the curia informs - Passio Christi

the curia informs - Passio Christi

the curia informs - Passio Christi

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N° 23 - New Series, June-September 2010Supplement to L’Eco of Saint Gabriel, September 2010Sped. in a.p. -45% art.2 comma 20/c legge 662/96“…and <strong>the</strong>re by <strong>the</strong> fire,J.H. Newman began hisgeneral confession wi<strong>the</strong>xtraordinary humility anddevotion…”(From a letter ofBl. DominicBarberitoFr. AntonioTesta,October1845)

INDEXLETTER OF CONVOCATION OF THE XIV GENERAL SYNODOF THE CONGREGATION OF THE PASSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pag. 3XXVI WORLD YOUTH DAY MADRID,SPAIN AUGUST 16-21, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 6A PROVIDENTIAL ENCOUNTER:NEWMAN AND THE PASSIONISTSFr. Adolfo Lippi, CP (PRAES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 7J.H. NEWMAN: FROM OXFORD TO ROMEFr. Giuseppe Comparelli C.P. (DOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 13NEWS FROM THE SECRETARY GENERALFOR SOLIDARITY AND THE MISSIONSFr. Jesús Mª Aristín, C.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 15PASSIONIST LIFENews from <strong>the</strong> Configurations and <strong>the</strong> ProvincesTHIRD PROVINCIAL CHAPTER IN PORTUGAL . . . . . . . . . . . . » 16MEETINGS IN MADRID, SPAIN: THE SACREDHEART CONFIGURATION (CSC) AND THE FORMERINTER-PROVINCIAL IBERIAN CONFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 16REG PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 17ASSEMBLY OF THE PASSIONISTSOF LATIN AMERICAN (CLAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 18TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF FORMERPASSIONIST STUDENTS OF THE DOL PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . » 18FIFTY YEARS OF PASSIONIST PRESENCE IN ECUADOR . . . . » 19THE CONFIGURATION OF JESUS CRUCIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 1948 TH PROVINCIAL CHAPTER OF THE PAUL PROVINCE, USA » 20SEMINAR ON THE CHARISM AND JPIC(JUSTICE, PEACE AND THE INTEGRITY OF CREATION) . . . . » 21THE 30 TH CHAPTER OF THE GABR PROVINCE, BELGIUM . . » 22ASSUM PROVINCIAL CHAPTER, POLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 22THIRD MEETING OF THE MAJOR SUPERIORSOF THE CEB CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 23THE NEW PASSIONIST MISSION IN NIGERIA(report of Fr. Denis Travers, First Consultor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 24LAITYMEETING OF THE NATIONAL COUNCILOF THE LAY ITALIAN PASSIONIST MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . » 24WITNESSESFR. CARLOS LIZARRAGA ALDEA (CORI) (1919-2010) . . . . . . . » 25PROFESSIONS AND ORDINATIONS . . . . . . . . . . » 26NEW PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 29NOTITIAE OBITUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 31<strong>Passio</strong>nist Bulletin InternationalN. 23 - New Series - June-September 2010Supplement to L’Eco of Saint Gabriel, September 2010EditorGeneral Curiaof <strong>the</strong> Congregation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nGeneral Consultor for CommunicationsDenis Travers, C.P.Editing and Translation of TextsFrancesca PierettiLawrence Rywalt, C.P.Luis Enrique Bernal, C.P.Marco Pasquali, C.P.Ramiro Ruiz, C.P.PhotographsLawrence Rywalt, C.P.Miguel Ángel Villanueva, C.P.The Newman Centre, RomeAddressUfficio ComunicazioniCuria GeneraliziaP.zza Ss. Giovanni e Paolo 1300184 Roma - ItalyTel. 06.700.84.54Web Page: http://www.passiochristi.orge-mail: comm<strong>curia</strong>@passiochristi.orgGraphicsFlorideo D’Ignazio - Editoriale Eco srlCover LogoLoretta LynchCover photoJohn Henry Newman asking Fa<strong>the</strong>r DominicBarberi to receive him “into <strong>the</strong> one Fold ofChrist”.Sculpture by Faith Tolkien (1995) in BlessedDominic Barberi Church, Littlemore, Oxford,England.Final page photoJohn Henry Newman by A. R. VenablesThe Oxford Oratory, EnglandPrintingEditoriale Eco s.r.l.Località San Gabriele - Colledara64045 San Gabriele (Teramo) - ItalyTel. 0861.975924 - Fax 0861.975655E-mail: tipografia@ecosangabriele.com

CONGREGAZIONE DELLA PASSIONE DI GESÙ CRISTOP.ZA SS. GIOVANNI E PAOLO, 13 - 00184 ROMA - ITALIATEL: (39)- – FAX: (39)-06.700.8454The Superior GeneralTHE CURIA INFORMSLETTER OF CONVOCATIONOF THE XIV GENERAL SYNODOF THE CONGREGATION OF THE PASSIONDear bro<strong>the</strong>rs, women religious and laity of <strong>the</strong><strong>Passio</strong>nist Family,I send greetings to all of you on my part, and alsoon behalf of <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> General Council whoat this time are making canonical visitations in preparationfor <strong>the</strong> celebration of various provincial chapters.My means of this letter and according to <strong>the</strong>norms of our Constitutions at numbers 144, 145 and146, I am hereby convoking <strong>the</strong> XIV General Synodof <strong>the</strong> Congregation.As was stated in Cuernavaca, Mexico, during <strong>the</strong>last Synod of 2008, <strong>the</strong> next Synod of 2010 will becelebrated in Rome at our Generalate of Sts. John andPaul during 20 -31 October 2010.The participants should arrive in Rome at <strong>the</strong> latestby Monday, 18 October in order to be able to celebratetoge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> solemnity of our Holy Founder,St. Paul of <strong>the</strong> Cross, <strong>the</strong> following day, Tuesday, 19October. The Synod will begin on Wednesday morning,<strong>the</strong> 20 th , and will conclude on <strong>the</strong> morning ofSunday, 31 October. That same evening and during<strong>the</strong> following days everyone will be at liberty todepart.The members of <strong>the</strong> Synod are those who participate“ex officio” at <strong>the</strong> General Chapter or <strong>the</strong>ir substitutesaccording to <strong>the</strong> Constitutions, No. 147.Therefore, <strong>the</strong>se “ex officio” members are <strong>the</strong>General Curia, <strong>the</strong> Provincial and Vice-ProvincialSuperiors, as well as <strong>the</strong> Regional Vicars of thoseVicariates that are comprised of at least twenty-fivereligious as of <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> convocation of <strong>the</strong>Synod. Those Vicariates with at least twenty-fivereligious are as follows: CARLW-CORM (Kenya);RES-CORI (Peru); THOM-CRUC (India); VICT-DOL (Brazil); and DOMIN-PRAES (Brazil).Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, since <strong>the</strong> main topic of <strong>the</strong> Synod willbe that of Restructuring, <strong>the</strong> General Council decidedthat it would be opportune to invite <strong>the</strong> Coordinatorof <strong>the</strong> CPA Configuration (Africa), Fr. Michael“Behold <strong>the</strong> Lamb of God, who takes away <strong>the</strong> sins of <strong>the</strong>world.” (Jn.1:29)Owengo (MATAF) who is not an “ex-officio” participant.Additionally, for <strong>the</strong> same reason, <strong>the</strong> followingRegional Vicars are also invited: GEMM-CORM(Tanzania); MATAF-PATR (Botswana/South Africa);and PAC-CORI (Puerto Rico/The DominicanRepublic).Fr. Kevin Dance (SPIR) will present a report onhis work and <strong>the</strong> steps that have been taken to makeour presence at <strong>the</strong> UN more fruitful. He will also➥June-September 2010 - BIP n. 233

THE CURIA INFORMS“May our loving mo<strong>the</strong>r, Mary and <strong>the</strong> Holy Family keep us and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Family united around our hearth and homeon Calvary”.report on future endeavors. All of <strong>the</strong> invited guestswill have active voice.As is customary, I herein state what is prescribedby our Constitutions in this regard. No. 144 statesthat: “The General Synod… will examine <strong>the</strong> programmesproposed by <strong>the</strong> General Chapter and evaluate<strong>the</strong>ir implementation. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, it will suggestinitiatives to keep <strong>the</strong> Congregation continuallyup to date; it will propose means of settling problemsin a spirit of bro<strong>the</strong>rly harmony, and will call <strong>the</strong>attention of <strong>the</strong> various Provinces to <strong>the</strong>ir dutiestowards one ano<strong>the</strong>r.”I also wish to remind you of what is stated in #146of <strong>the</strong> Constitutions: “The members of <strong>the</strong> Synod…are free to put forward o<strong>the</strong>r topics for discussion.”Therefore anyone who wishes to present o<strong>the</strong>r proposalsor matters for discussion must send <strong>the</strong>se to<strong>the</strong> General Secretariat as soon as possible, but nolater than August 30th in order to allow for <strong>the</strong>irinclusion in <strong>the</strong> definitive Agenda for <strong>the</strong> Synod.As is customary, we shall be studying <strong>the</strong> implementationof <strong>the</strong> Programme set out by <strong>the</strong> lastGeneral Chapter and <strong>the</strong> Synod of 2008, <strong>the</strong> presentationof <strong>the</strong> General Econome’s Budget and financialplan, <strong>the</strong> report of <strong>the</strong> General Secretary forSolidarity and <strong>the</strong> Missions, and o<strong>the</strong>r such reportsas shall be specified in <strong>the</strong> Synod Agenda, whichwill be sent out to everyone concerned by September19 th . It will also include useful information for yourtravel and arrival at our Generalate of Sts. Johnand Paul.Regarding <strong>the</strong> matter of travel, last April <strong>the</strong>Secretary General published a letter in which heinvited <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> Synod as well as <strong>the</strong>translators, secretaries, members of <strong>the</strong> liturgical andcommunications commissions, <strong>the</strong> redaction committeeand o<strong>the</strong>rs who will be lending <strong>the</strong>ir servicesto <strong>the</strong> Synod, to ascertain as soon as possible whe<strong>the</strong>ror not <strong>the</strong>y will require VISAS to enter Italy. It is notunusual that citizens of certain countries will have tocomply with a number of formalities in order toobtain a Visa, and this process often requires a significantamount of time. Therefore, <strong>the</strong> GeneralSecretariat asks that, as soon as possible, you4June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

THE CURIA INFORMSresearch whe<strong>the</strong>r or not any documentation will berequired in order to complete <strong>the</strong> Visa process.The central <strong>the</strong>me and very heart of <strong>the</strong> Synod willbe <strong>the</strong> consideration and in-depth study of <strong>the</strong> mandateof our last General Chapter, which committed“<strong>the</strong> Congregation to proceed with <strong>the</strong> process ofRestructuring begun at <strong>the</strong> General Synod of 2004and which will continue at least until <strong>the</strong> nextGeneral Chapter in 2012.”In this regard I wish to restate several of <strong>the</strong> pointsthat were made in <strong>the</strong> Letter to <strong>the</strong> Congregation of11 October 2009 concerning <strong>the</strong> Process ofRestructuring: No. 13: At <strong>the</strong> General Synod of 2010<strong>the</strong> results of <strong>the</strong> two years of work of <strong>the</strong> sixConfigurations will be presented toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong>irdirectives for <strong>the</strong> structures designed for Solidarity inFormation, Personnel and Finances for eachConfiguration; d) The General Council will similarlypresent its work for <strong>the</strong> structures elaborated for<strong>the</strong> three areas of Solidarity in <strong>the</strong> entireCongregation; e) The Synod will do its discernmentin reference to <strong>the</strong> new structures for <strong>the</strong> three areasof Solidarity proposed for <strong>the</strong> entire Congregationand for <strong>the</strong> individual Configurations and will makeits own decisions or will give suggestions about howto proceed with this process. Therefore, this will be<strong>the</strong> moment of trial by fire in <strong>the</strong> process ofRestructuring; f) The final phase envisioned for ourprocess will be <strong>the</strong> period from 2010 to 2012. Duringthis time we should accomplish what was specified by<strong>the</strong> Synod of 2010 in order to arrive at <strong>the</strong> GeneralChapter with <strong>the</strong> ability to make structural decisionsthat will be capable of giving new vitality to <strong>the</strong> lifeand mission of <strong>the</strong> Congregation. g) The GeneralChapter of 2012 will take make appropriate decisionsfor accomplishing <strong>the</strong> objective of <strong>the</strong> processof Restructuring and conclude it.Dear bro<strong>the</strong>rs, today, 24 June, <strong>the</strong> solemnity of <strong>the</strong>Nativity of St. John <strong>the</strong> Baptist, <strong>the</strong> day on which weare convoking <strong>the</strong> next General Synod, offers uspoints for reflection and calls us to a certain freedomof spirit that characterized <strong>the</strong> Saint that we are commemorating.With a selfless spirit and with greatconviction he spoke about Jesus: “One mightier thanI is coming after me. I am not worthy to stoop andloosen <strong>the</strong> thongs of his sandals” (Mk.1:7); and asJesus was coming down <strong>the</strong> mountain going toward<strong>the</strong> Jordan River: “Behold <strong>the</strong> Lamb of God, whotakes away <strong>the</strong> sins of <strong>the</strong> world.” (Jn.1:29) And tohis own disciples who followed him and who askedhim who he was, John responded: “I am not <strong>the</strong>Messiah…I am not [Elijah], I am not [<strong>the</strong> Prophet].I am ‘<strong>the</strong> voice of one crying out…’” (Jn.1:20-23).He is <strong>the</strong> voice of <strong>the</strong> Spirit, <strong>the</strong> one who announces<strong>the</strong> coming of Jesus and who recognizes that he ispresent among us and that we need to be virtuous inorder to worthily receive “<strong>the</strong> Lamb of God”. It is <strong>the</strong>announcement of his passion: <strong>the</strong> Paschal Lamb,Jesus, will take away <strong>the</strong> sins of <strong>the</strong> world by his sacrificialdeath. Everyone saw Jesus, but he “recognized”him and openly proclaimed him. John alsotells us that we need to have eyes and hearts that recognizeJesus and his innovative presence among us.Therefore, as a Congregation we need to enter <strong>the</strong>time period that lies before us— <strong>the</strong> upcomingSynod— like John, not with preconceptions and prejudices,but with interior freedom, with courage, trustingin <strong>the</strong> Spirit who guides us, and in a spirit of faithand an awareness of <strong>the</strong> presence of Jesus.And as we have said at o<strong>the</strong>r times and we nowreaffirm: it is for <strong>the</strong> Reign of God and for hisMission that we are undertaking <strong>the</strong> process ofRestructuring and we are convinced that its fruitfulnesswill be directly proportionate to our ability tolisten to <strong>the</strong> Word and to understand what is it sayingto us through <strong>the</strong> signs of <strong>the</strong> times in which we areliving. May it not be said of us: “They have eyes butsee not; <strong>the</strong>y have ears but hear not”— <strong>the</strong>y havehearts, but love not! (Ps.115:5, 6) He is with us in <strong>the</strong>boat and we need not fear <strong>the</strong> wind that is against us,nor <strong>the</strong> turbulent waters of <strong>the</strong> Lake of Gennesaret:by faith we will arrive at <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r shore.I affectionately and fraternally greet all <strong>the</strong> religiousof <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Family, in particular those whoare sick and those who are suffering in mind and body.I ask each individual religious, <strong>the</strong> communities,<strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist nuns, <strong>the</strong> women religious and <strong>the</strong> laityof <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Family to pray for <strong>the</strong> successfuloutcome of <strong>the</strong> Synod— an important phase in ourlife-journey and our mission. May <strong>the</strong> heavens beopened above us as <strong>the</strong>y were when John baptizedJesus in <strong>the</strong> Jordan and may <strong>the</strong> Spirit of Goddescend upon us so that we may understand moreclearly <strong>the</strong> plans that He has for <strong>the</strong> current life andmission of <strong>the</strong> Congregation.May our loving mo<strong>the</strong>r, Mary and <strong>the</strong> HolyFamily keep us and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Family unitedaround our hearth and home on Calvary.Fraternally,Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, C.P.Superior GeneralRetreat of Sts. John and PaulRome, 24 June 2010Solemnity of <strong>the</strong> Nativity of St. John <strong>the</strong> BaptistJune-September 2010 - BIP n. 235

THE CURIA INFORMSCONGREGAZIONE DELLA PASSIONE DI GESÙ CRISTOP.ZA SS. GIOVANNI E PAOLO, 13 - 00184 ROMA - ITALIATEL: (39)- – FAX: (39)-06.700.8454The Superior GeneralXXVI World Youth DayMadrid, SpainAugust 16-21, 2011Dear Bro<strong>the</strong>rs,This letter is to inform you of <strong>the</strong> initiatives beingundertaken by <strong>the</strong> General Council in collaborationwith those responsible for <strong>the</strong> Spanish region of <strong>the</strong>CORI, FAM and SANG Provinces in preparation for<strong>the</strong> World Youth Day (WYD) encounter due to takeplace in Madrid, Spain, from August 16 to 21 of nextyear, 2011.Official Registration. It would be wise to writeinnow, because <strong>the</strong> official registration for participationin <strong>the</strong> WYD next year is likely to be opened July1st this year of 2010.Web Page. Information on <strong>the</strong> official web pageat <strong>the</strong> link shown here will be available in English,Spanish, French, Polish, Italian and German.(www.madrid11.com)Young <strong>Passio</strong>nists EncounterI would like to inform you once again that <strong>the</strong>World Youth Day will afford an opportunity for anencounter on Formation, and dialog, between young<strong>Passio</strong>nist Religious and <strong>the</strong> General Council. Thisencounter will take place on <strong>the</strong> 12th – 13th – 14thAugust 2011 at our Peñafiel Retreat House andCommunity, situated some 190 Km (119 miles) fromMadrid.ParticipationA) Young <strong>Passio</strong>nists. Our hope is that <strong>the</strong> abovementionedencounter will enjoy <strong>the</strong> participation of<strong>Passio</strong>nist youth from our various Configurations.For more precise information and in order to establish<strong>the</strong> number of young religious who will represent<strong>the</strong> various areas, a later letter will be sent toProvincial, Vice Provincial and Regional VicariateSuperiors. Likewise, in <strong>the</strong> course of <strong>the</strong> comingGeneral Synod in Rome this October we can talkabout <strong>the</strong> WYDencounter.B) Lay Youth.Regarding <strong>the</strong> participationof young lay peoplebelonging to our extended<strong>Passio</strong>nist Family, or ofyouth in one way or ano<strong>the</strong>r associated with our ministry,<strong>the</strong> Planning Commission of our SpanishProvinces has proposed <strong>the</strong> following plan:1) It is recommended that each parish or youthgroup attached to one of our shrines or RetreatHouses sign-up for <strong>the</strong> WYD on <strong>the</strong>ir own, for <strong>the</strong>week starting Monday afternoon August 15th andending <strong>the</strong> morning of Monday August 22nd .2) At <strong>the</strong> moment of signing-up it is recommendedthat <strong>the</strong> all-inclusive Package A1 be selected, asthis provides for both board and lodging (breakfast,lunch and dinner.)3) A special day will be set aside for <strong>Passio</strong>nistLay Youth. An invitation is to be extended to thosegroups attached to us to participate in an encounter atour St. Gabriel’s school (“Colegio San Gabriel”) inAlcalá de Henares, situated approximately 25 Km(15 ? miles) from Madrid. The day will be animatedby youth groups of <strong>the</strong> Spanish <strong>Passio</strong>nist Family.Coaches will be provided to transport everybody<strong>the</strong>re and back.I close with <strong>the</strong> assurance that once <strong>the</strong> plans forthis encounter have been confirmed, all <strong>the</strong> necessaryinformation will be duly relayed to you.Fraternally,Retreat of Saints John and Paul,Rome, May 19, 2010The official Logo of WorldYouth Day 2011.(Most Rev) Ottaviano D’Egidio, C.P.Superior General6June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

THE CURIA INFORMSA PROVIDENTIAL ENCOUNTER:NEWMAN AND THE PASSIONISTS“Sir, don’t worry. One day Newman will be adoctor of <strong>the</strong> Church.” This phrase, spoken byPope Pius XII in a private meeting with JeanGuitton 1 , says everything about <strong>the</strong> esteem that thisPope had for Cardinal Newman. It was admirationsimilar to that of Pope Paul VI 2 . On numerous occasionsPope John Paul II referred to Newman, includingin official documents. Among <strong>the</strong>se it would sufficeto cite Fides et ratio where he is quoted firstamong <strong>the</strong> modern thinkers who enlightened <strong>the</strong> relationshipbetween <strong>the</strong> Word of God and human reason(No.74). The current Pontiff, Benedict XVI, hasalways been an admirer and a scholar of Newman 3 .However a fact that is most impressive is that, preciselyafter <strong>the</strong> publication of <strong>the</strong> encyclicalPascendi, during a period in which many modernistsreferred to Newman as <strong>the</strong>ir precursor, St. Pius Xdefended <strong>the</strong> orthodoxy and <strong>the</strong> sanctity of Newman 4 .And this year, on 19 September 2010, Newman willbe beatified. This will be a moment of great joy forall those who read his works and his biography, andfor those who have always been convinced about hissanctity, as well as about <strong>the</strong> profound intelligence ofthis man.Fr. Adolfo Lippi, CP (PRAES)Newman and St. Paul of <strong>the</strong> CrossIn <strong>the</strong> Congregation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>n we wish tohighlight <strong>the</strong> assistance that we <strong>Passio</strong>nists providedfor <strong>the</strong> entry of Newman into <strong>the</strong> Catholic Church.Normally, when we say this we think of BlessedDominic Barberi and of <strong>the</strong> famous night of 8-9October 1845 during which Dominic receivedNewman into <strong>the</strong> Church. The original historians,who were also closer to <strong>the</strong> facts, delighted in presenting<strong>the</strong> events of that night in a dramatic fashion,something which Dominic never would have done,being always very simple and loath to talk about himself.Alfonso Capecelatro, for example, who was anOratorian and a future Cardinal, wrote about <strong>the</strong>event ten years after <strong>the</strong> death of Dominic:Blessed Domini Barberi (of <strong>the</strong> Mo<strong>the</strong>r of God)“Dalgarins invited a certain Fr. Dominic of <strong>the</strong>Mo<strong>the</strong>r of God, a Provincial of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nists, to goto Aston Hall in Littlemore, telling him that he wasbeing called to a work in <strong>the</strong> service of God: andunwittingly, he agreed. He was always consciousthat every delay could possibly result in some greatharm to <strong>the</strong> office to which he called. Howeverbecause of a terrible storm he set out in a coveredcoach. He endured five hours of driving rain and, asit so pleased God, completely exhausted he arrived atLittlemore at night. Without delay he entered in <strong>the</strong>solitary dwelling of those fervent men who werefamous throughout England, and with great humility➥1Cf J. Guitton, Dialoghi con Paolo VI, Rusconi, Milano, 1986, 146.2Cf C. Siccardi, Paolo VI, il papa della luce, Paoline, Milano, 2008, 214.3Cf for example, what he says in a recently published document: J. Ratzinger – Benedetto XVI, L’elogio della coscienza. La Verità interrogail cuore, Cantagalli, Siena, 2009, 15-22.4Cf Letter of 10 – 03 – 1908 Tuum illud opusculum, (Acta Pontificia, VI, (1908), 176).June-September 2010 - BIP n. 237

THE CURIA INFORMSBussche, who wrote an excellent biography ofSpencer 8 , observed that Spencer would not have beenin favor of Newman entering <strong>the</strong> Catholic Churchsince during <strong>the</strong> years prior to his conversionNewman had a very negative view of Spencer and <strong>the</strong>leaders of <strong>the</strong> Catholic Church since <strong>the</strong>y supported<strong>the</strong> liberals in England and in Ireland. New contactsbegan following <strong>the</strong> transfer of Newman toCatholicism. The painstaking historical work of Fr.Paulinus is certainly very useful. In his biographyone can understand that <strong>the</strong> relationship betweenSpencer and Newman during those years was verycomplex and consequently, difficult to summarize ina few lines. However, Neman and many o<strong>the</strong>rs of <strong>the</strong>Oxford Movement accepted <strong>the</strong> invitation to pray forunity.The novel Loss and Gain was written by Newmanafter his conversion. Undoubtedly Newman wasthinking about Spencer when Charles, <strong>the</strong> protagonistof <strong>the</strong> novel, meets his friend Willis who had becomea Catholic before him and had become a <strong>Passio</strong>nistwith <strong>the</strong> name of Fr. Aloysius. There is a phrase,inspired by St. Augustine, which reveals some of <strong>the</strong>admiration of Newman for Spencer and, at <strong>the</strong> sametime, conceals it. Precisely on <strong>the</strong> last page of <strong>the</strong>novel, Charles, <strong>the</strong> protagonist, says to his friendWillis who had become a <strong>Passio</strong>nist, that he admired<strong>the</strong> first fervor of <strong>the</strong> new convert: “No, Willis…youhave taken <strong>the</strong> better part betimes, while I have loitered.Too late have I known Thee, O Thou ancientTruth; too late have I found Thee, First and onlyFair” 9 .Blessed Dominic Barberi and NewmanFinally we arrive at Dominic Barberi. Here, too,we can and we must point out Newman’s amazementbefore this humble <strong>Passio</strong>nist. There are three quotationsthat must be studied in this regard. The longestis found in <strong>the</strong> novel that has already been citedwhere Newman, after having spoken about St. Paulof <strong>the</strong> Cross, <strong>the</strong>n moves on to speak about one of hissons who arrived in England as he had foretold. Hewrites: “It was strange enough that even one Italianin <strong>the</strong> heart of Rome should at that time have ambitiousthoughts of making novices or converts in thiscountry; but, after <strong>the</strong> venerable Founder’s death, hisspecial interest in our distant isle showed itself inano<strong>the</strong>r member of his institute. On <strong>the</strong> Apennines,Cardinal John Henry Newman, 1888near Viterbo, <strong>the</strong>re dwelt a shepherd-boy, in <strong>the</strong> firstyears of this century, whose mind had early beendrawn heavenward; and, one day, as he prayedbefore an image of <strong>the</strong> Madonna, he felt a vivid intimationthat he was destined to preach <strong>the</strong> Gospelunder <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn sky. There appeared no means bywhich a Roman peasant should be turned into a missionary;nor did <strong>the</strong> prospect open, when this youthfound himself, first a lay-bro<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>n a Fa<strong>the</strong>r, in <strong>the</strong>Congregation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>n. Yet, though no externalmeans appeared, <strong>the</strong> inward impression did not fade;on <strong>the</strong> contrary, it became more definite, and inprocess of time, instead of <strong>the</strong> dim north, Englandwas engraven on his heart. And, strange to say, asyears went on, without his seeking, for he was simplyunder obedience, our peasant found himself at lengthupon <strong>the</strong> very shore of <strong>the</strong> stormy nor<strong>the</strong>rn sea,whence Cæsar of old looked out for a new world toconquer: yet that he should cross <strong>the</strong> strait was stillas little likely as before. However, it was as likely asthat he should ever have got so near it; and he usedto eye <strong>the</strong> restless, godless, waves, and wonder withhimself whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> day would ever come when heshould be carried over <strong>the</strong>m. And come it did, not➥8J. Vanden Bussche, cp, Ignatius (George) Spencer <strong>Passio</strong>nist (1799-1864) Crusader of Prayer for England and Pioneer of ecumenicalPrayer, Leuven University Press, 1991.9Loss and Gain, cit., p. 420.June-September 2010 - BIP n. 239

THE CURIA INFORMShowever by any determination of his own, but by <strong>the</strong>same Providence which thirty years before had givenhim <strong>the</strong> anticipation of it.At <strong>the</strong> time of our narrative, Fa<strong>the</strong>r Domenico deMatre Dei had become familiar with England; he hadhad many anxieties here, first from want of funds,<strong>the</strong>n still more from want of men. Year passed afteryear, and, whe<strong>the</strong>r fear of <strong>the</strong> severity of <strong>the</strong> rule—though that was groundless, for it had been mitigatedfor England—or <strong>the</strong> claim of o<strong>the</strong>r religious bodieswas <strong>the</strong> cause, his community did not increase,and he was tempted to despond. But every work hasits season; and now for some time past that difficultyhad been gradually lessening; various zealous men,some of noble birth, o<strong>the</strong>rs of extensive acquirements,had entered <strong>the</strong> Congregation; and our friendWillis, who at this time had received <strong>the</strong> priesthood,was not <strong>the</strong> last of <strong>the</strong>se accessions, though domiciledat a distance from London. And now <strong>the</strong> readerknows much more about <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nists than didReding at <strong>the</strong> time that he made his way to <strong>the</strong>irmonastery” 10 .This description is very moving and we believe thatit expresses better than any o<strong>the</strong>r testimony <strong>the</strong> debt offaith and piety that Newman felt toward Paul of <strong>the</strong>Cross, Dominic Barberi and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nists in general.Many times Newman expressed his amazement atevents that could have only been divinely inspired.Could a young shepherd from Viterbo ever think ofbecoming a missionary in England? And fur<strong>the</strong>rmore,who would have thought this about a lay bro<strong>the</strong>r in amonastery? And even when he became a priest, underobedience, how could he ever have considered makingo<strong>the</strong>r plans? And when he was finally able to leave <strong>the</strong>nor<strong>the</strong>rn European continent, he had no plans forEngland? Even miracles happen. It is interesting tocompare a totally British gentleman like Newmancame in contact with a humble religious, rememberingthat in England he awkwardly dressed in mandatorycivilian garb, with <strong>the</strong> great conqueror, Julius Caesar,imagining both of <strong>the</strong>m on <strong>the</strong> shore of <strong>the</strong> North Sea,gazing longingly at <strong>the</strong> Island.The second quotation is from a letter written byNewman to Phillips with his usual intellectual clarityand honesty: “If <strong>the</strong>y [Catholic religious] want toconvert England let <strong>the</strong>m go barefooted into ourmanufacturing towns—let <strong>the</strong>m preach to <strong>the</strong> peoplelike St. Francis Xavier—let <strong>the</strong>m be pelted and trampledon—and I will admit that <strong>the</strong>y can do what weNewman’s Cottage in Littlemore, Englandcannot…What a day it will be when God will makearise among <strong>the</strong>ir Communion saintly men such asBernard and <strong>the</strong> Borromeo’s…The English will neverbe favorably inclined to a party of conspirators andinstigators; only faith and sanctity are irresistible 11 ”.Benedict XVI made this comment about <strong>the</strong> conversionof Newman: “The verses that Newman composedin Sicily in 1833 are noteworthy: ‘I loved tochoose and see my path; but now Lead Thou me on!’For Newman <strong>the</strong> conversion to Catholicism was notmotivated by personal desire or by subjective spiritualneeds. This is what he expressed in 1844, when wecan say that he was still on <strong>the</strong> brink of conversion:‘no one could possibly have a more unfavorableopinion of <strong>the</strong> present Roman-Catholic state than doI.’ Instead, what was important for Newman was <strong>the</strong>duty to adhere more to <strong>the</strong> recognized truth than hisown desires, even including <strong>the</strong> conflict with his ownfeelings and with <strong>the</strong> bonds of friendship and commonformation 12 ”.What happened between 1844 and 8 October1845? The miracle that occurred was <strong>the</strong> appearanceof <strong>the</strong> Catholic religious who arrived barefooted in<strong>the</strong> manufacturing towns of England and whopreached liked Francis Xavier and Newman couldnot turn back. Dominic himself, a man with greatwillpower, abandoning all his mortifications,described his English experience in this way:“[There were] innumerable crosses and difficultiesand such that at times I saw myself at <strong>the</strong> very endand almost at <strong>the</strong> point of turning back. I am certainthat many people would want to come here; but if<strong>the</strong>y saw what I saw and had to suffer what I suffered,10Loss and Gain, cit., pp. 412-414.11Letter of Newman to Phillips, quoted by Fr. Federico, Il Beato Domenico della Madre di Dio, <strong>Passio</strong>nisti, Roma, 1963, p. 292.12J. Ratzinger- Benedetto XVI, L’elogio della coscienza. La verità interroga il cuore, Cantagalli, Siena, 2009, 18.10June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

almost all of <strong>the</strong>m would change <strong>the</strong>ir mind. Oh, myGod! My God! How much I have to suffer! I havebeen preparing for this for 28 years and I see that thispreparation is not enough. The divine will alone sustainsme: I am here because God has wanted thisfrom all eternity. Blessed be his holy Name. This ismy only strength 13 ”. In fact, on that mission, Dominicquickly became ill and he died at <strong>the</strong> age of 57.The third selection that I wish to quote is muchlater that <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. It forms part of <strong>the</strong> depositionthat Newman made concerning Blessed Dominic in1889, one year prior to his own death. It was <strong>the</strong> depositionthat he made to Cardinal Parocchi, <strong>the</strong> Vicar ofRome, who at his own initiative promoted <strong>the</strong> causesof <strong>the</strong> beatification of Dominic and o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>Passio</strong>nistsServants of God. Newman, already a Cardinal, wrote:“My dear Lord Cardinal, Thank you for <strong>the</strong> interestyou express in a case which is very dear to me, as iswell recognised by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Fa<strong>the</strong>rs. CertainlyFr. Dominic of <strong>the</strong> Mo<strong>the</strong>r of God was a most strikingmissionary and preacher and he had great part in myown conversion and in that of o<strong>the</strong>rs. His very lookhad a holy aspect which when his figure cam in sightin my circle most singularly affected me, and hisremarkable ‘bonhomie’ in <strong>the</strong> midst of his sanctitywas in itself a real holy preaching. No wonder, <strong>the</strong>n,I became his convert and penitent. He was a greatlover of England. I greieved at his sudden death, andI thought and hoped he would recive from Rome he‘aureola’ of a Saint as is now to be 14 ”.The work of Dominic with Newman and <strong>the</strong> newconverts of Littlemore was not limited to receiving<strong>the</strong>m into <strong>the</strong> Church. The esteem that Dominic hadeven before <strong>the</strong> conversion of Newman for <strong>the</strong> littlegroup of Littlemore was impressive. He touchinglyand lovingly wrote to Dalgairns in September 1845:“Dear Littlemore, I love Thee! A little more still andwe shall see happy results from Littlemore. When <strong>the</strong>learned and holy Superior of Littlemore will come,<strong>the</strong>n I hope we shall see again <strong>the</strong> happy days ofAugustine, of Lanfranc and Thomas. England vill beonce more <strong>the</strong> Isle of Saints and <strong>the</strong> nurse of new<strong>Christi</strong>an nations, destined to carry <strong>the</strong> light of <strong>the</strong>Gospels coram gentibus et regibus et filiis Israel” 15 .Dominic worked with <strong>the</strong> converts especially during<strong>the</strong> early years. There were various reciprocalvisits. Dominic counselled <strong>the</strong>m to remain united.THE CURIA INFORMSThe tomb of Bl. Dominic in <strong>the</strong> Church of St. Anne, Sutton,EnglandConcerning <strong>the</strong> need for holy men who would workwith him in his very difficult work in England, he didnot try to ga<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>m on his own. In a letter thatNewman wrote to A.J. Hammer in 1850, when unfortunatelyDominic had already died, a victim offatigue, <strong>the</strong>re is clear evidence given by Newmanregarding <strong>the</strong> selfless efforts of Dominic: “I have totell you something. If <strong>the</strong>re are those who do not lookfor self glory it is <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nists. Dear Fr. Dominicnever made advances—he was very reserved—whatsoeverwere <strong>the</strong> needs of <strong>the</strong> novices he offered hismost attentive and continual effort. Without a doubtyou will find <strong>the</strong> same in Fr. Ignatius (Spencer) 16 .In Dominic <strong>the</strong>re was that respect that made <strong>the</strong>English aristocrat Newman say that he was a veryrefined man who was also able to faithfully discern<strong>the</strong> will of God while being be objective and unbiased,something that always leads to growth and newlife. Dominic observed—as noted by FedericoMenegazzo, one of his most scholarly biographers—that “during all of early years of <strong>the</strong>ir [religious] life<strong>the</strong>y specialized in university studies and this did notput <strong>the</strong>m on <strong>the</strong> road of popular preaching, alternatingwith a full schedule of choral prayer and penitentialpractices” 17 . Later he himself counseled <strong>the</strong>m toenter <strong>the</strong> Oratory of St. Phillip Neri.Newman considered Dominic to be a “simple andordinary man”, but also “intelligent and astute in his➥13Letter to Fr. Felice, 10 april 1842, reported in Federico, op. cit., 319, n. 5.14Letter quoted by Fr. Federico, op. cit., 397-398; cita Proc. Ord. Rom., 230.15Letter quoted in Fr. Urban Young’s, Life and letters of <strong>the</strong> Ven. Fr. Dominic (Barberi), London, 1926, p.256.16Letters and Diaries of J. H. Newman, by Dessain, London, 1961, XIII, 389.17Op. cit., 389.June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2311

THE CURIA INFORMSstate of life” 18 . He wrote: “He was an intelligent andastute man, yet spontaneous and simple like a child;and he is especially kind in his dealings with <strong>the</strong>faithful of our communion. I wish that all people hadas much charity as I know that <strong>the</strong>re is in him” 19 . At<strong>the</strong> time of his entry into <strong>the</strong> Catholic Church,Newman had a notable problem with <strong>the</strong> publicationof one of his most important works, recently completedbut still unpublished: <strong>the</strong> Essay on <strong>the</strong>Development of <strong>Christi</strong>an Doctrine. How would it beviewed by <strong>the</strong> Catholics since it was a work that waswritten while Newman was still an Anglican? Among<strong>the</strong> Catholics who would immediately judge it positivelywas Dominic. Newman wrote about him toJames Hope: “A prepossessed person, but a shrewdand a good and a deep divine, Fa<strong>the</strong>r Dominic, isvery much pleased with it” 20 . This agreement about avery delicate matter—<strong>the</strong> development of dogmas—revealed a much more profound agreement betweentwo spirits, although very different in <strong>the</strong>ir formation.The ecumenism of loveThe words of Newman quoted above, chosen fromamong many o<strong>the</strong>rs, would be sufficient to highlight<strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>the</strong> love that existed in <strong>the</strong> relationshipwith <strong>the</strong> separated <strong>Christi</strong>ans. The Ca<strong>the</strong>dra,Gloria Crucis and <strong>the</strong> magazine by <strong>the</strong> same name,proposes to dedicate a year—2010, <strong>the</strong> year in which<strong>the</strong> great Cardinal <strong>the</strong>ologian will be beatified—toNewman, Dominic Barberi, Ignatius Spencer and<strong>the</strong>ir friends in <strong>the</strong> context of what Newman called<strong>the</strong> second Spring of English <strong>Christi</strong>anity. Some of<strong>the</strong> works of Newman will be reprinted, in particular<strong>the</strong> masterpiece of ecumenism of love, i.e. <strong>the</strong> Letterto <strong>the</strong> Professors of Oxford – Cor ad cor loquitur,which was <strong>the</strong> motto chosen by Newman for hisCardinal’s coat of arms. And Dominic wrote: “Nihilest tam arduum quod verus amor non audet… Multisabhinc annis (plusquam quinque excesserunt lustra)Deus dignatus est pro sua bonitate amorem in cordemeo accendere erga fratres meos praesertim anglos:pro quorum salute ab illo tempore nunquam oraredestiti… Utinam Deus mihi concedat vitam meampro vestra salute profundere!” 21 .Until almost <strong>the</strong> time of Vatican Council II, weBlessed Dominic’s Crucifixshould acknowledge and state that <strong>the</strong> relationshipsbetween <strong>the</strong> separated brethren of <strong>the</strong> various churcheswas characterized by notable hostility. When hewas an Anglican, Newman himself was outspokenagainst <strong>the</strong> Papists. Yet Dominic loved; he loved<strong>the</strong>m; he uniquely loved <strong>the</strong>m; he loved <strong>the</strong>m with anardent love. It seems that he was <strong>the</strong> first to use <strong>the</strong>term separated brethren 22 .In addition to <strong>the</strong> historical reports summarizedhere between Newman and Dominic, we should nowproceed to study <strong>the</strong> basis of <strong>the</strong> same mind set thatexisted between Barberi and Newman. At this pointDominic’s approach to philosophy and to <strong>the</strong>ologycould prove to be very important. It is a topic that isyet unexplored. There are only a few, meager publicationsof <strong>the</strong> works of Barberi that can offer somematerial for fur<strong>the</strong>r study of this topic. Perhaps thisis <strong>the</strong> time for a more in-depth study.●18Parts of a letter to Wilberforce, quoted by Fr. Fabiano Giorgini, in Introduzione a Domenico della Madre di Dio (Barberi), Lettera ai professoridi Oxford. Relazioni con Newman e i suoi amici, CIPI, Roma, 1990, 29.19Letter to Bowden, Ivi, 30.20Letters…, cit., XI, 76.21Dominic of <strong>the</strong> Mo<strong>the</strong>r of God (Barberi), Letter… cit.,. 63, 87 (“Nothing is as powerful as au<strong>the</strong>ntic love. Many years ago (more than twenty-fiveyears have gone by), God in his goodness, deigned to make love for my bro<strong>the</strong>rs and sisters burn in my heart, especially <strong>the</strong> English. Andsince that time I have not ceased praying for <strong>the</strong>ir health... May God grant that I may even give my life for <strong>the</strong>ir salvation!”).22Cf F. Giorgini, Introduzione a Lettera… cit., 18 ss.12June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

J.H. NEWMAN:FROM OXFORD TO ROMETHE CURIA INFORMSFr. Giuseppe Comparelli C.P. (DOL)The eighteenth century was not only characterizedby positivism, by Masonry and nationalism,but it was also a century of conversions:a wide-spread, conscious movement predominantlytoward <strong>the</strong> Catholic Church: from Judaism andProtestantism. The interesting aspect of <strong>the</strong> phenomenonis that whereas in Italy anything Catholic was<strong>the</strong> object of derision and suppression (pious works,religious institutes, etc.), elsewhere <strong>the</strong> Church wasan object of veneration.Ano<strong>the</strong>r interesting point is that <strong>the</strong> abolition ofreligious communities in Italy launched a legion ofapostles toward foreign shores: Europe, <strong>the</strong> UnitedStates and Australia notably expanding <strong>the</strong> frontiersof <strong>the</strong> Catholic Church to <strong>the</strong> extent that <strong>the</strong> repressionof <strong>the</strong> Church in Italy could be considered to beprovidential. From <strong>the</strong> very beginning, Englandproved to be an environment in which <strong>the</strong>se contrastingpositions were nourished. London opened itsarms to many exiles and refugees from Catholiccountries (including some ecclesiastics) who wouldhave been imprisoned in <strong>the</strong>ir own countries, whereasin London <strong>the</strong>y served as examples of <strong>the</strong> statisticallevel of <strong>the</strong> “papist” society. It was precisely inEngland that a movement was born that originatedfrom an opposing ideology. The Anglican Church,<strong>the</strong> “established religion”, in particular, <strong>the</strong> Victorianchurch, was considered to be an aberration whencompared with <strong>the</strong> true <strong>Christi</strong>an faith. This movementwas animated by a group of professors ofOxford [University] who urged a return to <strong>the</strong> purityof <strong>the</strong> original principles. Among <strong>the</strong>m was <strong>the</strong> mostwell-known and highly gifted John Henry Newman.In <strong>the</strong> meantime <strong>the</strong> phenomenon of individual conversionscontinued to gain ground to <strong>the</strong> extent that itwas suggested to Pope Pius IX to re-establish <strong>the</strong>Catholic hierarchy in England. That decision,although it was necessary and justifiable, was seen as“papal aggression” after three centuries ofReformation.It can be said that <strong>the</strong> period of <strong>the</strong> 18 th centurywas especially difficult for Catholics and resulted innumerous martyrs similar to those of <strong>the</strong> first centuryof <strong>the</strong> Church. In fact, <strong>the</strong> new archbishop ofWestminster, Cardinal Wiseman, wrote <strong>the</strong> novelFabiola to compare <strong>the</strong> English movement with thatof <strong>the</strong> Church of <strong>the</strong> catacombs. Newman did <strong>the</strong>same with his novel, Callista. However, in additionto those narratives, <strong>the</strong> ways and means Newman,being a practical man, used to address his interlocutors,were in <strong>the</strong> field of apologetics, testimonials andpolemics. Patristics, <strong>the</strong>ology and classical literatureoffered ways of highlighting <strong>the</strong> aristocratic, insularmentality and <strong>the</strong> misinformation of his adversaries.A sculpture of Newman in <strong>the</strong> garden of LittlemoreIn fact, before being attracted to Catholicism,Newman began to have doubts that were caused byhis severe analysis of Anglicanism of that time whichhe considered to be worldly.However, it was still difficult for him to free himselffrom prejudice (this was also <strong>the</strong> title of a collectionof his writings) and he held that Catholics, inorder to be credible, should be able to offer proofs ofhumiliation and sacrifices. Newman was offered <strong>the</strong>testimony that he sought in <strong>the</strong> humble Italian<strong>Passio</strong>nist, Fr. Dominic Barberi, today “Blessed”,who he described as convincing, gentle, and not seekingproselytes. Above all he was impressed by his lifehistory: a shepherd from a remote part of Italy (asNewman described it) who dreamed of setting foot inEngland to advance <strong>the</strong> process of reconciliation withRome. He also knew that during previous century<strong>the</strong> Founder of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nists prayed for <strong>the</strong> samecause and actually foresaw <strong>the</strong> presence of his religiousin <strong>the</strong> United Kingdom. In Britain <strong>the</strong>re was acertain pride and enthusiasm that to some degreeencouraged (or fur<strong>the</strong>red) <strong>the</strong> concept that it epitomized<strong>the</strong> civil, financial and political world of <strong>the</strong>eighteenth century – something to which evenDarwin attested. Newman was a thorn in <strong>the</strong> side of<strong>the</strong> society that scrutinized and harshly criticized himbecause he sought to defend <strong>the</strong> Church of Rome thathad always been depicted by <strong>the</strong> Anglicans as a bulwarkof <strong>the</strong>ological and social regression. The disapprovalof <strong>the</strong> English society was streng<strong>the</strong>n by <strong>the</strong>fact that <strong>the</strong> Oxford movement, of which Newmanwas <strong>the</strong> mastermind, was promoted by individualswho were intellectually and morally exemplary fromits very beginnings, i.e. since 1833, as evidenced in awell-known discourse by a friend of Newman, Keble,about <strong>the</strong> “national apostasy”. This indictmentexplained <strong>the</strong> decadence of <strong>the</strong> Anglican confession➥June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2313

THE CURIA INFORMSwas characterized by a certain liberalism that relegated<strong>the</strong> faith to a series of rational explanations. TheOxford professors addressed this distortion by circulatingtracts, short works addressing very timelyissues. Naturally Newman was among <strong>the</strong> mostactive and provocative in this movement. It reachedits height with Tract 90 which considered <strong>the</strong> possibilityof reconciling <strong>the</strong> doctrine contained in <strong>the</strong> 39Elizabethan articles with key points of Catholic doctrine.Twelve thousand copies were printed, causing agreat commotion and <strong>the</strong> condemnation of <strong>the</strong>Anglican hierarchy. But <strong>the</strong> movement continued andNewman was read and respected. Among <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs,<strong>the</strong> young Manning was won over and entered <strong>the</strong>Catholic Church becoming <strong>the</strong> successor of Wisemanin Westminster in 1865. In that same year Newmanput <strong>the</strong> finishing touches on <strong>the</strong> poem, The Dream ofGerontius, which was later set to music by EdwardElgar, <strong>the</strong> foremost English composer of that period.To have arrived at a level of such great prominence inEnglish society was one more wave that movedtoward Rome.Two years after <strong>the</strong> disconcerting Tract 90 <strong>the</strong>Catholic newspaper of Paris, L’Univers, published anarticle about a disciple of Newman, Dalgairns. Itreported about <strong>the</strong> distinct possibility, including <strong>the</strong>near proximity, of <strong>the</strong> union of <strong>the</strong> Anglicans withRome. Fr. Dominic, who in 1841 was in Belgium,learned of this and he wrote a letter in Latin toDalgairns inviting <strong>the</strong> professors of <strong>the</strong> movement toinvestigate <strong>the</strong> possibility of such a union. DalgairnsThe Church of San Giorgio al Velabro, Rome, Newman’stitular church.The chapel of <strong>the</strong> Propaganda Fide, Rome, where Newmancelebrated his first Mass.responded to <strong>the</strong> Italian <strong>Passio</strong>nist, also in Latin, withgreat honesty. The intermediary of <strong>the</strong>se contacts was<strong>the</strong> nobleman, George Spencer, an Anglican who hadalready converted, and who eventually became aCatholic priest and a <strong>Passio</strong>nist. We can only conjecture,although with some certainty, that this movementreached its climax on <strong>the</strong> night of 8 October1845 when <strong>the</strong> humble <strong>Passio</strong>nist, who was informedby Dalgairns about Newman’s intentions, departedfrom Aston Hall and went to Littlemore where <strong>the</strong>professor impatiently waited for him. Fr. Dominicjoyfully heard <strong>the</strong> confession and received into <strong>the</strong>Church this gentleman who was so influential and at<strong>the</strong> same time so desirous of <strong>the</strong> truth. That meetingwhich as so private was considered an event of incalculableproportions.In conclusion, leaving behind Newman <strong>the</strong> manand <strong>the</strong> writer, one can discover <strong>the</strong> most original andesteemed “fa<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> Church” of <strong>the</strong> 19 th century:<strong>the</strong> priest, <strong>the</strong> member of <strong>the</strong> Oratorians and <strong>the</strong>Cardinal of Pope Leo XIII. His beatification thisyear, far from <strong>the</strong> time of conflicting interpretationsof his doctrinal positions, echoes <strong>the</strong> praises – someof <strong>the</strong>m posthumous – of <strong>the</strong> highest levels of Englishsoceity. At <strong>the</strong> time of his death (11 August 1890)<strong>the</strong> Times of London reiterated <strong>the</strong> praise of all ofEngland when it prophetically stated: “<strong>the</strong> saintwithin him will survive”.●(From <strong>the</strong> publication Presenza Missionaria <strong>Passio</strong>nista ofDOL Province. Reprinted with permission).14June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

THE CURIA INFORMSNEWS FROM THE SECRETARY GENERALFOR SOLIDARITY AND THE MISSIONSFr. Jesús Mª Aristín, C.P.The International Commission for Solidarity and<strong>Passio</strong>nists InternationalOn 27 May 2010 <strong>the</strong> International Commission forSolidarity had its fifth meeting by means of teleconferencing,with <strong>the</strong> following religious participating: Fr.Jesús María Aristín, Secretary General for <strong>the</strong> Missionsand JPIC, Fr. José Ramón Sánchez (SPIR), Fr. NandoValsecchi (CORM), <strong>the</strong> Italian language representative,Fr. Francisco Murray (CONC), representing PAS-PAC and Mr. John González, <strong>the</strong> English language representative.We divided <strong>the</strong> work of organizing <strong>the</strong> next WorldFood Day that will be celebrated as every year, on 16October. We shared our experiences about <strong>the</strong> lastWorld Water Day, 22 March, which were positive,including o<strong>the</strong>r religious congregations and religiousgroups that used our materials to celebrate <strong>the</strong> day (seeour web site: www.jpicpassionist.org). As usual eachone of <strong>the</strong> participants reported on <strong>the</strong> work that <strong>the</strong>yhad done during <strong>the</strong>se past months and what were <strong>the</strong>irshort-term projects. John reported that from 14-16June he was going to Washington, D.C. for variousmeetings with political leaders. Fr. José Ramón spokeabout his work in <strong>the</strong> province bulletin of his province(SPIR), as well as <strong>the</strong> work that Fr. Peter Gardiner(SPIR) was doing with volunteers in Sou<strong>the</strong>ast Asia.Frs. Nando and Jesús María commented on <strong>the</strong>National Seminar that took place in Rome during 16-18 April 2010. Information was also shared aboutupcoming courses of JPIC that are scheduled to takeplace in Kenya and Tanzania in June. Finally, Fr.(L-R) Sr. Joanne Fahey, C.P., Mr. Tim O’Brien, Sr. Mary AnnStrain, C.P., Fr. Jesús María Aristín, Fr. Kevin Dance (SPIR);Fr. Jefferies Foale (SPIR), Sr. Bernadette Hughes, C.P., andSr. Mavi Alfaro (General Consultor, Daughters of <strong>the</strong><strong>Passio</strong>n).Francisco Murray reported <strong>the</strong> work that he is doingwith <strong>the</strong> JPIC Coordinators in <strong>the</strong> various countries of<strong>the</strong> PASPAC Configuration (Asia and Australia).We also observed that <strong>the</strong> International Volunteersare having good results in various parts of <strong>the</strong>Congregation. We need to find ways of reporting thisto <strong>the</strong> Congregation and of coordinating differentactivities, to which all agreed. The next meeting viateleconferencing is scheduled for 9 September 2010.<strong>Passio</strong>nists InternationalOn 3-4 May <strong>the</strong> Executive Council of <strong>Passio</strong>nistsInternational met in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist community inJamaica, New York. Those members present were: Fr.Jesús María Aristín, Fr. Kevin Dance (SPIR) NGO representative;Sr. Bernadette Hughes, C.P., Sr. Mary AnnStrain, C.P., Fr. Jefferies Foale (SPIR), Sr. JoanneFahey, C.P., Sr. Mavi Alfaro (General Consultor,Daughters of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>n) and Mr. Tim O’Brien. Aguest was Mr. Edmund Thomas, a volunteer. A newcomponent of this meeting was <strong>the</strong> presence of ano<strong>the</strong>rmember of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Family, <strong>the</strong> Daughters of<strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>n, who wish to participate as full members ofour NGO International.Following <strong>the</strong> usual reports from <strong>the</strong> various members,an important decision was made, i.e. <strong>Passio</strong>nistsInternational will concentrate its work in <strong>the</strong> area ofHuman Development including its financial, social,human and cultural dimensions. Again <strong>the</strong> topic of asuccessor to Fr. Kevin was discussed and it was decidedthat a search would begin for a male or femaleReligious or a lay person who would assume thisimportant role of representing <strong>the</strong> men and women<strong>Passio</strong>nist Religious at <strong>the</strong> UN.After an extensive discussion it was agreed that Fr.Ferdinando Valsecchi (CORM) would participate in<strong>the</strong> UN Council on Human Rights in Geneva, on anexperimental basis, for one year. The Secretariat forSolidarity and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Missions would assume<strong>the</strong> costs. Following this year of experimentation <strong>the</strong>results would be evaluated. This experience, toge<strong>the</strong>rwith our participation in FAO organization of <strong>the</strong> UNexpresses our desire to extend our work as an NGO onan international level and not only concentrate ourefforts at <strong>the</strong> UN in New York City.Once again we realize that more communication isneeded with <strong>the</strong> communities and <strong>the</strong>refore we agreedto send <strong>the</strong> communities, via email, <strong>the</strong> followingmaterial:Future updates on <strong>the</strong> web site: www.passionistsinternational.orgThe Bulletin that is published twice a year.A triptych that can be shared in <strong>the</strong> communities.Finally we agreed to have <strong>the</strong> next meeting via teleconferencingon 4 October 2010.●June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2315

PASSIONIST LIFETHIRD PROVINCIALCHAPTER IN PORTUGALThe Province of Our Lady of Fatima (FAT)celebrated its third Provincial Chapter during6-9 April 2010 in <strong>the</strong> Casa Mãe, inBarroselas, Portugal. The moderator of <strong>the</strong> chapterwas Fr. Norberto Donizetti, from <strong>the</strong> CALV Provinceof Brazil. In addition to <strong>the</strong> religious of <strong>the</strong> Province,also present were <strong>the</strong> Superior General, Fr. OttavianoD’Egidio and <strong>the</strong> Fr. Luis Alberto Cano, GeneralConsultor.The religious studied <strong>the</strong> general objectives for<strong>the</strong> next four years, deciding on some goals for <strong>the</strong>areas of community life, mission, formation andvocation ministry. Currently in <strong>the</strong> Province <strong>the</strong>reare 28 religious in perpetual vows, 4 students in temporaryvows, 2 novices and 1 postulant. These religiousare located in four communities in Portugal(Barroselas, Santa Maria da Feira, Linda-a-Velha andSanto António da Charneca (Barreiro). The provincealso has missions in Angola in Uíje and in Viana (S.José de Calumbo).(L-R) Fr. José Joaquim Queirós de Sá, Fr. Laureano AlvesPereira, Fr. Paulo Jorge Gomes de Sousa.During <strong>the</strong> Chapter <strong>the</strong> following religious werere-elected to positions of leadership in <strong>the</strong> Province:Fr. Laureano Alves Pereira (Provincial Superior);Fr. José Joaquim Queirós de Sá (1st Consultor); andFr. Paulo Jorge Gomes Ferreira de Sousa (2ndConsultor).●MEETINGS IN MADRID, SPAIN:THE SACRED HEART CONFIGURATION (CSC)AND THE FORMER INTER-PROVINCIALIBERIAN CONFERENCEOn March 23, 2010 <strong>the</strong> representatives of <strong>the</strong>former Inter-Provincial Iberian Conferencemet with <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> Configurationof <strong>the</strong> Sacred Heart in <strong>the</strong> community of <strong>the</strong> Shrineof St. Gemma, Madrid (Spain). Those attendingwere: <strong>the</strong> Provincial Superiors of FAM, CORI, FAT,SANG, <strong>the</strong> FID Vice provincial, <strong>the</strong> GeneralSuperior of <strong>the</strong> Servants of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>n, TheProvincial Superior of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Sisters of St.Paul of <strong>the</strong> Cross (Immaculate Conception Province)and <strong>the</strong> delegate of <strong>the</strong> Daughters of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>n(Mexico).In <strong>the</strong> afternoon of March 23rd and <strong>the</strong> next day,<strong>the</strong> 24th, <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> Provincial Councils of<strong>the</strong> Configuration of <strong>the</strong> Sacred Heart continued <strong>the</strong>meeting. Those attending were: Frs. AntonioMunduate and Joaquin Vargas (FID Vice-Province);Frs. Fernando Rabanal and Juan Ignacio Villar (FAMProvincial & Provincial consultor); Fr. Juan MaríaSantamaría (CORI Provincial); Fr. José María Sáez(SANG Provincial) and SANG Consultors (Frs. JesúsAldea and Rafael Sánchez Alvarez) and Fr. LaureanoAlves (FAT Provincial). Both meetings were attendedby Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, Superior General andFr. Luis Alberto Cano, General Consultor.The work centered on <strong>the</strong> progress in <strong>the</strong> threeareas of solidarity in <strong>the</strong> process of Restructuring asit pertained to <strong>the</strong>se provinces.16June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

PASSIONIST LIFESolidarity in FormationIt was decided that <strong>the</strong> periodof postulancy would take place in<strong>the</strong> local provinces and that <strong>the</strong>rewould be two novitiate locations:Daimiel, Spain (beginning inSept. 2010) and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r inChosica, Peru (beginning in Jan.2011). Each province can chooseei<strong>the</strong>r novitiate and would also beresponsible for sending one of itsreligious to form part of <strong>the</strong> novitiateteam. Additionally, a workshopis being organized for formationpersonnel in Rome during<strong>the</strong> early part of 2011.Solidarity in PersonnelTo begin <strong>the</strong> process of solidarityin <strong>the</strong> area of personnel <strong>the</strong>idea was proposed of presentingall of <strong>the</strong> religious of <strong>the</strong>Configuration with four optionsof types of presence and ministry: A missionary presencein Yurimaguas, Peru; <strong>the</strong> Community of Fatima-Caracas, Venezuela; <strong>the</strong> Community of El Alto,Bolivia; and a Team for preaching Popular Missionsand Retreats.The first three options would be within communitiesthat are both international and intercultural;whereas in <strong>the</strong> fourth option, <strong>the</strong> religious could livein <strong>the</strong>ir own communities and join o<strong>the</strong>rs forministry.Solidarity in FinancesA meeting was scheduled for mid-June to shareinformation about fur<strong>the</strong>r sharing in <strong>the</strong> area offinances. This would include information about howfunds would be administered, <strong>the</strong> use of a model forMembers of <strong>the</strong> Sacred Heart Configuration<strong>the</strong> entire Configuration, <strong>the</strong> situation of communitiesthat are in financial difficulty, and financing of<strong>the</strong> common novitiates.Organizational Structure of <strong>the</strong> ConfigurationFor purposes of organization and government, it wasdecided to divide <strong>the</strong> Configuration into four “Zones”,including <strong>the</strong> possibility of a General Coordinator andfour animators for <strong>the</strong> “Zones” (delegation). The fourgroupings proposed are: Zone 1 (Guatemala, ElSalvador, Honduras, Mexico and Cuba); Zone 2 (Peru,Bolivia and Chile); Zone 3 (Spain); and Zone 4(Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador).The meeting concluded with information about<strong>the</strong> CLAP meeting in May and <strong>the</strong> upcoming WorldYouth Day.●REG PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLYThe REG Province of Mexico ga<strong>the</strong>red for itsAssembly at <strong>the</strong> Spiritual Center inCuernavaca, Mexico during 7-10 June, 2010.As part of <strong>the</strong> Assembly <strong>the</strong>re was a workshopentitled: “To be or not to be: Religious Life in <strong>the</strong> 21 stCentury”. In preparation for <strong>the</strong> Assembly <strong>the</strong> religiouswere asked to reflect on this topic using a bookby <strong>the</strong> same title by Fr. Carlos Palmés, SJ. During<strong>the</strong> Assembly <strong>the</strong> participants reflected on <strong>the</strong> followingquestions: To what degree has <strong>the</strong> Memoria<strong>Passio</strong>nis been <strong>the</strong> center of my life and how has thisbeen expressed? How I have witnessed to my experienceof God, my communion and my mission in <strong>the</strong>area of international collaboration for communityand apostolic life; formation; JPIC; collaborationwith <strong>the</strong> laity; and <strong>the</strong> preferential option for youth.These reflections were also done in <strong>the</strong> context of <strong>the</strong>Strategic Provincial Plan for 2008-2012.●June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2317

PASSIONIST LIFEASSEMBLY OF THEPASSIONISTS OF LATINAMERICAN (CLAP)The meeting <strong>the</strong> representatives of all <strong>the</strong> menand women <strong>Passio</strong>nists religious who are presentin Latin America took place in SanSalvador, El Salvador during May 10-17, 2010.Continuing <strong>the</strong> process of reflection and practice ofJPIC, <strong>the</strong>y made <strong>the</strong> decisions that aimed at respondingto life in death-like situations. Consequently, for <strong>the</strong>next three years <strong>the</strong>y agreed to make commitmentsbased upon <strong>the</strong> following principles: A) The Word ofGod and our Charism; B) Being a <strong>Passio</strong>nist presencein marginalized areas that unite us with groupsinvolved with <strong>the</strong> crucified people of today; C)Transforming our educational structures into a real network;D) Learning and allowing <strong>the</strong> people to evangelizeus and allowing <strong>the</strong>m to be protagonists of <strong>the</strong>irown destiny; and E) Increasing our union with and givingenergy to <strong>the</strong> CLAP teams for a new restructuringof <strong>the</strong>ir coordination and communications.Participants in <strong>the</strong> CLAP AssemblyAlso part of <strong>the</strong> meeting was <strong>the</strong> election of <strong>the</strong>following religious to three-year terms of leadershipfor <strong>the</strong> period 2010-1013: President, Fr. EddyVásquez (CORI) and Fr. Gabriel García (CONC)Vice-President and Treasurer. The following religiouswere elected members of <strong>the</strong> coordinating teamaccording to zones: Zone A: Sr. Rafaela Ojeda and Fr.Miguel Pozuelo (FAM); Zone B: Fr. Eddy Vasquez(CORI) and Fr. Hugo Saavedra (CORI); Zone C: Fr.Gabriel García (CONC) and Fernando Cormejo; andZone D: Fr. Eleno Marques Araujo (SPE) andCleomir.●TWENTIETH ANNUALMEETING OF FORMERPASSIONIST STUDENTSOF THE DOL PROVINCEOn May 1 st former <strong>Passio</strong>nist students of <strong>the</strong>DOL Province of Italy ga<strong>the</strong>red at <strong>the</strong><strong>Passio</strong>nist retreat of Calvi Risorta for <strong>the</strong>ir20 th annual meeting. In addition to <strong>the</strong> over 100 formerstudents, also present were <strong>the</strong> Superior General,Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, <strong>the</strong> Provincial Superior, Fr.Enzo del Brocco, and <strong>the</strong> spiritual moderator of <strong>the</strong>association, Fr. Ludovico Izzo (DOL). The formeralumni, now professionals in many different fields,were also accompanied by <strong>the</strong> wives and children,creating a true family atmosphere.In his invitation to <strong>the</strong>se former students, Fr.Pierluigi Mirra (DOL), <strong>the</strong> local superior, said that hehoped that this ga<strong>the</strong>ring would be an opportunity forFormer students of <strong>the</strong> DOL Province<strong>the</strong> participants to “re-read for a moment a page fromour history that we wrote and signed toge<strong>the</strong>r asyoung men who dreamed dreams.”And in his homily Fr. General noted that thisannual meeting was an opportunity for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nistreligious, and <strong>the</strong> laity of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Family,in particular its alumni, to renew <strong>the</strong> bonds ofspirituality and friendship which are sources ofmutual support and encouragement.●18June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

FIFTY YEARS OFPASSIONIST PRESENCEIN ECUADORThis year 2010, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nists of <strong>the</strong> SANGProvince of Spain are celebrating fifty yearsof <strong>Passio</strong>nist Presence in Ecuador, SouthAmerica. In 1960 Archbishop César AntonioMosquera, <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>n archbishop of Guayaquil,requested <strong>the</strong> presence of <strong>Passio</strong>nist missionaries inhis diocese. In March of that year two <strong>Passio</strong>nists,Frs. Aquilino García Martín and J. Agustín Lopez deLama marked <strong>the</strong> arrival of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nists in thatcountry.This year <strong>the</strong> parishes of “Santa Gema” and “LaAnunciación” in <strong>the</strong> city of Guayaquil are also celebratingrespectively <strong>the</strong> 50 th and 25 th anniversaries of<strong>the</strong>ir foundation. Additionally, in May, 1989 a<strong>Passio</strong>nist community was begun in <strong>the</strong> capital ofQuito as a center for <strong>Passio</strong>nist formation and in1994, an additional formation community was foundedin <strong>the</strong> city of Conocoto. In 1999 <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nistSisters of St. Paul of <strong>the</strong> Cross arrived to work with<strong>the</strong> male religious in <strong>the</strong> parishes of Guayaquil and<strong>the</strong> surrounding areas. Moreover, in 1999 <strong>the</strong> school,“San Gabriel de la Dolorosa” and <strong>the</strong> “San Pablo dela Cruz” Center were established in <strong>the</strong> area ofCerecitas (Guayas) to care for <strong>the</strong> people of <strong>the</strong>coastal region of Guayaquil. Currently <strong>the</strong>re are ten<strong>Passio</strong>nist religious ministering in this country.In his letter marking this anniversary <strong>the</strong> currentPASSIONIST LIFEThe Church of St. Gemma, Guayaquil, EcuadorSANG Provincial Superior, V. Rev. José María SáezMartín, wrote: “Trusting in <strong>the</strong> grace of God, mayour presence continue to be a humble and efficacioussign of his salvation and of <strong>the</strong> new life that springsfrom <strong>the</strong> paschal mystery”.●THE CONFIGURATIONOF JESUS CRUCIFIEDTwo Formation Committee MeetingsThe first Committee meeting on Formation for<strong>the</strong> Configuration of Jesus Crucified met in BuenosAires, Argentina during March 14-17, 2010. Theorganizing members were Frs. Moisés Ríos (CORI,Puerto Rico), Juan Rosasco (CONC,Argentina) andEnzo del Brocco (DOL, Italy). They were joined byFrs. Alejandro González (REG, Mexico), PauloCorreia (FAT, Portugal), Arthur Carrillo (CRUC,USA) and Paul Zilonka (PAUL, USA). The meetingwas held at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Holy Cross Monastery andRetreat House in Buenos Aires.During <strong>the</strong> meeting <strong>the</strong> participants reflected on <strong>the</strong>reality of formation in <strong>the</strong> various entities of <strong>the</strong>Congregation, such as: <strong>the</strong> number of candidates in(L-R) Fr. Juan Rosasco, Fr. Enzo del Brocco, Fr. Moisés Ríos,Fr. Paul Zilonka, Fr. Arthur Carrillo, Fr. Alejandro Gonzálezand Fr. Paulo Correia.formation, <strong>the</strong> stages and projects in progress, studyprograms, etc. They reflected on <strong>the</strong> nature and finalobjective of <strong>the</strong> formation process. The <strong>Passio</strong>nistfoundation entitled, “Talita Koum”, a center for study➥June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2319

PASSIONIST LIFEand investigation for youth, proposed different formationpossibilities for adolescents and young adults.The following points were also addressed:— The proposal that all of <strong>the</strong> novices of <strong>the</strong>Configuration would make <strong>the</strong>ir novitiate in ei<strong>the</strong>rItaly or Brazil.— Fur<strong>the</strong>r studying possible centers for <strong>the</strong>ologicalstudies: Mexico, Puerto Rico, Buenos Aires andChicago. Detailed proposals will be discussed andvoted upon when <strong>the</strong> entire leadership of <strong>the</strong>Configuration meets in Rome in October.A second Formation Committee meeting tookplace at <strong>the</strong> Jamaica, New York Monastery on 14-15April 2010. The following major superiors, membersof <strong>the</strong> formation committee, were present: Frs.Moisés Ríos (CORI-Puerto Rico); Juan Rosasco(CONC-Argentina); Enzo del Brocco (DOL-Italy).Also present were Fr. Joseph Jones (PAUL-USA), <strong>the</strong>Coordinator of <strong>the</strong> Configuration. There was also atelephone link up with Fr. Francisco Valadez (REG-Mexico). During <strong>the</strong> meeting, <strong>the</strong> participantsaddressed <strong>the</strong>se issues: 1) Fr. Giovanni Giorgi (DOL)was elected as novice master for <strong>the</strong> novitiate in Italy.He requested that an international team would alsocomprise <strong>the</strong> novitiate staff. 2) The site of <strong>the</strong> novitiatewould be <strong>the</strong> Monastery of San Sosio, in <strong>the</strong> cityof Falvaterra (Frosinone) Italy. 3) Fr. Joseph Jones,Coordinator, asked that Fr. Alejandro González (REG)be a member of this novitiate team. 4) It was requestedthat prospective novices arrive at <strong>the</strong> novitiate inFalvaterra by 18 July 2010 for an intensive course inItalian. The novitiate would begin on 22 August.Possibly <strong>the</strong>re will be nine novices from Italy,Portugal, Mexico and <strong>the</strong> Caribbean. The formationcommittee will meet with <strong>the</strong> staff of <strong>the</strong> novitiate during19-24 July to finalize details. In conjunction with<strong>the</strong> General Synod of <strong>the</strong> Congregation in Rome andan Assembly of <strong>the</strong> Configuration, <strong>the</strong> FormationCommittee will meet on 20 October to evaluate <strong>the</strong>initial program of <strong>the</strong> novitiate. Finally, <strong>the</strong> committeewill also plan for a similar international novitiateteam for novices of Brazil and Mozambique. ●48 TH PROVINCIAL CHAPTER OF THE PAUL PROVINCE, USADuring May 10 - 14, 2010 <strong>the</strong> 48 th ProvincialChapter of <strong>the</strong> PAUL Province (USA) tookplace at <strong>the</strong> Holy Family <strong>Passio</strong>nistMonastery and Retreat Center, West Hartford,Connecticut. In addition to over 100 religious of <strong>the</strong>Province who attended, also present were Fr. DenisTravers (First General Consultor) who did <strong>the</strong>Canonical Visitation; Fr. Donald Webber, CRUCProvincial Superior, and Fr. James Stromer of HolyCross Province; and Fr. Jefferies Foale (SPIR), <strong>the</strong>Superior of our mission in Vietnam. Also presentwas Bishop Neil Tiedemann, C.P. <strong>the</strong> ordinary ofMandeville, Jamaica, West Indies. Religious andlaity who collaborate in <strong>the</strong> various ministries of <strong>the</strong>province were also present as guests for <strong>the</strong> first partof <strong>the</strong> Chapter.In his opening address Fr. Ottaviano, SuperiorGeneral praised <strong>the</strong> religious of <strong>the</strong> province for <strong>the</strong>irpresence and ministry in various areas: <strong>the</strong> great pastoralwork that is being done, especially by <strong>the</strong> sickand elderly; its financial generosity in mission areassuch as Jamaica, West Indies, Haiti, Honduras; itsmissionary history, founding three additionalprovinces, including <strong>the</strong> original mission in China;its media and TV ministries; and its care for <strong>the</strong> sickand elderly. However, he also noted some areas ofconcern that surfaced during <strong>the</strong> canonical visitation:“Among <strong>the</strong> many positive elements that emerged,<strong>the</strong> canonical visitation also noted some concernsand confusion among <strong>the</strong> religious with regard to <strong>the</strong>financial situation and, in <strong>the</strong> future, <strong>the</strong> capacity of<strong>the</strong> Province to maintain all of its ministries and itsforms of presence in a region in all of <strong>the</strong> areas where(L-R) Fr. Paul Zilonka, Fr. Richard Burke, Fr. OttavianoD’Egidio, Fr. Robert Joerger, Fr. Robin Ryan and Fr. JamesO’Shea.it is currently located. Many have expressed <strong>the</strong>desire that Chapter openly address <strong>the</strong> reality of <strong>the</strong>current status of <strong>the</strong> Province, studying its challengesin <strong>the</strong> light of <strong>the</strong> limitations imposed by <strong>the</strong> relationshipbetween pastoral planning and <strong>the</strong> number ofreligious and with a view to <strong>the</strong> financial situation of<strong>the</strong> Province.”During <strong>the</strong> final days of <strong>the</strong> Chapter, <strong>the</strong> followingreligious were elected to roles of leadership: Fr.Robert Joerger, Provincial Superior; Fr. Robin Ryan,First Consultor; Fr. Richard Burke; Fr. James O’Shea;and Fr. Paul Zilonka, additional Consultors. ●20June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

During 16-18 April <strong>the</strong> first seminar on <strong>the</strong><strong>Passio</strong>nist Charism and JPIC in Italy tookplace at <strong>the</strong> Retreat House of Sts. Johnand Paul, Rome. Present were eight <strong>Passio</strong>nistreligious and nineteen laity. At various points <strong>the</strong>student-seminarians (STIP) were also presenttoge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong>ir directors. We were also especiallygrateful for <strong>the</strong> participation of <strong>the</strong> GeneralConsultors, Frs. Luigi Vaninetti and Luis AlbertoCano. The Superior General, Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio,joined <strong>the</strong> group for <strong>the</strong> closing Eucharist thatincluded an inspiring homily.The conferenceof Fr. Adolfo Lippi(PRAES) helped<strong>the</strong> participants tounderstand that <strong>the</strong><strong>Passio</strong>nistCharism cannotturn its back onJPIC. The evangelizationof <strong>the</strong> crucifiedof todayintrinsicallyincludes <strong>the</strong>defense of life, ofjustice and humanrights. TheCrucified One isinseparable fromthose that are crucified.One of <strong>the</strong> most enlightening moments took placein <strong>the</strong> context of a round table discussion onSaturday. The witness talks given by members of“Francisans International” and <strong>the</strong> “Sant’EgidioCommunity” helped <strong>the</strong> participants to understandhow o<strong>the</strong>r religious groups are working on behalfof Justice and Peace, sustained by <strong>the</strong> Gospel andworking for <strong>the</strong> building of <strong>the</strong> Reign of God. Thepresentation by <strong>the</strong> FOCSIV organization(International Federation of Catholic VolunteerOrganizations) helped those present to fur<strong>the</strong>rdevelop our volunteers on an international level.PASSIONIST LIFESEMINAR ON THE CHARISM AND JPIC(JUSTICE, PEACE AND THE INTEGRITY OF CREATION)The second part of <strong>the</strong> seminar included an opportunityfor <strong>the</strong> individual provinces to share <strong>the</strong> workthat <strong>the</strong>y have been doing in <strong>the</strong> area of Justice, Peaceand <strong>the</strong> Integrity of Creation and to see to what extent<strong>the</strong>y could share various projects and also becomeaware of how we need to continue to be formed andeducated in this area. For example, some shared thatin some communities <strong>the</strong>y were installing solarpanels and also various recycling efforts. Thereis also close collaboration with our missions inAfrica (Kenya and Tanzania), Asia (Indonesia) andLatin America (Brazil). The work that is being donein our parishes incaring for <strong>the</strong> poorthrough distributionof food andclothing is alsoimportant. Worthyof mention is also<strong>the</strong> work of someof our religious in<strong>the</strong>ir work ofpreaching peacethrough popularmissions andretreats, especiallyin areas that areconvulsed by violenceand mob andgang activity. Inhis popular missionsSt. Paul of <strong>the</strong> Cross emphasized <strong>the</strong> importanceof working for peace and reconciliation.It was obvious that we need to give more attentionto <strong>the</strong> topic of JPIC in our preaching, and not remainmerely on <strong>the</strong> devotional level. All of <strong>the</strong> provincesagreed that <strong>the</strong>re is still some resistance on <strong>the</strong> partof some of our religious to understand that JPIC isintimately connected with our charism. The finalevaluation was very positive, and at <strong>the</strong> suggestion ofFr. General, <strong>the</strong> seminar will be repeated again in twoyears.(Fr. Jesús María Aristín,Secretary General of <strong>the</strong> Missions and JPIC)<strong>Passio</strong>nists and members of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Family at <strong>the</strong> JPIC Seminar,Rome.June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2321

PASSIONIST LIFETHE 30 TH CHAPTER OF THEGABR PROVINCE, BELGIUMFr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, Superior General, Fr.Denis Travers, First General Consultor, ga<strong>the</strong>redwith <strong>the</strong> religious of <strong>the</strong> GABR Province ofBelgium during June 1-3, 2010 in <strong>the</strong> Diocesan Centreof Groenhove Te Torhout, for <strong>the</strong>ir Provincial Chapter.Also present was Fr. Leo Bos, Provincial Superior of<strong>the</strong> SPE Province of <strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands.In his opening address to <strong>the</strong> religious, Fr. Generalreferred to <strong>the</strong> General Visitation that was done by Fr.Denis Travers, who met with both communities ofKortrijk and Wezembeek-Oppem. In his Visitationreport Fr. Denis noted that one of <strong>the</strong> principal concernsof <strong>the</strong> religious was <strong>the</strong> ministry of leadership, especiallyin light of future realities. Ano<strong>the</strong>r matter of concernwas that of <strong>the</strong> care of <strong>the</strong> libraries of <strong>the</strong> two communitiesand <strong>the</strong> Provincial Archives that contain animportant part of <strong>the</strong> history of <strong>the</strong> Congregation.In his statements to <strong>the</strong> capitulars, Fr. Ottavianospoke of <strong>the</strong> transfer of <strong>the</strong> Stauros Library to <strong>the</strong>Generalate of Sts. John and Paul in Rome. He alsoreferred to <strong>the</strong> project of <strong>the</strong> Dictionary of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nwhich has been <strong>the</strong> work of three religious of <strong>the</strong>ASSUM PROVINCIALCHAPTER, POLANDThe Provincial Chapter of <strong>the</strong> Polish ASSUMProvince took place during June 14 - 18, 2010in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist community of Christ <strong>the</strong>King, Sadowie - Golgota. In addition to <strong>the</strong> presenceof Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, Superior General, and hisPersonal Secretary, Fr. Marco Pasquali, <strong>the</strong>re wereapproximately twenty religious of <strong>the</strong> Provincepresent as elected delegates.In his opening address Fr. General stated that <strong>the</strong>Canonical Visitation was done by Fr. Luigi Vaninetti,General Consultor and Fr. Giuseppe Martinelli, <strong>the</strong>CORM Provincial Superior. He thanked <strong>the</strong> Provincefor <strong>the</strong> presence of several of its religious in ministriesoutside of <strong>the</strong> Province: Fr. Mirosław Lesiecki,<strong>the</strong> Rector of Sts. John and Paul, Rome; Fr. PiotrJarosław Zygmunt, Secretary of <strong>the</strong> VaticanCongregation for Institutes of Religious Life; Fr.Sebastian Walak, a member of <strong>the</strong> Bethany communityin <strong>the</strong> Holy Land; and Rafal Pujsza, an undergraduatestudent studying in Rome.Fr. General spoke about <strong>the</strong> challenges that thisProvince faces with regarding <strong>the</strong> process ofRestructuring in <strong>the</strong> Congregation in particular withregard to translations of official documents and communicationwith <strong>the</strong> General Curia and <strong>the</strong>Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, Fr. Denis Travers, Fr. MarcoPasquali, Fr. Frans Damen (Provincial Superior) andmembers of <strong>the</strong> GABR Province of Belgium.GABR Province. He also made note of <strong>the</strong> ministrythat <strong>the</strong> religious are doing at <strong>the</strong> Shrine of BlessedIsidore and <strong>the</strong> analysis that needs to be done to discern<strong>the</strong> future care of <strong>the</strong> Shrine. Fr. General also remindedthose present about <strong>the</strong>ir proud missionary history,especially in <strong>the</strong> past and <strong>the</strong>ir present concern for <strong>the</strong>SALV Vice-Province of Congo.During <strong>the</strong> Chapter, <strong>the</strong> following religious wereelected to <strong>the</strong> ministry of leadership: Fr. Frans Damen,Provincial Superior (Confirmed), Fr. André de Clercq,1st Consultor (Confirmed), and Fr. Rafaël Baert, 2ndConsultor.●(L-R)Frs.KrzysztofZygmunt,WladyslawZysk,WaldemarLinke,AndrzejJakimiak,andJanKoziatek.Congregation at large. Therefore, he encouraged <strong>the</strong>young religious and <strong>the</strong> students to learn one of <strong>the</strong>three main languages of <strong>the</strong> Congregation (Italian,English and Spanish) as a second language. In thisway formation can be understood as an investmentfor <strong>the</strong> future of <strong>the</strong> province and of <strong>the</strong>Congregation. Fr. Ottaviano also acknowledged <strong>the</strong>missionary work that <strong>the</strong> Province has undertaken in<strong>the</strong> Czech Republic and in Ukraine, and also <strong>the</strong> newparish of St. Gabriel, that it has assumed in <strong>the</strong> regionof Warsaw.Toward <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> Chapter <strong>the</strong> followingreligious were elected as Provincial andConsultors for <strong>the</strong> Province: Fr. Waldemar Linke,Provincial; Fr. Andrzej Jakimiak, 1st Consultor;Fr. Jan Koziatek, Fr. Krzysztof Zygmunt, andFr. Wladyslaw Zysk.●22June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

PASSIONIST LIFETHIRD MEETING OF THE MAJOR SUPERIORSOF THE CEB CONFIGURATIONThe major superiors of <strong>the</strong> Provinces composing<strong>the</strong> provinces and vice-provinces of <strong>the</strong>Configuration of Blessed Eugene Bossilkovmet at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Monastery in Monaco, Baveria.This third meeting of <strong>the</strong> Configuration took placeduring February 9-11, 2010. Also present at this meetingwas Fr. General, Ottaviano D’Egidio and <strong>the</strong>General Consultors, Luigi Vaninetti and Luis AlbertoCano. This was an opportunity for <strong>the</strong> various entitiesof <strong>the</strong> Configuration to fur<strong>the</strong>r study <strong>the</strong>ir willingnessand readiness for unification in <strong>the</strong> future and foradditional collaboration among <strong>the</strong>m. Two differentmodels emerged during <strong>the</strong> discussions: one favoringunification (<strong>the</strong> four Italian provinces, CORM, PIET,LAT, CFXI, and <strong>the</strong> MICH province of France) and<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r favoring individual autonomy and regionalidentity collaboration (Germany-Austria and Poland).In <strong>the</strong> first model, each current Province that composes<strong>the</strong> Configuration would become part of a regionwith a Zone Vicar and its own council. The Vicar of<strong>the</strong> Zone would also be <strong>the</strong> Consultor of <strong>the</strong> newjuridical entity composed of <strong>the</strong> five former provinces.In <strong>the</strong> second model, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r two entities of <strong>the</strong>Configuration (VULN and ASSUM) expressed <strong>the</strong>irpreference for retaining <strong>the</strong>ir juridical autonomy, whilecontinuing to collaborate with <strong>the</strong> CEB Configurationin <strong>the</strong> three areas of solidarity. Both of <strong>the</strong>se modelswill be on <strong>the</strong> agendas of <strong>the</strong> upcoming General Synodof <strong>the</strong> Congregation and <strong>the</strong> Provincial Assemblies andProvincial Chapters of <strong>the</strong>se provinces.There was also discussion about <strong>the</strong> criteria fordiscerning our presence in individual houses. Inaccordance with No. 103 of <strong>the</strong> Constitutions, a communitymust be composed of at least three religiousfor it to be considered a “canonical house”.Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, <strong>the</strong> community should: 1) be able tosustain a certain quality of community life; 2) be ableprovide a climate of silence and solitude; 3) respondappropriately to <strong>the</strong> scarcity or abundance of o<strong>the</strong>rreligious in <strong>the</strong> territory; 4) give priority to thosehouses that actually belong to us; 5) be able to befinancially self-sufficient; 6) have a specific projectfor its life and mission; 7) be able to effectivelyrespond to <strong>the</strong> apostolic needs of <strong>the</strong> territory and <strong>the</strong>local Church; 8) be able to afford prayer opportunitiesfor <strong>the</strong> laity; 9) consider its presence in a territoryin geographical proximity to o<strong>the</strong>r communities of<strong>the</strong> Congregation; and 10) be able to have a balancedproportion between <strong>the</strong> number of religious who areactive and those who are non-active, so <strong>the</strong> numberof houses and <strong>the</strong> activities of a Province not renderreligious life burdensome for all.The next meeting of this Configuration is scheduledfor 13-15 September, 2010.●Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, Fr. Luis Alberto Cano, and Major Superiors of <strong>the</strong> CEB Configuration.June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2323

PASSIONIST LIFETHE NEW PASSIONISTMISSION IN NIGERIA(report of Fr. Denis Travers, First Consultor)This year, on <strong>the</strong> Feast of <strong>the</strong> Holy CrossSeptember 14 th <strong>the</strong> Congregation will begin anew mission in Africa. This mission will be acollaborative effort on <strong>the</strong> part of PresentationProvince (Italy), <strong>the</strong> Vice Province of SALV (DRCongo) and <strong>the</strong> Vicariate of CARLW (Kenya).In a sense it will also be collaborative effort on <strong>the</strong>part of <strong>the</strong> Configuration of <strong>Passio</strong>nists Africa and<strong>the</strong> Configuration of Jesus Crucified in that <strong>the</strong>participating entities belong to two differentconfigurations.The new mission will be near <strong>the</strong> city of Owerri inImo State in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn part of Nigeria. Our missionwill be situated in <strong>the</strong> Parish of Umukadia in <strong>the</strong>Diocese of Okagwe.In many ways our mission will be well establishedin terms of infrastructure. By <strong>the</strong> time of our arrival apresbytery, a parish church and hospital with a maternityward will already be constructed. Solar panelsare already in place in case of power outages and abore for fresh water is ready. Additionally a schoolcatering for 400 students and a separate house for <strong>the</strong>(L-R) Fa<strong>the</strong>rs Raphael Mangiti, Fiorenzo Bordo, Emery KibalNkufi, and John Okafor.Congregation are also planned for <strong>the</strong> area. A benefactoris assisting <strong>the</strong> parish community and Dioceseto provide <strong>the</strong> facilities for our mission.We will be <strong>the</strong> only male missionary group in <strong>the</strong>Diocese and <strong>the</strong> Bishop is most enthusiastic aboutthis mission and keen to welcome us and our Charismto his Diocese.Fa<strong>the</strong>rs Fiorenzo Bordo (Provincial PRAES),Emery Kibal Nkufi (Vice Provincial SALV) andRaphael Mangiti (Vicar CARLW) visited <strong>the</strong> missionarea in February 2010 to inspect preparations. Thenew community – all of whom will be African<strong>Passio</strong>nists - will take up residence in August inpreparation for <strong>the</strong> official opening in September. ●LAITYMEETING OF THE NATIONALCOUNCIL OF THE LAY ITALIANPASSIONIST MOVEMENTThe Generalate of Sts. John and Paul in Romewas <strong>the</strong> site for <strong>the</strong> Meeting of <strong>the</strong> NationalCouncil of <strong>the</strong> Lay Italian <strong>Passio</strong>nistMovement during May 7-9, 2010.The overall <strong>the</strong>me of <strong>the</strong> meeting was “TheMemory of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>n in <strong>the</strong> Lay Italian <strong>Passio</strong>nistMovement” as expressed in its four basic principles:Formation on cognitive and experiential levels;Prayer; Mission; and <strong>the</strong> promise to recall <strong>the</strong>Memory of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>n.Various presentations were made to <strong>the</strong> participantsamong which were those of Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio,Superior General, who addressed <strong>the</strong> group during <strong>the</strong>opening Mass, and <strong>the</strong> introductory talk given by <strong>the</strong>National Coordinator, Maria Rosa Fraccaro, who outlined<strong>the</strong> agenda for <strong>the</strong> following days. Fr. GiovanniGiorgi (DOL) <strong>the</strong> National Spiritual Moderator,addressed <strong>the</strong> group in <strong>the</strong> opening talk and also in hisclosing comments. Fr. Leonello Leidi (CORM), adirector of <strong>the</strong> Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes ofConsecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life,The Excecutive Council of <strong>the</strong> Italian Lay <strong>Passio</strong>nistsspoke to <strong>the</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>ring on <strong>the</strong> topic of “TheParticipation of <strong>the</strong> Laity in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nist Charism:charismatic identity, personal response, and juridicalforms of belonging”. Fr. Adolfo Lippi (PRAES) wasalso among <strong>the</strong> presenters.●24June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

WITNESSESFR. CARLOSLIZARRAGA ALDEA(CORI) (1919-2010)Fr. Carlos Lizarraga could be characterized as aman of action and contemplation, silence andeloquence; a man of <strong>the</strong> monastery cell and ofnumerous personal and public relationships andfriendships. He was always willing to do favors foranyone and was pleased to receive o<strong>the</strong>rs’ gratitude.He possessed a strong, energetic temperament, whichat times was to his favor and at o<strong>the</strong>r times worked tohis detriment. Like a torrent in an arid region, hecould call forth life and bring it to harvest, or hecould flood and overwhelm something. Such wasCarlos. With his words he was capable of offeringpraise that bordered on flattery, and at o<strong>the</strong>r times, hiswords were rough and irritating, seemingly utteredwithout prior reflection. In brief, he was a man ofcontrasts.Fr. Carlos was born in Añorbe, Navarra, Spain onDecember 8, 1919. He professed vows as a<strong>Passio</strong>nist on June 6, 1939 and was ordained a prieston March 17, 1945. From 1955 to 1957 he offeredhis services as personal secretary to <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>n SuperiorGeneral, Fr. Malcolm LaVelle. However, it was during<strong>the</strong> years 1979-1995 that he became knownthroughout <strong>the</strong> Congregation through his work in <strong>the</strong>Vatican, introducing and advancing <strong>the</strong> various causesof our <strong>Passio</strong>nist saints, some of which had longbeen inactive, achieving amazing results.In Rome he was highly respected as a Postulatorin <strong>the</strong> pontifical Curia as well as among o<strong>the</strong>r menand women religious who sought and received hisexpertise in various causes for beatification. In <strong>the</strong>Congregation for <strong>the</strong> Causes of Saints and in o<strong>the</strong>roffices, his zeal and persistence in advancing <strong>the</strong>Causes provoked a fair amount of “trepidation”, challenging<strong>the</strong> infamous “lethargy” of <strong>the</strong>se dicasteries.His workday had no specific hours. His officeslights were on long into <strong>the</strong> night and everyone knewthat Fr. Carlos was working. And yet early <strong>the</strong> nextmorning, he would be <strong>the</strong> first in <strong>the</strong> choir. Many of<strong>the</strong> documents that o<strong>the</strong>r postulators would delegateto assistants or experts, he would prepare himself,saving significant amounts time and money.Among <strong>the</strong> Causes for Beatification that he promotedwere: Charles Houben, 1988; Pio Campidelli,1985; Inocencio Canoura Arnau, 1991; Isidore deLoor, 1984; <strong>the</strong> Martyrs of Daimiel, 1989; LorenzoFr. Carlos Lizarraga Aldea, C.P.Salvi, 1989; and Bernard Silvestrelli, 1988.Additionally, he introduced causes of eleven“Venerables” of <strong>the</strong> Congregation and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nistFamily.His great enthusiasm also left a lasting impressionon his Province (CORI). No one can deny hisextraordinary capacity for work in <strong>the</strong> apostolate of<strong>the</strong> oral and written word and also for <strong>the</strong> assistancethat he offered on many projects for his friends and<strong>the</strong> religious of <strong>the</strong> province in Cajicá (Colombia),Puerto Rico (USA), <strong>the</strong> minor seminary in Euba(Spain) and <strong>the</strong> missions in Peru.Fr. Carlos also left an extensive library of <strong>the</strong> morethan twenty five books that he authored from 1950 to1998, many of which are biographies of our Saintsand Beati. Here, too, we can discover traces of hispersonality.At <strong>the</strong> time of his death on April 23, 2010, <strong>the</strong>Superior General, Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, wrote: “Irecall with much gratitude his dynamic and efficientdedication in <strong>the</strong> service of <strong>the</strong> Congregation asPostulator General from 1979 to 1995. It was a periodin which <strong>the</strong>re were many canonical Causes ofServants of God and Beati of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Passio</strong>nistCongregation that, due to his intensity and proficientwork proceeded and achieved success. He possesseda profound and firm sense of believing ‘cum ecclesia’that determined his life decisions and his words”. ●June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2325

PROFESSIONS AND ORDINATIONSPRIESTLY ORDINATIONSFourteen of our religious were ordained to <strong>the</strong>Priesthood during <strong>the</strong> period February – June 2010.Fr. Charles Alex Kessy of <strong>the</strong> CORM GEMMVicariate of Tanzania was ordained to <strong>the</strong> priesthoodon 02 February 2010. On 10 April 2010 in <strong>the</strong> FIDVice-Province of Colombia, Fr. Jeovanny OsorioRojas and Fr. Luis Alfredo Parra Carvajal wereordained. In <strong>the</strong> CRUC-THOM Vicariate of India,<strong>the</strong> following religious were ordained to <strong>the</strong> priesthood:Fr. Sugun Vilayilayyath Veed on 21 April2010; Fr. Joseph Shaji on 22 April 2010; and on 27April 2010, Fr. Dennish Joseph Muricknamkuzhiyiland Fr. Junesh Xavier Vakkapadath. In <strong>the</strong> PASSProvince of <strong>the</strong> Philippines, Fr. Jovanni Tomon wasordained on 27 April 2010. In <strong>the</strong> CORM-CARLWVicariate of Kenya, <strong>the</strong> following religious wereordained to <strong>the</strong> priesthood on 15 May 2010: Fr.Daniel Nyangoya, Fr. Tobias Francis Otieno and Fr.Eliud K. Otunga. Fr. Enno Rufino Dango of <strong>the</strong>CRUC Province of <strong>the</strong> USA was ordained on 22 May2010; and on <strong>the</strong> same day in <strong>the</strong> PIET Province ofItaly, Matteo Piccioni was ordained to <strong>the</strong> priesthood.And finally, on 12 June 2010, Fr. Daniel Szafarz wasordained a priest in <strong>the</strong> ASSUM Province of Poland.Frs. Jeovanny Osorio Rojas and Luis Alfredo Parra Carvajal (FID)Fr. Dennish Joseph Muricknamkuzhiyil (CRUC-THOM)Fr. Sugun Vilayilayyath Veed (CRUC-THOM)Fr. Joseph Shaji (CRUC-THOM)26June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

PROFESSIONS AND ORDINATIONSFr. Junesh Xavier Vakkapadath (CRUC-THOM)DIACONATE ORDINATIONSDuring <strong>the</strong> period March – May, 2010, four religiouswere ordained to <strong>the</strong> Diaconate.On 11 April 2010, Valdomiro dos Santos of <strong>the</strong>PRAES-DOMIN Vicariate of Brazil was ordained to<strong>the</strong> deaconate. In <strong>the</strong> CRUC Province of USA, HugoEsparza and Alfredo Ocampo were ordained to <strong>the</strong>Diaconate on 22 May 2010. And on <strong>the</strong> same day in<strong>the</strong> PAUL Province of <strong>the</strong> USA, Michael Rowe wasordained a deacon.Fr.MatteoPiccioni(PIET)Fr. DanielSzafarz(ASSUM)Valdomirodo Santos(PRAES-DOMIN)PROFESSION OF FIRST VOWSDuring <strong>the</strong> period of March through June, 2010,four religious professed First Vows. On 01 March2010 in <strong>the</strong> CORM CARLW Vicariate of Kenya,➥June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2327

PROFESSIONS AND ORDINATIONSHenry Okoth Ouko and Bro. Felix Olonde Omolloprofessed First Vows. And on 02 May 2010, <strong>the</strong>seBro<strong>the</strong>rs professed First Vows in <strong>the</strong> VULN Provinceof Austria-Germany: Bro. Matthias Leykamm andBro. Isidor Zapfl.(L-R) Alfredo Ocampo, Hugo Esparza, (CRUC), Fr. EnnoRufino Dango (CRUC), Michael Rowe (PAUL).Bro. Matthias Leykamm and Bro. Isidor Zapfl (VULN)RosarioFonatanaandSixtusSang(CFIXI)Kennedy Antonio Okeafor (PRAES) and Homero GomesRebouças Filho (PRAES-DOMIN)PROFESSION OF FINAL VOWSFive religious professed Final Vows during <strong>the</strong>period of February through June, 2010.In <strong>the</strong> CORM-GEMM Vicariate of Tanzania,Placid Siyoyi professed Final Vows on 06 February2010. In <strong>the</strong> CFIXI Province of Italy, two religiousprofessed Final Vows on 10 April 2010: RosarioFontana and Sixtus Sang. Finally, on 25 April, in <strong>the</strong>PRAES-DOMIN Vicariate of Brazil, Homero GomesRebouças Filho professed Final Vow and on <strong>the</strong> sameday in <strong>the</strong> PRAES Province of Italy, KennedyAntonio Okeafor professed Final Vows.●28June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

NEW PUBLICATIONSAA.VV.CROCE E IDENTITA CRISTIANA DI DIONEI PRIMI SECOLIEdizione: EDIZIONI OCD Anno Edizione: 2009APPUNTI DI TEOLOGIA 18 - pp. 190CUADERNOS PASIONISTAS LATINOAMERICANOSCARISMA PASIONISTA Y LOS LAICOS XII Encuentrode ERPAL - pp. 52LA VISIONE DEL DIO INVISIBILE NEL VOLTO DELCROCIFISSOEdizione: EDIZIONI OCD Anno Edizione: 2008In collaborazione con Comunità Interprovinciale <strong>Passio</strong>nistiItaliani - pp. 167QUALE VOLTO DI DIO RIVELA IL CROCIFISSO?Edizione: EDIZIONI OCD Anno Edizione: 2006 - pp. 246SAN GABRIELE DELL’ADDOLORATA E IL SUO TEMPOEdizione: San Gabriele Edizioni Anno Edizione: 2009Studi - Ricerche - Documentazione IVNel 1° centenario della Beatificazione (1908-2008) - pp. 393STIMA DI SE E KENOSIEdizione: EDIZIONOI OCD Anno Edizione: 2008Pontificia Università Lateranense Cattedra Gloria Crucis in collaborazionecon Istituto Edi. S.I. - pp. 234Artola Arbiza, Antonio María, C.P.SABER INTELECTUAL E INSPIRACION BIBLICAEdizione: REVISTA TEOLOGICA LIMENSE - Anno Edizione: 2008Separata Revista Teologica Limense, Vol. XLII - N°1 - 2008, pp.35-48 (Facultad De Teologia Pontificia Y Civil De Lima) - pp. 14Artola Arbiza, Antonio María, C.P.PASIOLOGIA O SABIDURIA DE LA CRUZ?INTRODUCCION HISTORICO-TEOLOGICAEdizione: ROMA Anno Edizione: 2010 - pp. 92Artola Arbiza, Antonio María, C.P.SABER INTELECTUAL Y COMPRENSION INSPIRADAEdizione: REVISTA TEOLOGICA LIMENSE Anno Edizione: 2009Separata: REVISTA TEOLOGICA LIMENSE, Vol. XLIII - N°1- 2009 (pp. 59-78) FACULTAD DE TEOLOGIA PONTIFICIAY CIVIL DE LIMA - pp. 20Artola Arbiza, Antonio María, C.P.L’ESPERIENZA MISTICA DI SAN GABRIELE A SPOLETOEdizione: CIPI EDIZIONI Anno Edizione: 2009Scritto per LA SAPIENZA DELLA CROCE, Anno XXIVNN. 1-2, Gennaio-Giugno 2009 - pp. 21Artola Arbiza, Antonio María, C.P.MONSENOR ELORZA - GUIA DE ALMASAnno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 204VISIONES Y REVELACIONES MARIANAS EN LOSLIBROS PLUMBEOS DE GRANADAEdizione: SOCIEDAD MARIOLOGICA ESPANOLA AnnoEdizione: 2009SEPARATA REVISTA “ESTUDIOS MARIANOS” APARI-CIONES MARIANAS EN ESPANA.Vol. LXXV - 2009 - pp. 33Artola Arbiza, Antonio María, C.P.“PALABRA INTERIOR” Y “PALABRA EXTERIOR”Binomio clave para las “analogias de la palabra de Dios”Edizione: REVISTA TEOLOGICA LIMENSE Anno Edizione: 2009SEPARATA da Revista Teologica Limense - Facultad DeTeologia Pontificia Y Civil De Lima - pp. 33Artola Arbiza, Antonio María, C.P.EL MENSAJE MISTICO DEL JUBILEO PAULINOEdizione: ECCLESIA Anno Edizione: 2009extracta: ECCLESIA Vol XXIII - numero 2 - abril-junio 2009Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum - pp. 13LA INSPIRACION SUBJETIVA Y PALABRA INTERIOREdizione: CATECHUMENIUM Anno Edizione: 2007Separata de Catechumenium 9 (2007) 45-57 - pp. 13Baldini, Carlo Maria, C.P.PIENEZZA DI VITA IN CRISTOFONDAMENTI DI TEOLOGIA MORALEEdizione: SAN GABRIELE EDIZIONI Anno Edizione: 2010 - pp. 207Barturen Uriarte, Pascual, C.P.CANTOS RESPONSORIALES DE FERIAAdviento, Navidad, Cuaresma, PascuaEdizione: Ediciones DELIA, S.L. Anno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 119Clementi, Antonio, C.P.PAOLO DELLA CROCEASPETTI DEL SUO SPIRITOEdizione: S.Angelo Anno Edizione: 2010 - pp. 109Fiorentini, LivioPADRE BERNARDINO DEL SACRO CUORE DE GESUENRICO ZAPPIAnno Edizione: 2009A cura dell’Associazione Culturale UNIVERSO 3000 - pp. 126Fuentes Valencia, Pedro Luis, C.P.LA CRUZ DE CRISTO EN S. IRENEO DE LYONTesina de LicenciaturaEdizione: Madrid Anno Edizione: 2009Univeersidad Pontificia Comillas - Facultad De Teologia -Especialidad De Teologia Dogmatico-Fundamental - pp. 151Johnson, Richard, C.P.THE CATHOLIC PREACHING OF JOHN HENRY NEW-MAN AND ITS RELATION TO EVANGELIZATION INTHE VATICAN II ERA - Anno Edizione: 2001A Dissertation Thesis in partial fulfillment of <strong>the</strong> requirements for<strong>the</strong> degree of Doctor of Philosophy - Duquesne University - pp. 329Lesiecki, Mirosław, C.P.TEOLOGICZNA PASJA - PROBLEMATYKA KONKUPI-SCENCJI SLADAMI KARLA RAHNERAEdizione: SERIA BOBLOLANUM Anno Edizione: 2009Il compendio è in Italiano: PASSIONE TEOLOGICA. LAPROBLEMATICA DELLA CONCUPISCENZA SULLETRACCE DI KARL RAHNER, pp.367-383 - pp. 383López Sanz, Eutiquio, C.P.226 SANTUARIOS MARIANOS DE ESPANAEdizione: EDICIONES “EL PASIONARIO” Anno Edizione:2009 - pp. 479Morales Castillo, José Eduardo (laico Pasionista)UN CORAZON ENAMORADO POR EL SENORVida de san Pablo de la Cruz, fundador de los PasionistasAnno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 32Odoríssio, Mauro, C.P.SANTA GEMMA GALGANI - A GEMA DE JESUSUMA VIAGEM AO INTERIOR DE UM CORACAO APAI-XONADO PELO CRUCIFICADOEdizione: PALAVRA & PRECE Anno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 328Pereira, José Carlos, C.P.PROJETO PAROQUIALOrientacoes para implantacao de uma evengelizacao permanenteEdizione: EDITORA VOZES Anno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 95RELIGIAO E EXCLUSAO SOCIALA dialetica da exclusao e inclusao nos espacos sagrados daIgreja CatolicaEdizione: EDITORIA SANTUARIO Anno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 248June-September 2010 - BIP n. 2329

NEW PUBLICATIONSPhillip, Alan, C.P.OUR HEARTS AT SUNDAY MASS10 Steps to a Joyful Life!Edizione: <strong>Passio</strong>nist Community Press/Spirit of Hope Pub.Anno Edizione: 2009Forward by Bishop Gabino Zavala, D.D. J.C.L - pp. 126Piélagos Mediavilla, Fernando, C.P.EL LENGUAJE DEPORTIVO EN LA PRENSATesis para el titulo de PERIODISMOAnno Edizione: 1966Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Espana, junio de 1966 - pp. 67Plet, Philippe François, C.P.SAINT PAUL DE LA CROIX DIRECTEUR SPIRITUELLa correspondance avec soeur Colomba GandolfiEdizione: Nouvelle Cité Anno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 379Ramírez Lizana, Helí, C.P.TESTIGOS DEL CRUCIFICADOSeguidores del Amor ReveladoEdizione: Estudiantado Pasionista (Peru) Anno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 86San Martín Medina, Andrés Luis Angel, C.P.ZUERA, La Villa desconocidaEdizione: Parroquia San Pedro Apostol Anno Edizione: 2003 - pp. 192San Pablo de la CruzCARTAS - I VOLUMEN, A los PasionistasEdizione: Madrid Anno Edizione: 2008 - pp. 1058Santamaría López, Juan Bautista, C.P.COMENTARIO A LA PASION DE JESUCRISTOEdizione: Ed. Pasionistas Bilbao Anno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 64Vanden Bussche, Paulinus, C.P.PATER IGNATIUS GEORGE SPENCER, PASSIONISTPionier van het Oecumenisch GebedEdizione: HALEWIJN Anno Edizione: 2009 - pp. 151I PASSIONISTI A LAURIGNANO 1906 - 2006Curatore: P. Augusto Sagaria, C.P.Edizione: Edizioni Del Santuario - Anno Edizione: 2006SLOWO KRZYZA - ROCZNIK POSWIECONY - TEO-LOGII KRZYZA ORAZ DUCHOWOSCI I HISTORIIPASJONISTOWEdizione: WARSZAWA - Anno Edizione: 3 – 2009Bezerra, Joao, CPAS INQUIETACOES DE SUSANAAnno Edizione: 2008CONTRIBUTOS PARA UMA OUTRA ‘QUALIDADEDE VIDA’, NO AMBITO DA BIOETICA TEOLOGICAAnno Edizione: 2004E ATE O PADRE FOI A BRUXA! (SATIRA EM TRES ACTOS)Edizione: Edicoes Passisonistas - Anno Edizione: 2008HISTORIA DOS MISSIONARIOS PASSIONISTAS EMPORTUGAL - IMPLANTACAO NO VALE DO NEIVAEdizione: Edicoes <strong>Passio</strong>nistas - Anno Edizione: 2008SEMANA SANTA - SANTA MARIA DA FEIRAEdizione: Edicoes <strong>Passio</strong>nistas - Anno Edizione: 2009Procissao dos Lirios ou do Encontro - 2nd edicaoEntrada Triunfal - 4th edicao - Via Sacra - 6th edicaoCarbonneau, Robert E., CPTHE 1965 INTERSESSION TRAVEL OF PASSIONISTBARNABAS AHERN, PERITUS AT VATICAN IIEdizione: JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY (JOSEPHINUM)Anno Edizione: 2009Article from JOSEPHINUM JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY,Winter/Spring 2009 Volume 16, Number 1Chrzanowski, O. Jerzy, CPOPOWIESC O PAWLE, CO JEZUSOWI POMAGALEdizione: PASJONISTOW W RAWIE MAZOWIECKIEJAnno Edizione: 2008Cipriani, Giovanni, C.P.SUPERIORES, NAO EXASPEREIS VOSSOSRELIGIOSOS (cf. Ef 6,4)Edizione: CONVERGENCIA - Anno Edizione: 2009Artigos da CONVERGENCIA, Dezembro 2009 - XLIV - n° 427DI GIANNATALE, GIOVANNILO STUDIO TEOLOGICO DEI PASSIONISTIDI SAN GABRIELE DELL’ADDOLORATAEdizione: SAN GABRIELE EDIZIONI - Anno Edizione: 2010Fabri, Vincenzo, C.P.E SAN GABRIELE MI DISSE:“ADESSO ALZATI E CAMMINA”I prodigi piu recenti del santo dei miracoli dal 1975 al 2007Edizione: ELLEDICI - VELAR - Anno Edizione: 2009Garcia Macho, Pablo, CPROSAS DEL CALVARIO - Martires Pasionistas de DaimielEdizione: EDICEP - Anno Edizione: 2010O PARTIDO DE JESUS - A OPOSICAO E O MALIGNOEdizione: EDICOES PASSIONISTAS - Anno Edizione: 2010Hoogland, translated by Mark-Robin, C.P, THOMAS AQUI-NAS, The Academic Sermons,., The Catholic University OfAmerica Press, Washington D.C.Odorissio, Mauro, C.P.AS DORES DE MARIA E AS MARIASEdizione: PALAVRA & PRECE - Anno Edizione: 2010Paolo Della Croce, CPUM PENSAMENTO PARA CADA DIA DO ANOEdizione: Edicoes <strong>Passio</strong>nistas - Portugal - Anno Edizione: 2010Italian translation was done by P. Francesco Cordeschi, CP,Morrovale - 2008Pereira, José Carlos, C.P.ATENDIMENTO PAROQUIAL - Guia pratico parasecretarias/os, padres e demais agentes de pastoral na gestaode pessoasEdizione: EDITORA VOZES - Anno Edizione: 2010MANUAL DA SECRETARIA PAROQUIAL -FERRAMENTAS PARAAADMINISTRACAO PAROQUIALEdizione: EDITORA VOZES - Anno Edizione: 2010OS SETE DONS DE ESPIRITO E AS VIRTUDS DA FEEdizione: EDITORA SANTUARIO - Anno Edizione: 2010TRIDUO DO(A) PADROEIRO (A) - Sugestoes paraorganizar um triduo em preparacao a festa do (a)padroeiro (a) da paroquiaEdizione: PAULUS (Brasil) - Anno Edizione: 2009Santoro, AnnamariaLE CINQUECENTINE DELLA BIBLIOTECA“SANTA MARIA DELLA CATENA”Edizione: Edizioni del Santuario-Laurignano - Anno Edizione: 2010Smet, A.J., CPLES PASSIONISTES AU CONGO 1910 - 1930 - 2010 -Florilège des écrits MissionnairesEdizione: Missiesecretariaat, <strong>Passio</strong>nisten, Wezembeek-Op.Anno Edizione: 2010Totaro, Paolo M., CPDILEXIT ME, ET TRADIDIT PRO ME - MI HAAMATO, E HA DATO SE STESSO PER ME - (Gal. 2,20)Edizione: Roma - Anno Edizione: 2009Uriguen, Zenon, CPPASION SOLIDARIA - Meditaciones sobre la PasiónEdizione: Pasionistas-Bilbao - Anno Edizione: 2010

NOTITIAE OBITUSUsque ad diem 15 febbraio 2009 – 12 giugno 2009, acceptaeDIE OBDORMIVITIN DOMINOPROVINCIA NATUS VOTANUNCUPAVERAT27/10/2009 Sac. Bertrand Spleers GABR 04/06/1918 16/08/193714/11/2009 Sac. Herman Nolan PATR 14/06/1931 22/08/195717/11/2009 Sac. Pío Zarrabe Garro CORI 29/03/1929 26/05/194625/11/2009 Sac. Justin Ives SPIR 22/04/1941 06/07/195912/12/2009 Sac. José María Cuesta Marcos FAM 01/04/1928 13/10/194412/12/2009 Sac. Jean Pierre Barais MICH 08/03/1943 12/11/197113/12/2009 Ep. Piergiorgio Nesti CORM 18/02/1931 08/09/195317/12/2009 Fra. Antoni Gałazka ASSUM 15/01/1928 02/10/195221/12/2009 Sac. Paschal Smith PAUL 03/07/1920 15/08/194526/12/2009 Sac. José María Lovera CALV 27/04/1929 19/04/195015/01/2010 Sac. Richard Appleyard IOS 20/07/1925 23/11/194315/01/2010 Sac. Joachim Gemperline CRUC 09/09/1922 09/07/194619/01/2010 Sac. Augustine Fitzsimons SPIR 27/11/1911 03/03/193022/01/2010 Sac. Maurits Mestrom SPE 17/01/1924 15/09/194522/01/2010 Fra. Arcangelo Zamboni CORM 03/05/1925 08/09/194328/01/2010 Sac. Ailbe Delaney PATR 19/07/1937 29/09/195731/01/2010 Sac. Bernard Van Schijndel SPE 29/12/1924 06/09/194708/02/2010 Sac. Michael Brennan PAUL 11/02/1927 15/08/194709/02/2010 Sac. Gregory Manly SPIR 23/03/1920 08/12/194310/02/2010 Sac. Godfried Bakkers GABR 29/01/1918 16/08/193725/02/2010 Sac. John Devany CRUC 07/08/1918 10/07/193916/03/2010 Fra. Gabriele Le Donne PIET 12/03/1941 22/11/196317/03/2010 Sac. James Thoman CRUC 19/01/1948 08/07/196725/03/2010 Sac. José Miguel Garijo Lebrero CORI 14/03/1930 26/05/194627/03/2010 Sac. Lino Tendina PIET 14/05/1925 15/09/194501/04/2010 Sac. Milton Valentim Gasparin CALV 12/04/1952 25/01/197623/04/2010 Sac. Carlos Lizarraga Aldea CORI 08/12/1919 11/06/193907/05/2010 Sac. Vittore Camusso CORM 17/12/1920 15/09/193808/05/2010 Sac. Paolino Tirino DOL 14/07/1919 10/09/193614/05/2010 Sac. Valente Schiavone DOL 02/11/1926 08/11/194227/05/2010 Sac. Michael Joseph Stengel CRUC 11/05/1929 09/07/195027/05/2010 Fra. Luigi Andolfatto CORM 15/03/1930 06/05/195129/05/2010 Fra. Paolino Loiudice LAT 11/09/1915 22/11/193231/05/2010 Sac. Malachy McGill PAUL 16/07/1918 15/08/193907/06/2010 Sac. Alberto Tomás Ahechu Goñi FAM 20/11/1922 15/09/193909/06/2010 Sac. Amedeo Di Croce PIET 31/10/1921 03/09/1940MONIALES ET SORORES DEFUNCTAE04/10/2009 Sr. Alessandra S. Paulo a Cruce (Signa)di San Paolo della Croce Liccardo 1921 194903/11/2009 Sr. Vittoria di San Giuseppe Falbo S. Paulo a Cruce (Signa) 1923 194715/11/2009 Sr. Frances Farrell SS. Crucis et <strong>Passio</strong>nisD.N.I.C. (Anglia) 1908 192908/12/2009 Sr. Mary Helen of <strong>the</strong> Cross Devriendt Monasterio <strong>Passio</strong>nistarumde Tielt (België) 1926 194603/01/2010 Sr. Maria Verhoek SS. Crucis et <strong>Passio</strong>nisD.N.I.C. (Anglia) 1905 193908/01/2010 Sr. Veronica Carson SS. Crucis et <strong>Passio</strong>nisD.N.I.C. (USA) 1925 195713/01/2010 Sr. Maria Inês Monasterio <strong>Passio</strong>nistarum deda SS.Eucaristia Tomeyama São Luís de Montes Belos (Brasil) 1940 196322/01/2010 Sr. Marie White SS. Crucis et <strong>Passio</strong>nisD.N.I.C. (Anglia) 1932 195525/01/2010 Sr. Leonarda da Sagrada Face de Souza S. Paulo a Cruce (Signa, Brasile) 1920 201020/02/2010 Sr. Patricia Deasy SS. Crucis et <strong>Passio</strong>nisD.N.I.C. (Anglia) 1911 193921/02/2010 Sr. Maria Luiza di Cristo Re Pallú S. Paulo a Cruce (Signa, Brasile) 1931 194905/03/2010 Sr. Agnese del Sacro Cuore Ruggieri Monasterio <strong>Passio</strong>nistarum 1916 1941de Loreto (Italia)09/03/2010 Sr. Marina Daly SS. Crucis et <strong>Passio</strong>nis 1922 1948D.N.I.C. (Anglia)26/03/2010 Sr. Nazzarena S. Paulo a Cruce (Signa) 1920 1941di S. Angela Merici D’Ambrosio09/04/2010 Sr. Maria Michael van het H. Monasterio <strong>Passio</strong>nistarum 1908 1936Sacrament Fransde Arnhem (Nederland)10/04/2010 Sr. Tarcísia dell’Eucaristia S. Paulo a Cruce 1911 1938Ramos Neiva de Lima(Signa, Brasile)11/04/2010 Sr. Maria Alberta S. Paulo a Cruce 1932 1948de Nossa Senhora das Dores Lanzone (Signa, Brasile)02/05/2010 Sr. Maria Pia dell’Immacolata Monasterio <strong>Passio</strong>nistarum 1920 1955Valsecchide Campagnano (Italia)

“Certainly Fr. Dominic of <strong>the</strong> Mo<strong>the</strong>r of God was a most striking missioner and preacherand he had great part in my own conversion and in that of o<strong>the</strong>rs. His very look hada holy aspect which when his figure came in sight in my circle most singularly affectedme, and his remarkable bonhomie in <strong>the</strong> midst of his sanctity was in itself a real holypreaching. No wonder, <strong>the</strong>n, I became his convert and penitent. He was a great lover ofEngland”.(Excerpt from <strong>the</strong> Letter of Blessed John Henry Newman for <strong>the</strong> process of Beatification of Blessed Dominic Barberi. The originalis in <strong>the</strong> Archives of <strong>the</strong> Vicariate of Rome, Process of Beatification of <strong>the</strong> Servant of God Dominic of <strong>the</strong> Mo<strong>the</strong>r of God, tomo 77,n. 29, f. 4).VISIT OUR WEB SITEWWW.PASSIOCHRISTI.ORGE-mail BIP: bip@passiochristi.org32June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23

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