FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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14 Andrea Senatoricommitted to increasing its Official Development Assistance (ODA) /GDPratio and to adopting suitable measures for increasing aid to developingcountries and improving quality and effectiveness.Partnerships with developing countries is the guiding principle for ItalianDevelopment Cooperation. It works in accordance with the model laid downin the Cotonou Agreement between the EU and the ACP (Group of AfricanCaribbean and Pacific States), signed in June 2000, in respect for the principleof consistency in donor policies and coordination.Italian Development Cooperation also builds on collaboration and synergywith other relevant Italian actors: NGOs / Civil Society Organisations,Universities / Research and Training Centres, Decentralised Cooperation,Trade Associations.Italian Development Cooperation can boast a solid tradition of support forcollaboration between Italian universities and scientific Institutions and thosein developing countries, in Africa in particular.Health Development CooperationThe Italian Government fully supports the basic principles of the WorldHealth Organisation (WHO) constitution. The Italian interventions inhealth have been based on the principles of the Alma Ata declaration and followingdevelopments, where the objective is Health for All and the strategyis the Primary Health Care (PHC).Principles of the Alma Ata Declaration (1978)• Universal accessibility and coverage on the basis of need.• Community and individual involvement and self-reliance responsibilityof individuals and communities• Intersectorial actions for health• Appropriate technologies and cost-effectiveness in relation toavailable resources.The Italian Development Cooperation has given its technical and financialassistance to the Health Sector Reform processes in several countries, aimedat improving efficiency, equity and quality of health systems, with the PHCapproach. In the last decade, with the AIDS epidemic dramatically exasperatingthe already existing problems, Italy has increased its commitment, alsoby contributing to the institution and funding of the “Global Fund to fightAIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria”.

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