FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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3. The ethiopian health sector and the italian contribution to HSDP 35Euro) is <strong>allo</strong>cated for rehabilitation and expansion of Schools and nursingcolleges in all the beneficiary Regions.ObjectivesSpecific objectives are aimed to improved quantity and quality (“knowledge,attitude, practice”) of personnel through pre-service and in-service training.The expected results are:• Increased capacity of teaching institutions through expansion and rehabilitationof 5 nursing schools;• Improved teaching skills and quality of teaching/learning activities in preservicetraining;• Strengthened the regional training institutions for continuing educationof health personnel;Activities and resultsThrough specific Plans of Action, prepared with the regional planning authoritiesof Tigray, Oromia, Somali and Afar, 43 activities for HRD componenthave been implemented so far under four main areas of intervention.• Purchase of vehicles, furniture, teaching aids, textbooks and teaching materials;• Pre-service and in-service training courses at regional level;• Rehabilitation and expansion of nursing schools;• Recurrent costs support for supervision and training activitiesSo far 1,966 health workers have been trained and 560 nurses attended theiracademic yearly course with the financial contribution of the intervention.Priority areas for in-service training have been identified and some coursesstarted (HIV –AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, obstetric emergencies, healthmanagement, teaching methodology, prevention and control of communicablediseases).• Goods have been procured through both international and national tendersfor the beneficiary schools (8 in Oromia, 2 in Tigray, 1 in Somali and1 in Afar);• Most of the first year planned training activities have been accomplishedor are on progress;• Regional health training department offices have been strengthened andjoint monitoring of activities started;• Assessment of training needs has been carried out during outreach visitsin the Regions;

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