FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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30 Augusto Cosulich, Vincenzo RacalbutoBox 3 illustrates funding for a SWAp, with the ‘Pool’, supported by donor(1), operating through a Ministry of Health account, and earmarked for specificactivities only. Donor (2) is providing general budget support whichneed not necessarily be spent on health. Donor (3) is providing non-earmarkedsector level support. Donor (4) is continuing to provide parallelfunding to a project which fits within the Sector Wide Approach. The projectcan be said to fit in the SWAp because it is within the sector plan and itsbudget appears within the government budget, even though it does not usegovernment systems for disbursement.Donor 2Ministry ofFinanceDonor 3Donor 1OthergovernmentexpenditureMoHexpenditure‘Pool’Donor 4Public sector expend.in healthDefined groupof activitiesHealth Sector Plan and BudgetHarmonisation in the health sector in EthiopiaProjectBox 3 Funding for a SWApThe section above describes the current situation with respect to donors.There is a general recognition amongst Government and donors that the currentsituation is too fragmented and that greater harmonisation is required.What might this more harmonized health sector look like?The central idea of harmonisation is that Government is in the “driving seat”.This means that Government provides direction on priorities and ways ofworking – for example “we want development partners to work in timeframesthat match the SDPRPs, with new plans in 2005 and 2010.” This is not somuch about particular activities, but is a way of thinking and a way of working.Government and donors are to start their negotiations and plans withGovernment priorities and procedures at the centre.

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