FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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8. Operational research in tigray region 141zone made not possible for the cars to go back to the weredas for supervisionfor many weeks.During the first supervision, it was not possible to meet all the involved HW,due to personal problems, training courses and their moving to Humero’sarea for the emergency.The transferring to Addis Abeba of two of the Medical Doctors of TMA involvedin the research as well as the continuation of medical studies for someof the trained HW, as described before, could influence next months’ activity.Probably, further training courses will be necessary to provide continuityof the dermatological service in the selected weredas. The availability ofMedical Doctors in Tigray is very little and often they work as medical directorsin zonal hospitals without the support of expert health professionals. Forthis reason, we are planning to continue the OR with only two MedicalDoctors.6. Conclusion and operative plan for next semesterDuring one-year activity, the bases for all the established activity of the ORwere realized. Preliminary data were collected, analyzed, and training of theinvolved HW was done and clinical capacity was supervised for the first time.Drugs and laboratory supplies were provided and distributed to the IDC andthe selected woredas.During next month (November 2006), a second supervision is planned. Theresult of the all activities and the data emerged from the comparison of thebaseline and two supervisions will be communicated and discussed in theworkshop that is going to be organized next December in Mekele. The participantsto the workshop will be the Health Workers from the study woredasand the workshop’s duration will be 5 days.We are already working on the selection of the iconographic material to preparea Dermatology and STIs atlas, complete with therapy chapters, to distributeto the Health Workers of the selected woredas during the workshop.According to the consume, other drugs will be provide from PMU and distributedaccording to the needs in the three woredas study by the TRHBPharmacy Department.Regarding the Italian contribution to the Operational Research, we are planningto spend 39.450 Euro.We are sure that improved collaboration of the partners will permit to com-

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