FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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146 Margherita Terranova, Valeska Padovese, Aldo MorroneNext, health professionals were observed while assessing and managing caseswith skin diseases and observers (supervisors) were filling checklists.Questions on cases of leprosy, protozoal infections and skin tumors were notfilled in all weredas as these cases were not seen during the evaluation period.Cases with pruritic skin diseases and bacterial, fungal and viral skin infectionswere seen in all the weredas and the following table shows the performanceof each. Knowledge of health workers pertaining to pruritic skin disease wasassessed using questions like “what are some common causes of itching? howdo you treat scabies? how do you treat eczema? how do you treat allergic dermatitissuch as urticaria?”. This questions include keys to evaluate base ofitching knowledge.Table 3: Quality of service in relation to skin diseases related with systemic conditions.We can conclude that the performance of all the weredas in both the studyand control groups is comparable. All the weredas performed well in primaryhealth care but poorly in STI and skin disease.

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