Annual Report and Accounts 2007/8 - Cancer Research UK

Annual Report and Accounts 2007/8 - Cancer Research UK Annual Report and Accounts 2007/8 - Cancer Research UK
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4 Trustees’ ReportOur impactCarrying outworld-class research£333mwas dedicated tofunding researchin 2007/08

5 Cancer Research UK Annual Report and Accounts 2007/08Some of our key objectives andachievements in 2007/081.Undertake tumour site-specific science plan reviewsin hard-to-treat types of cancer• We completed oesophageal and pancreatic cancerreviews, and have already started implementing therecommendations arising from the pancreaticcancer review.• As part of the Centres initiative, we will be setting upcentres of excellence in pancreatic cancer.2. Develop ways to sustain our London ResearchInstitute’s (LRI) position as a world-class institute forbasic cancer research• In December 2007, Prime Minister Gordon Brownpledged his full support to proposals for developing theUK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation(UKCMRI) on a site near St Pancras, London.• Bringing together experts from Cancer Research UK,the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Wellcome Trustand University College London, the UKCMRI will be astate-of-the-art facility delivering world-class biomedicalresearch and will train the next generation ofbiomedical scientists.3. Maintain our reputation as global leaders in geneticepidemiology by funding more single nucleotidepolymorphism (SNP) studies• During the year, a number of major studies werepublished on SNPs. Known as genome-wide associationstudies, they covered lung, brain, breast, prostate andbowel cancers.• We agreed grants for two further studies: a three-yearstudy led by Professor Richard Houlston looking atsusceptibility factors in lung cancer; and a two-year studyto be led by Dr Paul Pharoah into ovarian cancer.4.Launch a Career Establishment Award scheme• We successfully launched the scheme in 2007 andannounced the first winner.• We worked with universities to publicise the newscheme and have seen a three-fold increase inapplications for the second round.Some of our key objectives for the future1. Continue planning for the UKCMRISecuring a site and progressing proposals for the UKCMRIis arguably one of the most significant developments inUK biomedical research for a generation. Under theseproposals, the facility will bring together scientists,chemists, physicists and mathematicians from all over theworld to achieve new insights into complex diseasessuch as cancer, and how they can be treated or prevented.Over the next 12 months and beyond, we will continueto build the foundations that will establish UKCMRIamong the world’s leading biomedical research centres.We carry out world-class research toimprove our understanding of cancerand find out how to prevent, diagnoseand treat different kinds of cancer.2. Implement our Science Management and ResearchTracking (SMART) programme which enables CancerResearch UK to fund the best research and attractthe best researchersThe SMART programme, which was initiated in 2007,is a two-year change programme to improve themanagement of our research portfolio. Streamlinedprocesses and more accessible systems will help us makedecisions faster. Improved portfolio analysis and financialreporting will help us to better understand anddemonstrate the full impact of our research fundingand the progress we are making.Through greaterunderstanding of their needs we can strengthenrelationships with our research community.3. Maintain our global leadership in genome-wideassociation studiesWe will work to remain at the forefront of genomewideassociation studies by funding further research ofthis kind into the top ten cancers while contributing tomajor publications. We have funded 17 out of 23 majorpublications of cancer predisposition loci across theworld since June 2006.4. Complete the establishment of our Cancer ResearchUK-MRC Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology& BiologyAmong other priorities, this will involve completing thetransfer of all groups to the new building by the end ofthis year. With our partners – the MRC and theUniversity of Oxford – we will officially open the newInstitute later this year.

4 Trustees’ <strong>Report</strong>Our impactCarrying outworld-class research£333mwas dedicated tofunding researchin <strong>2007</strong>/08

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