FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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18 Andrea Senatoricommitted to improve the quality of healthcare and to maximize the use ofother internationally provided resources.The Italian contribution to the Global Fund: Ethiopia is among the countrieswho receive aid from the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis andMalaria. Thus far, Ethiopia has received 71 million USD for actions againstTuberculosis, 215 million USD for Malaria, and 541 million USD for AIDS,up to 2010. Out of those large <strong>allo</strong>cations, almost 254 million USD are currentlyutilized in the country in the diseases control programmes (15 millionfor TB, 130 for HIV, 108 for Malaria).To date Italy has contributed 433 million USD to the Fund. 6.5% of themoney currently available worldwide through the Global Fund is provided bythe Italian contribution: currently about 16.6 million USD in Ethiopia,funding the fight against the three diseases.The NGOs. Significant health interventions are also implemented by someexperienced Italian NGOs with the co-financing of the Italian DevelopmentCooperation, particularly in the fields of Primary Health Care, HospitalCare, HIV Prevention, Care and Support in rural settings. Currently thereare 12 Italian NGOs working in Ethiopia, on grass root level, side by sidewith the beneficiaries and community members, often in some remote areaswhere basic services are weak or completely missing. The ItalianDevelopment Cooperation currently contributes 7.3 million ? toward theprojects promoted by these NGOs. The Italian civil society remains the mainfunder for many of the NGOs activities.Commitment in Pediatric AIDS Care: within the framework of the ItalianContribution to the HSDP a project is being realized in the specific field ofPediatric AIDS care and ARV treatment: Italy provides support, focused onhuman resources and technical assistance, in a partnership with the Minitryof Health and the Asco Children Centre in Addis Ababa, as well as in a developingnetwork of public and private Institutions involved in paediatricAIDS care.Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa (CHGA): is a UNsystem wide initiative established in order to assess the complex and longterm implications of HIV/AIDS on government capacity and economic developmentin Africa. The initiative also aims at making African Governments

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