FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

FRONTESPIZIO - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo


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102 Andrea Gardellin, Abraham Gebre GiorgisTableTable18. Summary18. Summaryof nationalof nationalindicatorsindicatorson rationalon rationaldrugdruguseusein Primaryin PrimaryHealthCare Facilities (PHCFs)Health Care Facilities (PHCFs)Indicators Therapy Mean MedianTreatment of diarrhoea (watery, non Percentage of ORS use 81.87 90bloody) in childrenPercentage of antibiotic use 49.63 50Percentage of anti-diarrhoea and/or 2.55 0antispasmodic drugs useTreatment of non-pneumonia ARTI Percentage of antibiotic use 60.69 70Treatment of mild/moderate pneumonia Percentage of use of any of the first line 54.1 50antibiotics (procaine penicillin inj.,Amoxicillin, Cotrimoxazole)Percentage of use of more than one 2.36 0antibioticAverage number of drugs per encounter 1.99 1.97Percentage of antibiotic(s) per encounter 58 57Percentage of injection(s) per encounter 26.98 23Percentage of drugs adequately labelled 42.66 46Percentage of patient with adequate knowledge 67.36 70Percentage availability of STG 39 0Percentage availability of regional or facility EDL in the facility

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