FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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1. Introduction: dermatology and human rights 11are observed. Here, malnutrition, malaria, higher respiratory tract infectionsand diarrhoeal diseases continue to be among the leading causes of death inchildren, accounting for 45% of all deaths. The malnutrition contributes directlyor indirectly to 60% of the more than ten million child deaths each year.For every child born today to have a good chance of a long and healthy life,there are minimum requirements which every health care system should meetequitably. These are: access to quality services for acute and chronic healthneeds, effective health promotion and disease prevention services. The reinforcementof health systems should be based on the core principles of primaryhealth care as outlined at Alma-Ata in 1978: universal access and coverageon the basis of need; health equity as part of development oriented tosocial justice; community participation in defining and implementing healthagendas; and cross-disciplinary approaches to health. These principles remainvalid, but must be reinterpreted in light of the dramatic changes in the healthfield during the past 25 years.ConclusionsThe migration, like all major social phenomena, brings with it problems aswell as benefits. It is important to discuss immigration as a resource for thepeople involved. Immigration is a phenomenon that concerns the whole ofItalian society, though as yet not all parts of society see it this way. Acceptingimmigration also means accepting the country’s history. Since the past andpresent are closely linked in a country’s history, immigration needs to be acceptedas a permanent feature of Italian society which therefore requires investmentin policies of integration. Despite the health reforms of recentdecades, inadequate progress has been made in building health systems thatpromote collective health improvement. Extending health promoting conditionsand quality care to all is the major imperative for health systems.

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