FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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8. Operational research in tigray region 139of the drugs received by the OR, proving low use and low rate of the free distributionof the drugs related to the out-patient activity in the 3 weredas. Forthis reason, the importance of the drugs prescription as well as the regimentof free distribution were discussed and reaffirmed to improve the service forthe patients flow to the HC. Thanks to the supervision, practical and technicalproblems have been noted, recorded and successive measures were providedor are yet to be provided.4.1 Equipment and drugs suppliedAccording to the planned costs established, the PMU in Addis Abeba providedpurchasing and the delivery to the IDC in Mekele of the medical instrumentsreported in Annex 5. All the equipment was received and tested in theIDC and was utilized for the daily activity of the laboratory.PMU has also provided the purchase of the drugs for the pharmacy of theIDC and weredas study , as reported in Annex 6 and Annex 7. The purchasingwas done in Mekele and, when not possible, in Addis Abeba; the distributionto the HC of the weredas was done by the TRHB PharmacyDepartment.4.2 Human resourcesThe choice of humane resource involved in the research was object of somechange and up to now it is going to be modified.At the beginning, we selected the Medical Doctors to be involved in the researchactivities. The availability of Medical Doctors in Tigray is very littleand often they work as medical directors in zonal hospitals without the supportof expert health professionals. For these reasons, we choose the doctorswho are working in the selected sites and for the scarcity of human resourceswe reduced the number of the Medical Doctors to 4 instead of the 6 previouslyforeseen. Presently, completed the first supervision, 2 of the MedicalDoctors of TMA involved in the research, are going to mouver out of Tigray(in Addis Abeba) to start a course of specialization.Moreover, 5 over 12 of the trained health workers are waiting for result of examinationto accede to further course of medical studies. If it occurs, it willlead to the change of personnel and further training courses will be necessaryto provide continuity of the dermatological service in the selected weredas.A Logistic Coordinator was employed at the real beginning of the project butafter 3 months he resigned for personal problems. We started immediately tointerview other candidates for the vacancy of secretary and logistic coordina-

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