FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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presence of dust and pests; inadequate protection from direct sunlight; and lack ofprovision of temperature monitoring charts and facilities to monitor room temperaturecan lead to degradation of drugs.88 Andrea Gardellin, Abraham Gebre Giorgis3.2 What is the current situation?3.2 What is the current situation?Table 7. Product samples collected for regulatory purposesTable 7. Product samples collected for regulatory purposes∞• Low-income countries tend to collect fewer samples and of those that wereLow-income tested, they countries report tend higher torates collect of products fewer samples failing and testing. of those that were tested, theyreport higher rates of products failing testing.Table 8. Presence of expired medicines in health facilities and warehousesTable 8. Presence of expired medicines in health facilities and warehouses∞ None of the survey teams that conducted Level II surveys of health facilities found expiredproducts present at health facilities or warehouses among the 20 key medicines selected.• None of the survey teams that conducted Level II surveys of health facilitiesFigure ∞ None 2. found of Storage theexpired survey and teams products handling that present conducted conditions at health Levelfacilities in II surveys public or of health warehouses facilities among found and the expiredproducts 20 key present medicines at health selected. facilities warehouses or among the 20 key medicines selected.Figure 2. 2. Storage and handling conditions conditions in public inhealth public facilities health and facilities warehouses andwarehouses• Stock-keeping and handling of medicines in pharmacy stock areas in public∞ Stock-keeping health facilities and handling were of generally medicines satisfactory. in pharmacy stock areas in public health facilitieswere• generally Storage satisfactory. conditions in warehouses tended to be better than in pharmacy stock∞ Storageareas conditions in public in health warehouses facilities. tended to be better than in pharmacy stock areas inpublic health facilities.Figure ∞ Stock-keeping 3. Storage and handling of medicines conditions in pharmacy in publicstock pharmacies areas in public by country health facilitieswere generally satisfactory.∞ Storage conditions in warehouses tended to be better than in pharmacy stock areas inpublic health facilities.

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