FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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46 Sandro Accorsi, Nejmudin Kedir17. Development of tools for data presentation and dissemination to diverseaudiences;18. Establishment of evaluation frameworks;19. Use of information for evidence-based health policy and practice.As it is stated in the HSDP III Strategic Plan: “the objective is to review andstrengthen the existing HMIS at federal, regional, woreda, health facility andcommunity levels to produce timely information for planning management andefficient decision-making”, while, concerning M&E, “the objective is tostrengthen the M&E system at federal and regional levels and establish a systemin all woredas”.The design stage is under way, with HMIS assessment and indicator selectionbeing already finalized, while the development of the HMIS strategy, withstandard format for recording and reporting and guidelines and manuals, willbe completed in November 2006. Pilot testing of the national HMIS andM&E system, based on a core set of cascaded indicators and standardizedrecording and reporting formats, is planned in ten selected woredas duringthe period November 2006-January 2007 in order to identify gaps and shortcomingsand to introduce the necessary modifications and revisions. Six mainoutputs are expected to be accomplished within this deadline:1. Situation analysis (including HMIS assessment, HR assessmentand identification of best practices) published and disseminated;2. Core set of cascaded indicators developed;3. HMIS and M&E strategy published and disseminated;4. Standardized recording and reporting formats developed andtested;5. HMIS and M&E implementation guidelines and manuals developedand tested;6. Electronic system for data collection, storage and processing developedand tested.Of note is the fact that the HMIS reform is part of a comprehensive approachto system development which will gradually include other population-basedand service-based sources within the overall Health Information System(HIS) framework (Figure 4). HIS comprises six key health information subsystems(census, household surveys, public health surveillance, vital eventsmonitoring, health service statistics, and resource tracking) (Figure 5). Forthis purpose, support has been obtained from Health Metrics Network(HMN), which is a new global partnership hosted by World HealthOrganization (WHO) and comprised of countries, multilateral and bilateral

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