FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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82 Andrea Gardellin, Abraham Gebre Giorgisimplementing and monitoring a national medicines policy (NMP) as a “commitmentto a goal and a guide for action” to define a framework for settingand monitoring medium to long-term objectives in the pharmaceutical sector.The functions and strategies of each component of the policy should bebrought together in an implementation plan. Most countries, especially lowincomecountries, do have an NMP and implementation plan and most ofthe NMPs have been updated within the past 10 years. More countries hadan official NMP in 2003 than in 1999.1.1 Why is this important?The NMP should encompass:• ensuring equitable availability and affordability of essential medicines;• ensuring that all medicines are safe, efficacious and of high quality; and• promoting rational use of medicines by health care professionals and consumers.By attaining these objectives, countries can reduce morbidity and mortality,decrease the incidence of catastrophic illness that can increase impoverishment,and prevent large-scale losses to health and economic systems. It is recommended∞ promoting that an rational NMP implementation use of medicines by plan health will carecover professionals a period and of 3–5consumers.years. NMPs require regular review to evaluate whether objectives have beenachieved. By attaining Standardized these objectives, indicators countries can of reduce the morbidity pharmaceutical and mortality, situation decrease <strong>allo</strong>wthe incidence of catastrophic illness that can increase impoverishment, and preventcountries to monitor and evaluate the impact of implementing an NMP.large-scale losses to health and economic systems. It is recommended that an NMPimplementation plan will cover a period of 3–5 years. NMPs require regular review toevaluate whether objectives have been achieved. Standardized indicators of the1.2 What pharmaceutical is the current situation situation?<strong>allo</strong>w countries to monitor and evaluate the impact ofimplementing an NMP.Figure 1 illustrates which countries have either an official or a draft NMP,1.2 What is the current situation?and whether policy has been updated within the past 10 years.Figure 1 illustrates which countries have either an official or a draft NMP, andwhether the policy has been updated within the past 10 years.Figure 1. Global status of national medicines policies (NMPs)Figure 1. Global status of national medicines policies (NMPs)Table 1. Status of national medicines policies (NMPs) in 2003

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