor and ~o~~d ofAldcrp,en of the ::::ity of Oxford, Hississippi, a ·~esolt:.tion"as 82ssedaLctl':ori~irb the ~~:..le of the electric 2'8no~'2ting system or elcct"ic :::'enoratinc'l"o~)ertiesbelon,'int, to sald City, either c:s a 'J.: ole or piece byliece0:':' ;.:r:.t J' ~mit, to tho hi"'hest responsibility bidder for cash, or on suchdo 'n ~ nyment and Id th such deferred ;:>a,j'1l1ents on thlJ p·~:rch&se ~rice, 2nd:,Tith such J oFfu] rate of inter(3st as may be deemed re8E;onable by said"."!vo:' and loaed of j,ldermen, :: r:d ~d~h such sa fe-~~uards as "i11 best :)rCfr.otea~;d CJrotcct the 'Ju1;lic interest, 2,ni said ~esol'.:ticn furth'::r prcvided t'1atsc:id _layer end noard of .Udermen by "md throu,3h the :layor of tho City ofOxfor:, for anJ on l:lehalf of said City of Oxford, transfer title to s:"lch electricgere 'atin:~' s:'st.JY:. or eJ ectric ~ener3t~.n:~ ~)l'oCJerties .0./ I\Tarrcnty deed, oi11 of sale,contr2ct, or in any other manner provided bI laY, and sc:id lesol uti n "Y'cvidedsaleo of s:.Li electric ~en~;ratij'1g S~'StClil or electri.c [enerating propertiesd8scribed in s2-id '\8s011~ticr., for t~lS orice and 1l..'1Jer the general tern1sand concEticns set ou'!.., iy' iJ3i·l:e:o;oll;.ticm, be 2:ivc;n,)y ~)uC'licc:+'icnonce e~~chvmek for three consecutive \~eeks in rhe Oxfor:i "::a:~le, a le:::&l Ylm,'so:,)eroublit'hcd in tha City of Oxford, ~ississi~pi,and havine zeneral 2irc~!aticri'l sdd ~it,'of O:cford.<strong>No</strong>tice of the ir:tentinn of sc:.id IJja;yor and 'oard of Alderme!' to sellits electric r-enerating system or electric :~'ener3tinii pro~)erties 1·;as =iven byo':;~lic&tLn in said ~"C ("uord 1£a:=le for th ee consecutive ,ceeks, that is,in the issues of sci:l The Ux¥ord ~a:~of the 8th, 15th and 22nd of Auzust,;scnerating syst,:;m or electric ,,;enerating oroperties, and Proof of "),:blicaticnof sc:id n te in The Oxford !~aC"le hEwinE£ be~:n filed Fith the l'12ycr ar.d :.:l:rk oftllis 'loa:::'d;

II!!<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~ -------------------.-t.-M-K--T-OM--L.-K-E-TC-H-'N-GS-C-O- .. -N-AT-C-HE-Z------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~i ,247n8 IT, TH~1:~FCJU, FI}TALLYESOL JED by the Mayor and Board of 11.1-derr,8n of s&id:';ity of Oxford that the said City of Oxford sell its electricgenerating system or electric generating property as a ,'Jhole or piece bypiece or unit by unit to the highest responsible bidder for cash, or' on suchdO~TI payment and ~~th such deferred payment on the purchase price, and withsuch Im.;!l""l rate of interest as may be deemed reasonable by said Iviayor a~·d"3oard of Aldermen, and vlith such safe-guards as ~~llbest protect and promotethe public ir:terest, and that sdd T-iayor and -Soard of Aldermen, by and throughthe 112yor of said City, for and on behalf of said City of Oxford, transfertitle to such olectric generating system or electric generating propertiesby 1wrranty deed, bill of sale, contrect, or in any other manner provided byla~~.The electric generating system or electric generating properties aredescribed 2S fo1101-1s:1 - ~usch 0ulzer Diesel~ngin, 1500 H. P. TLr')O charged 257 ,n. P • [v!.1000 K.:';. - G. E. Gener2tor 2400 Volts, ~~th 125 AHP .:.:xciter125 Volts V-Selt drive.1 - T)eLavergne Diesel _~ngine 750 H. ~. 327 R. P. H. 52~' K. 12400 Volt llith 125 AYF "I,. H. V-ry,dt Drive 3xclter1- 400 H. P. Diesel ~;n;:3ine 277 R. P. M. model V. '}. G. E.}enerator 275 K. ,J. 2300 Volts direct exciter connection 8bAEPS-125 Volts.1 - DeLavergne 2ngin 260 H.P. 227 R..D.M. <strong>17</strong>5 K. '. ~.1. E.}enerator 2300 Volts Direct connected exciter 85 Ar'lPS-125 Volts.The above and foregoing :1.esolution havinG been first reduced tov:riting, "VJas read and considered sE3ction by section, and then as a vJhole,and, on motion made by AldGrman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Roberts,this lesolution Has ado!")ted section by section, and then as a Whole, andthe vote of the ,,udermen on the final passage of this Resolution was asfollo"VTS :ALDERlJjAN F. 1". "R~LK, JR. - YealiLDE 1l' f u'JlT " ILLIAM LOVEIJ1'tDY -YeaALDEilEAN '":ILL HICKIVlAN -Yeaj~DER.H.AN JAHES :1.0BERTS - YeaALDE~7 HjlitRY SISK -YeaI~i. ____________ ~ __________ ~ ___________________________ ~

( :248I<strong>MINUTE</strong> BOOI( <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A 1~5Ci1T''1'1CK "'-L1','=m: p }i'03 'I"I_:,DC?TI'J' I'~;' I_F;l icIlIL,L"".n53S;\1'~ <strong>OF</strong> A (1 =SOL1,:TICIT,T j~"JO~T~:~D j\fJ Tl-L~~ R'~GlTIJ~ t iiTJ'JrJST1957 :'~:!;TF=} -gy 1:-;':';; I~j'.'~O:' j\}.T) T

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>i~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~1S1'1S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ24BBE IT, THE~FO'1.~, FH1ALLY ::.;~OLY:SD that the H,wor and Board ofAlde:'lT'.en of the Cit;" of Oxford, ]\lississippi, borrow the sum of Sit;htTho~]sar;d 8I1d <strong>No</strong>/IOO (;~(j,000.00) Dollars for the Oxford Separate SchoolDistrict for the p,-~r~yse of ~).~rc;:asin2 the Llndle~;cribed as follov.]s:A fraction of City Lots <strong>No</strong>. 6c and 94 in the <strong>No</strong>rthlTest·:~>2rter of .c;cction 21, Tm-mship t3 South, :tan;.:;e 3 '.lest,~ty of Oxford, Lafayette Cocmty, 1''IississipJi, as sClidlots a:-e shc"m ,md designated on the Official Hap andplat of the Cit, of Oxford, Ylississbpi, in use sinceJune b, 1939, copies of vnich l;ap are on file in theOffice of the j:.ra~ror of said City and in the Office oft~"'? Ch8ncery Clerk of said County, beinG particu12rlydescribed as foll01-l's, to-1Jit: startinc:: at the South'Vcestcorner of the <strong>No</strong>rthucst Quarter of said Section 21;r'J11 thence ;';;ast 4(,2.9 feet to a point; run then oe due11 orth 68.8 feet to a point, \Jhich point is the pointof beginning of th~ property herein described and isalso the point of intersection of the <strong>No</strong>rth rif,ht-of-wayline of· ashi.ngton Aven;;:e and the ~~ast right-of-wayline of the Illinois Central 1ailroad; run thence withs2id 11:0 ~'th rit~ht-of-w2Y line of ":oshington Avenue to apoint in said rizht-of-Hay line vhich lies South 76degress and 18 minutes E2.st a distance of 234.9 feetfrom the point of beg.Lnning; run thGnce <strong>No</strong>rth 7 degrees,34 minutes Sast a distance of 357.4 feet along a fenceto D fe co corner; run thence <strong>No</strong>rth 78 de:.rees c:nd 35min'.ltes I .•. ie~-;t a dist,mce of 167.2 feet along a fence toa [Joint in the ;~ast ri::;ht-of-v.ray line of the Illinois~entral l.ailroad; run thence in a southernly directionId th the said ~ast right-of-vray line to the point ofbe,Iinning (said point in the ~c:st ri;~ht-of-,:ay lyingITorth 19 de;):rees 34 mri.nutes East a distance of 349.7feet from the point of beginning); containing 1.6acres, more or le~s.That said indebtedness mature as follo"i5:T1JO Thclls

•<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>" ,ot:,cr tdXCS aut. 3~3Se2'et l~~'t,e.i' rn::;:.'! on~:,rfL;ld "'."8;:"e; i-)id" -'IN.l received from the follcwin~ firms:l~ft·-:lr --:or~s:Ljcr5 .. r:~ t:-~:J ["c. :\;~·~oi:--),:., bj_..:.~, :'"ction \",;'"CiS ;,'lcdc: hJ' .l .. 1dOl'1I1an HickII:Dn ;;nd .secc!1de,.j ';)yj,ldc;rtt:c.[) "81'( i.lrd :)dssed ti:l~'t ",11 oi::1s)':: rc,~ccScd.At"! 39·)11 c::t. i n l\~T J."'02rJ ~ 2rd rrr:tioY' ;.Ti.lSthat s~i~2~~]~c~ticni1,"Cf\ !,r) i::,::" '\"8 ~ -::,:. x:i, i,-, th,o ~'it~T of Clxford T'C::: (lI'csented to the!r,de ALle::':";2n :~,])ert[) 2nd scc..;,;ded ::-:l ';.J'Jerrr:e:n Lovc;l:~~l::r .:::r,J ~,),::,sSE:dhe 2:) ;rcvGd :m:j i~ 5.s so ord'.::'reci.A:-ci'1 cc::~ on for consLloi'.'tic Yl th", bids on one l.ltib,t,y bod,~.' i.'or trc ck roceived at 8 r) 'C'6c;\;s:)eet,:L~:6 0; the 13ccrd ['nd ::::Lv::n to l":r. Johnson LOr t[J1y~12tiGn, 2:1d on reco:c.endati:-n cf .r.LTOhr:~;cy:, ~:'ctj_(.n !:\~·C.t~ r:'~d'2 '~:r /1-']er:r;on Lcv~.·;12,j. or,] fJeconded by .;~ldGr:nl,'JP l"iic~c(.c·~l c:r:,j ,)()ssedth2t all biJs be rej3c~Gd.~oti:;n T-;':-: :'.:.;de bf AJ rlnrrr:c:n I,ovelc.dy cowl seconded by AlderJrJun __ J,C,[n~Tl : nd :J(lsseJ that C.TIa1vertis~r~n~ he ~12ced in the Oxfor~ ~al~ for bids on one :erviLe body.

-! --. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~iI<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1II'II4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZi'lotion 1t:ClS made by Alderman ;1.oberts and seconded by Alderman Clelk and passed that all Cityvehicles be nwnbered.l':oticn "Be: made by Alderman ,10b rts and seconded by ",lderm&n ?elk ar'c1 passed that in the future&11 City Vehicles')e \;ad:ed by City employees.The matter of advertising for gasoline and motor oil for the "ext six months came before the"?oard and motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman l1.oberts and passedthat an advertisement be placed in the Oxford ;:;agle for same.('-On motion fuly made, seconded and passed unanimously that this Board do now recess untilSeotember 5, 1957 at 7:00 P. M ••

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>7:00' h. S2PT2T1B.sR. S, 1957'Jursuant to a recess orjer entered on Septemb2r 3,<strong>17</strong>57, the iVlayor and Soard of Aldermen meton beotember 5,1957 at '(:00 p. h. in the l'L-:yor and Soard of Aldermens' Chan:ber in the CityHall dlen and "Ihere the follow:ins .. iere pre5ent:Pete 1';cElreath, .',ayor, 'residing',il.li&m ~J.Lcvelady. Llderman at Lanzeli'rank ":'elk,Jr •. Alderman liard OneJ ames~T.iloberts, AIde 'man liard 1'1-10Earry S. Sisk, Aldernanard ThreeI:ill 1. HLck:i;an, .f:ldern12.n 'ard Fourc. '") Fulffler, Clerk'~ramlet3.oberts, At ~orneyUlnar Tl. Crai', At;:,orneyAftec the meetiq:r dEt:cDlled to order the follOlving husiness was transacted:A ~200LUrIl\N lJ'::;CL-" .. U; }l'H"" I!'J'r ,;N'1'I N O'f' THEiv:AYUa. M1D-:JO,c .. m O~,' ALJSil'!.:l 0'7 rld <strong>CITY</strong> uFOXFUt1.iJ, Iv;I~.h)I0SI?J:.c, TO .")lJ:l;~,-Ii\0~ U3,U i l:AP' :UCHJu.'.£LY '!'Elt::

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>L-. ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~SHS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ\.A lESOLUTIUN DECLAUHG Tm~ nIT~NTICJN O? THEHAY03. AND BOAW <strong>OF</strong> ALDE i.HZN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong>O;O'O:ID, t'lISSISSIP2I, 'ro PURCHASg AN AUTOMOBILEFOR 'l'HJ POLIC:2: DEPARTi'L.;NT AND ro TRADE IN ANAUTOMOBILE "til!,] USED BY SAID DEPARTHENT"~E IT it ~00LVED by the Mayor and Boad of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Ihssissippi, that it is the intention of said Hayor and "3oard to purchase a neuautomobile for the nolice Department of said Ci~y,and to trade in an autoraobileused by said Department.Unless objection to or protest against this Resolution is made by 7:30olclock, P.M., on the 1st day of October, 1957, then said Hayor and ~oardi,ill tal

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>(:OU ':). ~2;?'L~i'i.BE1. 12, 1957Jursuant to a recess order entered on :::Jep".jer·jber 5, 1957 the l!;ayor and Jcard of Ald'JrYlJen meton Se.)te~r.ber 12, 19')7 at 7:00 :'•.":. in the Ho.yor and 1:loard of j,.ltiermens' Chaljf)er in the City:·1811 "hem c:m] v-rhere the follolNin;:; 'd'er(j present:"ete l\jc.::lreath -llccyor, ?residingilliam H. Lovelady -Aldc;>tr'.c:n at LargeJames l'J. C?oberts -A1d'.::;rman : ,ard T't'JOHarry .:i. 0isk - Alderman \arc.i. ThreeF. ' .. :3elk, tTr. - Alderr1anard Unei,;ill A. HickmDf1. -Alderman l!ard FourOmar D. Craig - AttorneyHe,vt [(ins: - 1i2.rshal'.:rill It!. Johnson -0uperintendent Lii:ht DeoartrnentI~.fter the meeting ,rc:.~; called to order the follo'Wing business was transacted:Applicaticn of e;arl Christman to drive a taxi b'o.S presented to the l:1oard and after consideration,motten HES made by Alierman Lovelady and seconded by Alder:n:::rlLoberts "mel passed that it beao::;rcV2.1.Alderman Lovelady brC1:.::nt to tne att :mticn of the Board the need of some arran::emen"ts being madeto spray the City for mosquito control since nothing nad been done since the City machine burnedaYtd havinE: t,ad a 9ropositicn to rent the Lniversity machine for :;,.·1.36 per hour for operator,Ci ty to furnish a driver, cmd City pey 6¢ per mile or ;O¢ jJor hour for machine and City furnishgasolil"e. After a discussic'n of the matter, motion Has: :ade by Alderman ~oberts and secondedby Aldecman ;:;isk and passed that the University machine be rented under those conditions..Jr"r. Joh'lson brought to the attenti(n of the Board the meetin[;: of the <strong>No</strong>rth j l 1ississipJiElectrical Ins;Jectors Associaticn at }r8enville, Ilississippi on i:.ieptember 16th and <strong>17</strong>th andr8cOInJrel"ded that Ira.~r01'JSOn 'oe sent to this meeting, Electrical Department to pay all expenses.1ioticn was 12de by J\ldnr!'l

ir-r-'1151'134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~255The above and foregoing 3.esolution having been first reduced to 1vriting, wasread and considered section by secticn, and then as a Hhole, and upon motion madeby Alderman 110berts cmd seconded by Alderman Belk, it l-las adopted section by section,and then as a whole, and l'Jhen submitted to a vote, the Aldermen voted as follol-ls:ALDiUrvIAN JANES ROBEli.TS - YEAALD':£flIVlANiiILLIMl LOV2;LADY - YEAALDEi~ :'JILL HICK}'f,A"l- Y~AALD.~R.NAN F. h. 8~LK, JR. - YEAALDEll11AN HARRY SISK - YEAProper i1.esolutions having been adopted by the Hayor and Board of Aldermen of theCity of Uxford, Mississippi, upon motion duly made and seconded, it is unanimously orderedthat the necessary legal notice be given that the ¥~yor and Board of Aldermen will receivesealed bids in the Office of the Mayor of said City up until 7:30 olclock, P.M., October 1,1957, from money lenders to purchase negotiable notes of Oxford Separate School Districtexecuted by said Hayor and Clerk of this Board, for the total sum of Eight Thous2nd and<strong>No</strong>/100 ($8,000.00) Dollars payable in principal installments of Two Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/100($2,000.00) Dollars each on January 1, 1958, January 1, 1959, January 1, 1960 and January 1,1961, together vnth interest payable annually, wfuich interest shall not exceed four percent~er annum on the diminishing principal.The matter of expense of the 0tudent Helcome Party came before the Bo"'~1by JUdermen Sisk and seconded by Aldermen Belk and passed that ItlfJ/:[ :~eElectric Department pay half of said amount.and moticn was madeauthorized and theAgain came up for ccnsideration the bids on one Centrifugal Pump that were opened onOctober 3, 1957 and action postponed until a later meeting of th~ 3~rd a~_~op~recommendationof the City Engineer, motion was made by Alderman Roberts and se-c~~~:a that thebid from Choctaw Inc. be accepted as the 10 Jest and best bid.On motion duly made, seconded and passed, it was ordered that the land roll and theassessments contained therein, being at the total assessment of $4,6)6,786, and thepersonal roll and the assessments contained therein, being of the total assessment of$1,721,1<strong>17</strong> both for the year 1957, and both havi~ been equalized, corrected and revisedaccording to law and being the personal and real property rolls for the City of Oxford,Lafayette County, Mississippi, be and the same hereby are approved with corrections,subject to the right of parties in interest·to be heard on all objections hereafter madeby them and subject to further changes and corrections by this board as authorized bylaw. It is further ordered that a notice be published in The Oxford Eagle. a newspaperpublished at Oxford, Lafayette County, MiSSissippi, notifying the public and taxpayersof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and of the Oxford Municipal Separate School Districtof Lafayette Cbunty, Mississippi:A. That said assessment rolls so equalized are re~ for inspection examination.B. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will be in session for the purpose of hearingobjections to said assessments ~ich ~ be filed at the City Hall in the City ofOxford, Mississippi on the 1st day of October, 1957, and continuously thereafter untilall of the taxpayers who have filed objections have been heard.C. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will remain in session from day to day until allobjections lawfully filed shall have been disposed of and all proper corrections madein the roll.(~Motion was made, seconded aM passed that th:1s Board do now recess until September <strong>17</strong>, 1957at 7:00 P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M~ SEPTEMBER <strong>17</strong>, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on September 12, 1957 the Mayor and Board of Aldermen meton September <strong>17</strong>, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeJames N. Roberts - Alderman ~ardTwoFrank W. Balk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneHarr.y S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward Four10( lUI 101 II II lUIOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyC, P. Fulmer - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted.:A bill from Volz Construction Company for Sewer line came on for consideration and after alengthy discussion of the matter, motion was made by Alderman Hickman, seconded by AldermanLovelady and passed that the City Attorney contact Irby Seay, Engineer, to obtain a letterof acceptance of the sewer line for contract price.Motion was made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until October 1, 1957 at7:00 P. M.j

~jlflrfaU~~----~--------------~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~)h)7Nt/(~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ ___ J BI'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZiRECESS, RECESS, RECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. OCTOBER 1, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on September <strong>17</strong>, 1957, the ~yor and Board of Aldermen meton October 1, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeFrank W. Be1k, Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts, Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk, Alderman Ward. ThreeWill" A. Hicman, Alderman Ward Four10HHOIItIIlIIHtC. B. Roberts, AttorneyOmar D. Craig, AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, ClerkE. P. Lowe, EngineerGill W. Johnson, Superintendent, Light Department.101 IOU IOIlUfArter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Roberts that the minutes otthe September meetings be adopted as read.\.. .._ On motion duly made, seconded. and passed. unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadj ourn sine-die:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>UNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICAS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P ICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>* * * * * *.;(- * * * ** * * ** * **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. OCTOBER 1, 1957Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, October 1, 1957, it beingthe time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where thefollowing were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward One.James N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman 'ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward Fourc. B. Roberts - AttorneyOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, - ClerkE. P. Lowe - EngineerGill W. Johnson - Superintendent Light DepartmentAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was duly made. seconded and passed unanimously and it was ordered that the followingaccounts be allowed for payment:CORPORATION FUNDCHECK NO.ACCOUNTNO.AMOUNT239824022409241024112412241324142bl5241624<strong>17</strong>241824192420242l24222423C. P. Fulmer - Payroll 9-15-57C. P. Fulmer - Petty CashPete McElreath - Salary for Sept. w/h $4.50William N. Lovelady - Salary for Sept. w/h $1.13Frank W. Belk, Jr. - Salary for Sept. w/h $10.13James N. Roberts - Salary for Sept. w/h $10.13Harry S. Sisk - Salary for Sept. w/h $1.13Will' A. Hickman - Salary tor Sept. w/h $10.13Roberts & Craig - Salary for SeptemberE. P. Lowe - Salary for Sept. wlh $19.20C. P. Fulmer - Salary for Sept. w/h $20.48Annie E. Lane - Salary for Sept. w/h #5.24Marie W. Gillis - Salary for Sept. w/h $41.06Newt King - Salary for Sept. w/h $48.75W. G. KilIInons - Salary for Sept. w/h $42.89R. H. Mills - Salary for Sept. w /h $34.90M. T. Styers - Salary for Sept. w/h $31.78Various 359.40Various 203.19110 195.50110 48.87110 39.87110 39.87110 48.87110 39.87115 100.001<strong>17</strong> 352.05111 329.52116 169.76114 143.94112 251.25113 232.11<strong>17</strong>4 205.10<strong>17</strong>5 198.22

w<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>h---------------------------------------------------~e'-IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co •• NATCHEZICHECK NO.2424242524262427242821B2243624392Jdi2244324482449245024512452245324542455245624572458245924602461246224622463246424642465246624662466246624$72468246924692518CORPORATION FUND CONTINUEDDonald Carwile - Salary for September, w/h '14.90Doyle Luther - Salar,y for September w/h $4.13Roland Leister - Salary for September w/h $10.28Mrs. Rose Rowland - Salar,y for September w/h $11.66Elwood Gay - Salary f or September w/h $20.75W. I. MUls - Salary f'or September w/h $<strong>17</strong>.15Tax Withheld FundC. P. Fulmer - Clerk - Payroll 9-30-57Laf~ette County Health Unit- Check for SeptemberLafayette County Library - Check for SeptemberOlapman Chemical Company - 55 Gal drum Roach & Pest KillerElliott Hardware Company - Repairs to rental propertyElliott Lumber Company - RiPairs to old fire houseGathright-Reed Drug Company - Janitor SuppliesM. R. Hall - Cemetery UpkeepNational Disinfectant Company - 10 gal drum Malacide3 gal Veg OutJ. H. Oliver & Company - Water heater for Apt. 5-DOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc., - Radiatory Cap for Fire Dept.Shaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Painting and Repairing rentalpropertyThe J. E. Neilson Q)mpany - Mary Buie'MuseumThe Oxford Eagle, Inc. - Advertisement for Delinquent TaxesDement Printing Company - Office SuppliesBagwell Service Station - Grease job on Fire truckShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Repairs to Water fountain inCity HallRebel Press & Office Supply Company - Office SuppliesRebel Press & Office Supply Company - Typewriter ribbonfor Engineer's officeDaley Lumber Company, Inc. - Supplies for Rental propertyJ. H. Mansel - Gas for Cemetery UpkeepJ. H. Mansel - Gas for Fogging cityUnited Gas Corporation - Gas for City HallSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Company - Fire Dept.Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Company - Bayor's OtficeSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Company - Clerk's OfficeSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Company - City Engineer~sTodd Shipyards Corporation - Spraying CityWestern Auto Assoc. Store - 2 Knobs tor fire truckOxford Light & Water Plant - The ArmoryOxford Light & Water Plant - City HallDement Printing Company - Columnar PadsOfficeAC(x)UNTNO.<strong>17</strong>61351351471351)5VariousVarious13614818014914912712018014913514914713~146135151146151149120180123135124124124180135153143146AMOUNT225.10<strong>17</strong>9.62<strong>17</strong>3.4793.34279.2539.10360.32350.65162.5032.5090.20<strong>17</strong>.753.921.503.5072.0057.90.3544.2973.53<strong>17</strong>2.8053.661.25.4522.541.5049.037.473.741.9424.40111.6;5.209.7526.72.878.9028.068.37STREET FUND23992403240724292430243124332437244024712472247224722473247424742475247521i7524762477247824792479248024442445C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 9-15-57c. P. Fulmer - Petty CashEle ctric Department - Street Lighting supplie s & fuelR. L. Tidwell - Salary for September w/h $15.89,>I. T. Chandler - Salary for September w/h $20.28S. E. Spears - Salary for September w/h $7.66W. I. Mills - Salary for SeptemberTax Withheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 9-30-57Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. - Ti~es for Dodge Dump truckBagwell Service Station - Wash & GreaseBagwell Service Station - Changing tires on Dump truckBagwell Service Station - Washing & GreaSing Dump truckDaley Lumber Company, Inc. - Brick & Cement for St. Dept.East Motor Parts CompanyEast Motor Parts Company - Battery CablesElliott Hardware Company - Mop Bucket for ShopElliott Hardware Company - Bolts for st. Dept.Elliott Hardware Company - Repairs to power mower and pointsand condencerElliott Lumber Company - Cement, concrete and other suppliesfor Street maintenanceM. R. Hall - Re}air to lawn mowerLantrip Sign Shop - Signs for Gas tank• • • nJ. H. Mansel - Gas for Sanitatiom Dept.J. H. Mansel - Gas for St. mept.Metts Brothers Hardware - Wheel for Power MowerMotor Vehicle Comptroller - License PlatesBoyce G. Bratton, Sheriff - License Plates226 & 236Various238 & 260225280236227 & 237VariousVarious240228237238239227243243239227239227229239228238227227 & 237223 & 2371,772.268.7870.82259.11163.47<strong>17</strong>7.3456.2543.831,896.1660.<strong>17</strong>10.503.002.8551.001.405.

~60<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>mECK NO.2481248224822482248324832484248524852485248524852li862487248724872488248824892490249024902491249224932494249424942494249524952496249724'9724982499249925002385238623872388239524002401240424062408243424352438244l25012501250125022503250425052506250725082509251025112512STREET FUND ro NTlNUEDMississippi Foundry & Machine Company, Inc. - Area GratesOxford Auto Parts Company - Gas tank cap for street TruckOxford Auto Parts Company - Shop EquipmentOxford Auto Parts Compaqy - Equipment repairs for Sanlt.Dept.Home Ice Company - Ice Book for Sanitation Dept.Home Ice Company - Ice Book for Street Dept.Bruce Recapping Company - 1 Tire purchased 1 tire recappedfor Street Dept.Oxford Light & Water Plant - City BarnOxford Light & Water Plant - Highway 7 South (Barn)Oxford Light & Water Plant - Street LightingOxford Light & Water Plant - Police StationOxford Light & Water Plant - City GarageMYers & Knight Buick & Equipment Company - Oil filter forInternational Garbage truckOle Miss Service Station - Tire Repair for FlusherOle Miss Service Station - Tire for Dodge Dump truckOle Miss Service Station - 2 lubricationsOxford Motor Company - Oil filter for Ford Garbage truckOxford Motor Company - Police car RepairsOxford Wholesale Grocery, Inc. - 1 doz black diamond filesOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Equipment RepairsOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Sweeping Compound & 1 galbrake fluidOzburn-Abston & Company - Equipment repairs for St~et Dept.Sargent-Sowell, Inc. - <strong>No</strong> par~ signs and iron postsSouthern Uniform Company - Police CapSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Company - Police StationShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Police Supplies (Rope)Shaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Fork handle for Sanit. Dept.Shaw & Sneed Hardwane Company - Sharel handle for Street Dept.Shaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Supplies for Colored Rest Roo.Standard Oil Company - Gas and Oil for Street Dept.Standard Oil Company - Oil for ShopStandard Welders Supply Company - Demurrage on Oxygen OylinderTri-State Equipment Company, Inc. - Rental of Centrifigal pumpTri-State Equipment Company, Inc. - Gasket Kit, GasketWhitworth Gas & OU Company - Tire for Dodge Dump truckOle Miss Service Station - Gas and OU for Police carOle Miss Service Station - Police Car RepairsBoyce G. Bratton - Care of PrisonersWATER AND SEWBR FUNDUnion Planters National Bank - for depoait in Water andSewer Bond & Interest Fund for InterestUnion Planters National Bank - for deposit in Waber andSewer Bond & Interest Fund for Cushion FundWater and Sewer Depreciation Fund - TransferWater and Sewer Contingent Fund - TransferGeneral Fund - Transfer to correct error Check <strong>No</strong>. 2206ACCOUNTNO.239239243227229239240259.2592592182432272272402382272232292272432372392102162212272372292382432432392.37240224223211532535533534C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 9-15-57 514 & 521Union Planters National Bank - Collection Charge for Warrant 528<strong>No</strong>s. 2385 & 2386AMOUNT90.001.387.2511.0310.0010.0079.071.741.00441.5412.304.081.392.0060.<strong>17</strong>3.151.2241.205.801.627.353.7599.856.87<strong>17</strong>.454.731.851.007.2023.4033.661.2458.0012.4560.<strong>17</strong>101.5512.7519.001,677 .08600.00150.00100.00126.18211.282.28C. P. Fulmer - Petty Cash 510 6.95Electric Department - Salaries and LaborVarious 11,699.68Street Fund - Budget Transfer531 20,000.00w. 1. Mills - Salary for September514 56.25Elton Addington - Salary for September w/h $31.65508 196.35Tax Withheld Fund508 31.65C. p. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 9-30-57514 & 521 100.00Oxford Light & Water Plant - Booster Pump Station537 23.46Oxford Light & Water Plant - Factory well537 15.30Oxford Light & Water Plant - Pump537 306.80Bagwell Service Station - Grease job525 1.00Bruce Recapping Company - Water Supplies510 6.54Elliott Hardware Company - Water Supplies510 .60Elliott Lumber Company - Material. for Work Bench at Sewer 518 5.55Disposal PlantIdeal Chemical & Supply Company - Chlorine 518 102.00J. H. Mansel - Gas for Water Department 525Metts Brothers Hardware - Packing for Sewer Plant 518Ozburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Grease guns for Sewer Disposal 518PlantShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Paint Brush & Hammer for Sewer 518Disposal PlantTri State Equipment Company - Water Supplies 510M. C. Holcomb - Repair to bank damaged by sewer line11.71.~56.842.6522.7845.00, 1

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>261ISI'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINCS co., NATCHEZ(]fECK NO.25132514239723962393239424052515521952205221-34525652575258525952605261526252635264526552f,6526752355275526'5270527152725255527352741957 SPECIAL STREET IMP OOVEMENT BOND FUNDWilliam. H. Ivy - Engineering Services for SeptemberVo1z Construction Comp~1955 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND & INTEREST FUND'\The First National Bank of MemphisInterestCollection ChargeBOND FUNDThe First National Bank od MemphisInterestCollection ChargeTAX WITHHELD FUNDFederral. Reserve Bank of St. LouisPublic Employees' Retirement SystemVETERANS HOUSING DEPOSITC. P. Fulmer - Petty Cash Refund of DepositSEWER CONSTRUGrIOH FUNDVo1z Construction Company - Certificate 10. 85,Estimate <strong>No</strong>. 11AELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTc. P. Fulmer (Rent September 1, 1956 to September 1, 1957)Petty Cash - W. E. WomackPayroll - September 30, 1957Bagwell Service StationHome Ice Comp8.D1'Elliott Hardware CODIPatlTOxford Auto PartsOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc.Tennessee Valley AuthorityF. C. Gable & CompanyGeneral Electric Supply CompanyStuart C. Irby CompanyTennessee Valley Electric SupplyWestinghouse Electric Supply CompanySouthern Bell Telephone CompanyState Motor Vehicle ComptrollerJ. H. ManselWestern Auto Associate StoreSafety-First Products CorporationRebel Olevrolet CompanyUnited Gas CorporationBoyce G. Bratton, Sheriff - Tags for Electric Dept. TrucksTax Withheld Fund - C. P. FulmerStandard Oil CompanyAMOUNT570.008,620.28606.55603.752.80682.30680.002 • .30596.92200.1416.0015,955.<strong>17</strong>1,260.00 .40.002,529.802.9510.007.357.611.626,4)4.81245.0043.00237.8049.78145.0034.552.0032.641.8769.508.612.3824.00396.671.85C. P. Fulmer, TaX Collector, reported to the Board that there had been a double collection oftaxes on ?art Lot 44, 28-6-3 owned by James H. Park. Mr. Park paid on receipt number 336 andReid-McGee and Company paid on the same property on receipt n~ber 786. Motion was made byAlderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Roberts and passed that Reid-McGee and Company berefunded $118.80, this being the amount paid on Receipt number 786.It came to the attention of the Board that J. R. Adams had purchased the <strong>No</strong>rth 232 feet of 320feet of the property having Special Improvement tax on Part Lots 105 and 106 21-8-3 on <strong>No</strong>rth 9thStreet formerly owned by and assessed to J. H. Morris, with a principal balance due of $1,026.70and by request from Mr. Adams, motion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by AldermanLovelady that said assessment be divided as follows:J. R. Adams - Part lot 105J. R. Adams - Part lot 105 & 106J. R. Adams - Part lot 106J. R. Admns - Part lot 10667.4 feet82.3 feet82.3 feet88 feet$216.25264.05264.05282.35

12"" ( i) {""2""I " ...I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A RESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, TO ISSUE PROMISSORYNOTES OR CERTIFICATES <strong>OF</strong> INDEBTEDNESS <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, IN FAVO~ <strong>OF</strong> T. E. AVENT IN THESUM <strong>OF</strong> TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST,IN PAYMENT FeR LOTS NUMBERS 81 TO 144, INCLUSIVE, <strong>OF</strong>AVENT ACRES SUBDIVISION IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI, PROVIDING FOR DATE <strong>OF</strong> PAYMENT <strong>OF</strong> SAIDNOTE AND INTEREST, AND PROVIDING FOR LEVYING <strong>OF</strong>ADDITIONAL TAXES, AND PROVIDING THE DATE WHEN SAIDNOTES OR CER'l'IFI CATES <strong>OF</strong> INDEBTEDNESS WILL BEDELIVERED*********At the regular September 1957 meeting of the Mayor and Board ofAldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, a Resolution was passed to theeffect that it is necessary for said Mayor and Board to issue promissory noteor notes, or certificates of indebtedness of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,in the principal sum of Ten Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/100 ($10,000.00) Dollars, whichrequires unusual outlay of money which said City does not have in its GeneralFund, and that it was the intention of said Mayor and Board to issue promissorynote or notes, or certificates of indebtedness of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,in said sum, payable to T. E. Avent, for the purchase price of Lots Numbers 81to 144, inclusive, of Avent Acres Subdivision in the City of Oxford, Mississippi,all of which, except Lots 81 to 92, inclusive, is to be used for cemeterypurposes.That said note, notes, or certificates of indebtedness should bearinterest at the rate of three percent per annum on the diminishing principal,and that said interest should be paid annually.That said indebtedness should be evidenced by promissory note, notes,or certificates of indebtedness, and that the principal sum of One Thousand and<strong>No</strong>/1oo ($1,000.00) Dollars, together with interest on the diminishing principal,be paid annually over a period of ten years, the first principal payment togetherwith interest to be paid on the first day of September, 1958, and a like principalpayment, together with interest, as aforesaid, be made on the same day of eachand every succeeding year thereafter until said principal and interest are paid;and that the Mayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and the Clerk of thisBoard be authorized to execute said note, notes, or certificates of indebtednessfor and on behalf of said City of Oxford, and deliver the same to the said T. E.Avent.That such additional taxes as may be needed to discharge said indebtednessbe levied on the taxable property of the City of Oxford, MiSSissippi, to pay saidindebtedness, together with interest.\

ir---y-,-ISHacK-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>\And, unless at least twenty percentum of the qualified electors of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, should file a written protest with the Clerk of the Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, against the issuance of such note, notes, or certificatesof indebtedness, on or before 7:30 o'clock, P. M., on October 1, 1957, then saidCity of Oxford, Mississippi, acting b.Y and through its Mayor and the Clerk of the Boardof Aldermen would issue said notes, or certificates of indebtedness, as aforesaid.Said Resolution adopted, as aforesaid, was published in The Oxford Eagle,a newspaper having general circulation in Lat~etteCounty, MiSSissippi, and havingbeen in circulation for more than one year next next preceding the first publicationof said ~solution,once each week for four consecutive weeks, the last publicationof which was less than seven days prior to October 1, 1957, and there has been nowritten protest filed by any qualified elector or electors of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, against the issuance of such note, notes, or certificates of indebtedness.BE IT, THEREFORE, FINALLY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>CITY</strong> or GIFORD, MISSISSIPPI, that said notes or certificates of indebtedness infavor of T. E. Avent issue as aforesaid; and that the ~or of the City of Oxford,MissiSSippi, ami the Clerk of this Board be authorized to execute said notes orcertificates of indebtedness for and on behalf of the said City of Oxford in favor ofT. E. AVent in the principal SUll of Ten Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/loo ($10,000.00) Dollars,together with interest on the diminishing principal. at the rate of three percent perannum from d ate thereof until paid; that the first principal payment in the SUll ofOne Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/loo ($1,000.00) Dollars, together with interest on the diminishingprincipal, be paid on the first day of September, 1958, and a like princi~ 1 payment,together with interest, as aforesaid, be made on the same day of each and every succeedingyear thereafter untU said principal and interest are paid.IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that said notes or certificates of indebtedness bedated October 1, 1957.The above and foregoing Resolution having been reduced to writing by theClerk of this Board, was read and considered section by section, and then as a whole,and, upon motion made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Hickllan, it wasadopted section by section, and then as a whole, and the vote on the final passage thereofwas as follows:ALDERMAN JAMES ROBERTS .. YEAALDERMAN WILLIAM LOVELADY ~ YEAALDERMAN WILL HICKMAN .. YEAALDERMAN F. W. BELK, JR. - YEA.ALDERMAN HARRY SISK .. YEA

06,1~I .-I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A RESOLUTION MAKING FINAL A PRIOR RESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THEINTENTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, TO PURCHASE NOT IN EXCESS<strong>OF</strong> SEVE.'N HUNDRED CUBIC YARDS <strong>OF</strong> GRAVEL, AT THE GRAVELPIT, FOR USE BY SAID <strong>CITY</strong> DURING A PERIOD <strong>OF</strong> SIXMONTHS BEGINNING OCTOBER 2, 1957*******At a prior recessed meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermenof the Ci~ of Oxford, Mississippi, said Mayor and Board declared its intentionI:to purchase a quantity of gravel not in excess of seven hundred (700) cubic~ards,at the gravel pit, for such use as said City may lawfully have.Said Resolution having remained on the Minutes of said Mayor andBoard for more than fifteen days prior to the instant meeting of said Mayorand Board of Aldermen, and no objection to or protest against the final passageof said Resolution having been made, BE IT, THEREFORE, FINALLY RESOLVED thatsaid Mayor and Board of Aldermen purchase, at the gravel pit, for the use ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, for a period of six months from and afteroctober 2, 1957, a quantity of gravel not in excess of seven hundred (700)cubic yards.The above and foregoing Resolution having been reduced to writing,was read and considered section b,y section, and then as a whole, and, uponmotion made by Aldermen Lovelady and second by Alderman Roberts , it wasadopted section b,y section, and then as a whole, and the vote on the finalpassage thereof was as follows:ALDERMAN JAMES ROBERTS - YEAALDERMAN WILLIAM LOVELADY - YEAALDERMAN WILL HI CKMAN - YEAALDERMAN F. W. BELK, JR. - YEAALDERMAN HARRY SISK - YEA

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4""aUK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co •• NATCHEZ1.-(Ii265\.1 RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVEMENTS ONVIVIAN STREET EXTENDED IN HD-KA HILLS SUBDIVISIONIN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONG ITS ENTIRELENGTH* * * * * *Be it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, as follows:Section 1That the cost of the special improvements along Vivian StreetExtended in Ho-Ka Hills Subdivision in the City of Oxford, Mississippi,along its entire length is the total sum of Twenty Thousand Nine HundredTwelve and 8.3/100 ($20,912.8.3) Dollars of which amount the City of Oxfordshall pay the sum of Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Three and 79/100($1.3,96.3.79) Dollars, and the property owners on said Street shall pay thesum of Six Thousand Nine Hundred Fon"ty Nine and 4/100 ($6,949.04) Dollarson the basis provided in Section .3664-06, Mississippi Code of 1942 as amended,and as shown by the assessments to be filed with the Clerk of the City ofOxford, Missis.sippi, for said improvements.Section 2That after the filing of said assessment the Clerk of the City ofOxford, MissiSsippi, is directed to notify the property owners that saidassessment is on file.i,ISection .3That this Resolution shall take effect and be enforced as providedby law.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing,was read and considered section by section, and then as a whole, and upon motionmade by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Roberts, for the adoption orsaid Resolution, it was adopted section by section and then as a whole.submitted to a vote, the Alderman voted as follows:WhenALDERMAN JAMES N. ROBERTS - YEAALDERMAN F. W. BELK, JR. - YEAALDERMAN WILL HICKMAN - YEAALD.ERM.AN WILLIAM LOVELADY - YEAALDERMAN HARRY SISK - YEA

(~26ti!<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-).--"FINAL RESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE INTENTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYORAND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI, TO PURCHASE AN AUTOMOBILE FOR THEPOLICE DEPARTMENT, AND TO TRADE IN AN AUTOMOBlIENOW USED BY SAID DE? ARTMENT* * * *At a prior meeting of the ~ayorand Board of Aldermen of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, said Mayor and Board declared its intentionto purchase a new automobile for the Police Department of said City, andto trade in an automobile used by said Department.Said prior Resolution having been on the Minutes of said Mayorand Board of Aldermen for more than two weeks prior to the instant meeting,for public inspection, and no objection to or protest against said priorResolution having been made according to law;BE IT, THEREFORE, FINALLY RESOLVED by said Mayor and Board thatthe intention of said Board to purchase said automobile, as aforesaid, be,and the same is hereby, made final.The above and foregoing Resolution having been introduced inwriting by the Clerk of said Board, was read and considered section bysection, and then as a whole, and on motion of Alderman Hickman and secondedby Alderman Belk, it was adopted section by section, and then as a whole,and the vote on the final passage thereof was as follows:ALDE~N JAMES ROBERI'S - YEAALDERMAN WILLIAM LOVELADY -YEAALDERMAN wILL HI CKMAN - YEAALDERMAN F. W. BELK, JR. - YEAALDERMAN HARRY SISK - YEA

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>267[~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~1I1'1S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co,. NATCHEZ~(\FINAL RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION <strong>OF</strong> THEMAYOa AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI, TO PUROiASE OR RENT APPROXIMATELYTHREE HUNDRED PARKING METERS, OR TO TRADE IN THEPARKING MEIERS NOvl OWNED BY SAID <strong>CITY</strong> ON NEW METERS,AND TO ENTER INTO sum CCNTRACl' WITH REFERENCETHERETO AS MAY BE FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST* * * * *At a prior meeting ot the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, said Mayor and Board declared its intent~onto purchase approximately three hundred (.300) new parking meters for usein said City, or to rent said parking meters, or to trade in the parkingmeters now owned by said City on the purchase or rental of new parkingmeters, and to enter into such contract with reference to the purchase,rental, or trade-in of said meters as may be for the public interest.Said prior Resolution having been on the Minutes of said Mayorand Board of Aldermen for more than two weeks prior to the instant meeting,(fillr public inspection, and no. objection to or protest against said priorResolution having been made according to law;BE IT, THEREFORE, FINALLY RESOLVED that the intention of saL dMayor and Board to purchase or rent said parking meters, or to trade in theparking meters now owned by said City on the purchase or rental of newparking meters, be, and the same is hereby, made final.The above and foregoing Resolut.ionhaving been introduced .. inwriting by the Clerk of said Board, was read and considered section bysection and then as a whole, and on motion of Alderman Roberts and secondedby Alderman Lovelady, it was adopted section by section, and then as a whole, andthe vote on the final passage thereof was as follows:ALDERMAN JAMES ROBERTS - YEAALDERMAN WILLIAM LOVELADY - YEAALDERMAN WILL HI CKMAN - YEAALDERMAN F. W. BELK, JR. - YEAALDERMAN HARRY SISK - YEA(~ .

(268II~-­r--I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on tax receipts to be opened atthe regular meeting October 1, 1951, bids were received from the following:IIIIHederman Brothers, Jackson, MississippiDement Printing Company, Meridian, MississippiTom L. Ketchings, Natchez, MississippiAfter the bids had been opened and considered, motion was made by Alderman Belk and secondedby Alderman Hickman and passed that the Dement Printing Company bid be accepted, it beingthe lowest and best bid.l( l( IUIIUUOU I(Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for Police Uniforms to be opened at theregular meeting October 1, 1951, bids were received from the following:The J. E. Neilson Company - Oxford, MississippiHume's - Oxford, MississippiAfter the bids had been opened and considered, motion was made by Alderman Lovel~ andseconded by Alderman Belk and passed that the bid from J. E. Neilson's be accepted, it beingthe lowest and best bid.An advertisement was placed in the Oxford Eagle for bids on gasoline. 'Bidsito:be openedon October 1, 1951. The following bids were receiVed:Arkansas Fuel Oil CompanyJ. H. ManselStandard Oil CompanyAfter the bids were opened and considered, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and secondedby Alderman Belk and passed that the bid from the Arkansas Fuel Oil Company be accepted,it being the lowest and best bid.An advertisement was placed in the Oxford Eagle for bids on street paint. The followingbids were received.Pittsburg Plate Glass Company - Memphis, TennesseeBurks-Hallman Company - Me.mphis, Tenp~sseeCity Paint Company - Memphis, TennesseeMississippi Paint & Varnish Company - Jackson, MississippiJ. H. Oliver - Grenada, MississippiAfter the bids were opened and considered, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and secondedby Alderman Belk that the bid from J. H. Oliver be accepted for $2.)0 per gallon in fivegallon cans. This was the lowest and best bid.Pursuant to an advertisement in the OXford Eagle for on gravel to be opened on October 1,1951, onlY one bid was received. Hotophia Creek Gravel Company, Incorporated from BatesvilleMississippi made the bid and it was accepted.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for a truck body for the Electric Department,bids were received from the following:Dealers Truckstell Sales, Inc. - Memphis, TennesseeHolan Corporation of Georgia - Griffin,GeorgiaAltec Incorporated - Birmingham, AlabamaAfter the bids had been opened and considered, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady secondedby Alderman Selk and passed that the bid from Dealers Truckstell Sales Company be acceptedit being the lowest and best bid.'", I

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I:~ (~ ______________ ~.=n=~~K~T~OM~L~.~KE~TC~H='N=GS~C=O.~.N=A~TC=HE~Z ______________________________________________________________________ ~269Dr. J. G. McMurry and a committee from the Park Commission appeared before the Board aDdrecommended a full time director for the program and an appropriation of $9,000.00 for thefiscal year October 1, 1957 to September 30, 1958. The Board had a lengt~ discussion ofthe matter and action was postponed until a later date.The following letter of acceptance of completion of construction of the sewer line by VolzConstruction Company, Ripley, Tennessee, was presented to the Board:IRBY SEAY OOMPANY514 GOODWYN INSTITUTE BLDG.MEMPHIS, TENNESSEESeptember 27, 1957Mayor and Board of AldermenCity of OxfordOxford, MiSSissippiGentlemen:_ This is to advise that Irby Seay Company has made the final inspectionof the sewer system improvements for the City of Oxford, Mississippi,said inspection having been completed August 8, 1957.The drawings, plans and specifications for said sewer system improvementswere prepared by Irby Seay Company and approved by the City ofOxford, Mississippi, and are identified as follows:sm CIFICATIONS FOR SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE <strong>CITY</strong><strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISS IPPI, DATEDAPRIL, 1956Volz Construction Company of Ripley, Tennessee, was awarded thecontract for the construction of the sewer system improvements in accordancewith the plans and specifications as above set forth, and we hereby certifYthat Volz Construction Company has completed the construction of.the sewersystem improvements, all in accordance with said plans and specifications,and we hereby certifY that we have accepted said sewer system improvementsas having been completed in accordance with said pl~s and speCifications,bearing date of April, 1956, and. the same having been constructed and completedunder our supervision.This is to further advise that the sewer system improvements for theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, have been constructed and completed in accordancewith said plans and speCifications as a.Jove set out and approved change ordersor addendas, if any (all of said change orders or addend as with the exceptionof Change Order <strong>No</strong>. 11 recommended by us extending the time for performancedue to delays in securing rights-of way and easements and inclement weatherhaving been the approval of your Board ~d the undersigned), and I herebycertifY that the sewer system for the City of Oxford, Mississippi, is finallyaccepted by us as having been constructed and completed in accordance withsaid plans and speCifications and all recommended change orders or addenda,if any.(/s/ Irby SeayIRBY SEAY roMP ANYAfter due consideration, motion was made, seconded and passed that final payment of $15,955.<strong>17</strong>be paid to Volz Construction Company and the Clerk is hereb,y authorized to issue check forthat amount.** IIUIU IIIEll

\~270<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>An advertisement having been published in the Oxford Eagle for bids on four 25 KVA usedtransformers and two 15 KVA used transformers and no bids being received and the matter beingconsidered an emergency, motion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Loveladyand passed that G.W. Johnson, Electric Superintendent,be authorized to negotiate for sameand it is so ordered.iEltlUIt It 100lUThe matter of selling four of the Electric generating engines again came on for considerationand Mr. Johnson stated to the Board that he had contacted Sebastian Diesel Engine Company,Joplin, Missouri, and they were interested in buying the engines but requested a 90 day optionon same. Motion was made by ~erman Lovelady, seconded by Alderman Hickman and passedunanimously that Mr. Johnson be authorized to give Sebastian Engine Company a 90 day optionon said engines and it is so ordered.G. W. Johnson, Electric Superintendent, brought to the attention of the Board a request fromthe negroes in Burney Branch area for electric service and after consideration of the matter,motion was made by Alderman Lovelady, seconded Qy Alderman Roberts and passed that servicebe extended to said area if and when easements were obtained from owner of property for thelines.Mr. King, City Marshal, made a request to the Board for special police at the University HighSchool during school hours, and recommended T. w. Nance for the place. After due considerationmotion was made by P~derman Sisk, seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that Mr. Nance beemployed at a salary of $45.00 per month.The following restgnation was presented to the Board:The Honorable Mayor and BoardCity of OxfordOxford, MississippiDear Sir:After much deliberation, I have accepted the invitation of theDistrict Manager of Sears Roebuch and Company, to become the Managerof the Oxford,store.For the past fifteen months I have been employed by the ElectricalDepartment of the City of Oxford. These months have been pleasant onesand I cannot forget how much the city has meant to me. You engaged meat the time I graduated from college. You gave me my first job--perhapsthe most difficult one to get. During the past fifteen months I havehad a very thorough training in Utility Accounting. For these reasons,I shall be grateful to you.Nevertheless, I feel that I would be doing an injustice to myfamily and myself were I to decline this position, therefore, I herebytender my resignation effective 13 October 1957 so that I may commencetraining 14 October 1957 for my new position.Sincerely yours,/s/ W. E. WomackW. E. WomackMotion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Sisk and passed that thisresignation be accepted.J1otion was made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until October 3, 1957 at7:00 P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>271I L1\!l1'1S4K-TOM L. KETCHIHGS co., NATCHEZI~--------~~~~~~~----------------------------------------------~RECF.SS REGULAR MEEl'ING 7:00 P. M: OCTOBER 3, 1951Pursuant to a re8ess order entered on October 1, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen meton October 3, 1951 at 7: 00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of .Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presiding:Frank W. Belk - .Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hiclanan - Alderman Ward Fouro. B. Roberts - AttorneyOmar D. Craig - AttorneyGill W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric DepartmentC. P. Fulmer - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:( ,The Mayor and Board of Aldermen. pursuant: to an. order- ma.ci& at a recess regular meeting ofsaid Mayor and Board of Aldermen held on September 12, 1951, at the City Hall in Oxford,Mississippi, and in accordance with a notice published in The Oxford Eagle, a weekly newspaperissued in Oxford, Mississippi, did .set on October 1, 1951, at the time and place sostipulated heard objections to real and personal rolls of said City of Oxford, Mississippiand the assessments therein contained, and, in all respects, conformed to the requirementsof law concerning such meetings.After no objections were had to the assessment rolls of the City of Oxford, and the assessmentstherein contained and the grand total of the personal roll showing #1,122,!l1 andthe grand total of the land roll $4,659,UB6 and the total number of exempt homes at 189with a total assessed value of $2,260,920 not exceeding for any one home the amount fixedby the Home Exemption Act of 1938 and the total assessed value of all other real property,it is hereby ordered and adjudged by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of the City otOxford, MiSSissippi that said rolls and the assessments therein contained, be and they arehereby approved as determined.The assessment rolls having been ~ proved and upon motion made by Alderman Lovelady,seconded by Alderman Hiclanan and passed unanimously, it was ordered by the Mayor andBoard of Aldermen that the follOwing tax rates be and the same are hereby imposed andlevied for the year 1951 on all taxable property within the municipality of Oxford,Lafayette:County, Mississippi, as of the first day of January, 1951. The one (1) millfor the Recreation Program is subject to an election to be called within the next 30days, and to be collected only if a majority of the qualified electors of the City ofOxford voting vote for said one mill, and if a majority of the qualified electorsvoting vote against sriq one mill, it will not be collected~ This being understoodby the Park Commission.rPURPOSE <strong>OF</strong> FUNDSRecreation Program - Park and Recreation (Subject to election)Corporation Fund:General Current expenses of the municipality of Oxford, LafayetteCounty, Mississippi, as a whole, this fund being known as theCorporation FundStreet Fund:Street Maintenance and SanitationRATE IN MILLS1 mill6 mills3 millsi~------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~--------------------

(~~2~=~'<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>IContinuedPURPOSE <strong>OF</strong> FUNDSRATE IN MILlSBond Fund:General Bond Fund2tSeparate School District Bond & Interest Fund ~Special stree£ Improvemt. Bond & Interest Fund 21953 Special Street Improvement Bond and Interest Fund i1954 Special Street Improvement Bond and Interest Fund1955 Special Street Improvement Bond and Interest Fund !1957 Special Street Improvement Bond and Interest Fund ~School Fund:Minimum School Program Fund (Sec.2, HB <strong>No</strong>.2, 5Laws of 1954)District School Maintenance Fund (Sec. 6, HB <strong>No</strong>. 46, 10Laws of 1954)10 mills15 millsGRAND TOTAL35 MillsOn motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that the budget ofReceipts and Disbursements for the fiscal year October 1, 1957 to September 30, 1958 befinally approved and adopted in detail as follows:RECEIPTSBUDGET<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPICORPORATION FUNDAdvalorem TaxesPrivilege LicenseTax PenaltiesSundry ReceiptsParking Meter CollectionsParking Meter FinesRents ReceivedInterest on Investment at Light PlantTax Equivalent at Light PlantTotal ReceiptsCash Balance 10-1-57Tctal#45,007.006,800.00<strong>17</strong>5.00200.007,500.001,150.0013,150.003,924.0016,000.0093,906.004,355.0098,261.00DISBURSEMENTSSalary Mayor and BoardSalary Clerk & Tax CollectorSalary l-larshalSalary Night Marshal.Salary City AttorneySalary Deputy ClerkSalary EngineerSalary Extra Day PoliceSalary Extra Night PoliceSalary Extra PoliceCemetery UpkeepLegal PrintingFuel for City HallTelephone City HallPostageJanitor City HallJanitor SuppliesLegal ExpenseInsuranceAuditBanquet for FiremenFire DepartmentLafayette County Health UnitAdvertiSing5,400.004,200.003,600.003,300.001,200.002,100.004,455.002,880.002,760.002,880.005,300.00800.00700.00400.00250.001,285.00400.001,000.006,230.00300.00150.0012,000.001,950.00300.00

L, 273<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>i __(~, ______________ ~.~=2U~K~TO~M~L.~K~ET~CH='N=GS~C=O.~.N=AT~C~HE~I.,----------------1z ____________________________________________________________________ ~l'Election ExpenseLights for City HallStationer,y and Office SuppliesBuie MuseumLibrarianRepairs to Renta;I. PropertyEngineers SuppliesSundr,ySpecial PoliceRepairs to City HallOfficers and Employees BondsParking Meter Office SuppliesParking Meter RepairsDonationsParking LotPark & Recreation (Subject to election)SprayingMunicipal Association DuesSocial Security and RetirementSalary Secretary150.00400.001,500.002,660.00390.002,600.00250.001,750.001,000.001,500.00250.00160.00250.00425.001,000.006,000.002,500.00140.002,250.002,220.00Total Disbursements 91,235.00Estimated Cash Balance 10-1-$8 7,026.00Total 98,261.00{ \STREEl' FUNDRECEIPl'SAdvaIorem TaxesFinesAdv. Maint. Tax From OountySundr,yMunicipal Aid from StateTransfer from Water & Sewer FundTotal ReceiptsCash Balance 10-1-57Total19,288.006,000.006,000.00250.0010,824.0035,000.0077,)62.0027,670.58105,032.58DISBURSEMENTSPolice Officer SuppliesCare of PrisonersCost in Appeal CasesTelephoneSundryPolice Station ExpensesPolice Car RepairPolice Car Gas and OilPolice CarSanitation Dept.Salary ForemanLaborEquipment RepairsGas and OilMiscellaneous SuppliesTiresNew EquipmentMaintenance DepartmentSalary ForemanLaborEquipment and RepairGas and OilMaterial and SuppliesTiresNew Equipment400.00600.00100.00200.00100~00325~00950.001,250.001,500.003,300.0027,500.003,200.002.1300.001,700.00. 400.002,000.002,220.009,000.001,750.00800.0012,000.00400.002,000.00

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.."OtherSundryS)"op EquipmentIncidental ConstructionSurveyingCurrent for Street LightingStreet Lighting SuppliesSocial Security TaxSalar,y Purchasing AgentTotal DisbursementsEstimated Cash Balance 10-1-58TotalIoJATER AND SEWER FUNDWater and Sewer CollectionsWater TapsSewer TapsSundryGas InspectionsDISBURSEMENTSTotal ReceiptsCash Balance 10-1-57Total200.00650.003,000.00500.003,900.00500.002,200.002,205.0087,150.00<strong>17</strong>,882.58105,032.58118,000.001,100.00800.00o200.00120,100.0010,871.81130,971.81Line Maintenance DepartmentSalary for Supt. Pro RataSalaries CrewSuppliesMeter and SuppliesMiscellaneous Supplies\.>Jages and LaborOffice SuppliesPumping Maintenance and Repair720.009,737.0010,000.003,000.00500.006,787.00125.001,300.00Sewer DepartmentSewer Supplies1,QOO.00Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00lvages and Labor 2,500.00Gas-Oil end Repair Service Truck 200.00Wages and Labor Sew'~r Disposal Plant 5,472.00Supplies for Sewer Disposal Plant 1,400.00Power for Sewer Disposal Plant 1,500.00Sundr,y 275.00Power for Pumping Water 3,700.00Billing Expense 1,400.00Truck Rental 100.00Amortization 120.00Social Security Tax 875.00Transfer to Street Fund 35,000.00Transfer to Water Revenue Bond & Interest Fund27,325.OOTransfer to Water System Depreciation Fund 1,800.00Transfer to Water System Contingent Fund 1,200.00To pay balance on Sewer Disposal Plant 4,006.00Total Disbursements 120,542.00. Estimated Cash Balance 10-1-58 10,429.81Total130,971.81\.,...;BOND FUNDReceiptsAd. Valorem Tax 2~ millsSpecial Improvement CollectionsDisbursementsPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargeEstimated Balance 10-1-57Estimated Balance 10-1-5816,074.003,449.0019,523.004,283.<strong>17</strong>23,806.<strong>17</strong>13,100.003,696.7525.0016,821. 756,984.4223,806.<strong>17</strong>

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>8:t2a4K-TOM 1.. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZSEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDRECEIPTSAd valorem TaxDISt3URSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection Charges3! millsEstimated Balance 10-1-57Estimated 'Balance 10-1-5822,503.0022,503.003,745.6626,248.6614,000.008,2<strong>17</strong>.5035.0022,252.503,996.1626,248.66SPECIAL 'STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTER~T FUNDRECEIPTSAd valorem Tax 2 millsSpecial Improvement CollectionsDISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesEstimated Balance 10-1-57Estimated Balance 10-1-5812,859.009,840.0022,699.008,928.3531,627.3521,000.002,887.5040.0023,927.507,699.6531,627.351953 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUND(RECEIPTSAd valorem Tax i millSpecial Improvement ColledtionsDISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesEstimated Balance 10-1~57Estim~tedBalance 10-1-573,214.00 •2,198.005,412.003,879.309,291.301954 SPlDIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDRECEIPTSAd valorem Tax ! millSpecial Improvement CollectionsDISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInter&stCollection ChargesEstimated Balance 10-1-57Estimated Balance 10-1-58RECEIPTSAd valorem Tax1,607.002,597.004,204.009,304.0513,508.051955 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDt millS~ecial Imp~ovement CollectionsDISBURSEMENTSPrinc1p;! MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesEstimated Balance 10-1-57II ~ ''''''J~ i'1,607.002,896.004,503.009,809.855,000.001,050.0020.006,070.003,221.309,291.305,500.00701.2530.006,231.257,276.$013,508.057,000.001,128.7530.008,158.75t,154.1014,312.85IIiI

((<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1957 SPECIAL STREEl' IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDRECEIPTSAd valorem Taxes 1 millBalance Transfer from 1957 Special StreetImprovement FundDISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargeCash Balance 10-1-57Estimated Cash Balance 10-1-586,429.0013,000.0019,429.00501.0119,930.0114,000.004,165.0030.0018,195.001,735.0119,930.01OPE RAT I N G BUD GETCity of Oxford, Electric DepartmentOctober 1, 1957 to September 30, 1958OPERATING REVENUERes. SalesS.L. & P. SalesL.S. & P. Sales RevenueStreet Lighting Sales RevenueOther RevenueTOTAL OPERATING REVENUEREVENUE DEDUCTIONSPurchases Power (TVA)Districution Rxpense - OperationDistribution Expense - MaintenanceDistribution Expense - MiscellaneousCustomer's Accounting and CollectingElectrical DevelopmentAdministrative and General ExpenseTOTALJepreciationTaxes and EquivalentsTOTAL REVENUE DEDUCTIONSOPERATING INCOMEGrWSS INCOMEINCOME DEDUcrIONS:InterestMiscellaneous Income DeductionsTOTAL INCOME DEDUCTIONSNEI' EARNINGS FOR YEAR95,823.0058,404.0021,930.004,500.004,200.0068,855.0012,500.002,500.00350.008,500.003,000.0013,000.00108,705.00<strong>17</strong>,500.0018,000.004,600.00450.00184,857.00144,205.0040,652.0040,652.005,050.0035,602.00Anticipated bond issue to up rate systemfrom 2300 volts to 4160 voltsAdd to plant force account - ConstructionAccess cash100,000.0030,000.005,602.00

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>277. (I"I'Z84K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZ~.SCfDOL FUNDBUD GET 1957 - 1958Local Administration"Other Costs"Chickasaw FundAd valoremCritic TeachingTeachers SalariesVocational ReimbursementCounty TuitionSocial Security and RetirementDISBURSEMENTSAdministrationUniversity High School TuitionElementary School TeachersOxford Training School TeachersInstructional SuppliesElementary SchoolTraining SchoolInsurance (Both Plants)LibrariesElementary SchoolTraining SchoolOperation of PlantsJanitorial Supplies (Both Plants)Haintenance (Both Plants)Sick LeaveRentSocial Security and Retirement7,350.0013,230.00750.0052,000.006,000.00·118,960.002,500.004,500.006,000.0011;,400.0050,000.0070,000.0055,200.001,400.001,400.003,100.00600.00600.007,900.002,000.001,000.00800.00696.005,194.00211,290.00211,290.00(Motion was made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until October 7, 1957 at 7:00 P.M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS RIDULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. OCTOBER 7, 1957Pursuant to a recess or.der entered on October 3, 1957, the M~or and Board of Aldermen meton October 7, 1957 at 7;00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the following were presented:Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresidingWilliam N •.Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman liard FourC. B. Roberts - AttorneyGill W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric Departmentc. P. Fulmer - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Upon motion duly made, seconded and passed, IT IS ORDERED that the Mayor and Clerk of thisBoard advertise for sealed bids in connection ~th the electric distribution system of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, from competent electrical engineers, according to law, for thefollowing:(1) Investigation and study of the electric distribution system in the City of Oxford,Mississippi, and its immediate enviors; field surveys of the entire electric distributionsystem of said City; revision of system maps to reflect actual conditions of said system asthey now exist; make load studies of the primary, secondary, and street lighting systems;furnish estimates of the cost of work recommended to be performed; supply accurate informationas to the life of such system when installed.(2) Prepare and complete detailed drawings, specifications, and contract documents forthe purpose of awarding a contract for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipmentnecessary, and assist in opening and evaluating contract bids; collect necessary data inconnection with the financing of the proposed work; obtain approval of all agencies and legallyconstituted authorities as may have jurisdiction over the drawings and specifications for theproposed improvements.(3) Furnish supervision of the construction and improvements of said system; make finalinspection of construction work to be performed, and render final plans of system as finallyconstructed, as above provided.The matter came before the Board that 11rs. Doris Raymond had requested repairs be made tothe ditch back of her home in Woodland Hills Subdivision to stop the b~nks from caving.After a discussion of the matter, AldeTIl1an Hickman made a motion that repair be made tosaid ditch. '£he motion died for want of a second.Motion was made, seconded and passed that the Board negotiate with A. B. Cullen to purchaselot at \\'est end of ?rice Street..~,~Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until <strong>No</strong>vember 5, 1957at 7:00 P. M.

!II (r--­IiiI \S"IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS, RECESS REGULAR HEETING 7:00 P. M. NOVEMBER 5, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on October 7, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen meton <strong>No</strong>vember 5, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Pldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the follOwing were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LargeJames N. Roberts, Alderman Ward TwoFrank W. Belk, Jr.,Alderman Ward OneHarry S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman Ward FourGill W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric DepartmentC. P. Fulmer - ClerkE. P. Lowe - EngineerNewt King - MarshalAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made, seconded and passed that the minutes of the October meetings be adopted as read.(On Motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do newadjourn sine-die:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>') ....UNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICAS TAT E <strong>OF</strong> MIS SIS SIP P ICOUNTY o F L A FAY E T T ECIT Y o F <strong>OXFORD</strong>~r*~~ -l'r~~* * *~*' *-;~*~~* ** ** **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. NOVEI-IDER 5, 1957Be it remembered that the ~~yor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippimet in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, <strong>No</strong>vember 5, 1957, it beingthe time and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where th~ folloWingwere present:Pete McElreath, Mayor - PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank I-J. Belk, Jr. - Alderman hard OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman I,vard TwoHarry s. ~isk- Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Ald:"rman Ward FourGill W. Johycson - Superintendent Electric DepartmentC. P. Fulmer - ClerkE. P. Lowe - EngineerNe,-rt, King - MarshalAfter the meeting was called to order motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimouslythat the following accounts be allowed for payment:CHECK NO.CORPORATION FUNDACCOUNT NO.AMOUNT25242530253325372540254125422543254425452546254725482549255025512552255325542555Tax Withheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 10-15-57Tax ift!ithheld FundC~ P ~ Fulmer, Clerk - Petty CashPete McElreath - Salar,y for October w/h $4.40\,villiam N. Lovelady - Salar,y f or October w/h $1.13Frank W. Belk, Jr. - Salar,y for October w/h $10.13James N. Roberts - Salar,y for October w/h $10.13Harr,y S. Sisk - Salar,y for October w/h $1.131

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,·281'e---!I82'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZI2556 Doyle Luther - Salary for October w/h $4 •.13 135 <strong>17</strong>9.62!~ 2557 Roland Leister - Salary for October wlh $10.28 135 <strong>17</strong>3.47255tl Mrs. Rose Rowland - Salary for October wlh $11.66 147 93.342559 Elwood Gay - Salary for October wlh $20.75 135 279.252563 ~. I. Mills - Salary for October wlh $<strong>17</strong>.15 135 39.102567 ~,Ij. T. Nance - Salary for October wlh $1.01 154 4.3.992568 Lafayette County Health Unit 136 162.502569 Lafayette County Library 148 32.502570 C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 10-31-57 Various 473.582573 Tax JJi thheld Fund Various 361.33Fire at 3:30 P. M. on Rivers Hill October 10, 195725tlO E. B. Addington 135 1.502581 Scott Black 135 1.502582 Howard Davis 135 1.502583 E. T. Haney 135 1.502584 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135 1.502585 Doyle Luther 135 1.502586 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135 1.502587 W •. O. Smith 135 1.502588 Donald Carwile 135 1.50Fire at Bus Station October 24, 1957 at 7:15 P. M.2581 Scott Black 135 1.502589 Vernon Chambers 135 1.502590 Ira L. Crowson 135 1.502591 Homer Duke 135 1.502592 Elwood Gay 135 1.502593 Max Hipp 135 1.502584 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135 1.502494 Bill Johnson 135 1.502586 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135 1.502595 R. F. Shellabarger 135 1.502596 Roy Thomas 135 1.502597 Roland Tidwell 135 1.502598 R. L. Tidwell 135 1.502599 C. S. Wilson 135 1.502600 R. H. Winter 135 1.502601 Bill Womack 135 1.502602 d. G. Kinunona 135 1.50Fire on Highway 7 <strong>No</strong>rth October 25, 1957 at 9:20 A. M.2597 Roland Tidwell 135 1.502603 W. J. Austin 135 1.502582 Howard Davis 135 1.502591 Homer Duke 135 1.502604 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135 1.502605 M. C. Falkner 135 1.502583 E. T. Haney 135 1.502584 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135 1.502594 Bill Johnson 135 1.502585 Doyle Luther 135 1.502586 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135 1.502606 David Ross 135 1.502596 Roy Thomas 135 1.502599 C. S. Wilson 135 1.502607 R. A. Leister 135 1.502593 Max Hipp 135 1.50Fire at Mitchell house at 7:45 A. M. on October 28, 19572582 Howard Davia 135 1.502591 Homer Duke 135 1.502604 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135 1.502605 M. C. Falkner 135 1.502608 A. B. Gardner 135 1.502583 E. T. Haney 135 1.502584 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135 1.502585 Doyle Luther 135 1.502596 Roy Thomas 135 1.502599 C. S. Wilson 136 1.502601 W. E. Womack 135 1.502607 R. A. Leister 135 1.502609 Oxford Light and Water Plant - The Armory 153 ~.102609 Oxford Light and Water ?lant - City Hall 143 22.862610 Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Mayorls Phone 124 12.702610. Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City Engineer 124 10.852610 Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Compa~ - Clerkla Office 124 4.502610 Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Fire Dept. 135 24.40I 2611 United Gas Corporation - City Hall 123 <strong>17</strong>.57I2612 Central Chemical Company - Janitor Supplies 127 26.702613. Dietzgen - Engineer Supplies 151 6.60\

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>26142615261626<strong>17</strong>2618261926202621262226232624262426252625262526262627262826292630263126322633Elliott Hardware Company - Repairs to Rental Property 149J. B. Howell, Chancery Clerk - Recording Deeds 153Tom L. Ketchings Comparw - Office Supplies 146J. H. Mansel - Gas and Oil for:;emetary upkeep 120Memphis Blue Print & Supply Company - Blue Prints 151National Disinfectant Company - Spraying City 180The J. ~. Neilson Company - Mary Buie Museum 147J. H. Oliver t· Company - lrlater Heater for rental property 149The Oxford Eagle, Inc. - Advertising Budget 122Ozburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Anti-freeze for fire truck 135Rebel Press & Office Supply Gompany - Election Expense 141Rebel Press & Office Supply Company - Office supplies 146Shaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Repairs to rental property 149Shaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Janitor supplies 127Shaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Engineer Supplies 151Standard 1'ie1ders Supply Company - Fire Dept. Oxygen demurrage 135M. M. l>Jinkler & Associates - Audit for fiscal year ended 131Sept. 30, 1957Election holders:Mrs. Mary Moore, ClerkMrs. Quay Elliott, ClerkMrs. Richard Davis, BailiffMrs. R. L. Holley, Jr., Election Commissioner<strong>No</strong>el M. Hodge, Election Commissioner~J. 'j. J oor, Election CommissionerSTREET FUND141141141141141141.903.0055.742.406.7<strong>17</strong>2.0043.6457.90103.682.<strong>17</strong>16.507.5019.22.691.802.44150. "(,-]i thhe1d FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 10-15-57Tax Withheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty CashR. L. Tidwell - Salary for October w/h $15.89\'J. T. Chandler - Salary for October w/h $20.28S. E. Spears - Salary for October wjh $7.66'i. 1. Mills - Salary for October,C. P. Fulmer - Payroll 10-31-57Tax Withheld FundOxford Light & water Plant - City GarageOxford Light & \"iater Plant - Police StationOxford Light & Iater Plant - Street LightingOxford Light & Water Plant - City BarnOxford Light & vvater Plant - Sale BarnSouthern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - "l:)oliceUnited Gas Corporation - Police OfficeUnited Gas Corporation - City GarageArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Gas for Sanitation Dept.Arkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Gas for Street Maint.Arkans

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>283iII"IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ265926592660266026602661266226632664266426642665266526652666266726682520252125222523252625322535253925652566257225752669266926b926702671267226732674267526762676267626772678267926802681268226832527252825362529Oxford Motor Company - ?olice Car RepairsOxford Motor Company - Sanitation Dept. Equipment RepairsOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - anti-freeze for Sanitation D.Ozburn-Abston & Company, Die.y Material & suppliesOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Shop SuppliesErnest E. Presley - Sharpening Tools for Street.Maint. Dept.aoad Builders Equipment Company - Hose for Sanitation Dept.W. H. Scott - Repairs to Police Car radioShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Police Office suppliesShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Equipment RepairsShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - !-1aterial for Street Maint.Standard Oil Company - Gas & Oil for Sanitation Dept.Standard Oil Company - Kerosene for Street,Dept.Standard Oil Company - Oil for ShopStandard Welders Supply - Oxygen, Acetylene & demurrage-ShopSouthern Supply Company - Water Hose for flusherOxford Asphalt Company - Asphalt MixWATER AND SEl-JER FUND223227229239243237227223221237239228239243243227239Union ?lanters National Bank - for deposit in Bond & Interest 532Fund for InterestUnion ~lanters National Bank - For deposit in Bond & Interest 535Fund - Cushion Fund't-Iater & Sewer Depreciation Fund - Transferv:ater and Sewer Contingent Fund - TransferTax vii thheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 10-15-57Tax Hithheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty CashH. r. Mills - Salary for OctoberElton Addington - Salary for October w/h $31.65c. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 10-31-57Tax Withheld FundOxford Light & Water .r'lant - Factory ~1ellOxford Light & Water ?lant - PumpOxford Light & Water Plant - Booster Pump Station<strong>No</strong>rtheast Mississippi Electric Power Association - Power533534543Various543510 & 518514522Various522537537537524for Disposal Plants (2 months)Arkansas Fuel Oil Oorporation - Gas for i'later truck 525Central Service Association - Water Billing (2 months) 539Harper Foundry & Machine Company - Water Parts 510Ideal Chemical & Supply Company - Sewer Disposal Plant liquid 523ChlorineJ. H. Mansel - Gas & Oil for Water truckJ. H. Oliver and Company - PipeJ. H. Oliver and Company - PipeJ. H • Oliver and Company - PipePidgeon-Thomas Iron Company - Jute PackingSouthern Supply Company - Lead Goosenecks & freightMlOlesale Supply Company, Inc. - Meter CouplingsSparkling Meter Company - Sewer Plant suppliesViking Supply Corporation - Water supplies1957 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND~a11iam H. Ivy - Engineering Services for OctoberVolz Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>. 6TAX WITHHELD FUNDPublic Employee's Retirement System - Social SecurityDirector of Internal Revenue - Income TaxPublic Employees' roetirement System - RetirementBOND FUNDThe First National Bank of Memphis52551051051051051051052251039.011.6915.19<strong>17</strong>.686.80<strong>17</strong>.6520.6713.304.701.651.302.4019.236.3619.7984.699.001,677.08600.00150.00100.0060.90201.3754.0916.5856.25196.35441.70'31.6518.50283.6020.06251.437.002<strong>17</strong>.87245.70lOb.504.8054.5098.0998.0937.57101.8751.4627.2288.31521.0012,077.061,780.56610.65967.382,347.50(

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>5278527952605281-8552865289-905293-945295-085309531053115312531353145315532153225323532453255:n653<strong>17</strong>5318531953205327532853295330533253315326ELEGrRI C DEP ARrMENTPetty Cash - ~,:. E. lliomackPetty Cash - '{Ill. E. WomackPayroll for W. E. WomackPayroll for October 15, 1957T ax Hi thhe1d Fund - C. P. FulmerPetty Cash - Mary C. MalonePetty Cash - James B. McLurePayroll for October 31, 1957J. H. ManselArkansas Fuel Oil Compcny\'iestern Auto Associate StoreTennessee Valley AuthorityCentral Service AssociationOxford Wholesale Grocery, Inc.United Gas CorporationSouthern Bell Telephone Company444 Service StationOxford Auto PartsWestinghouse Electric Supply CompanyTax l.]i thheld Fund - C. P. FulmerCement Safety Equipment, Inc.Dealer Truckste11 Sales, Inc.Graybar Electric CompanyCity of MilanMississippi Municipal Utility AssociationOzburn-Abston & Company',',alker Electric CompanyRebel Chevrolet CompanyShaw & Sneed Hardware CompanyTennessee Valley Electric Supply CompanyM. M. Hinkler & AssociatesBagwell Service station28.80107.50116.40160.02222.4956.5382.432,470.936.9629.831.155,403.89151.063.707.6144.453.001.2713.30343.626.08627.2260.40220.0125.002.1560.9959.474.5075.49350.001.65Dursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on fifty water meters to be openedat the regular meeting <strong>No</strong>vember 5, 1957 at 7:30 P. M., bids were received from the following:Southern Pipe & Supply Company.-Meridian,~MississippiFreishan & Belsom, New Orle~ns,LouisianaRockwell Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, GeorgiaMeter Service Supply Company, Memphis, TennesseeBadger Meter Manufacturing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin<strong>No</strong>land and Company, Jackson, MississippiAfter the bids were opened and considered, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and secondedby Alderman Hickman and passed that the bid from the Badger Meter Manufacturing Company beaccepted, it being the best bid.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on painting the exterior of theVeterans Housing Apartments and Firemen's House to be opened at the regular meeting <strong>No</strong>vember 5,1957 at 7:30 P. M., bids were received from the following:Johnson & FitchettHerrill I. "9ailey & Bill JonesAfter the bids had been opened and considered, motion was made by Alderman Hickman, secondedby Alderman Sisk and passed that all bids be rejected.

~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~I~Ii11t1S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>285The Board received and ordered entered on the minutes the follo~ngreport:October 22, 1957To the Honorable Mayor and Board of AldermenOXford, MississippiAt your request an Advisory Election was held on October 22, 1957at the City Hall from 7:QO A. M. to 6:00 P. M. by the Municipal ElectionCommission and two Clerks and one Bailiff.The question put to the voters was "Shall the City of Oxford,Mississippi levy and collect one (1) mill tax for recreational purposes?1IThe result on this electioh was that the voters answered the question "<strong>No</strong>"by a vote as follows: Yes -- 272; <strong>No</strong> -- 290. One ballot was thro,.,'l1 outbecause it was improperly marked. The total vote was 56).Respectfully submitted,vi. :J. J oor, ChairmanOxford Election CommissionAn application from J~es B. Harwell for a permit to own and operate a taxi in the City ofOxford was presented to the Board. After due consideration moticn was made, seconded andpassed that a permit be issued to Mr. Harwell when liability insurance is filed.An application from Aubrey Christman for a permit to own and operate a taxi in the City ofOxford was presented to the Board and after due consideration, motion was made,seconded andpassed that a permit be issued to Mr. Christman when liability insurance has been filed.An application was presented from Lloyd Henderson to drive a taxi in the City of uxford.After due consideration, motion was made, seconded and passed that said application beapproved.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle, bids were received from thefollowing:ALLEN & HOSHALLThis being the only bid received, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady, seconded byAlderman Belk and passed that the Allen Hoshall bid be accepted it being the low'estand best bid.ENG INEERING SEi.VI CE CONT RA C1'THIS CONTRACT made this 5th day of <strong>No</strong>vember 1957, by and between the <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI through its Governing Body, hereinafter designated as the O"t s prepared for the SystemStudy dated May 15, 1955, andThe construction, by labor and material constructioncontract, of the system improvements recommended bythe above mentioned investigations and studies, andAt the option of the Ot-JNER, further annual revisionsof the system maps and the preparatiun of annualwork plans for the purpose of keeping the electricdistribc;,tion system at peak operating efficiency, andCertain engineering services are required in the investigation,planning and execution of the said improvements, andhlJ-IEREAS:NOH, TW~qF.;FO>tE,The mINER does hereby employ the ENGINEER to furnish theaforesaid engineering services,the parties hereto do mutua.lly agree as follows:SERVICESTHE SNGINEER AGREES, in consideration of payments to be made by the Oi,.'NER, ashereinafter set out, to furnish certain engineering services, as follows:ITEH ONE,Revision of System Study:a. The ENGINEER shall make field surveys of the entireelectric distribution system and revise the systemmaps to reflect actual conditions of the system asthey now exist.b. The ENGINEER shall make load studies of the primary,secondary, and street lighting system.c. Based upon the load studies and knowledge of the systemgained by field investigation, the ENGINEER shallprepare an Addendum to the previously prepared SystemStudy setting forth improvements which are necessaryat the present time to put the system in peak operatingcondition, and including estimates of cost of thereconnnended requirement s.d. The ENGINEER shall submit the completed Addendum tothe Tennessee Valley Authority for their review andcomments.e. The System Study dated May 15, 1955 as modified by theAddendum prepared under the terms of this contract shallbe considered as the basis for the design drawingsand specification described hereinafter under ITEt'1 T1,.70Designs.

II~~----------------:y Sf'ZS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ! II '<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>287ITEM TlnJO,Designs:a. The ENGINEER shall prepare complete and detailed drawings,specifications and contract documents for the purpose ofawarding a contract, or contracts, for the furnishing ofall labor, materials and equipment necessary for theconstruction of the following:Such improvements in the extensions to theelectri c distribution system as the m,lNER mayspecifically authorize and direct.b. The ENGINEER shall prepare and furnish to the O\\'NERestimates of all work included in the completed drawingsand specifications and contract documents and shallassist the mmER in collecting necessary data inconnection with the financing of the proposed work.c. The ENGINEER shall submit the completed drawings andspecifications to the Tennessee Valley Authority fortheir review and comments.ITEM THREE,Supervision of Construtltion:,a. The ENGINEER shall have a responsible representativepresent at all lettings of contracts for theproposed work and. shall advise 'and assist the Ow"'NERin the making of awards of contracts to successfulbidders. The ENGINEER also shall act in a,generalsupervisory and consulting capacity throughout theconstruction period. Upon the completion of allconstruction supervised under this contract, theENGINEER shall furnish to the OWNER a completeset of final "As-Built" drawings covering the workas actually installed.b. The ENGINEER shall furnish and maintain at the siteof the work, a competent Supervising ResidentInspector during the construction of the proposedimprovements. The ENGINEER further shall furnishand maintain at the site of the work, such additionalpersonnel as may be needed to properly execute hiswork. The need for additional personnel shallbe as mutually agreed by the SNGINEER and the OVilNER.The Supervising Inspector, or his authorized assistants,shall inspect and approve all materials and workmanshipincorporated into the wqrk and shall check andapprove all layouts of work and estimates for paymentsto construction contractors.ITE11 FOUR,Annual Review of System Study and Preparation ofAnnual Work Plans:FollOwing completion of construction of the necessarysystem improvements, the ENGINEER shall, once eachyear for the next succeeding five (5) years bringthe system maps up-to-date, review system loads,and prepare annual work plans mich shall listspecific improvement items which, in his judgment,are necessary or desirable for the proper operationof the system for the ensuing 12 month period.This IT&~ FOUR is optional and the services describedare not included in this Contract unless the m'J}JERand the Engineer place their signatures in the spacesprovided immediately below.<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPIALLEN & HOSHALLBy/s/ Pete l'icElreath, MayorBy/s/ R. H. HoshallTHE OirlJIlLER AGREES, in consideration of services to be performed by the ENGINEER,as hereinbefore set out, to:\( a) Furnish to the ENGINEER copies of all records,reports, plats, and other information in its possessionwhich may be required by the ENGINEER in theinvestigations and designs hereinbefore described underITEMS ONE AND TV.ro.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> BOOI( <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~-~ ----- .. -II(b)Furnish such labor, tools, and equipment as may be requiredby the ENGINEt~R in locating, examining and testing existingfacilities.PAYM:!;N'l'SIN PAYMr~JT for the services hereinbefore described under I'l'El'-IS ONE, TWO, THfu;~,AND FOUR., the OT1JEft agrees to pay and does allow the ENGINE'!>1. the followingamounts:ITSM OME,Revision of System Study:The sum of ONE 1;HOUSAND Si-!:V~N HUNDRSD:~ND FIFTY AND NO/IOO DOLI.ARS($1,750.00), which sum shall be due and payable upon thecompletion of the work described under ITEH ONE of S:~RVIGES.ITEM TlrTO,Designs:A total sum computed in the following manner.Three and one-half (3~%) percent of the estimated constructioncost of all construction up to and including Five HundredThousand and pO/IOO Dollars ($500,000.00), plusTwo and one-half (2t%) percent of the estimated constructioncost of all construction in excess of Five Hundred Thousandand 00/100 Dollars ($500,000.00).The total fee computed in the foregoing manner shall beadjusted in whole or in part in accordance with the finalconstruction cost of that part of the proposed work actuallyconstructed, with payment of the total fee to be made asfollows:Twenty (~u%)percent of the total sum sholl be due andpayable upon the commencement of work described underITEM Ti-,O of SERVICES, an additional forty (40%) percentshall be due and payable upon completion of fifty (50%)percent of the work described under IT&1\1 T:"O of SERVICESand the balance of the total sum shall be due and payableupon completion of all work described under ITEM TIiO ofSE:RVICES.The total fee computed in the foregoing manner shallconstitute full and complete compensation for theservices rendered under ITSM T';'O of SERVICZS, regardlessof any time extensions or delays in the construction period.ITEM THREE.,Supervision of Construction:a. For general supervision of construction as describedunder paragraph a. of ITEE THREE of SERVICES:A sum equal to one (1%) percent of the final constructioncost of the work.The total fee computed in the foregoing manner shallbe due and payable in partial payments made concurrentlywith and in proportion to payments to the constructioncontractor or contractors, -vri th fin,;.l payment to bedue and payable upon the final acceptance of the completedconstruction and the preparation of necessary final"As-Euilt" dra"lings. It shall constitute full andcomplete compensation for all services rendered underparagraph a. of ITEM THREE of SERVICES, regardless ofany time eXtensions or delays in the constructionperiod.b. For detailed on-the-site supervlslon of constructionas described under paragraph b. of ITEM THREE ofSERVICES:The Ql:'.1NEJi. shall reimburse the ENGINEER in the amountof the salaries paid the Supervision ResidentInspector and anY assistant assigned to him (asmutually agreed by the ENGINEER and by the meNEa) plus,twenty-five (25%) percent of the said salaries, andthe Ohi~fER. shall also reimburse the ENGINEER for the

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~)8°f.

---'r--iI<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>?ursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle on one-hundred parking meters,to be openedat the regular meeting <strong>No</strong>vember 5, 1957, bids llere received from the follo:,ing:Voglesong Products Corporation - ,Sffieryville, CaliforniaMichaels ~rt Bronze Company - Covington, KentuckyThe Karpark Corporation - Cincinnati, OhioM. H. Rhodes,Inc. - Hartford, Connecticut?ark 0 Heter - Oklahoma City, OklahomaDuncan ?arking l'1eter Corporation - ::A1.ica8'o, IllinoisDual Parking Meter Company - Pittsburg, DennsylvaniaAfter the bids were opened and considered, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady, seconded byAlderman Roberts and passed that the Dual Parking Meter Company bid ,be accepted.PURCHASE CONTRACT<strong>No</strong>.30~63Dursuant to the terms and conditions set out in the ~roposal of The Dual Parking Heter Comoany,attached hereto and made a part hereof, and in consideration of said Company's acceptance hereof,the City of Oxford, Mississip,Ji hereby agrees:1. To olrchase Dual :v1eters for not less than (100) One Hupdred :::;ar Spaces nor more than (400)Four Hundred Car Spaces, at ? unit price of $44.00 Forty Four & no/lUO per Single DualAutomatic Parking l1eter.Installation - By the Company.2. To remit to the Company payments in liquidation of the purchase price of said meters andaccessories, as follows: 40% of revenue per paragraph 7 of the Addenda3. Enforcement period for Time and Instruction Plates:and Holidays excepted.8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. ;~. Sundays4. Number plates: Consecutively beginning with (1), inclusive.5. Trial period: Six months (6) months.b. The Company's proposal and attached specifications are made a part of this Agreement asfully as though specifically incorporated herein.IN vIITNZSS l:,'HERE<strong>OF</strong>, The City of Oxford executes this agreement in the manner required by lawthis 5th day of <strong>No</strong>vember, 1957.- --.-.-.---. -.-.--.-.- - - - - -"- --.. ------- --.-.. ---.-.. --.-~" _. -.------ .. - -.-.--.-~. -.-------.----~.----.-----.--. _..--_._-"." ..,-- -----------------------_._----_City of Oxford, MississippiBy lsi ~ete McElreath.. _- ---~~-.---.. -ATTEm:MayerTITLE/s/ C. P. FulmerCity :Jlerk TTrLEACCEPTED:THE DUAL PAitKING METER COYJPANYBy _ .... /~s/~J:...:.:......:..1r...::l.~N.;:;o.:..r..;.th~cu~t~t~~:_'!'l=~=_Asst Vlce-(5resldentDate 11-13-57The Dual Parking Meter CompanySubsidiary of Rockwell Hanufacturing ComparwPittsburgh, Pa.October 23, 1957?roposal <strong>No</strong>. 302b3For the Installation of Dual Parking Meters in Oxford, MississippiSection IThe Dual Parking Meter Company offers Dual Parking lVleters F. O.B. Factory on the follm'li ng terms:(Con't on next Dace)

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>'I'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZITEMPrice Per Unit300 More or less, Model GS-4a Single and / orSingle Dual150 more or less, Model GS-4a DublAutomaticDual Automatic Parking Meters complete with Time andInstruction Plate, Number ?lates, Expansion AnchorAssembly, and equipped for "dumpll type Coin CollectionSystem:Delivered Price Per Heter: Single Dual Automatic •••••••••• ~.OODEDUCT :Trade-in Allowance for used Miller ryarking Meters:From price of Single Duals, deduct for eachTrade-in Meter •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14.00Price Per Meter Head After Deductions:ADD:ForPipe Standards and !:1ase Flanges 4.00For Installation ofPipe Standards and Base 4.50Fla~ges by the CompanyFor One Extra Coin Box per Single Dual (Sealed CoinCollection System)1.50For Two Extra Coin Boxes per Dubl Dual (Sealed Coin 4.50Collection System), '-Single Dual Automatic •.••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 57.50Dubl Dual Jtut orna ti c ............................................................ .Freight Prepaid to Destination ••••..•..••.•••••••.••••••• .50Price 'Der UnitDubl DualAutomatic(Two Car Spaces)94.00.50Dubl Dual Automatic •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 94.50From price of Dubl Duals, deduct for each twoTrade-in Meters •••••••••••.•••••••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••Single Dual Automatic •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 44.00Dubl Dual Automatic ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Price Per Metered Space Using Dubl Dual Automatic?arking Meters ••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••SECTION II==========Delivery: Single Dual ___ 45 - 60 days Cash Dis count ____ 5~%~__::=.3.~0_d.::.a::.;"y~s=-Dubl Dual 45-60 ._.~_s___ Cash Discount _______ 5:::...:%~---=:3..;..0_d.;.;.a~ys~ _____SERVICE TRAINING:SECTION IIIThe Company will instruct a mechanic designated by the municipality in the service and maintenanceof the meters, at its factory service school at the Company's expense.TRIAL PERI OD:SECTION IVThe trial period, if any, as to each quantity of meters purchased pursuant to this Proposal, shallbe the period of time set forth in Item 5 of the Purchase Contract to which this Proposal is attachedand of which this Proposal is a part, and shall commence on the day when such quantity of metersshall have been installed and placed in operation. If no period be specified in said Item 5 ofsaid Purchase Contract, then there shall be no trial period.nrior to the installation of such meters (and the commencement of such trial period, if any).the municipality shall duly and lawfully enact, and during such trial period, if any, and at alltimes until complete payment for the meters shall have been made, shall duly and lawfully enforceall ordinances, and shall take any or all other actions, reasonably necessary and expedient toprovide for the proper operation of the meters, and the prompt and proper collection, accounting,and payment to the Company of its share of the receipts therefor, and the City shall maintainsaid parking meters installed in good operating condition until they have been paid for in full.If, but only if, a trial period shall have been specified in said Item 5 of said Purchase Contract,the municipality may cancel any Purchase Contract made pursuant to this Proposal by resolution ofits Council, duly and lawfully adopted; but only if such resolution shall be so adopted, and aduly certified copy thereof forwarded by registered mail to The Dual Parking Meter Company,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, within fifteen (15) days before expiration of the trial period of tmmeters purchased under such contract. The Company will remove the meters at its own expensewithin thirty (30) d9Ys after receipt of such resolution and restore any streets or sidewalks inor upon which said meters were located to line and grade at its expense. AQY period of timeduring a trial period in which the meters are not in operation because of litigation, or in which- the municipality does not properly operate and service or duly enforce the ordinances pertaining tothe meters, shall be excluded in computing the trial period.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>In the event of the removal of the meters, either at the expiration of the trial period byreason of cancellation of the contract by the municipality as hereinabove provided, or byreason of the cancellation thereof by the Company as herein provided, or by reason of thefinal order of a court of last resort, then and in any of said events, all moneys then ortheretofore due and owed·to the Company from the receipts of said meters shall be remitted tothe Company by the municipality, and the Company shall have the absolute and unqualified rightto do any acts necessary to take possession of and remove said meters, and shall not be heldaccountable to the municipality for any moneys paid or to be paid to the Company out of thereceipts of said meters, but shall be entitled to receive and retain the same as a reasonablerental for the use of said meters by the municipality.-----_._----_._._----PAYMENT:SECTION VThe municipality shall pay the purchase price of said meters by anyone of the fol~owingmethodsof payment: .1. The municipality shall retain fifty (50%) percent of the gross revenue of said meters eachmonth during the life of this contractand until all the meters are paid for in full. Paymentsof the Company's share, fifty (50%) percent of said revenue shall be remitted to the Companynot later than the fifteenth (15) day of each month until all the meters are paid for infull, and the first payment shall be made to the Company not later than the fifteenth (15)day of the month following the month in which the meters are installed.2. A cash discount in the amount of five (5%) percent vull be allowed if payment in full ismade by the municipality within thirty (30) days after delivery or installation is completed.TITLE TO MET~RS A}TD JtISK <strong>OF</strong> LOSS:SECTION VITitle to the meters and risk of loss shall pass to the municipality upon delivery of the metersto corrmon carrier at Factory, and the Company shall not reacquire title thereto except byexercise of the Company or the municipality of the optional cancellation provisions hereof, orby reason of the failure of the muniCipality to perform its warranties and obligations, inany of which events, title to said meters shall, at the Company's option, revest in the Company.Upon complete payment of the entire purchase price, the Company shall deliver to the municipalitysuch written evidence of title as may be necessary to show full payment therefor.PAT1'NTS:--------..SECTION VIIThe Company agrees to protect the municip2lity and save it harmless from all liability imposedupon it by law for the infringement of patents in the purchase, installation and use by saidmunicipality of parking meters from the Company under the contract proposed hereby, and todefend said municipality in any suit against it asserting such patent infringement; provided,however, that said municipality shall notify the Company immediately of the assertion of anyclaim of alleged patent infringement, or the institution of any suit asserting the same againstit, shall forward to the Company every such damand, notice, summons or other process receivedby it, shall cooperate fully with the Company and its attorneys, and shall cause its officersand emoloyees to aid in securing and giving evidence, obtaining the attendance of witnesses,and gene rally give all re asonable assistance to the Company and its att.orneys in the defense ofsuch suits..------------------------SECTION VIIIBONDS::''hen awarded a contract pursuant to this proposal, and if required by the municipality, the~ompany will furnish a suitable performance bond. If the Com~any procures the installationof the meters, the contractor selected by it, if requested by the m1..J1icipalit/, will furnishthe Company a Contractor's Bond or Insurance indemnifying the Company and the muniCipalityagainst ?ublic Liability, Property Damage and 1.,orkmen's Compensation claimsINSTALLATION:SECTION IXInstallation shall be either by the Company or by the muniCipality, as the latter may elect.If installation is made by the Compa:ty, such installation shall be made by the contractorselected by the Company, acceptable to the municipality, under the supervision of the Company,and according to the Company's specifications.

,-' -'r-~~~~~~~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_Ir---:-------SHa4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .• NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>2D3DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION:SEcrION XUpon the approval and signature by both parties of a contract between the Company and themunicipality pursuant hereto and in accordance herewith, and within the time specified in theclause headed "Delivery" in Section I hereof, the Company shall after date thereof, begindelivery and, if required by said contract, installation of the meters at locations designatedby the municipality.GUARANTEE:SEcrION XIThe Company warrants its products only against defects in materials or workmanship, and makesno implied warranty of any kind with respect to the products except as set forth herein. TheCompany's liability and customer's exclusive remedy under this warranty or any warranty extendsfor a period of one (1) year from the date of the Company's shipment and is expressly limited torepayment of the purchase price upon return of the products, repair, or replacement, at theCompany's option, during said period, upon proof satisfactory to the Company and upon customer'sreturning and prepaying all charges on such products to factory or warehouse designated by theCompany.TAXES:SECTION XIIPrices hersin quoted do not include applicable Federal, State or Local Sales, Use or other taxes,if any. To the extent permitted by law, and if imposed upon the transaction hereby contemplated,or upon the Company by reason thereof, same shall be paid by the municipality, or it shallreimburse the Company for any such taxes paid by the Company.FO'lCE MAJEURESECTION XIIIThe consequences, direct or indirect, of labor troubles, fires, accidents, floods, hostilities,shortage of transportation, failure, suspension or curtailment of production due to shortageof supply of raw materials, or other economic factors, Government acts or requirements and anyand all like or different causes beyond the control of the parties hereto shall excuse performanceby either party to the extent by which performance is prevented thereby. The Company may,during any period of shortage due to any of said causes, prorate its supply of such goods amongall its buyers in such manner as may be deemed equitable in the sole judgment of the Company.SUBSTITUTE MATERIALSECTION XIVThe Company reserves the right to furnish substitutes for materials which cannot be reasonablyobtained because of any restrictions, voluntarily or compulsorily established by or in connectionwith any governmental authority.ADDENDA:SECTION nAttached hereto and forming a part hereof are certain speCifications and lists, all of whichare incorporated herein as though fully set forth.1. Specifications for Dual Parking Meters.2. General Specifications for installation of parking meters and four (4) accompanying drawings.3. List of Dual Installations and Sales.EXPIRATION:SECTION XVIThese quotations shall remain in effect for a period of thirty (30) days from date hereof andfor any additional period agreed to by the Company in writing. If during such thirty (30) dayperiod or any extension or extensions thereof, the municipality desires to award a contract tothe Company pursuant hereto and in accordance herewith, it shall cause the same to be preparedin full and submitted to the Company at its home office or shzll execute the Purchase Contractpage hereof and transmit same, in duplicate, to the Company, In either event any and all contractsare subject to acceptance by the Company at its office in Pittsburgh, Pa. within the periodhereinbefore provided for or any extension or extensions thereof.

~)O,tf-..l- J<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>i>----_._.SECTION XVIIoqO?OSAL ALTE1ATTONS:This proposal comprises the entire proposed agreement between the parties and is subject tofinal acceptance by the Comryany. <strong>No</strong> agent of the Company or official of the municipality shallhave the power or authority to alter the terms and conditions of this proposal except theCompany's President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer.Frieshon & BelsomE. J. BelsomBox 7044New Orleans 19, La.THl~DUAL PARKING METER COMPANYBy ____ ~/~s/~J_. __ W~._N~o_rt~h-c~u-t-t~--~~~~Asst. Vice-PresidentTHE DUAL PARKING METER COMPANYADDENDA TO PIWPOSAL<strong>No</strong> 30263TH:;: FOLLOl',ING IIDDITONAL EQUIPJ';8;1'lT j~NDAS SHO'.N ON TH'.!: ATTACHED DROPOSAL:l''iATKI.IAL IS INCLUDED IN THE QUOTED PRICE <strong>OF</strong> THE DUAL METERS1. On contract orders for less than 500 meters, three (3) mechanisms and one (1) housing per100 Single Dual Meters purchased; or six (6) mechanisms and one (1) Dubl housing per 100 DublDual Meters purchased.2. On contract orders for 500 or more, three (3) mechanisms and three (3) housings per 100Single Dual Meters purchased; or six (6) mechanisms and three (3) Dubl housings per 100 DublDual Heters purchased.3. An assortment of spare maintenance parts and service tools.4. One coin col.lection cart or coin carrying caSN; furnished ;'Jith each installation.5. An adequate supply of mechanism and coin compartment keys.6. Paragraph 1 of Section V is deleted regarding 50% payment of gross revenue.7. City may elect to remit to the company 40% of gross revenue per month until the contractprice~s paid in full, or pay to the company ~2.00 per meter per month.Motion wab duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until <strong>No</strong>vember 11, 1957 at 7:00p-;-. H.

Ih---r---J.I'laAK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>2!J5RECESS, REGULAR HEETING 7:00 P. M. NOVEMBER 11, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on <strong>No</strong>vember 5, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen meton <strong>No</strong>vember 5, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presiding\-iilliam. N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman v!ard OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman l;Jard 'l'woHarry S. Sisk - Alderman ~'JardThreeGill W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric Departmentc. P. Fulmer - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:The matter of employing an accountant for the Electric Department to fill the vacancy caused bythe resignation of W. E. :Jomack was brought to the attention of the Board and motion was madeby Alderman Lovelady that James B. McLure be employed on a 90 day trial basis at $250.00 permonth and if his services are satisfactory at the end of 90 days, his salary be raised to ~300.00per month. This motion was seconded by Alderman Belk and all aldermen present voted yea.The matter of supplying water in new city limits extension in the Burney Branch area came beforethe Board and after due consideration, motion vias made, seconded and passed unanimously that atwo inch water line be run to said area.Alderman Roberts recommended to the Board that a donation be made to the Boy Scouts. Motion1.vas made, seconded and passed that a donation of $150.00 be made, and the Electric Departmentcontribute one-half of said amount.A request came from Billy Gates, Director Athletic Publicity Department of the University,for an advertisement in ,·the 1957 Football Programs. Motion was made, seconded and passed thatone-half page advertisement be given for three games.T. E. Combs appeared before the Board at the regular meeting <strong>No</strong>vember 5th and requested areduction in the personal assessment for TaCo M~c Company appearing on Page 164, Line <strong>17</strong>of the 1957 assessment roll. After considering the assessment, it appeared that W. P. HaleyW8S the owner January 1, 1957 of one Pool Table included in this assessment at $750.00 andmotion was made, seconded and passed that said Pool Table be struck off of this assessmentand reassessed to W. P. Haley and the remainder of the assessment be reduced to $3,500.00and it was so ordered.Dr. J. 1;{. Rothchild appeared cefore the Board at the <strong>No</strong>vember 5th meeting and requested areduction in the assessment on part of lots 91 and 105, 28-8-3, appearing on Page 142, Line 37and 38 also personal assessment appearing on Page 144, Line 19. After consideration, motionwas made, seconded and passed that the assessments on Page 142, Lines 37 and 38 be reduced':to $4,000.00 and the personal assessment appearing on ryage 144, Line 19 be reduced to $1,500.00and it was so ordered.

~/-~-Ot-·------------~--~------------~----~--~--------~l( ~ .... , )I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>\.The matter of salary raises of the City employees came on for consideration and after adiscussion of the matter, the foll01ung raises were recommended. effective December 1, 1957:Name From Toi,\'G. ... Johnson $400.00 430.00Dorothy Bourdin 1.00 per hr 1.10 per hr.~ary Malone <strong>17</strong>5.00 188.00Howard I-Jinter 330.00 355.00Roland Tidwell 265.00 285.00Vernon Chambers 250.00 285.00.Ira L. Cr ovm on 264.00 285.00.Louis CaPlpbell 241.00 259.00 ,Harp Ross 236.25 254.00 .Paul Hudson 210.00 226.00Howard Davis5.00 per shift 5.50 per shiftHarie 3il1is IB5.00 199.00Annie E. Lane <strong>17</strong>5.00 IB8.001. 1 • T. Chandler 183.75 198.00S. E. Spears 185.00 199.00C. "D ,.Fulmer 350.00 37b.00E. P. LO';.le 371.25 399.00M. T. Styers 230.00 240.00E. B. Addington 22B.00 245.00Aubrey B. 'Jardner .85 per hr 245.00 per monthDoyle Luther IB3.75 198.00Roland A. Leister IB3.75 19B.003. W. Gay 300.00 322.00v!. I. Mills 225.00 242.00R. L. Tid1\fell 275.00 296.00Hrs. R.ose Rowland 105.00 113.00Hburly hands not listed are raised 5¢ per hour.Motion w~smade, seconded and passed unanimously that these raises be approved.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until <strong>No</strong>vember 19, 1957 at 7:00"D. M.

~-I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>2!-l7--......\11"134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZRECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEEl'ING 7:00 P. M. NOVEI1BER 19, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on <strong>No</strong>vember 11, 1957, the l1ayor and Board of Aldermen meton <strong>No</strong>vember 19, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the CityHall when and where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presidingv!illiam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank 1-1.Belk - Alderman Vard OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward Three'Hill A. Hickman - Alderman ;vard FourC. P. Fulmer - ClerkOmar D. Craig - AttorneyAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Mr. H. M. Whitfield appeared before the Board for Mathews-Whitfield, Inc. and requested paymentof a bill for $<strong>17</strong>,000.00 on construction of the Sewage Disposal Plant. Irby Seay, engineer forthe City of Oxford approved said bill for payment. After a lengthy discussion between Mr.~fuitfield, Irby Seay and the Board concerning the condition of the operation of the SewageDisposal ?lants, motion was made by Alderman Sisk and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passedunanimously that the Clerk issue a check for payment of $<strong>17</strong>,000.00 and the balance due on thiscontract be retained until an order of acceptance of both Sewage Disposal Plants has beenreceived from Irby Seay, engineer, and it is so ordered.Pursuant to a resolution adopted October 1, 1957 and recorded in Minute Book <strong>17</strong>, page 266,declaring the intention of the Board to purchase one Police Car, motion was made, seconded andpassed that an advertisement be placed in the Oxford Eagle for bids on same.C. P. Fulmer, Clerk and Tax Collector, notified the Board verbally at a previous meeting of hisintention of retiring in March, 1958, and the matter of someone to fill this vacancy when itoccurre6 came on for consideration and after considering all applicants, motion was made byAlderman Belk that Claude Dorris Halone, Jr. be employed on 90 days trial basis at $<strong>17</strong>5.00 permonth, half time.until February 1, 1958, then begin at $350.00 per month full time. This motionwas seconded by Alderman Roberts and passed unanimously and it was so ordered.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until <strong>No</strong>vember 25, 1957 at 7:00P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, ~EC§S, RECESS REGULAR FIEETING 7:00 P. M. NOVEMBER 25-1957Pursuant to a reces~, order entered on <strong>No</strong>vember 19, 1957, the Hayor and Board of Aldermen meton <strong>No</strong>vember 25, 1957 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Pldermen's Chamber in the CityHall when and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor, PresidingT:!illiam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFr&nk Id. Belk, Jr. - Alderman i'l[ard OneHarry S. Sisk - Alderman'l!ard ThveeJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TvlOl'Iill P. Hickman - Plderman 1t 7 ard FourBramlet Roberts - AttorneyOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. P. Fulmer - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the follmnng business was transacted:The matter of Christmas lighting on the public square came before the Board and it was decidedthat this shouJd be considered an Electric sales promotion program and motion was made byAlderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that $150.00 be paid by theElectric Deoartment for said program.In connection with the contract to buy 100 parking meters from the Dual Parking Meter Company,a proposal was presented to the Board from said Dual Parking Meter Company that they wouldpay the expenses of one person to attend a Parking Meter qepair School for one week beginningDecember 2, 1957 at Statesboro, Georgia. Motion was made, seconded and passed that W. I. Millsattend said school, according to this proposal, and it was so ordered.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until December 3, 1957 at 7:00D. M.

~~~--------~~------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>2!)9:--7',------I---i-----,._-,----------------------!l1'134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO •• NATCHEZ---RECESS, RECESS, tlECESS aECESS REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. DECEMBER 3, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on <strong>No</strong>vember 25, 1957, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen meton December 3, 1957 at 7:00 P. i'i. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presidingv.Jilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank "~i. Be1k, J C'. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman \'ard TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman 'Hard ThreeG ••'1. Johnson - Superintendent of Electric DepartmentC. F. Fulmer - ClerkE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. B. Roberts - AttorneyOmar D. Craig - AttorneyAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made, seconded and passed that the minutes of the <strong>No</strong>vember meetings be adopted asread.On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadjourn sine-die:/CLERK

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>U NIT E D S TAT E S <strong>OF</strong> Al'1ERICAS TAT E 0 F 1'1 ISS ISS I P P IC 0 U N T Y 0 F L A FAY E T T ECIT Y0 FOX FOR D" \(.-,\ "hR~GUL JB }EETING7: 30 P. 1'1. DECErvm~f{ 3, 1957Be it remembered that the I"layor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, 1'1ississipDi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. H. , Tuesday, December 3, 195'(, it bei.ng thetime and place flxed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the following werepresent:Pete HcElreath - Mayor, Presidir1g",jilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Fard OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman ldard TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman l';ard ThreeHill A. Hickman - Alderman ,lard FourC. P. Fulmer, ClerkG. W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric DepartmentOmar D. Craig - Attorneyc. B. iloberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerNewt King - HarshallAfter the meeting was called to order motion was dul:,r made, seconded and passed unanimouslythat the follo~nng accounts be allowed for payment:CHECK NO:COnPORATION FIDJDACCOUNT NO.AMOtNT268826892690269426952696269726982699270027012702270327042705Boy Scouts of AmericaBilly Gates, Athletic Publicity Director - Advertisementsin three football programs:. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 11-30-57Pete HcElreath - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h ~H+.50William N. Lovelady - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember wjh $1.13Frank ~ ... T. Belk, Jr. - Salary for ~~ovember w/h ~10.13James N. Roberts - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $10.13Harry S. Sisk - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $1.13vJill A. Hickman - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $10.13Roberts & Craig - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vemberE. P. Lowe - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $19.20C. P. Fulmer - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $20.48Annie E. Lane - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $5.24Narie \'.'. Gillis - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember ,../h $31.06Newt King - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $4tl.75166 75.00137 62.50Various 368.86110 195.50110 48.87110 39.87110 39.87110 48.87110 39.87115 100.001<strong>17</strong> 352.05111 329.52116 169.76114 153.94112 251.25

~----~--~~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-----.-.---.---------------1~-, !l22S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ~ .-----------~~~~==~~~-----------------------------------------------------~iGH.~CK NO.co&nORATION FUNDACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT\\.27062707270827092710271127122713271927212722272327242725272927322735273627372738273'}274027412742274327442745274627472748274927502751274527462748273527362752273727532738274927392740274127542751274227552743274527562757275227582737275327492739274027502741274627592759276027602761276127612761T/;. G. Kimmons - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $42.89R. H. Mills - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $34.90M. T. Styers - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $31. 78Donald Carwi~e - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember wlh $14.90Doyle Luther - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $4.13Roland Leister - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember wlh $10.28~~s. Rose Rowland - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h ~2.56Elwood Gay - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $10.76W. I. Mills - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $30.761':. T. Nance - SalaI"J for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $1.01Lafayette County Health Unit - Check for <strong>No</strong>vemberLafayette County Library - Check for <strong>No</strong>vemberClaude D. Ha1one, Jr. - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/h $1.44C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty Cash 11-30-57Tax i'vithhe1d FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 11-30-57Fire alarm on Ross Avenue at 11:30 P. M. on 11-8-57Vernon ChambersIra L. CrowsonB. O. Elliott, Jr.Elwood GayClyde HugginsBill JohnsonD. G. Neilson, Jr.Roy ThomasR. L. TidwellC. S. ,ji1sonR. H. WinterBill Hornack113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5<strong>17</strong>61.35135147135135154136148153VariousVariousVarious135135135135135135135135135135135135Fire alarm answered at 503 <strong>No</strong>. 7th Street 11-9-57 at 3:25 D. H.E. B. Addington 135135135135135135135J. L. PeardE. T. HaneyDoyle LutherW. O. SmithR. H •. JinterBill vlomackFire a1a~ on South 16th Street at 4:10 P. M.J. L. BeardVernon ChambersIra L. CrowsonHoward DavisB. O. Elliott, Jr.M. C. FalknerElwood GayE. T. HaneyClyde Huggins, Jr.Bill JohnsonD. G. Neilson, Jr.David Ross'H. O. SmithRoy ThomasRoland TidwellR. L. TidwellR. H. l'JinterMax HippDonald Carwile11-16-57135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135Fire alarm at the Mansion Restaurant at 9:25 A. M. on 11-23-57Howard Davis 135Homer Duke 135B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135M. C. Falkner 135E. T. Haney 135Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135Bill Johnson 135Doyle Luther 135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135Bill Womack 135Oxford Light and ,-Jater ?lant - The Armory 153Oxford Light and l"iater Plant - City Hall 143United Gas Corporation - City Hall 123United Gas Corporation 123Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Mayor's Phone 124Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Clerk's Office 124Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - Fire Dept. 135Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company - City Engineer 124301232.11205.10198.22225.10<strong>17</strong>9.62<strong>17</strong>3.47102.4464.24194.2443.99162.5032.5062.735.32347.29393.952.502.502.502.5u2.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.50.1.501.501.501..501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501:S01.501.501.50.1.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.5013.2521.1279.251.5012.25.6024.4013.20

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>CHECK NO.2762276327642765276627662767276t:l276927692770277127722773277327742834283526912714271627<strong>17</strong>27H:l272627302733277527752775277527752776277627762777277827782779278027812782278327842785278627t3727882789279027902791279227932793279427942795279627962796279727982798279827992799280028012801CORr"'OR.ATION FUNDBailey Farm Supply, Inc. - /ood Shavings for Fox Hunters~oyce G. Bratton - Preparing 2 auto registration listCentral Chellrlrcal Company - Janitor suppliesDaley Lumber Cor~any, Inc. - City Apartment repairElliott Hardware Company - Repair to City ApartmentsElliott Hardware Company - Light switch for upstairsJackson's Building Service - Repair to City Apts.Hetts 13rothers HardloTare - Hepair to City ApartmentsJ. H. Oliver & Comoany - Repair to City ApartmentsAC::::OUNT NO.153159127149149City Hall 155149149149J. H. Oliver & Company - Repair to City Apartments 149The Oxford Eagle, Inc. - Parking ticket notice by NewtOxford Sheet Metal l';orks - Repairs to City ApartmentsRebel Press & Office Supply Company - Voters booksShaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Janitor SuppliesShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Repairs to City Apts.Standard 'Jelders Supply Company - Demurrage on OxygenCylinder for Fire Dept.Dement Printing Company - Clerk's monthly report formsThe J. 8. Neilson Company - Mary Buie Museum billsSTREET FUNDC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 11-15-57Elwood Gay - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vemberR. L. Tidwell - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember wlh $15.89vI. T. Chandler - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember wlh $20.28S. !~. Spears - Sal ary for <strong>No</strong>vember wlh $7.66c. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty Cash 11-30-57Tax \\Tithheld FundC. p. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 11-30-57Arkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Oil for ShopArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Oil for ShopArkansas Fl.el Oil CorporatiCln - Gas for Street DepartmentArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Bas for Sanitation Dept.Arkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Tire for Sanitation Dept.nagwell Service Station - Gas for Dump TruckBagwell Service Station - Grease jobs on Street Trucks"3agwell Service St:-tion - Grease jobs for Sanitat2_on Dept.F. ,/. Belk ('l. Son Motor Company - Naterial for Street TrucksBruce Recapping Company - Tire 8: loube for Garbage truck~ruce Hecapping Company - Tire repair for Street Dept.City Grocery Company - Broom for police dept.J. B. Carpenter & Son - Tube for County machineDaley Lumber Company, Inc. - Rough oak for Street Dept.East J'Jotor Parts Compan:' - "olice Car repairsElliott Hardware Company - Haterial for Street lvlaintenanceElliott Lumber Company - Material for street MaintenanceHawkins 3quipment Com1Jany - Bearings for Garba,se Truc;{Hood's - Seat Covers for Garbage TruckBoyce G. Bratton - Care of "risonersDoyle Ivy 8r Son - 41.6 Tons GravelMyers 8e Knir;ht Bu: ck 81 ~quipment Company - q pairs forInternational JariJage TruckOle Miss Service Staticn - gas ~,~ oil for Police CarOle Miss Service Station - 1,"ash, grease, repai rs, etc.J. H. Oliver - Street Brooms & Seed forksOxford Asphalt Company - 2.t37 Tons Cold HixOxford Auto Parts Company - Repairs to Garbage trucksOxford Auto Parts Company - Oil SpoutOxford ~f;otor COrW)aClY - floor lock & glass for Garbage TruckOxford Motor COllJpany - Police Car RepairsOxford itlholesale Grocery ComDany, Inc. - Floor sweep forPoliceKing 137149146127149135146147Varions227 & 237225280235VariousVariousVarious243243238228227238238228237230237221237239223239239227227221239227224223231239227243227223221Ozburn-A;Jston & Company, Inc. - Anti-Freeze for Sanit. Dept. 229Ozburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Anti-Freeze for St. Dept. 239OZburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Equipment for Shop 243Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Company - Highway flare torches 239Shaw and Sneed Hard'Hare Com0any - Seed fork handles 227Sha~T and Sneed HardHare Company - Repairs to Colored Rest Rm. 229Shaiv and Sneed Hardware Company - Cartridges and shells for 221'?olice Dept.Smith Lumber Company - Oak for Sa'itation Dept. 229Smith Lumber Company - Oak for ~treet Maintenance Dept. 239South,ern B""ll Tele;lephone &. Telegraph Company - Police Phone 216Standard Oil Company - Oil for Sanitation Dept. 228Standard Oil Company - Kerosene for St. l'laintenance Dept. 238AMOUNT12.5035.003Lt.2512.577.95.3540.7811.1075.0020.634.8038.0011.501.65<strong>17</strong>.461.2475.3546.521,639.4075.00259.11163.47<strong>17</strong>7 .345.6943.831,578.8511.51<strong>17</strong>.6443.30156.3448.1086.005.5010.2511.<strong>17</strong>64.696.901.956:'1822.4023.4713.2066.2212.1115.0070.0038.2753.50105.8118.0045.0525.834.861.659.13781.3b3.706.516.,151.3228.543.7026.234.822.4022.0816.152.1519.23

~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>L{1I1'134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZIIIICHECK NO.2802280328032803280328032804280.5280.52806283.5STREET FUNDstandard 'It'elders Dupply - Demurrage on Oxygen & AcetyleneOxford Light & oiater Plant - City GarageOxford Light & Water Plant - ?olice StationOxford Light & ~!ater ?lant - Street LightingOxford Light & Fater Plant - City BarmOxford Light & "\r,'ater Plant - Highway 7 SouthTruss Motor Company - Dodge truck wheelUnited Gas Corporation - Police StationUnited Gas Corporation - City GarageI'.hi tworth Gas & Oil Company - Tube for Dodge Dump truckThe J. E. Neilson Company - Policemen's uniformsACCX)UJlTT)J.e.2432342182.592.592.59237218243240210MI0UNT7.44.5.7811.82362 • .523.366.7812 • .507.797.13, .. 4 • .522.50.002692271.52720272727312734280728072807280828092809280928102810281128~2281228132814281.5281628<strong>17</strong>2818281928202821282228232824282U282.5C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 11-1.5-.57Elwood Gay - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vemberElton Addington - Salary for <strong>No</strong>vember w/H $31.6.5C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty ~ash 11-30-.57Tax 1,yithhe1d FundC. P, Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 11-30-.57Oxford Light and .. later Plant - Factbry \-Jel1Oxford Light and Water Plant - Booster Pump StationOxford Light and ~Jater Plant - PumpArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Gas for Water DepartmentBadger Meter Mfg. Company - :iJater PartsBadger Meter Mfg. Company - Hater MetersBadger Meter Mfg. Company - "\njater PartsJentra1 Service Association - Water BillingCentral Service Association - AmortizationBruce R cq:> ping Company - 2 recaps for Hater DepartmentChoctaw; Inc. - Pipe & Automatic F1apgate for Sewer Disposal PlantsChoctaw, Inc. - Pipe and connecting Band for Sewer Disposal PlantsDelta Plumbing & Electrical Supply Company - Curb stopsMueller Company - Water PartsOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc. - Anti-Freeze for Sewer Disp. PlantsPidgeon-Thomas Iron Company - Hater PartsReynolds ? & H & Electric Service - Work on Sewer Disp. PlantsRockwell Manufacturing Company - :Jater PartsMeter Specialty Company - Water PartsShaw & Sneed Hardware Company - Screens for Sewer Disposal PlantsSouthern Supply Company - v!ater Parts'"Jhi twibrth Gas & Oil Company - 2 truck tires & tubes for Hater'hlholesale Supply Company, Inc. - Water Parts (Curb Stops)J. H. Oliver - Galv. Pipe for 1tJater Dept.J. H. Oliver - Galv. Pipe for Water Dept.<strong>No</strong>rtheast Mississippi Electric Power Assoc. - Power for SewerDisposal Plants.514 & .522514.522.510 & .524.522.514 & .522.537.537.537.52.5.510.510.510.539.542.52.5.523.523.510.510.523.510.523.510.510.523.510truck .52.5.510.510.510.524229.<strong>17</strong>.7016.88269.601.5.121.861,4.51.0036.96109.69.8013.0833.118.6.586.09.56.4313.02111.729.7181.6030.007.20·96.604. SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT FUNDWilliam H. Ivy - Engineering Services for <strong>No</strong>vemberVo1z Construction Company - Estimate <strong>No</strong>. 7 FinalTAX itlITHHELD FUNDFederal Reserve Bank of st. Louis - Income Tax withheld inOctoberPublic Employees' R~tirement System - Retirement withheld inOctober132.2.512,.530.97.580.4.5<strong>17</strong>9.36SPECIAL STREET IMRROVEMENT BOND & INTERi~.sTF1JND2687Union Planters National BankInterestCollection Charges71<strong>17</strong>1262.5.002 • .50SEWhlR CONSTRUCTION FUND2693Mathews Whitfield, Inc. - Certificate <strong>No</strong>. 86<strong>17</strong>,000.00VETERP~SHOUSING DEPOSIT2728C. P. Fulmer - Petty Cash (Refund of deposit)16.00

304<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>CHECK NO.ELECTRIC DIP AitTIvlENT5336 Boy Scouts of America53375333533~-35-4153425311L.-4553L.6-L.753L.85349-55-76-8053855383-84538653875388539953895390539153925393539453955396539753985400535653575358535953605401Billy Gates - Publicity Director (Unive"sity)Petty Gash - James B. NcLurePayroll for <strong>No</strong>vember 15, 1957Petty Cash - James B. I'1cLurePetty Cash - James B. McLurePetty Sash - James B. McLureCity of Oxford - C. P. FulmerPayroll for <strong>No</strong>vember 30, 1957Dement Printing CompanyPetty Cash - James B. McLureJ. B. Howell - Chancery ClerkRebel Press & Office SupplyThe Office Supply CompanyTax l'Iithheld Fund - C. P. FulmerBagwell Service StationOzburn-Abston & Company, Inc.Cement Safety Zquipment CompanyCentral Service AssociationR.ebel Chevrolet CompanySouthern Bell Telephone (~. Telegraph CompanyTenr.essee Valley AuthorityUnited Gas CompanyArkansas Fuel Oil CompanyHr. E. P. FullerTennessee Valley Electric Supply CompanyGraybar Electric Company<strong>No</strong>rtheast Mississippi Electric AssociationStuart C. Irby Company:-]estinghouse Electric Supply CompanyOxford Motor CompanyP & 'i! Electric Company"'ursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Ee. '-le for bids or: Electric Light :-'olesat the re~ular meeting December 3, 1957 bids were received from the following:Gulf States :::reosoting Compan:,', Jackson, l"lississipGi':ells Taylor Food nr"serving Company, Goutier, MississippiFernwood Industries, Fernwood, MississippiT. J. Moss 'l'ie Company, st. Louis, r·IissouriAmerican Creosote Comoany "orks- Inc. - Jackson, TennesseeNiedermyer-Nartin Company, Dortland, OregonAfter the bids W2re opened and tabulated, motion was made, seconded and passed that the bid fromFernwood Industries be accepted, it being the lowest and best bid.PurfJUant to an advertisement in the Oxford iagle for bids on one Police :::;ar to be opened at theRegular meeting December 3, 1957, bids were received from the follow~ng:Rebel Chevrolet Com:) any , Oxford, JVlississippiOxford IvIotor Company, Oxford, MississippiAfter the bids wer~ opened and read, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded byAlde'man Belk and passed that the bid from Oxford Motor Company be accepted with 50 AiJiDGenerator, it being the lmfest and best bid.Mrs. Ada HcLarty apneared before the Board and requested a redtlct:Lon in the assessment of herhouse on nage llL, Line 34 of the 1957 assessment roll. After a comparison was made of thisassessment and some other buildings of the same structure it was decided that this assessmentwas excessive and motion was made, seconded and passed that it be reduced to $1,000.D. G. Neilson, Jr. appeared before the Be-CArd and requested a donation to the University HighSchool 13and. <strong>No</strong>tion was lilade by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Roberts and passedthat a donation of ~750.00 be made, one half to be paid by the Electric Department.

IIPSl'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSI?PIDEPARTMENT <strong>OF</strong> JUSTICEJoe T. PattersonAttorney GeneralLester C. FranklinMatthew Harper, Jr.Dugas ShandsAsst. Attorneys GeneralJackson 5<strong>No</strong>vember 29, 1957J. R. GriffinMartin R. McLendonJohn H. Price, Jr.vJade H. CreekmoreG. Garland Lyell, Jr.Asst. Attorneys GeneralHonorable Bramlett RobertsAttorney for City of OxforjOxford, MississippiDear Mr. Roberts:This is in reply to yours of <strong>No</strong>vember 25, 1957, whereinyou advise that the City of Oxford has a ?ark Commissionfor the support of which no special tax levy has been made.You advise that the budget for this fiscal year has been approvedas provided by statute. Your letter then asked:1I1.'iould the Mayor and Board of Aldermen have theauthority to amend its budget and allocate out ofthe General Corporate Funds any money for the ParkCormnission and recreational expenses? IISection 3374-159, Mississippi Code of 1942, Recompiled,authorizes municipalities to appropriate funds of the municipalityto support the Park Commission. This appropriationis directed solely to the dis creation of the governing authoritiesof the municipality involved.Section 9121-14, Mississippi Code of 1942, Recompiled,authorizes amendments to the municipal budget upon thehappening of several contingencief;. It appears to me thatyour situation is covered and authorized by the last paragraphof that section if your Board finds the affirmative matternecessary for the application of this portion of the statute.Trusting that the above is helpful to you and withpersonal regards, I amSincerely yours,JOE T. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY GENE1ALBY/s/ Martin R. McLendonAssistant Attorney Gener~lMRMcL/mfdIt appearing to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen from the above letter from the AttorneyGeneral of the state of Mississippi, that it has authority to appropriate funds for the ParkCommission for its program and for recreational purposes, and it further affirmatively appearingto said Mayor and Board of Aldermen that anticipated revenues from the parking meters of theCity of Oxford and fines derived therefrom, as well as revenues from other sources, will exceedthe estimates contained in the Budget of the City of Oxford heretofore adopted,On moticn made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Belk, IT 1;J.4.S ij1\TATIJII10USLYORDE~D that the sum of Twenty Five Hundred and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($2,500.00) Dollars be appropriated outof the General Corporate Funds to the Park Commission of the City of Oxford for its use and forrecreational purposes, and that the Budget of the City of Oxford be appropriately revised andbe spread in detail upon the Minutes of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,Mississippi.\.

- -;<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Upon motion made by Alderman Hic~an and seconded by AldermanLovelady, IT IS lJNPJ'TIMOU:..;LY 01DE::tED that the Hayor and Clerk of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, be authorized and directed to advertise, accordin[ tolaw, for sale or for lease for a term rot exceeding five ye2rs, the realproperty belonging to the City of Oxford known as the Oxford jvJunicipalAirport, particularly described as follows: to-wit:i)eginr:.ing at a stake, said stCike being on HississippiHicrhway <strong>No</strong>.7, and <strong>No</strong>rth 66 deg. 30 min. East 1185 feetfrom the ooint of intersection of' abov€ HississippiHigh,JaY <strong>No</strong>. 7 with the.:est boundary line of Section32, Township 9 South, 1aI'ge 3 'iest, in Lafayette COUI'.ty,Mississippi, said stake further described as bing Station<strong>No</strong>. 302 plus 85 of state Hi?hvi'ay 0urvey, as filed andrecorded in the Office of the Hi~)sissipoi State HighwayComrdssion in Jackson, Missi~sip:Ji, thence <strong>No</strong>rth 1240feet to a stake on the Porth bank of the old Yocona :liverCh2n'el, sdd stake being on the :~pst bank of r02dwaylec:ding to existing bridge across Yocona River (oldChanI'el) in a <strong>No</strong>rtheast direction (up Chanl".el direction)said b2nk to be considered 15 feet froJ:! the 10'l v:aterli.ne 01' Yocona ::ti vel' and is i~:tcYlde'J!_o ~'iJnvey a distance~c extend to the to~ of said river bank to a stake onabove described Hississippi Highway <strong>No</strong>.7, said st2kelocated at the NOrth end of trw High,,ray Bridge acrossthe old Yoconai.iver Hun, said stike 2.n:i end of bridgebeinr Station <strong>No</strong>. 36 plus 42 shOvffi on Survey of StateHiE:hl·;ay <strong>No</strong>. 7 and filed and recorded in the Office ofthe 21ississippi State Highway Commission in Jackson,JVJississip:)i; thence tlorth follOlving the survey of Nississip)iHigh"ray <strong>No</strong>. 7 to a stake at the Station 31~0 plus36, as appears in sdd record, said Station being point oftangency of a 3 degree curve of said ni[r,hH

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>3(<strong>17</strong>BI'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINOS co., NATCHEZAttention was called to the Board that the traffic light at South Lamar and University Avenue1'ITaS not working properly. Hotion was made by Alderman qoberts and seconded by Alderman Hickmanand passed that an advertisement be placed in the Oxford ~agle for bids on a new unit for saidlight.Be it remembered that at the regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, that upon recommendation of the City Engineer, E. P. Lowe and by theauthority that was invested in him in Chapter 3 Traffic Regulations of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, Section 21, motion was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Loveladyand passed and it is therefore ordered that there will be no parking allo~fed at any time onthe <strong>No</strong>rth side of Jackson Avenue from <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street l,jestward to <strong>No</strong>rth 7th Street.It was brought to the attention of the Board that J. P. Catledge has purchased 50 feet frontingon <strong>No</strong>rth 9th street and Joe Caldwell has 9urchased 144 feet fronting on <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street fromJ. H. Morris, leaving J. H. Morris 90 feet of 284 feet fronting on said <strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street, thisbeing part of Lot 53, 21-8-3,~and having a principal balance of $911.27 Special Improvementremaining unpaid. Motion was made by Alderman Hickman, seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passedand it is,therefore,ordered that this assessment be divided as follows:J. P. CatledgeJoe CaldwellJ. H. Horris50 feet144 feet90 feet$160.44462.05288.78E. P. Lowe, City Engineer, brought to the attention of the Boart that twelve families in theStone Subdivision wanted to be connected to the city sewer line. and it was explained to theBoard that this could be done by making one short connection at a very small cost. Motion wasmade by Alderman Lovelady, seconded by Alderman Roberts and passed unanimously that Mr. Lowebe authoriZed to make said connection and all customers added must pay the regular sewage chargeas other customers outside of the City limits.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until December <strong>17</strong>, 1957 at ~%OOP. M.

.)(\(.;! 0 lDIi~-~-----IiII<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>llECSSS 5:00 P. M.Pursuant to a recess order entered on December 3, 1957, the !'layor and Board of Aldermen meton December <strong>17</strong>, 1957 at 5: GO "D. M. in the ~'layor and ?oard of Aldermen's Chamber in the CityHall when and where the folloHing were present:/Pete IvIcElreath -Hayor, ':lresiding~';illiamN. Lovelady - Aldermen at LarGeFrank \t,. Belk, Jr. - l~lderman It!ard OneJames ~T. Roberts - Alderman ~Iard TwoHarry S. Sisk -Alderman '.,JarJ Three1':ill A. Hickman -Alderman I"lard FourRoberts and Craig -AttorneysC. P. Fulmer - CL?rkAfter the meet i,ng was called to order the folloHing business \.a~otransacted:A group of members of the Advis<strong>OF</strong>y Council for the R.ecreation "DrograJl of the City of Oxfcrdmet with the :3oard and VIr. H. H •. :hitworth )resented and read to the Board the follmoJirgresolution:JlJ'J ACTTON <strong>OF</strong> THE ADVISOi1Y ':;UUNCIL TO THE R.ii:C3,E:ATL)~T<strong>OXFORD</strong>BOARD <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong>II\RESOLVED:1. That He, the mem,ers of the ildvisory Council for the RecreationProgram of the City of Oxford, constitute ourselves or those who shallsucceed us as repres'.:mtatives on the Council as a group to raise an addi~ionalamount of money by private subscripUon to be added to thatmade available by the Board of AlderrLen of the City of Oxford for aminimum Recreation Program for the Cit:! of Oxford for the year 1958 asset forth by the Recr'?ation Board;2. That the undertaking of such an effort be contingent upon the assuranceof the Board of Aldermen that it "rill continue to move towardmaking a full Recreation ProGram available for the City of Oxford insubsequent years;3. That, with this assurance, we pledge ourselves to the endeavor ofraising the difference between the amount granted by the Board of Aldermenand the amount needed for a minimum program in subsequent years;4. That l"e see this as a temporary measure only in order to make anadequate minimum 'tecreation Progr;cm imrnediatel y available, and we dourGe the ::loard of Aldermen of the '~i ty of Oxford to underwrite theRecreation "Drogram in its entirety as soon as possible;5. That such action would give this Council no measure of control inthe operation of the 1ecreation Program, the control and operation remaLningvested in the Hecrertion Board appointed by the Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford;6. And, that "re urge the Board of Aldermen to reappoint the RecreationBoard vJhich has been in existence the past ye:,.r and the members of thisRecreaticn Board to accept reappointment by the Board of Jl~dermen.After a discussion of the matter AJderman ~oberts made a motion that the Board reaffirm the orderpassed at the December 3rd meeting to appropriate $2,500.00 out of the General Fund to the ParkCommission of the City of Oxford to be used for recreational pl~rposes, and that the Board continuetoward a full Recreation Program and that the Old ~ecreation Board be reappointed to serve onthe 1ecreation Board of the City of Oxford. This motion was seconded by Alderman Lovelady andoassed unanimously and it is so ordered.Hembers of the Recreation Board are as follows:J. G. l1cHurray - i·lard 3 - Term to expire July 1, 1958lvlrs. R. L. Holley - :'ard 1 - Term to expire July 1, 1959c. H. Quick -ard 2 - Term to expire July 1, 1960M. C. Lovelady - At Large - Term to expire July 1, 1961L. C. "'ilson - 1,'ard 4 - Tprm to expire July 1, 1962-j

if----7-""7,--------------L- ' Sl'aa4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>3C9I\.There came a request to the Board from B. O. Elliott for a reduction in the personal assessmenttaxes assessed on Page 48, Line 3, of the 1957 Assessment roll due to a double and excessiveassessment on concrete mixers. On investigation of the matter, it was decided by the Boardthat there was a double and excessive assessment. Motion wos made by Alderman Roberts andseconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that the following changes and reductions be made:Transfer from Page 48, Line 3, to Page 49 Line 20 - $400.0()Transfer from Page 48, line 3, to Page 49 Line 22 - 50.00Transfer from Line 48, Line 3, to Page 49 Line 23 - 1,000.00Reduce assessment Page 48 Line 3 2 z 250.003,700.00and it is so orderedA request came to the Board to reconsider the 1957 Personal assessments of the follo.nng namedgrocery stores ivhich the assessment had been raised from 1956: Stephens & rratum, Jitney Jungle,Rig stc;r, City Grocery, £~arl Fudge and Kroger. After consideration of the matter, it wasdecided that the 1957 assessment was excessive and motion was made, seconded and passed thatthe above named firms'personal assessment be reduced to the 1956 assessment.\.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until December 20, 1957 at 5:00? 1"1.

310<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.5:00 P. H. DECEMEER 20, 1957Pursuant to a recess order entered on December <strong>17</strong>, 1957, the i-iayor and Board of Aldermen meton December 20,1957 at .5:00? N. in the j'lla/or and Board of' Aldel'men's ChDmber in the CityHall H~en and where the follor"ing were present:!Pete HcElreath - Mayor, Presidingi'illiam }IT. Lovelo.dy - Alderman at LaroeFrank (,-,'. Bel:{, Jr. - Alderman Hard OneJClmes N. R.oberts - Alderman ~fard Twolfarry S. Sisk -Alderman T·.ard ThreeYill A. Hickman -!,ldcrmo.l1 .. ard FourJill 1.:. Johnson - Superintendent Electric De[)artmentC. P. Fulmer - CL;rkAfter the meeting i-TCiScalled to order the follm·;ing busines", was transacted:An application from Dempsey l'1cLClrty to own 2nd o,:)erate a taxi in the City of Oxford. Afterconsidering this application, motion was made by Alderman Sisk and seconded by lilderman ;1.obertsand passed unanimously that said ap)lication be approved.H&tion He' s dul~T made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until January 7, 1958 at 7: 00 D M.

~.~---~~~~~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iII~---------------------------------------------------------------------L/1S12S4K-TOM L. KETCHING& co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>IR.ECESS, RECESS, RECESi:) REGUIA R MEETING 7:00 "? M. JANtJARY 7, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on December 20, 1957, the Mayor and ~oard of Aldermen met onJanuary 7, 1958 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hall whenand uhere the follo1rTing were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, nresiding:Jilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank N. Belk, Jr. - lUderman 1 •• ard OneJames TIT.Roberts - Alderman r·iard T1rJOHarry S. Sisk -Alderman v:ard Three1-ill .Ii. Hickman - Alderman 1- ard }'ourC. B. Roberts - AttorneyOmar D. ~raie- Attorney~. P. LOvIe - EngineerC. P. Fulmer - ClerkNewt King - MarshallAfter the meeting was called to order the follmdng business was transacted:Hotion was made, seccnded End passed that the minute~3rcc.d.of the December meetings be adopted as?/On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do now,adjourn sine-die:" CLERK

312<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>f------- --­,U NIT E D S TAT ~ S o F A M ~ RIC ASTATE <strong>OF</strong> MIS SIS SIP P IC 0 U N T Y 0 FL A FAY E T T ECIT Y0 FOX FOrt DJA)\TUP:U 7, 1958Be it remembered that the Hayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, ~1ississippi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. 11., Tuesday, Jenuary 7,1958, it beinz thetime and Dlace fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and ",here the follovJing werepresent:Pete ~cElre2th - Mayor, Presiding"_illi&ffi 1'1. Lovelady - fLlderm&n at LargeFr

'\313 .IIIl----<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SI'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZr- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~CHECK NO.28622868287128722873287428752877288028932894289528962897289828992900290129022903290429052906290728932896289728982899290029082901290229092910290329112907290429052906291228942912289828992908290929102907290429132912290029012910291429072905290629152894291429152893289428962916289929002908ACCOUNT.shwod Gay - Salary for December wlh $14.99 135H. 1. Mills - Salary for December wlh $35.03 135T. Tfi. Nance - Salary for December wlh $1.01 154Claude D. t-Ialone, Jr. - Salary for December "/h $25.24 153Lafayette County Health Unit - Check for December 136Lafayette County Library - Check for December 148C. P. Fulmer - Det~y Cash 12-23-57 VariousTax 'Jithheld FundVariousC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 12-31-57 VariousFire alarm December 1st at Louise I s Cafe at 9: 15 A. H.E. B. Addington 1351'1. J. Austin 135J. L. Beard 135Vernon Chambers 135Ira L. Cr01vson 135B. o. Elliott, Jr. 135M. C. Falkner 135n~~G~ 1~Clyde Hug;zins, Jr. 135Pill Johnson 135David Ross 135Roland Tid1vell 135R.. L. Tidwell 135R. H. 'ltlinter 135Eloy Thomas (previous fire he vlaS not paid for) 135Fire alarm <strong>No</strong>rth of l';ashington at 1 :40 P .1'1. on December 1, 1957E. B. Addington 135Vernon Chambers 135Ira L. ::;rowson 135B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135M. C. Falkner 135Elwood Gay 135,s. T. Haney 135Clyde Hugcr,ins, Jr. 135Bill Johnson 135Doyle Luther 135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135David Ross 135D. s. R.oss 135R.oy Thomas 135Roland Tid.vell 135~. L. Tidwell 135R. H .~JinterFire alarm on (lId Taylor ROEd at '): 00 A. M. 12-5-57135Homer Duke 135Fire alarm at Shelly Hollow at 1:45 P. M. 12-12-57~','. J. AustinHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.H. C. Falkn::;rE. T. HaneyDoyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.Roy ThomasRoland Tid"TellM. T. StyersFire Alarm at DKE House at University 3:30 A. M. 12-12-57Homer '!JukeElwood GayClyde Huggins, Jr.D. G. Neilson, Jr.li. F. ShellabargerRoy Thomas[1.. L. Tid',TellR. H. 1fJinterBill 1'.'omackFire alarm at 212 Sivley at 8:25 A. H. 12-19-571.). J. AustinR.. 'F. ShellabargerBill T':omackFire alarm at University at 12:45 A. M. 12-19-57E. B. AddingtonT.;. J. AustinVernon ChambersHm.;ard DavisM. C. FalknerElwood GayE. T. Haney135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135la5135135135135135135135AMOU1\1T65.51206.9743.99lL9.76162.5032.5064.18398.65321.851.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.501.501.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.50~---------.~-------------~-------------------------------~

~r 31

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>315~~--/~··~'================.=.a=U=K==TO=M=L='K=ET=C=HI=NG=S=CO= .. =N=AT=C-H_E=Z====================-_·-_- __-_-_-_-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==========~~I\.. ..CHECK NO.29482949295029502951295129522953295429542955295629,729582959296029(:;12962296229622963296429652966296729[8AC::;OUNTJones ?roduce Compaqr - 1 ton coal for Street Maint. 239t-Torth Oxford Junk Yard - Used car Wheels for St. sizns 239Ole Mh;s Service Station - ?olice Car Repairs 223Ole Niss Service Station - Gas and Oil for Police Car 224Oxford Auto Darts Company - Paint for flusher 227Oxford Auto Parts Company -i.epairs to street Dept. trks 237Oxford Ea~le, Inc. - ?olice Department Christmas ad 2<strong>17</strong>Oxford Motor Company - Police Car Repairs 223O&burn-Abston &.Como any , Inc. - I'laster cylinder for gar'iage227truckOzburn-Abston & ~ompany, Inc. - Drake Fluid for Shop 243Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Com?any - P.xes and sledge hammers for 239street Hffi. nt. Dept.Presley's Placksmith Shop - 15 pick~ sharpened 237Ray's ::Jt;mdard Service Station - :Jrccker service on 223?olice :';nrHebel ?ress and Office Supply Company - Traffic tickets 221and office sUDpliesR.oad Builders Equipment Company - Hose for front~. H. ~cott - R.adio s1-litched from old police carHarry L. Shapiro - Policemen's shirts and capsShaH and Sneed Hardware Comoany - Seed fork handles forSanitation Dept.Sharr ,md Sneed Hardware Company :. 4 leaf broomsShm·: and Sneed Hard'i2re Company - Stove pigeStandard Oil Company - Kerosene for Street DepartmentStandard i 'eldeC's Supply Company - DemlllI'rage on Oxygenand Acetylene cylindersTri State Equipment Como~ny, Inc. - Magni to 1epairUnited Road I'lachinery Company - 3:quiprnent repairs forSanitation Dept.~.holesde Supply Com:Jany, Inc. - 30 minute parking si~ns"illiam H. Ivy - [Engineering .Services for December, 1957end loader 227to new 223210227229239239243237227239253AHOUNT18.505.6018.50115.8214.704.6913.0020.5<strong>17</strong>.404.5058.726.754.0015.009.1154.3661.371.857.80J~1519.773.6029.8348.0818.0052.002838284228642869287028762879288229692970297129722973297L~2975~97629772978297929802981298229832984298528322833Union Planters National '3ank - Transfer of Interest fromBond fund to Trust FundC. ? Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 12-21-57Elwood Gay - Salary for DecemberElton Addington - Salary f' or December 1-11h '35.21A. B. Sardner - Salary for December Hlh $11.31C. P. Fulmer - Petty CashTax ~':ithheld FundC. P. Fulmer - Payroll 12-31-57Arkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Gas for 'rTater Dept.Oxford Light and ,Jater Dept. - Pump, Booster Pump andFactory 1.lell<strong>No</strong>rtheast Hiss. Electric POv-Ter Assoc. - Power for Sewa:geDispos&l ':}lantsBadger Meter Nfg. Co. - \-later Department partsC,mter Chemical Company - 6 Kegs Cento for SeHageDisposal ':}lantsCentrc;l .Service Association - '.,iater end 0ewage BillingDavis JVleter and Supply :';ompany, Inc.- ('Yater partsElliott Lumber Company - Sewage disposal plant materialFlexible Dipe Tool Company - Ratchet turning handles forfor Sel·mge disposal PlantsHarper Foundry an:l Nachine Company - Meter boxesIdeal Chemical and Sup:oly Com:oany - Liquid Shlorine forSewage Disposal PlantsStelrJart C. Irby Somp;ny - Harkel Heaters for SewageDisposal PlantsOle Miss Service Station - Gas for ~'Jater DepartmentJ. H. Oliver and Company - Galv. PipeOzburn-Abston and Company, Inc. - Penetrating Oil for1.-!ater Dept.Rockwell Manufacturing Company - Water PartsYallace & Tiernan Inc. - Supplies for Sewage DisposalPlantsTA{ 1. I THHELD FUNDFederal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Tax withheld for <strong>No</strong>v.Public Employees letirement System - Retirement withheldfor <strong>No</strong>vember528Various514522522Various52251452553752451052353951052352351052352352551051051052328.75282.1280.50209.79233.6912.4946.52260.258.07298.88147.7756.8386.55110.0489.0841.LO32.8486.40106.5030.741.45196.98.7583.3910.10577 .18<strong>17</strong>7 .49

(~'1{~( tJ )I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>CHECK NO.51+01+51+02-035L0751105-11Slll5540B5L09-105h16-305L3l5L575113454355L365L37543854395440SL4l.::'4425LL35L32-33544L5L4554L65L4751+1+B5LL954505L51545254:::35L545L555456University HiCh School BandPetty ::ash - James B. McLureUnion Planters Nati'_nal BankPayroll for December 21, 1957c. P. Fulmer - v.ater and Se"JerPetty Cash - James B. l li icL1Jre?a3Troll for 1Jecember 31, 1957Tax "d.-thheld Fund - C. P. Ful:nerOle Miss Service 5tationElliott Hard,mre CompanyArk,:msas Ft~el Oil Crmpany~Dthri?,ht-i-(eed Drus ::;ompanyUnited iJns CompznyS01Jthern ~ell Telephone CompanyCentral Se ['vice AssociationTennessee Valley lmthori tyOzburn-Abston & Com0anyT 1\ orth l'lissis:::ippi Indl:strial;evelopment AssociaticnOxford Auto ryartsPetty Cash - James B. McLureTax i.'.Jithhelhd Fund - C. P. FulmerThe Oxford Sa~leSouthern Bell Telephone and Telegr;:;ph Ccmpany':alker ~lectric Company<strong>No</strong>rthe~!st jVliosissi?pi Public P01':er AssociationTennessee Valley Public PovJer As~;ociaticnTennessee Valley Electric Supply CompaY'YFernwood IndustriesGraybar Electric Company, Inc.T estinghouse Electric Supply Companyi'leter Service and Supply CompanyStm:rt C. Ir')y CompanyD. H. I'1archbanks and COTnC)e:;ny375.0092.25552.00273.32B,87L.7998.082,(24.70411.083.004.5040.50.794e.2331.B5129.775 ,{30. 755.4779L.009.65LL.35203.83LB.oo355.00132.93150.0090.00130.84549.40c~0.4019.1560.4011l~.081,h3B.LBS. T. Lyles, Jr. 8Jpeared before the Board and requested a reducticn in the 1957 tax assessmenton the 1itz T'1eatre, both real and :)ersona1. After consideraticn of the matter, moticn Hasmade, secor.ded and passed that the r9nl a::;sessment appe aring on ')age ILl Line 20 be reduced:;;:2,000 and the perscnal assessment apnoaring on Page 14L~, Line 15 be reduced :b3,000.H~UT<strong>OF</strong>();1E:,the City of Oxford, Jliississi0pi, purchased for the 'else of said i'unicipalHythe lands situated TtJithin the Coroorate Limits of the SHy of Oxford, l'IissisE::ippi, describedas follcv!s , to-Hit:Lots tn to 14L, both inclusive, of Avent Acres S1.;.bdivis'.on, as said lotsare shmm c:.ni designated upon the Official i'l;ap and Pl2.t of said :-it:bdi vL~or,recorded in nlat ?ook 1, ?~re 11, of the records of the Chancery ,";lerk ofLafayet. e CC)l.mty, ;vlissis:oiopi, and desip;nated as ItAmended Jvlap of AventAcr'O)s Snbdivbion, Uxford, l'1ississipoi tl •roon moticn illude by .. ldermC'n H. S. ::lisk ~nj seconded by J\1derman James ~i. '{oberts,IT Ie: mTJO~T:;::'l()i;: ,ty ~':{j)~ {SJ that the j'layor of said City of Oxford and all ot~'-'rnecessary offici&lsof said '::ity, including the Attorneys for said :::;i ty, be authorized and directed to do ~Y'ya!ldthings nece~;s2ry, proper, anc incident to the condemnation, inclt:din~ equitable servitc:det;,of all of the above described lots except Lots bl to 92, both inclurive, for the use of saidCity for c]rletery pt:.rooses, [;nd that Lots 81 to 92, both inclusive, be condemned, incl;cEnp:equitz:bls scrvi sudes, so that a cemetery me:;>be created adjacent thereto.Purst:ant to an advertisement ir; t~8 Oxford H~agle for bids on one traffic li'!ht control to beopened at 7:30 P. 1,;. Janm.ry 7,1958, a·bid was received from the Eagle::li::nal ~orooraticn,I'loline, Illinois. This being th'.:; only bid received, motion Has made, seconded and pDssed thatthe Eagle bignal Cor~oraticn bid be accepted.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>3<strong>17</strong>\f--r------------------------------------------------("r--1!I1'134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZThe matter of appointing one Trustee for the Q,d'ord City School to fill the vacancy causedby expiration of the term of O. D. Smith, January 1, 1958 came before the Board. Motion ,,,asmade by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Hic~nan and passed that O. D. Smith bereappointed for a t~rm of five years. Names and expiration dates of the trustees are asfolloHs:C. 1'1. Murry term expirc:s January 1, 1959James C. Hartsfield term exoir:;s January 1, 1960D. ::. l'1archbanks term expires January 1, 1961'-' ':ast, ,Jr. term expires January 1, 1962o. D. Smith term e:Qires J,nuary 1, 1963Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford .sagle for bids for the City Depository for the year1958 to be ooened at the R.egular Meeting at 7:30 P. 1'1. January 7, 1958 bids Her8 received fromthe follOlrrng banks:Rank of Oxford, Oxford, MississippiFirst National P clr 1 k, Oxford, MissiSSippiT~e bids ,Jere opened and read and motLn was made, seconded and passed that both bids beaccepted and deposits be divided in said banks as they Wer'..: in the year 1957 and it is soordered.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids for the purchase Or lease of theMunicipal Airport to be opened at 7:30 D. H. January 7, 1958 bids were received as follows:~~lliam L. French, 1455 East 54 ?lace, Chicago, Illinois - for purchase:':. Ross Brown, Oxford, Mississippi - for purchaseAfter the bids were opened and conside~ed, motion was made by Alderman Belk and seconded byAlderman Eickman and passed that all bids be rejected and the Board negotiate for lease onsame.The matter of constructing a three hundred foot seHer line in the Horn Oaks Subdivision tomake seHer service available for Mrs. Naomi Flemming, N. C. Horn and Jam-::s A. Hartin cameup for consideration. After a dh;cussion of t!1e matter,tlderman =toberts made a motion thatsaid sewer line be constructed provided easements could be obtained from property m-mers thatsaid sewer line would cross. This motion was seconded by Alderman Lovelady and all aldermenpresent voted yea, and it is so ordered.(-Moticn was duly made, seconded anJ passed that the Board recess until January 21, 1958 at 7:00 P. M.

318<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>")ursL;.ar:t to 2 recess order entered on J ,muary 7, 1958, the i'la~ror aile: Qo[",rd of "',ldermi:m met onJanL;.2ry 21, 195d at 7:00 D •• in the T,12yor a",J Poard of' icLiermen's ':-;n3mbcr in the '::;:ity He.ll"Then 2.n:l ;ihere the folloHinc: Ivers present:?ete nc2Ir:.ath -t

II!b'l'a84K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-------------------~-- ------319---------------. ------ --~--------------____<strong>17</strong>:00 P. M. JA~TUA~Y 28, 1958ry~rsuant to a recess order entered on January 21, 1958, the Mayor and Board of fldermen met onJanu,ry 2R, 1958 at 7:00 '"'. M. in the Nayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hallwhen and \'ihere the fol101"ing were present:Pete Mc~lreath - Mayor, PresidingFilliam N. Lovelady -Alderman at LargeFran'( \'Belk, Jr. - Alderman Lard OneJames N. ::toberts -Aldermani.ard TwoHarry S. Sisk -Alderman 1"ard Threec. p. qoberts - AttorneyOmar D. Craig -AttorneyC. D. ?ulffier - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Lundy Inman ap;)eared before the Board and re~uested a reducticn in the 1957 assessment onmerchandise for Handy Andy Grocery, said assessment appearine; on nage 74, Line 8 of the 1957oersonal assessment roll. After due consideration it apoo ared to the Poard that thi s assessmentwas excessive according to inventory presented by Mr. Inman. Motion 't-Tas made by AldermanLevelady and seconded by Alderman H~ckman and passed that this assessment be reduced from$1,500.00 to $900.00.A request came to the Board from C. 1~. Heard for the use of the Fair grounds May 19th to 24thfor a carnival to be sponcered by the ~l. Motion was made by Alderman Sisk and seconded byAlderman Hickman and passed that Mr. He ard request be granted.The matter of checking real estate Oimed by the City of Oxford in the state of Arkansas cameon for consideraticn. Motion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Robertsand passed that the Mayor appoint a committee to go and check said property and the City payall expenses.Same on for consideration the final bill for SevJer Dispo,c;al Dlant construction by Matthews1:hitfield, Inc., in the amount of $6,712.04. A letter of final approval having been filed byIrby Seay and Company, engineer for the construction of said sel"er disposal plant, and certificatenumbe~_~]~~~~~~ been issued, moticn was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by P~dermanLovel~ tha u said bill be paid and the Clerk is h~3reby authorized to issue a nrrant for same.A request Has received from A. G. Bailey for the City to release a lease ,;hich the City now holdson a lot on the Illinois:::Sntral :=tailroad rie;ht-of-itJay near the ICR3. Depot so that he couldobtain a lease on said lot for the purpose of constructing a feed loading plant. ~~otion wasmade by Alderman Lovelady that release be given on said J..ot if and \'Jhen the Jity could obtain alease on the property joining t:is property on the northJ~he University of Missiccsippi providedthe oitmer or mmers of the buildings to be constructed on said lot agree to pay all expense ofraising, lowering or otheritdse moving the transmission line runnin~ by said lot that mie;ht becaused on account of the building constructed by said A. G. Bailey or other mmers thereof.This moti· n 1I3S seconded by Alderman Belk and all aldermen present voted yea and it is so ordered.(The matter of parking in the center of the strc)et on the east end west side of the County CourtHouse came up for consideration. After a discussion, l'~de;"man Lovelady n.ade a motiere that0arking at said ~laces be abolished effective Pebruary 3, 1958. This motion was seconded byAlderman :i.oberts and all aldermen present voted yea.t!iotion was duly made, secon:!ed and passed that tha ':loard recess until February 4, 1958 at 7 :00 ry M.L __t~ __ ~ __ ~ _________

•<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>7:00 ? N.Dursuc.mt to Cl rrocess order entered on JcnlU2ry 2(5, 1958, the l':ayor an:i Soard of Jil:iermen met onFebruary LI, 195b at '7: 00 ,..,. I'I. in th3 i'~ayor an:i~oard of Aldc3 rmens' C:12mber in the C:i ty Hallwhen apd Fhe ">~ the follouins were present:Pete McSlreath, Mayor -Presidin~'illiam ~'T. Lov81dJ' - Aldermc:n at LareeFra;;k '. "elk, Jr. - ..'lder:r.ar 1 c;rd Cine::a.rry S. 0i~;k - Alde.man 1'ordl'hreeOmar D. Crai~ - AttorneyC. D ;'ulrr T - ClerkGill .• Johnsen - S~pt. ~lectric ~e~artmenti"lotinn l,;~.r; ;:.ade, s~col'ded 2r.dl2ssed that, t:le :':il'utes 0" t~}e Januarymeetir.~~s be adOJted asre-?d.~)On motion iuly nade, seconded and passed unanimc'Usly , it 1,r8S ordered that tf-jis Boarrl do 1'l0'Hadjourn sine-die:

II ( ________________<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>321._~._~_K_T_O_M_L_.K_E_TC_HI_NG_S_C_O._.N_A_TC_H_EZ _____________________________________________________________________________ ~III ~,IUN! TED S TAT ~ S o F AM~I1.ICJ..S TAT 3 o F MIS SIS SIP P IC 0 U N T Y o F L A FAY E T T ECIT Yo FOX FOR D*REGULAf1. HEBTING 7:30 P. M. FEBRUJHY 4, 1958Be it remembered that the }iayor and BO::lrd of .Hdermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. N., Tuesday, February 4, 1958, it being ttetime and place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, "Jhen and where the follo'1,ing 1..;erepresent:Pete IvIc.:!:lreath, Mayor -Presiding"illiam F. Lovchdy -Pldermc.!n at LargeFrank 11 ~elk, Jr. - Alderman ~ard OneJames N. 'toberts - Ald~':rman 'ard TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman lIard Three". ill "'\.. Hickman - Aldorman ~:ard FO"GTOmar D. Craig -At-::orl1eyi~. ? LO~JJ"e - EngineerC. .,. Fulrnsl' - ClerkGill 'I:. JohY'son -Slut. 31ectric DepartmentAfter the meetinG 1-!as called to order motion Has duly made, seconded and passed unanimously thatthe fol10Hinz:; accounts be allo,;~e:l. for paymerlt:Check <strong>No</strong>./288529862991299430U2300330U4300530063007300830093010301130123013301430153016 .... · .'Ta.x ~·Jithheld Fund - Social Securi ':.yTax T;Jithheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - rya;;rroll 1-15-58C. p. Fulner, Clerk - Petty Cash 1-27-58Pete HC.~lr'"ath - Salar: r fer Jal1uc:ry H/h #4.50Tiillj.&m F. LoveladjT - ;:";-:;lary for January VJ/h ~?1.13Frank \'1. Belk, Jr. - Salary for January v;/h 6'10.13James ~T. Roberts - Salary for Januar:- i:/h tl0.13Harry S. Sisk - Salary for J:::.nuary w/h ;~1.13'."ill A. Hickman - Splary for J~::nuary w/h ifl0.13l10berts ClndCrai:: - S~l2.r;:r for JanuaryE. T) LOHe - Sal.:Jry for January H/:l $20.9hC. p. Fdlfler - ;ialary for January ~J/h U9.50Annie ~. Lane - Salary for Januc:ry 'iJ/h ;~c.43jvlarie ';".• :3illis - Salary for January ,4h ~34.04~!e,"'t Kin£: - ~)81ary for January w/h :;;,48.75vI. G. Kimmons - S210ry for January "l/h ~?42. 89'i.. lI. Nills - Salary for January 1..;/h ~3h.90" f'l. T. StY0rs - Salary :"or January H/h $34.90183183VariousVarioas1101101101101101101151<strong>17</strong>III116114112113<strong>17</strong>4<strong>17</strong>5311.64280.43488.352.03195.5048.8739.8739.8748.8739.87100.00378.06356.50<strong>17</strong>9.57164.96251.25232.11205.10205.10••

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Account }1 0 • Amcunt30<strong>17</strong>301830193020302130273030303130323033303t303730Ll030L~1301[230h330h430lt53011630LL730htl30LL93050305130523053305h3055305630S730LLO30SS30Ll304230S93044306030L530Llf-.301<strong>17</strong>3OLI1:330iL930S23053305L)30553056305730e.l305S30t..~230Ltl30L[2304330603045304630[<strong>17</strong>3041:33050305130523063505330543055305E305730613064306530663(15830iJ?30t 3Don:-:Jd ""rvJile - Scl;ry for t!3.nuarJT "Tlh ;;:1L1.90'.lOylR Lnth0r - Salary for LTanuaFJ FJh ·]nl.h61010nd :::'~istpr - c3a1aI"J for Januc;!"J ,·;jh ;:,13.98'rs. 10S8 lOH1;1f1d - '.JalaY'Y for January u/n ;;3.56:hTO('J~n~T - Se12ry for J;muary ,,jh :;;14.99T'. 1. n.lIs - ;jalciry for JanuaFJ 1-r/h :;;211.03T. ;:. li2Pce - ;)C'12r~T for LTomuary Fib :.,1.01Glande D. , .. 101"8, Jr. - Sa1~:Y'Y fOi' cTanuery "llh :;,25.24Laf'2yetLe:::ounty ::.;"lth l:T1it - Check for JanuaryLafayette COVlty L;.br~'ry - Check for Januaryc. ~. ~u1m8r, Clerk - ryRyroll 1-31-581'8X ,i thhelj ~I'und - Tax' i thheld from ',';a~~esFire alarm at the". C. 3yde re~idcnce3:50 A. F. on tT"nuc:r~/ f, 1958.~. p. AddirrtonV'?"'non -:"n2mbers~r2 L.~rmTsonry. O.'::lliott, Jr.Ehrood Gay~. T. Haney::a.;,de Hu[" 'ins, Jr.Dill JohnsonD. S •. LOSSt. ~. She11abar?er:i.oy Thc[1J3Si.cl2nd TicLiel11. L. '.i.'i.d"ell::;. ~). l'i1son::t. ~i. Tinteron giShwiy 7 Morth ntlire alc;,rm on "!i;:::hH2J" 6 'e~t 2.t ":25 D rl. on J8nuary 8, 1958;,::. 1=3. idciin,r;:tonT,;. ,J. l'ustin'Jernon Charr,bers:Io,:;a rd D.s"is~. o. Slliott, Jr.:~l'·]ocd }::oy.~. T. Eaney"Jill Johnson~. ~. <strong>No</strong>ilson, Jr.1. ~. ~hellab2r~er10=' Thomas'toloncl TLJ~Jel1:l. L. Tidl.Jell':. ~3. l ilscn]. !:I. 'Jinter'?ill i ornackFire Alarm in front of POlior rylent (car) at 5:27 p. M.1;;. J. 1~ClstinJ. L. ?eard'Jecnon ChambersIra L. ,:rcI'lSonHorner DUlm1'1. :. :

II<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~-. -----------------------------------------------------------------------~L-I .________"_lta_\... _K._TO_M_L"_K_ET_C_H'_NG_S_CO_""_N_AT_CH_E_2 _________________________________ •. _______ --13044306030463067304930503063305330543055305630573061306830433047304930563057304330443060304730673051305630613068306430t,9306930693069307030713071307230733074307530763077307830793142308130823083308430R530Se3087308830(38B. o. Elliott, Jr.("M. v. F'alknerE. 'r. HaneyDoyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.David r~oss~,:. O. S:'IithRoy ThomasRoland TidwellR. L. TidT"e11C. S. VJilsonR. H. v'linterBill \':omack't. A. LeisterFire alarm on College Hill i.oad at 3:20 il.Homer DukeClyde Hug,:rins, Jr.D. G. Neilson, Jr.C. b. JilsonAccount <strong>No</strong>.1351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351'1. on January 28, 19581351351351351351958135135135135135135:to H. T'if1terFire alarm on Hirh1rlay 7 00uth at 3:40 '::l.Ti. on January 31,Homer DukeB. Q. Slliott, Jr.M. c. FalknerC. '1. Hug ins, Jr.Doyle LutherD. S. :10SSC. s. ~'Jilson"'. ·omackR. ll.. LeisterIVlax HippSouthern 3eJ1 Telephone & Telegraph Com~any - Hayor'" phoneScutllernR.ell l' leo hone & TeleE',?"aph Company - Clerk's aho!!eSm,thern 5ell fl'~lephone & 'l'elegrc:ph Compcmy - :5'i re Dept.Scuthern Bell Tolephone & 'l'",legraoh Company - EnpineerUnited Gas Corporation - City H.'JllOxford Li~ht & i'ater Plant - City HallOxford Light & hat~,r Plant - The i'rmoryClement bafety Equipment, Inc. - Air T,mk RefilledDaley Lumber Comrany, Inc, - Paint thinnsr 8: rutty "orre~airs to rental proQertyElliott Hardw2re~om)any - Po'( air'e packingI,letts Hardwere - Repairs to rental pro:JertyJ. H. Oliver and::;om~any - Peint (;. hot ':rater heater forcity apartmentsOxfor:l Sheet j"~etal horks - 1epairs to city apartments'lebel '::lress & Office Sun:->ly Com~a!!y - O:fice suppliesShm-J S: Snercd Hard"Jere Company - S::m putty for Cit~T apts.~3hirritt Flaz Company - 2 American FlagsSt&ndDrdl:elders Sup ~ly Company - Demmurra'!8 on OX;T~en12412413512h123143153135149Ih9] 4914914914614915313515918?146159153137129The ~'Ihj_ te Curb-Cop:::ompan/' - 500 envelope traffic tickets!\'Tississipoi ;unicip&l j,ssociaticn - membership duesDement "Jrintincl" ComoD.py - File foldersTom L. KetchinC's Comnany - ':::oin vlI'ap:)ersJ. B. :-10',,,e11 - Indexing lotsC'xforJ:ublic LiabilityD. H. H2rch')2nl

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>3090309130913092Y::923(in30n3092309330)4309[;109630973091330993100310131 G23103310),3101J310[13104]1053106310731073107310b( .:::Or8. ,7,' ')310?310931103111311231123113311431J(311631J 731<strong>17</strong>31<strong>17</strong>31<strong>17</strong>31H33119311931193120Southern '~'el1 l'?18:,hon':; ~ >1c?::r~~h :::0. - 'ol.ic8~I1i'~ej .JL0 Cor'lr;an;/ - 1, r[: ,:eibi ted: ~c~ ~:o' ::r"r - ")oJ.:i c'? ()ff:~ cc.nrtcc:rsc: :'l:el Cil ~or;:lOr~tioY' - >'otor (!ill),.rl{(~;r. 80S :,":::J ('ll Cor:)o>'2tior - ;'otor ~,'il..'~rk2nC;::,~ ~'u.c1( !i}.i~rkC1r[) cY~·.el (In"J._,r;c2.Yls[;'~_; ?'.~sl 1.'i1for "clj.ce ~: r'=or-')(;rz'~i' r~ - ~:_~3 for rl~.j -it:_~~,~~ c'n De~)t •CorncrLti(.n:?c; :rOl~ S+,rr:::t ,'::int.')~f'Cr;r I) ?"orl'''(:?11 ~:~-""'''\Tj ~~G :~)t~:.l 11 - tE;:.·lir\ __ ~"olice =c1'~o:.·,'ce J. ~}y-c.l:,ton - I~;- re (.f ""ri~_~cpcrs~als'~T ~"J.filbe[' ~_, _~_!1C. - C),1k: for :"c1~·:~ts~t)tcn vent.:::ast I-':otor ~arts Corn')QIlY - ~p,)c::.ir0 to ~)( :j~j-'(; :.;:....rG~) tr~ ck~lliott Ti!ir~lHC1Jo:; CorrG)c..n~ - Lu,:" Dolts for ~·anit.. De8t.:~lliott LU11bor Com-:J2ny - ':.:ement for ~:treot Eain'~.H2FkiY't~~(11Ai'l"i0T'~> :~cm:)DflY - ~;f'rc:cket an~l :\ey for ::an:..t.l)ep:,rtn;e'1t TruckT!oto~)hic Creek.}r::ve1 Comr;cmy , Inc. - ;r2vo,1"

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>;;= .IS"lacK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCheck <strong>No</strong>.Account <strong>No</strong>.Amount30393121312131223122312231233124312531263127312831283129313031313132313331343135Ta~ ,;i thheld FundCentr&l Service Association - "!ater Bill insCentral Service ksoci&ticn - ArwrtizationOxford Light and Jater Plant - PumpOxford Lip;ht and ".Jater ""lant - Factory WellOxford Light and "ater °lant - Rooster Pum:, Station<strong>No</strong>rtheast Mississippi Electric Power Association - SewerDisposal Plant PowerArkansas Fuel Oil Corporatirn - 3cs for Water Dept.Baswell Service Station - Grease for water truckJ ames ~. Clo·.: & Sons - 1 c ater partsEllj.ott H2rdware Company - Pine dopeSlliott Hard dare Company - Pump packingElliott Lumber Company - SelJer Disposal TJlant suppliesIdeal Chemical E'1. Supply Company - Liquid Chlorine for SewerDlontsJ. H • Olive r &. Company - Jal v. Pipe anj water partsO'Neal' s ~';elding &. jViachine Shop - ;;hear pins for SevJerDisposal PlantsOxford <strong>No</strong>tor Company - water partsOzburn Abston &. Comrany - l:?,eDairs to water truckSo'.::.thern SUD.ly Cemi.'any - T"ater sU9plies~OCkv1811 i'1anufacturing Comoany - ·'·'.ter supplies52253954253753753752452552551051052352352351052351052551051046.52111.051.20269.2019.3018.32154.2310.002.40156.65.353.7510.0038.25523.0515.0022.572.lt87.8483.75TAX "~ITHH.2~LDFUND288829b92990T)'Jblic .~mployees' qetirement System - Soci21 SecurityPublic f:i:mplo;yees' ,i,etL'ement S.Isten: - let::"r'3montDirector of Internal Revenue - Income t2X wi.thheld for DecQmbe'Y'1,703.829b3.62692.76( "29972998c . ., [arkini~ Heter Gompany - hO:s of J,,;nuary colle ctions62.403137J. ". Jrice & James 1:). Earwell - i1.efund for overcolJection ofspecial street improvement - :=?eceipt <strong>No</strong>. 37761.23(5451354(;1-b65459-LO5467~46854c951.t70S472-fl5541:)6-935l!715496549754985499550055015502550355045~055506550755085509i \.. 5510Ii 5511L'__I 5512IgSi&5515551655<strong>17</strong>Tax 'Vi thheld Fund - C. T). Fulmer~ayroll for January 15, 1958Detty Cash - James P. HcLurec. ? l"ulmor - Fater and Sevr.,rrPett J Cash - James 3. McLureT. T.:. Johnson (refund on sewer)Payroll for J£lnU

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>5518'21c¢,tr~c __ ~0.i?t_.c. D ti'ul~r;cr - Tax '.,1ith1l81d lOB, C3S, ~etConte 0)1 for corsijer2~>ic;n the; m2ttcr of th,c )1eed of lim1ii ch-'-orine for the next tvelve months.!oticn 1;.'as ~'2,je by i,lderman Loveledy cmel seconded by Aldcn,r; l:. ckm.'::n 2nd rassed that .:m .s.d'.·"rtLs';)­ln8r't be r)L' ced i.nthe Oy ford ~a,"'le for bids on six or t11rel ve monthc, sUDply.,.-iDUrSl12nt to an advertLscr:.ent in the Oxford SafFle for bids on one addint~D89artment to be ooened fi'ebru2_ry 4, ] 958, bLit; ,·r·ere received from the follo1Tin(,:fJackscr1, Thp, "Ori-rter, '~~;"'3neda, !~issi~;~i~l:)ir'en',;Jhis, Ter~ esseebb:::;l Dress c;rd Office SU001:r Comx ny, Oxfcrd, Nis sissiC)oi:Tndervoud '=orDo~'ation,c.achine fcr th:::; ~lectricLfter' t.he bids Fers o'Jcned cr·ci ~,he bijs cCJns;.dered, rwticm ~.-: s !'lode by l'Llr::rman Hickl8 ?re:s an;] Office Su:).)ly ':;om1,:my :)id be accepted,it beinr:: the Im'est ;:;nd best bid.D. G. Neil~;on, tTr., ~.hief of' the O'Cfo'~d "'i () 'le82rt::c lt, o,:J::>23red before the Doard for inforr(latiC'nYas to if 2)';'1 ~'hen th'? usual annu:Jl ?ire 'JepDrtm'Jn-J:. 'l,c:.Df}Uet v' uJd be ='eld. lvjoticn Moe; mC'de byLlderm2Y, Lbve12dy a,.-,1 secol,ded by j',lJer::~an ]i ckman and passed that any convenient date set by!1r. ~rr;ilsr:n "be &DYJr'ov'?ci..• [1'OOkcT appeared bo fore the 'loorci and re'luested a rej'},ction in the assessment on (lle !'liss;-;t2ticn :'r1 Joarin", on ?acr8 123, Line <strong>17</strong> of the 1957 assessrnent roll. lSt,T ccnsiiera tien';'las P"12de, secC'nded £,,:l'l "asseJ that sClii EssessFl::mt be redl;,ced ~i250.00::~. T~;ervice:not~J;n:::;ame on for consij(~r'"'t:,on the "ayinC' for an 00.sernent for a se1.Jcr line 2cross thee proo'Jrty ofLlames A.f;artin. r·:otion "!as IT.ade by Aldec'm,m Dell< ond seconded by J\.lderman Hickrr12n and passedthat ~jr. l'iartin be ~aid ;;25.00 ,,-'hen AaSel'ent TicS ceceived.'l. "J. Johnson call to tho att~rticn of tne :Joard the need for additional trClY'sf'crmers.-oticn1-:2S :'lade by .tl.ld'?rman lI~ckman c:'nd seconded byajermar lobc:rts 2nd passed thC!t an ad're:'-J:.isementbe placed in the Ox'ord";2>'le for llsed t r','ns fermers as needed.:}. ".I. Johnson Celled ·attention to the Poard thDt thl~ su_)pl:r of .~lectricDl m(ltc~:rial 1-\"'8S ,~-etting10T'I. tJ,oV.cn H:S made b~T ;lde2man :1ic~cmcm and seconded by j~lderm2n ~isk 2 n d 02SSed thDt a.'1advc;rt",S8rn8n~ b~ '!laced in the Oxford ~a?,le for a six months suroly of electric !1Iater:i,al.'·'r. ,John~(Jn bro'J.[ht heroe':; the "'oa.rd the ma-J:.tsr of sellin[ four of the e\':.:iDcs at thp i:lcct('ic'Jlc.nt e.nd r!?colnT;erded -1)18 sele if ti',e fol10lrJin;- orices cou]·} be Gotten: :535,000.00 for -t;hc. D1:sh,;;12,500.00 fo~ the; DeU~verr"3, and ~t2,500.00 and ~~3,SOO.OO for the tvJO small'3r en~·ines. Onrecommcnlation of ,·ir. Johmon thct tiv;se nrices be acc8'Jted, motion l:3S rrade, seconded

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>327I (C ...... K-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO •• NATCHEZ~' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~I ,IThere came on for consideration a discussion of the mD.tter of theaddition to the Cemetery.The ::::ity of Uxford owns Lots en to 144, both incl'.~sive,of Avent}.cr€s Subdivision, 2S said lots are shoNn D.nl desip;nated upon the OfficiD.lj'~apand Plat of said Subdivis:,on recorded in '"'lat :So ok 1, o;:;ge 11 of therecords of the ChancAry Clerk of Lafayette Cc-cmty, Mi~;si~E;ippi, ~md desic:natedas "Amended r':ay of kent Acres S'J.bdivision, Oxford, Mic;sisc,iDpi".There are protective covenants on tho lots of land situated in saidAvent Acret; Subdivision, of \,nich Lots 81 to 144, both inclusi"e, form a pc:rt.Said restrictive covenants are recorded in the Office of + C C'>Uc ~ Clerkof the8fJanc8t"y CO"L'rt of Lafayette County, Hississippi, in "Sook <strong>No</strong>. 126, Page L.72,Yhich covenants are as follows:A. AJ 1 lots in the 0u1:Jdivision shall be knovm and described asresid,~"tii 1 lots and are not to be rosubdivided. }eTo structllre shall be erected,al tered, olaced or permitted to rem2;_n on any residential buildinz Dlot otherthaT1 one and tHO famil:,' (hrelline:s not to exceed one and one-half stories inhei~~r~t and a private garB"€" for not r'iors than tviO ~'ars a"j one serval't I s room.'3. ?uildin~- lines e'S sholtm on recorded 91~n of subdivision abevereferrod to s~:211be observed except that steps, stoops, and olJ:'n Dorches iTIdYoroject.C. <strong>No</strong> residential structure shall be erected Or nlaced on anybuildilY: Dlot ;Jhl_ch Dlot hES an area of less than 6500 S!'}UE re feet or a ,.,;ridthof less th2n 50 feet at thA front bu:Udinc: setback line.D. >'0 noxious or offensive trade or D.ctivit,~' shell be carricd onHoon any lot 110r shall an:,rthins: be done thereon l;nch may be or become anannoy~rce or nuisance to th; rcirhhorhocd.l':. Po oersons of any r2C2 other than the::a 1 Icasian 'i,ace sha]] Use oroccupy any buildinc on 2ny lot excent that this coven2~t shall not preventcc C',;,'l,"nc~r of the Bervants I quart8t'8 by domestic ~;e r"~ n+,8 of P. diff'erent raceemDloyed by the O'i.'ner or occu)&nt.~'. l'fO traile:;-:l, basc-:nent, t.er:t, shack, £8.ras8, barn or oth'~~!' ol1th""J.ildingerAct8d in the tract sh[J(ll at any tirr:e be used as a rcsidcr.ce teJr':qcl'~rily orperma!'ertly, nor shall any structure of a t'~mporary charo der be used as ar:::sidence.G. 1'1:e1'e is [: perpet'J.cl erSCI'1Cnt as sholtm on rec;.1'ded Dle'r' ofsubjivision reserved for 1:ctility instal1atlcm E'r~j m~~lntenance.Jr. 1,10 di'Tel1in~r shall be p~rP1i tted on any lot at a cost of less than$5500.00 based l~on cost levels prevailin~ on t~e dpte these covenants areC'ccorded, it 1)(:i1";' the irtention and purpose of the covenant to assure: that alldlt1ellings shall he of a quc::li~'JT of Korkmansll~_p C'd'lj m",terials Substcll:tially thesc:mc or better t:;an that ,·T .~_ch r~:n be produced on the date these covenants arerecorded at the minimum cost stated herein for tile mini;]':t:}n oermi tted duellingsize. rhe ~ro'J.nd floor area of the ~ain struct~re, exclusive of ore-story ODonOOT'C'l8S 2nd cara~es, shc:ll be net les8 than 800 square feet for a ons-storyd T T811ip;:, nor loss th2r' 700 sC]u~.'re feet for a d"J811in.~,; of more than one story.1. These covenants are to run ;,Tith thl) IG y 'd 2'1-:1 5ha11 be bindingon alI tho 9 art,ie~; and ,,11 ocrcens c12irr:in r under them lmtil January 1, 1975,Et which time said covenants shall autofficticallyextend for successive periodsof ten :,'eClrs, nnless by a Ir:ajority of the t"en 01mers of the lots, it is af~reedto ch;::rwe the seid coveM,:f1ts in "hol or in part.J. If th9 parties hereto, or ru~ of them, or their heirs, orass~zns, 8110.11 vioht", or atte(flnt to ,.riolate any of the covenants herein, itshall ::e lavlful "e'or cny person or persons ovmin~: any real property situated inthe s aid development or subdivis:i_cn to prose c"L'_te any proceedj r:s at 12H or inequity a~rainst the persen or perscns violating or attempting to violate an:' suchcovenant 2nrl either to prevent him or them from so doins or to recover damagesor other d~es for s~ch violaticn.

-----------~------~---~----~-------------------------"'~~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>K Irv21id2ti~n 0o['cler sh:..:ll in no .'iss affc;ctfl~11 fcrce ,~:!"j effect.::n}T on" o:£.' t:l'O:c~e co\umE:,n-S~) by j~~d"Tr]ent or co~,rtJn~r of tf:.~ c-t~h_'_~r nrc\Tisicn~-; ~,~~~ich s~~c::.l] renl£~in inOn mction duly :,ade b.: .. ' I.lderrr,an ::1911

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I (II!stISCK-TOM L. KETCHINGB co., NATCHEZ'l'h'~ mCltt'?r of h::;"!in,:'; a ditch rlu,:, from a water line on Park Drivp CaT"\8 up for discl:ssion.The Oxford Tractor Gon:pany submitted a bid to di: 200 feet of di tcll 3.5- averarre dC'Ith,1(3 inche~: ~·;ide for a total of .,,:"A,';,ire 'h~rli~,; h3S te"dered his r(~f;i:'nDticll to ths -:)eC'Td of .ldermcf' of the Si t:y ofCh;-+'cc-d, eff'ctivr:; I:'srcl'l 31, 19SIJ, 2( d thsC)o2rd of Aldc?rmen det;ire to commend !Vjr. ::nCJrliefc-~ hiE3 sBt~'LsfDctO:".?, o~_~.tst~n'LLn~" c:Ild efrici8~nt service in s-:..:.-:.:h c.:nacities;'\1(1' , TLT~~SF(q" BS T',!' l. >:C'l'h~D by the '!oJot' 2nd neard of j~lde '1112: ef the '".'i ty of (lxfoC'rl,7-ifiSissi:J~)i, tf12t it is h~reb:r d·Jcl,:.~rt?d +,0 he tbc~ ser.E)e ()f th(~~ Dc~~~'J t~at i"

3'''0 ~)<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>'u~s~ c~t to ~ r'coss orier 0ntnr~j en !ebruc 0 : Ii, 195c, the: i:2~'cr ?liJ "OC~1:-J (lj~' ,"l~lTlrC:;l ;:oet0l1"n':)r\'2(':,'ll, ]C)!T::,t 7:00~oc-r:i oi':lic~';';cs' ~:l-,cr:':)er ir t'~r :::ityi, t,},,:;?r~,nk\J"" ,,,,,,, '-"I\-I'"·I.~,r /,-J'--,,-It hG.\-.~Y~(·" l)er;n l)P01.1'·ht to t,:.;u :::t ,,":ticn 0;' thr:~ l:~~~~r('~ and 'lo,':rd ofAldn}'~C)" 'I},ot 1f1 2 cer1.:, c:i,n de'c;Q d:-:tol LT::n,'a!7 I:, l'}U5, recorded i,., "lock '1'J,T)['r ..... 3(0, '=li ~:h0. Deed -?eC'()r:-J::~ 0_: 1 ~-C'''- .. rGtt~ ::~>,'-:'ln~'-, i jS::)l_~', i'lji, t}l,.,t t,1~C? =i'L~Tof rh~-'-~f)r i, ;:issic~E;i:ri, cOflveyed to ,Tcu~:::s ~jtone certnin pro:)erty 2nd reserved~-/bn r~ r"ht ~r; 0Tn'lt~~T S9wer3~;~ nTlThe ~lorthl'·:2~:3t (.)Jo.rt'.·~r 0.1' ~)ecticn 20, .L'o1':nS~·i:io b, ~ti'~-."e3 -::," f., t:: ;':':ret'+r; '::QlCf't,j', i;i~:, iSc;i~:i cc:ce.ot 12 Dcr'J~: int. h~_~ -;\T C'.~t ~;- s';J c or~er o:~ s ,~~ iJ ~~:J: rtr~ r'; E~ y>; 30 [:"2 r(:;.s off or-!"hf; cst enci of thc 40 acrr~ st:ci~ on the sO',l-!',h Eide of~h:; >C~;:t,}1~·rr::~~~t uD.rt,,:;~ of ::-JGct.ic)n <strong>17</strong>, Llo:.,.~nsr~i:) G, 1.~~ni;~c3 : '~~st, L~f,J~r2ttc: ':c~~nty, ("lif~si.s~::i~~)i-,an:l to ()!l"SC:2 U')OYl .:1:.:~-1 J;'nci~_: :_~nj 12)' such se,Ier£!.:c, 2["1: to ch~.n·~c ~Jh.c s; ;112 o.sto ')12C8 of ",;:t,r:,- Ot' otr,~r'\:ise, en:! -e,o rSD2ir t,n: S:fIl, f'rec; [["om all let orhinl.{,2Y!I:P of tJ8il ~T2rt0,? or oth'?r ()C,r0ons, 'm.i reserved 211 ri:"hts nec8,ssaryto the ef'f'pc7Jivr: o8'3r~~t1C'n of st~i~ ~:O. ~·;.r2_,:'··2;-)!,ncl it fclrther apJearin.:= .0 the ,:,ayer an:i :'o,'rJ of ,Ll,~'men trot [encC';;::;r',::r:,+ ric:teJ c',;to~;~r L, 1905, rc;corded in ~c;o1.c V\' nt ~a(~;e lJ92 of ~~hp Deed~{(;cc.~dc) of Laf[1,:-Qttc ')~'unt;{, l'::i~'~)issi:!:;i, ',.7C·S eX8cl:teJ b.y '_'.:. :)~:~rlL'::s :':nd "·'ife,S. • c;"0£r;c,:fJ, to th'? .-'it~~,r of Oxford, tlississip~)i, cf:·cctin~.r -t-Jl.:JTlTort~,C:;:c;t~l,;:rt8r 01 'j('c;tic)fl 20, 'lc"T'Sr,=-Cl (3, U:n'o 3 ~'est,S'.x:r0 n t tr~re8 2..crCEi in the nor-tne2.st corr'9r 01 s· i:::l :~'u['rt;J~~"1,in ·,'rrLch thcH' TT':S o:r2r.t p J to tll'" (~ity of' Oxford in '8ernetu=-ty tho ri·ht to8mnt:" c;o ,.'~::''''Ci'; onto thr, ~~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I (~,ISI'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZI~Ne,,;t King, City Harshal, having requested additional help on Dolice force and havinG an2pplic3tirn from 11. C. Kine; for the place and on recomn,endaticn from l.Tee·1t Kir'c, motion Hasmade by _Ald9 ;oman "Cl8lk and seconded by Alderman -lobert:: ~nd nasc·ed that it. C. King be em;Jloyedat '" salD.r~r of $225.00 per month.'ff,;r1c:d· c_~I'(] "'Jr;"ri'.-:;st rr>fnl'r::;: to i'1 order on '")[,",,,,321':: C."G:'; W)t ~cce'lted.The 'l;att~rconsiderc,t~_cnof enterinz into a leiJse contract on the Oxford Nunicipal Airport carne up forand the follm.rin;:r letter Has presented.j'HS~.Jl:)~)I D~II~'~t()"l TT'I C:i %f'I!:Io,sar;}T?ost Uffice Box 5Jacksc:l 5, ["iss.Februar:," 10, 1958Honor~ I:le ?ete Ilc.21reathl':ayor of Oxfordhissi~~sipDii'ir. \'[ill Hicknt!n ho.s rerlUested that I '·:ritA'? YOu ,md confirm a telephoneC(" ve's.::tion in regar-ds to the; use of' part of the Oxford Airport for27ric~lturalp~rooses.From an aviation ncint of vie~ I can see no ohjections to the use of thatpart of the airport property not used for lcmding strips for agriculturalpurnoses, provjded crops c;rovill liould not be an obstruction 2nd cultivatic.nwas done in such a manner that cultivated area ~o Id not dr~in on landingstrips.'ith best personal re 'ard~,Sincerely ~lou;~s,::"ill:jmtce/Tr. HicJ~ray rQ.7 :'ith +he . est bound2ry line of Section 32, Tmmshin9, l.aYl~:e 3, Lc:.fcyette 8c,;.nt~-, liSE;.; said stake further described c:.~) being

,~-----------------~--~------------------------------~----~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( 3;~2!I1---,-'----<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>riled ~_Dcl rc;cnrJ.cd i!'~t.Ta'~~c~cr:, r':i,'~:;.; c,hC'YlceC'l_~ ~_OC0n.J '-liv~)r_ L.:1 0'1,~~'o r::~~j s-:-.. iv'J \J I' ij. ,:: ,~~cros~~__ , '::,l~r;"nl lirecti:]'i)I)--"nc'r+,~1 f:;r,j 01 th,:; 'i:J.t '~,\:~ ',ti.- +iG!' 3:,Oll, ·c; 3(of t:~~0rcj of c 3° curve~J;-'.~~ (;1\.1. '~r.'r ... (',...,~ )-i,U"I(t ("Lt.1I, [::-i') :::;t,,::,',,~e;n ~3(;iJ Y":;c'c"rd, CJC:=- 1 f3t: ·Li(:_.'~ '~IIJi~- '}('tnt,i ( .; , ~t.:r; "0 f elI C' j_

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>L-(IiISI'2.S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ(2) '1'0 oa.f L'.YJtO .t,. O. -'::bc~{(lpion the sum of PUt:;T 2nd 1\]e/100 (;);:50.00)Dollar~_;,;hich renr':OS2nts a part of the cost of cuttinc: deem itlil] OH3 thc:t have~rO"\;nun along the forth line of said .',irport.(3) To deliver to the said .Airport tl\Tenty (20) loads of gravelto be placed on Vee dri V91:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>:':otion ;-U' m:::3e by 1,lJpr)12n~nbec·ts C'Y) _i secopJed!JJ' ;ld TIl]: ,-1 :3if;k 2n J ')2 sscd th2t thee C'l_:"Y:::n~~inp'?r do nll cit" surve~rin(7 2nj 'J.: 0 Y'o';l'l&r eFnloyees of thr:; :i t;r ~ s bc;lners.. ~)

------------~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SI"ZS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ7 :00 ? 1,.'")ur.s;;_~~it to a r0cess ord(~r entered on l i 'ebr113ry 11, 1950, the l

(3:~(jI.~--.-.--<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1.1 <strong>17</strong>'-)o F L'T;,",,'"";-, : . ..., TTT -,,\.1 \ -.:. )11.. '. 7: l0 "). ' .'l" ;4 l""'r·;e"b"'Y'e:.l t~~,t t;:~ lu:,rCT c',j 'n1':r" (~ ~".' ::/h • LJ3:.::.ri.e .• ~-i11i~; - ~~~ll~.;r·J f"oc 'nbrl..:'r I ,t r ',}3 .04. L,Ti.;-'1 :-:: ,H' r, .. :.\?br-:.~~~.r~r "1,:,/[ .'is''---i "lS - ;,.,:

~,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>337ill, ( ' ____________________________________HSI234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .• NATCHEZ, II31i::3CJ31d3JI2,":II'.: 331"i~310011,il~:- , ,.",:J19h31 C}:-::,?JO(T07319C?3 S T'3T''''n::>lrl, _ 'J ,-"....L _. ~,'1Y'" __ '-'" _ ~"J',lw • "-' - ,'i" _ L,-,- c., "r" . '-' f'nr •. ,_, F"T'rL. _ '__;"Y'" C' L ~, T,T/~; . " .'JLI .• _ • ./ 00Do)'1r) L.'\.> ,:j' -),,'1"[','- -C·r'rr?~)r~.~]?'~r .:/h -:.i! .L61012;1r1 l,c:'Lst"Y' - :):']-::ry fr)r vebruc::r~r r'T/it $13. 0 8:"8. '.C",() ':,cT:l~vi - (;:l~Y';,r "'or "7""'rc::.r2' ',/h ",3.5t21~70nd'':1~' -::i':12r;. for l:'c>br']",r'} ,/h .:7.°7". :r. ·'P':. - ';~"rr/ Prr",'l.::l'21';;' l"jh :Ji:35.03';) .• "::"ilce - c>, r "/ fer '~r;'.r':~ ~2.~ ',jh ·,1.01CI;:;ud'? :1. ''''Ion"::, .Ir. - :;::'~,:-:r~r £'nr :~O~:",::Y'=' 'jh ."NJ.l,e\.ooer"t:. '\=-r~ - 'i: 1. 1":;' fer n~rt ~":or';~T~T /h,;1. 75~_~~ f::'~~;0~ t,--: 2,' ·\.:nt:;r ~-~ f_; ~.1trl ~-0t t, - ~=hec~( ~\O~ 'i'e r~1'~r'~tD.f·,~;~7-'?tt(' '=,:"_l~_~r,t;-.. }J1)"!rC',r:"' - -~>?,~.,.. .rrr -~(~ :r:~:~Y"~:. '). -c:l:'~', ,'l"rk: - '),::jroll 2-2ci -SI3T::: '~:l-'i:";lrl '\·nd<strong>17</strong>61.:>5135JJ!7:1..3513515LI1 [:3J77l,3f:lU~J;] r _~~ cus225.10}Q3.r:),1 P,iJ .02109. U)l22.S320(..~7),3.992?).r:;27(,.101{2.50,::Ie.SO2c '2.70) 12il~ • ( I,:';:1Jl':'l ,...-/·c ...... c3?J 3;~~l)_}~?J 5'J,ne,32<strong>17</strong>.321t~'32193~~2032a322232~)332?1.1J2~~3226322"3~,'lb321':;32~'032?9;2jO32313232i2: 2J?3J322 :3224323LI3c2r;Y19322932133222322332:/43225;22632<strong>17</strong>322732}S:VJB321-=3220323t3a~32223233322L>32?(l2l732373221322632;;1,1"U)--1 :."!y:-12ne2·r_~..,'f. 1,." . . , il: cn, . i!tsr:: • .l.l.. I!?ictcr"'ie'" en 'i,';nr;, "iII ~or:d 3.t. 10:L,(J"'" '. on vebr',~('r~' 1ftl\:l,~rdG ~~1!'-. jns, tTr.'-"ill ,+Tob~!SCr(l!J •. :. l\'''eil~~on, .ir.1. ~-Il. ,;hpJ.Jc,b~~rl'1'f\r8. ~). -:5.1scn")ill T::~~ [Ii:);}~~,~'n' rCiF1CY.:r'3w'rt1 ':-: C' I: "'J. (': :-t):~ir? \~J;'rrl1 0n ~)clJtb nt}-] :'-3tre'?t c'.t (; :00 ;'.!cc r '!0r .,-..),1. 1 .... 0::u : t"'++ .. ".. _ v v, , r.; . . ;\:?.J ';:1',~, r~T':;l~',le :-i uz '~'in~:; ,~, .'.T'),'l " L' ..]+.":..r"~" ~I " . ,J C.n "f10 l d,-, ,

j, 1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>" ' _ .u1~ 333(2;32?1:l,',1;;-;;63~,' /7l?lSlJr: ')1.• Lf.-,-" "'73239" -~:I3~'0"l~!(!)21:0321+03),13~ )2,21: l1 ..,,"-.r,; t·'.'I" 1--, "1'1";:",(' ,,', '; ..... , ,-""l'i G."~,J ~: ny,)0(' ""-' ... ) ,rc"':?r71 1 r~1 J=:11 : C;1 '1 r:, -'135lJ~I ,r:'J,1 J[~-- -"'/1 ,C_. -"~'l!, ~153121+12~1 ';, I I- (... '- r1351231] I,fl!/C', •1."01.1.:-;01 c::r,._ .. -' '-,l.jG1. c: ()1.l.ji.~n- ("'I• J '1 .~P[_~ r;• c11 I"11 .: c11.]01- 0["'\..' ..... )21' ,,'10UlI.0n?7,1)II ;. 1-- -' .. --27.0/.32 J..~.i I2?), !J?).JS1?,1{3~}, 7j~'}l:;~/! ,i"{y-::u3::' c,JJ?C;?)253J~'~}!12S C3?S~~32Sf,32)7.3;~L~ h3?SQ3::(,;03~( 1=11~."+'-:- ':-1"-(, :,"j,'- t"' ~cr!r;:~~ ,- 'C':' +" ,"rt: 1 ')rf"'C)'t-r liCi.-~J.l·~ r"~J ','---'!"j:,-~ :'i:o (_'err""): ;~" ",!&,i,r:; to '.:::1cC"'::l r'''::+, rOrJm F::,J,-,c'J-Ters r-~OO'-1'~ 1" tj.\T,'·' -:"l-,~,l: (:~":'n \.r Y'~;..,.. C " . 'S r' r'~'" ~: ,'I _ ~.:~ -I ('"'rr- ,T. il: 'n '-;~ ~ S :'20, T,; (2 rr:r)1T~. Y1S,T. ';. ',1 -'r. - _'"-"'~~I'"_'C~ ,') ':'1 11:--'1 t"(i')r~r"t~,r, r- ,.~ r. (~ --:- (' ( , . 1"-' r- r (- t ~ -'.1 i n e -i .... ,)r~:')~ i-'-'~; -+:,n Y'''-' t.:.l nr·('. o!"t'-.ncss J(Y~'(,:'~ -J~)~ack }r0~orJ, J~0rif:, n~'i~ -- J ~-~-(l:=~'Psr),(~ ';"1: XP~J.,I~:C;C C)"CC, nr-i f'l~,' ,') .lviJl::;, ~)')~; _ 1 ... \,,:"(."',~~"T ,,1r(~ !... '-'\r~-}l ~;J' Y'-i f';;·~., . (") "("' 1':'.-.1 :..?INl/!CIJC,:') 11<strong>17</strong>1\'-1lU)lU131!)9I';!J C;()J (~l153l~' .:1~;11 7[~1 • ~c:l.l,O1 '_ • (Ii!<strong>17</strong> .on1.? !~127. ro1 t ? ( 73.?001 7. oe:Jt. ( c;30.J 7),.751(:.00n'.?5lJc .lJJ'3.19, I-- '7/ .\31q,ILl31i'SJJ i, O(3] h31h93200V (1),31013330-'3'lOll?ll32(' 332t3J,J{-},32bC;Yc!tJ32t 732(:;932703::7032713272":l?73327L3275J27t. :..)')~~:l[r',l',"lp~kJrr"'c', ~J 'J'k'"I ~.1,II~pyroll"')r'tt: ,;:2-1S-~~1::·J.c:;~':." f('r lnrj,r"I"",~?1~~"(1' fc)r ?(·~br"~~r"./:'; ~1 'T:- f ('r~.Jo ," \~ ""!l:,; 1; I~(:")('r:") ~_~~~.~ }.J ~,~ '-'"'/i Co? It,: -", nt-t.,:-:Ylr;r-)Y"-) err -t, i " i: '-'...., c·r ""1-~.1 J: (:~ r"j (~!"~:~, -i. en ., ",·,;"1 --:0r'orT'-sicr-:':;'t;T'~·~ll ",~~rTli 20 / t .. t C:I 'i ,"")'-"'T('>n\-'oJ '··'VtJ.~rc'On 1 _ r~;'r: ttc;nl"n,-,.~llt(. tt J~;rJ·,,_..

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1Ir-I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ327(;3276inc3277327R327832'(03~7832?~3;'7932t5032()032::0J~' 132J232il332b4)2h~J3;;i3c;32(~C:32"632r)732i!e32U'32~:)- }-:s for '"'alice ~;.'. I'JtS for :)trc>~t tr ' c ḻ (r:? rospne for ~)trec;t 'ie'J2rtmcntj, cc OUl1t 1\.: C' •Ole ' "hlSS Service Stat.Len2 ?1, _l r!le ~',Ti: s :-~'_!r'uice 0tc~t~_on2313e'l::; , '~i: s U0 ~-'"'\liC9 ( +, +-in -_; ,.J'" 'j":'"239t.J. ~I. C1li\'-er ~'. f;crr.~;nn~l - Joint, T-~2rr~·'cJ.i]'l~J, f:;+~C ]"C1" ~-)tr,~et lnit.. 239(-~'~~fC'~''"l It~-~t 2r Td .. :-2t(:'~ .. '?l['nt - ,Str'8"?t Li~~~~tl n:-~) r.~q-, /r~fcrd Li0ht on(J. ' ;'l+ -,-' ~'1~ ~-ItJ l.-~ VCity Darn259"'Y:'~-.()zbl;xn-!~hf3ton Dr:j'::;crfc:':'::Y, Iw::. - li'loor f:-vreeD :,. td)8 cer:;en~: 2i!3~r-'bl~~l :he',rolr"?t COT!~[)~~n~y - ~c_:·rli.rs -e.o '}cl~.. ce Sc?r 2231oc::d '~iL::1e:'s ~~l;. ~,mcnt ::;onJ)cny - (f;l:i,'," t,o F'rcnt c;nd loc::u:br 227~!::;r ['2' L. :):'cnirc - ~30 Clrj shirt :e'or DoliceT.12n 210~)t2nd2rd Oil Com)2r~T - ;otor oil f'or ~;trer~:t TJe9artlilent,-1:,: n·iiCrd ,)il ~omY:'T1y - Keros8 Y '2 ror 's+,rfJ ,t D8'Jar~H;(;l'tS:-:C.:'l ar;d ,(~)[1eed ~~&~";h,:2re - ?c~)~i~"s -tIC ~('rh~;~'e tru'-'k~~

----... -­,:-----_._-340<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>( 10nIl( 12" O.S,O()().ocli93.75i :, J-"3147:111:)12l~2S.002.0Cl10111m23,SO.633.31L9J,' T, 1. ,.).~ ~~~ r !.~ ':~) l':'T -:~;? ~\.:-:'~T)------------------;2.0-:·1.1-: .12J 1 • (JOO .0('i:;,7 • C;()<strong>17</strong> .'10, '~~~(:r~( - '1':t~,T,r!(~C8int '··c. ),C;H, tre'?t'(:10(11,:~1?l}j ,1)00.00!,~:::uc.ou3.3. ?51,OOO.CO121012111212111,000.002,lR7.S02),.C;031t4{~1'? ck -lC.OO';):'I).1-9S)';lQ-?Or;C:21-2(St~27-2eC:C;29- 30 " 3t)537- 3i~c:'(}11-C;!,r::;r:)'L),C'c::«, "ssq.r::5r.o(~c;tlSr;'C2C;Sh3"1 tLlSr:;(c::556~r:;567S~LGr:;S6'ir;r:;rJ5571Srn)1;73SC; 71J..! .... r ,..., ", (~''-'.J " .' .. ..:._•• -::l'), -- ·"·.~_i] I '''or ;('~ br:' 2 l~='· l~;, <strong>17</strong> [·>1"r:""'nrj "f'':>.1 t"J"SC[:;0:' -~_.---. r' ____ !l:l:"''.1'"+,''''0 :>11 "e'T')r ':h~r"e1, _ 'r~,: 'i+~1l:C)1d" n ~_t 0/1 r-, ;--, ~ \:' !i:r,'- ";Y" r:: :".eT~pr.,-1"> _. ',;'-'Y) ':',:..Il '-:nJ ": 'h~'r':.; ~C'~, l' C~'~':':..~! __ ~_8··- '--csn(: 1.1.: .• --"l (I "'\"!""-':'. OTi1n'--'YI~""~, 'T_,:nJ 1 :_)r-.'r'F1 .. ce :,+,~')*)', n'el7lin "ton ~C"J ':Cl!l');:r2 T("l:r;'" 10CtC1C (~(m" :-::rrlF; (If' fiC'''' :>,):; '.1 ,:' ""():i'J:-C:-:~T-, ..... -." .• 1,./:':,. (~ .. \/ -, .... c 1 0t I~:=;P')) ,~~'l~r)t1_:2rt ~'. 'Til-.? ''''('T'''-~'-r. r!It, ~~,f'')l.... ~ :'l--~f; ,",s ~.:::r\i\·r,~ ~~1 L19. 03IS.OOl7';.)"03S.?S120.002,t Q 3.26J l~• De)2C~. Oi,Q,! i 1" • 1'3h,.JtG.13( 7.<strong>17</strong>I:C; .ho1,'7

h-IIIIISI2MK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ5::'755:76557755'1:;.~S79C; C; :30<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>T'--;"'Y' c3SS:20 "'r~1l_e:" ~lc:cT)ri.c :~)~~r)~'~l~l "nrn"lr~r~~yOz-b-:?";an ,(:,~ ~;~bstor: C]~jj ::::cm:-lrJn=r1 est inChc".:s C' ':lectri c : lU;;'lly:::0ITi'l2l".Y;~ll 'i_ott :b·1-L'O-"'''.' (~om:'21'Yfhe \'xford ~2,":le~Antral ~)~r-.;rice J' S~;Ot;j.pt::.cn236.93f.2219.26.38li!.itO129.79341liN 01Dr;LY:::~ ;.l'Vl:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>')-.u..:1l...i.. '_'T II ("L', L.+I.''() ';f'~,--,·'-r::.~_V::;,,1\', l'..•. , r,. ,4-.L-'1(' 3~3e ,. , l, -'-1 -,') n,+: ,~:' '1 ~')~:il'-r,-I-PI'!'.-.1- ,, ",,', , -'-,u.n+, I f':,~, 1 - e. V,j1','+, -~*Dr~.J c' -~ -;_I... , I _ • ~ -'-_:'" ,,1 "r'1 1,~(., r.-1L,.L ,"' ':..:~''--': y',"',,'-L~; I L". ,-, ,'j':';:' .,~I( T-,0r O!.:lGC't0J :in .::.ccorcl: Y'ce ,-i+,h'·1"'(.. Jr.) ;~ .. -11 "J,:....r('nJ-;- • '~l,}, ", (\'r +'+ n ......I" •/ "") '-.... ". -+ : , r.+; ,-""-: .(',-r r "{"yr-Lo:ir~,:l'1." J' I' nt'c 1 .1(1.'''" ,1 J-,r,nr'ri'

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~,~----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------!f234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ~I"0. 11. It stl;;.ll [)f~ k,p d,t~' of t'18 ;Jol2.ce officers of t':c::itj', .:cctingin :-:c(;o['danc~ ,,'i th instructions h;sued b;y the; :2.'or to rC:,ort:Th'? n'.;:mber of 02 .:h o2rki,'w~ meter c"hieh ipdic2tecl that thov2hicle occuo~ in::.: tlJ.t;;i2rk2.p::," space 2dj[1cent to such Clarkin1 f-:etc'!" is or hc:.sbec:n ')[rki,n:: in vio12tion 0.;:' "!:y of the ~r('vi0icrs of ~ \d,~~ ordinance.The ~>t2t'? license n'Jmber of t 110 'J8h2.cle.The tirr~e s~ch "'I/.:;r:icle is :Jerki n rr in 'uiolnticn of 2.DJr of theorevisicns of tlis ordin2Pce.An:, ®thcr facts, or knoulcdg-8 of !"bich is necess2r~T to athorol~~h uY}derstcnjin~' of ~',l1e circ~mst=r.ces ctt'?ndint:: sJ.cr, vioL:tion.~ach spch ')01jc8 officor shall 21so attach to such v'?hicle anoti~ce to +,:~e 01' .. ~C'i' or C981."F:tor t~':_~reof t1J.2t si:,ch v-~rj_cle has been pa.rk-ed tnvio12ticn 0" 2, :,rc'visi::;n of trieS ordin:.yoce ;:.rr] instr'lctir;,o: s\.cl~ or:ner orOD'2rQtor to rc;port to t~8 Office of the City Clerk of the> .;it;:.' of ()xford, inrc;:'2rd to su::'1:1 vicl'tion. ~ach S' c1'1 O"'Y1er or oDer:to:r, ,r:(JY, l:ithir tt"en+":.r-f()1~!"(24) hO ' lr'E: of th: time 'hen f;uch )1otice 1,;as attachE'd tu Sl:C~ vehicle Day to theSE~y Cl.;rk of his dCriuty 2.t the-:'le!"k' s office as? n:n.e>lty for and in fulls2tisf c:ction or sl~:c:!-: violation, the sum of THenty-li'i','e (~'.25) ~ents. rhofail ',re of such owner or CDerotor to make such na;yrnent v~.thin said t~'JGnt~'-f0'r(2Lt) ~:c"'Y'c; ~ sh~:ll r2ncJr:r sleeh 0"'y,"'~' or operator subc1ect to tha 'lerr",lti,;'sh0r~5~n.?ft'''r "-;re:"il-l.r1en, for ~:--:;) 1Tiol:-,ti-:-n of t:10 :lro1,Tis-i.C'Ps cf t~-~ts ()rdinr.Lce."c. 12. !n~r D~rson 'ho sh~;ll vioL:te an,? of the pro'.'i~·i_cns of t~'isOY'rl1,n,:r. ce, 2T'1 2>1;)' ne~~,:c'l"tlO aids, abets, or assists t>-:e:'~in, sh;::ll, tlpCnC'Cl1.v:i:~ti' yo th"?r'0of (by t1:8 Police:::c,J.rt) be sClbject to a fino or ,lot to exceedGore than (TIe qundred (~lOO.OO) Dollars for each offense or violation, o~ beinDr'sCT''?ri for ~ ~"rm not exceedin::- Thirty (30:' dn,:,'s in the City,T2i] or ~,nC11T'; ol2.ce -:Jrc'li-ied by t~.c rr;l'nici:;a1i t:r for t~lC; ie ::,0nttcn of ;Jrifi(lr!'?rs or bctr.."fa. 13. The ccins r;,,"c:.ired to be dey sited in ;1PY'kinc' n 1 eters 2S ')rovidedherein nre h?reby levied ord assessed 3S fees to nrcvide for the nroger re~~]~t1.on[m.l (",-,t['ol of' trp,{,f'ic '.l(lC'!] th.,:: )',,',lic :;'!:,rro"'ts, .:yJ ~1[10 tl-;'" cost of sunel'­',rlsior:'lnj re:-=ulDt.L~n o~ thc ",>rkipZ o,~' '.'chicles in th"", 02rkin£" meter zonescr:;:::twi bnY'eb.~', (;~lj -:-,0 cover the cost of tr1(" fLrr:t-'>2s2. n :::, lee SiD:>' , 2cq1.:irin"",inst2L c.ti!jY, O~lerat:Lon, n:~inten2r.ce, sLnervision, rC"c112tion 2n:i control of the,ar;\in; ~'vJter's descri':)ed hr'rein.Po. 14. 1'hp r:2.:--or [~h~~11 r1eSi~"n2t0 s~,~ch cel] ~ctors,_ c;n-:-l ynpt1.--' nds ns .oreneCeSS2r,. to properly collect all coi,"s ·le')cs=-ted in t:-:'e r"eto;~ 00xes. Suchcel] ectors sh;::ll be only such em!Jlo~;ees 2S are reF or hereafter c1uly bondedin " 51.:1n not; less th2n ()ne l'ho'J.S2Y1d (>;1,000.00) 'Joll3.rs for the +'CiVlfulrprf'or:':ance of their dht7CS. All rJl(nc" so norected s11:..:11 be dsor;sited llithth,? "cllector of tho ~ity, orovided, h~vlevor, ;: se'lu'.:::te f'.~nd (or ccr,'o);ntin~)s~~ll he ~:::~ntcin8d 2t ell t~~es of suc~ money so dGoos~tgd.~ ~ 11 ;..1 ~">c~l+",--,I! C,. v,; {'poe- _..... ,.Jof'r,(:,,,-,+"_i'i,·p.. ...:.. ""'- I l' oJ.](4:' 2r::')~._" -' \;'. 7 'An+s ,~o'Jl'nc+ed~_ .... .L 1 V ~ ___ _ ....' V Jbv J+,he Office of t:1C (~i t:' -::lerk of th8 2i t.)' of Uxfor:', Sh2lJ be deClosi ted and~,10. 16. ~'~~is criin.c:."1c? ::;::211 be de',med to be in 2d.:1.itio'l ani sUD01emertarytn ~,,: nf't in C'c.Tf'lict ":\+,h roY'

(( ~34,1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>THE STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSrnITHE COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTEPETITION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR LOCATION AND MAThlTENANCE<strong>OF</strong> FILLING STATION AND/OR SERVICE STATION IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT.To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi:Comes now your petitioner E. E. Murray who would most respectfullyshow unto this honorable body the following facts, to-wit:1. Your petitioner, E. E. Murray is the owner of the property describedas follows , to-wit:A fraction of Lot Number 197, in section 21, township 8 south, range 3west, in the City of Oxford, County of Lafayette and State of Mississippi,as said lot is shown and designated upon the official map and plat ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, in use since June 6, 1939, copies ofwhich map are on file with the mayor of said City and the Chancery Clerkof said County; said parcel being more particularly described as follows:beginning at the point of intersection of the centerlines of <strong>No</strong>rth LamarStreet and Highway Number 7; run thence S 80 0 16' E 40.42 feet to a leadplug in the south edge of a paved driveway, this plug being the pointof beginning of this description; run thence N 86 0 33' E a distance of54 feet to a point, thence S 78 0 19- E a distance of 100 feet to a point,thence S 22 0 33' W a distance of 139.4 feet to a point, thence N 79 0 44' wa distance of 125 feet to a point in the East right of way line of<strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street, thence N 10 0 24' E along the East right of way lineof said <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street a distance of 32.57 feet to a point, thenceN 12 0 04' E along the East Right of Way line of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street adistance of 94.9 feet to a point which is the point of beginning ofthis description.2. That said property is presently in the B or Commercial Districtaccording to the Zoning Laws of the City of Oxford, Mississippi.3. That he desires said property to be used for Filling Station and/orService Station purposes, but before said property can be used for suchpurpose it is necessary that you issue a permit for the location and maintenanceof a filling station and/or service station on said property, and before youcan issue such permit it is necessary that you set a time and place for apublic hearing on this petition, after at least 15 d~s public notice andhearings as provided by law.PRAYERPremises considered, Petitioner prays that you set a time and placefor a hearing on this petition, and that after holding such hearing thatyou issue a special permit for the use of the property described above forthe location and maintenance of a service station and/or filling stationon said property; and petitioner prays that you also give the proper noticeof said hearing as required by law.Respectfully submitted,/s/ E. E. MurrayE. E. MU'lRAYOn Motion of Alderman Lovelady, seconded by Alderman Roberts and passed unanimously, it is herebyordered and directed that a hearing be held on the matter set forth in the following notice andthe time and place therein specified for the holding of said hearing is hereqy approved and theclerk is directed to publish said notice according to law, said notice being as follows, to-wit:NarICE <strong>OF</strong> HE.A,~ING TO ACT ON PETITION FOR PERMITTO LOCATE FILLING STATION AND/OR SERVICE STATIONIN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT.Whereas E. E. Murray has filed a petition with the Mayor and Boardof Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi requesting that a specialpermit be issued for the location and maintenance of a filling stationand/or ~ervice station on a fraction of Lot Number 197, in Section 21,township 8 south, range 3 west, in the City of Oxford, County of Lafayetteand State of Mississippi, as said lot is shown and designated upon theofficial map and plat of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, in use since

i3451I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> !~- -...,-, ---------------------------------------------------jSI234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .• NATCHEZJune b, 1939, copies of which map are on fiie with the Mayor of saidCity and the Chancer,y Clerk of said County; said parcel being moreparticularly described as follows: beginning at the point of intersectionof the centerlines of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar street and Highway Number 7; run thenceS 80 0 lb' E 40.42 feet to a lead plug in the south edge of a paveddrivew~, this plug being the point of beginning of this description;run thence N 8b O 33' E a distance of 54 feet to a point, thence S 78 019' E a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence S 22 0 33' W a distanceof 139.4 feet to a point, thence N 79 0 44' a distance of 125 feet toa point in the East right of way line of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street, thenceN 10 0 24' E along the East right of w~ line of said <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar streeta distance of 32.57 feet to a point, thence N 12 0 ~4' E along the Eastright of w~ line of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar street a distance of 94.9 feet to apoint which is the point of beginning of this descriptionJNOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all property owners andcitizens interested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermenof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, will be held at 7:30 o'clockP. M., on the 1st day of April, A. D., 195B at the City Hall of theCity of Oxford, MiSSissippi, to hear objections and protests againstthe granting of said permit., and to do such other acts and thingswith regard to said petition as may seem just and proper.Objections and protests against the granting of said permit maybe filed with the City Clerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, at anytime prior to said meeting.(SEAL)lsi c. P. FulmerCLERK <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPIHIUUIlJOIIlICPursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on suppiies for the ElectricalDepartment to be opened at 7:30 P. M. March 4, 1958, bids were received from the follOwingfirms:Ludke Eiectrical Company, Inc.- Vicksburg, MississippiWestinghouse Electrical Supply Company - Memphis, TennesseeTennessee V ~liey Electric Supply Company - Memphis, TennesseeCobell Elect.ric Company - Jackson, MississippiGraybar Electric Company, Inc. - Memphis, tennesseeSouthern Supply Company - Jackson, TennesseeElectric Suppliers, Inc. - Memphis, TennesseeGeneral Electric Supply Company - Memphis, Tennesseestuart C. Irby Company - Jackson, MississippiMotion was made, seconded and passed that General Electric bid be accepted, it being the lowestand best bid.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on Chlordane for fogging purposes tobe opened at 7:30 P. M. March 4, 1958, bids were received from the follOwing firms:Chapman Chemical Company - Memphis, TennesseeCenter Chemical Company - Atlanta, GeorgiaCenter Chemical Company (Rob Green) - Jackson, MississippiCertified Laboratories, Inc. - Fort Worth, TexasAfter the bids were opened and read, motion was made by Alderman H~ ckman, seconded by AldermanRoberts and passed that the bid from Chapman Chemical Company be accepted, it being the lowestand best bid.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for-bids on Liquid Chlorine for six month tobe opened at 7:30 P. M. March 4, 1958, bids were received from the following:Ideal Chemical Company - Memphis, TennesseeDiamond Alkali Company - Memphis, TennesseeAfter the bids werA opened and read, motion was made b,y Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman-Hickman and passed that the bid from Ideal Chemical Company be accepted, it being the best bid.101 )( IC IC lBOI J( )(,I~~--~----~~--------

(-3-4-t)--~~~---------~-~~---~~----~~~-1,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on Sewer Pipe to be opened at 7:30 P. M.March 4, 1958, bids were received from the following:Dixie Culvert and Supply Company - Oxford, MississippiChoctaw, Inc. - Memphis, TennesseeMid-5outh Concrete Pipe Company - Memphis, TennesseeAfter the bids were opened and read, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded byAlderman Roberts and passed that the Dixie Culvert and Supply Company bid be accepted, it beingthe best bid.*II lUI IOOO( liltH. H. Whitworth filed the follovdng request for a refund on taxes:PHILLIPS66Mr. C. P. Fulmer, ClerkCity of OxfordOxford, MississippiDear Mr. Fulmer:WHITVlORTH GAS & OIL COMPANYOxford, MississippiMarch 1, 1958CTRUEPyoBy a copy of this letter I wish to fill a claim for refund for taxes paidby myself Jan. 1, 1957, Jan. 1, 1956, Jan. 1, 1955 and Jan. 1, 1954 on thetwo below mentioned vehicles.The reason for this claim being that I, the undersigner, paid personalproperty tax in the City of Oxford and the City of Water Valley on the samevehicles on the dates mentioned above.These two vehicles were kept and operated in the City of Water Valley thisentire time.January 1, 1957 Tax receipt number 14471 1949 Chevrolet tank truck valuation ~250.001 1952 Chevrolet pickup truck II 200.00450.00 @ 33 mi~ls $14.85January 1, 1956 Tax receipt number 13801 1949 Chevrolet tank truck valuation 450.001 1952 Chevrolet pickup truck II 300.00111<strong>17</strong>50.00 @ 33 mills 24.75January 1, 1955 Tax receipt number 12~71951 Ford tank truck valuation 650.001952 Chev. pickup truck n 400.001050.00 @ 33 mills 24.75January 1, 1954 Tax receipt number 12441951 Ford tank truck valuation 850.001952 Chev. pickup truck "600.001450.00 , 33 mills 47.85$122.10HffiVcmRespectfully yours,"lHIT1tiORTH GAS & OIL COM?,ANY/s/ H. H. ~lliitworthH. H. hhitworth, OwnerAfter due consideration of the above request, motion was made by Alderman Roberts, secondedby Alderman Belk and passed that said refund be granted and the Clerk is hereby authorized toissue a warrant for i122.10 to cover same.II Il lUI II II II IOUThe matter of someone attending school on Sewer Disposal Plant to be held in Jackson, Mississippi,on March-7, 1958' came Up, for consideration. Motion was made by Alderman Lovelady, seconded byAlderman Hickman and passed that R. L. Tidwell attend said school and the City will pay allexpenses.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------------- ~i I347U !f2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ ,IAttention was called to the Board of the need for a fogging machine. Motion was made byAlderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that an advertisement be placedin the Oxf6rd Eagle for bids on a new fogging machine and a new or used , ton pickup truckto pull s arne.HIIIIIU 101 IIIlAlderman Roberts brought to the attention of the Board the need for a motor road grader. Motionwas made by Alderman Hickman, seconded by Alderman Belk that an advertisement be placed in theOxford Eagle for bids on a new or used grader.IUlClllUIUIUThe matter of renewing Fire and Tornado Insurance on City property due March 10th came beforethe Board.. The' policies are now Wi. th ·.the Seven' agen~ies . as follows:D. H. Marchbanks & CompanyTorrey Insurance AgencyR. L. Borwn Insurance AgencySanuels Insurance AgencyLafayette Insurance AgencyOxford Insurance AgencyEthridge-Todd Insurance AgencyAfter a discussion, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady, seconded by Alderman Hickman arxipassed that Tate Insurance Agency be given a prorata share. Then motion was made by fl~dennanBelk and seconded by Aldennan Lovelady and passed that Richard A. Davis, Insurance Companybe given a prorata share and it was ordered by the Board that this insurance be renewed anddivided equally between the above named agencies.IlIU IOU IIIlIUThe matter of appointing the Zoning Board came up for consideration. Alderman Loveladynominated Jack McCormick, Alderman Hickman nominated Haro~d E. Haney, Alderman Robertsnominated W. P. Haley, Alderman Sisk nominated B. O. Elliott, Sr., ~~derman Belk nominatedWilbur M. Abernathy. There being no other nominations, motion was made, seconded and passedthat the above named persons be appointed on the Zoning Board.1lIlIlIUIU~and Gloria M. FranklinA request came from Malcolm Franklin/for a deed to the south half of T~lor Avenue East tromthe east side of South 14th Street to the east line of his property. After consideration,motion was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by ft~derman Sisk arxi passed that the Mayorand Clerk be authorized to execute a deed to Mr. Franklin provided he pay the cost of pavingthat portion of South lftb Street which amounts to $58.80-lllIlIlllClUIOlIICame up for consideration the question of what days to consider holid~s arxi not to giveparking meter tickets. Motion was made, seconded and passed that National Holidays and Sundaysbe exempted trom paying meters and no tickets be given on those days only.II J()( '''UIII U IfMayor and Board of AldermenCity of OxfordOxford, MississippiGentlemen:P. O. 30x 682University, MississippiMarch 4, 195BSince my husband will graduate in May of this year anddue to other circumstances, I am compelled to turn in myresignation effective April i5th or at any time it is moreconvenient with the Board.I feel that my experience herewill be helpful to me and my family in the future. I haveenjoyed my work with the City and appreciate the opportunityof serving the peop~eof Oxford.Very truly yours,/s/ Ann E. l.aneAnn E. LaneMotion was made by Alderman Hickman, seconded by Aiderman Lovelady and passed that the foregotDgreSignation be acceptea.

(i 348<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYORAND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMZN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI TO PURCHASE ONE NEw OR USED O~m-HALFTON T:W::;K, ONE NEW OR USED FOGGING MACHINE, ONENEW OR USED ROAD MOTOR PATROL OR MOTOR GRADER,AND TO CAUSE THE MAP <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> TO BEBROUGHT UP TO DATE, AND IN LIDAL FOR!vI, AND TO PAYFOR SAME OUT <strong>OF</strong> THE GENERAL COR?ORATE FUND <strong>OF</strong>SAID <strong>CITY</strong>BE IT RE~OLVED**********BY TH3 MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MIS~ISSIP~I, at the regular March 19~8 Meeting of saidMayor and Board of Aldermen as follows:(1) That it is the intention of said Mayor and Board of Aldermento purchase one new or used one-half ton truck, one new or used foggingmachine, one new or used road motor patrol or motor grader, and to causethe Map of the City of Oxford to be brought up to date and in legal form,and to pay for same out of the General Corporate Fund of said City ofOxford, ¥~ssissippi.(2) That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen will take final actionon this matter at 1:30 o'clock, P. M., on April 1, 1958, in the Office ofthe Mayor of said City.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced towriting and read by the Clerk of said Mayor and Board of ftldermen, wasconsidered section by section and then as a whole, and on motion of AldermenRoberts and seconded by Alderman Sisk, it was adopted section by section,and then as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen for the passage thereofwas as fOllows:Alderman James Roberts •••••• YeaAlderman William Lovelady •••• YeaAlderman Will Hickman ••••••• YeaAlderman F.W. Belk, Jr •••••• YeaAlderman Harr,y Sisk ••••••••• Yea!HI 1UI111UfI' 111101Upon motion duly made and seconded, IT IS ORDERED taat upon the payment b,yGloria M. Franklin and Malcolm A. Franklin of the sum of Fifty Eaight and 80/100(58.80) Dollars, ahe Mayor and the Clerk of this Board be, and they are hereb,y,authorized and directed to convey to Gloria M. Franklin and Malcolm A. Franklina part of Taylor Avenue situated in Section 28, Township 8 South, Range 3 l~est,in the City of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi, particularly described asfollows, to-wit:Beginning at the intersection of the East edge of Fourteenth Street and theSouth edge of Taylor avenue and run <strong>No</strong>r"t,h 15 feet to the center of TaylorAvenue; then run East along the center line of Taylor Avenue 90 feet; thenSouth 15 feet more or less to the South boundary of Taylor Avenue; the "\rieston the South boundary of Taylor Street 90 feet to the point of beginning;the said Taylor Avenue being laid down on official map on file in the officeof the Mayor and with a copy in the office of the Chancery Clerk....This motion Unamiously passed.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1:t2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZA RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYORAND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMBN (F '!'HE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,TO PURCHASE 500 FEET <strong>OF</strong> CHAIN-LINK FENCE, 6 FEETHIGH, AND PAY FOR SAME OUT <strong>OF</strong> THE t·jATER m DSEWERAGE FUND '<strong>OF</strong> SAID' <strong>CITY</strong>*********BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, at the regular March 1958 Meeting of saidMayor and Board of Aldermen as follows:(1) That it is the intention of said Mayor and Board ofAldermen to purchase five hundred feet of chain-link fence, six feet.high, and to pay for same out of the Water and Sewerage Fund of saidCi ty of Oxford, Mississippi.(2) That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen will take final actionon this matter at 7:30 o'clock, P. M., on April 1, 1958, in the Office ofthe Mayor of said City.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced towriting and read b.1 the Clerk of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, wasconsidered section Oy section and then as a whole, and on motion ofAlderman Belk,' and seconded by Alderman Sisk, it was adopted section by'section, and then as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen for the passagethereof was as follows:Alderman James Roberts ••••••• YeaAlderman i'lilliam Lovelady •••• YeaAlderman ~lill Hickman ••••••• YeaAlderman F. N. Belk, Jr ••••• YeaAlderman Harry Sisk ••••••••• Yea1 _____.~_~____ S_e_al ____iOIlOU 1(1( IUllllt I(DEEDFor and in consideration of Fifty Eight and 80/100 ($58.80) Dollars cash in hand paid, thereceipt of which is heretv acknowledged, we, PETE MCELREATH, MAYOR <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSlpoI, and C. p. rUtHER, CLERK FO? 'rt:r'!?~:MID OOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong>, selland convey unto Glo"r.iaM.Frank1in8t MP,lc.Qlm A. ,: a portion of an unused and unopened street inSection 28, Township 8 South, Range 3 West, in the City of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi,described as follows: To-wit:Beginning at the intersection of the East edge of Fourteenth Street and the south edge ofTaylor avenue and run <strong>No</strong>rth 15 feet to the center of Taylor Avenue; then run East along thecenter line of Taylor Avenue 90 feet; then South 15 feet more or less to the South boundaryof Taylor Avenue; the~West on the South boundary of Taylor Street 90 feet to the point ofbeginning; the said Taylor Avenue being laid down on official map on file in the office ofthe Mayor and with a copy in the office of the Chancery C+erk.This conveyance is made qy the Mayor of the City of Oxford, Miosissippi, and said Clerk for andon behalf of the City of axford, ~ississippi, b.1 authority of an order entered tv the Mayor andBoard of Aldermen of said City on the 4th day of March 1958, as the same appears in minute book<strong>17</strong> at pages 347, 348 and 349 of the minutes of said Board and in the office of the clerk there of.WITNESS our signatures this the _ day of March, 1958.Clerk of the Mayor & BOard of Aldermen Maior of The city of OXford, MississippiCity of Oxford, MiSSissippiSTATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTEThis day personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for the State andCounty aforesaid, the within named Pete McElreath, Mayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, andC. P. Fulmer, Clerk of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, whoacknowledged that they signed and delivered the foregoing deed for and on behalf of said City,on the day and year therein mentioned.Given under Ilij" hand and official seal this day of March, 1958.NO tary Public

(( 350A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVEMENTS ONBRAMLETT BOULEVARD, SISK AVENUE EXTENDED, AND McLAURINSTREET, <strong>OF</strong> BRAMLETT GARDENS SUBDIVISION IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONG THE ENTIrtE LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> EACH<strong>OF</strong> SAID STREETS<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>* * * * * * * * *of Oxford, Mississippi, as follows:Section 1of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, for said improvements.Section 2assessment is on file.Section 3by law.then as a whole.ALD&~Ul~ JP~S ROBERTS •••••••• YeaALDERMAN FRANK H. BELK, JR •••• YeaALDERMAN viILL HI CKMAN ••••••••• Ye aALDERMAN \1'/1:LLIAM LOVEL.ADY •••• YeaALDERMAN HARRY SISK •••••••••• Yea\\Be it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the CityThat the cost of the special improvements along BramlettBoulevard, Sisk Avenue Extended, and McLaurin Street in Bramlett GardensSubdivision in the City of Oxford, Mississippi, along the entire length ofsaid streets is the total sum of Seventy Three Thousand Three Hundred NinetyFour and 38/100 ($73,394.83) Dollars, of which amount the City of Oxford shallpay the sum of Twenty Two Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Eight and 4/100($22,478.04) Dollars, and the property owners on said streets shall pay thesum of Fifty Thousand Nine Hundred Sixteen and 79/100 ($50,9lb.79) Dollars,as provided on the basis provided in Section 3b64.04, Mississippi Code of1942, as Amended, and as shown by the assessments to be filed with the ClerkThat after the filing of said assessment the Clerk of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, is directed to notify the property owners that saidThat this Resolution shall take effect and be in force as providedThe above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced towriting, was read and considered section by section, and then as a Whole,and upon motion made by Alderman Sisk and seconded by Alderman Roberts,for the adoption of said Resolution, it was adopted section by section, and1-jhen submitted to a vote, the Aldermen voted as follows:

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>351~!!J'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ\,STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPICCUNTY CF LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> CF CXFCRDNCTICE TO' ryRCPERTY Ch'NEaB, CN, ADJACENT TO', AND ABUTTINGBRAMLETT BCULEVARD, SISK AVENUE EXTENDED, AND McLAURINSTREET, CF BRAMLETT GARDENS SUBDIVISICN CF THE <strong>CITY</strong> CFCXFCRD, MISSISSIP?I, ALCNG THE ENTIRE LENGTH CF SAIDSTREETS CF THE ASSESS~T FCR SPECIAL IMPRCVEMENTS CNSAID STREETS* * * * * * * * * * *You are hereby notified that the assessment for specialimprovements on the above named streets have been filed with the Clerkof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and are now on record in the Officeof the Clerk of the City of Oxford in a book marked "Assessment Bookfor Local Improvements", and the same is open for public inspection.The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will meet in the City Hall of saidCity to finally adopt the assessments on the ~th day of April, 1958.Property owners are notified to examine the said accounts and makeobjections or defense, if any there be, to the Mayor and Board ofAldermen at the meeting to be held on the above date. Ctherwise,assessments will be finally approved on that date.C. P. FULMER<strong>CITY</strong> CLERK1HI IHIIOt J( J( lUIA RESCLUTION DETERMINING THE COST CF IMPRCVEMENTS CNSCUTH EIGHTEENTH STREET, ROSS AVENUE, AND JCHNSCNAVENtE IN HALEY SUBDIVISICN PART III IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> CFCXFCRD, MISSISSIPPI, ALONG THE ENTI~ LENGTH CF EACH CFSAID STREEl'S* * * * * * *Be it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Cityof Cxford, Mississippi, as follows:Section 1That the cost of the special improvements along South EighteenthStreet, Ross Avenue and Johnson Avenue in Haley Subdivision Part III in theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, along the entire length of said street is thetotal sum of Twenty One Thousand and Forty Two and 7/100 ($21,042.07)Dollars, of which amount the City of Oxford shall pay the sum of FiveThousand Eight Hundred Eighty Five and 22/100 ($5,885.22) Dollars, andthe property owners on said streets shall p~ the sum of Fifteen ThousandOne Hundred Fifty Six and 85/100 ($15,156.85) Dollars, as provided on thebasis provided in Section 3664-04, Mississippi Code of 1952, as Amended,

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>35115123AK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ\.STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>NOTICE TO nROPERTY Oh'NEns, ON, ADJACENT TO, AND ABUTTINGBRAMLETT BOULEVARD, SISK AVENUE EXTENDED, AND McLAURINSTREET, <strong>OF</strong> BRAMLETT GARDENS SUBDIVISION <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIP?I, ALONG THE ENTIRE LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> SAIDSTREETS <strong>OF</strong> THE ASSESS~~ FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS ONSAID STREETS* * * * * * * * * * *You are hereby notified that the assessment for specialimprovements on the above named streets have been filed with the Clerkof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and are now on record in the Officeof the Clerk of the City of Oxford in a book marked "Assessment Bookfor Local Improvements", and the same is open for public inspection.The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will meet in the City Hall of saidCity to finally adopt the assessments on the ~th day of April, 1958.Property owners are notified to examine the said accounts and makeobjections or defense, if any there be, to the Mayor and Board ofAldermen at the meeting to be held on the above date. Otherwise,I\.assessments will be finally approved on that date.C. P. FULMER<strong>CITY</strong> CLERK**** 1000001A aESOLUTION DEl'ERMDUNG THE COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVEMENTS ONSOUTH EIGHTEENTH STREET, ROSS AVENUE, AND JOHNSONAVENUE IN HALEY SUBDIVISION PART III IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONG THE ENTI::?E LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> EACH <strong>OF</strong>SAID STREEI'S* * * * * * *Be it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, as follows:Section 1That the cost of the special improvements along South EighteenthStreet, Ross Avenue and Johnson Avenue in Haley Subdivision Part III in theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, along the entire length of said street is thetotal sum of Twenty One Thousand and Forty Two and 1/100 ($21,042.07)Dollars, of which amount the City of Oxford shall pay the sum of FiveThousand Eight Hundred Eighty Five and 22/100 (35,885.22) Dollars, andthe property owners on said streets shall p~ the sum of Fifteen ThousamUne Hundred Fifty Six and 85/100 ($15,156.85) Dollars, as provided on thebasis provided in Section 3664-04, Mississippi Code of 1952, as Amended,

(~( ~~52<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>and as shown by the assessments to be filed ~~ththe Clerk of the City ofOxfordJ Mississippi, for said improvements.,section 2That after the filing of said assessment the Clerk of the City ofOxford, MississippiJ is directed to notify the property owners that saidassessment is on file.by law.Section 3That this Resolution shall take effect and be in force as providedThe above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced towritingJ was read and considered section by sectionJ and then as a whole, andupon motion made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Hickman, forthe adoption of said aesolution, it was adopted section by section, andthen as a whole. ~fuen submitted to a voteJ the Aldermen voted as follows:ALDERMAN JAMES ROBERTS •••••••• YeaALDERMAN FRANK \'1. BELK, JR •••• YeaALDEH11AN ~','ILL HICKMAN •••••••• YeaALDErrnAN ('IILLIAM LOVELADy .•••• YeaALDERMAN HARqr SISK ••••••••••• YeaSTATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSIS;:{[ PPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>iOOUlIlUOIUNOTICE TO PRODERTY OvvNERS J ON J ADJACENT TOJ AND ABUTTINGSOUTH EIGHTEENTH STREET J ROSS AVENUE, AND JOHNSON AVENUEIN HALEY SUBDIVISION PART III IN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MIS0ISSIPPI, ALONG THE ENTIRE LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> SAID STREET <strong>OF</strong> THEASSESSMENT FOR ,sPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS ON SA[ D STREETS* * * * * *You are hereby notified that the assessment for specialimprovements on the above named streets have been filed with the Clerkof the City of Oxford, MississippiJ and are now on record in the Officeof the Clerk of the City of Oxford in a book marked "Assessment Book forLocal Improvement" J and the same is open for public inspection. TheMayor and Board of Aldermen will meet in the lJity Hall of said City tofinally adopt the assessments on the 8th d~ of AprilJ 1958.Propertyowners are notified to examine the said accounts and make objections ordefense, if any there be J to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen at themeeting to be held on the above date. Otherwise, asse~smentswill befinally approved on that date.C. P. FULl\ffiR<strong>CITY</strong> CLE'lK\

,-----------.- .. u-K-ToM-L.-KET-CH-,NGS-co- .. N-ATC-"~-I-N-UT-E __ B_O_O_K __N_o_,_1_7_, _C__IT_Y __\353 IO_F __ O_X_F_O_R_D ____________ ~IA RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVEMENTS ONPARK DRIVE IN AVZNT SUBDIVISION <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI, ALONG ITS ENTIRE LENGTHI* * * * * * *Be it resolved b.1 the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, as follows:Section 1That the cost of the special improvements along Park Drive inAvent Subdivision in the City of Oxford, Mississippi, along its entirelength is the total sum of Thirty Thousand and Forty Five and 65/100($30,045.65) Dollars, of which amount the City of Oxford shall pa,y thesum of Ten Thousand One Hundred Sixty Five and 48/100 ($10,165.48)Dollars, and the property owners on said street shall pay the sum ofNineteen Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty and <strong>17</strong>/100 ($19,880.<strong>17</strong>) Dollars,as provided on the basis provided in Section 3664-04, Mississippi Codeof 1942, as Amended, and as shown by the assessments to be filed withthe Clerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, for said improvements.Section 2That after the filing of said assessment the Clerk of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, is directed to notify the property owners that saidassessment is on file.b.1 law.Section 3That this Resolution shall take effect and be in force as providedThe above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced towriting, was read and considered section by section, and then as a Whole,and upon motion made by Alderman Belk and seconded by Alderman Loveladyfor the adoption of said Resolution, it was adopted section by section, andthen as a whole. ~Jhen submitted to a vote, the Aldermen voted as follows:ALDERMAN JAMES N. ROBERTS •••••• YeaALDERMAN FRANK W. BELK, JR ••••• YeaALDERMAN wILL HICKMAN •••••••••• YeaALDERMAN h~LLIAM LOVELADY •••••• YeaALDERMAN HARtlY SISK •••••••••••• Yea(

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>NOTICE TO PROPERTY O.'JNERb, ON, ADJACENT TO, AND ABTITTINGPARK DRIVE IN AVENT SUBDIVISION <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI, ALONG THE ENTIRE LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> ::>AID STREET, <strong>OF</strong>THE ASSESSMEl\TT FOR SPECIAL IHP~OVE:MENTS ON SAID ::>TREEr** * * * * *You are hereby notified that the assessment for specialimprovemen~son the above named streets have been filed with the Clerkof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and are now on record in the Officeof the Clerk of the City of Oxford in a book marked ItAssessment Book forLocal Improvements", and the sa~ is open for public inspection.TheMayor and Board of Aldermen will meet in the City Hall of said Cityto finally adopt the assessments onl:.he dth day of April, 1958.Property owners are notified to examine the said accounts and makeobjections or defense, if any there be, to the Mayor and Board ofAldermen at the meeting to be held on the above date. Otherwise,assessments will be finally approved on that date.C. P. FULMER<strong>CITY</strong> CLERKA RSSOLU'l'ION DErERMINING THE COOT <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVEMENTS ON\",'ILLIA:rvr..s AVENUE IN AVENT SUBDIVISION IN TH~ <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong>OXFOW, HISSI::>SIP?I, ALONG ITS ENTIRE LENGTH~ubdivision in the City of Oxford, Mississippi, along its entirelength is the total sum of Five Thousand Four Hundred Fifty and 93/100($5,450.93) Dollars, of vmich amount the City of Oxford shall pay thesum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Sixteen and 94/100 ($1,816.94)Dollars, and the property owners on said street shall pay the sum ofThree Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Three and 99/100 ($3,633.99) Dollars,as provided on the basis provided in Section 3664-04, Mississippi Codeof 1942, as Amended, and as shown by the asses~mentsto be filed with theClerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, for said improvements.Section 2\That after the filing of said assessment the Clerk of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, is directed to notify the property owners that said'~assessment is on file.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.·35~Ist234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZSection ;3That this Resolution shall take effect and be in force as providedby law.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced towriting, was read and considered section by section, and then as a whole,and upon motion made by Aldennan Hickman and seconded by Alderman Belk, forthe adoption of said Resolution, it was adopted section by section, and thenas a whole.When submitted to a vote, the Aldermen voted as follows:ALDERMAN JAMES ROBERTS ••••.••••• YeaALDERMAN FRANK W. BELK, JR •••••• YeaALDERMAN ~'JILL HI CK11AN ••••••••••• YeaALDERMAN WILLIAM LOVELADY ••••••• YeaALDERMAN HARRY SISK •••••••••••• YeaIOUI II n n J( lUOISTATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>NO'rICE TO PROPERTY O:\lNERS ON, ADJACENl' TO AND ABUTTINGWILLIAMS AVENUE IN AVENT ACRES SUBDIVISION <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong><strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONG THE ENTIRE LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> SAIDSTREET <strong>OF</strong> THE ASSESSMENT FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS ONSAID STREET* * * * * * * *You are hereb,y notified that the assessment for special improvementson the above named street have been filed with the Clerk ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, and are now on record in the Office ofthe Clerk of the City of Oxford in a book marked "Assessment Book forLocal Improvements It , ani the same is open for public inspecti.on. TheMayor and Board of Aldermen will meet in the City Hall of said City tofinally adopt the assessments on ~he Bth day of April, 195B. Propertyowners are notified to examine the said accounts and make objections ordefense, if any there be, to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen at the meetingto be held on the above date. Otherwise, assessments will be finally approvedon that date.C. P. FULMER<strong>CITY</strong> CLERKi)!

(~i35tj<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE COST <strong>OF</strong> IMPROVFMENTS ONSOUTH TENTH STREET IN ELLIOTT SUBDIVISION IN THE <strong>CITY</strong><strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONG ITS ENTIRE LENGTH* * * * * * *Be it resolved by the M~or and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxforj, Mississippi, as follows:Section 1That the cost of the special improvements along South TenthStreet in Elliott Subdivision in the City of Oxford, Mississippi, along itsentire length is the total sum of Five Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Sevenand 42/100 ($5,277.42) Dollars, of which amount the City of Oxford shallpay the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Three and 46/100 ($1,393.46)Dollars, and the property owners on said street shall pay the sum of ThreeThovsand Eieht Hundred Eighty Three and 96/100 ($3,1j83.96) Dollars, asprovided on the basis provided in Section 3664-04, Mississippi Code of1942, as Amended, and as shown by the assessments to be filed ~th theClerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, for said improvements.Section 2That after the filing of said assessment the Clerk of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, is directed to notify the property owners that saidassessment is on file.by law.Section J'fhat this Resolution shall take effect and be in force as providedThe above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced towriting, was read and considered section by section, and then as a whole,and upon motion made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Sisk,for the adoption of said Resolution, it was adopted section by section,and then as a whole.\"shen submitted to a vote, the Aldermen voted as follows:ALD~]ll1AN JAMES ROBERTS •••••• YeaALDERMAN FRANK vi. BLEK, JR ••• YeaALDERHAN 'tlILL HICKHAN ••••••• Y 8aALDSRMAN bILLIAM LOVELADY •••• YeaALDERMAN HAR~Y SISK ••••••••• YeaiU II II II 101 lUI JIll II If

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>:, ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~(.i--52234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZSTATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>NOTICE TO PROPERTY Olr/NERS, ON, .ADJACENT TO, AND ABUTTINGSOUTH TENTH STREET IN ELLIOTT SUBDIVISION <strong>OF</strong> 'mE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, ALONG THE ENTIRE LENGTH <strong>OF</strong> SAIDSTREET <strong>OF</strong> THE ASSESSMENT FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS ON SAIDSTREln'* * * * * * *You are hereby notified that the assessment for specialimprovements on the above named street have been filed with the Clerkof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and are now on record in the Officeof the Clerk of the City of Oxford in a book marked "Assessment Bookfor Local Improvements", and the same is open for public inspection.The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will meet in the City Hall of saidCity to fina~ adopt the assessments on the tith day of April, 195ti.Property owners are notified to examine the said accounts and makeobjections or defense, if any there be, to the Mayor and Board ofAldermen at the meeting to be held on the above date. Otherwise,assessments will be final~ approved on that date.if It It It l( IOU JO()(J(C. P. FULMER<strong>CITY</strong> CLERKMotion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until March <strong>17</strong>, 1958 at 7:30 n. M.Il __ ~ _________________________ ~~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS REGULAR MEETI1TG 7:30 P. M. MARCH <strong>17</strong>, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on March 4, 19~b, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onMarch <strong>17</strong>, 1958 at 7:30 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the follo~~ng were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presiding;'!illiam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank 'tI. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJ arne s N. Roberts - 'p~dermanWard TwoHarr,y S. Sisk - Alderman Ward Three<strong>17</strong>ill A. Hickman - P~derman\"Jard FourOrnar D. Craig - AttorneyC. P. Fulmer - ClerkGill W. Johnson - Supt. Electric DepartmentAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:'7_ NOTI CE <strong>OF</strong> SPECIAL BOND ELE CTION<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISS ISSIPPINOTICE is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, that a special election will be held insaid City on Tuesday, the 15th day of April, 1955, at which therewill be submitted to the qualified electors of said City thefollOwing proposition, to-wit:PROPOSITIONShall the City of Oxford, Mississippi, issue its ElectricDistribution System Revenue Bonds in the maximum amount ofTwo Hundred Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($200,000.00) Dollars, toraise money for the purpose of paying the cost of enlarging,improving, and extending the Electric Distribution Systemof said City; said bonds to be payable, both as to principaland interest, solely from the revenues derived from theoperation of said Electric Distribution System of said City?The said election will be held at the <strong>CITY</strong> HALL in said City,and the said polling place will be open from the hour of 7 O'clockin the morning until the hour of 6 O'clock in the evening on theday of said election.All qualified electors of said City may vote at the said election.Done by order of the Mayor and Board of t~dermen of the City ofOxford, l1ississippi, this <strong>17</strong>th day of March, 1958.C. P. FULME"<strong>CITY</strong> CLE.1K

~------------------~--~~--------~~----~----------------~~----~--~~~~----=--------------------~.<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>359 ~SI'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ\A RESOLUTION CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING <strong>OF</strong> ANELECTION VJ:THIN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, AT NHICHTHERE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS <strong>OF</strong> SAID<strong>CITY</strong> A CERTAIN PROPOSAL FOR THE ISSUANCE <strong>OF</strong> ELEGrRICDISTRIBUTION SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong> IN THEAMOUNT <strong>OF</strong> $200,000.00, MAKING PROVISION FOR THE GIVING<strong>OF</strong> NOTICE <strong>OF</strong> SAID ELECTION AND PRESCRIBING THE FORM <strong>OF</strong>BALLOT TO BE USED* * * ~~ * *The Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,having found and determined that it is necessary, advisable, and in the bestinterest of said City and its inhabitants that the Electric DistributionSystem of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, be improved, enlarged, and extended;andThe M~or and Board of Aldermen have caused an estimate of the costof the aforementioned work to be prepared by a competent engineer; andThe Mayor and Board of Pldermen have found, from the estimatesprepared, that the improving, enlarging, and extension, including costnecessarily incidental thereto, will be Two Hundred Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/100($200,000.00) Dollars, and that said sum is not available in the Treasuryof said City; and the City of Oxford, Mississippi, is authorized, under theprovisions of Chapter 494, Laws of Mississippi, 1950, and all Amendmentsthereto, to issue its Electric Distribution System Revenue Bonds for the purposeof improving, enlarging, and extending the Electric Distribution System of saidCity, which said bonds shall be payable solely from the revenue to be derivedfrom the operation of the said Electric Distribution System of said City; andUnder the laws of the State of Mississippi, the Electric DistributionSystem Revenue Bonds may be issued if the issuance thereof be assented to by amajority of the qualified electors of said City who vote thereon at an electionheld for said purpose;f,!OH, THEREFOR.E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, AS FOLLOTtJS:SECTION 1. That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, do hereby declare their intention to issue ElectricDistribution System Revenue Bonds of the said City in the amount and for thepurpose set forth in Section 2 of this Resolution.SECTION 2. That a special election shall be, and the same ishereby, called and ordered to be held in the City of Oxford, Mississippi,on Tuesday, the 15th d~ of April, 1958, for the purpose of submitting tothe qualified electors the following proposition.

(I3f10<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>PROPOSITIONShall the City of Oxford, Mississippi, issue its ElectricDistribution System Revenue Bonds in the maximum amount ofTwo Hundred Thousand and NO/IOO ($200,000.00) Dollars, toraise money for the purpose of paying the cost of enlarging,improving, and extending the Electric Distribution Systemof said City; said bonds to be payable, both as to principaland interest, solely from the revenues derived from theoperation of said Electric Distribution System of saidCity?SECTION 3. The said election shall be held at the City Hall in theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, and that said polling place shall be open fromthe hour of 7:00 o'clock in the morning until the hour of 6:00 O'clock in theevening on the date of said election.SECTION 4. The ballots to be used at said election shall besubstantially in the following form, to-wit:<strong>OF</strong>FI CIAL BALLOTSPECIAL BOND ELECTION<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPITuesday, the 15th day of April, 1958PROPOSITIONShall the City of Oxford, Mississippi, issue its ElectricDistribution System Revenue Bonds in the maximum amount ofTwo Hundred Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($200,000.00) Dollars, toraise money f or the purpose of paying the cost of enlarging,improving, and extending the Electric Distribution Systemof said City; said bonds to be payable, both as to principaland interest, solely from the revenues derived from theoperation of said Electric Distribution System of said City?FOR THE BOND ISSUEAGAINST THE BOND ISSUEL::::7L::::7(Instruction to voter: Place a cross (x) or check (v)opposite your choice.)On the reverse of each ballot there shall be printed substantiallythe following:<strong>OF</strong>FI CIAL BALLOTSPECIAL BOND ELECTIONcrn <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPITuesday, the 15th day of April,195~Oxford PrecinctSECTION 5. The said election shall be held and conducted by theElection Commissioners of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and in allrespects in accordance with law and as other elections are held in saidCity, and i,oJ.W. Joor is hereby designated to have the ballots for saidelection prepared.After the close of the polls on the date of said

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>361SIJ:S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZelection, the Election Commissioners shall proceed to ascertain the resultsof said election, and to make report thereof to the Mayor and Board ofAldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi.SECTION o. That notice of said election shall be given by publicationonce a week for not less than three (3) consecutive weeks in the Oxford Eagle,a newspaper published and having a general circulation in said City ofOxford,The first of said publications shall be made not less than twentyone(21) days prior to the date of said election and the last of said publicationsshall be made not more than seven (7) days prior to the date of saidelection. The said notice so published shall be in substantially the followingform, to-wit:NOTICE <strong>OF</strong> SPECIAL BOND ELECTION<strong>CITY</strong> CF <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MIssr SSIPPINOTICE is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, that a special election will be held insaid City on Tuesday, the 15th day of April, 1958, at which therewill be submitted to the qualified electors of said City thefollowing proposition, to-wit:PROPOSITIONShall the City of Oxford, Mississippi, issue its ElectricDistribution System Revenue Bonds in the maximum amount ofTwo Hundred Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($200,000.00) Dollars, toraise money for the purpose of paying the cost of enlarging,improving, and extending the Electric Distribution Systemof said City; said bonds to be payable, both as to principaland interest, solely from the revenues derived from theoperation of said Electric Distribution System of said City?The said election will be held at the <strong>CITY</strong> HALL in said City, andthe said polling place will be open from the hour of 7 o'clockin the morning until the hour of 6 o'clock in the evening on theday of said election. .All qualified electors of said City may vote at the said election.Done by order of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, this <strong>17</strong>th day of March, 1958.C. P. FULMER<strong>CITY</strong> CLERKSECTION 7. That a certified copy of this Resolution shall beprepared by the City Clerk and shall be delivered by said Clerk to theElection Commissioners within and for the said City of Oxford, whichcertified copy so delivered shall operate as a warrant and authority ofsaid Election Commissioners to hold and condsct the election herein fixed.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced towriting, was read by the Clerk of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, thenconsidered section by section, and then as a whole, and on motion ofAlderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Sisk it was adopted section bysectionpnd then as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen for passagethereof was as follows:

(<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Alderman James Roberts voted yeaAlderman Frank ,oJ. Belk, Jr., voted yeaAlderman 1 r ,lill A. Hickman voted yeaAlderman William N. Lovelady voted yeaAlderman Harry Sisk voted yea-;The motion having received the affirmative vote of all the Aldermen,the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted, this the <strong>17</strong>thday of March, 1958.ATTEST:~--~~~C~I~T~yGC~L~E~R~K~~-------Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until April 1, 1958 at 7:00 P. M.I~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,\363 \~"/~-----------------II'~ S:t234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZ •RECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M.APRIL 1, 19.58Pursuant to a recess order entered on March <strong>17</strong>, 19.5tl, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onApril 1, 19.58 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor - PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank ,'/. Balk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward Four*********Omar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkG. W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric DepartmentNewt King - MarshalAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made, seconded and passed that the minutes of the March meetings be adopted as read.-" ,On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadjourn sine-die:CLERK-~---~

f.l'~l lou'Ir--.-<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>UNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICAS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P IC 0 U N T Y 0 F L A FAY E T T E<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>1~* * * * *-~...* * * ** * * ** * **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. APRIL 1, 1958Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, April 1, 1958, it being the timeand place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the following werepresent:Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman 1.-Jare FourOrnar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyE. ? Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - Clerk--Newt King - MarshalG. W. Johnson - Supt. Electric DepartmentAfter the meeting was called to order motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimouslythat the follOwing accounts be allowed for payment:CORPORATION FUNDCheck <strong>No</strong>.Account <strong>No</strong>.Amount330233073312331433153J1633<strong>17</strong>3318331933203321332233233324332533263327C. rye Fulmer, Clerk - Petty Cash 3-11-58C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 3-15-58H. H. vnitworth - ~efund on taxesPete McElrec.th - Salary for March w/h $4.50v.lilliam N. Lovelady - Salary for l'Iarch w/h $1.13Frank ~V. Belk, Jr. - Salary for March w/h $10.13James N. Roberts - Salary for March w/h $10.13Harry S. Sisk - Salary for March w/h $1.13vJill A. Hickman - Salary for March w/h $10.13Roberts & Craig - Salary for i'1archE. p. Lowe - Salary for flJ.arch w/h $20.94C. P. Fulmer - Salary for March w/h $19.50Annie E. Lane - Salary for !'.Larch w/h $8.43Marie i'i. Gillis - Salary for i'larch w/h $34.04Newt King - Salary for I'larch w/h $48.75w. G. Kimmons - Salary for I1arbh w/h $42.82R. H. i:-1111s - Salary f or March w/h $34.90VariousVarious153110110110110110110U51<strong>17</strong>111116114112113<strong>17</strong>432.26477.5066.60195.~O48.tl739.t5739.8740.0739.87100.00378.06356.50<strong>17</strong>9.57164.96251.25232.11205.10

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>3651I1':l34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCORPORATION FUNDCheck <strong>No</strong>.AccountAmountl3328332933303331333233333339334233433344334533463347335033513355335633573358335933603361336233633364336533663367335633683.3b9336133623370337133723357335933733.368336033743370337133633375337633773.36433783372336533673379335633803359337333683371336333763377337233663356338033733368336033623371337533723366M. T. Styers - Salary for March w/h $34.90 <strong>17</strong>5Donald Carwile - Salary for March w/h $14.90 <strong>17</strong>6Doyle Luther - Salary for Harch w/h $4.46 135Roland Leister - Salary for March w/h $13.98 135Mrs. Rose Rowland - Salary for March w/h $3.56 147Elwood Gay - Salary for March w/h $4.84 13"5W. I. Mills - Salary for March w/h $35.03 135T. \'l. Nance - Salary for March w/h $1.01 154Claude D. Malone, Jr. - Salary for March w/h $60.48 153Robert C. King - Salary for March w/h 85.06 <strong>17</strong>7Lafayette County Health Unit - Check for March 136Lafayette County Library - Check for March 148Tax Withheld FundVariousOxford Chamber of Commerce - Rebel Party 153C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll VariousC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty Cash 3-31-58 125Fire alarm at Stone Subdivision on March 1st at 2:05 P. M.W. J. AustinVernon Chambers135135Ira L. Crowson 135Howard Davis 135M. C. FalknerClyde Huggins, Jr.135135Bill Johnson 135David Ross 135Roland Tidwell 135R. H. Winter 135Bill Womack 135Max Hipp 135Fire alarm on East Buchanan }venue on March 3rd at 2:10 P. M.rl. J. Austin 135B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135E. T. Haney 135~de Huggins, Jr.Bill Johnson135135Doyle Luther 135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135C. S. Wilson 135Fire alarm at 516 <strong>No</strong>rth 7th Street on March 12,1958 at 12:25 P. M.Vernon Chambers 135Howard Davis 135Homer Duke 135B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135M. C. Falkner 135A. B. Gardner 135Doyle Luther 135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135David Ross 135D. S. Rossw. O. Smith135135Roy Thomas 135Roland Tidwell 135R. L. Tidwell 135C. S. ~nlson 135R. H. Winter 135Max Hipp 135R. A. Leister 135Fire alarm at 606 <strong>No</strong>rth 7th Street on March 14th at 1:35 P. M.w. J. Austin 135Scott Black 135Howard Davis 135Homer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.135135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135David Ross 135w. O. Smith 135Roy Thomas 135C. S. ~"ilsonBill Womack135135Fire alarm at 110 Hickory on March 14th at 10:30 A. M.'\oT. J. Austin 135Scott Black 135Homer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.135135M. C. FalknerBill Johnson13S135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135D. S. Ross 135C. S. Wilson 135Bill.vomack 135205.10225.10193.54184.02109.4475.66206.9743.99289.52219.94162.5032.50424.82144.73354.6579.201.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50.1.501.501.501.501.501.50

3fitj<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Check <strong>No</strong>.337333713365335933733361333603374337033'713372336633673373336633813356335733693361336233713363337533773363337833723381335633803357335833683369336233713363338233773372336533663356338033733368336033693371338333723366338433853386338633873388338933893390339133913392339233933393CORPORATION FUNDAccountFire alarm on Bay Springs Road on March 15th at 2:30 P. M.Homer DukeD. G. Neilson, Jr.R. H. Winter .Fire alarm on Old Highway 5 East on March 15th at 11:35 A. M •. Howard DavisHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.M. C. FallrnerA. B. GardnerDoyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.c. S. ~}jilsonBill h'omackMax HippFire alarm at L. ~. Gay's residence on March 20th at 11:10 A. M.Homer DukeBill KornackFire alarm on Burney Branch Road on March 22nd at 3:35 A. M.E. B. AddingtonW. J. AustinVernon ChambersE. T. HaneyClyde Huggins, Jr.Bill JohnsonD. G. Neilson, Jr.David RossD. S. RossRoy ThomasRoland TidwellR. L. TidwellC. b. \'lilsonFire in McLarty Subdivision on March 23rd at 9:30 A. M.135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135135E. B. Addington 135W. J. Austin 135Scott Black 135Vernon Chambers 135Ira L. Crowson 135B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135E. T. Haney 135Bill Johnson 135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135David Ross 135\-Jade Stephens 135Roy Thomas 135C. S. Wilson 135R. H. Winter 135Bill Womack 135Fire alarm on East University Avenue on March 24th at 8:20 A. M.v:. J. Austin 13~Scott Black 135Homer Duke 135B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135M. C. Falkner 135E. T. Haney 135D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135R. F. Shellabarger 135C. S. Wilson 135Bill Hornack 135Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. - Gas for Fire Department 135Central Chemical Company - Janitorial supplies 127Daley Lumber Company, Inc. - Repairs to Pirport 149Daley Lumber Company, Inc. - Repairs to colored rest room 153Dement Printing Company - Index tabs for office 146Elliott Lumber Company - Repairs to Airport 149Tom L. Ketchings Company - Rubber bands, coin wrappers 159Tom L. Ketchings Company - Fite Folders 146The J. E. Neilson.Company - Mary Ruie Museum bills 147The Oxford Eaele - Legal printing 122The Oxford Eagle - Advertising for applications for City Clerk 137Oxford Light and TrJater Plant - The Armory 153Oxford Li;:-ht and .'later ?lant - Gity Hall 143Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Mop 127Shaw and Sneed Hardware Company - Repairs to City Apt. (Paint)149Amount1.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.5033.502.8034.443.9758.045.169.79132.06331.953.6615.7620.921.1024.30

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>367!:( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ St-234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCORPORATION FUNDCheck <strong>No</strong>.33943394339433953395339633973398339833993400340134023403340434053406340734083409AccountSouthern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. - Fire Dept. 135Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. - Mayor 124Southern Bell Telephone & Tolegraph 00. - City Engineer 124United Gas Corporation - City Hall 123United Gas Corporation - City Hall 123The ,~ite Curb-Cop Company - Envelope Traffic Tickets 159Standard Welders Supply Company - Demurrage on Oxygen & 135acetylene tanks for Fire Dept.Rebel Press & Office Supply Company - Sheets for Fire Dept. 135Rebel Press & Office Supply Company - Office supplies 146Metts Brothers Hardware - Pauls for lawn mower for cemetery 120Samuals Insurance Agency - Fire and extended coverage 129Oxford Insurance Agency - Fire and extended coverage 129D. H. Marchbanks & Co. - Fire and extended coverage 129The Tate Agency - Fire and extended coverage 129Lafayette Insurance Agency - Fire and extended coverage 129Mrs. Robert Torrey - Fire and extended coverage 129R. L. Brown's Mutual Insurance P~ency - Fire and extendedcoverage129Ethridge-Todd Insurance Agency - Fire and extended coverage 129State Farm Fire and Casualty Company - Fire and extendedcoverage129Gathright-Reed Drug Company - Band aids for Fire Dept. 135Pmount24.4011.6012.60105.533.2080.003.967.0037.591.20280.92280.93280.92280.93280.93280.93280.93280.93238.56STREET FUND33053308331333343336333733383348335234103411341134113411341234123413341 a3415341634<strong>17</strong>34183419342034213422342334233424342434243424342434253425342634273428342934303431343234333433C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty CashVarious 11.96C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - P~oll 3-15-58Various 1,455.12State Highway Department - Asphalt for Street Maintenance 239 31.55Elwood Gay - Salary for March227-237 30.50R. L. Tidwell - Salary for March w/h $20.66225 275.34W. T. Chandler - Salary for March w/h $23.28280 <strong>17</strong>4.72S. E. Spears - Salary for March w/h $10.08235 188.92Tax \1i thheld Fund - for March Various 54.02C. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 3-31-58 Various 1,494.37The American Industrial Products Company - stop sighSArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Sanitation DepartmentArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Street MaintenanceArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - ShopArkansas Fuel Oil Corporation - Oil for ShopBagwell Service Staticn - Wash & Grease Garbage trucksBagwell Service Station - Gas for Dump truckCharlie Belk's Garage - Repairs to Garbage trucksDaley Lumber Company, Inc. - Supplies for Street Mal.. nt.W. S. Darley & Company - Traffic ~lhistle & riot sticksEagle Signal Corporation - Controller for street light(bid)Elliott Lumber Company - Supplies for Street MaintenanceMurphreets Auto Repair Service - Repairs to Dodge Dump trk.The J. E. Neilson Company - Uniform for new policeman<strong>No</strong>rth Lamar 66 Service Station - Tire change for Dodgedump truckOle Miss Service Station - tire for Sanitation Dept.J. H. Oliver & Company - street Brooms for Sanitation Dept.Oxford Auto Parts Company - Repairs to Dodge Dump truckOxford Auto Parts Company - Penetrating oil for ShopOxford Light and Water Plant - Police StationOxford Light and Water Plant - City GarageOxford Light and Water Plant - Sale BarnOxford Light and Water Plant - City BarnOxford Light and "Tater Plant - Street lightingOxford Motor Company - Police car repairs23922845.25142.61238 31.96243243.9416.48227 11.35238 56.80227 15.502392108.4013.70260 <strong>17</strong>3.61239 100.1823721023.9250.00237 1.252.3022923724321824325925925922347.4344.503.89.609. Motor Company - Oil filter & element for Sanit. Dept.227Ozburn-Abston & Company - Brake Fluid for Shop243E. E. Presley Balcksmith - Sharpening 13 picks and 1 hand 239sawSargent-8owell, Inc. - Street Signs 239 68.2416.3012.2619.00Southern Pell Telephone & Telegraph Co. - Police phone 216Southern Uniform Company - Shirts for Policeman 210Standard Oil Company - Kerosene for Street Maint. Dept. 239Standard ~,Ielders Supply Company - Shop demurrage on oxygenand acetylene cylinders243United Gas Corporation - City Garage 243United Gas Corporation - Police Office 2187.246.8310.01

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Check <strong>No</strong>.STREET FUNDAccountAmount-'"3434343534363437343734333438United Road Machinery Company - Cables for Sanitation Dept.1~itworth Gas and Oil Company - Tire for dodge dump truckBoyce G. Bratton - Care of PrisonersOle Miss Service Station - Police Car gas & OilOle Miss Service Station - 5 Wash & grease jobs, switchtires, tire repair, sealed beam for police carUmited Gas Corporation - City Ba~State Highway Department - 3320 pounds asphalt227240211223224239239150.4162.2935.00119.4619.551.8816.60\-lATE::/, AND SEHER FUND3206330633093335334033413349335333553h39344034413442344334443445344634473448344934493449345034513452<strong>No</strong>el M. Hodge - EasementC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Petty CashC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payroll 3-15-58Ell-Tood Gay - Salary for MarchElton Addington - Salary for March wlh $35.21A. B. Gardner - Salary for March wlh $11.31Tax vJi thheld FundC. P. Fulmer, Clerk - Payrollc. P. Fulme r, Clerk - Petty CashArkansas Fuel Oil Jorporation - Gas for Water Dept.Badger Meter Mfg. Company - Water PartsCities Supply Company, Inc. - Water Meter HrenchesDaley Lumber Company, Inc. - Sewer Supplies (Cement)Dixie Culvert & Supply Company, Inc. - Concrete Pipe (Bid)Elliott Lumber Company - Clay tile for sewer repairsHarper Foundry & Machine Company - Water meter boxes & LidsIdeal Chemical & Supply Company - Liquid Chlorine for SewerDisposal PlantsNeumann :'rothers, Inc. - i,Jater parts<strong>No</strong>rtheast Mississippi Electric Power Assoc. - Power forSewer Disposal plantsOxford Light and Water Plant - PumpOxford Light and 'v'iater Plant - Factory IIlellOxford Light ani vJater Plant - Booster Pump StationPidgeon-Thomas Iren Company - vJater PartsRisher Radio ~upply Company, Inc. - lamps for welderShaw and Sneed Hardware Company - ~upplies for South sewerplant522528514514522522522514Various52551051051851851851052351052453753753751051052380.0033.52162.0030.50245.00233.6946.52153.7512.0212.60.6623.572.801,031.101.1086.40114.758.24<strong>17</strong>8.10268.8012.50<strong>17</strong>.7470.06.541.77C> Jl.RKING t1ETER FUND3453The Dual Parking Meter Company - 40% of months collections195.20TAX hrr'rHHELD FUND33023303Feder·al Reserve Bank of st. Louis - Tax ;·Jithheld for FebruaryPublic Employees' Retirement System - Retirement for February655.58193.35BOND FUND3310'The First National Bank of MerrphisBondInterestCollection Charge2,000.00680.804.801955 SPECIAL STREET IW'ROVEME"JT BOND Al'm INTEREST FUND3311The First Naticnal nank of MemphisBondInterestCollection :::harge7,000.00603.7511.55ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT5558-595505-0655~1-8256225584-855586-9655975598-99-5600-5601Petty Cash - J. B. McLurePetty :ash - J. B. McLureUnion Planters National BankPetty Cash - J. B. McLureCustomers Deposit RefundPetty Cash - J. B. McLurePayroll for Harch 15, 1958Mistilis Cafe114.5659.4210,164.00121.10195.0014.10153.3252.80

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong>· <strong>OXFORD</strong>369(S2'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCheck <strong>No</strong>.5602-0356045607-20562156235624562556265627562856295630563156325633563456355636563756385639564056415642ELECTRI C DEPARTMENTPetty Cash - J. B. McLureChamber of CommercePayroll for March 31, 1958·c. P. Fulmer - Tax Withheld FundMid-South Ribbon & Carbon CompanyThe Office Supply Company<strong>No</strong>rth Mississippi Power Accountants AssociationTennessee Valley AuthorityThe Oxford EagleSouthern Bell Telephone CompanyAllen and HoshallTennessee Valley Electric Supply CompanyGeneral Electric Supply CompanyP & W Electric CompanyCabell Electric CompanyStuart C. Irby CompanyThe Division of Vocational EducationShaw and Sneed Hardware CompanyArkansas Fuel Oil Company<strong>No</strong>rth Mississippi Industrial Development AssociationUnited Gas Company444 Service StationBagwell Service StationWalker Electric Company****~l-***Amount21.20144.722,,713.29426.9913.081.271.$.005,,462.27105.3654.00875.00250.072,,321.99911.2510.6047.4510.283.0938.45397.0054.593.251.0066.75Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagel for bids on a new or used Motor Road Graderto be opened at 7:30 P. M. April 1, 1958" bids were received from the following firms:L. G. Lynch" Sr. - Oxford, Mississippi $1500.00Equipment Incorporated - Jadkson" MissiSSippi $3500.00United Road Machinery Company - Memphis" Tennessee $3500.00Taylor Machinery Company - Memphis" Tennessee $9",0.00Dalrymple Equipment Company - Amory, Mississippi $3750.00Hawkins Equipment Company - Memphis, Tennessee $3750.00Road Builders Equipment Company - Memphis, Tennessee $:U.#160~Motion was made" seconded and passed that the L. G. Lynch" Sr. bid be accepted, it being thelowest and best bid.ilIBBBOOOUU(Purduant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on a new or used truck to be openedat 7:30 P. M. April 1, 1958, bids were received from the following firms;Rebel Chevrolet Company - Oxford" Mississippi $13,43.<strong>17</strong>Yvers and Knight Buick and Equipment Company - Oxford, Mississippi $16,,50.00Motion was made" seconded and passed that the Rebel Chevrolet Company bid be accepted,it beingthe lowest and best bid.**iHOlll II It**Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on a fence to surround a water tank.to be opened at 7:30 ? H. April 1, 1958, bids \'lere received from the following firms:Cyclone Fence - Jackson, Mississippi $2062.00Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Company - Memphis, TennesseeDelta Fence Company, Inc. - Jackson, MississippiMotion was made, seconded ani passed that all bids be rejected.**i!1I IOU II 1111$20387.80$2,,165.00Pursuant to an advertisement in the ,Oxford Eagle for bids on a Mosquito Fogging ~achineopened at 7:30 p. M. April 1, 1958, bids were received from the follo~ng firms:to beTodd Shipyards Corporation - Brooklyn, New YorkNational Disinfectant Company - Dallas" Texas$1,868.61$289.50J'---Motion was made" seconded and passed that all bids be rejEtCtede.' '-" a I; ~.'.:'~.;c,~.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>f---------.-- ---- _..~--.--- ---_.._--- ..._.,----"II I, Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on ]vIanhole R.ings and Covers to beopened at 7:30 ? H. April 1, 19.58, bids vlere received from the following firms:Harper Foundry and llachine Company - Jackson, Hississippi $27.60 EachHississippi Foundry and i"lachine Company, Inc. - Jackson, Hiss1ssippi $32.00 EachViking Supply Company - i~emphis, Tennessee $28.9.5 EachLevee Street Foundry and l1achine Horks - Vicksburg, Mississippi $29.$3 eachHotion was made, seconded and passed that the Harper Foundry and ~'jachineit being the lo,vest and best bid.Company bid be acceptedPursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on C'.oncrete Invert in DrainaQ"e Ditchto be opened at 7:30 P. M. April 1, 19.58, bids were received from the following firmj:-A. Ll. Cullen and Son - Oxford, Hississippi $18.00 per 1inie1 footMotion was Nade, seconded and passed that the bid be rejected.A R:SSOLUTICJN DIT!:CTING T~{E ISSllANCE <strong>OF</strong> A SP3CL~L ?l:~ 7.HIT FOR THE LOCATION AND i'1.AINTEUANCE <strong>OF</strong>A FILLING STATION AND/O::l ~;KqVICE STATION IN THE COIvlI"lERCIAL DISTRICT <strong>OF</strong> THE CrIT <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSI~iSIP?I •vJHE'tEAS, notice was duly and legally given to all property owners and citizens interestedthat a meeting of the Hayor and Board of .ft~dermen of the City of Oxford, }1issh~sippi would beheld at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on the 1st day of April, A. D., 19.58, at the City Hall of the Cityof Oxford, Missi[;sippi, to hear objections and protests against the granting of a permit toE. E. Murray and others, to locate and maintain a filling station and/or service station onthe property hereinafter described, and no objections being interposed thereto and it appearingto this governing body that the granting of such permit would be proper and beneficial,NOl;' TH:S~r.:FORE, be and it hereby'is ordered and directed that the application of E. E.Murray for a permit for the location and: maintenance of a filling station and/or servicestation on a fraction of Lot Number 197, in section 21, township 8 south, range 3 west, inthe City of Oxford, County of Lafayette and State of Hississippi, as said lot is shown anddesignated upon the official map and plat of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, in use sinceJune 6, 1939, copies of which map are on file with the Hayor of said City and the ChanceryClerk of said County, said parcel being more particularly described as follows, to-wit;beginnin~~ at the point of intersection of the centerlines of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street and Highl-laYNumber 7; run thence S 80 0 16' E 40.42 feet to a lead plug in the south edge of a paved driveway,this plu,," being the point of beginning of this description; run thence N 86 0 33' E adist~nce of .54 feet to a point, thence S 78 0 19 1 E a distance of 100 feet to a point, thenceS 22 0 33' 'VJ a distance of 139.4 feet to a point, thence N 79 0 44' VI a distance of 12.5 feet toa point in the east ri?ht of ...,laY line of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street, thence N 10 0 24' E along the Eastright of way line of said <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street a distance of 32 •.57 feet to a point, thence N12 0 04' E along the East right of way line of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Street a distance of 94.9 feet to apoint ~~ich is the point of beginning of this description; is hereby approved; and the CityEngineer is hereby ordered an:J directed to issue said permit on behalf of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, to E. E. Murray and his successors in title to said property.The above resolution having been first reduced to Viriting was introduced by AldermanHarry Sisk and the same having been seconded by Alderman James Roberts, was read and consideredby sections and voted on by yea and nay vote, the result ,,,as as follows:Alderman 1t;illiam N. Lovelady voted YeaAlderrr.an FrankJ. Belk , Jr. voted YeaAlderman Harry S. Sisk voted YeaAlderman 1:;ill A. Hickman voted YeaAlderman James N. Roberts voted Ye~The motion having received the affirmative vote of four fifths of the Aldermen of theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, the Mayor declared the motion carried and. the resolution adopted,tais the 1st day of April, A. D., 19.58.ATTEST:CL..:~J.K

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>371f:I It ~iStaacK-ToM L. KETCHIHGS co., NATCHEZThe matter of appointment of a Clerk and Tax Collector came on for consideration and motionwas made by Alderman Sisk and seconded by Alderman Roberts and passed that Claude D. Malone, Jr.be appointed.G. W. Johnson informed the Board that it is necessary to immediately rebuild the primary lineon Sivley and Price Streets up to Vivian Street. Motion was ulade by Alderman Lovelady andseconded by Alderman Roberts and passed that Mr. Johnson be authorized to secure three priceson material to repair said line. and report to the board at the May meeting.Came on for consideration the amount to pay J. G. Hilson for a sewer line easement across hisproperty and mction was made by Alderman,.;Roberts and passed that Mr. Hilson be paid $225.00for said easement.,-""./Ad y ANd 5~cot\lJeJ hy AIJe"'MAIVMotion was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Belk and passed that the Citypurchase a storage tank for the purpose of furnishing gasoline for the police car and thatadvertisement for bids for a six months supply of both premium and regular gasoline be made.Upon recommendation of E. P. Lowe, City :Engineer, by the authority ~vested in him in Chapter3Traffic Regulations of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, Section 21, motion was made by AldermanRoberts and seconded by Alderman Sisk and passed ani it is therefore ordered that there will beno parking allowed at any time on the <strong>No</strong>rth side of Jefferson from <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar westward to<strong>No</strong>rth 9th Street; on the ~'jest side of South 5th from Van Buren Avenue southward to UniversityAvenue; on the West side of South 11th between Tyler Avenue and University Avenue.lS. D. Wolfe of <strong>No</strong>rth East Mississippi Power and Electric Association appeared before the Boardrequesting permission to attach a fence to the pear or Hest side and <strong>No</strong>rth side of the CityGarage for the purpose of enclosing said companies pole yard. Motion was made by Alderman~obEilrts and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that Mr. Wolf's request be granted .and that~t ~s understood that through the use of said property <strong>No</strong>rtheast Mississippi Electric Power Ass'n.will never claim said property and that said·Ass'n. recognize ownership of.J'llid property in theCity of Oxford.Motion was made b,y Alderman Lovelady and seconded b.Y Aldermen Hickman and passed that a bill besent to Volz Construction Co. for reimbursement of expense involved by the City in connectinga house service line on Hwy 7 South in frontof James Fitchett's house. This line was originallylaid by said company but was not connected to the main sewer line.April 1, 1958To the Mayor and Board of Alderman, of the City of Oxford.I hereby tender my resignation, as a member of the PoliceDepartment. To take effect on May 1st. 1958.It is with much regret that I am forced to make this move,but Father Time must take his toll.SincerelyI sl Garland KimmonsGarland Kimmons• Motion was made b,y Alderman Sisk and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that theforegoing resignation be accepted with regret and that the follOwing resolution be adopted:

,372~ ___ • __ • __ ~A.' ___ ._ •• · __ •• ____ ._·, __ . ___ •<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RES 0 L UTI 0 N.·=--···-'-:--lI~~EREAS, Mr. W.G. Kimmons, has served in the Electrical Department, Police Department and as NightMarshall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, for a period of twenty TWo~ and one half years, and,\HEREAS, he has rendered efficient and courageous service in such capacities and at all timesperformed his duties faithfully and diligently; and,vlliEREAS, Mr. Kimmons has tendered his resignation to the Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford,effective April 30, 1958, and the Board of Aldermen desire to commend Mr. Kimmons for hissatisfactory, faithful and courageous service in such capacities;NOVJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVZD by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, ~~ssissippi,that it is hereb,y declared to be the sense of the Board that Mr. Kimmons has served diligently,efficiently, courageously and faithfully durirg the past twenty twD0 and one half years as operatorof the City Power Plant, as a member of the Police force and as City Night Marshall and that heshould be commended for such outstanding service;~E IT FTT~THER RESOLV:;;]), that a copy of this resolution be handed to }1r. Kimmons and a copy spreadupon the minutes of this Board.Unanimously adopbd this the 1st day of May 1958.lsi Pete McElreathlsi James N. Roberts/ s/ vTilliam N. Lovelady lsi Harry S. Sisklsi Frank H. Belk, Jr.lsi Vlill A. HickmanUpon motion duly made and seconded, IT IS ORDERED that upon the payment by JOE CALmJELLof the sum of $160.44, the Mayor and Clerk of this Board be and they are hereby, authorizedand directed to convey to Joe Caldwell a part of Jefferson Street Situated in Section 21, Town~hip8 South, Range 3 West, in the e1ty of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi particularly describedas follows, to-wit:j25 feet on each side of a centerline described as follows:beginning on the Ivest right-of-way line of <strong>No</strong>rth Ninth Streetin said City, as it is now laid out, and runninG thence in aWesterly direction for a dista ce of 238.0 feet along thecenter line of a part of Jefferson Avenue unopened.STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPILAFAYETTE COUNTYQUIT CLAIMJ~§~For and in consideration of Ten and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($10.00) Dollars cash in hand paid, and other goodand valuaOle consideration, the receipt of all of which is here~ acknowledge, I, PETE McELREATH,Mayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, for and on behalf of said City of Oxford, Mississippi,and havim"" been dl~ly authorized to do so, sell and quitclaim unto JOE CALm'JELL any interest thesaid City of Oxford, Mississippi may have in and to that certain parcel of land situated in theCity of Oxford, Mississippi, described as follows, to-Wit:25 feet on each side of a centerline desc~.bed as follows:beginning on the West right-of-way line of <strong>No</strong>rth Ninth Streetin said City, as it is now laid out, and runnin[ thence in a~';esterly direction for a distance of 238.0 feet along thecenter line of a part of Jefferson Avenue unopened.T'!ITNESS MY SIGNATURE on this the 24th day of April, 1958.GrTY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSI:'PJBy:/ s/ Pete McElreathMAYOR <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIP?ISTATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPILAFAYETTE COlJNTY;n and for the StateThis day personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority •

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>!l1'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ:\.and County aforesaid, the within named PETE McELREATH, Mayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,who acknowledged that he signed and delivered the foregoing Quitclaim Deed for and on behalf ofsaid City, on the day and year therein mentioned.Given under my hand and official seal on this 24th day of April, 1958.lsI Claude D. Malone Jr<strong>No</strong>tary P~=bl~~~'c~ ________ _<strong>OF</strong>FICIAL TITLEMy Com. Expires: Feb. I), 1962Upon motion duly made and seconded by the members of the Board of Aldermen, it is unanimouslyordered that the City Attorneys and the Engineer of the City of Oxford be authori~ed to inspectthe open ditches belonging to the City,arld to make recommendations to this Board as to what, ifanything, the City should do with reference to said ditches. If it is the opinion of saidparties, that there is duty on the City's part, the City will rip-rap the ditch in questionin order to prevent damage to the property owner. If the property owner desj_res a covered ditchhe must bear all additional expense involved.( ,Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until April 8, 1!58 at 7:00 P.M

((<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, 1EGTTLAR METTING 7:00 P. M. April 8, 1958Pursuant tqA recess order entered on April 1, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onApril 8, 1958 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Alderman's Chamber in the City Hall whElland where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Ma.)ror, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank H. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Hard OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Hard TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman ~'lardThree'Hill A. Hickman - Alderman ~'JardFourC. B. Robarts - AttorneyOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC.D. Malone Jr. - ClerkAfter the meeting WaS called to order the following business was transacted:The Clerk reported that no objections had been filed and the motion waS duly made secondedand passed that the assessments for special improvements on Bramlett Boulevard, Sisk AvenueExtended and McLaurin Street of the Bramlett Gardens Subdivision and South 18th Streei,Ross Avenueard Johnson Avenue in Haley Subdivision, Part III, and Park Drive Extended and Williams AvenueEttended in Avent Subdivision are finally approved.Came on for consideration the matter of furnishing water to property in the City Limits owned byWoodrow Lee and Dr. C. W. Stephens. The Engineer advised that it would cost approximately $9,000to lay a water main so as to provided service to this property. Mr. Lee advised the Board that hehad obtained an easement from George Vinson who owns property between Lee's and Stephens propertyand Highway <strong>No</strong>.7. Mr. Lee requested permission to tap on our line on Highway 7, ~ld requested thatwe pay one half of the cost of digging the ditch for the pipe estimated to be $150.00 ( One Hundredand Fifty). Mr. Lee obtained easement for his and Dr. Stephens use and would purchase pipe. Therewould be no obligation on the part of the City to purchase the pipe and it will only be used toserve residences of Woodrow Lee and Dr. C.W. Stephens. Two water meters will be placed to measurewater consumption; one at the residence of 1·:oodrow Lee, the other at the residence of Dr. C. W.Stephens. Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the City of Oxford pay a sum not toexceed $150.00 to cover one half cost of ~ digging ~ ditch for said water line and Mr. Lee ispermitted to tap on the City's main on Highway <strong>No</strong>.7 provided that only the residence of vloodrowLee and Dr. C. 'ltJ. Stephens will be served by said line,' and with the full understanding that theCity is under no obligation to ever maintain or purchase said line even in the event the watermain is later laid on the road between the residences of said l~oodrow Lee and Dr. C. W. Stephens.)--'Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until April 16, 1958 at 7:00 P,M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>l.aUK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZI\.RECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M. April 16, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on April 8, 1958, the Mayor and'Board of Aldermen met onApril 16, 1958 at 7:00 P.M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presiding,\

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>PROPOSITION"Shall the City of Oxford, Mississippi, issue its Electric Distribution System RevenueBonds in the maximum amount of Two Hundred Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($200,000.00) Dollars, toraise money for the purpose of paying the cost of enlarging, improving, and extending theElectiric Distribution System of said City; said bonds to be payable, both as to principaland interest, solely from the revenues derived from the operation of said ElectricDistribution system of said City?"Was as follows:FOR THE :r3JNDS ISST!E ••••••••••••••••• 249AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE •••••••••••••• 13TOTAL NFMBI!:R <strong>OF</strong> VOTES CAST •••••••••• 2626. That a majority of the qualified electors of said City of Oxford, Mississippi,voting on the aforesaid proposition voted "FOR THE BOND ISSUE."Respectfully submitted, this 16thday of April, 1958./s//s/ w. ~.r. JODr- _________ _<strong>No</strong>el Hod~e--_._---Election Commissioners within and for the Cityof Oxford, MississippiThe Mayor and Board of Aldermen having seen, read, and considered the report of thereport of the Election Commissioners, Alderman Lovelady offered and moved the adoption of thefollowing resolution:A RESOLUTION AOPROVI ~ THE REPORT <strong>OF</strong> THE ELECTIONCOMMISSIONERS v:ITHIN kID FOR. 'rHE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MISSISSIPPI, IN RELA'rION TO A SPECIAL ELECTION HELDIN SAID <strong>CITY</strong> ON APRIL 15, 1958, AND DECLARING THERESULT <strong>OF</strong> SAID ELECTION.jwHEREAS, heretofore, to-wit: on the <strong>17</strong>th day of March, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi, did adopt a certain resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION CALLING ANDPROVIDIID FOR THE HOLDING <strong>OF</strong> AN ELECTION WITHIN THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, AT h'HICli THERESHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong> A CERTAIN PROPOSAL FOR THE ISSUANCE <strong>OF</strong>ELECTRIC DISTRI~UTION SYSTEM REVENUE BmlDS <strong>OF</strong> SAID <strong>CITY</strong> IN THE AMCUNT <strong>OF</strong> $200,000.00, MAKINGPROVISION FOR TH!!: GIVING <strong>OF</strong> NOTI CE <strong>OF</strong> SAID ELSC'rION AND PRESCRFHNG THE FORM <strong>OF</strong> BALLOT TO BE USED";andvJHEREAS, pursuant to said resolution, notice of said special election was given and said electionwas held in accordance with and as required by the Laws of the State of Mississippi and qy theaforesaid resolution of this Mayor and Board of Aldermen; andHHEREAS, the Election Commissioners within and for the City of Oxford has filed with this Mayorand Board of Aldermen their report concering the result of said election, wherein it is shown thatthe proposition voted upon at said election was as follows:PROPOSITION"Shall the City of Oxford, Mississippi, issue its Electric Distribution System Revenu.e Bondsin the maximum amount of Two Hundred Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($200,000.00) Dollars, to raisemoney for the purpose of paying the cost of enlarging, improvirg, and extending the ElectricDistribution System of said City; said bonds to be payable, both as to principal and interest,solely from the revenues derived from the operation of said Electric Distribution System ofsaid City?"and~~ERRAS, it appears from the aforesaid report of the Election Commissioners that TwoHundred, Sixty,Two (262) votes were cast on the aforesaid propOSition, of which Two Hundred, FortyNine (249) votes were cast "FOR TH~ BOND ISSUE" and Thirteen (13) votes were cast "AGAINST THEBOND ISSUE:"'/1\III..J

I •.-377<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SI'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZlNOw·, THEd.EFORfi;, BE IT HESOLllED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDER,TEN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,MIS:.:iISSIPPI, AS FOLLO~JS:SECTION 1. That the aforesaid reoort of the Election COmmissioners within and for theCi ty of Oxfo,'d, Mississippi, rela tin" to the sp ecial election held in said City on Tuesday, the15th day of Aoril, 1958, shall be and the said reaort is hereby ap)roved and confirmed.~}!;CTION 2. That the followinlr proposition submit,.ed to the qualified electors of thesaid Cit;'T of Oxford at the aforesaid so cial election, to-wit:PROt'8SITION"Shall the City of Oxford, Mississippi, issue its Electric Distribution System RevenueBonds in the maximum amount of Two Hundred Thous nd and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($200,000.00) Dollars, toraise money for the pur90se of payinF the cost of enlarp'inl':, improvin(~, and extendin~ theElectric Distribution System of said City; said City; said bonds to be ayable, both as toprincipal and interest, solely from the revenues derived from the operati~n of said EelctricDistribution Sys em of said City?"was assented to b a ]Jiajori ty of the qualified electors of said Cit-r votin~ thereon at saidelection., SECTION 3. That, the Mayor and Board of Alderrr,en of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, arenow authorized to issue the bonds of said Town in the amount and for the purpose aforesaid, andthat siad bonds sha.ll be issued as may hereafter be directed by this Mayor and Board of Aldermen.Alderman Lovelady seconde' the motion to adopt the fore"oin, resolution,and, the question bein" ptu to a roll call vote, the r suIt as follows:Alderman Lovelady voted yeaAlderman Roberts voted yeaAlderman S~sk voted yeaAlderman Beik voted yeaAlderman H'ckman voted yea(The Motion havin« recei ed the affirmative vote of all aldermen present,the Mayor declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted, this 16th day of Aprfl, 1958.(I

(~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>f-----------~~-- ~----- ----- - --- - - ---~- _~ ~_=-~-~=__ -~~~~ -~_~~~ ----- -:~-_-~~:~--:==:~===_~_:~_=~- --=-=-=--~=-~=:--~=_~-~=~~-~~_-__ ~~---_==--_~~-=-==~~=_~= 1-=;_/j !\,I!l,'\1

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Itla4K-TOM L. KETCHINOS co., NATCHEZfails to "mrchase the b')ndsursuant to his bid and contract, the amount of such :;o()d faith checkSh13T be retClinec'l b.. the Cit;' 0" Oxford and paicl into the city treasury as lic:ilidated darna:;esfor sucr. failur. The Mayor and Board of A:dermen reserve the right to reject any or all bidssubmitted, ani if all bids are rejected, to seL said bonds at prb'ate sale at any time withinninety (90) days after the da',.e ad iertised for the receipt of bids, at a price not less than thehir-hest bid Wri ch sh·s.: ha e been received for said bonds at such advertised sale.S""CTION 3. That bidders for said bonrls be requested to desir'nate ~ntheir bids the pricet.hey will Jay for bonds be8rinr, interest ,t a ra e or rates likevd,se to be desi:;nated in theirbids; pro·ridecl, 'owever, that al boncls of the S1.me r'aturity shall bear inter st at the same rate,which "'hal be a multi,le of one-ei nth of one oer centum (l/g of 1%).SbCTION 4.That, as rs(;uired by Ch.Clter 325, Laws of Miso)issippi, 1946, the City Clerkshall be and is hereby author~zedand directed to :ive notice of the sale of said bonds by~ublicatim at ~east tv.co (2) times i;: the Oxford E3.g1e, a ne,'S:aler Dublished in the City of Oxford,Lafayette County, Mississippi; the first oublicatio to be made at least -ten (10) days Drecedin~the date set for the receipt of bids, ani s,lch notice to be in substantially the following forrr,:NOTIC.c; <strong>OF</strong> BOND SALt.$200,000,SLL./Tt-l.IC DISTRIBUTION SY3TEH R.GVLNUi

____._~, _______________(oaF~-------~----------~~--~----------------------~-~-~-~------------....... ,_.._._._--- ...-- _______________..__ ._______ ~._ ..<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>..__.._---- .._._ ..- ..._-_.....-._._- .__..__ ... -_.. --_.__ . - .. -...__._-_...__.._.__._..__._--- _________ ~ .___.____....._________.__._. ___,________._.. _._--- ... _-_ .. _--- .. _ .... _---_._._._----_. -- ... _.._.___ A_._ __________.____ ,.__ .____.______ ~" __.••... __ .. _--_. "~~-'.. _______ ~These hond" are if' ered subject to the unoualifieri aD roval of the lwality thereofby the 18"! r~rrn of Chi'lr185 and Trauernicht of' St. Louis, :>Iissouri, The City wil'y the le 131 fees and will 'ay for the lrint n.1': of the bonds and the cost of the-,-;o,liiation of the b;n 'c. Delivt't'Y w.~ll be mCi)e to the ourchaser uithin ninety(90)days after the date 0" sale, a a :l::'ace to e riesi":nated b~- the Durch "S8r anc1 w'1,houtco to the urcnaser.'...)By order of the N;>.yor imi BO'lrd Jf Alrlermen of the City :Jf Oxford, Hississipli, thisl?,th dp.y 0 1 ' Ai!r~.l, 19t:Q:.<strong>CITY</strong> CLE3.KSECTIOll! 5. Th:).t the Cit;T Clel'k shar ob',a~n "rom the Dubl' sher of the afoi~,:;said nco,ls JaperJublj.c~.ti m 0'" said not Lce for tne time arid in theAldermrHl Lo clpd~rsecond d thr mo i0n to ado-ot the fore"oini! re301ution, and, thequestion beiw',ut to a r~ll cal -: 'ot..c, t~1e :'esult was as fo110\'3:Alderman LOielady votect yeaA}:J erm;;ntoc,erts vot.wl yeaA' 'ermF-m Si k voted yeatilde "man Hlc1ani:l.n "rotect yeareceived the affirmatlve vote of alJ the Aldermen ,Jresent, the Mayor'leclac'ed the m~ti0n c:Tricd nnd the resolution :d.opte 1 , the li)th day 0'" Apr~l, 195ELat 7 ;30 P. M.Motion was duly made, seconded, and passed that the Board recess until April 21, 195.3

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>S,'aI4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZMCBSS, RECESS RECESS REGUlAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. April 21, 1958Pur"uant to a recess order entered on ADril 16, 1958, the I"'layor and Board of Aldermen met onA ril ?l, 1958, at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Alde~menls Chamber in the City Hall\ I'm and where the followinr; were ?resent:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presidinc~William N. Lovelady -Alderman at Lar~eFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman V~ard OneJames N. RobertsHarry S. Sisk -- 11derman Ward TwoAlderman Ward ThreeWilJ A. Hickman - Alderman ~'ard FourC. B. Roberts - AttorneyOmar D. Crai~- AttorneyC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkAfter the meetin" was ca ~ led to order the followin~ bus ness was transacted:Came of for cons::"deratio~: the matter of the adoltion of a policy pvin ... ap81icants for empihoymentwith the City of Oxford, livin,!; in the corporate limits of the City preference. Motion was dulymade, seconned and 18.ssrd that qualified ap11icants for employment with the City of Oxford livin~within the corporate limi s of the City will be riven preference and first consideration, but ifit is determined that there are no qualified a'lplicants in the City of Oxford for the pa.rticularjob, other ap licati ,ns will then be considered.Came on for cons derat.~on the emlloyment of a ni~t policemen. After a conside1'ation of theapplications, it was determined that there were no Elualified ap l11cants from the City of Oxford,Mississippikand other aplications were then considered. Motion was duly made, seconded and:)assed that Hillard E. DePriest, a vin.!" been recommended by Newt Kin~, City Marshall, be h'.redas a ni .o;ht Policeman on a ninety day tri .. l basis at a monthly salary of $225.00 (Two Hundredand tWPlnty five dol'ars). The stipulation bein.r: included that Hr. DePriest move to Oxford withinone year from the d:1 te of his em'Jloqnent.A RESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MIYOR AND OOAH.D <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> ~IJITH REFERENCE 'ID THEREPrtIiUNG <strong>OF</strong> SP~1AYING lvrACHINE UNDER SECTION9121-09, MIS3:iSSIPr'I CODE <strong>OF</strong> 1942 A3 AMENDED.It appearin~ to the Hayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxfo;'d, Mississippi, that thes"1rayinr machi:·e was l1lrtial y destroyed by fird on the 21 d~y of AUP'ust , 1957, and that saidm' chine is necessary for the oreservation ofjeaLh, ani that the manufacturer of said machinestates that si3irJ macine mtly be re aired at less exnense than the cost of a new m,~chine.BE IT If,SSOLV.ii.D by the Hayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxfori, Mississipoi,th';t the s')rayinr m2.chLne be repaired by Todd ShinYi.rd Inc., at a cost not to exceed $895.00.The a.bo e:'d fore oinr; reso utio[1 ha"in, been first reduced to writin~ and read by theCl:'rk of sairi. Hayor and Biard 'If Aldermen, wa considered section by secti'1n, and then as a whole,anel 0 Motion of Alderman Roberts, and secor,ded by Aldermen Belk, it was adopted section bysection. and then as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermerj on the ;assar,e thereof was as follows:Aldermen James Roberts •••••••••••••••• YeaAldermen Wil iam Lovelady ••••••••••••• YeaAlderme Will Hickman ••••••••••••••••• YeaAldermen F. M. Belk, Jr ••••••••••••••• YeaAldermen Harry Sisk ••••••••••••••••••• yea(I'Came on f'br cons der tion the maj:.j:.er of renewin·7 for one year the United States Goverrunent I s Leeseof' Room Number 11 locat d on the seconded floor of the City Hall Buildin~ and motbn was dulymane. seco ded and nassed that the Mayor be authorized to e~

~.( ·400I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I.. ~\

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>3791!I1'184K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZRECESS, RECESS RECESS, RECESS REGT LAR MEETING 7:00 P.M April 28, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on April 21, 1958, the May-or and .lJoard of Aldermen met onApril 28, 1958 at 7:00 P.M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presidingio!i11iam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Balk Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alerman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman "lard FourC. B. Roberts - AttorneyOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. D. Malone Jr. - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made by Alde~an Be1k and seconded b.Y Alderman Sisk and passed that the City pay$33.50 on the recreation department's expenditure for a sidewalk at the Community House(Teen Center).(Motion was made b.Y Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Belk and passed that Judge Clayton,Judge of the Federal Court, be furnished a free parking space on the right and adjacent to theFnited States Marshall's space in front of the United States Post Office.Motion was made b.Y Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed that the CityPolice Department provide a ~iform card signed by the City Marshall to be distributed to personshaving a free parking privi1edge and that no person without this card and or its proper displaywill be exempt from paying parking meters and tickets.An application by Hubert S. Clark for a permit to own and operate an additional taxi-cab in theCity of Oxford WaS presented to the board and motion was duly made and seconded and passed thatsaid application be 'approved.1I100BO! 1111 lOtUpon motion of Alderman Be1k seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed the Clerk is hereb,y authori~edto destroy certain records stored in room number <strong>17</strong> on the second floor of the City Hall Building.The records authorized to be destroyed are r(ocords of years prior to 1950 and are as follows:Cancelled WarrantsPaid Light BillsMiscellaneous Receipts1111 IIU II II 1111 IIA RESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, DECLARING ITSINTENTION TO COLLECT FROM UNITED GAS CORPO= ~~F;p .1p!1ifC1!~AID UNITED IJAS CORPORATION01rJES THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> UNDER. CHAPTER 372 '.ElV~L<strong>OF</strong>:~THE REGULAR MISS. n.ooISLATIVE SESSIONAUTHORIZING, EMPO"JERING, AND DlRECTnG THE MAYOR <strong>OF</strong> SAID eI'r! <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> to !1lJi.K.:. :':n• ..t~: J U;. SAID <strong>OF</strong> 1956,UNITED GAS COaPORATION FOR ALL SUCH MONIES TO BE PAID ON OR BEFORE THE 15th DAY <strong>OF</strong> MAY, 1958.BE IT RESOLVED r:u the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, thatit is the consensus of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen that United Gas Corporation is indebtedtd>the City of Oxford, Mississippi for monies due said City as authorized and provided for in ~te ..372 of the regular Session of the MiSSissippi Legislature of 1956.

sROI\I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>That said United Gas Corporation has failed to pay said monies as provided for in saidChapter of the Laws of Mississippi, and that demand should be made on said monies due said City,and that upon a failure of said United Gas vOrporation to pay said monies on or before the 15thday of May, 1958, that the Mayor of said City of Oxford should be, and he is hereqy, authorizedand empowered to do all such things and to take all such legal steps as he may deem proper for thecollection of said monies.1-"'- --~. :1I,The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing and read by th~ Clerkof said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, was considered section by section, and then as a whole, and onmotion of Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Sisk, it WaS adopted section by section, and thenas a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen on the passage thereof was as follows:Alderman James Roberts •••••••••• YeaAlderman l{illiam Lovelady ••••••• YeaAlderman Will Hickaan ••••••••••• YeaAlderman F.W. Balk, Jr •••••••••• YeaAlderman Harry Sisk ••••••••••••• YeaA RESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THl: MAYOR A'TD BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> 1{[TH REFERENCE TO THE I'IORKING <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>CITY</strong> STREETS BY THE BOARD <strong>OF</strong> SUP.2.:RVISORS <strong>OF</strong>LAFAYETTE COUNTY, AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 8361,MISSISSIPPI CODE <strong>OF</strong> 1942 AS AME~IDED.BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermaen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,that in lieu of refund on Homestead Exemption taxes of Dristrict <strong>No</strong>. one of Lafayette Oounty,Mississippi, which lies within the Corporate Limits of the City of Oxford, MisSissippi, that saidMayor and Board will accept in lieu of the taxes provided in said Section cf said Code, work formthe Board of Supervisors or their employees of the value of said taxes, for the year 1957~ovidedt~') ~ t th~ value of the work done qy said Board of Supervisors and its employees shall haveliagreed uponby the Engineer of the City of Oxford and the Mayor of said City and the Board of Supervisors ofLafayette County, Mississippi.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writirg and read by theClerk of said Mayor and Board of Aldermaen, WaS considered section by section, and then as awhole, and on motion of Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Roberts, it WaS adopted sectionb.1 section, and then as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen on the passage thereof was asfollows:Alderman James Roberts ••••••••• YeaAlderman \.-Jilliam Lovelady •••••• Did not voteAlderman h'ill Hiclanan ••••••••••• YeaAlderman F.W. Belk, Jr •••••••••• YeaAldern~ Harry Sisk ••••••••••••• YeaA RESOL"TION <strong>OF</strong> THE YAYOR N'D BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMB~N <strong>OF</strong> THE<strong>CITY</strong> UF <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIpoI, 1':ITH RF,FER~NCE TO THESEHERAGE: DISPOSAL PLANT <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, AND TtJITHREFERENCE TO ITS INEFFI GIENCY AND \\lITH REFERSNCE TO ITSFAILURE TO PERFORM THE IvORK ACCORDING TO THE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS, A~m WITH REFERENCE TO ITS FAILTRE TOPROPERty OPERATE AS R8PRESENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR ANDTHE MANUFAGrURE <strong>OF</strong> SAID SYSTEM, AND THAT THE BOlJNDINGCOMPANY <strong>OF</strong> MATTHET!JS NAYFIELD, INCORPORATED, THE CON­TRACTOR 'VlHICH INSTALLED SAID SEl~~RAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM3E PTT ON NOTICE.. . BE IT. RE~OLVSD qy. the Mayor a d Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, that~t ~s the f:Lnd~ng of sa~d Mayor and Board of Aldermen that the sewerage disposal system and theeqlJipment which was installed in the operation of said sewerage disposal system in the City ofOxford, Mississippi, is not working properly, is not disposing of the sewerage according to theplans and specificatiors for the installation of said system, and according to the representationof the contractor, and that the contractor has not put said system in good working conditionand that the bonding company of said contractor, 1/;estern Casualty and Surety Company of Fort'Scott Kanlas, should be put on notice and demand made +hat idcondition according to 1 ". u sa system be put in proper workingpans and 8)ec~f~cat~ons and representationf . dc sa~ contractor, and that if

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>38181'134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co" NATCHEZsaid system is not put in good working condition according to the said plans and specificationand representation, that proper legal steps should be taken to protect the rights and the interestof the City of Oxford, Mississippi.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED b.Y said Mayor and Board of Aldermen that the Mayor of said City ofOxford be, and he is hereqy, authorized, empowered, and directed to put said bonding companyon notice as to the defects of said system, its installation, its failure to perform accordingto the plans aY.d specifications and representations of said contractor, and to take such otherlegal action as said Mayor may deem fit in his discretion, to protect the rights and interest ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing and read by the Clerkof said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, WaS considered section b,y section, and then as a whole, andon motion of Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Lovelady, it was adopted section by section,and then as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen on the passage thereof was as follows:Alderman James Roberts ••••••••• yeaAlderman William Lovelady •••••• yeaAlderman Will Hickmap •••••••••• YeaAlderman F.W. Belk, Jr ••••••••• yeaAlderman Harry Sisk •••••••••••• YeaA RESOULUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYORAND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFO~ TO HAVETHE EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> TiALL BUILDINGPAINTED, OR CERJAIN PARTS THERE<strong>OF</strong>, A1\ID TO ADVERTISEFOR BIDS FOR SAID PAINTIN} THERE<strong>OF</strong>BE IT RESOLVED, b.1 the Mayor and Board of Aldermaen of the Oity of Oxford,.M1ssissippi, asfollol-Ts:(1) That it is the intention of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen to have the City HallBuilding painted or to paint certain parts thereof, and to advertise for bids for painti~the exterior and interior of said Building or certain parts thereof, nnd to a~~rd the ccntractfer said work and materials to the successful bidder after said Board shall have first advertisedfor bids according to law.(2) That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen will take final action on this matter at 7:30o'clock, P.M., on Thursday, May 22, 1958, in the Office of the Mayor of said City.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing and read b.Y theClerk of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, was considered section b.Y section, and then as a whole,and on motion of Aldermen Belk and seconded by Aldermen Sisk, :it w~s adopted section by section,and them as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen on the passage thereof was as follows:Aldermen James Roberts ••••••••••• ~eaAldermen William Lovelady •••••••• teaAldermen Will Hickman •••••••••••• YeaAldermen F.W. Balk, Jr ••••••••••• YeaAldermen Harry Sisk •••••••••••••• YeaA RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYORAJlID BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> TO HAVETHE <strong>CITY</strong> HALL BUILDING AIR-CONDITIONED, OR CERTAINROOMS THERE<strong>OF</strong>, AnD TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR SAIDAIR-CONDITION EQUIPMENT A~ID INSTALLATION THERE<strong>OF</strong>BE IT RESOLVED b.Y the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, asfollows:(1) That it is the intention of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen to have the City HallBuilding air-conditioned or to air-condition certain rooms thereof, and to advertise for bidsfor air-conditioning said Building or certain rooms thereof, and to award the contract for saidwork and materials to the successful bidder after said Board shall have first advertised for bidsaccording to law.II(2) That the Mayor and Board of Aldermen will take final action on this matter at 7:30o'clock, P. M. on Thursday, May 22, 1958, in the Office of the Mayor of said City.Cl k T~e A~Qve and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing and read by the .er 0 said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, was considered section b.Y section, and then as a whole,

• 1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>I~-- ---~----f---------8:Bd- theft as: a rrhoJ 78, 3.! !(~ en rr,otion of Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Belk,it WaS adopted section by section, and then as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen on thepassage thereof was as follows:- -----;---l~------ I-~JAlderman James Roberts ••••••••••••••• yeaAlderman William Lovelady •••••••••••• $eaAlderman Will Hickman •••••••••••••••• YeaAlderman F. W. Belk, Jr •••••••••••••• YeaAlderman Harry Sisk •••••••••••••••••• YeaMotion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Boa rd recess until May 6, 19$8 at 7:00 P. M.\",

IT,nI"--~~~--------------1!,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>383U,,,K-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO .. NATCHEZRECESS, RE CESS RECESS, RECESS, RECESS RFnULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. May 6, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on April 28, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Alderman met onMay 6, 1958 at 7:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present~Pete McElreath, Mayor - Presidingl-lilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank 1

",<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,- "",\-';. "' -~ ~-.-~IUNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong>AMERICAS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P IC 0 U N T Y 0 F L A FAY E T T ECIT Y0 FOX FOR D* * * ** * ** ** **R33ULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. May 6, 1958Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, May -6" 1958, it being the timeand place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the following werepresent:Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank v!. Balk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman v!ard TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman vlard Threev:ill A. Hickman - Alderman Vo;'ard FourOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. D. ~oberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkNewt King - MarshalG. V. Johnson - Supt. Electric DepartmentAfter the meeting was called to order motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimouslythat the follo~dng accounts be allowed for payment:CORPORATION FUNDCheck <strong>No</strong>.345834613467347034753476348]348334843485348634873488348934903491349234933494Boyce G. Bratton SheriffTax "'Ii theld FundC. D. Malone, Jr, Clerk - Payroll 4-15-58Tax withheld FundAnnie E. LaneC. D. Malone Jr, Clerk - Petty Cash 4-28-58vJilliam N. Lovelady - Salary for AprilJames N. Roberts - Salary for AprilHarry S. Sisk - Salary for AprilHill A. Hickman - Salary for AprilRoberts and Craig - Salary for AprilE. P. Lowe - Salary for AprilClaude D. Malone Jr. - Salary for AprilMarie 1-':. Gillis - Salary for AprilNewt King - Salary for AprilW. G. Kimmons - Salary for AprilR. H. Mills - Salary for AprilS. T. Styers - Salary for AprilDonald CarhQle - Salary for AprilAccount <strong>No</strong>.Amount180 5.50183 346.55Various 410.90183 287.ho116 91.88Various 45.50110 48.87110 39.87110 48 .. 87110 39~87115 100.001<strong>17</strong> 378.06III 289.52114 164.96112 251.25113 232.11<strong>17</strong>4 195.10<strong>17</strong>5 205.10<strong>17</strong>6 225.10

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>385lrl"aUK-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO., NATCHEZCheck <strong>No</strong>.34953496349734983499350035073511351335<strong>17</strong>352835393541354235433521=354835493550355135523552355435553556355735583559356035613562356335643565356635673568356535523568356935583560356235633565356635673568355535563557355835603570356235653569357635773578357935803580358035813582358335843585358635863587CORPORATION FUNDAccount <strong>No</strong>.Robert C. King- Salary for April <strong>17</strong>7T. W. Nance - Salary for April 154Doyle Luther - Salary for April 135Roland Leister - Salary for April 135I·T. I. Mills - Salary for April 135Mrs. Rose Rowland - Salary for April 147Hillard E. DePriest - Salary for April 113Sylvester Boston - Payroll ending April 28, 147-126E. L. ~d - Payroll ending April 4-28-58 120Vergil Echols - Payroll ending April 28 120Ula T. Pierce - Payroll ending April 28 120Vernon Chambers - Payroll ending April 28 135Pete McElreath - Salary for April 110Frank ,,!. Belk Jr. - Salary for April 110Tax Withheld FundVariousMax Hipp - Payroll ending April 28 135Lafayette County Library Check for April 148Lafayette County Health Unit Check for April 136Fire Alarm at Old Taylor Road on April 2, 1958 at 5:45 P.M.E. B. Addington 135Scott Black 135Vernon Chambers 135Ira L. Crowson 135Howard Davis 135B. O. Elliott Jr. 135M. C. Falkner 135Clyde Huggins Jr. 135Bill Johnson 135R. L. Leaster 135D. G. Neilson Jr. 135David Ross 135Roy Thomas 135Roland Tidwell 135R. L. Tidwell 135C. S. Wilson 135R. H. Pinter 135Bill Womack 135Fire Alarm at Grundy's Cafe April <strong>17</strong>th 1958 at 5:50 A. M.Homer ~e 135C. S. Wilson 135Fire Alarm at 133 Sivley St. At 3:00 Am.Ira L. CrowsonHomer DukeGordon HamiltonBill JohnsonD. G. Neilson Jr.Roy ThomasRoland TidwellC. S. WilsonR. H. I'linterBill \'JomackFire Alarm At West Jackson on April 30,Homer DukeB. O. Elliott Jr.M C. FalknerClyde Huggins Jr.Bill JohnsonD. G. Neilson Jr.R. F. ShellabargerRoy ThomasC. S. "TilsonGordon HamiltonApril 26,13513513513513513513513513513519581958 4:30 P. M.135135135135135135135135135135Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. 15 Gal.gass for Cemetery 120Centeral Chemical Co. Jantorial Supply's 127Daily Lumber Co. Inc. - Repair to City Hall 155Eugene Dietzgen Co. - Engineer Supplys 151Elliott Hardware Co. - Fire Department 135Elliott Hardware Co. - Cemetery upkeep 120Elliott Hardware Co. - Repair to Rental Property 149Bagwell Service Station- Spraying 180Elliott Lumber Co. - Repair to rental Property 149"I. R. Hall - Cemetery upkeep 120Metts Brothers Hardware - Cemetery upkeep 120Oxford Eagle- For legal Printig 122Oxford, Light and Water - Light for City Hall 143Oxford Light and vlater - Light and vJater for Armory 153Rebel Press & Office Supply Co. - Stationery and Office ~juP9ly146Amount228.3943.99221.46213..35206.97109.4467.6767.5<strong>17</strong>0.4749.2445.046.19195.5039.87440.6936.8432.50162. 501. 50L 501 .. 501. 501. 501. 501. 501. 501.501. 501. 501. 50l~ 501. 501. 501. 501. 501. 502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.502.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.504.1639.9023.9714.043.701.504.602.823.983.5013.14145.6021.1412.1860.00

I( 3Rt)r-- _...-----.Check <strong>No</strong>.3588358935893590359035903592359235933593359435953596359735823598359936003601360236033604300<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Account N n•H. Roy Smith - Repair to rental ?roperty -149Sha"J & Sneed Hardware Co.- Janitors SupplieL.. 127Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co. -Repair to Rental Property 149Southern Bell Telephone and Tel Co. telephone City Hall 124Southern Bell Te1ehone and Tel. Co. Telephone Fire Dept.135Southern Bell telephone and Tel. Co. Telephone City Hall 124United Gas Co •. - Fuel for City Hall 123United Gas Co. - Fuel for City Hall 123D. H. Marchbanks & Co. -Office and Employees 30nds 156D. H. Marchbanks & Co. -Insuarnce 129J. B. Howell - Sundry 153Dement Printin? Co. -Stationery and Office Supplies 146Southern Bell Telephone and Tel Co. - Telephone City Hall 124All-State Termit C"Ontrol Co. -Buie Huseum 147Elliott Lumber Co. - Park and Recreation -Sidewalk 118Doyle Ivy & Son- Grading 149Mrs. Byron Gathright - Election Expense 141Mrs. Quay Elliott - Election Expense 141Mrs. Ruth Rou11ett- Election Expense 141<strong>No</strong>el M. Hodge- Election Expense 141Mrs. Robert Holley - Election f~ense 141Mr. 1,,;. :rl. Joor - Election Expense 141STREET FUNDAmount5.001.9571.BO14.7524.4012.051.7299.0595.5040.071.8013.ho4.9018.0033.5074.755.005.005.0010 .0040. 0050. 005.20Check <strong>No</strong>.3459346034623468:3471347735023503350435083509Y:12351435163519352235233526352735293530353135323533~J435353536353735383606360636063606360636073607360836093610361136123612361336143615361636<strong>17</strong>361836193620362036213622362336243625Rebel Chevrolet Company - 1958 Model Chev.L. G. Lynch, Sr. - Motor Road GraderTax Withheld FundC. D. Malone Jr. Clprk Payroll April 15, 1958Tax 1fi thhe1d FundC. D. Malone Jr. Clerk -Petty Cash April 28, 1958R. L. Tidl-Te11 - Salary for AprilW. T. Chandler - Salary for AprilS. E. Spears - Salary for AprilJoe Loy Beard - Payroll ending April 28Luke Booker - Payroll endin? April 28l'''lllies Burt- Payroll endin7 April 28Earnest Campbel1- Payroll ending April 28Lorenza Cersery - Payroll ending April 28Febster Herrod-Payroll ending April 28Henry Miller - Payroll ending April 28Berkley 1ft tche1l - Payroll endin(! April 28R. E. McLarty - '?ayroll Ending April 28John Henry Pegues Payroll Ending April 28E. E. Presley- Payroll ending April 28Philip Redmond- Payroll ending April 28Clarence Robinson -Payroll ending April 28Fi1liam Shaw - Payroll ending April 26James Slate - Payroll ending April 28Rufus Tal1ie- Payroll ending April 28Willie Thompson- Payroll ending April 28Fi11iam F. Blassingame - Payroll ending April 28Starling Oliver HcJlmkins -Payroll endinR April 28Artevus Holland ~Payro11 ending April 28Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp.Arkansas L"ue1 Oil Corp Shop Equipment -OilArkansas Fuel Oil Corp.- KeroseneArkansas tue1 Oil Corp. - Gas and OilArkansas Fuel Oil Corp.- Gas and OilBa~e11 Service Station- Gas and OilBagwell Service Station- Gas and OilCharlie Belk's Garage - Equipment and RepairsDailey Lumber Co. Inc.- Material and Supplies'\Ir. S. Darley & Co.- Police Officers SuppliesEast Motor Parts Co. Equipment and RepairElliott Hardl'ITare Company - Material and SuppliesElliott Hardware Co. Equipment and RepairsElliott Lumber Co. - Material and SUPJ1iesHawkins Equipment Co. - Equipment and RepairHedleston Radio and T.V. Service - Police Car RepairHome Ice Co. - Misc. SuppliesJones Produce Co. - Haterial and SuppliesKing Brothers - Equipment and RepairsLafayette County Cooperative (AAL) -Equipment & RepairLangham's & Ferguson Tire Shop- Equipment and RepairLangham's & Ferguson Tire Shop- Equipment and RepairLehman- Roberts Co. - Maserial and SuppliesMetts Brothers Hardware- Equipment and RepairMrs. Verna McElreath - Cost in Appeal CasesHurpheree's Auto Repair Service -Equipment and RepairMyers and Knight Bucik & Equip. Co. - Equipment RepairAccount <strong>No</strong>.231241VariousVarious279Various225280235226236226226226226226236226226226226236236236226226227226226238243239228238238228227239210237239227239227223229239237237227237239227213237237Amount1,343.<strong>17</strong>1,500.00281.311,415,86194.979.15275.34<strong>17</strong>4.02200.1980.0884.6469.8463.5469.7469.9781.9<strong>17</strong>7.5382.3986.7846.2692.5267.5669.0067.5072.0866.6995.8951.4745.758.9030.389.49216.3547.9788.6510.503.757.004.5839.373.7526.3963.2515.963.8510.0011.1010.007.167.687.5133.48<strong>17</strong>.279.0022.765.25

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SI'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZSTREET FUND!LCheck <strong>No</strong>.362636273627362736283629362936303630363036303631363136313631363136323632363336!343634363536353636363736383639363936403641364236433643364436453645364535463547=364636463647Account <strong>No</strong>.<strong>No</strong>vo Pump and Engine Co. - Equipment & Repair 237Ole Miss Service Station- Police Car Gas and Oil 224Ole Miss Service Station - Police Car Repair 223Ole Miss Service Station -Gas and Oil 228J. H. Oliver & Co. - Tires 230Oxford Welding Shop-Equipment and Repairs 227Oxford Welding Shop-Equipment and Repairs 237Ozburn-Abston & Co.- Equipment and Repairs 227Ozburn-Abston & Co.- Equipment and Repair 237Ozburn-Abston & Co.-Material and Supplies 239Ozburn-Abston & Co. -Shop EqUipment 243Oxford Light and 't-later Plant-Police Station Light &irlater 218Oxford Light and Hater Plant-City Garage Light & Ivater 243Oxford, Light and Water Plant.-Current for St.Lighting 259Oxford Light and Water Plant-City Barn 259Oxford Light and Hater Plant-Current for st. Lighting 259Oxford Motor Co.-Equipment and Repair 227Oxford Motor Co. -Police Car Repair 223Oxford vfuolesale Grocery Inc.-Misc. Supplies 229Rebel Chevrolet Co.-Equipment and Repair 239Rebel Chevrolet Co.-Equipment and Repair 237Hotophia Creek Gravel Co. Inc. Sand and Gravel 239Hotophia Creek Gravel Co. Inc. Sand and Gravel 239Rebel Press & Supply Co. -Police Officer Supplies 210Sar~ent-Sowell Inc.- Material and Sup~lies 239\'J. H. Scott-Police Car Repair 223Shaw and Sneed Hardware Co. - New Equipment 231Shaw and Sneed Hardware Co.-Equipment &Repair 227Smith Lumber Co~ -Misc. Supplies 229Standard Oil Co.-Material and ~upplies 239Southern Bell Telephone ard Tel. Co.-Telephone 216Taylor Machinery Company-Equipment and Repair 237Taylor Machinery Co. EqUipment and Repair 237Truss Motor Co.-Equipment a'd Repairs 227United Gas Co. -Fuel 239United Gas Co.- Fuel 243United Gas Co.- Fuel 218Hayne Hipp Payroll ending April 28 236Tax Withheld FundVariousOxford Auto Parts Co. Shop Equipment 243Oxford Auto Parts Co. Equiptrient and Repair 237Taylor Machinery Company Equipment and Repair 237Amount27.10126.5695.004.7842.097.656.5035.099.0828.554. .6887.94,;53.0048,0539":3660.001.Z55.523.10l5.lJ5127.'1218.4620.001. 505.878.1589.50161.612.723.5433.961']ATER AND SEvIERCheck <strong>No</strong>.34633466346934723478350135053506351035153518352435253540354536483649365036503650365136513651365236533653365336543655365~}95736573657Account <strong>No</strong>.Tax '\rJi thheld Fund 543J. G. 't-filson -Sel-Tel! Easement 528Payroll 514-521Tax 't-lithheld FllJ1d 543C. D. Malone Jr. Petty Cash 5lol523Elwood Gay -Salary for April 514Elton Addington -Salary for April 522A. B. Gardner-Salary for April 522\'lillie Booker-Payroll ending April 28 521J. C. Carruthers- Payroll Ending April 28 514James Egerson- Payroll ending April 28 514Milton Morrison-Payroll ending Apri128 514George McEween-Payroll ending April 28 521James Edward Corothers-Payroll ending April 28 514Tax Hithheld FundVat-iousArkansas Fuel Oil Corp, Gas oil and Repair Service Truck 525Boatright Sale and Service -Supplies Seweh Disposal ~lant 523Central Service Association- 111ater Billing 510Central Service Association -1~!ater Billing Sewage 510Central Service Association Hater Billinr' Sewage 510Daley Lumber Co. Inc. Supplies 510Daley Lumber Co. Inc. Sewer Supplies 518Daley Lumber Co. Inc. ~ti.sc. Supplies 520East Motor Parts Co. -Supplies Sewer Disposal Plant 523Elliott Lumber Co. Office Supplies 516Elliott Lumber Co.-Sewer Supplies 518=Elliott Lumber Co. -Misc. Supplies 520Harper Foundry & Machine Co.-Sewer Supplies 518J. B. Howell- Sundry 528Metts Brothers Hardware- Supplies 510<strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss. Electric Power-~owerSewer D~!RH~al 524<strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss.Electric Power- Power Sewer Disposal Plant 524<strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss. Electric Power -Power Sewer Disposal Plant5~4Amount52.12. 225.00321.305T~834.02130.00209.79233.6985.6763.5469. 2661. 4654.6469.7871.3115.8310.307.tn110 .52110.042.8019.6014.001.047.0045.5058.50632.006.001.)047.49

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>T'ATErt A'.!D SEv.'rn'.-'-~JICheck <strong>No</strong>.36$1 . <strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss. ElectpicPower ... Pm-lei',sewer Dispoal Plant3657 <strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss. Electric Power-POloler Sewer Dispoal Plant3657 <strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss. Electric Power-Power Sewer Dispoal Plant3658 Sanfax Co.-Supplies Sewer Plant3659 Ideal Chemical & Supply Co.-Supplies Sewer Dispoal Plant3660 J. H. Oliver and Co.-Supplies Sewer Disposal Plant3661 Oxford, Welding Shop-Sewer Supplies3661 Oxford Light and vJater -Power for Pumping Water3661 Oxford Light and hTater -Power for Pumping Fater.3661 Oxford Light and Water - Power for Pwnping l';ater.3663 Ozburn-Abston & Co. - Supplies3664 James B. Clow & Son, Inc. -Supplies3665 General Electric ~upply Co. Meter and SuppliesAccount <strong>No</strong>.5245245245:U523523518537537537510510512Amount24.8967.3061.5061.75114.7512.902.00276.8037.8414.445.2915.107.75TAX ',,'ITHHELD FUNDCheck <strong>No</strong>.Account <strong>No</strong>.3464 Public ~mployees': Retirement System - Social Security3464 Public Employees' Retirement System Retirement System3465 Director of Internal Revenue - Income Tax vlithheld in MarchVET:~R.ANSHOUSING DEPOSITAmount1,781.08966.72690.29Check <strong>No</strong>.3479C. D. Malone Jr.-Petty Cash Deposit applied on rentfor Apt. 3-B3474 The First National Bank of MemphisInterestCollection ChargeBO:ND FUNDAccount <strong>No</strong>.611612Amount16.00312.50307.505.00PARKIN G METER FUND3575 The Dual Parking Meter Company -40% of months collections209.60ELECTRIC DEPARTMENTIiCheck <strong>No</strong>.5646-48-50-56-58-60-564756li9-5l-575652-555662-695670-835684568556865689569056915692569356945695569656975698569957005701570257035704570C;570657075708570957105711Petty Cash- Customer RefundC. D. Malone, Jr. Tax 1'!ithheld- S. S.­Petty Cash--J. B. McLurePayroll for April 15, 1958Petty Cash-Customers Deposit tlefundPayroll for April 30, 1958C. D. Malone, Jr. Tax \'iithheld -SS-"!h-S Ret.C. D. l1alone Jr -'Hater & SewageC. D. Malone Jr Retirement Employ. Pt.Arkansas Fuel Oil CompanyS. C. Toof & CompanyRebel Press & Office Supply Co.Ozburn-Abston & CompanyElliott Hdw. CompanyGraybar Electric CompanyW.S. r.H (AdiT )Tennessee Valley Electric Supply Co.,Southern Bell Telephone Co.,T.V.A. Tennessee Valley AuthorityCentral Service AssociationGeneral Electric Supply Co.,1';alker Electric CompanyStuart C. Irby CompanyThe Oxford ~agle (Adv)United Gas CompanyInternatel Assn., Of Electrical InspectorsMeter Service Supply Co.,Miss. State CollegeBagwell Service StationPidgeion Thomas Iron CompanyOxford 1:.11olesale Groc. Co.L. P. McCarty Wholesale Co.,Amount135.00236.4377.18133.63120.002,739.39435.789,272.29225.8032.613.0528.0027~8713.051,014.7010.50289.5459.405,397.49536.86136.1932.62967.96106.753tl.396.0082.223.514.5075.603.706.95I~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>389S'IUK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZPursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagel for bids for a six months supply of Regularand premium Gasoline and lubicating oils to be opened at 7:30 P. M~ May 6, 1958, bids werereceived from the following firms:Arkansas Fuel Oil Company - Shreveport La.Gulf Oil Company, Tupelo, MississippiMansel Motor Company, Oxford, MississippiOle Miss Service Station, Oxford, MississippiStandard Oil Company, Jackson, MississippiAfter the foregoing bids were opened and read, motion was made by Alderman Roberts andseconded by Alderman Sisk and passed that the Arkansas Fuel Oil Company bid for oil be acceptedand that bids for both Premium and Regular gasoline be continued to the next meeting fortabulation.Morris C. Lovelady, representative at large of the Recreation Board appeared on behalf of theRecreation Board and,.,presented to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen a plan for the developmentof the Avent )?ark area. After a review of the plan, motion was made by Alderman Hickman andseconded by Alderman Roberts and passed that the Mayor and 30ard of Aldermen indorse said plan.Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagel for bidstabe opened at 8:00 P.M. Ma:r 6, 1958, bids were receivedPhillips-Galtney and Company- Jackson, Miss.Alvis & Company - Jackson, MissisSippiKroeze - McLarty & Company - Jackson, MississippiMemphis Securities & Company - Memphis, Tenn.Hamp Jones Company - Jackson, }fississippiHerrington and Company - Jackson, Mississippi~,fo--~ 11for,f$200,000 of Electric Revenuefrom the following firms:After the foregoing bids were opened and read, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady andseconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that the Kroeze - McLarty & Company bid be acceptedit being the lowest and best bid.Bonds,I\..E. P. Lowe City Engineer brought to the attenti'D of ' the Board the necessity of laying asewer line across Mr. J. H. Crouch's property to serve lots on Highway 7 south not nowbeing served. Mr. Lowe recommended that the City pay Mr. Crouch $80.00 for said easement andmotion was made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that it be soordered.Newt King, City Marshall appeared before the board and requested that he be authorized to buytwelve pair of summer trousers for the Police Force and after due consideration motion wasmade by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Belk and passed that Mr. King's request begranted.There came on for consideration the matter of emergency purchase for electric light polesand ~dre and ~ole line hardware, and the Superintendent of the Electrical Department of theCity of Oxford having obtained bids as required by the statute, and having filed his certificateto that effect with the Clerk of this Board, and it appearing that Stuart 8. Irby Companywas lowest bidder, the purchase was made from said Company. Upon motion made by Alderman Siskand seconded by Alderman Hickman it is ordered that the emergency purchase from Stuart C. IrbyCompany in the sum of $741.50 be allowed.There came on for consideration the matter of emergency purchase for electric pole line wireand hardware, and the Superintendent of the Electrical Department of the City of Oxford havingobtained bids as reqUired by the statute, and having filed his certificate to that effect withthe Clerk of this Board, and it appearing that Graybar E:lectric Company Inc., was the lowestbidder, the pi rchase was made from said Company. Upon motion made by Alderman Roberts andseconded by Alderman Belk it is ordered that the emergency purchase from Graybar Electric Co.,Inc. in the sum of $61.20 per thousand be allowed.I i!"'Hiley T. Chandler appeared before the board and informed them of his intention to retire asof June 30, 1958. He stated that it was with regret that he tendered his resignation, butthat the Mississippi State Public Employess Retirement System has required him to retire byIJuly 1, 1958. He futher expressal to the Board his appreciation to this and other Boardsfor the opportunity of serving thE: City for the past six years".V Motion was duly made secondedand passed that Mr. Chandler's reSignation be accepted. and the people of Ward II for thepri vi ledge of serving as Alderman*iHHHHHHt-lP.

"1/390<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.",,\"-,, I'---1o:m2:;R. UF THS BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN CORR.?:CTDTG CER.TAINASSES::>N,SNTS ON T}~} 195'LLAND ROLL ___.___._'V.![}ereas, it appears to the Board of Aldermen that several errors have been made in describing theproperty of certain individuals assessed cn the land assessrnent roll for the year 1957; And'V-fuereas, it has been called to the attention of this board by J. E. Childers, Field Representativeof the Homestead Exemption Division of the Mississippi State Tax Commission, that these assessmentsreferred to above do not agree with some of the application and/or deeds.Therefore, in order that the various applicant's listed below, may receive benefit of the exemptionfrom the School l,;aintenance Tax it is hereb~,r ordered that the assessments for the following namedTax '?ayers be corrected.It is ordered that the assessment of F. H. Belk, Jr. \Jhich appears on the said Land R.oll at page10 at line 19 be changed to read The <strong>No</strong>rth 55 feet of the South 8b feet of Lot 147 and Streetadjorninf' in 21-8-3, with the value to remain the same as originall J , shown.It is ordered that the assessment of itJilliam Francis Lyles which appears on the said Land Roll atpage 97 at line 9 be changed to read East fraction Lot 477 and ~Jest fraction Lot 467 in 21-8-3,with the value to remain the same as originally shown.It is ordered that the assessment uf E. 101'. Sneed w.ich appears on the said Land Roll at page 151 atline 19 be changed to read Fraction Lot 215 East number 7 Highway in 21-8-3, .lith the value toremain the same as oricinally shown.It is ordered that the assessment of E. T. Turner \'lhich appears on the said Land Roll at page 163at line 7 be changed to read Part Lot 55 in 21-0-3 with the vabe to remain the same as orie;inallvshown.It is ordered that the assessment uf l'1rs. Louise Futrell which appears on the said Land Roll atpage 54 at line 9 be changed to read l':est part 73 and East part of Lot 74 and street in 21-8-3with the value to remain c:,he same as originally shown.It is ordered that the assessment of Mrs. O. V. Haley which appears on the said Land Roll at page66 at line 9 be changed to read Part Lot 67 in 20-8-3 with the value to remain the same asoriginally shmm.It is ordered that the assessment cf Barbara M. Hinshalv '1ihich appears cn the said Land Roll at page70 at line 35 be chan["ed to read i:i:ast 106 feet of "\o;est 187 feet of Lot 6 less 10 feet on So,thside in 28-8-3 ~Jith the value to remain the same as originally shown.It is ordered that the assessment ~f Van P. East which appears on the said Land Roll at page 46at line 7 be changed to read South 1;est Corner Lot 58 in 28-8-3 (100 I x 105' ) <strong>No</strong>rth of BuchananAVenue vri.th the value to remain the same as originally shown.It is ordered that the assessment cf 11rs. Ja':ie Reagin Bramlett which appears on the said LandRoll at page 13 at line 2 2:XJ changed -';, 0 read Part Lot 146 in 21-8-3 vi..:.. th value te. remain thesame as originally shown.Upon motion duly made seconded and unanimously passed, it is ordered that a contribution of $100.00trom the Electric Department and $100.00 from the General Fund be made to the University Hi!hSchool Band.Upon motion duly made seconded and unanimously passed, the sum of $<strong>17</strong>,500.00 is approiated tromthe General Fund. Said sum is to be used for the extension of runways of the Oxford-UniversityAirport.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>'-,--'~~~---------------.-~a-M-K-T-O-M-L.-K-ET-CH-IN-G-SC-O-.• -N-AT-CH-EZ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~-: -'The Mayor and Board of Aldermen again took up for consideration the matter of thesale of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) Electric Distribution System Revenue Bondsof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, pursuant to a resolution ado';>ted on the 16th day ofApril, 1958.The City Clerk reported that, pursuant to the aforesaid resolution, he did cause tobe published in the Oxford Eagle, a newspa er pUblished in the City of Oxford, a notice thatsealed proposals for the purchase of the aforesaid bonds would be received by the Mayor andBoard of Aldermen at the office of the City Clerk in the City Hall in said City until the hourof 8:00 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 1958; that said notice was published insaid newspa)er on April <strong>17</strong>, April 24, 1958; and the Cit;;, Clerk presented to the Mayor andBoard of Aldermen proof of pUblication of said notice in the aforesaid newspaper.The hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 1958, having arcived,the City Clerk reported to the Mayor am Board of Aldermen that, pursuant to the aforesaidnotice of bond sale, there had been filed with him, at or prior to the hour of 8:00 o'clockP. M., on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 195?', six (6) sealed proposals for the purchase of theaforesaid bonds of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and the City Clerk then and there presentedsaid sealed proCJosals to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.Thereupon, it was ordered by the Mayor that the City Clerk proceed to open the saidsealed proposals and to read the same aloud in the presence and hearin~of the Mayor andI"Board of Board of Aldermen and of the bidders and other persons assembled.The City Clerkthereopon proceeded to open and read the aforesaid bids, wnich are sQ~arized as follows:NAME <strong>OF</strong> BIDDERFOR BONDS BEARINGINTl::R.EST AT THERA TE OR RATES <strong>OF</strong>AMOUNT<strong>OF</strong> BIDAVERi,GEINTERESTRATEPhi11ips-Galtney & Co.Alvis & ComQanyKroeze, McLarty & Co.Harrin~ton & Co, Inc.Hamp Jones CompanyM. A. Saunders & Co., Inc.3 %2~% - 1961 thru 19653% - 1966 thru 19704% - 1961 thru 19h32~% - 1964 thru 19~52 3/4 - 1966 thru 19692, ~ -,19703.812152 7/8 % - 1961 thru 19(,52 3/4 % - 19662 7/8 % - 1967 thru 19703 i %$200,000.0079,000.00121,000.0045,000.0034,000.0095,000.0026,000.00200,000.0079,000.002~,000.0098,000.00200,000.003 %2.8756%2.7937%3.81215Following the readin~of the bds the Mayor and Board of Aldermen proceeded to considerthem for the purpose of determinin~ which was the best and most advanta~eous bmd submitted.After a full consideration of the bids, Alderman Lovelady offered and moved theadoption of the fo110win~resolut,~on:/IA RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE SALE AND AWArID <strong>OF</strong> Tim HUNDREDTHOOSAND DOLLAri.S ($200,000) ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMREVENUE BOi~DS <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIP?I, DATEDMAY 1. 1958." I,

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>'vvHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Missis:3ippi, on the16th day of April, 1958,did adopt a resoluLon directin~that Two Hundred Thousand Dollars--'($200,000) Electric Distribution System Revenue Bonds of the City of Oxford be offered for saleon sealed bids to be recei 'Jeel until the hour of 8:00 0 I clock? M., on Tuesday, the 6th day ofMay, 1958; andv~H.6R.EAS,as directed by the aforesaid resolution and as required be Chapter 325, Lawsof Mississipii, 1946, notice of the gjle of said tonds was duly published in the Oxford Ea~le,a newspa,Jer publl shed and of r,eneral circulation in the City of Oxford, Mississippi; said noticehaving been JUbL shed in said newspaper at least two times, and the first pUblication havin~beenmade at least ten (10) days preceding the 6th day of May, 1953; all as shown by proof of?ublicatiun of said notice filed in the office of the City Clerk; andvmE3.t;AS, the Mayro and Board of Alderman did meet at the office of the City Clerk inthe City Hall in the City of Oxford, Missisdppi, at 8:00 0 I clock P. M., on Tuesday, the 6th dayof May, 1958; andWH~liliA~,at said time and place six (6) sealed pro)osals for the pur-chase of theaforesaid bonds were recei -ed, examined, and considered by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen; and~jH.c:J.EAS, the Mayor and Boad o~> Aldermen find and d termine that the highest and bestbid made for the afor said bonds was made by tr.e Equitable Secnrities Corporation, Nashville,Tennessee, and Kroeze, McLarty & Company, Jackson, Missis;ippi, jointly, and further find thatsaid offer w s accom:oa ned by a check payable to the City of Oxford, Mississippi, in the amountof Four Thousand Dollars ~$~,OOO),issued or certified by a bank located in the State of Mississippi,as a ~uarante thai~ said r:idders would carry out tileir c)ntract and purchase the bonds if theirbid be acce,ted:NOv" THl!.:R~Fl.h.r.;, B.r., IT R.r.:SOLV;.:;D bY THe 14AYJR AIIjD bOAdD <strong>OF</strong> ALDEaM.ii:N <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong>OXFQ{l), Iv1ISSIScIP?I, AS FOLLOiiS:S.6CTION 1. That the Two Hundred ThOllsand Dollars ($200,000) Electric DistributionS"Tstem Revenue Bonds of the Cit of Oxfori, Mississippi, bearing date of May 1, 1958, shall beand the said l:onds are hereby awarded and sold to Equitable Securities Corporation, Nashville,Tennessee, and Kroeze, Mclarty & Com~any,Jackson, Mississippi, jointy, in accordance withthe offer this day sl;bmi tted to the Ma,c-or and Board of Aldermen, in words and fifo!;Ures as follows,to-wit:NashvilleDallasHoustonBirmin""hamNev,' OrleansMem:lhisEQUJ. TABLESecuriLes Cor:)orationNashville 3, TennesseeNew YorkHartfordAtlantaGreensboroPhilidellhiaJac:-cson, Miss.To the Hon. MAYOR. & IDAuD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>OXFOC), MISSISSIPfIDate May 619.2LFor $ 200,0(;" legally issued ELeCTRIC DISTlUBUTION SYSTEM REV~NUE bonds ofIIl

IIF<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>lit-aUK-TOM L. KETCHINOS CO., NATCHEZTHE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFffiD MISSISSD-'PI DELIVJ.',ii.ED TOPART <strong>OF</strong> THIS BIDBONDS HATUiUNG 19',1 THROUGH 1963 INCLUSIVE TO BEAR 4% COUPONR,N0S iVIATURING IN 1970 to BEAR 2-1/2% COUPONsaid bond") to be of the denomination of 4Pl,OOO.OO.Bering interest at the rate of _______.J;per cent)er annum.Payable I~\Yto be desirnated by us and a~reeable to the city.Bank in the City of _________________WE WILL PAY PAR AND ACCiWED INTEREST PLUS A PREMIill.f <strong>OF</strong> $233.60.the le~alitya~reein,;tr' nscri,t of r,ll '~rocedinp:sother certifictes and take such further ~ction,i\..US B AS ADVE[{TISED dated MAY L, 1958, and tomature AS SHOwN ON YOUR <strong>OF</strong>FICIAL .,OTICl;; <strong>OF</strong> SALL A COpy <strong>OF</strong> 'vJHICH IS ATTACHED HE3.ETO AND I11ilDE ABONDS MATUH.ING 1964 THROUGH 1965 iliNCLUSIVE TO B1AR 2-i/2% COUPONBONDS HATURING 1966 THROUGH 1969 INCWSIVE TO BEAR 2-3/4% COUPON& NOViMBER semi-annually, both principal and interest payable at a bankThis bid is made exorcssly subject to the approval by recol::nized bond attorneys ofof said bonds an' the taxatim of rev nue pled:;ing provisons relatinr thereto, youto furnish us '")ro'nptly and prior to the celi very of sain bonds, with a fuill certifiedhad incident to the issuance of said bonds, and to furnish suchif say, as such at orneys may reasonalby request.We herewith hand you our check for $4,000.00 numbered <strong>17</strong>90 as evidence of our p;ood faithin complyinr: with the terms and conditio s of this bid, and is to be held by you uncashed unl',ilthe ler,ality of scme has been approved by reconized bond attorneys, and to be forfeited as fullliquidated samac:es should we fail or refuse to t,lke up said bonds as above provided.Said checkis to be immediately returned to me if this bid is not accepted.ACCEPTED, t.his _6.;;..t,;;.;;h.::...-_day of May, 1 ;;5R.Respectuflly Submitted,EQUITABLE; SECUlUTIES COHPORATIONKROElE, McLARTY & COMPAN~BY: JADK McLAR.TYSECTION 2. That the Mayor be and is hereh to endorse upon.the aforesn.ir' o{Fer a sutabl, notation in evidence of the acceptance thereof for and on behalfothe City of Oxford.SECTION 3.That the "ood faith checks filed by all unsuccessful bidders forthwith beretu.rned to them u on their resnective receints therefor, and that the ~oodfaith c['eck filedby the Buccesc;fu1 bidders be retained by the City as a /!:uarantee that the bidders will carryout their contract 'md purchase the bonds.If he successful bidders should fail to purchase thebonds pursuant to their bid and contract, the amount of such ~oodfaith check shall be retainedby the City of Oxford as liquidated damaf,es for sucp failure.SECTION 4. That the Mayor and Boad of Aldermen shall hereafter, by proper ordinanceor resolution, lrovide for the preparation, execution, and delivery of the ilforesaid bonds inaccordance with the terms of the contract for the sale thereof.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>------.. ----. ~,\-l-----jA Lderman Roberts second.;d the motbn to ado It the f orep;oin,'1'resolution, and, the questimbeirw :Jut to a 1'011 call vote, the result was as follows:Aldeman Hickman voted yeaAldernna Lovelady voter} ~reaAlderman Sisk voted yeaAlrierman Belk voted yeaAlderman Robe rts vot'ed yeaThe motbn ha 1 'ir,:; rc~ceivedth affirmative vote of all the Aldermen present, the Mayordeclared the motion carried and the resoluti():: :,ado'lted, this c)th day of May, 1958.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board Recess until May 8, 1958 at 10:30 A. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SI'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZRECESS" RECESS RECESS REGULAR MEETlm 7:30 P. M. May 21" 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on M~ 8" 1958" the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onMay 21" 1958" at 7:30 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hall \rih.enand where the following were present:Pete McElreath -Mayor" Presidi~William N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk Jr. - Alderman Ward One.James N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreelUI II II lUI II IlIHtC. B. Roberts - AttorneyOmar D. Crai! - Attorneyc. D. Malone Jr. - ClerkI( If If lflt IOf 1111 ItAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Pursuant to a advertisement in the Oxfcrd Eagle for bids on Air-Cor.ditionin! the Cit,y Hall orparts there of to be openned at 7:30 P. M. May 21" 1958" bids were received from the followiD!firms.Walker Electric Corrq:>any - Oxford" Miss $l79.95/lHPShine MOr!an Appliance' - Oxford" Miss. $<strong>17</strong>7.$0/lHPOxford Repair Works - Oxford" Miss. $189.11 /lHP$279.95 /liHP$229.95/ltBP$2l7.92/l~HPAfter the foregoing bids were opened and read motion was made by Alderman Sisk and secondedQr Alderman Belk and passed that the Shine Mo~an Applicance Company bid be accepted it beiD!the best bid and that the City purchase four lt ton un1 ts to be installed in the C1 ty Clerk' soffice" Electrical Accounting office" Superintendent Electrical Department office, and the Cityqineer office and two one ton units to be installed in the Court Room. The two units for theElectrical Dept. to be paid for from Electrial funds" the remaining four units to be paid for outof the general fund.,***It 111111 !HIltPursuant to a advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on Panting the City Hall or partsthere of to be opended at 7:30 P.M. May 21" 1958" Bid ~ receive from the followi~firm.Oxford Decorating Company- Oxford" Mississippi $180G.00After the foregoing bids was opened and read motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and secondedby Alderman Roberts and passed that the Oxford Decorating Company bid be accepted it bein! theonly bid.1UUI IUOIIOHHtMotion was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded b,y Alderman Lovelady and pass&d that AldermanBelk" representir:g the City of Oxford, contact the Everson Manufacturin« Corp." the manufacturer"of our chlorinator machine, and determine the possibility and cost of reparil'!; our chlorinatormachine.loutln lIN 10111G. W. Johnson brought to the attention of the board the fact that Dr. Felix Linder requests$1,,000 for a power line easement accross his property. After a discussion motion was made b.rAlderman Lovelady seconded by Alderman Bell and passed that Mr. Johnson be authorized tonegatiate with Dr. Linder and p~ up to $1,,000 for said easement.Came on for consideration the matter of hiring someone to operate the fogging machine and motionwas made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Belk and passed that Shelton Harris beemployed at $1.00 per hour.Omar Craig appeared before the Mayor and Board as Vice President of the Junior Chamber ofCommerce and requested the City of Oxford to purchase the back page of the program to be printedfor the Miss Oxford contest. The Mayor and Board of Alderman on motion duly made and secondedand passed authorized an expenditure of $50.00 from the General fund and $50.00 from theElectric Department Fund as advertisement.. Motion was duly made" seconded and passed that the Board Recess until May 26" 1958" at 7: 30 P. M.

• I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Ir----------------- ----r'--jc---1RECESS, RE CESS RECESS RECESS REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. May 26, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on May 21, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onMay 26, 1958, at 7:30 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Pete Mcelreath - Mayor, Presidi~William N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeHill A. Hickman - Ward Four-C. B. Roberts - AttorneyC. D. Malone Jr. - Clerk*it It IBOOOOOf·After the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Hickman. and passed that IWilliamLovelady, Electric Commissioner, and G. W. Johnson, Superintendent of Electric Departement beauthorized to advertise for a person to fill Mr. Johnson position at his retirement, as Superintendentof the Electric Department. Advertisements to be placed in surroundi~ area newspapers at the discrepanCY'of Mr. Lovelady and Mr. Johnson.Motion was made b.1 Alderman Lovelady and seconded b.r AldermanSisk and passed that the Clerk bedirected to write to Mr. Heber Ladner, Secretary of State, requesting six copies of House BillNumber .363 of the 1958 Legislative Session. -***"11( It It***Came on for consideration the matter of giving parking tickets on Wednesd~ afternoons during thesummer months when the stores were closed and motion was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded byAlderman Balk and passed and it is hereby ordered that no parking meter tickets be written onWednesd~ afternoon during said period.Came on for consideration the matter of insuring the Mary Buie Museum and contents and increasingthe insurance coverage on the City Hall Building and it's contents.- recommended at a previousmeeting by Wilbur Todd representing the Oxford Insurance Agencies. Motion was made b.1 AldermanLovel~ and seconded by Alderman Hickman and passed that Mr. Todd's recommendation of$20,000.00 coverage on the MUseum Building and $10,000.00 coverage on its contents and an additional$10,000.00 coverage on the City Hall Building and an additional $2,500.00 coverage on its contestsbe accepted.HIOIlt1fltlt1i1iPursuant to a recess ordere~tered on M~ 8, 1958 at 1:00 P.M. the following contract, betweenWinsett-5immonds Engineers, Inc. and the City of Oxford, was entered into on the 12th day of M~1958.CONSTRUCTION CDNTRACTThis Contract, made and entered into this 12th day ofbetween the r.'INSETT-SIMMONDS ENGINEERS z INC. party ofcalled the CONTRACTOR, and the <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIP?Iand authorized representative, party of the second part, hereinafterMeY 1958 Jby andthe first part, hereinafterthrough its grovering ~,called the OrJNER.WITNESSETH THAT 'l~EPARTIES HERETO do mutually agree as follows:1. The CONTRACTOR shall, in a good and workmanlike manner and at his own cost and expense,furnish all labor, materials, plant and equipment necessary to construct, convert and rehabilitatethe electrical distribution system as set forth herein and as shown on the drawings.2. It is expressly understood and agreed, by the parties hereto, that the Index, <strong>No</strong>tice toBidders, Information for Bidders, Proposal, Description of Assembly Units, Construction Contract,Performance Bond, Special Conditions, General Provisions, Technical Specifications, attached heret.the accompanying drawings and any interpretations or additional instructions and drawings, inexplanation of all details and changes,which may be furnished to the CONTRACTOR as provided hereinare each and all, by reference hereto, incorporated herein and together with this ConstructionObntract constitute ~be Contract.

!<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>pSI'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZI!3. THE CONTRACTOR agrees to execute a Performance Bond~ in the form attached hereto, in anamount equal to not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price with a surety orsureties satisfactory to the 0l¥NER.4. The CONTRACTOR shall begin work under this contract within:', twenty (20) calender daysafter written notification to proceed and shall faithfullY execute and fullY complete all workhereunder within 150 consecutive calendar ~s from and after said date.5. The Contract Price set forth under Paragraph 6 follOwing shall represent the total of allsums due the Contractor for work installed under this Contract and no order of the OWNER orENGINEER or any of their employees, either verbal or written, shall modify or act as a waiver ofthe Contract Price and the Contract Price shall not be modified in any fashion except by theexecution by the parties hereto of a Contract Amendment, approved by the ENGINEER and preparedin a form acceptable to the 01~ and the execution of an approved Contract Amendment by theparties hereto shall automaticallY modify the Contract Price in accordance with such executedContract Amendment, after which the amended Contract Price will govern until further amended byadditional Contract Amendment (s).00-16. In consideration of the faithful performance b.r the CONTRACTOR of all germs, conditions,and covenants of the Contract to the satisfaction of the OWNER, shall p~ and the OWNER shall payand the OO}ITRACTOR shall receive the lump sums or unit prices stipulated in the Contractor'sProposal in the total amount of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND I TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FOUR--------------~-dollars and FIFTY cents,($158~284.50),whiCh total sum shall be known as theContract Price, as full compensation for all wor furnished and installed by the CONTRACTOR underthis contract, except that the Contract Price shall be subject to increase or decrease in accordancewith Contract Amendments as provided for under paragraph 5 above. Payments for said work shall bedue and payable as follows:7. Payment for work performed by the CONTRACTOR shall be made as follows:On this first day of each month, or as soon thereafter as possible, the CONTRACTORshall prepare and submit to the ENGINEER for approval a duly certified estimate of thework performed and the value thereof, during the preceding calandar month. Theestimate shall include all labor and materials incorporated in the work and all materialssuitably stored at the site of the work. Upon the approval of the estimate by theENGINEER, and not later than the fifteenth d~ of each calendar month, the OWNER shallpay to the CONTRACTOR ninety percent (90%) of the value of the estimate.Final payment shall be made to the CONTRACTOR by the OWNER within thirty (30) daysafter: (a) the completion of the project: (b) the approval by the ENGINEER of all workperformed under. the contract; (c) the acceptance of the work by the ONNER: (d)compliance by the CONTRACTOR with the terms and conditions of paragraph 8 following;and (e) the preparation by the CONTRACTOR and approval of the ENGINEER of a finalestimate of the cost of the completed work. Final p~ent to the CONTRACTOR shallequal the approved final estimate of cost less the aggragate of all previous p~entsto the CONTRACTOR and less any liquidated damages assessed in accordance with theterms of this contract.8. Upon he complation by the OONTRACTOR of all work covered by the Contract and priorto final payment to the CONTRACTOR for the work performed, the CONTRACTOR shall deliver to theOi-mER releases of all liens and ot.~ rights to claim any liens, in a form satisfactory to theOWNER, from all 'material supplies and sub-contractors f'urnishing labor and material for thepronect and an affidavit, in a form satisfactory to the OWNER, to the effect that all labor usedon or for the construction of the project has been paid.9. Neither the inspection of the ENGINEER or OWNER or any of their employees, nor anydecision, interpration, order, measurements, or certificate by the ENGINEER or OWNER, nor anyorder by the OWNER for payment of money, nor any payment for, or acceptance of the whole or anypart of the work by the ENGINEER or armER, nor any extension of time, nor any possessions takenb,y the OWNER, or its employees, shall operate as a waiver of any provision of this Contract,or of any power herein reserved to the OWNER, or any right to damages herein provided nor shallany waiver of anyCC-2breach of this Contract be held to be a waiver of any subsequent breach. Any remedy provided inthis Contract shall be taken and construed as cumulative; that is, in addition to each and everyother remedy herein provided, and in addition to all other suits, actions, or legal proceedings,the OWNER shall also be entitled as of rights to writ of injunction against any breach of anyof the proviSions of the Contract.IN WITNESS WHERE<strong>OF</strong>, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed and havehereto set .their hands on the day and year first above written.'tiIlITNESS:<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSI~IPPIOWNER

;'1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>/S/.G·. W. Johnson Supt.Elec. Dept.By /s/ Will A. HiclonanMayor Pro-'I'em;-:--TTEST:/s/ T. R. McCainAss't Sec. -WINSETT-SIMMONDS ENGINEERS, INC.CONTRACTOR821 So. Barksdale, Memphis, Tennessee.AddressBy /s/ B. B. Winsett(President)(In the event the CON'rRACTOR is a Corporation, his Corporation Seal shall be affixed.)<strong>No</strong> Seal ~uired by by- Laws of Corporation/s/ T. R. McCain, Ass't Sec.CC-3_ Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board Recess Until June 3, 1958, at 1:00 P. M.

~I~-'~·--------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~_II<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>iI~ ______________'_._"_U_K_T_OM_L_'_KE_TC_HI_NG_S_CO_"_N_AT_CH_EZ____________________________________________________________________ ~3D7IIRECESS I RECESS, RECESS, RECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEEl.'IMl 7100 P. M. June 3, 1958Pursuant to a re eBSS order entered on May 26, 1958 ~ the Mayor and Board of Alderman .t onJune 3, 1958 at 7:00 PJI M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hall whenand wh,re the following were present:Pete McElreath lM~or - PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Be1k, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk-Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hiclonan - Alderman Ward FourOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkG. W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric DepartmentNewt King - MarshalAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:( ,,Motion was made, seconded and passed that the minutes of the May meeting be adopted as read.I'-On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this board do now&djourn sine-die:/l

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>UNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICAS TAT E 0 FMIS SIS SIP P ICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong>LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>* * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * ** **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P. M. June 3, 1958Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, June 3, 1958, it being the timeand place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the following werepresent.Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OrsJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward. TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman i-lard FourOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkG. W. Johnson - Supt. Electric DepartmentAfter the meeting was called to order motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimouslythat the following accounts be allowed for paymnet:CO&OORATION FUNDCheck <strong>No</strong>.Account no.Amount360536753674367336723674370537043703370237093714371337203719. University Hi~h School BandlUa T. Pierce - Payroll ending May 13Max Hipp - Payroll ending May 13Vergil Echols - Payroll ending May 13E. L. Byrd - Payroll ending May 13Sylvester Boston Payroll ending May 13Joe Loy Beard - Payroll ending May 13Vernon Chambers - Payroll ending May 13Roland Liester -Payroll ending May 13Doyle Luther - Payroll ending May 13Tax Withheld FundC. D. Malone Jr. Clerk- Petty CashJunior Chamber of CommerceHarry S. Sisk - Salary for MayJames N. Roberts - Salary for May166120135120120147-126155135135135VariousVarious137110110$100.0060.6331.5865.3888.0664.7610.556.1928.3642.3330.36133 .<strong>17</strong>50.0048.8739.87

\<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>3fJ9\S:r2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZCheck <strong>No</strong>. Account <strong>No</strong>. Amount3718 Frank w. Belk Jr. Salary for May ],10 39.8737<strong>17</strong> William N. Lovelady - Salary for May no 48.873716 Pete McElreath - Salary for May llO 195. 503725 Marie W. Gillis - Salary for May 114 164.96·3724 C. D. Malone Jr.-5alary for May III 289. 523723 E. P. Lowe - Salary for May 1<strong>17</strong> 378.063722 Roberts and Craig- Salary for May ll5 100.0037al Will A. Hiclalan - Salary for May 110 39.873730 M. T. Styers - Salary for May <strong>17</strong>5 205.103729 R. H. Mills- Salary for May <strong>17</strong>4 195.103728 Hillard E. DePriest- Salary for May <strong>17</strong>6 219.943727 Donald Carwile- Salary for May ll3 225.103726 Newt King-5alary for May 112 261.253734 Mrs. Rose Rowland- Salary for May 147 109.443733 W. I-. Mills - Salary for May 135 206.973732 T. W. Nance - Salary for May 154 43.993731 Robert C. King - Salary for May' <strong>17</strong>7 219.943740 Lafayette County Library - Check for May 148 32.50Fire Alarm at Kream Kup East University Ave. May 1, 1958at 10:50 P. M.,l3801 Scott Black 135 2.503785 Vernon Chambers 135 2.503802 Ira L. Crowson 135 2.503786 Homer Duke 135 2.503787 M. C. Falkner 135 2.503788 E. T. Haney 135 2.503789 Max Hipp 135 2.503790 Clyde Huggins Jr. 135 2.503791 Bill Johnson 135 2.503792 D. G. Neilson Jr. 135 2.503793 David doss 135 2.503803 D. S. Ross 135 2.503795 w. O. Smith 135 2.503796 Roy Thomas 135 2.503806 Roland Tidwell 135 a.5O3807 R. L. Tidwell 135 2,.503797 C. S. Wilson 135 2.503799 Bill wollack 135 2.503800 Gordon Hamilton 135 2.50Fire Alarm at 1302 Johnson St. May 8, 1958 6:40 P. M.3802 Ira L. Crowson 135 1.503786 Homer Duke 135 1.503804 B. O. Elliott Jr. 135 1.503787 M. C. Falkner 135 1.503788 E. T. Haney' 135 1.503789 Max Hipp 135 1.503790 Clyde Huggins Jr. 135 1.503791 Bill Johnson 135 1.503805 R. A. Leister 135 1.503792 D. G. Neilson Jr. 135 1.503793 David Ross"" 135 1.503803 D. S. Ross 135 1.503795 W. O. Smith 135 1.503796 Roy Thomas 135 ~.503807 Roland Tidwell 135 1.503806 R. L. Tidwell 135 1.503800 Gordon Hamilton 135 1.503798 R. H. Winter 135 1.50Fire Alarm May 22, 1958 at 12:05 A. M.3784 E. B. Addington 135 2.503785 Vernon Chambers 135 2.503796 Homer Duke 135 2.503787 M. C. Falkner 135 2.503788 E. T. Haney 135 2.~03789 Max Hipp 135 2.503790 Clyde Huggins Jr. 135 2.50/3791 Bill Johnson 135 2.50I3792 D. G. Neilson Jr. 135 2.503793 David Ross 135 2.503794 R. F. Shellabarger 135 2.50\.

(400<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Check <strong>No</strong>.37953796379731983799)8003808W. O. SmithRoy ThomasC. S. WilsonR. H. l'linterBill vlomackGordon Hamil to nHoward Da visAccount no.135135135135135135135Amount2.502.502.502.502.502.502.50314431433741375031493148314137463780371931113809380938103811-3811381238133846381538503811381838193819381938193820382138223822382238223823382338243825382538263821318138283829383038313B:3238333833Roland Leister- Salary for May 135Doyle Luther- Salary for May 135Lafayette County Health Unit -Check for May 136Ula T. Pierce-Payroll ending May 29 1~0Max Hipp-Payroll ending May 29 135Vergil Echols - Payroll ending May 29 120E. L. Byrd- Payroll ending M~ 29 l~OSylvester Boston-Payroll ending May 29 147-126Wayne Hipp- Payroll ending May 29 180Ira L. Crowson- Payroll ending M~ 29 180Joe Loy Beard-Payroll ending May 29 1119Elliott Hardware CO.-Cemetery Upkeep ~20Elliott Hardware Co. Repair to Rental Proprty 149M. R. Hall - Cemetery Upkeep 120Home Ice Co. Stationery and Office Supplies 146Home Ice Co. cemetery Upkeep 120J. B. Howell-Sundry' 153Metts Brothers Hardware-Cemetery Upkeep 120Morgan & Lindsey -Fire Dept. Batteries 135Shine Morgan Appliance Co. -Sundry-Air-Condi ti, ner 153The J. E. Neilson Co.-Buie Museum 147Oxford, 1'Jelding Shop-Spraying 180Oxford Light and iolater Plant-The Armory 153Oxford Light and Water Plant-For the City Hall 143Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp.-Cemetry Upkeep 120Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp.Spraying 180Arkansas Fuel Oil Copp.!1re Dept. 135Rebel Chevrolet Co.-Spraying 180Smith Lumber Co.-Engineers Supplies 151Southern Bell Telephone &Tel. Co. City Engineer 124Southern Bell Telephone & Tel.Co. City Hall 124Southern Bell Telephone & Tel. Co. Mayor Office 124Southern Bell Telephone & Tel. Go. Fire Dept. 135Todd Shipyards Corp. Spraying 180Todd Shipyards Co~. Spraying 180S. C. Toof & Co.-Statiunery and Office Supply 146United Gas Co. -Fuel for ~tt Hall 123United Gas Co. Fuel for the City Hall 123Western Auto-Bpraying 180J. B. Howell-Sundry 153Tax Withheld Fund-M~ 31VariousEast Motor Parts Co. -Spraying 180Rebel Press & Office Supply Co.-Stationeryand Office Supplies 146Daley Lumber Co. Inc.-Repair to Rental Property 149The Mansion-J.Aubrey Seay-Sundry Supper 153<strong>No</strong>rth Oxford Junk Yard-Spraying 180Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co.-Repair To rentalProperty 149Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co. Janitors 0upplies 127STREET FUND216.54226.99162.5060.6326.3668.4393.9<strong>17</strong>5.1315.8413.643.521.107.301.155.0010.001.003.404.08814.90111.2812.0014.1923.824.0210.622.0131.<strong>17</strong>5.0013.558.6214.4024.4010.90185.009.131.5021.712.904.50398.1311.802.348.1161.8019.369.12.35Check <strong>No</strong>.Account <strong>No</strong>.Amount36803619367836<strong>17</strong>367636853684368336823681Webster Herrod-Payroll ending May 13Lorenza Cersery-Payroll ending May 13,Earnest Campbell-Payroll ending May 13Willies Burt-Payroll ending May 13Joe Loy Beard-Payroll ending May 13James Slate-Payroll ending May 13Philip Redmond-Payroll ending May 13aohn Henry Pegues-Payroll ending May 13R. E. McLarty-P~oll ending May 13Henry Miller-P~roll ending May 13226226226226226226226226:'22622667.6370.7<strong>17</strong>1.7056.1516.3970.7194.4488.4480,1583.15)

-!0S2Z34K-TOM(-----L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-.Check NO. Account <strong>No</strong>. Amount.-3690 William F. B1assingame-P8\YI"oll ending May 13 237-227 113.383689 Artevus Holland-Payroll ending May 13 226 6}.54.3688 starling Oliver McJunkins-P8\YI"oll ending May 13 226 61.843687 Willie Thompson-Payroll ending May 13 226 70.67,3686 Rufus Tallie-Payroll ending May 13 226 73.113694 William Shaw-Payroll ending May 13 236 73.603693 Berkley Mitchell-Payroll ending May 13 236 82.753692 Wayne Hipp-Payroll ending May 13 236 89.503701 Joe L. Williams-Payroll ending May 13 226 37.493710 Tax Withheld Fund Various 91.<strong>17</strong>3708 Luke Booker-Payroll ending May 13 236 92.283707 E. E. Presley-Payroll ending May 13 226 67.033715 C. D. Malone Jr. Petty Cash Various 14.773735 Elwood Gay-Salary for May 237-227 126.663737 W. T. Chandler Salary for May 280 <strong>17</strong>4.023736 R. L. Tidwe11-Salary for May 225 275.343745 S. E. Spears for May Salary 235 196.133755 Webster Herrod-Payroll ending May 29 226 73.113754 Lorenza Cersery- Payroll ending May 29 226 73.903753 Earnest Campbell-Payroll ending May 29 226 71.803752 Willies Burt-Payroll ending May 29 226 70.773751 Joe Loy Beard- Payroll ending May 226 87.383760 Philip Redmond-Payroll ending May 29 226 98.853759 E. E. Presley-Payroll ending May 29 226 71.923758 John Henr,y Pegues-Payroll ending May 29 226 92.193757 R. E. McLarty-Payroll ending May 29 226 87.503756 Henry Miller-Payroll ending May 29 226 • 83.753765 Artevus Holland-Payroll ending May 29 226 70.533764 Starling Oliver McJunkins-Payroll ending May 29 226 62.713763 Willie Thompson-Payroll ending May 29 226 74.943762 Rufus Tallie-Payroll ending May 29 226 76.253761 James Slate-Payroll ending May 29 226 76.253770 Clarence Robinson-Payroll ending May 29 236 65.633769 Berkley Mitchell-Payroll ending May 29 236 76.603768 W~e Hipp-Payroll ending May 29 23,6 96.893767 Luke Booker-Payroll ending May 29 236 88.183766 "Tilliam F. Blassingame-Payroll ending May 29 227-237 1<strong>17</strong>.473771 William Shaw-Payroll ending May 29 236 91.153778 Joe L. Williams-Payroll ending May 29 226 60.363782 Tax,u Wi thheld Fund Various 163.443834 W. H. scott-Police Car Repair 223 43.503835 Ole Miss Service Station-Police Car Gas and Oil 224 55.773828 East Motor Parts Co-Equipment and Repairs 227 14.243828 East Motor Parts Co..-Shop Equipment 243 2.533837 The Mansion-Supper Sundry 2<strong>17</strong> 36.423838 Lafayette Country Ccoperative (AAL) Material andSupplies 239 4.783839 Charlie Be1k' Garage-Equipment and Repairs 227 11.953840 Bruce Recapping Co.-Equipment and Repairs 227 27.093841 Ba~ll Service Station-Gas and Oil 238 18.243841 Bagwell Service Statiop-.Gaa and Oil 228 13.903842 Elliott-Hardware Co. Equipment and Repairs 227 12.523842 Elliott-Hardware Co. Equipment and Repairs 229 8.453842: Elliott-Hardware Co. Equipment and Repairs 239 13.573843 Elliott-Lumber Co.-Material and Supplies 239 13.903843 Elliott-Lumber Co.-Misc. Supplies 229 1.853844 Boyce G. Bratton-Care of Prisoners 211 63.003845 Home Ice Company-Ice Book-Material & Supplies 239 10.003846 Morgan & Lindsey-Police Officers Supplies 210 8.163847 Metts Brothers Hardware-Equipment and Repairs 227 3.003848 Memphis Truck Equipment Co. Equipment and Repair 227 10.233849 MYers & Knight Buick & Equipment Co. Equip.&Repair 237 20.643850 The J. B. Neilson Co.-Police Officer Supplies 210 70.003851 J. H. Oliver and Co.-Tires 230 58.593852 Ozburn-Abston & Co. Equipment and Repair 237 4.763852 Ozburn-Abston & Co. Epuipment and Repair 227 9.763852 Ozburn-Abston & Co. Police Car Repair 223 2.243852 Ozburn-Abston & Co. Material and Supplies 239 3.55 -3853 Oxford welding Shop-Equipment and Repair 237 3.003854 Oxford Motor Company-Equipment and Repair 227 23.293854 Oxfo~,Motor Company-Police Car Repair 223 23.823855 Oxford Auto Parts Co. Equipment and Repair 227-237 12.1240~ii

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Check N •38563856385738573857385738573858385938603861386038623863386438653865386538653865386638673867386838683868386838693870f'\Account <strong>No</strong>.Oxford Asphalt Company-Material and Supplies 239Oxford Asphalt Company-Material and Supplies 239Ole Miss Service Station-Equipment and Repair 227Oxford Light and Water Plant-Current for St.Lighting 259Oxford Light and Water Plant-Shop Equipment 243Oxford Light and Water Plant-Current for st. Lighting 259Oxford Light and Water Plant-Current for St. Lighting 259Oxford Light and Water Plant-Police Station Expense 218Southern Bell Telephone and Tel. Co-Telephone 216Standard Steel Works-Equipment and Repairs 227Sargent-3owe11, Inc. Material and Supplies 239Standard Welders Supply Co. -Shop Equipment 243Sargent-3owe11, Inc.-Material and Supplies 239Harry L. Shapiro Southern Uniform-Police Officers Sup. 210Taylor Machinery CO.-Equipment and Repair 237United Gas Co. Shop Equipment 243Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co.-Equipment and Repair - 237Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co.-Equipment and Repair 227Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co.-Equipment Shop 243Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co.-Misc. Supplies 229Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co.-Police Car Repair 223Rebel City .rvice Station-Gas and Oil 238Daley Lumber Co. Ire. -Material and Supplies 239Daley Lumber Co. Inc. Misc. Supplies 229Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp.-Gas and Oil 228Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp.-Gas and Oil 238Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp.-Police car Gas and Oil 224Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. Shop Equipment 243Kebe1 Press & Office Supply Co.- 221Lustra Corp. Of America-New Equipment 241Amount<strong>17</strong>8.2090.008.781.007.144.66332.2810.14<strong>17</strong>.8012.1837.014.3493.5536.2023.874.14605.00.601.751.8584.4015.405.60183.4029.00150.0044.909.2582.34WATER AND SEWER FUND36953700369936983697370637123711373937383775377437733772377638713872387338743874374238753876387638773878387938793879388031833881J. C. Carruthers -Payroll ending May 13Willie Booker-Payroll ending May 13George McEwen- Payroll ending May 13James Edward Corothers-Payro11 ending May 13Milton Morrison-Payroll ending May 13Willie Burt-Payroll endi rg May 13J. H. Crouch-Tax Withheld Fund-May 15, 1958A. B. Gardner-3a1ary for MayEl ton Addington-Salary for MayGeorge McEwen-Payroll ending M~ 29Milton Morrison- P~oll ending May 29James Egerson-Payro11 ending May 29J. C. Carruthers-Payroll ending May 29Willie Booker-Payroll ending May 29Arkansas Fuel Oil COrp. -Gas Oil and RepairCentral Service Association-Billing ExpenseDaley Lumber Co. Inc. Sewer SuppliesElliott Lumber Co.- Sewer SuppliesElliott Lumber Company-SuppliesStreet Fund-Transfer to Street FundElliott Hardware Co.-SuppliesIdeal Chemical & Supply Co.-Supplies Sewer DisposalPlantIdeal Chemical & Supply Co. Supplies Sewer DisposalPlant.Ozburn-Abston & Co. -Sewer SuppliesOxford Sheet Metal Works",.-Supp1ies Sewer Disposal514-521514521521514514514528522522521514514514521525539518518510531510523523518Plant 523Oxford Light and Water Plant-Power for Pumping Water 537Oxford Light and Water Plant. for Pumping Water 537Oxford,Light and lvater P1ant.power for pumping Water 537Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co.-Supplies Sewer Disposal Plant 523Tax Withheld Fund-VariousRockwell Manufacturing Co. Meter and Supplies 51211.4490.5068.4360.3669.2614.0180.0019.89233.69209.7969.0169.<strong>17</strong>69.2678.7767.069.85133.2026.6021.982.8820,000.00.9038.2576.5018.1627.5018.10298.8015.069.0066.14183.18i~TAX 1'1iIT'lBELD FUND36363667Public Employees' Retirement System-Retirement WithheldFederal Reserve lank of St. Louis-Tax \-Jithhe1d for April198.82725.12\.~

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>4°3 'U"'234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCheck <strong>No</strong>..3669SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEME'rT ~NDS AND INTERESTUnion Planters National Bank of MemphisAccount no.Amount10 .. 640.003882PARKING METER FUNDThe Dual Parking Meter Company-40% of months Collection211.405687-571314-20-2123-4756885712-225715-195731573257335734-355725-305736-45574657495750575157525753575457555756575757585759576057615762576357645765576657675768576957705771577257735774ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT May--1958Customers Deposit RefundsUniversity High School BandPett,y Cash-J. B. McLureP~ro11 for M~ 15 .. 1958Dr. F. E. Linder (easement)Jr. Chamber CommerceCity of Oxford-Water & SewerCustomer RefundP~roll for M~ 31 .. 1958City of Oxford .. Tax Withheld-May -1958Miss. Public Power Safety & Job TrainingRebel Press & Office SupplyArkansas Fuel Oil CompanyOzburn-Abston & Co.Miss. Municipal utility AsslnThe Office Supply Co.Tenn. Valley AuthorityUnited Gas CompanySouthern Bell Telephone Co.stuart C. Irb,r Ce.Walker Electric CompanyTennessee Va11ey~Electric Supply'-1. S. U. H.Westinghouse Electric Supply Co.East Motor Parts Co. .Meter Service & Supply CompanyB~o~l1 Service StationWestern Auto Associate StoreWinsett Simmonds-Engineers, Inc.Allen & Hoshall--J. B. Howell-Chancery ClerkShine Morgan Appliance Co.Gathright-Reed Drug CompanyThe Oxford EagleElliott Hardware Co.Central Service Association160.00100.0014.69148.281000.0050.009 .. 235.3810.502 .. 732.35421.1160.005.9032.0216.5828.4648.915 .. 631.8310.9158.5062.0524.001<strong>17</strong>.496.00188.946.84107.722.2513.961,094.294,489.963.50459.901.4226.201.96119.69

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>,ii,I\'~

11'1S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>

(-------------------------~--~------------------------------------------------._.,480<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, I,..----jI

..... K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~,'---~--------------~~II i , , ,

• i<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>•

I- ll,i,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>i~,( "--~~----------'----I~ ."UK-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO •• NATCHEZII ,I "

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~------------------u~aM~K--T~O-M~L'~K=ET~C~HI~NG~S=CO~"~N~A~TC~HE=Z----------------------------------------------------------------------------~1 IAN ORDINANCE AUTHO:t.l~n;G ALJ DIRECTING. '::'HJ:;; IS:)UANCE<strong>OF</strong> ELECLUC DISTRIBUTION SY.:.; ;b['! ,L,J.L.• j:~u.c; BONDS <strong>OF</strong> THECI'l'Y <strong>OF</strong> OXFOl , MIS,lSSVPI, IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT<strong>OF</strong> Tv~O HUNDRED Tl;OUSA;m IJOLLAl{S (.~200,000.00) FO~~ THEPUili)JS~" <strong>OF</strong> PAn:,,'"; THE COS': <strong>OF</strong> E:iLdlGING, nPi1.OVING, ANDiJXTl.::NDINC ". i:,Ll::CT::nC DIST[nBUTIOI~ SYSTEIVI <strong>OF</strong> SAID<strong>CITY</strong>: PRESCRIBIiJG THE F\.)RIV[ ,d'W INCIDENTS <strong>OF</strong> SAID BONDS:;liOVIDING FOd TH,C; COLLECTION AND DlSl'RIBUTIOl~ <strong>OF</strong> THE,tLV.b)\JU.b:3 TO Bli, Da.I ED FROM THE SAID SY 31"&1 IN M'l AMOUNT;)UFYlCLl-JT TO PAY SAID BONDS BOTH AS TO PRL\CIPAL AND nJTER~:;TAIm TO PAY THi: CO.)T <strong>OF</strong> O?K{ATION AND ;'1.HNTEN.~.NCE <strong>OF</strong> SAIDSYSTi!J'.f.tJB"'; rili A 3 , the Mayor And Boar d of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississip;Ji, lavin,made due investiation, f nd, ad,'udicate, and dec13.re:(a) ThRt on the <strong>17</strong>th day of March, 1958, a resolution was adopted by the Ma~ror andBoard of Aldermen of said Cit:, c'illinfT 'md ~)ro'riding for the holdin?; af a special bond electionvcith '.n and for said City of OxforJ on the 15th day of April, 1958, for the ouroose of submittingto the ouali fied electors of said Cit;.' a pro10si tion for the issuance of Electric DistributionSystem .i:tt:venue Bonds of said City in the maximum arnoun' of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000)for the 'lurpose of ')aying the co st of enlarring, improving, and extending the electric d,'~stributionsystem of c3aid City, aL as r)rovided for and authorized by Cha'lter 49h, Laws of Mis:oissippi,1950, as amended;(b) That due notice oj" said election was (:riven by publicati)n in the Oxf>ord Ea~le onthe fol'owinn: dates, to-wit: Ma'ch 20, 27; Apri 3, 1958; said Oxford bade beini" a qualifiednews 3 1er under the nrovisio'cs of Chapter 427, Laws of Missisdppi, 1948;\.(c) Th:i.t the said elect~on was dule a nd rel~ularly held in slid City on the 15th dayof AprL', <strong>17</strong>5[\, in accord;:mce with law and in a ccordance with th e aforesaid resolution, and thatthe bal ot used at said e' ection wa,,; in the form required by law and by said resolution;(d)That on the 16th day of April, 19 1 8, the ;,lection Commis ioners of said City didfile with the sa:i:d Ma 1,'or a'ld Board of A:dermen their repoct concerning the holdin!" 0" saide'ecti;n, wherein it ",rns shown that at said election Two Hundred Forty Nine (249) votes werecast for the issuance of s:dd bonds and Thirteen (13) votes were cast a.o:ainst the isuuanceof said bon~4 5 ;

-,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-."II:~

iII<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>: ( __________________ ~n~.u~K __ T_O~M~L~.~KE_T_CH_'N_G_S_CO_._.N_A_TC_H_EZ ____________________________________________________________________________•________ ~4C9l(e)That on the lOth day of A;->ril, 1958, the sid Mayor and Board of Aldermen didado~t a reso'.lutlon ap:Jroving the r(;pc'rt of s::lid Electi'>n Com'issioners and dedlaring that theproposition for the issuance of said bor,ds had )een as;lent,' to at said election by :1maio it:/of the (;uaHfiec5 electors of said City who voted on said pronost-:'on at said election;(f) Tha.t on the 16th da.;r of April, 195', the said da;:ror and Board of Aldermen didadont a furt''1er resolution directin;:; that bids for the said bond,,, in the '-'.mount of Two HundredTho:Js'lnd DolLars ($200,000) be re',;eived 0,) the 6th day of Ea:!, 195), andliid make provision forthe giving of notice of the sale of s:l:Ld)onds, as reru~red ~)'y Chapter 325, Laws of Aississippi,1946;(g) Thlt on said 6th da;;T of .iay, 195E5, the said ~)onds were awarded and sold to thehic;hest and best bidder therefor;(h)That provision s'1O.1.1d now be r:1aCle for the pre 'aration, execut',nn, issuance, anddeliver.: r of the said)0:10.s as so sutho "~zecl and sold; andViHE?EAS, the Hayor and Boa j'ci of Alde'''Tllen of the City of OXfOl~dfurther find, adjudicate,and declare that plans and specif:i cations for the cnnstr'wtion of the af )resaid enlarR:ernent:::,inra e'Clents., and extensio"s to the elect'ic d:i stribut ion systen of said City ha"e heretoforeleenpreoareci by autori ty of this body and ha'!e heretofore ')een annro"ecl):,/ this body :-w.d are now onfile in the offi·r;e or the CHy Cler:; that the estimakci cost thereof i.s Two hundred ThousandDol:_ars :,$200,000); and that t~;c extimated life of said system ,~~, so enlar~ed, Lmpro'!ed, andextended is Twelve (12) years; andWHKiEAS, pursuant to an election held in said City of O.':fol'd on the 26th day ofF:ebruary, 1946, there ha'!e heretofore :)een issue\:', E~.ectricRevenue Bonds, Series 1946, of theCity of Oxfor':, which said )or:cls bear date of April 1, 1946, and are secured by a pledge of therevenues to ~)e(ierived rom the oper.ation of the ele t:'ic p;enc:"'ating system of s".iid City ofOxfoni; and\

410<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>years urio'" to the iss':a'lce 0: ""h ariciitio"ill bone:s 5':3.1'. have beto or e~,'ceed~:1~ tht: '~'::Jtal)f the follov:i.ng:nounts: (a) l2UjG of the f;re'ltest '1('0 tit thatamount '1\', :.cL ',,;ill cO:'1e c~uein an;}" I'iscal year ,5 pri;,cipal of' ,,;.nd interest m: such :lela:t 1o:':alcitel'e:n c ne th:lt the actual net reven,es of the el" c,ric r;eneratin"" s:";tel for the 'Iast t'ree(3) co r;lpletec fiscill Jears prior to ,he ciD,te of the a,dotio:;, of t'-:is orcii.~lCl'~Ce Here as fol' O1.';S:June 30, 1955J;11e 30,1956J u e 30, 19')7:~53 ,3"8. li354, :1.1.6 • 09r;3,'~7l,11and\:Hi~=mAS, t'ie :wera -e annua.l net i'eve:~ues of STili s;rste +'01' trle said three (3) ,',e:lrS( : 5'~ 50" 57 \ 1.~ .-',. 7 :. ;; an (ana:,nter,st on the il£'ores;iid oU.ts "anciing borcds is l.] :."etee~Thousand, Threo "nncired Linety-Lve Dol Cl2SU19,395.00); iLr'd... ~-IIFour Hundred Ei£3;ht, Dolhrs (,p33 ,40.'3); a.ndthree co' plete Fiscal year" Drl..;)l' to the date of the arioYJtion ,Jf Vlis o,'diance, afte' ed:c :,~onof l2Q'b of the greate:1t a'o','nt t'\ct "[ill hereaft.'r co'e due a:o pr'LrlCi al of ano :.ntere-t on theafores":. outstanding boncb in D,ny fiscal ye:lr Su)s(3(11'mt to the issueccpce of the ac1cFtlor:al;Jored" here :rnl'ter pro ide,l for, 1)lus l2Q0 of the reatest ,'1:T.()lmt vi"'ich v;ill herel~ter co::e (~uein 'l'ly fLscal ,ear=lC' princip,:ll of in;] :nter(~st o)~ the c,cicEt i0r:al)onr:s 'lere·nJ.fter directedto ,)e ~ssLlel;andissuec on D, p3,~'it~· with a,nel may :)e sec 1 lJ":;cl Ln li ce manner and to s:me extent

iII~ (- U .... K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ, ~------.---------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>411idistribution ::;Jstem of s' id City, in acc:ordance with the plans and snecifications therefor ':1eretofore'--- adopted and in accordance Vli.th the nropositton SU~ynittpcl to the electors of said Cit," atthe ela tion held, a,3 stated in the preamble h',reto. The sTid bonds shall bear dat- of h..,y 1,195'j sh!J.ll bear int ,re t fro." the date thereof at the rates Der annU>Tl'!hereinafter set forth,payable NO'.e!:l:;er 1, 1958, and semi-annually thereafter on l"~ay1 and 11iovember 1 in each ;-earuntil the principal of said bonds, respl~cti ely, sh'lll ha'.'e beeL fully naid. 1nter,~st to accrueon said bo'ds on and prior to the respectie maturity dates thereof shall :iea;:'able nDon nresentationand surrender of interEEl;, ':OUDons to be attached to said bonds, and no interest shall accrue onsaid bonds ai'ter the r,~sl')ective':laturLty dates t'ereof unless said bonds be duly presented fornayment at mat!lrit~! and be"not then paid. The said bonds sh.ll be of the denomination of OneThol)sand Dollars (~~1,000)each; and shall l)e payable, )oth as to pri_ncipal anel interest, inlawful money of the United States of A:erica at the office of First National Ban'( in the Cityof Jackson, State of hississippi, and the said )onds shall be nU':lbered and shall :nature inthe amounts and at the times followinp"to-wit:BO~lD l·lU·1BERS ;:illTE <strong>OF</strong> J:HTKiEST AHOllNT i·lATUR1TY1 to 14, incl. 401 /0 $14,000 Ha~- 1, 1961II15 to 29,L.~1,000 May 1, 1962II30 to 45, 40[1° 16,000 May 1, 1963II46 to 62, ~-J../ /~ <strong>17</strong>,000 :by 1, 1964II63 to 79, 2-1/2 /0~1 <strong>17</strong>,000 May 1, 1%5~o to 102, II !2-3/h 1:0 21,000 MaJ '.,<strong>17</strong>66103 to 125, II 2-3/4 0.1 /023,000 ~'.fa~.r 1, 19;)7126 to 149, II 2-3/4 c;;' /0 24,000 V" 1

412<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>\SlliC';'lUC Dlr:,nF3~;T 10, S~,'S1'E:l 'LEVFXUE B,l;'D3;:;;\'E~) 195 ,7:1\:0. :.,:1,000The cit~r of Oxford, a mem CiP21. coroorati,oY' r:reatecl and cx:LstLn uLder the L'HvS ofthe Sta Je of l'lississippi, itscl:' indo~,~, ..-'_L for T,llle rcce '_ ec:.,topay to ')e,lTer, sole1:'/ fro:n the re 8':Ues ;,0,e C:eri'.,ceci fro'TI the oDeration of its elect-ricdistri,mt· on s. sL)m, 0:1 the f :rst day 0 ~ ~'laJ, 19 ___ , the pr~nicp(ll SUi'l ofOLE T! ,OUSA:m DULLh.:1S($1,000), to~ether with interest thereon frOll the date hreof at the :rate ofaccruing on tfuis 'Jonci Ol: and 1Jri..or' to the 'atu~'Lt;! elate hereof s~all be "a~"J)le npon ~)res·~nt,'ltionhe eon at t e rate 'rle:."einabove ~'3pecifi8(;until this :0" d "le 'laid.~30thDrincirJal of and i,ntere::t on this houl arc rJayi.wle in linrful ';10'C,'7 of t'18 Unitedstates of America ;1\:' The First ,qLi~'nCll Dank i,n t;le Cit, of Jacson , State of .:i.S;3i.Sf;i,p'li.The rL~h',is reserved l);,to the Cit:r of OxfDrd, at its option, to call in, nay, andredeem bouls n 11rnfJereci Eighty('jO) to Two dunct:'ed (20U), incluT',"e, of the issue of .. !hich thishO"Q is one, in the lnv':!rse order 0" t"c3ir :1ubers, at "ay' and accrueci, i.nt'2rest ,)luspremiumof ~20.00 :.)er l)ond) on ~~a:r 1,1965, or on a:w i):t'~r8'~t pa,rent date V1ereafter prior to :natur~tyadvance of the (b.te upon whie:; s"cL bond:;, or any t~ie)'eof,arc to be so l' 'de :,·[eo.This '00;;0 is one of a~ :lUt::~orized ';ssue of t" '0 ;lvi',dred (:~OO) bonds, all of li:'::e date,tenor, and effect, except as to r'ate of interest, date of \,J,t'~rit:/,and pro"isior. "or re enntio"'1Dr' ncipa.l Sllffi of T',·ro Hundred 1'1011S[11')(1 Dol1:trs ($:00,000), issued for the p',rnose of'a:,'~n;7thecost of e111arc;;n,c;,;;1:provi~, anc ext,~ din::; the elec ric dis~~rib :tLo: S,rste:l 01' said Cit· ofOxfo;':', anci is issuer; purs;l'il1t to the Constitut'ion a:ld LU 1 rJ;, of the State 0" ~~is:3i5'ip~i,to reso1 t 'ons and orciinanc~3sof the Hayor and 30a:::< of A Ide "men of the City of O::fo:;:'o., andfor that ;Jl1rl")S; ,- the 1St,· da..J )f April, 19 ". This~) 'nd clOGS ;lOt cO'lstU 11te an ~r,c;,ebted"essof said Cit,: IrLtlLn the me'Jl1i,n;~of iliW st'J.tntory or c::,lrter restr"et,io)r, li 't3.tiY, orto principal or interG~t.The C 'tJ of Oxfo~'d coven:v-d~s :lliC: agrees that it \'1:;,11 ap:ly the nroceeds of the 3~;r esI....)or

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>413atl34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .• NATCHEZthe interest cO'lpons at ,ached the:'eto, are outsta:lding, it wil' fix and rlai~ltainrates and '1lakeand collect Charges for the services and l:lcil itiec) of said s:'s ,e"l, as so i':-)rO'ieci, without regardto the, ser t;;e;'eof, sufficier't to nrovide for the li\' 'ent :> r t',e nr 'ncin3.1 of:mcl tete l nte('eston all E;'ectr ;,c Ileve,me Bonds, Electric ;:)lant Revenue BOWlS, and ElecTic Dist '

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>--------------------.-------------___________ .'"'L(FOrtH <strong>OF</strong> INT~llliST COUf'ON FOR OONDSNOS. 80 to 200, INCLUSIVE)NO. _____ _ $-----MayOn the first d!1Y 0: <strong>No</strong>vember,19 __ , unles: the bona with which this COWlon is identifiedsi," 11 be then redeemable and shall theretofore have been called for redemption and provisicn thereforshall have been du y made, the City of Oxfori, in Lafayette County, Mississippi, will Jay to bearer,solely from the revenues to be derLved from the operation of its electric distriblltion system,_, ___________________ (J ________ ) in lawful money of the United States of America at theFirst National Bank, in the City of Jackson, State of Mississippi, bein~interest due that dateon its Electric Distr' bution System Revenue Bond, Series 1958, dated Mav 1, 1958, and numbered, __ _Countersi"ned:<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFOHD, MIS:3ISSIPPIBY __________________________________ _Cit:r ClerkThe interest cou 'ons to 1 e attached to s:J.id Londs sh ,11 be -ouyable in the fol:!.owinr,amounts!BOj~D NUMBERS A1~OUNT <strong>OF</strong> COUPONS1 to 45, incl. $2:).004~ to '79,"12~50PO to <strong>17</strong>4, " 13.75<strong>17</strong>5 to 200, "12.50On the reverse of 5id r onds there shs,ll be;rinted the followinr, rer;istration andvalidation certificfite:R..C.GI3T3.ATION HND VALllJAIION Cl:.ilTIFICATESTAlE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPI )) ss.COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYi!,TTE )I, C. D. Malof,e, Jr., City Clerk within and for the City of Oxford, in Lafayette County,Mississi") i, do ,'e,'eby certify tha.t I have rcr,':"stered the within tond in a bond de-:Jt for that purposein my office, as reQuired by 1:1,w.I do f ,rther certi"- that thE'; within bond has been validated and confirmed ty decree ofthe Ch",-:>cery Court of Lafayet~,e Co:mty, Mississippi, rendered on tho ___ day of _______ , 1958.Cny Clerk.::3ECTI ~N4.The words "e' ectric'11ant", the words lIel ectric distr:_bution system", andthe word "'ll_fint", as used in this ordinance, sh 11 be deem .-1to mean and include all of the@lectric f'er,eratin~, transmission, and distr~b:lt '.on fac :.lities of the City of Oxfor'~, Hississippi.S.r.;CTIOI~ 5. That the b nds authlcized her8by SV1!1l1 be \a~7able, both fiS to principal andinterest, solely fr.)m the r;venues derived from the o'lezratioll of the e~ectricdistr:_rution systemof the City of Oxf)r;, as the s"une s'81l be extend,d and im)roved.<strong>No</strong> bond issued hereunder shallen stitute an i'debterlnes'; of the said Cit;y w~ thin the meaning of any statutory restriction,limitatio or'rovision, anet the taxing povrer of said City is not Dledp:ed to the oayment of any ofthe [onds authorized, either as to)r.incioal -,r interest.S~CTL)b 6. Tha.t t~e Cit'" o~ Oxfo'~:, actina- by al1d thro

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>415------------------------------------------------------------~~'- _________._Z2_~_K_T_OM_L._K_E_TC_H_IN_GS_C_O_•• _N_A_TC_H_EZ_______________________________________________ ~i !iIl(a) Th'lt it "Jill enlar~e, imp:"ove, and extend the electric dist"lbution system of saidCity of Oxford, as described in the nreamb::'e het'eto, and that as lon~ as any of thebonds or interest coupons authorized hereby are outstandin~ it will operate and maintainsaid electric dist::-ihution system as so extended and improved.(b) That, during the life of said honds, the City of Oxford, will fix and maintainrates and make and col ect charr,es for the sel'vices and facilities of said electricdistribution system as so extended and im:)roved "d. thout r';~ard to the user thereof,S11;f'i..C ent Lo provide : for the ')a~nnent of the principal of and the interest on saidrands as the same shall mature and accrue, ,to :)rovide for the oPl"ration and maintena.nceof said system in f~ood relair and workinrr order, and to provide a eeasonable sumfor depreciaLion. The reates in force at the ti e of the issuance of the bonds authorizedhereby shal' 'ro:n~tly be revised if the revenues of the said electric distributionsystem shell at any time t,e insufficimt to Clrovide all sums required by this ordinance.(c) That, as long as any of said bonds or the interest coupons shall remain outstaading,the said City shall carry and ma ntain fire and mndstorm insurance upon all of thebuildin;:o;s forminr. a 'lart of said electric distrib;tion system, shall forther carry andmaintai!~ B.d eouate '1ubl c liability insurance, and shall further carry and maintainupon All 1ro1erty and equipment of said electric distr bution system other than buildin,s,wh ch may be of n insurnblp nnt"re, insurance of the tpe and kind carriea and maintainedby utility companies, 'lrivately or municinally owned, renderinr; services of a similarchr'racter in similar communities in the State of Mississippi. All such insurance shallbe taken for the benefit of the holders of the bonds of said city which are payable fromthe rf]Ve'~ues of said electric distribuLo: system and shall be in such amounts as arecustor;:arily carried by Clublic utility com;)anies in similar c~rcumstances. The proceedsof all s ch insurance, exce'lt 'luhlic liability insurance, shall be deposited, whenreceived, in the i,Li:.CTHIC LIGHT FUJlJD referred ta in Section 7 of this ordinance, andshall be used only for the maintenance and restoration of said electric distributionsyste, or for thenayment of the ')rincilal of and the Llterest on the bonds above-mentioned.(d) That as lon~ as any of said bonds are outstandin, the City of Oxford shall notiSS',e any !:-ldditional bonds ')ayable from the revenues of said system, except unon oneof the hlo followin" conditions:(1) Unless such bonds shall exoressly be made ~uniQr and subordinate in allres'lects to the h'>J"d s herel.n authorized to be issued.; or(;:;) Unless the actual revenues of the electric distribut~on system for the lastthree com:Jleted fiscal years prior to the issuance of such additional bonds shallha'.'e be'n suf-l'icient, after the deduction of all expenses of operation andmaintenance, to 'lrovicle an average an ual sum equal to or exceedin~ the totalof the foliomnr, amounts: (a) 120% of the !":reatest amount that will come due asnrincipal Of and interst on all then outotan4in~ bonds of said City which are1ayable from the revenues of said electric distri" uLon syste~ plus (b) 120% ofthe freatest amount which wil:::" come due in any fiscal year as principal of andinterest on such additional bonds during their term, in which event additionalb'1nds may be issued on a nar;.ty with the bords herein rLr2cted to be is:3Ued.(e) Th5.t oro')er books of records and accounts (separate from all other records andaccounts) :,h 11 he kept, in which c01lDlete and correct ent :-i,;s shall be made of alltransaations relatinr, to said elec~ric distribution system, and said City shall furnishto any h:-Jlder of any of said bonds, upon written request not more than thirty (30) daysafter the close of each fiscal year, complete oDeratin~ and income statements of saids;.Tstem coverinF, such'ler:i.od.(f) That any holder or holders or any purchaser of not less than twenty-f'..ve percer,tum (25%) in nrincipal amount of said bonds then outstandinr, shall be peJm11ittedto ins')ect at all reasonable times s~id electric distribution system and all records,accounts, and data relatinr, thereto.(p) That any holder or holders or any purchaser of twenty-five per centum (25%) in'1rinci'lal amount of said bonds then outstandin~ shall be furnished all data andinformatio Y \ relatinr' to said electric d ~ strib'Jtion system which reasonably may be requested.,SECTION 7. That from and after deli very of any bonds issued he~eunder,and .'lS lonr, asany of said bonds shall r1e outstandinrr, the said electric distribution system shall continue tobe olerated on a fiscal year basis, commincin r on the first day of Ju~y in each year and endi n,!;on the last day of June in each year, and the income and revenues of said system shall continlJesto be set aside and deposited in the Fund which is desi!;nated the "ELECTRIC LIr}HT FUND."Moneysin said FunrJ. ShAll be set aside for, allocated to, ani deposited in the followinr, separate andsnecial funds:I~------------------------------------------------------~---

416<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.. _-_._ .. _-_._--,.,----------_._----- -------,---'---;') ,(a) Into a Fund desirnated the 1t~U;CTR.IC n:Ti£RES'l' AND i'30ImtbDlllPTION FUND" sumssufficient for the ~ayment of the ;-Jrincbal of and the interest on said bends \-Jhich~"il accrue dupi:p such fiscal year. Such allocatim and deposit shal' be in additionto the allocatioi 1 and derJosi t reouired to be marie for the payment of principal of andinterest on th,·; E~.ectric Revenue Bonds, Seri8s 194.;), and the Electric Plant RevenueBor;ds, Se»ies 19,)0, an s id Fund shall be used oriy for the payment of the principalof and the intere st on the bonds he~'e ;_n authoriz.ed to be issud and the said ElectricRevenue Bor,d" , Series 194./, and tre said Electric Plant Revenue Bonds, Series 1950.(b) Into a Fund desi~naterl the "EL~CTlUC OPEd.1, TION AND HAII~TC;NANCE FUND" sums sUfricientto 'Jro'.ride for the)ayment of reasora. ble eX::Jenses of opeca ti m and rcas")naQle expensesor operl'tion and rea so alb exnenses of maintaini. said electric distribution systemin 9"00'--: re 'air and \10 rkin'" order.(c) Into a Fund desL~na(-ed the "EL.c,CTRIC Cm,TiNGENT FUfJD" the sum of $1,000 per annumuntil such ti e as the amount so de~osited in sa,i.d Fund shall ap;,rer,ate the sum of$10,000, at "'h '_ch fifure th e said Fund shall thereafter be maintained by such futurede )osits as rra~,T fro:n time to time be neceSS,·.ir· to mainta.Ln said balance of ~ln,OOOin said Fund. The said Fund shall be used for the purpose of providin~ for majorrenairs, r-::Jlacements, extensinns, additio;:s to" and improvements of said electricdistribution system. Any sum or s:;ms so withdrawn from sa.id Fund shall be restoredt ereto out of rev nues thereafter received.(d) Into a Fund desi nated the "i~Lb,;CTH.IC BO[,D 3,ESERVE FUND" the sum of $3,000 perannum until such time as the amount so de osited ir! said Funri shall a~~re~ate the sumof ;;p30,000, at which fic-ure the said Fund shal] thereafter be maintained by suchfuture de'Josits as ma.H fr.m time to time be necessary to maintain said balance of $30,000in s id Fund. The said Fund shall be used solely and only to supplement the Interestand Bond Red,mption Fund if and when necessary :lromotly to oay the bonds h~rein-,'uthorized to e issued and the interest thereon when due. Any sum or sums so"'~t~drawn from said Reserve Fund shall be restroed therto out of revenues thereafterreceived.Any surolus remaini"r: 'cn the ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND, after makin~the allocations andde)osits above 'rovided for, and after the Contin~ehtFund and the Reserve Fund shall have beenestablished to the maximum amounts above required, sh,ll be allocated to and deoosi ted in a Funddesir;n."ted the ELECTRIC BOND Ri!.TIFlliMmT FUND" and sums credited to said Fund shall be used solely,,"nd on y for the 'lur :ose of rede· m:'n,; bonds wh_ch may be calle for redemption prior to maturity.S.c,CTION 8. That de losi ts into SF: id ~L.c;CTRIC LIGHT FUND shall be made as the revenuesof s id electric distribution system art, i'eceived, and that payments therefrom into the separateand SDecial fundnrovid,;d for by the next ;Jrecedin,,, section shall l-e made in apiJroximatelyequal monthly installments on the first bus ness day of each claendar month throu~houtthe year,and if the r venues derived from the oneration of said electric distribution system shall beinsufficient to make any such »ayment at such ti:re, the deficiency shall be made good by additional'layments to he mane out of the first available revenues of said electric distribution systemreceived durLn~ any succedin'~ months. And, in like manner, if durin~ any fiscal year the revenuesreceived from said electric distr bution system shall be insufficient to maintain said funds,the additional nayments sufficient to make UD such deficie;;cy or deficiencies shall be made insucceedin~ year,; out of the first available revenues of s8.id electric distribution system. l.Nheneverthe sums actually on deposit in the Electric Interest and Bond Redem ,tion Fund, the Electric BondReserve Fund, and in the l~lectricBond Retirement Fund shall equal the princinal amount of alloutstandin,!'" bonds ""\aya~letherefrom, to ether v,~ th the amount of all inter st due thereon untilthe rescctive ma.turity "ntes of aE such bonds, then no further payments need be made into saidfunds.All sums in the funds hereinabove re"erred to she.ll \:e kept on deposit in a bank or banksv,hich are members of the Fede a l De:1osit Insurance Corporation and shall at all times becontinuously secured, aSlrovided by the LavJS of Hississippi for other funds of municiDalities.

,~-----<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>4<strong>17</strong>St2acK-TOM L.. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZlSECTIor~ 9. That the City of Oxfod covemants and a~rees with the h)lder or holdersof the bonds her; in authorized to 'ce issued, that it will perform all duties with respect tothe oDeration and maintenance of s id electric distrit,ution system of said City, and with respectto the fixiW, maintr.ininp, and collectin of the rates, fees, And char~es,and the establishmentof the funds herein referred to, and all other matters and thint;s herein contained, and that itwill do or casue to e do e, in a,t time and season, each and every official act necessary forthe 'ayrnent of the orinci~12lof a.m the interest on the bonds herein authorizGd to be issued,a.s the SF-me shall mature and accrue, and sa.id City hereLy irrevocalbly covenants, binds, andobli,ates itself not to sell, lease or riis')ose of th·; said electric distribution system, or anysubstantia 1',ortion thereof, until all the bonds authorized hereunder shall have be':n paid, orunless and untillrovision has been made for the ayment of said bonds and the interest thereonto the reswctive mat'J.ri ty dates thereof, in full. Any holder of any of said b"nds or thecoupons attached t ereto may enforce the :::Jerformance of any of the covenants and a~reementsherein C0 r ltained by any appronriate nroceedings in law orin equity, by suit, action, mandamusor otherwise.If there by any'efau" t in the :Jayment of the interest on or the principal of anyof stdd bonds, any court ~avin~jurisdiction may, in proper action upon petition of the holderof any of the londs authorL"ed hereby, appoint a receiver or trustee to take possession of,'ldminister, 0er,r.te, and maj,ntain the electric distribution system, with power to prescribe andcollect r.'l.tes, fees or charr;es sufficient to~rov~defor the payment of the bonds authorizedherery and the interest thereon, and to pay the exs)enses of operatin r 'and maintaining saidelec~,ric distriLution system and to apoly the revenu~s ther of in conformity with the provisionsof the Laws of Mississippi and with the 'lrovisions of this ordiaance.SECTIOI~ 10. Th'l.t the)rovisions of this ordinance shall constitute an irrepealablecontrart . etwe n the City of Oxforand the several res)ective holders of the boms and interestcoupons 1', uthori zed here [" •SECTION 11. Thllt said bonds shall re submitted to validation, as provided by Chapter 1,Tit'e 18 of the Mississip,i Code of 1942, and for that pur)ose the City Clerk is authorized anddirected to certi "y a transcrint of all lroceedint;s in connection therewith to the State's BondAttorney.SECTION 12.That when said bonds shall have been prepared as herein directed and shallhave been v'llidate, executed, and registered, they shall he delivered to the purchaser thereofupon the 1ayment of the purchase ')rice.SECTIOH 13.That the proceeds received from the sale of the bonds authorized herebyshall be de()osited in a se9arate account and at all times secured as orovided by the Laws ofMississip i for the security of other fums of said City. The sums in said account shall be 'aidout only for the :::mrpose of payin~ the cost of enlar;~in9:, improvin~, and extendin~ the electricdLstributio:1 system of said City.'1coper "uthority of a ce~tificateSuch 1Jayments shall be made oiily upon presentation to theexecuted fy the City En!!ineer, statin!!: (a) that the pnnpose\...,.ifor which the payment is to be made is within the SCODe of the improvements contemplated by thisordinarice; (b) that the vork dene or the materials furnished are in accordance with the contracttherefore( if s'.lch work is done or materials are furnished under a cont 'act) or that such woid

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>is or materinls are s~litable for the 'Jrupose (if such ,ayments are not covered by an exoressc'Jntr::lrt); and (c) thD.t the amount 0-1" s:rh ayment is in acco>:'dance with the contract or is a reasonable, i~value thereof.<strong>No</strong>thinr, herein shall e construed as Jrohib'tinr: the payment without such certificateof the ex 'enses incident to the issuance of the bonds authorized hereb;r.The 9rovisions of thissection are h reby dec'ared to e a'art of the contract evide:,ced by the bonds authorized hereby.The term lI,roceeds rece "ed from the sale of the bords" shnl}, not include any sum representinr,premium or p-ccrued interest from the d:lte of s,-,id bo:td-s to the date of delivery thereof. An"sumso receivt.d for~nterestor iremium shR.ll be deposited in the Electric Interest and Bond RedemptionFund referrd to in Section 7 hereof.SECTION 14.That in the ado')tion of this ordinance, the City of Oxford reco,r:nizf's the"lrovisi.:-J s of an ordinance of said City er;titled "AN ORDIJ~ANCE AUTHOH.IL:ING AND Dl.i~CTING THE ISSUANCEOR .b..lliCTH.IC dEVENU.2; l3Oi~DS<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> OXFO,W, HIS3ISSIPPI, IN THE Pa.INCIPAL AMOUNT <strong>OF</strong> ONE HUNDREDTw"oENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLilU;3 (

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>419JI81IMK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZThe fore,oinr: orr:.inance, havinr; first been reduced to writinp.;, was read aloud at len~that a ')ublic meetinf': of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and was adopted, section by section, andthen as a whole, hy the followin roiH call vote in each instance:Alderman Hickman voted yeaAlderman Lovelady voted yeaAlderman Sisk voted yeaA:!..derman Roberts voted :,reaAlderman Belk Voted yeaWhereupon, the Mayor declared the ordinance adopted.STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSIS:':JIPPI )) ss.COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> L j\.FAYETTE )I, C. D. M.qlo'e, J.,.., City Cl.'"rk within and for the City of Oxford, in LafayetteCOU'1ty, Mississip'i, do her-eby certi..fy that the forer,oLnr: :laces constitute a true and cOY'r'ectcopy of certrin )roceedin s had by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said City on the __ _day of ________ , 1958, inc~.udinc-a certain ordinance directinr, the issuance of Twohundred Thousand Doll&rs ($200,000) Electric Distribution System Revenue Bonds, Series 1958,of said City, dated May 1, 1958.I do further certify that said proceedi~sand said ordinance now aplear and remainof record in my office in Book <strong>17</strong>, at a:l~es___ to--- , inclusive.IN iiI TN.ESS v,HERE<strong>OF</strong>, 1 ha··e hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Cityof Oxford, MiSSissippi, this ________ day of ______ , 1958.(SEAL)City Clerk(

(420I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>421~.III1I1'134K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>

! --~~~~------------------------~-------------------------------~,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>42582'2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ;'

(~II4 ~)t" .~ )<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagel for bids on street repairs to be opened at7:30 P. M. June 3, 1958,bids were received from the following firmsrOxford Asphalt Company $24,000.00Blount-Moore Clinic, Philadelphia, Miss. $25,995.00After the bids were opened and read motion was made b.r Alderman Sisk and seconded by AldermanRoberts and passed that all bids be rejected.A RESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, "'JITH REFERENCE TOTHAT PART <strong>OF</strong> THE SEV~RAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTEDAND INSTALLED BY VOLTZ CONSTR.UCTION COMPANY, AND WITHREFERENCE TO ITS INEFFICIENCY, AND WITH REFERENCE TOITS FAILURE TO PERFORM THE WORK ACCORDING TO THE PLANSAND SPECIFlCA'rIONS, AND "'lITH REFERt'NCE TO ITS COLLECTINJSAND AND DIRT INSIDE THE SJ1WERAGE PIPES, AND "'JITH REFERENCETO THE JOINTS <strong>OF</strong> THE PIPES NOT BEING PROPERLY SEALED, ANDWITH REFERENCE TO ITS FAILURE TO OPERATE AS R1!.'"'PRESENTEDBY THE CONTRACTOR, AND THAT THE BONDING COMPANY <strong>OF</strong> VOLTZCONSTRUCTION OOMPANY, AS HELL AS SAID CONSTRUCTION OOMPANY,AND THE CONTRAcrOR "'lliICH INSTALLED THE SAME, BE PT'T ON NOTICEBE IT RESOLVED b.r the mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, thatit is the finding of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen that the pipes and the pipelines of thesewerage disposal system, being the part constructed by Voltz Construction Company, is not working~roperly, that the joints of the pipes were~'not properly sealed according to the plans andspecifications for the installation of said pipes, and according to the representations of thecontractor, and that the contractor, and that the contractor has not put said system which heconstructed in good working condition, and that the bonding compa~ of said contractor, Fidelityand Deposit Company of Maryland of Baltimore, Maryland, should be put on notice and demand madethat said work of Voltz Construction Company of the sewerage disposal system in the 6ity ofOxford, Mississippi, be put in proper working condition according to the plans and specificationsand representations of contractor.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing and read by the Clerkof said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, WaS considered section by section, and then as a whole, and onmotion of Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Lovelady, it WaS adopted section by section,and then as a whole, and the vote of the Aldermen on the passage thereof was as follows!Alderman James Roberts •••••••••• YeaAlderman William Lovelady ••••••• YeaAlderman Will Hickman ••••••••••• leaAlderman F. "1. Belk, Jr ••••••••• YeaAlderman Harry Sisk ••••••••••••• YeaBe it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, thatthe City of Oxford desires to have its motor vehicle advalorum taxes collected by the TaxCollector of Lafayette County, Mississippi, at t.he same time and in the same manner provided b.rHouse Bill Number Three of the Regular 1958 Session of the MiSSissippi Legislature, for collectionof county and state advalorum taxes on motor vehicles, for the ensuing fiscal year, including thecollection of such taxes on such property located in tihe Municipal Separate School district ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi,Be it resolved further that the Clerk of the Cit,:r of Oxford, Mississippi, be, and he ishereby, authorized and directed to furnish a certified copy of the official tax levy of said Cityof Oxford, to the officials as provided in said House Bill Number Three, on or before September15, 1958, and to do any and all other things necessary or incident to the collection of said taxeson said property for said year by the Sheriff of Lafayette County, Mississippi.The above resolution having been first reduced to writing was read by the Clerk of the Cityof Oxford, section b.Y section, and then as a whole; and on motion of Alderman Belk and secondedby Alderman Hickman, the vote on the final passage thereof was as follows:Alderman Sisk---YeaAlderman Hickman---YeaAlderman Roberts---YeaAlderman Be1k------YeaAlderman Lovelady--Yea

~----~~---------------------------------------------------------~.1I ,!ll"la4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>4:23•

(/ 42·1II<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>

•<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>4278tZa4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZCame on for consideration by the Mayor and Board of Alderman of a policy concering sicknessand injuries. On Motion made by Alderman Lovelady.· secorned by Alderman Roberts and unanimouslypassed that the following policy be adopted;Each employee of the City of Oxford shall be entiled to one day' sick or injury leaveper month, howev~r, the employee must be able to furnish, if requested, to the City Clerk a docto~sstatement signifjirlg that the employee was accually sick. An employee may accumulate sick leavebut , at no one time may said employee have accumlated more than 24 days. If an employee becomes,njured or sick he will draw his full salary until his accumulated sick leave and vacation timehas been used up. If said employee be entit'led to ~·other. ,payments, he may draw same.However if said employee is not entiiled to ~ Lother', payments the City will not beliable for his salary.Came on for consideration the representation of the City of Oxford at the Municipal AssociationConvention to be held in Boloxi, Mississippi June 12-14, 19$8. Atter a di~~sion it was theopinion of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen that the City Clerk should attendAtQnvention. Motion wasmade by Alderman Belk and seconded by Alderman Lovelady ~d passed that it be so ordered.The matter of a raise in salaries of the Police Force came on for consideration and after adiscussion, motion was made by Alderman Hickman that the salaries be raised as follows:Newt King from #300.00 to $32$.00 per month effective June 1, 19$8Donald Carwile from $240.00 to $27$.00 per month retroactive to May 1, 19$8R. H. Mills from $240.00 to $260.00 per month effective June 1, 1958R. E. King from $22$.00 to $2$0.00 per month effective June 1, 19$8M. T~ Styers from $240.00 to $2$0.00 per month effective June 1, 19$eH. E. De~e8t from $22$.00 to $2$0.00 per month effective at the end of threemon1if employment.This motion was seconded by Alderman Roberts and all Aldermen voted yea.RESOLUTIONWHEREAS, Mr. Wiley Chandler has served as an Alderman of the City of Oxford for a period of28 years and as an employee for $ years; and,WHEREAS, during said 28 year period as Alderman, Mr. Chandler served as Mayor Pro-Tem, CityClerk, Light & Water Commissioner and Street Commissiomer; and,WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford desire to commend him for hisunselfish service and tine efforts in such capacities;THEREFORE, m IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Missis­Sippi, that it is hereby declared to be the sense of this Board that Mr. Wiley Chandler, whoretires on Monda;y, June 30th, 19$8, has served unselfishly, faithfully, and efficiently duringthe past 33 years as an Alderman of the City of Oxford and as an employee of said City, and thathe should be commended by the Board for such efforts and service;BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be handed to Mr. Chandler and a copyspread upon the Minutes of this Board.MAYOR ALDERMAN WARD 2ALDERMAN AT LARGE ALDERMAN WARD 3ALDERMAN WARD I ALDERMAN WARD 4rIl-Motion was made, secorned and passed that this Board do now recess to June 9, 1958 at $:00 P. M •

( 428<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, REGULAR MEETIID 5:00 P. M. June 9, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on June 3, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onJune 9, 1958 at 5:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Alderman's Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lo -wlady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. RotBrts .. Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourC. D. Malone Jr. - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business Was transacted:Came on for consideration the repairing of the Vivian Street Drainage Ditch. Hope Evans made aproposa!~/to install a concrete invert and do the necessary dirt work at $.30 eer Sq. foot. A:motionfHBde by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Lovelady and passed; 1. t was-~'ordered that acontract be enter into between Hope Evans and the City of Oxford concerning said work.Standard Agreement forEngineering Construction- "This agreement made the 9th day of June in the year nineteen hundred and fifty eight by andbetween Hope Evans hereinafter called the Contractor, and City of Oxford ~ssissippi hereinaftercalled the Owner, witnesseth, the Contractor and Owner for the consideration hereinafter namedagree as follows;ARTICLE 1. Scope of ~~ork:The Contaractor shall furnish all materials and perform all the work described in thespecifiaation entitled:Vivian Street Concrete Ditch, for City of Oxford Mississippi, prepared by E. P. Lowe acting asand in these Contract Documents entitled the Engineer and shall do everything required by thisagreement; the General Conditions of the Contract and the Specifications.ARTICLE 2.Time of Completion:The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced within ten days uponreceipt of <strong>No</strong>tice to Proceed and shall be completed without unnecessary delay.ARTICLE 3.The Contract Sum:The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the Contract, subject toadditions and deductions, provided therein, in current funds as follows:Unit Price of $0.30 per square foot of completed work.ARTICLE 4.Progress payments:The Owner shall make payments on account of the Contract as provided herein; as follows:On or about the first day of each mcnth ninety percent of the balue, based on the Contract prices,of labor and materials incorporated in the work and of materials suitably stored at the sitethereof up to the last day of that month, as estimated by the Engineer, less the aggregate ofprevious payments; and upon substantial completion of the entire work a sum sufficient to makethe total payment ninety percent of the Contract price.

III.<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>42982284K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZ-2-Standard AgreementCity of Oxford MississippiARTICLE 5.ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENl'Upon receipt of written notice that the work is ready for fi~~ inspection and acceptance,the Engineer shall promptly make such inspection, and when he finds the work acceptable underthe Contract and the Contract fully performed he shall promptly issue a final certificate, overhis signature, stating that the work provided for in this Contract has been completed 'i~d:Jhsacceptetleby him under the terms and conditions thereof, and the entire balance found to be duethe Contractor, including the retained percentage, shall be paid to the Contractor at the officeof the Owner within five days after the date of said final certifivate. Before issuance of finalcertificate the Contractor shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Engineer that all payrolls,material bills and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid. The making andacceptance of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Owner, other thanthose arising from unsettled leins, from faulty work appearing after final pa}rment or from requirementof the Specifications, and of all claims b,y the Contractor, except those previously made andstill unsettled. If after the work has been substantially completed, full completion thereof ismaterially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, and the Engineer so certifies, the Ownershall, upon certifivate of the Engineer and without terminati rg . the Contract, make payment of thebalance due for that portion of the work fully completed and accepted. Such shall be made underthe terms and conditions goverirg final payments, except that it shall not constitute a waiver ofclaimsARTICLE 6:THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS:The general conditions of the Contract, the Specifications, together with this agreement,form the Contract, and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereto attached or hereinrepeated.The following is an enumeration of the Specifications:VIVIAN STREET CONC11ETE DRAINAGE DITHCH.·-3-STANDARD AG~T, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> MISSISSIP?IIn witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, this day and year first abovewritten/s/ Hope Evans-'Name-- - ---- -Oxford, MississippiContractor, AddressCity of Oxford Mississippi/s/ Pete McElreathMAYOROwner, AddressAlderman Roberts brought to the attention of the board that the following streets were damagedin laying saitary sewers:;.I"to wit: Garfield from South 16th East to the City Limits and South 16thStreet from Garfield to Johnson. Motion was made by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by AldermanHickman and passed that the above streets be repaired.Came on for consideration the installing of six new Air conditioning units and the moving ofOl'e presently installed. H. Q. Lovelace proposed to install said units in the windows for#l~.50 per unit. Motion Was made, seconded and passed that lovelace r s propasal be accepted.~otion was made, seconded and passed tha t this Board do now recess to June 23. 1958, 7:00 P.M.

(I 480~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.,RECESS RECESS REGULAR MEETING 5:00 P. M. June 23, 1958:pursuant to a recess order entered on June 9, 1958, t:~e Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onJune 23, 1958, at 5:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor, Presidingl-Ti11iam N. Lovelady, Alderman at LarfeFrank Balk, Alderman Ward OneHarry S. Sisk, Alderman ward ThreeWill A~ Hickman, Alderman Ward FourJames N. RO~derman Ward TwoC. D. Malone Jr., ClerkAfter the meeting had been called to order, the Board haJ a lengthy discussion concering theUnited Gas proposed rate increase. <strong>No</strong> official action was taken.-- Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until June 25, 1958at 10:00 A. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SI'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZRECESS, RECESS, RECESS, REGULAR MEETING 10:00 A. M. June 25, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on June 23, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onJune 25, 1958, at 10:00 A. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermens' Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelandy, Alderman at LargeFrank Belk Jr, Alderman Ward OneHarry S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman, Alderman liard FourJames W. Rob&l"ts, Alderman Ward TwoC. D. Malone Jr., ClerkAfter tee meeting had been called to order, the Board again had a lengthy discussion conceringthe United Gas proposed rate increase. <strong>No</strong> official acti n was taken.Motion W8.S duly made, seconded af,d passed that this Board do now recess until July 1, 1958at 7:00 2. M.

(III<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS, RECESS, REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. July 1, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on June 25, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Alderman met onJuly 1, 1958 at 7:00 p.. M. in the Mayor and Board. of Alderman's Chamoor in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Nayor - PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at largeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward. TwoHarry s. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkG. W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric DepartmentNewt King - MarshalAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was trarsacted:Motion was made, seconded and passed that the minutes of the June meeting be adopted as read.On Motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this board do nowadjourn sine-die:/

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------~allS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co •• NATCHEZUNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICAS TAT E0 F M I as ISS I P P ICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>* * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * **REGULAR MEE:l'ING 7:30 P. M. July 1, 1958Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, July 1, 1958, it being the timeand place fixed b.1 law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the following werepresent:Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovela4y - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Aldennan Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkG. W. Johnson - Supt. Electric DepartmentAfter the meeting WaS called to order motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimouslythat the followinG accounts be allowed for payment'CORPORATION FUNDCheck NU.3894-393439403936394339683967Payroll ending June 13, 1958C. D. Malone Jr., ClerkTax Withheld FundOxford Park CommissionJohnson & FitchettE. C. McCainFire Alann at ~ast University Tire Uompany Plant June8, 1958. at 3:40 P. M.4013401440154016isD<strong>17</strong>Vernon ChambersIra L. CrowsonHoward DavisM. C. FalknerE. T. HaneyAccount <strong>No</strong>.VariousVarious<strong>17</strong>8155149Amount$421.24116.4235.762500. 001,000.0012.001.501.501.501.591.50

I(<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Check NO.Account <strong>No</strong>.Amount401840194020402140224023L024Gordon HamiltonD. S. RossRoland TidwellR. L. TidwellC. S. WilsonR. H. FinterRoy Thomas135l~1351351351351351.501.501.501.501.501.501.504025L02540264027402840294032403240334034403540304036L0374037403740384039404040Ll4041L042404340434044404540464047404840L840484049405040514052405340543944-40074055405640574058405940604061L06240634063406540664067388tl3889389038913937394140093894-393440684068406840684068Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. Gas Spraying 180Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. Cemetery upkeep 120Burroughs Corp. -Adding Machine InspectionChapman Chemical (b.-Spraying146180Central Chemical Co.-Janitors Supplies 127Elliott Lumber Company-Sundry 153Elliott Hardware Company - Spraying 180Elliott Hardware Company - Cemetery upkeep 120East Motor Parts Co. - Spraying 180Dement Printirg Co. - Stationery and officeSuppliesJackson's Building Se~ce-RepairRen.Prop.146149Lafayette County Health Dept. 136J. B. Howell-Sundry Recording Sewer Easement 153Metts Brothers Hardware Co. Sundery 153Metts Brothers Hardwa"'e Co. Cemetery 120Metts Brothers Hardwa ,'e Co. Repair (;i ty Hall 155National Disinfectant Co. - Spraying 180The J. E. Neilson Co.- Buie MuseumThe Oxford Eagle- Leaga1 Printing-147122Oxford Light and 'Hater Plant-The Armory 153Oxford Light and 1nJater Plant ""i ty Ball 143J. H. Oliver and Co.-Repair Rental Property 149Ozburn-Abston & Co. -Spraying 180Ozburn-Abston & Co. -Fire Department 135Rebel Chevrolet Co.-Spraying 180Sargent-Sowell, Inc.-Spraying 180Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co.- Sundry 153J. P. Slade Roofing Co. - Repair toCityHall 155Southern Bell Telephone and Tel.Ce. ::ity Hall 124Southern Bell Telephone and Tel.Co. CityHal1 124Southern Bell Telephone and 'fel Co.Fire Dept.135M.M.Winkler & Assoc. -AuditThe [.Jhite Curb-Cop. Co. Parking Meter131Office SuppliesWestinghouse Co. Stationery and Office159Supplie sOle Miss Ser ',ice Station -Spraying146180M.R. Hall-Cemetery Upkeep 120Shaw and Sneed Hardware ::';upplies city Hall 155Payroll of June 30, 1958R. L. Brown's Insurance Af~ency-Museum &CityHall 129Todd & Elhridge Insurance AgenC,Y- 129Lafayette Insurance Agency 129D. H. Marchbanks & Co.Oxford Insurance Agency129129Samuels Insurance Agency 129Mrs. Robert Torrey 129State Farm Fire & Gas.- 129The Tate AgenC,Y InsuranceThe United Gas Co.-Fuel for City Hall129123Huggins & Hilbun Motor Co.-Spraying 180Hederman Brothers-Staterney and Office Supnlies 146Dailey Lumber Co.-Repair to rental property 149Rebel Press & Office Supply Co.-Office Supplie 146STREET FUNDThe University of Miss.-Air Port runway extensionArkansas Fuel Oil Corp. Tires 240Milton JohnsonUnited Gas Co.-Police Station Expense239218Tax Withheld Fund-VariousC. D. Malone Jr. Clerk-?etty CashTaX Witheld Fund-VariousVarioBSPayroll ending 13, June 1958Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp.-Gas and Oil 228Arkansas Fuel Oil CorP. Gas & Oil 238Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. Police Car Gas Oil 224Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. Shop Equipment 243Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp. Material and Supplies 23945.706.0420.8092.4030.8022.50.408,3722.21166.4014.68162.503.0032.838.903.10131.36128.85<strong>17</strong>.289.7023.h23.502.76.9031.5015.721.1548.001.8015.5524.~0150.0080.0050.601.604.2520.554,111.0140.9740.9740.9740.9740.9740.9740.9733.3740.977.6136.1020.7026.6020.68<strong>17</strong>,500.0031.0050.004.6781.575.02157.741",3.79208.1031.<strong>17</strong>100.0036.668.83

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~'Sl234K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCheck <strong>No</strong>Account <strong>No</strong>.Amount\4069407040714011'4071L4072407340734073407440754075407640n-407840784078407940804081408240834083408440844085408640864087408740874087408740884088408840894090409140924093409340934093-409440954096409740983944-400740994100410041014102Bagwell service Station -Gas and Oil 228 12-.25Birmingham Slag CO.-Material & Supplies 239 245.00East Motor parts Co. Equipment and Repairs 227 21.22East motor Parts Co. Equipment and Repairs 237 46.55East Motor parts Co.-Shop Equipment 243 2.53~lliott Lumber Company -Material & Supp1ie 239 64.51Elliott Hardware eto. E~pment & Repair 227 13.19Elliott Hardware Co. Material & Supplies 239 1.25Elliott Hardware Co. Shop Equipment 243 1.15Ensign Products Co. Shop Equipment 243 21.50P. L. Garrett-Material & Supplies 239 1.75P. L. Garrett-Equipment and Repair 237 1.75Hedleston Radio ard T.V. Service-Police CarRepair 223 3.85Jackson Building Service- Material & Supplies 239 27.00Home Ice Co.-Material and Supp1ie 239 30.00Home Ice Company-Misc. Supplies 229 20.00Home Ice Company-Equipment 243 10.00Langham's & Ferguson Tire Shop Equipt. Repair 227 24.75IVers & Knight Buick & Equipt. Co. Equipt.Repair 237 , 2.82The J.E. Neilson Co.-Police Offices Supplies 210 50.00Oxford Asphalt Co.-Material and Supplies 239 83.34J.H. Oliver andCo. Tires 240 93.68J.R. Oliver and Co. Material an~ Supplies 239 44.50Oxford Auto Parts Co.-Equipt.ment &Repair 237 2.80Oxford Auto Parts Co. Shop Equipment 243 3.45Oxford Wholesale Grocery, Inc.-Misc. Supplies 229 7.60Oxford Welding Shop-Equipment and Repair 237 3.50Oxford welding Shop-Equipment and Repair 227 1.00Oxford Light and Water Plant-City Garage~ 243 2.76Oxford Light and Water Plant-Police Station 218 10.10Oxford Light and Water Plant-Oxford St.Lighting 259 332.66Oxford Light and Water Plant-City Hwy 7 South 259 1.00Oxford Light and Water Plan t-Curnnt st.Lighting 259 3.96Ozburn-Abston & Co. Equipment and Repair 227 20.43Ozburn-Abston & ~Co. Equipment & Repair 231 2.40Ozburn-Absto & Co. Shop Equipment 243 10.76Priester Machinery Co. Inc. Material and Supp1ie 239 264.27Quick Repair Shoe shop -Lether 237 2.32Road Builders Equipment Co.Equipment & Repair 237 344.64Rebel City Service Station-Gaa and Oil 238 13.76Shaw and Sneed Hardware Co.-Equipment and Repair 227 44.80Shaw ani Sneed Hardware Co.-Misc. Supplies 229 1.73Shaw and Sneed Hardware Co.-New Equipment 231 59.00Shaw and Sneed Hardware Co. Repair Equipment 237 .60Southern Uniform Co.-Police Officers Supplies 210 79.31Southern Bell Te1e. and Tel Co. # 142 216 21.90Standard Oil Co. -Gas and Oil 238 4.30Standard Welders Supply Co.-Shop Equipme rt 243 10.G4United Gas Co.-Police Station Expense 218 1.50Payroll of June 30, 1958 2,411.64Oxford Motor Co. Po1iece Car Repair 223 28.68Ole Miss Service Station-l'!ash and Grs. 224 15.00Ole Miss Service Station-Material & Supplies 239 8.75Illinois Central Railroad Co. -Material andSupplies 239 344.40Boyce G. Bratton-Care of Prisoner 211 51.00WATER AHDSEWER393539383942401040083894-3934410341044105410641074108410941094110411141124113Union Planters National Bank-Transfer of Interest frombond fund to Trust Fund 528Tax Withheld Fund-VariousC. D. Malone Jr. Clerk -Petty Cash 513Tax Withheld Fund-VariousRussell King ~ages and Labor 521Payroll of June 13, 1958Arkansas Fuel Oil Corporation-Gas Oil &Repair Sercice t. --52$TruckBaggett Service Station-Misc. Supplies 513Boatright Sales and Service- Supplies Sewer Disposal 523Center Chemical Co.-Sewer Supplies 518Dailey Lumber Co. Inc. Sewer Supplies 518Delta Plumbing! Electrical Supply Co. Supplies 510Elliott Lumber Company-Sewer Supplies 518Elliott Lumber Co.-Supplies Sewer Disposal Plant 523Harper Foundry & Machine Co.-Supp1ies 510Ideal Chemical & Supply Co.-Supplies Sewer Disposal 523w. T. McLarty-Supp1ies Sewer Disposal Plant 523Meter Service & Supply Co.-Supp1ies 51028.7514.4210.9662.9312.00294.4411.841.809.00119.4557.9578.48102.921.+:3686.40114.158.90112.38~----------~----~~~----------------------------------------------------------------~----~---~/J/

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Check <strong>No</strong>.4114411541164111411141114118411941204121412241233944-400741244125389238934126Account <strong>No</strong>.J. H. Oliver & Co.-Supplies 510Ozburn-Abston & Co.-Mis. Supplies 513Oxford Tractor Co. -Sewer Supplies 518Oxford Light and Water -Booster Pump Station 531Oxford Light and Water Plant-Power for pumping water 531Oxford Light and Water Plant-Power for Pumping water 531Pidgeion-Thomas Iron Company-Supplies 510Shaw and Sneed Hardware Co.-Sewer Supplies 518Southern Supply Co.-Supplies 510Texas Road Boring Co. Of LA. MISS.-1t.Jages and Labor 521Vicking Supply Corp.-l{ages and Labor 521Wholesale Supply Co. Inc.-Supplies 510Payroll ending aune 30, 1958Rockwell Manufacturing Co.-Water Meters Parts 520Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Co.-Sewer Supplies ,18TAX WITHHELD FUNDFederal Reserve Bank of st. Louis-Tax withheld for MayPublic Employees 'Retirement S~stem-For MayPARKING METER FUNDThe Dual Parking Meter Company-40% of months CollectionAmount158.5915.3085.0016.92lO.30346•8026.502.35121.98330.00121.44121.15163.184.88222.15102.91183.52205.405801-1258145816-305832583758385839584058415842584358445845584658475848584958505851585258535854585558565857585858595860586158625863ELECTRI C DEPARTMENTPayroll for June 15, 1958Winsett-Simmonds Engineers, Inc.Payroll for June 30, 1958City of Oxford-Tax Withheld-For JuneM. M. Winkler & AssociatesBoles Shoe ShopPosey's Pharmaa,yUnion Planters Nat'l Bank-Trust Dept.­Tippecanoe Press, Inc.Langham's MFerguson Tire ShopSouthern. -Bell Telephone Co.,United G s Co.,Arkansas~Fuel Oil CompanyBagwell Service StationThe Oxford EagleHope Evans (Tractor Work)T~nnessee Valley AuthorityOxford Ashpalt Co.Stuart C. IrbyTenn. Valley Electric Supply Co.Meter Service & SupplY Co.Charlie Balk GarageWalker Electric Co.Rebel Press & Office Supply Co.,Westinghouse Electric SupplyMr. Hall (Sharp. Saw)Earl Wortham (Sharpening Saw)Memphis Publishing Co.The Birmingham NewsMiss. Publishers Corp.Central Service Association1.36.3446,400.902,809.00421.98100.00.156.255,558.254.3810.9652.552.1135.432.2580.3328.0048.2930.00138.35453.0961.4815.1419.401.3022.52.151.5040. 95a8.56<strong>17</strong>.07124.95

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>"a34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZNOTICE <strong>OF</strong> INTENTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI TO BORROW $8,000,00 FOR<strong>OXFORD</strong> SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE PURCHASE <strong>OF</strong> LAND.~OLUTIONBE IT RESOLVED b.r the Board of Trustees of the Oxford Separate School District of Oxford,Lafayette County, Mississippi, as follows:-(1) That it is necessary to borrow the sum of Eight Thousand. and <strong>No</strong>/1OO ($8,000.00) Dollarsfor the purpose of purchasing the following described land for school purposes for said OxfordSeparate School District, to-wit:A fraction of City Lots <strong>No</strong>. 66 and 94 in the <strong>No</strong>rthwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 8south, Range 3 West, City of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi, as said lots are shown anddesignated on the Official Map and Plat of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, in use since June 6,1939, copies of shich Map are on file in the Office of the Mayor of said City and in the Officeof the Chancery Clerk of said County, being particularly' described as follows to-wi t: startingat the Southwest corner of the <strong>No</strong>rthwest Quarter of said Section 2l} run thence East 462.9 feetto a point; run thence due <strong>No</strong>rth 68.6 feet to a point, which point is the point of beginning of theproperty herein described and is also the point of intersection of the <strong>No</strong>rth right-of-way line ofWashington Avenue and the East right-of-way line of the I111nois Central Railroad; run thencewith said <strong>No</strong>rth right-of-way line of Washington Avenue to a point in said right-of-way line whichlies South 76 degrees and 18 minutes East a distance of 234.9 feet from the point of beginning;run thence <strong>No</strong>rth 7 degrees, 34 minutes East a distance of 357.4 feet along a fence to a fence corner;run thence <strong>No</strong>rth 78 degrees and 35 minutes West a distance of 167.2 feet along a fence to a pointin the East right-of -way line of the Illinois Central RailrOad; run thence in a southernly directionwith the said East right-of-way line to the point of beginning (said point in the East right-of-wqly'ing <strong>No</strong>rth 19 degrees 34 minutes East a distance of 349.7 feet from the point of beginning);containiqg 1.6 acres, more or less(2) The maturity date and the amount payable on each maturity date should be the following,Two Thousand and NO/1OO (#2,000.00) Dollars, together with interest thereon, on the first dq ofJanuar,y 1959 and a like SUM of the first day of January, 1960, together with the interest ondiminishing principal, and on the first day of January, 1961, together with interest on thediminishing principal, and on the first day of January, 1962, together with interest on the diminishingprincipal.(3) That no funds are available in the School Funds of said Oxford separate School Districtor from any other source with which to make the parebaae of said land.(4) That the negotiable notes or certificates evidencing said indebtedness should bear interestnot exceeding four percent per annum on the diminishing principal.The above Resolution having been first reduced to writing, was read section b,y section, andthen as a whole, and, upon motion made by James Hartsfield for the adoption of said Resolution,and. seconded by D. H. Marchbanks, the mempers of the Board of Trustees of the Oxford SeparateSchool District voted as follows:THEREFORE, said Resolution was adopted.This the 1st day of July 1958.James Hartsfield, -~YEAD. H. Marchbanks, --YEAC. M. Murry,--------YEAO. D. Smith---------YEAW.W. East,----------YEAJames E. HartsfieldSecretaryC. M. MurryPresident Board of Trustees of Oxford SeparateSchool District.CERTIFICATE, I, C. M.MUrry, President of the Board of Trustees of Oxford Separate School District of theCity of Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi, certify that the above and foregoing two pages oftypewritten matter constitute a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted b,y said Board ofTrustees on the lth day of July, 1958, as appears in the ~utes of said Board of Trustees in MinuteBook <strong>No</strong> 32, page 2.Given under my hand on this the lth day of July, 1958.C. M. MurryPresident Board of Trustees of Oxford Separate School District.~/-------------------------------------------------------------------I/

~-------~~- -----------------------------<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>A RESOLUTION DECLARING the Intention of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, to Borrow Eight Thousand Dollars for the Oxford Separate School District forthe purpose of Purchasing Land for said School District, Prescribing the Maximum Annual Interest Rate,the Manner of Evidencing the Indebtedness, Providirg for Installment Payments on said Indebtednessand the Time for P~nt of Installments, Prescribing the Manner of Raising the Taxes to Retire saidIndebtedness, Providing for Publication of the Resolution, and Prescribing the Date and Place of theFinal Action of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen upon the Question of Authorizing the Borrowing ofsaid Money for said Purpose.The above and forgoing Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Oxford Separate SchoolDistrict having been certified over the signature of the President of said Board of Trusteesto the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS:(1) That the Mayor and Board. of Aldermen do, and they do herel:v, declare their intention toauthorize the borrowing of the sum of Eight Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/100 ($8,000.00) Dollars, as set forthin said Resolution of said Board of Trustees, for the purpose of purchasing the land described insaid Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Oxford Separate School District, and to issue negotiablenotes or certificates of indebtedness of said Oxford Separate School District as evidence of saidindebtedness, together with interest not to exceed four percent per annum on the diminishingprincipal of said indebtedness.(2) That if the final action of this Board is that said mone.y shall be borrowed for said purpose,then the City of Oxford shall annually levy a special tax on all of the taxable propert,y of theOxford Separate School District in an amount which shall be sufficient to pay the principal of andinterest upon such negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness as the same shall respectivelymature and accrue, Which shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner asother taxes are collected. and which shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law,and that there shall be set up a special account, in which special account shall be placed thefunds collected b,y special tax to retire the indebtedness, both principal and interest aforesaid.(3) That the final action of this Board upon the question of authorizing the borrowing of saidmoney for said purpose be, and the same is hereb,y, set for 1:30 O'Clock, P.M~, on the 5th day otAugust, 1958, in the Office of the Mayor of said City of Oxford, at which time all persons orproperty owners affected by this Resolution and the action of this Board may present a petitionin writing requesting an election be called on the question of incurring said indebtedness; andthat the Clerk of this Board be, and he here1:r', authorized and directed to publish in The OxfordEagle, a newspaper havirg general circulation in the Oxford Separate School District, the aboveand foregoing Resolution once each week for two consecutive weeks.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing, was read and consideredsection by section, and then as a ~~ole, and upon motion made by Alae~~ Hickman for theadoption of said Resolution, and seconded by Alderman Roberts, it was adopted section by sectionand then as a whole, and, when submitted to a vote, the Aldermen voted as follows:F. W. Be1k, Jr.,--- -YEAJames Roberts,-------YEAHarry Sisk, <strong>No</strong>t PresentWill Hickman,--------YEAWilliam Love1ady,-----YEA1UIlIlIIU IUOU IIA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND <strong>CITY</strong> CLERK <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI TOEXECUTE A DEED TO MINOLA R. ROSS TO CERTAIN PROPERTY ERRONEOUSLY SOLD FOR TAXES.On motion of Alderman Roberts, seconded by Alderman Lovelady, and passed unanimously, it ishereby resolved as follows, to-wit:Whereas certain property assessed to W. C. Beasley, described as Part of Lot 66 & 13in section 28, township 8 south, range 3 west on the tax rolls for the city of Oxford, Mississippifor the year 1944 was on the <strong>17</strong>th day of September 1945 sold for taxes for the year 1944 and whereassaid sale appears of record among the records on file in the Office of the Chancer,y Clerk of Laf~etteCounty, Mississippi,And, whereas the records of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, including the tax roll abovereferred to shows a double assessment of said property for the year 1944 and the tax records forthat year, specificallY tax receipt #196 shows that taxes were paid on property assessed to W. C.Beasley, described as above set forth; andl4hereas title to said property has travelled by various mesne conveyances until the presenttime it is claimed by Mino1a R. Ross,And whereas taxes have been regularly paid to the City of Oxford, Mississippi on said propertyunder the same assessment for all other years for which there is a record, and

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>4 '-,-----9\ t)\I5IZ34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZWhereas the City of Oxford, Mississippi has ne-ver attempted to claim title to saidproperty, but has on the other hand express~ disclaimed any interest in said property as isshown b.r the notation in the records of tax redemptions book on file in the office of the clerkof the City of Oxford, Mississippi;I<strong>No</strong>w therefore, in order to clear the record title to said property, and other goodand valuable consideration deemed sufficient by this board, It is hereb,y resolved that theMayor and City Clerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, be and the,y hereq, are authorized anddirected to execute a quitclaim deed on behalf of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, conveyingany interest the City of Oxford, Mississippi may have in said property by reason of the tax saleaforesaid to the said Minola R. Ross.The above resolution having been read and considered, section by' section, and then as awhole, was put to a roll call vote and having received the unanimous vote of all aldermen presentis hereby adopted.This the 1st d~ of July, A. D., 1958. ..APPROVED:Attest:City ClerkG. W. Johnson Called attention of the Board to an Electrical Meter Schoen being held atMississippi State University, August 4-8, 1958. Upon recommendation by' Mr. Johnson, motionWaS made by' Alde1"ll8ll Lovelady' and seconded by' Alderman Belk and passed that Ira Crowsonattend said school, expense to be paid by the Electrical Department.Came on for consideration the representation of the City of 6xford at the National. Societyof Engineer's Convention being held at Boloxi, Mississippi on July 10, 11, 12. Motion wasmade, seconded and passed that Mr. Lowe, City Engineer, be authorized to attend said convention.The Mayor and Board of Alderman on motion duly made seconded and passed authorized an expenditureof from the General Fund for an advertisement to be placed in the Lion's Club AnnualHorseshow Program.The matter of a raise in wages of the street Maintainance department came on for considerationand after a discussion motion was made by Alderman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Siskandpassed that the following emplqyees be raised effective July 1, 1958.Clarance Robinson from $.73 toBerkley Mitchell from .73 toGeorge McEwen from .65 toJack Corothers from .65 toJames Egerson from .65. toMilton Morrison from165 toi.SO per hour.80 per hour.75 per Hour.80 per hour.75 per hour.80 per hourIt was brought to the attention of the Board that Buford Fields had purchased 200 feet frontingon Williams Ave. from S. T. Mitchell leaving S. T. Mithchell 200 foot fronting on said street,this being described as a Fraction NWt NWt and having a principal balance of $1,816.99. MotionWaS duly made seconded and passed and it is therefore ordered that this assessment be divided asfollows:S. T. Mitchell 200 feetBuford Fields 200 feet$908.49$908.50Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess~til July <strong>17</strong>, 1958 at 7:00 P.M.~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~//

440<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS REGULA..~ MEETIID 1:00 P. M. July 11, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on July-I, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onJuly 11, 1958 at 1:00 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresideingWilliam N. Lovelady ~Alderman at LargeFrank W.Balk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourG. W. Johnson - Supt. Electric DepartmentC. D. Malone Jr. - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Applications for the Superintendent of Electrical Department having been received and reviewed, theMayor and Board of Alderman met and interviewed the following applicants:Robert F. Goad,James Lee Carey,<strong>No</strong> afficial action was taken.Selmer TennesseeJonesboro, ArkansasThe matter of homestead exemptions which were disallowed by the Homestead Exemption Divisionof the State Tax Commission and returned to the Cit,y for disposition came up for discussion andaction, such exemptions being those of:Miss. Sallie 13. Dunc8n,Ida D Greenlee, Mrs. Opal K. Haley,Mrs. Stanford B. Meek, Floyd H. Metts,Tom Mistiles, and Jessie K. Vaughn.Finding that the Clerk has already furnished each of the above with a copy of the disallowance,had been given )0 days in which to protest or pay such disallowanceJ and finding that no objectionhad been filed, it was ordered that the action of the Tax Commission be accepted and the City Clerkbe ordered to collect the disallowed tax exemption in cases where it had not been paid after havingbeen notified of the disallowance by the following named persons:NAME <strong>OF</strong>APPLICANTTOTALASSESSMENTAMOUNT ORIG.ALLOWEDAMOUNI'REJECTEDREASON FORREJECTIONMiss Sallie B. Duncan 2800Ida D. Greenlee 1,060Mrs. Opal K. Haley 4,160Mrs. Stanford B. Meek 1,660Floyd H. Metts 200Tom Misti1es 3,0602800. 1,0604,1601,6602003,06014003,1601000/)6:<strong>17</strong>1,433-An Apartment rented orAvailable for rent oroccupied by another family group •Property not occupied byapplicantIneligible property of anunknown assessed value wasincluded in this exemptiontherefore an estimatedassessed value of theineligible portion of theproperty is disapproved as shownAn apartment rented oravailable for rent or occupiedby another family group.Exemption was allowed onProperty not claimed on theapplication.The deed record cited does notshow title in the applicant forthat portion of the propertydisapproved for exemption bythe tax commissionExemption allowed on morethan the applicant's eligibleportion of the propert,r.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>441~II(SI2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ"-NAME <strong>OF</strong> TOTAL AMOUNT ORIG. AMOUNT REASON FORAPPLICANT ASSESSMENT ALLOWED REJECTED REJECTIONMissie Nar Robinson 100 100 Evidence of applicant'stitle to this propertycould not be found of RecordaJessie K. Vaughn 620 620 Property not occupied by theapplicant.It was found that the following named persona had filed objections (in writing orcoral)Jand that after discussion and investigation, it was ordered that the City Clerk forward theobjections to the State Tax Commission for further consid eration insamuch as we believethat the exemption should be allowed:NAME <strong>OF</strong>APPLICANTAMOUNTREJECTEDWilliam H.Davitlson 2,010REASON FORREJECTIONThe applicantionwas not signed theapplicant.APPUCANl"SREJECTIONApplicant makes writt..' affidavit certityinctnat he ha4 signed apPlicationTheresa S. Price 3,100Applicant did not haveeligibele title to thisproperty on Jan. 1st.Applicant makes reference to the followingtieed records 1949 Rec. EK. 126 Pg.239126 2401955 Rec. Bk. 162 Pg.405Sam F. Smith 3,650The deed record cited does City of Oxford discriptionnot show title in the applicant reads W Fr 5 Half Lot 215 andfor that portion of the propert,y fr. 214 .. Should read tr. Lot2lS.disapproved for esemption b.r the Beference deed recordtax commission. 6-.3-5S RtQ.Bk. 152 Pg. 232Robert X. Williams 5,000Property not occupiedb.r the applicant.JWMm8VS discription. R811ds ~rtLots 418- 419 and street. 6brrectdiscription Lots 480, 482,and PartLots 418 and 419 and Street 21-8-3Reference deed record1928 Rec. Bk. 103 Pg. 3Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess untU August 1, 1958.at 5:30 P, M.(

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEETI N} 5:30 P. M. August 1, 1958Pursuant to a recess entered on July <strong>17</strong>, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met on August 1,1958, at 5:30 P. M. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber in the City Hall when and wherethe following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, Presidi rgWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Balk, Jr. - Aldennan Ward OneJames N. Rob3rts - Alderman Ward TwoWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourHlIlIlIlBHtHOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. D. Malone Jr. - ClerkAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Came on for consideration the matter of a policy concerning Writ of Garnishment on Judgement onCity Employees. Motion was duly made seconded and passed that the following policy be adopted.Aqr employee receiving a writ of Garnishment on judgement, after October 1, 1958, will automaticallYbe suspended from employment.Came on for diSCUSSion the interviews held on July <strong>17</strong>, 1958 for the Superintendent of ElectricalDepartment position. Motion was made by Aldennan Belk and Seconded by Alderman rtoberts andpassed that Alderman Lovelady be authorized to travel to Selma, Tennessee and, substantiateinformation contained on Mr. Robert F. Goad's application and return a recommendation to the Board.Came on for consideration the proposal of the Civitan Club to errect a Girl Scout Hut on Cityproperty at the cornor of Jackson Avenue and South 18th Street. Alderman Lovelady having previouslYconterred with Dr. MCMurray, Chairman of the Recreation Board and Rufus Jones, Chairman of the LittleLeague Baseball and their approval having been granted. Motion WaS made seconded and passed andit is so ordered that the Civitan Club be authorized to proceed as proposed.Motion waS duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until August 5, 1958at 7:00 P. M.

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>443~~ '~ _______________ ~.="=~K~T~OM~L~.=KE~TC~HI~NG~S=CO~ .• ~NA~T~CH=EZ~ ___________________________________________________________RECESS, RECESS, RECESS, REGULAR HEETING 7:00 p. m. August 5, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on August 1, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onAugust 5, 1958 at 7: 00 p. m. in the Mayor and Board of Alderman's Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor - PresidingWilli~ N. Lovelaqy - Alderman at largeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FouriOOU IIIU 1(1( IIOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkG. W. Johnson - Superintendent Electric DepartmentNewt King - Marshall***it 111001 II IIAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made, seconded and passed that the minutes of the July meetings be adopted as read.On Motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this board do nowadjourn sine-die:----------------------------------~/

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>UNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICAS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P ICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>REGULAR MESTING* * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *~~* * * * * *~~* * * * *~~* * * ** * * ** * ** **7:30 p.ll. August 5, 1958Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 1, 1958, it being the timeand place fixed qy law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the following werepresent:Pete ~cElreath- Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourOmar D. Craig - AttorneyC. B. Roberts - AttorneyE. P. Lowe - EngineerC. D. Malone, Jr. - ClerkG. W. Johnson - Supt. Electric DepartmentAfter the meeting was called to order motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimouslythat the following accounts be allowed for payment:CORPORATION FUNDCheck <strong>No</strong>.4143-41824187-4246413441384183Payroll ending July 13, 1958Payroll Salary for July, 1958Tax l"'i thhe1d FundTax Withheld FundTax Withheld FundFire Alarm at Combs Street July 4, 1958 at 7:05 p. m.Account <strong>No</strong>.Various183183V~riousAmount$ 478.114,035.3333.5.812. B. AddingtonVernon ChambersHoward Davis13.513513.51.501.501.50\

-IIII~IiIIIII~445<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>SlIa4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZCheck <strong>No</strong>. Account NO. boun4261 Homer Duke135 $1.50l4262 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135 1.504280 M. C. Falkner 135 1.504263 E. T. Haney 135 1.504264 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135 1.504281 Bill Johnson 1j5 1.504282 Doyle Luther 135 1.504266 D. G. Nei1son,Jr. 135 1.504267 David Ross 135 1.504269 R. F. Shellabarger 135 1.504270 w. O. Smith 135 1.504271 Roy Thomas 135 1.504283 Roland Tidwell 135 1.504273 1t. L. Tidwell 135 1.504273 C. S. Wilson 135 1.504274 R. H. Winter 135 1.504276 G. V. Hamilton 135 1.504284 ,u.Woods 135 1.50Fire :Ual"ll at <strong>No</strong>rth 7th Street auly 1, 1958 at 2:00 p. m.4279 Howard Davis 135 1.504261 HOlIer Duke 135 1.504262 B. O. E11iott~Jr. 135 1.504280 ~: C. Falkner 135 1.504281 Bill Johnson 135 1.504282 Doyle Luther 135 1.504266 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135 1.504267 David Ross 135 1.504268 D. S. Ross 135 1.504269 R. F. Shellabarger 135 1.504273 C • ~. Wilson 135 1.504276 Gordon Hamilton 135 1.50Fire alarm at Kream Cup July 3, 1958 at 2:50 p. m.4261 Homer Duke 135 1.504262 B. o. E11iott,Jr. 135 1.50\"-4280 M. C. Flakner 135 1.504263 E. T. Haney 135 1.504266 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135 1.504275 Bill Womack 135 1.504276 Gordon Hamilton 135 1.50Fire alarm at <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar SerYioe Station4261 Homer Duke 135 1.504262 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 135 1.504280 M. C. Falkner 135 1.504263 E. T. Haney 135 1.504264 Clyde Huggins, Jr. 135 1.504266 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 135 1.504267 David Ross l.3S 1.504269 R. F. Shellabarger 13S 1.504270 w. O. Smith 13S 1.504276 G. V. Hamilton 135 US<strong>OF</strong>ire alarm at Lincoln Avenue July 6, 1958 at 11:05 p. m.426}. Homer Duke 135 1.S04262 B. O. Elliott, Jr. 13S 1.504263 E. T. Haney 13S 1.504264 Clyde Huggine, Jr. l3~ 1.50426S R. A. Leister 135 1.504266 D. G. Neilson, Jr. 13S 1.504267 David Ross 13S 1.504268 D. S. Ross 135 1.504269 R. F. Shallabarger 135 1.504270 w. O. Smith 135 1.504271 Roy Thomas 135 1.S04272 R. L. Tidwell 135 1.S04273 C. S. W:N.son 13S 1.504274 R. H. Winter 13S 1.S04275 Bill lfomack 135 1.504276 G. V. Hamilton 135 1.50I\I~

II1---.. __.__ ._.._.._.--.--...-----I ... --_._ .... - .-. ----- _. _. __ .. --_._ .. _- .- .. _._.-<strong>MINUTE</strong> BOOI( <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Account <strong>No</strong>.Fire alarm Highway 7 <strong>No</strong>rth July 6, 1958 at 4:50 p.rnAmount--.. - '\_-~42854261426242804286428242664269427142734275427642614262428042634268427142754276Ira L. CrowsonHomer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.M. C. FalknerMax HippDoyle LutherD. G. Neilson, Jr.R. E. ShellabargerRoy ThomasC. S. WilsonBill WomackG. V. Hamilton1351351351351351351351351351351351351.501.501.501.501.$01.501.501.501.501.501.50lS<strong>OF</strong>ire alarm at John Crouch place H~ 7 South July 25, 1958 at 1:50 p. m.Homer DukeB. O. Elliott, Jr.M. C. FalknerE. T. HaneyD. S. RossRoy ThomasBill WomackG. V. Hamilton1351351351351351351351351.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.504287•4288428942904291429242934294429542964279n419842994300It43014302430343044305h3864307430843094310Ark_nsas Fuel Oil Company--Spr~ing 180Arkansas Fuel Oil Company--Cenetery upkeep 120Bagwell Service Station--Spraying 180Central Chemical Company--Janitors Supplles 127Chapman Chamical Co.--~rBying 180Dailey Lumber Co., Inc, Repair to rental property -!h9Denton Furniture Company-Sundry 153Elliott Lumber Company-Repair to City Hall 155Hederman Brothers-Stationery and Office Supplies 146Home Ice Company-Cemeter,y upkeep 120D. H. March tanks & Co.Officer & Employ~. Bonds 156Metts Bros, Hawre Co.-Repair to rental prop. 149Metts Bros. Hdwre Co.-Hepari to City Hall 155The J. E. Neilson Co.-Buie Museum 147The Oxford Eagle-Legal Printing 122Oxford Light and Water Plant-Sundry 153Oxford Light and Water Plant-Lights for City H. 143Oxford Auto Parts Co.-Fire Department 135Tom L. Ketchings Co.-Stationery and Oft.Supplies 146Rebel Press & Office Supply Co. 146Shaw & Sneed Hdwe Co.-Janitor Supplies 127Southern Bell Telegraph Co.-Fire Dept. 135Southern Bell TelephQne ~.,..Te1. Co. (City Hall) l2hSOl..thern SupplY Co. -Fire uept. 135Southern Pruducts Co.- bpraying 180Todd Shipyards Corporation - SprayingS. C. Toff & Co-Btationery and Office Supplies 146Walker Electric Co.- Sundry 15325.838.472.503.60191.4026.6016.802.51102.1910.00183.891.654.4168.9445.1211.8934.22.90216.8823.255.0024.4064,8315.2894.847.893.86STREET FUND4143-41824187-4246Payroll ending July 13, 19$8Payroll Salary for July 1958Tax Withheld FundTax Withheld FundTax Withheld FundArkansas Fuel Oil Co.-Gas and OilArkansas Fuel Oil Co.- Gas and OilArkansas Fuel Oil Co.- Police Car Gas and OilArka!lsas Fuel Oil Co. -Material and SuppliesArkansas Fuel Oil Co.- Shop EquipmentBagwell Service Station-Equip. & RepairsBOyce G. Bratton-Care of prisonersCertif!edProducts _. Sh~p EquipmentVariousIt,279279Various2282382242392432272112431399.<strong>17</strong>2032.85297.35181.2081.23184.8678.68120.484.4537.7016.6026.0037.05

IIiP8 .. aUK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>447IIIi~4316 A. B. Cullen & Son - Labor43<strong>17</strong> Dailey Lumber Co., Inc. .. Material and supplies4318 Elliott lardware Co.-Equipment and repairsItElliott Hardware Co.- Equipment and repairs4319 Home Ice Co.-Mis. suppliesn Home Ice Co. -Sumdry4320 Hood's Equipment and repair4321 Johnson & Fitchett- Police Station expense4323 King Brothers - Equipment and repair23623922723722924222721823788.008.4026.<strong>17</strong>.9320.005.0020.0075.0027.004324 J. H. Manse1- Misc. supplies432.5 Metts Brothers Hardware Co. -Equip. and repair4326 Myers & Knight Buick & Equip. Co.-Iguip. & repair4327 Odord Auto Parts Co. - Shop EquipmentII·Oxford Auto Parts Co.- Equipment and repairItOxford Auto Parts Co. -Equipment and repair4328 Ole Miss Service Station • Police Car repair4329 Oxford Asphalt Co.-Material and supplies4330 Oxford Motor Co.- Equipment and repairsItOxford Motor Co.- Police Car repairIt:Oxford Motor Co. -Equipment and repairIIOxford, Motor Coi '. -.l~olice car. 'repair4331 Oxford Wholesale - Police Station ExpenseIIOxford Wholesale - Misc. supplies4332 Oxford Light and Water Plant-Current for Street LightingItOxford Light and Water Plant - Shop EquipmentII>Oxford Light and. Water Plant- Police Station Expense4333 Oxford Welding Shop - Equipment and repairs4334 Oxburn-Abston & Co. - Shop EquipmentIt Ozburn-Abston & Co._ Equipment and repairs.. Ozburn-Abston & Co. - Equipment and repairItOzburn-Abston & Co. - Police car repair433.5 Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Co. - Matirial and supplies4336 Priester Machinery Co. Inc. - Equipment and repair4337 Rebel City Service Station - Gas and oil4338 w. H. Scott - Police car repair4339 Shaw and Sneed Hardware Co. - Equipment & repairItShaw and Sneed Hardware Co. - Police Officers suppliesItShaw and Sneed Hardware Co. - MiSC. supplies4340 Southern' Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. - Telephone4341 Southern Supply Co. - Equipment and repair4342. Standard Welders Supply Co. - Shop Equipment4343 Taylor Machinery Company -Equipment and repair4344 Fischer Steel Corporation - Shop Equipment4345 Smith Lumbet Comp~ - Misc. supplies4346 Hotophia Creek Gravel Co. Inc. - Materia! & supplies4347 Lafayette County Cooperative (AAL) Material & supplies4348 Dqyle Ivy & Son - Labor2292272372432272372232392272232272232182292592432182272432272372232392372382232272102292162372432372432292392392.361.009.523.5011.981.207.44104.00242.1018.3928.367.208.103.707.61330.012.8210.382.0011.955 • .551.222.244.9080.0156.6528.4020.055.071.2515.4512.736.0518.8122.675.10<strong>17</strong>9.369.]012.00WATER AND SEWER4143-41B24187-4246Payroll ending July 13, 19.58Payroll Salar,y for July 1958VariousIt,632.491095.624140 Tax withheld Fund4136 Tax withheld fund4185 TaxWitPheld Fund4349 Ralph B. Carter Co. .. buppl1es sewer Disposal plant43.50 Central Service Association - Billing expense4351 Daley Lumber Company Inc. - Sewer Supplies4352 Davis Mathe & Supply Co. Inc ... Supplies4353 Delta Plumbing & ~ledtrical Supply Co. - Supplies4354 DeWitt Supply Co. - Meter and supplle84355 Elliott Lumber Comp~ - Sewer Supplies4356 Oxford Asphalt Co. - Wages and Labor4357 Ideal Chemical & Supply Co. - ~upplies Sewer Dis. Plant4358 <strong>No</strong>rtheast Miss. Electric Power Assoc. - Power Sewer plant4359 J. H. 01 ver and Co. - Supplies4360 Oxford Light and Water Plant543543Various.523539518510510.51251852152352451053762.8287.2335.3110.78229.0944.8541.7876.6866.0057.74600.25114.75245.u215.12339.364362436343644365Shaw & Sneed Hardware Co. - Misc. SuppliesSmith Lumber Co. - Sewer suppliesSouthern Supply Co. - SuppllesWholesale Supply Co. Inc.5135185105102.2510.0018.15.36.24

~( 448! <strong>MINUTE</strong><strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, '1I~--"---- _._---------- .--.----. -- _.---,---I,~-,.----- -4366Oxford Tractor Co. - Wages and labor512 35.76,--TAX WITHHELD FUND413741414142Public Employees' Retirement SystemBistrict Birector of Internal RevenuePublic Employees' Retirement System933.15713.151,863.08ELECTRICAL DEPA~~5833-35-36-90-91-591058345865-58705871-5886588858895892-5tQ8590959125915591659<strong>17</strong>591859195920592159225923592459255926592759285929593059315932593359345935593659375938593959405941594259435944594559465947594859495950Customers Deposit RefundsPetty Cash -- J. B. McLurePayroll July 15, 1958Customers Deposit RefundCitv of Oxford -- RetirementCity of Oxford -- Social SecurityPayroll for July 31, 1958City of Oxford -- Tax WithheldWinsett Simmonds Engineers, Inc.<strong>No</strong>rth Miss. Industrial DevelopmentDaily JournalCentral Service AssociationJ. B. Howell, Chancery ClerkSouthern Bell Telephone Co.Tennessee Valle,y AuthorityBagwellService StationS. C. Toff & CompanyShaw & Sneed Hardware Co.Mr. D. L. GarrettMisti11is RestaurantPetty Cash--City of OxfordD. H. Marchbanks & Co.Allen & Hosha11, Consulting Eng.Oxford Motor CompanyUnited Gas CompanyThe Oxford EagleOxford Asphalt Companyw. S. U. H. Radio ~tationMeter Service & Supply Co.Walker Electric aompanyMcGraw Hill Book Co., Inc.Leslie Drig CompanyThe Office Supply CompanyLangham & Ferguson Tire CompanyCity of Oxford - Water & SewerOxford Auto PartsTennessee la11ey Electric Supply Co.Westinghouse Electric CompanySruart C. Irby CompanyGeneral Electric Supply Co.Rebel Chevrolet Co~anyArkansas Fuel Oil CompanyMr. Robert F. (loadCharles & Travernicht (~pec. Const. Acct.)Roberts & Craig, Attys. (Spec. Const. Acct.)115.008.69159.72310.00237.38238.352,780.514<strong>17</strong>.3023,668.86397.003.51154.4873.7347~057,548.6711.80227.925.103.0024.4862.3354.361,287.278.571.9412.0095.004.4145.2412.0013.881.004.9860.1820,272.6510.<strong>17</strong>506.1838.52185.0461.481.3440.4121.66450.002,000.00

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>449I ( ______________ ~ •• :.~U~K=T~O~M~L.~KE~TC~H~IN~GS~CO~ .. ~N~AT~CH~EZ~ ____________________________________________________________________ 1III \.IIA RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE A DOPTION <strong>OF</strong> AND FINALPASSAGE <strong>OF</strong> AN RESOLUTION ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR JULy1958 MEETING BY THE t4YOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI AUTHORIZING THE BORR014ING<strong>OF</strong> EIGHT THOUSAND EOLLARS FOR THE Pl~SE <strong>OF</strong> PURCHASINGLAND FOR <strong>OXFORD</strong> SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT, PROVIDING FORINTEREST ON SAID INDEBTEDNESS, AND PROVIDING THE MANNER<strong>OF</strong> EXECUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE NEGOTIABLE NOTES OR CERTIFICATESEVIDENCING SAID INDEBl'EDNESS, AND PROVIDING FOR LEVYINGAND COLLECTING SPECIAL TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>OXFORD</strong> SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT****At the regular July 1958 meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, MissiSSippi, a Resolution was passed declaring the intention of the Mayor and Bo~ ofAldermen of said City to borrow the sum of Eight Thousand and NO/IOO ($8,000.00) Dollars for thepurpose of purchasing the land hereinafter described for the Oxford Separate School ~istrict, andto issue negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness of said Oxford Separate Scliool Districtas evidence of said indebtedness, together with interest not to exceed four per cent per annum onthe diminishing principal, and said Resolution further provided that if the final action of theMayor and Soard of Aldermen of said City was that sai'J. sum be borrowed, that the said City ofOxford should annually levy a special tax on all of the Oxford Separate School District in anamount which should be sufficient to p~ the principal of and interest upon such negotiable notesor certificatis of indebtedness as the same should respectively mature and accruel which shouldbe levied and collected at the same time and in the same nanner as other taxes are collected, andwhich should be in addition to all other taxes authorized b,y law, and that there should be set upa special account in which special account should be placed the funds collected by special tax toretire said indebtedness, both principal and interest, and said Resolution provided further thatthe Clerk of this Board be, and he was thereby, authorized and directed to publish in the OxfordEagle said Resolution once each week for two consecutive weeks; and that the final action of thisBoard upon the question of authorizing the borrowing of said money for said purpose would be had at7:30 o'clock, P. M., on the 5th day of August, 1958, in the Office of the Mayor of said City ofOxford.Said Resolution was adopted ~ the Mayor and Board of Aldermen at the regular July 1958Meeting thereof, and was published once each week far two consecutive weeks in the issues of TheOxford Eagle on the 3rd and 8th of Jyly, 1958, and no petition requesting an election has beenfiled prior to this meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and the proof of Publication ofsaid notice in The Oxford Eagle has been filed with the Mayor and Clerk of this Board;BE IT, THEREFORE, FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, MiSSissippi, borrow the sum of Eight thousand and <strong>No</strong>.lOO ($8,000.00) Dollars for the OxfordSeparate School District for the purpose of purchasing the land described as follows:A fraction of City Lots <strong>No</strong>.66 and 94 in the <strong>No</strong>rthwest Quarter of Section21, Township 8 South, Range 3 West City of Oxford, ~afayette County, Mississippi,as said lots are shown and designated on the Official Map andplat of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, in use since June 6, 1939, copiesof which Map are on file in the Office of the Mayor of said City and in theOffice of the Chancery Clerk of said County, being particularly describedas follows, to-wit: starting at the Southwest corner of the <strong>No</strong>rthwest Quarterof said Section 21; run thence East 462.9 feet to a point; run thencedue <strong>No</strong>rth 68.8 feet to a point, which point is the point of beginning ofthe property herein described and is also the point of intersection ofthe <strong>No</strong>rth right-of-way line of Washington Avenue and the East right-of-wayline of the Illinois Central Railroad; run thence with said <strong>No</strong>rth right-ofwayline of Washington avenue to a point in said right-of-way line whichlies South 76 degrees and 18 minutes East a distance of 234.9 feet fromthe point of beginning; run thence <strong>No</strong>rth 7 degrees 34 minutes East a distanceof 357.4 feet along a fence to a fence corner; run thence <strong>No</strong>rth 78degrees and 35 minutes West a distance of 167.2 feet along a fence toa point in the East right-of-way line of the Illinois Central Railroad;run thence in a southernly direction with the said East right-of-way lineto the point of beginning (said point in the East right-of-way lying<strong>No</strong>rth 19 degrees 34 minutes East a distance of 349.7 feet from the pointof beginning); containing 1.6 acres, more or less.That said indebtedness mature as follows: Two Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($2,000.00) Dollars on January 1,1959, together with interest; Two Thousand and 110/100 ($2,000.00) Dollars on January 1, 1960, togetherwith interest; Two Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($2,000.00) Dollars on January 1, 1961, together withinterest; Two Thousand and <strong>No</strong>/IOO ($2,000.00) Dollars on January 1, 1962, together ~th interest.That the rate of interest shall not exceed four (4%) per cent per annum, and shall bepayable annuallY on the diminishing principal.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the indebtedness of said Oxford Separate School Districtfor said sum be evidence by a negotiable note or notes or certificates of indebtedness of the OxfordSeparate School district, on whose behalf the money is borrowed, and that such instrument orinstrument or instruments be executed b.1 the Mayor of the City of Oxford for and on behalf of theOxford Separate School District.

.. ,( /--- 450<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a special tax be levied all of the taxable property ofOxford Separate School District, in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest uponsuch negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness as the same shall respective~ mature andaccrue, which tax shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as othertaxes are collected, and which tax shall 00 :in addition to all other taxes authorized by law.That the tax so levied shall be collected by the Tax Collector and the proceeds therof shall bepaid into a special fund which shall be used exclusively for the payment of principal of andinterest upon such negotiable notes of certificates of indebtedness.",,-I-..~IJ--The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing, was read andconsidered section by section, and then as a whole, and, up on motion made b,y Alderman Hickmanand seconded by Alderman Lovelady, it was adopted section by section, and then as a whole, andthe vote on the final passage thereof was as follows:ALDERMAN JAMES ROBERTS yeaALDERI'1A~T WILLIAM LOVELAD'=iY;;-I"-y-e-a---ALDEru4AN WILL HICKMAN-..Iy~e~a;......__ALDERMAN F. W. BELK, JR. --.ly~e_a___ALD~RMAN HAR.ttY SISK -..Iy~e;..;a___ItltltltltK*,****Pursuant to an advertisement in the Oxford Eagle for bids on cast iron pipe to be opened at7:30 p. m. Ausust 5, 1958, bids were received from the following firms:James B. Clow & Sons Inc., Birmingham, Alabama, 6 1t 1.965 ft.; 4" 1.)3 ft.American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham, Alabama, 6" 1.965 ft.; 41t 1.)15 ft.Alabama Pipe Co., Anniston, Alabama, 6 1t 1.94 ft; 41t 1.29 ft.McWane Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham, Alabama, 6 1t 1.96 ft; hit 1.)3 ft.U. S. Pipe and Foundry' Co. Birmingham, Alabama, 6" 1.92 ft; 4" 1.)0 ft.After the bids were opened and read, motion was made by Alderman Lovelady, and seconded byAlderman Balk and pssed unanimously that the United Pipe am Foundry Company bid be accepted,it being the lowest and best bid.IOHHUU IIllIU 101The matter of employing a machanic came on for consideration; after a review of all applications,motion was made by Alderman Rooorts and seconded b,y Alderman Lovelady and passed unanimous~that James Busb,y be employed effective the 15th day of August, 1958, on a 90 day trial basis at$275.00 per month and if his services are satisfactory at the end of 90 days his salary be raisedto $300.00 per month.Ill( It It 10001 It 1001It was brought to the attention of the Board that the Police Department will need seven winteruniforms. Motion was made by Alderman Hickman and seconded by Alderman Balk and passed that anadvertisement for bids be made on same.llllll II U lUI 1110111The matter of a raise in wages of Sanitation Department came on for consideration and after discussion,motion was made by Alderman Balk and seconded by Alderman Roberts and passed that thefollowing employees be raised effective August 1, 1958:Webster Herrod from 65¢ per hour to 75¢ per hour.James Slate from 65¢ per hour to 75¢ per hour.Rufus Tallie from 65¢ per hour to 75¢ per hour.Earnest Campbell from 65¢ to 75¢ per hour.Starling McJunkins from 65¢ to 75¢ per hr.Artevus Holland from 65¢ to 75¢ per hour.Lorenza Cersey from 65¢ per hour to 75¢ per hour.Willie Thompson from 65¢ per hour to 75¢ per hour.ltIUIOIIUIIIOIltJ(G. W. Johnson, Superintendent of ElectricalDepartment, brought to the attention of theBoard that the annual meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the International Association ofElectrical Inspectors will be held in the Continuation Center on the University of Mississippicampus September 29, and 30, 1958 •. Upon recomendation of Mr. Johnson, motion was made by AldermanLovelady am seconded by Alderman Roberts and passed unanimously that the Electrical Dept.sponsor a Bar-B-Q on Monday night, September 2-9, 1958 at Sardis Lake, all expenses being paid bythe Electrical Department.Came on for consideration the matter of investing that part of the Water and Sewer Bond and InterestCushion Fund created under the $475,000.00 combined Water and Sewer System Revenue BondS, datedJuly 1, 1956, and validated on the 21st day of June 1956. Upon motion of Alderman Lovelady, andseconded by Alderman Roberts and unanimously passed it is hereby ordered that United StatesGovernment Bonds commonly known as Jt per cent maturing 1983 be purchased with funds on hand insaid Water and Sewer Bond and Interest Cushion Fund and that an investment be made annually of:sB.idl funds.

-<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>451________________"_Ha_4K__T_OM_L_._KE_TC_H_'NG_S_CO_._.N_AT_C_HE_Z _______________________________________________________________________ ~RESOLUTIONPROTESTING THE PETITION<strong>OF</strong> UNITED GAS CORPORATION FOR A RATE INCREASJWHEREAS, United Gas Co~oration, a public utility, has applied to the Public Service Commissionof the State of Mississippi for a rate increase; and,WHEREAS, United Gas Corporation is operating under a franchise in the City of Oxford; and,WHEREAS, the rates which United Gas Corporation now have in effect are in excess of ratescharged for gas in adjoining areas; and,WHEREAS, United Gas Corporation is requesting a rate increase which will materially effectthe rates of its consumers in the City of Oxford, Lar~ette County, Mississippi<strong>No</strong>w therefore be it resolved that the Public Service Commission of the State of Mississippibe placed on notice as to the opposition of the City of Oxford for said rate increase or any rateincrease because if said requested rates are put into effect, the inhabitants of the City ofOxford will suffer as their rates will be increased and they will be required to p~ more thanthey are now paying.Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the Public ServiceCommission with the request that it be made a part of the record and oonsidered a protest onthe part of the City of Oxford, MissisSippi, to the petition of United Gas Corporation for arate increase.Th~ above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing, was read and consideredsection by section, and then as a whole, and, upon motion made b,y Alderman Hickman andseconded by Alderman Lovelady, it was adopted section by section, and then as a whole, ana thevote on the final passage thereof was as follows?ALDERMAN JAMES ROBERTS _",y~ea ____ALDERMAN WILLIAM LOVELADY _..&y.-.e..;;;,a___ALDERMAN WILL HICKMAN ___ y ... e_a ___ALDERMAN F. W. BELK, JR. _ ...ALDERMAN HARRY SISK _....aye ... a ___It U IBlIllot JI II Jilty:...e..;;a~ __THE STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPITHE COtJNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTEPETITION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE <strong>OF</strong> FILLINGSTATION ~~D/OR SERVICE STATION IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT.To The Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi:Comes now your petitioner, GULF OIL CORPORATION, a Pennsylvania Corporation who would mostrespectfully show unto this honorable oody the following facts, to-wit:1. Your petitioner, GULF OIL OORPORATION, a Pennsylvania Corporation is the owner of theproperty described as follows, to-wit:,A fraction of City Lot <strong>No</strong>. 197, in Section 21, Township 8 South, Range 3 West, in the Cityof Oxford, County of Lafayette and State of MiSSissippi, as said lot is laid down and designatedon the official map of Oxford, Mississippi on file in the office of the Chancer,y Clerkof Lafayette County, Mississippi; being more completely described as follows: From the pointot intersection of the center lines of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Boulevard and HighW~ <strong>No</strong>.7_run South 1924' West along the center line of <strong>No</strong>rth 0Lamar Blvd. a distance of 9).4 f'eet; thenoe runsouth 79 0 36' East a distance of 37.5 feet to an iron stake on the East margin of <strong>No</strong>rth LamarBl8td. and the point of beginning; thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 12 0 4 f East a distance of 94.9 feet to alead plug in the South edge of a paved dr1 veway, 1b ich is the <strong>No</strong>rth-west corner of the landherein described; thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 86P 05' East a distance of 54 feet to an iron pipe inconcrete; thence run South 78 0 19' East a distancd of 100 feet to an iron gipe in concrete,which is the NVrtheast corner of the land herein described; thenoe South 8 9' East a distanceof 143.56 feet to an iron stake, which point fDrms the Southeast corner of the landherein described; thence run <strong>No</strong>rht 79 0 44' West a distance of 200 feet to an iron stake,which is the Southwest corner of the land herein described; thence <strong>No</strong>rth 10 0 24' East a distanceor 32.57 feet to an iron stake, which is the point ot beginning.2. That said property is presently in the B or Commercial District according to the ZoningLaws of the CitT of Oxford, Mississippi.). That on the 1st d~ of April 1958 you directed the City Engineer to issue a permit for thelocation and maintenance of a filling station and/or service station on all except a small portionof the property aoove described to E. E. Murray and his successors in title to said prpperty.l4. Your petitioner desires that all of the property above described be used for fillingStation and/or Service Station purposes, but beforj all of said property can be used for such purposeit is necessary that you issue a new permit to include all of the property above describedwhicn w&s not inc.Luded in the original permit., and before you CS'l issue sucn a permit it is neces .. ···

( 452<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>.,~-- ------------------------- -- ------------- --------I'--------------------- -------------- ------sary that you set a time and place for a public hearing on this petition, after at least 15 dayspublic notice and hearings as provided by law.PRAYERPremises considered, Petitioner prays that you set a time and place for hearing on this petition,and that after holding such a hearing that you issue a special permit for the use of the prcpertyabove described and not included in the original permit for the location and maintenance ofa service station and/or filling station on siad property; and petitioner prays that you alsogive the proper notice of said hearing as required by law.RespectfullY submitted,GULF OIL CORPORATIONBy: Hershel HowellOn Motion of Alderman Balk, seconded by Alderman Roberts and passed unanimously, it is herebyordered and directed that a hearing be held on the matter set forth in the following notice and thetime and place therein specified for the holding of said hearing is hereb,y approved and the clerk isdirected to publish said notice according to law, said notice being as follows, to-wit:NOTICE <strong>OF</strong> HEARING ON PETITION FOR PERMITTO LOCATE FILLING STATION AND/OR SERVICE STATIONIN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT.Whereas GULF OIL CORPORATION, a Pennsylvania Corporation, has filed petition wdth theMayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi requesting that a specialpermit be issued tc it for the location and maintenance of a filling station and/or ServiceStation on all that portion of the property hereinafter described which is not included inthe permit to E. E. Murray and Gulf Oil Corporation directed to be issued on 1 April, 1958,said property referred tobeing described as follows, to-wit: A fraction of City Lot <strong>No</strong>. 197,in Section 21, Township 8 South, Range ) West, in the City of Oxford, County of Laf$Yetteand State of MiSSissippi, as said lot is laid down and designated on the official map ofOxford, Mississippi on file in the office of the Chancer,y Clerk of Lafayette County, Missis~sippi, being more completely described as follows: From the point of intersection of thecenter lines of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Boulevard and Highway <strong>No</strong>. 7 run South 10 0 24' West along theceuter line of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Blvd. a distance of 9).4 feet; thence run south 79 0 )6' Easta distan (S of )7.5 feet to an iron stake on the East IIII.rgin of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Blvd. and thepoint of beginning; thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 12 0 4' East a distance of 94.9 feet to a lead plugin the South edge of a paved driVeway, which is the <strong>No</strong>rthwest corner of the land hereindescribed; thence ~ N~rth 86 0 05' East a distance of 54 feet to an iron pipe in concrete;thence run South 78 19' East a distance of 100 feet to an iron pipe in concrete, waich is thethe <strong>No</strong>rtheast corner of the land herein described; thence South 8 0 9' East a distance of14).56 feet to an iron sta~e, which point forms the Southeast corner of the land hereindescri bed; thence run <strong>No</strong>rth 79 0 44' West a distance of 200 feet to an iorn stake, whicb'is the Southwest corner of the land herein described; thence <strong>No</strong>rth 10 0 24' East adistance of )2.57 feet to an iron stake, which is the point of beginning.NOW THETlEFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all property owners and citizens interestedthat a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, willbe held at 7:)0 o'Clock p. m., on the 2nd day of September, A. D., 1958, at the City Hallof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to hear objections and protests against the grantingof said permit, and to do such other acts and things lIIi. th regard to said petition as may.seem just and proper.Objections and protests against the grantingof said permit may be filed with the CityClerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, at any time prior to said meeting.(SEAL)CLERK <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>453(SI'2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZRESOLUTIONWHEREAS, House Bill 3 of the 195B Session of the Mississippi Legislature requires theState Tax Commission to prepare and adopt, by minute record, on or before the fifteenth day ofApril of each year an assessment schedule of motor vehicles; andWHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 24 of the aforesaid House Bill 3 for the year195B only, the State Tax Commission is authorized, in its discretion, to pass an order postponingfor not more than ninety (90) days the time for the preparation of the aforesaid assessmentschedule, the time for forwarding same to the Presidents of various Boards of Supervisors, ~orsor other presiding officers of the various municipallties, the time for consideration of same bythese respective boards and the time for filing objections to the same b.Y L~ affected .atorvehicle owner, and that in cases where any municipali ty elects to prepare its tool independentschedule such postponment shall also apply to its acts and duties; andWHEREAS, the State Tax Commission did by its Order of May B, 195B, appearing in MinuteBook 5, at pages <strong>17</strong> and IB, postpone for ninety (90) days from the 25th day of April, 195B, thetime for forwarding the aforesaid schedule, also po~tponing for ninety (90) days the time ferconsideration of same by the Boards of Supervisors and municipal boards, also the time for filingobjections by ~ affected motor vehicle owner, and postponing for a!lfke period the time foraction b,y muhicipalities desiring to prepare their own schedules; and~EREAS, the State Tax Commission has now prepared the aforesaid assessment scheduleand adopted same by its Order entered in Minute Book 5, at pages 25 to lBo, both inclUSive, onthe 26th day of June, 195B; andWHEREAS, the State Tax Commission has furnished the various Boards of Supervisors andmunicipal boards of the various municipalities, and Pi rticularly the Mayor and Board of Aldermenof Oxford, Mississippi, with a certified copy of said schecule; andWHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of .Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, have, inaccordance with Section 11 of House Bill 3 of the 195B regular session of the Mississippi Legislatureexamined and considered the motor vehicle assessment schedule adopted by the MiSSissippiState Tax Commission and desire to adopt same, and to cause notice thereof'to be given in accordancewith the requirements of the aforesaid House Bill 3, and that a time be set for enminationof said schedule b,y any interested taxpayer and that a time also be set for said taxpayers, desiringto do so, to file objections thereto, in writing, as required by the aforesaid House Bill 3:IT IS, THEREFORE, HEREBY RESOLVED and ORDERED, as follows, to-wit:(1) The assessment schedule for motor vehicles prepared and adopted by the State TaxCommission on the 26th day of June, 195B by md.nute record appearing in Minute Book 5, at pages25 to lBO, both inclusive, of the minutes of the aforesaid State Tax Commission, is hereby adoptedas the motor vehicle assessment schedule for the City of Oxford, MiSSissippi, and the City:Clerkof the City of Oxford, MiSSissippi, is hereby ordered and directed to give notice thereof bynewspaper publication in the Oxford Eagle, a newspaper having general circulation in the City ofOxford, Mississippi.(2) That such motor vehicle assessment schedule is now reaqy and open for inspectionam examination by any interested taxpayer and that wi thin a period of fifteen days atter suchpublication, to-wit, on the 29th day of August, 195B, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Oxford,MissiSSippi, shall reconvene in adjourned meeting to hear and take action on any complaint fUed,in writing, objecting to and petitioning for a specified reduction of ~ portion or portions of theassessment schedule affecting the complainant directly, and that the said Mayor and Board ofAldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, shall continue in session from day to day until allsuch objections and petitions have been heard and action has been taken thereoh.(3) That any person objecting to any portion or portions of the atoresaid motor vehicleassessment schedule affecting him or her directly shall file a written objection and claim foradjustment, in triplicate, with the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, MiSSissippi,on forms designated therefor by the State Tax Commission. The aforesaid objecting motor vehicleowner shall set forth therein, in detail, the grounds for his objection and claim for adjustmentwith a full and complete identifying description of such motor vehicle.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writi~ and read) wasadopted at its regular August, 195B, meeting b,y the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, first, section, and then as a whole.

-"..-.('I 45,1<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>... 1~---~--.---~.---.--.-'--.'~-.- -~"..... ~--..,!RESOLUTIONAUTHOurZING EMPLOYMENT <strong>OF</strong> SPECIALLEGAL C<strong>OF</strong>NSEL IN CONNECTION WITH ELECTRICIMPRDVEMENT PROORAMWHE~, at an election held on April 15, 1958, the City of Oxford was authorized toissue Electric Distrib~tiop System Revenue Bonds in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars($200,000) to raise money for the purpose of paying the cost of extending, enlarging and improvingthe Electric System of said City; and\~REAS, it became necessary to make provision for the employment of special legal counselto prepare legal documents and other matters in connection with the aforesaid improvementprogram:NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. That Roberts and Craig, practicing attorneys-at-law residin~ in the Cityof Oxford, Mississippi, were employed as lagal counsel for the City of Oxford, in the'matter ofthe preparation of legal procedings and other matters related to the Electric Improvement programof said City and the issuance of bonds therefor.SECTION 2. That the compansation of the said Ro terts and Craig for services aforesaidis hereqy fixed at $2,000.00.The above am foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing, and read, wasadopted at its regular August, 1958, meeting b,y the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City ofOxford, Mississippi, first, section, and then as a whole.***)Otl( lO( IIIHHU IUOf·ORDER <strong>OF</strong> TlIE BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMENCORRECTING CERTAIN ASSESSMENTSON THE 1957 LAND ROLLWHEREAS, it appears to the Board of Aldermen that several errors have been made in describingthe property of certain individuals assessed on the land assessment roll for the year 1957;andWHEREAS, it tas been called to the attention of this board by Mr. J. E. Childers, FeUdRepresentative of the Homestead Exemption Division of the Mississippi State T~ Commission, thatthese assessments referred tobelow do not agree with some of the applications' and/or deeds,THEREFORE, in order that the various applicants listed below may receive benefit of theexemption from the School Maintenance Tax, it is bareby' ordered that the assessments for the followingnamed tax payer be corrected:It is ordered that the assessment or Sam F. Smith which appears on page 151 at line 7 waserroneously listed as follows - Fraction lot 215 and 214 of 21-8-3 with a value of $3,650.00 __land $400.00 -- building $3250.00, and it is hereby ordered that said assessment be corrected to read:Fraction Lot 215 of 21-8-3 with the value to remain the same as originally shown.It is ordered that the assessment of Robert X. Williams which appears on page <strong>17</strong>5 atline 37 was erroneouSly listed as follows: Part Lots 478 and 479 and Street wi th a value of$8690.00 -- land $1470.00 -building $7220.00, and it is hereb,r ordered that said assessment becorrected to read: Lots 480, 482 and Part Lots 478 and 479 and Street of 21-8-3 with the value toremain the same as originally shown.Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that this Board do now recess until Al1IDlst 7, 195tl at7:30 p. m.

IIl-1 I.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>455(staacK-ToM L. KETCHINGS CO .. NATCHEZRECESS 7:30 p. m. August 7, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on August 5, 1958, the MaYor and Board of Aldermen met onAugust 7, 1958 at 7: 30 p. m in the Mayor and Board of ndermen' s Chamber in the City Hall whenand where the following were present:Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady- Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward Three**iIIU IOllOUIClaude D. Malone, Jr., Clerk·~HUlIIIOIllIUUIAfter the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:(1IIIMotion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until August 21, 1958 at 1:30 p.m.

--- 45{)*'<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>RECESS, RECESS, REGULAR MEETING 1:30 p. m. August 21, 1958-\---,----------- . ----1Pursuant to a recess order entered on August 7, 1958, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen met onAugust 21, 1958 at 1:30 p. 1Jl. in the Mayor and Board of Alderman's Chamber in the City Hallwhen and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor - PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at largeFrank W. Be1k, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourC. D. Malone, Jr. - Clerk**********After the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that the budget ofReceipts and Disbursements for the fiscal year October 1, 198 to September 30,1959 befinally approved and adopted in detail as follows:BUDGET<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPICORPORATION FUNDRECEIPTSAdva10rem TaxesPrivilege LicenseTax PenaltiesSundry ReceiptsParking Meter CollectionsParking Meter FinesRents ReceivedInterest on Investment at Light PlantTax Equivalent at Light PlantRefund on Gasoline2% Gross Sales Public UtilitiesStateTotal ReceiptsEstimated Cash Bal. 10/1/58TarAL$26,000.006,800.00200.00200.0011,000.004,000.0013,500.003,924.0016,000.001,200.003,000.006,000.0091,824.003,000.00$94,824.00DISBURSEME"lTSSalary Mayor and Board~a1ary Clerk and Tax CollectorSalary MarshalSalary Night MarshalSalary Deputy Tax CollectorSalar.y City AttorneySalary Deputy Clerk~a1ary EngineerSa1ar.y Extra Day PoliceSalary Extra Night PoliceSalary Extra PoliceCemetery UpkeepLegal Printi ngFuel For City HallTelephone City HallPostageJanitor City HallJanitors Sup01iesInsuranceAuditBanquet for FiremenFire Department$ 5,400.004,200.003,900.003,300.002,388.001,200.002,100.004,788.003,120.003,000.003,000.005,000.00800.00700.00400.00300.001,300.00300.004,600.00300.00150.0012,000.00

-~-.~--~------~~~~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~lPI \.'''INK-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZ<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Lafayette County Health UnitAdvertisingElection ExpenseLights for City HallStationary and Office SuppliesBuie MuseumLibrarianRepair to Rental PropertyEngineers SuppliesSundrySpecial PoliceRepair to City HallOfficers and Emp1a,rees BondsParking Meter Office SuppliesParking Meter RepairDonationsPark and RecreationSprayingMunicipal Association DuesSocial Security and RetirementExtra PoliceTotal DisbursementsEstimated Cash Balance 1/1/59Total1,950.00250.00150.00350.001,500.002,800.00390.002,600.00200.001,500.00800.001,000.00300.00400.00200.00500.006,000.002,500.00140.002,600.00.3,000.0091,316.003,488.00$94,824.00457 '\IRECEIPTSSTREET FUNDAdvalorem TaesFinesMv. Maint. Tax from CountySundryMunicipal Aid from StateTransfer from Water & Sewer FundCountyTotal ReceiptsEstimated Cash Balance 10/1/58Total$26,000.005,500.005,600.00250.0010,824.0040,000.002,000.00$90,114.0010,000.00#100,<strong>17</strong>4.00POLICE DEP ARTMEl:TPolice Officers SuppliesCare of PrisonersCost in Appeal CasesTelephoneSundryPolice Station ExpensePolice Car RepairPolice Car Gas and OilPolice Car$ 600.00500.00100.00200.00100.00525.00500.001,250.001,250.00SANITATION DEPARTMENTSalary ForemanLaborEquipment and RepairsGas and OilMisc. SuppliesTiresNew Equipment$ 3,552.0021,000.002,500.002,300.00500.00250.002,000.00( \MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTSalary ForemanLaborEquipment and RepairGas and Oil$ 2,520.0011,000.001,500.001,500.00

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>Material and SuppliesTiresNew Equipment12,000.00400.00B,ooo.ooOTHERSundryShop; EquipmentIncidental ConstructionCurrent for Street LightingStreet Lighting SuppliesSocial Security TaxTotal DisbursementsEstimated Cash Bal. 10/1/59Total200.00600.004,000.004,000.00500.002,100.00$ 91,447.00B,727.00$100,<strong>17</strong>4.001~ATER& SEWER FUNDRECEIPTSWater & Sewer CollectionsWater TapsSewer TapsSundryGas InspectionsTotal ReceiptsEstimated Cash Bal. 10/1/59Total$llB,OOO.OO1,100.00BoO.oO50.00150.00$120,100.0012,000.00$132,100.00DISBURSEMENTSLine Maintenance DepartmentSalary Supt. Pro. Rata~a1aries CrewSuppliesMeter and SuppliesMisc. Supplies1~ages & LaborPumping Maint. and Repair1,500.009,737.006,000.002,000.00200.007,000.001,000.00SE'..ffiR DE?ARTMENTSewer SuppliesMisc. Supplieswages and Labor~iages and Labor Sewer Disposal PlantSupplies Sewer Disposal PlantPower Sewer Disposal PlantGas - Oil and Repair Service Truck2,500.00200.002,000.005,700.001,500.001,500.00400.00OTHERSundryTransfer to Street FundTrans. to Water Reven~e Bond & Int. FundT~ans. to Water System Depreciation FundTrans. to Water System Conti gent FundPower for Pumping 1~aterBilling ExpenseTruck RentalSocial Security TaxTotal DisbursementsEstimated Cash Bal. 10/1/59Total300.0040,000.0027,325.001,Boo.oO1,200.003,700.001,200.00100.00500.00$116,912.0015,lBB.oo$132,100.00IJ

-~.~----~----------------------------------------------------------------~i<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>459(!l1'2S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .• NATCHEZBOND FUNDReceiptsAdvalorem Tax 2 millsSpecial Improvement CollectionsDisbursementsPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargeEstimated Balance 10-1-58Estimated Balance 10-1-591),000.002,8bo.0015,eOO.oo6,596.3422,396.3413,000.003,001.0050.00·16,051.002~,39 .jSEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDRECEIPTSAd valorem TaxDISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection Charges.3i millsEstimated Balance 10-1-58Estimated Balance 10-1-5922,750.0022,750.003;,302.8626,052.8614,000.007,832.5050.0021,882.5026,052.bSPECT At STREET IMPROVEMl'NT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDRECEIPTSAd valorem TaX 2t millsSpecial Improvement Collections14,600.007,614.50DISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesEstimated Balance 10-1-58Estimated Balance 10-1-5922,214.507,592.0829,866.$821,000.002,362.5050.0023,412.506,~94.0829, 66.581953 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDRECEIPTSAd valorem Tax l millSpecial Improvement Collections3,250.001,600.00DISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesEstimated Balance 10-1-58Estimated Balance 10-1-594,850.002,710.137,560.135,000.00875.0025.00WOS:,'900.001,660.137,560.13(I1954 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUNDRECEIPTSAd valorem Tax t millSpeCial Improvement Collections3,250.001,700.00ilDISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MituritiesInterestCollection Charges4,950.005,500.00605.0025.006,130.00

(( 460I <strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> I=----==-=~=.~---~~~--=~~.-.-=-~-=-~:~~.--.-. -.--~-~~~-~=-.- --.. :~=: -- ---=~=.: -- ~- ==:--=.~--::::=:=-:==~-~::~:.=~--==.=~--=-:-:.==--=----=·-·==~~--lEstimated Balance 10-1-58Estimated Balance 10-1-595,991.9910,941.991955 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FIND4, 611.9910,947.99...J4,RECEIPTSIii valorem Tax 3/4 millSp~cial Improvement CollectionsDISBURSEMENTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargesEstimated Balance 10-1-58Estimated Balance 10-1-594,815.002,200.001,015.005,691.0512,166.051,000.00911.~525.007,996.254,169.8012,166.051951 SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND AND INTEREST FUND_RECEIPTSAd valorem Taxes It millSpecial Improvement Collections9,150.008,000.00DISBnRSEME~lTSPrincipal MaturitiesInterestCollection ChargeCash Ba1qnce 10-1-58Estimated Cash Balance 10-1-5911,750.008,822.6826,572.6814,000.003,145.0055.0011,800.008,112.6826,572.68OPERATING REVENUERes. SalesS.L. & P. SalesL.L. & P. Sales RevenueSt. Ltg. Sales Revenueother RevenueTOTAL OPERATING REVS'TUEOPE RAT I N G BUD GETCity of Oxford Electric DepartmentOctober 1, 1958 to September 30, 1959$101,000.0063,000.0021,000.004,800.004,000.00$199,800.00REVENUE DEDUCTIONS:Purchase Power ( TVA)Distribution EXpense--OperationDistribution Expense--MaintenanceDistribution Expense--MiscellaneousCustomers Accounting and CollectingElectrical DevelopmentAdministrative and General ExpenseTOTALDepreciationTaxes and EquivalentsTOTAL RE~nJE DEDUCTIONSOPERATING INCOMEGROSS INCOMEINCOME DEDUCTIONS:InterestMiscellaneous Income DeductionsTOTAL INCOME DEDUCTIONSNET EARNINGS FOR YEAR~!-Add to Plant Force account--ConstructionAccess Cash18,000.0015,000.003,000.00450.008,500.003,100.0015,000.0019,000.0020,000.004,600.00450.00$123,650.00$162,650.0031,150.0031,150.005,050.00$32,100.00?5,000.001,100.00

~------------~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~,I<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>461~I II (81'1S4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .. NATCHEZREVENUESCHOOL FUNDBUD GET 1958 - 1958Local Administration"Other Costs'tChicksaw FundAd valoremCritic TeachingTeachers SalariesVocational ReimbursementSocial Security & RetirementDISBURSEMENTSAdministrationUniversity High TuitionElementary TeachersOxford Training School Sal.Instructional SuppliesElementary SchoolTraining SchoolInsurance, Both PlantsLIBRARIESElementary SchoolTraining SchoolOperation of PlantsJanitorial SuppliesMaintenanceSick LeaveRentoocial Security & RetirementConstingentTOTAL DISBURSEMENTS$ 9,750.0015,925.00500.0095,000.003,000.00203,045.002,650.0010,108.0012,800.00107,000.0091,021.0092,843.001,400.002,100.003,100.00600.00800.0011,800.002,800.001,800.00940.00696.009,578.00700.00339,978.00119,800.0091,021.0092,843.003,500.003,100.001,400.0011,800.002,800.001,800.00940.00696.009,578.00700.00339,978.00('Motion was duly made, seconded and passed that the Board recess until September 2, 1958 at7:00 p. m.

462<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>r--~==-=~--=~-~=~=----~:--=-~-~'~~---~--=--'--~-IRECESS, RECESS, !lECESS, REGULAR MEETING 7:00 p. m. September 2, 1958- - '" ._------ ... _.. -"- - --_._.- -- ----_. ~"-.. - ... _-.,- \---~. ~." .. - .. "~--".- -,-'- .-----1Pursuant to a recess order entered on August 21, 1958 at 7:00 p. m., the Mayor and Board ofAldermen met on September 2, 1958 at 7:00 p. m. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamber inthe City Hall when and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor - PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward FourG. W. Johnson, Superintepdent Electrical DepartmentC. D. Malone, Jr., ClerkE. P. Lowe, EngineerOmar D. Craig, Attorney*{',-~("***After the meeting was called to order the following business was transacted:Motion was made, seconded and passed that the minutes of the August meetings be adopted as read.On Motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that this Board do nowadjourn sine-die: ~~ 4. ~ a~ ;c2d:::::zL:~t1

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>·463!!II-aUK-TOM L. KETCHINGS CO •• NATCHEZ,~-UNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICAS TAT E 0 F MIS SIS SIP P ICOUNTY <strong>OF</strong> LAFAYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>* * * * * * * * *~!-***~f*** * * * ** * **REGULAR MEETING 7:30 p.m. September 2, 1958Be it remembered that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi metin regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, September ~, 1958, it being the timeand place fixed by law for the holding of said meeting, when and where the following were present:I'Pete McElreath - Mayor, PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank W. Be1k, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Roberts - Alderman Ward TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Ward ThreeWill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward Four* * * * *G. W. Johnson, Supt. Electrical DepartmentC. D. Malone, Jr., ClerkE. P. Lowe, EngineerOmar D. Craig, Attorney* * * * -II'Atter the meeting was called to order motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimously thatthe following accounts be allowed for payment:CORPORATION FUNDCHECK NO. ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNTFire alarm at East University August 9, 1958, at 1:45 p. m.4575 Addington, E. B. 135 $1.504576 Crowson, Ira L. 135 1.504577 Davis, Howard 135 1.504578 Duke, Homer 135 1.504579 Haney, E. T. 135 1.504580 Hipp, Max 135 1.504581 Johnson, Bill 135 1.504582 Neilson, D. G., Jr. 135 1.504583 Ross, David 135 1.504584 Ross, D. S. 135 1.504585 Thomas, Roy 135 1.504586 Tidwell, Roland 135 1.504587 Wilson, C. S. 135 1.504588 Womack, Bill 135 1.504589 Hamilton, G. V. 135 1.50Fire alarm at Welborn home, two miles east of Abbeville August 11, 1958 at 8:30 p. m."-.Additlgton, E. B. 135 1.504590 Cambers, Vernon 135 1.50Duke, Homer 135 1.504590 Gardner, A. B. 135 1.50Neilson, D. G., Jr. 135 1.50Tidwell, Roland 135 1.504592 Winter, R. H. 135 1.50Hamilton, V. H. 135 1.50~J!

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>-_._-----CHECK NO.Fire alarm at The Bus Station August 18, 1958 at 7:40 p. m.ACCOUNT NO.45934594459545964596Black, ScottCambers, VernonElliott, B. 0., Jr.Luther, DoyleRoss, DavidShellabarger, R. F.Tidwell, RolandWilson, C. S.Winter, R. H.Hamilton, GordonHuggins, Clyde, Jr.Thomas, RoyFire alarm at 613 <strong>No</strong>rth 14th Street August 20, 1958 at 12:15 p.m.135135135135135135135135135135135135$ 1.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.5045984601Cambers, VernonCrowson, Ira L.Davis, HowardDuke, lbmerHipp, MaxHuggins, Clyde, Jr.Johnson, BillShellabarger, R. F.Smith, 11i. O.Thomas, RoyTidwell, RolandTidwell, R. L.Wilson, C. S.Winter, R. HeHamilton, Gordon1351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50Fire alarm at Burney Branch August 28, 1958 at 1:35 p. m.46004599Black, ScottDuke, HomerFalkner, M. C.Hipp, MaxJohnson, BillLeister, R. A.Neilson, D. G., Jr.Thomas, Roylrlilson, C. S.Hamilton, Gordon1351351351351351351351351351351.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50Fire alarm at Grant Street (James Park's car)August 30, 1958 at 6:10 a. m.Cambers, VernonCrowson, Ira L.Davis, HowardDuke, HomerElliott, B. O. Jr.Falkner, M. C.Haney, E. T.Hipp, MaxHuggins, Clyde, Jr.Johnson, BillNeilson, D. G., Jr.Ross, DavidRoss, D. S.Shellabarger, R. F.Thomas, RoyTidwell, R. L.Wilson, C. S.Hamilton, GordonPa,yroll ending AUF"ust 15, 1958Payroll ending August 30, 19581351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351351.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.501.50500.524,004.25~I44234504Tax withheld FundTax withheld FundVariousVarious37.33429.16437743764435443644634464Johnson & FitchettLafayette County Cooperative (AAL)Dement ?rinting CompanyFarris M. GregoryLafayette County Health UnitLafayette County Library155147141153136148500.00.9012.4130.00162.5032.50..-J


<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>467Sf'a84K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co •• NATCHEZCHECK NO.5913-5951-52-54-71-72-74- 755914-53-7655555956-57-53-595960-6959705977-915992599559965997599855996000600160026003600460056006600760086009601060116012601360146015601660<strong>17</strong>60186019602060216022Customers Deposit RefundPetty Cash - J. B. McLureState Tax CommissionCustomers Deposit RefundPayroll - August 15, 1958~nsett & Simmonds - EngineersPayroll - August 30, 1958City of Oxford, Tac WithheldFerrell TrussArkansas Fuel Oil Compal'lYRebel Press & Office Supply Co.Tennessee Valley AuthorityThe Office Supply Company _.Southern Bell Telephone Comp~Metts Hardware Company ~Allen & Hoshal1 Consulting Enginners~nsett & Simonds Engineers, Inc.Bagwell Service StationCentral Service AssociationTennessee Valley AuthorityUni ted Gas CompanyHome Ice CompanyCharlie Be1k GarageWSUH Radio StationOxford. Lions Horse ShowTennessee Valley Electric Supply Co.McCarty Tire CompanyElliott Lumber CompanyUtilities Equipment Co.F. C. Gabel & go.Stuart C. Irby CompanyThe Oxford EaglePidgeon Thomas Iron Co.Ozburn-Abston & CompanyELECTRIC DEPARTMENTGraybar Electric CompanyCharles McGonogill (moving 3 transformers)ACCOUNT NO.AMOUNT125.0088.33485.2759.59351.8221,137.902,746.77438.48240.0031.631.9587.4918.6073.502.40966.121,222.0810.<strong>17</strong>121.468,070.852.1610.0015.8122.5040.00432.9931.992.7082.88650.0079.1012.0024.987.9538.43125.00A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE <strong>OF</strong> A SPECIALPERMIT FOR THE LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE <strong>OF</strong> AFILLING STATION AND/OR SERVICE STATION IN THECOMMERCIAL DISTRICT <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISS ...ISSIPPI\~EREAS,notice was duly and legally given to all property owners andcitizens interested that a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of theCity of Oxford, MiSSissippi would be held at 7:30 o'clock p. m., on the 2ndday of September, A. D., 1958, at the City Hall of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,to hear objections and protests against the granting of a permit to GULF OILCORPORATION, a Pennsylvania Corporation, to locate and maintain a filling stationand/or service station on the property hereinafter described, and no objectionsbeing interposed thereto and it appearing to this governing body that the grantingof such permit would be proper and beneficial,i\iN~l THEqEFORE, be and it hereby is ordered and directed that the applicationof the GULF OIL CORPORATION for a permit for the location and maintenance ofa filling station and/or service station on a fraction of Lot Number 197, insection 21, township 8 south, range 3 west, in the City of Oxford, County ofLafayette and State of Mississippi, assaid lot is shown and designated upon the

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>official map and plat of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, in use since June 6,1939, copies of which map are on file with the Mayor of said City and the ChanceryClerk of said county, said parcel being more particularly described as follows,to-wit: From the point of intersection of the center lines of <strong>No</strong>rth Lamar Boulevardand Highway <strong>No</strong>. 7 run South 10 024' '

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>469BI'IS4K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co .• NATCHEZRESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE BOA...lID <strong>OF</strong> TRUSTEES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>MUNICIPAL SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUESTINGTHE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, TO BO'LqOVl MONEY TO BE USEDIN PAYING FOR VEHICLES OR OTHER SCHOOL TRANS­PORTATION EQl'IPMENT WHICH WILL BE OWNED ANDOPERATED BY THE IDARD <strong>OF</strong> TRUSTEES <strong>OF</strong> THE MUNIC­IPAL SEPARATE DISTRIGr, AS AUTHORIZED IN CHAPTERS15 AND 18, LA1

~o<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>f--------------------------------- ------- ------ -------------------.-STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPILAFAYETTE COrNTY1~, the undersigned President and Secretary, respectively, of the Board of Trusteesof the Oxford Municipal Separate School District, of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, dohereby certify that the foregoing and attached copy is true and correct copy of a resolutionadopted by said Municipal Separate School District on the 21st day of July, 1958,as fully as the same appears on record in the minutes of said Board of Trustees.\iITNESS our signature, this the 21st day of July, 1958.C. M. MurryPRESIDE"TTJanes C. HartsfieldSECRETARYPETITION <strong>OF</strong> THE OO~'lD <strong>OF</strong> TRUSTEES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong> -MUNICIPALSEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT TO THE GOVERNING AUTIIORITIES<strong>OF</strong> T HE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIP?I, REQUESTING mEGOVERNING AUTHORITIES TO BURRO .. 1 MO'YEY IN THE SUM <strong>OF</strong>$11,500.00 ~TH WHICH TO PURCHASE MOTOR VEHICLES OROTHER SCHOOL TRA}TSPORTATION EQUIPMENT, OR TO ESTAB­LISTH', ERECT, AND EQUIP SCHOOL BUS SHOPS OR GARAGES,AND PURCHASE LA1ITDS THEREFOR, UNDER CHA!:lTER 18, LAWS<strong>OF</strong> EXTRAORDINARY SESSION <strong>OF</strong> 1953.TO THE '}OV3RNDTG AUTIfORITIES <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI.HE, the undersigned Board of Trustees of the Oxford Municipal Separate SchoolDistrict, pursuant to a resolution of said board, adopted on the 21st day of July, 1958,at a regular (special) meeting thereof, duly and legally called and held, a certifiedcopy of which resolution is hereto attached and made a part hereof, do hereqy petitionand request you to borrow the sum of $11,500.00, under the provisions of Chapter 18,Laws of Extraordinary Session of 1953, with which to purchase three(3) motor vehiclesor other school transportation equipment, with which to transport to and from the publicschools of said municipal separate school district the school children thereof, or toestablish, erect, and equip school bus shops or garages, and purchase land therefore,for the use of said school district, and to issue the negotiable notes or bonds of saidmunicipality, in accordance with said Chapter 18, Laws of Extraordinary Session of 1953,as you may determine.This petition, with our certified resolution hereto attached, has been submittedto, and duly approved by, the State Board of Education and its consent and approvalobtained to the borrowing of said money and the issuance of said notes or bonds by you,as shown by certified copy of its order or resolution hereto attached.'tolITNESS our sugnatures, this 21 day of July 1958.Respectfully,BOARD <strong>OF</strong> TRUSTEES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>MUNICIPAL SEP A 1ATE SCHOOL DISTRI (TI', MISS.BYC. M. MurryJames C. HartsfieldO. D. SmithPRESIDEI'TTSECRETARY1~. W. EastD. H. Marchbanks--J

~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--,<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>471'I'I34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZORDER <strong>OF</strong> STATE BOARD <strong>OF</strong> EDUCATION APPROVING PETITION<strong>OF</strong> THE IDARD <strong>OF</strong> TRUSTEES <strong>OF</strong> THE MUNICIPAL SEPARATESCHOOL DISTRICT <strong>OF</strong> TH3 <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI,TO THE GOVERNI~~ AUTHORITIES <strong>OF</strong> THE MUNICIPALITY,REQUESTING THE MUNICIPALITY TO BORROW THE SUM <strong>OF</strong>$11,500.00 WI TH WHICH TO PURCHASE THREE NEW SCHOOLBUSES UNDER CHAPTER 18, LAWS <strong>OF</strong> ECTRAORDINARY SES­SION <strong>OF</strong> 1953, TO ESTABLISH, ERECT, AND EQUIP SCHOOLBUS SHOPS OR GARAGES, AND TO PURCHASE LAND THEREFOR.THERE came on for hearing this, the 28th day of July, 1958, at a regular meetingof the Mississippi State Board of Education at Jackson, Mississippi, duly and legallYcalled and held, the petition of the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Separate SchoolDistrict of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, dated the 21 day of July, 1958, to thegoverning authorities of said City of Oxford, Mississippi, requesting said governingauthorities to borrow the sum of $11,500.00 to be used by said Board of Trustees inpurchasing motor vehicles and other school transportation equip~nt with which to transportthe school children of the said municipal separate school district to and from thepublic schools of said district and to provide for the servicing and repair of suchdistrict-owned motor vehicles, or other school transportation equipment, and to establish,erect, and equip school bus shops or garages and purchase land therefor; and to issuenegotiable notes or bonds for said district in evidence of said sum, payable in equalannual installments over a period of five years, from the date of their issuance, (notexceeding six years if new transportation equipment is to be purchased, or two years ifused transportation eqUipment is tobe purchased), to bear interest at not to exceed four(4) per cent per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, the principal and interestof said notes to be paid from the transportation funds of the said municipal separateschool district, all as provided in Chapter 18, Laws of Extraordinar.r Session of 1953,to which petition is attached a certified copy of a resolution adopted by said Board ofTrustees of said municipal separate school district on 21 day of July, 1958, requestingsaid governing authorities to obtain said loan and issue said notes or bonds. It appearsthat the said motor vehicles and other transportation equipment proposed to be purchased,owned, and operated by said board are particularly described as follows: Three new 48passenger, body and chassis complete. And it further appears that the school bus shopsor garages sought to be established, erected, and equipped are described as follows(include description of eqUipment): NONE. And it further appears that the land soughtto be purchased for said purpose is nOW-Owned by ~ and discribed as follows: ~.The State Board of Education, having carefully considered said petition and resolution,is of the opinion, ,and so finds and determines that for reasons stated in saidresolution, said goberning authorities of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, should bepermitted to purchase, own, and operate three ~motor vehicles and other equipment forthe transportation of children to and from the public schools of the said municipal separateschool district and to provide for the servicing and repair of such district-ownedmotor vehicles, or other school transportation equipment, and to employ drivers for theoperation thereof, and to establish, erect, and equip school bus shops or garages, andpurchase land therefor, and for all of which permission be, and is hereby, granted., butall bus purchases shall be made and all drivers employed in accordance with the rules andregulations of the State Board of Education, and after the specifications of such buseshave been approved by this Board, and all purchase contracts and all driver employmentcontracts shall first be submitted te, and approved by, this Board before becoming effective,all as required by said Chapter 18, Laws of Extraordinar.r Session of 1953.iIIIIt is further ordered that said resolution and petition of said Board of Trustees ofsaid Municipal Separate School District of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, be, and arehere b,r , approved, and the approval of said proposed loan by the governing authorities ofsaid municipality is hereb,r given, and this board does hereby consent and agree thatsaid governing authorities of said municipality may obtain said loan and issue said notesor bonds in the sum and for the purpose stated in said resolution and petition of theBoard of Trustees of said munic.ipal separate schooldistrict, and upon the terms thereinstated, and the Chairman and Secretary of this Board are hereb,r directed to make andcertify a copy of this order and attach same to said petition of said school board, andthen forward the said petition to the Board of Trustees of the said Municipal SeparateSchool district of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, to be by said board filed with thegoverning authorities of said municipality.STATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPIHPIDS COUNTYvm, the undersigned Chairman and Secretary, respectively, of the State Board ofEducation of the State of Mississippi, do hereb,r certify that the attached and foregoingis a true and correct copy of an order duly adopted by said Board on the 28th day of July,1958, as fully as the same appears of record in t he minutes of said board.~ITTNESS our signatures, this the 28th d~ of July, 1958.J. M. Tubb, ChairmanR. W. Griffith, Secretar.r

4t2<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>The governing authorities os the City of Oxford, Mississippi, then took up forconsideration the matter of issuing notes or bonds for the purchase of motor vehicles andother school transportation equipment, and the servicing of same, and other purposes, andAlderman (or insert proper title) Roberts offered the following resolution and order, whichwas duly seconded by Alderman (or insert proper title) Belk:ORDER <strong>OF</strong> THE CTOT,MNING AUTHORITIES <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSTSSIPPI,TO 9CM(1.1 X11,500.00 WITH WHICH TO PURCHASE SCHOOL TRA -SPORTATIONEQUIPMENT FOR THE <strong>OXFORD</strong> MUNICIPAL SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT, TO PRO-VTDE FOR THE SERVICING <strong>OF</strong> SANE, AND OTHER PURPOS]S."'WHEREAS, there came on for hearing this day at the regularmeeting of the ' ,-overning authorities of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,the petition of the Board of Trustees of the OxfordMunicipal Separate School District of said City of Oxford, Mississippi,dated the 21st day of July, 1958, petitioning and requestingthis Board to borrow the sum of $11,500.00 to be used by said boardof trustees in purchasing three new motor vehicles and other schooltransportation equipment in which to transport to and from the publicschools of said municipal separate school district the schoolchildren attending said schools, and to provide for the servicingand repair of such district-owned motor vehicles, or other schooltransportation equipment, and to establish, erect, and equip schoolbus shops or garages, and purchase land therefor, and to issue negotiablenotes or bonds for said municipal separate school districtin evidence of said sum, said notes or bonds to be payable in equalannual installments over a period of five years from the date oftheir issuance, (not exceeding six years if new transportation equipmentis tote purchased, or tow years if used transportation equipmentis purchased), and to bear not exceeding four per cent(4%) interestper annum, principal and interest tobe paid from the transportationfunds of said district, all as provided by Chapter 15 and Chapter 18,Laws of Extraordinary Session of 1953.mWHEREAS, the Board finds that on the 21st day of July, 1958,at a regulsr meeting of said Board of Trustees of said municipal separateschool district, duly and legally called and held, the saidBoard of Trustees, by a majority vote of all its members, duly adoptedan order or resolution finding and adjudging that it is necessaryand advisable to purchase and operate for said district three motorvehicles or other school transportation equipment, and to provide forthe servicing and repair of such district-owned motor vehicles orother school transportation equipment, and to employ drivers for theoperation thereof, and to establish, erect, and equip school bus shopsor garages, and purchase land therefor, in order to provide satisfactoryschool transportation service at a reasonable cost for theschool children of said school district attending said public schoolsand that it is necessary to borrow said sum of $11,500.00 with Itichto pay the purchase price of said motor vehicles, other equipment,shops or garages, or construction costs, and land, as shown by acertified copy of said resolution cf the Board of Trustees attachedto said petition; that said petition, with said resolution attached,was first submitted to the State Board of Education for its approvalor disapproval, and that on the 28th day of July, 1958, the StateBoard of Education adopted and spread upon its minutes an orderapproving the said resolution and petition of said Board of Trusteesof said municipal separate school district, as shown by a certifiedcopy of said order of the State Board of Education attached to thesaid petition and resolution of the Board of Trustees; and,"WHEREAS, the governing authorities forther find and adjvdgethat there is no money at the present time in the transportationfunds of said district, available for the purpose of paying any partof the purchase price of said motor vehicles and to provide for theservicing and repair of such district-owned motor vehicles, or otherschool transportation equipment, and to establish, erect, and equipschool bus shops or garages, and purchase land therefor, and that itis necessary toborrow $11,500.00 required to pay the said costs, andthat all "the facts and recitals contained in said resolution of theBoard of Trustees of said municipal separate school district are trueand correct:"NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE GOVERNINGAUTT"ORTTI-TS <strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, as follows:SECTION 1. That, for the purpose of providing money for the purchaseof motor vehicles and other school transportation equipment andto provide for the servicin- and repair of such district-owned motorvehicles or other school transportation equipment, and to establish,erect, and equip school bus shops or garages, and purchase land therefor,as requested in the resolution and petition cf the Board ofTrustees of the Municipal Separate School District of the City of

)~~------------~----------~~<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>473H Lal'Z34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZOxford, Mississippi, there shall be, and there are hereb,yauthorized,ordered, and directed to be issued the negotiable notes ofthe Oxford Municipal Separate School District of the City of Oxford,Mississippi, in the principal sum of $11,500.00. The saidnotes shall bear date of September 3, 1958, and shall be numberedfrom one to five, and each bearing interest at the rate of ~% perannum from date until paid, and shall be payable, both as to princi­P2~ and to interest in lawful money of the United States of Americaat the office of the Municipal Clerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi.The said notes shall b ear interest from date thereof, ata rate not exceeding four per cent (4%) per annum, such rate to bedetermined pursuant to the sale of the notes, payable annually onSeptember 3 in each year at the office of the Municipal Clerk ofthe City of Oxford, Mississippi. The said notes shall be executedby the signature of the Mayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,and shall be countersigned and attested by the Municipal Clerk ofthe said municipality, who shall affix the seal of the municipalityupon each note, and the said Clerk shall register all of the saidnotes in a book kept for that purpose by him in the said MunicipalClerk's office. The said notes shall mature, without option orprior payment, on September 3rd in each of the following years, andin the following amounts, to-wit:NOTE Nll1BER AMOUNT MATFRITY1 $2300.00 Sept. 3 2 19592 2300.00 Sept. 3 2 19603 2300.00 Sept. 3 2 19614 2300.00 Sept. 3.z 19625 2300.00 Sept. 3 2 1963NOTE NO.SECTION 2. That the said notes shall be in substantially the followingform, to-wit:1UNITED STATES <strong>OF</strong> AMERICATRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT NOTE<strong>OXFORD</strong> ~TICIPAL SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT<strong>OF</strong> THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI<strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPISeptember 3, 1958$2300.00FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Oxford Municipal Separate School District of Oxford, Mississippi,hereb,y promises to pay to T. E. Avent, or order, on the 3rd day of September, 1959, thesum of Twent Three Hundred and <strong>No</strong> 100 (2300.00) Dollars, together with interest thereonat the rate of three and one-half per cent ~ per annum from date until paid, uponpresentation of this note to the Municipal Clerk of the City of Oxford, Mississippi. Theinterest on this note shall be payable annUally on the 3rd day of September of each yearhereafter upon its presentation to the aforesaid Municipal Clerk for the purpose of havingsaid clerk credit on the back thereof the aforesaid annual interest.This note is one of a series of five notes of like tenor and amount, aggregating thesum of $11,500.00, issued by the governing authorities of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,for said municipal separate school district, under the provision of Chapter 15 and Chapter18, Laws of Extraordinary Session of 1953, in evidence of the said sum of $11,500.00borroN'ed by the said governing authorities of said school district; and tote used by saidBoard of Trustees in purchasing motor vehicles and other school transportation equipment,and to provide for the servicing and rep~rof such district-owned motor vehicles, or otherschool transportation equipment, and to establish, erect, and equip school bus shops orgarages, and purchase land therefor, and said money was borrowed and said notes were issuedpursuant to an order of the governing authorities of said municipality duly and legallyadopted on the 2nd day of September, 1958.ii"---In accordance with said order, the governing authorities of said municipality havecaused this note to be executed in the name of the Oxford Municipal Separate School Districtof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, by and through the signature of Pete McElreath, Mayorof the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and the countersignature of C. D. Malone, Jr., MunicipalClerk of the said municipality, and the seal of said city tobs hereunto affexed, on this the2nd day of September, 1958.

f---,I -__-..--._---_-!( 47·1IIcontinued<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>__ ._----=.=_-.. _._.-__ ~--~-_--~~~:-_---~=~--<strong>OXFORD</strong> MUNICP'AL SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRIcrH, i'Countersigned by:/:/;:'" . /,,--,~-;«L-. '[/. /<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, HISSISSI"PISTATE <strong>OF</strong> MISSISSIPPICOUl,lTY <strong>OF</strong> L.AF AYETTE<strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>(FORM <strong>OF</strong> REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE)I certify that this note has been duly registered by me in ________________ kept inmy office for said purpose.(~fuere the amount of indebtedness tobe incurred exceeds the sum of ten thousand($10,000.00), then the governing authorities of the municipality may, at their option, eitherissue negotiable notes or may issue bonds as evidence of the indebtedness so incurred. Inthe event the governing authorities of the municipality shall determine to iss,_e bonds, suchbonds shall be us sued in the rranner provided by Chapter 493, Laws of 1950, as now or hereafteramended. Further, in the event it is determined that bonds be issued instead of negotiablenotes, Sections 1 and 2 of the resolution of the governing authorities, immedialte1y above,should be substituted by appropriate provisions relating to the issuance of such bonds, allas provided by Chapter 493, Laws of 1950.)"SECTION 3. It is further ordered that said sum of $11,500.00,when bcrrowed, shall be deposited in the municipal treasury in aspecial fund to be entitled "Special Transportation Equipment Fund,"and which shall be used and expended by the Board of Trustees of themunicipal spearate school district for the purchase of the motorvehicles and other school transportation equipment described and toprovide for t he servicing and repair of such district-owned motorvehicles and other school transportation equipment, and to establish,erect, and equip school bus shops or garages, and purchaseland therefor, and set forth in the said resolution and petitionof said Board of Trustees under such rules and regulations as may beprescribed by the State Board of Education and for no other purpose,and said funds shall be paid out on warrants issued in the mannerprivided by law upon order of the Board of Trustees of such district.SECTION 4. It is further ordered that the principal and interestof said notes or bonds .sha11 be paid out of such transportation fundsof the said municipal separate school district, and it shall be theduty of the Board of Trustees of said municipal separate school districtto set aside each year out of such transportation funds.of saiddistrict an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest uponthe said notes or bonds as and when the same shall respectivelymature and accrue. The Board of Trustees of said municipal separateschool district shall include in the school budget each year separateitems showing the amount required for the payment of the principal of,and the interest upon, all notes or bonds issued."SECTION 5. Said notes or bonds shall in all respects be issuedas provided in Chapter 18, LaWS of Extraordinary Session of 1953, andany bonds issued shall be issued in all respects in the manner providedby Chapter 493, Laws of 1950, as now or hereafter amended, and all theprovisions of such statute shall be fully applicable thereto."I\

<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>475HI !. iI\ I\...._/.I'a34K-TOM L. KETCHINGS co., NATCHEZThe above resolution order was previouslY reduced to writing and was read and considered,section by section, and was adopted by the following vote, to-wit:Alderman William N. Lovelady, Alderman at Large voted "aye."Alderman Frank W. Belk, Jr., Alderman Ward One voted Itaye. nAldermanJames N. Ro berts, Alderman Ward Two voted n aye. nAlderman Harry S. Sisk, Alderman Ward Three voted "aye."Alderman Will A. Hickman, Alderman Ward Four voted Itaye."The above resolution and order having received the affirmative vote of all the membersof the Board present, the Mayor declared the motion carried and the resolution andorder adopted, this 2nd day of September, 1958.RESOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE MAYOR AND BOARD <strong>OF</strong> ALDERMEN <strong>OF</strong>THE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, MISSISSIPPI, WITH REFERENCETO FIXING THE TAX RATE OR LEVY FOR THE MuvICIPALITYAND FOR ANY OTHER AREA SUBJECT TO TAXES <strong>OF</strong> THEMUNICIPALITYBE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi,that the tax rate or levy of the municipallty of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, shall befor the following purposes and amounts:TAX RATE <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>, 1958MILLSlCorporation Fund of the City of OxfordStreet Fund of the City of OxfordBond Fund of the City of OxfordOxford Municipal Separate School DistrictBond FundSpecial Street Improvement Bond Fund1953 Street Improvement Bond Fund1954 Street Improvement Bond Fund1955 Street Improvement Bond Fund1957 Street Improvement Bond FundOxford Municipal Separate School DistrictMaintenance FundCORPORATIONSCHOOL44l! t21i3/4l~3!1815 22That the total levy for the City of Oxford and the Oxford Municipal Separate SchoolDistrict shall be 37 mills.The above and foregoing Resolution having been first reduced to writing and read bythe Clerk of said Board, was considered section by section, and then as a whole, and onmotion of Alderman Balk and seconded by Alderman Sisk, it was adopted section by section,and then as a whole, and on vote of the Aldermen of passage thereof, was the following:.~~~~***ALDERMAN HA.1lRY SISK • • • • • • • • YeaALDERMAN WILL HrCKMAN ••••• YeaALDERMAN WM. LOVELADY • • • • • • • YeaALDERI'-'lAN F. W. BELK, JR. • •••• Yea'ALDE~ JAMES ROBERTS •• •••• YeaCame on for consideration the matter of a policy concerning City crews doing work onprivate property. Motion was duly made, secended and passed that the follOwing policy beadopted:The City will do no repair l() rk nei tiler compensable nor non-compansable, beyondthe City property line, such as repair to driveways and improvements to privateproperty •..-,rLCame on for consideration the traffic and parking hazzards now existing in front of theOxford Hospital, Guyton Clinic and the Bramlett Hospital. After discussion, motion wasmade by Alderman Lovelady and seconded by Alderman Roberts, and passed unanimous~v thatthe streets in front of the above named firms be widened as proposed by the Street Commissionerand City Engineer.Motion was duly made, seconded, and passed that the Board recess until September 8th at7 o'clock P. M.

476<strong>MINUTE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>No</strong>. <strong>17</strong>, <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OXFORD</strong>~--------------- ----"-"""""--"--" -"---"----"-"" "----"--" ""-- --""------"-----"-- --- -"---"-"--"""-"-""-""---"""--"----""---""-----------"----"---"---"-._---"""----_ .. ---_._--._----------"-._._---------"-"---------"--- "" - ------RE:CESS, REGULAR NEETP'G 7:00 p. m. September 8, 1958Pursuant to a recess order entered on September 2, 1958 at 7:30 p. m., the Mayor and Board ofAldermen met on September 8, 1958, at 7:00 p. m. in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen's Chamberin the City Hall when and where the following were present:Pete McElreath, Mayor - PresidingWilliam N. Lovelady - Alderman at LargeFrank vI. Belk, Jr. - Alderman Ward OneJames N. Rob':Jrts - Alderman Hard TwoHarry S. Sisk - Alderman Hard ThreeIf!ill A. Hickman - Alderman Ward Four* * ~* ;~ * ·u·C. D. Malone, Jr., Clerk* * * -:~ ~} *After the meeting was called to order the followin[ business was transacted:The entire time was devoted to assessing and equalizing taxes.!I1Motion was duly made, seconded, and passed that the Board recess until September 15th at7:00 O'clock p. m.

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