Annual Report and Accounts 2007/8 - Cancer Research UK

Annual Report and Accounts 2007/8 - Cancer Research UK Annual Report and Accounts 2007/8 - Cancer Research UK
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10 Trustees’ ReportOur impactWorking inpartnership110,000people have signedour Screening Matterspetition

11 Cancer Research UK Annual Report and Accounts 2007/08Some of our key objectives andachievements in 2007/081. Continue to lobby for the best possible environmentfor cancer research in the UK• We kept the need for Government to continue itssupport for charity research funding in universities highon the political agenda.• By making representations to key MPs and relevantministers, we secured a commitment from Governmentthat it will meet its target of providing £270 million incharity-funded research in universities by 2010/11.• To ensure this funding continues long-term, we arebuilding lobbying partnerships for the future.2. Engage with the new national research governancebodies established following Sir David Cooksey’s reviewof health research funding in the UK• We continued to define our role and relationship withthe newly-formed Office of Strategic Co-ordination ofHealth Research (OSCHR) and its Translational ResearchFunding Board.• We hold regular meetings with Professor Sir John Belland Liam O’Toole, Chair and Chief Executive of theOSCHR respectively. Professor Sir Alex Markham, ourSenior Medical Advisor, is Chair of its TranslationalResearch Funding Board.3. Provide strategic input into national research fundingcoalitions such as the National Institute for HealthResearch (NIHR) and the UK Clinical ResearchCollaboration (UKCRC)• NIHR Harpal Kumar and our Clinical Trials Directormeet regularly with the NIHR research and developmentteam to address issues affecting clinical cancer researchin the UK.• UKCRC Harpal Kumar is a member of the UKCRCBoard. Our Clinical Trials Director also plays a key rolein supporting the organisation’s work.• NCRI We continue to provide input and guidance atBoard level to the National Cancer Research Institute(NCRI). We once again organised the NCRI’s highlysuccessful annual conference. In addition, Professor SirKenneth Calman, one of our Trustees, was appointedChairman of the NCRI to succeed Professor Mike Richards.4.Work to help develop the UKCRC’s new publichealth initiative• We worked with the UKCRC and the Economic andSocial Research Council (ESRC) to build capacity in publichealth research by developing and reviewing proposalsthat led to the establishment of five centres of excellencein public health.• We will contribute funding to four of the centres –those led by researchers at Cardiff University, Universityof Nottingham, Queen’s University Belfast, and Universityof Newcastle.We work in partnership withothers to achieve the greatestimpact in the global fightagainst cancer.Some of our key objectives for the future1. Push for further action on smokingIn partnership with ASH (Action on Smoking and Health)and the British Heart Foundation, and with input fromkey researchers, we will publish a major report on theoutcomes of the 1998 White Paper ‘Smoking Kills’,outlining the priorities for a five-year national tobaccocontrol plan.The CRS includes commitments to a raft ofnew tobacco strategies and we continue to push for acomprehensive plan and further marketing restrictions.The Governments of England and Scotland have alreadyannounced consultations on a range of new measures.2. Develop work on our highest level public policy prioritiesThrough our Policy and Public Affairs Team, we willcontinue to influence Government policy on our fivetop policy issues: tobacco control, obesity, access totreatment, cancer strategies and Government investmentin research infrastructure.3.Work with the Engineering and Physical SciencesResearch Council (EPSRC) to increase capacity infunctional and whole-body imaging developmentWe have established a partnership with the EPSRC toincrease capacity in functional and whole-body imaging.Together, we will establish new centres of excellence incancer imaging research.4. Play a key role in the National Cancer IntelligenceNetwork (NCIN)In line with the commitments in the CRS, the NCIN willco-ordinate the collection, analysis and interpretation ofcancer data to provide high quality cancer intelligence.This intelligence will be used to improve cancer servicesand increase patient choice. It will also provide a valuablenew resource for epidemiological and health servicesresearch. We will help to ensure that the NCIN achievesits ambition: to create the best cancer information systemin the world by 2012. Harpal Kumar sits on the SteeringGroup for the NCIN.

10 Trustees’ <strong>Report</strong>Our impactWorking inpartnership110,000people have signedour Screening Matterspetition

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