FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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5. Human resources for health (HRH): a crucial element for achieving international MDGs. 79References• Background paper on the status of Human Resources for Health in Ethiopia,FMOH, July 2006.• Banteyirga H, Kidanu A, Bennet S and Stillman K. The system-wide effect of theGlobal Fund in Ethiopia: Baseline study report. 2005. Miz-Hassab Research Center,Partners for Health Reform-plus and Abt. Associates Inc. Addis Ababa.• Barr A, Lindelow M, Garcia-Montavio J and Serneels P. Intrinsic motivation on thedevelopment frontline: Do they exist? Do they endure? 2005. Economic & SocialResearch Council (ESRC) Global Poverty Research Group.• Buchan J, Dovlo D, International Recruitment of Health Workers to the UK: AReport for DFID (2004).• Dovlo D, Using mid-level cadres as substitutes for internationally mobile healthprofessionals in Africa. A desk review. Human Resources for Health 2004, 2:7.• Hongoro C, Normand C, Health Workers: Building and Motivating the Workforce.Diseases Control Priorities in Developing Countries 1309-1332, DCP 2 nd edition,2006.• Joint Learning Initiative (JLI), Human Resources for Health: Overcoming the Crisis(2004), http://www.globalhealthtrust.org/Report.html.• Lindelow M, Semeels P and Lemma T. The Performance of Health Workers inEthiopia: Results from Qualitative Research. World Bank Policy Research WorkingPaper 3558, April 2005.• Mebratu A. Emerging challenges of HIV/AIDS care to health institutions in AddisAbaba. MPH Thesis, School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University 2000.• Mengesha Y and Kebede Y. Brain Drain. In Berhane Y, Haile Mariam D, Kloos H. TheEpidemiology and Ecology of Health and Diseases in Ethiopia. SHAMA Books andEthiopian Public Health Association, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (1 st edition 2006).• MOH & WHO. Progress Report on the 2005 Human Resource for HealthAssessment in Ethiopia. 2006. Human Resources Department, MOH, Addis Ababa.• MOH. Health and health related indicators. Various issues (1995 – 2006), Planningand Programming Department, Addis Ababa.• Monga V, Ndhlovu M: Midwives’ role in management of elective abortion and postabortioncare. Zambian country report. Paper at the conference “Expanding Access;Advancing the Roles of Midlevel Providers in Menstrual Regulation and Elective AbortionCare” South Africa 2–6 December 2001• Muula A. Is there any solution to the “Brain Drain” of health professionals andknowledge from Africa? Croat Med J 2005 46(1): 21 – 29.• Norad, Human Resources for Health Consultation, Oslo, 24-25 February 2005(http://www.Norad.no/)• STOP-TB, UNAIDS, Progress Report on the Global Response to HIV-AIDSEpidemic 2003,• UN Millennium Project, Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve theMillennium Development Goals, New York, 2005• Van Damme W, Kober K and Laga M. The real challenges for scaling up ART in sub-Saharan Africa. Editorial Note. AIDS (Editorial Note) 2006; 20:653 – 656.

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