Taylor's Alkalinity Test Kits - Taylor Technologies

Taylor's Alkalinity Test Kits - Taylor Technologies Taylor's Alkalinity Test Kits - Taylor Technologies

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Taylor’s Alkalinity Test KitsINTRODUCTIONAlkalinity is the acid-neutralizingcapacity of water. Althoughmany bases (such as borates, phosphates,and silicates) contribute to awater’s alkalinity, it is primarily afunction of the carbonate, bicarbonate,and hydroxide concentrations. Alkalinitycontrol is important in manyprocesses including municipal waterand wastewater treatment, paper andtextile manufacturing, commerciallaundering, warewashing, beverageproduction, and boiler and coolingsystem operation.Alkalinity is determined by titrationwith a standard acid to a designatedpH and recorded as either P, M, or Talkalinity. P alkalinity is titrated to anendpoint pH of 8.3 using phenolphthaleinas the indicator, M alkalinity istitrated to an endpoint pH of 4.6 usingmethyl orange as the indicator, andT alkalinity is titrated to an endpointpH of 4.5 using a blended indicator(bromocresol green/methyl red). Ifsulfuric acid is being added to modifypH, it will also alter the P/T alkalinityrelationship.Note: Reagent packs for burettitration setups contain chemicals andinstructions only.ALKALINITY KITSK-1512Drop test (laundry test using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3K-1527Drop test (using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 ppm P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3K-1528Drop test (using HCl);1 drop = 0.2 g/100 mL caustic alkalinityas NaOH;1 drop = 0.256 g/100 mL total alkalinityas Na 2CO 3K-1530Drop test (using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 ppm total alkalinityas CaCO 3Taylor's K-1533PM will perform 140 tests for P/M alkalinity at 100 ppm.K-1531Drop test (using H 2SO 4) for caustic soda;1 drop = 0.1 or 1% caustic alkalinityas NaOHK-1533PMDrop test (using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm P/M alkalinityas CaCO 3K-1533PTDrop test (using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3K-1537Drop test (using HCl);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppmhydroxyl alkalinity as CaCO 3K-1542 (combination kit)Drop tests for PET bottlers measuringM alkalinity (using HCl);1 drop = 10 ppm CaCO 3;total hardness* (EDTA titration);1 drop = 10 ppm CaCO 3K-1575Drop test (using HCl);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm P/Mor P/T alkalinity as CaCO 3K-0430Buret titration reagent pack(using H 2SO 4);1 mL = 1 mg P/M or P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3K-0431Buret titration reagent pack(using H 2SO 4);1 mL = 5 mg P/M or P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3*includes inhibitors to prevent metalinterferenceUSER BENEFITS•Titrations do not require the abilityto match colors, only the ability to seethe permanent color change at the•endpoint of the reaction.Drop-test kits are practical for both•on- and off-site testing.Buret titrations provide laboratory•accuracy at an economical price.Waterproof instructions areprinted on plastic-impregnated paper•that resists fading and tearing.Color coding of reagent caps to•instructions helps prevent mishaps.Picture guides to color transitions•in the test reassure new users.Custom-molded, durable plastic•cases provide safe storage for all tests.Proven chemistries are based onStandard Methods for the Examinationof Water and Wastewater, APHA,Washington, DC, and/or AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials,ASTM, Philadelphia, PA. Somemethods use proprietary chemistrydeveloped by Taylor Technologies.

<strong>Taylor</strong>’s <strong>Alkalinity</strong> <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Kits</strong>INTRODUCTION<strong>Alkalinity</strong> is the acid-neutralizingcapacity of water. Althoughmany bases (such as borates, phosphates,and silicates) contribute to awater’s alkalinity, it is primarily afunction of the carbonate, bicarbonate,and hydroxide concentrations. <strong>Alkalinity</strong>control is important in manyprocesses including municipal waterand wastewater treatment, paper andtextile manufacturing, commerciallaundering, warewashing, beverageproduction, and boiler and coolingsystem operation.<strong>Alkalinity</strong> is determined by titrationwith a standard acid to a designatedpH and recorded as either P, M, or Talkalinity. P alkalinity is titrated to anendpoint pH of 8.3 using phenolphthaleinas the indicator, M alkalinity istitrated to an endpoint pH of 4.6 usingmethyl orange as the indicator, andT alkalinity is titrated to an endpointpH of 4.5 using a blended indicator(bromocresol green/methyl red). Ifsulfuric acid is being added to modifypH, it will also alter the P/T alkalinityrelationship.Note: Reagent packs for burettitration setups contain chemicals andinstructions only.ALKALINITY KITSK-1512Drop test (laundry test using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3K-1527Drop test (using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 ppm P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3K-1528Drop test (using HCl);1 drop = 0.2 g/100 mL caustic alkalinityas NaOH;1 drop = 0.256 g/100 mL total alkalinityas Na 2CO 3K-1530Drop test (using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 ppm total alkalinityas CaCO 3<strong><strong>Taylor</strong>'s</strong> K-1533PM will perform 140 tests for P/M alkalinity at 100 ppm.K-1531Drop test (using H 2SO 4) for caustic soda;1 drop = 0.1 or 1% caustic alkalinityas NaOHK-1533PMDrop test (using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm P/M alkalinityas CaCO 3K-1533PTDrop test (using H 2SO 4);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3K-1537Drop test (using HCl);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppmhydroxyl alkalinity as CaCO 3K-1542 (combination kit)Drop tests for PET bottlers measuringM alkalinity (using HCl);1 drop = 10 ppm CaCO 3;total hardness* (EDTA titration);1 drop = 10 ppm CaCO 3K-1575Drop test (using HCl);1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm P/Mor P/T alkalinity as CaCO 3K-0430Buret titration reagent pack(using H 2SO 4);1 mL = 1 mg P/M or P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3K-0431Buret titration reagent pack(using H 2SO 4);1 mL = 5 mg P/M or P/T alkalinityas CaCO 3*includes inhibitors to prevent metalinterferenceUSER BENEFITS•Titrations do not require the abilityto match colors, only the ability to seethe permanent color change at the•endpoint of the reaction.Drop-test kits are practical for both•on- and off-site testing.Buret titrations provide laboratory•accuracy at an economical price.Waterproof instructions areprinted on plastic-impregnated paper•that resists fading and tearing.Color coding of reagent caps to•instructions helps prevent mishaps.Picture guides to color transitions•in the test reassure new users.Custom-molded, durable plastic•cases provide safe storage for all tests.Proven chemistries are based onStandard Methods for the Examinationof Water and Wastewater, APHA,Washington, DC, and/or AmericanSociety for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials,ASTM, Philadelphia, PA. Somemethods use proprietary chemistrydeveloped by <strong>Taylor</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>.

ALSO AVAILABLE•Neutralizing amine test (K-1682)for steam condensate where the onlyalkalinity is provided by the amine.•Individual replacement reagents.More than 500 single-parameter andmultiparameter kits covering a widerange of water-testing requirements.•<strong>Test</strong>ing supplies and kit replacementparts (e.g., burets, flasks, test tubes,•and test cells).Video demonstrations for new•users posted on our website.Toll-free technical assistance at800-TEST KIT.REPRESENTATIVE TEST PROCEDUREReproduced from K-1533PM/K-1533PT instruction:COMPONENTS:1 x 5084 Instruction1 x 9198G Sample Tube, Graduated, 25 mL, plastic w/cap and green dot* 1 x R-0637-C Methyl Orange Indicator, 2 oz, DB1 x R-0638G-C Phenolphthalein Indicator (green cap), 2 oz, DB* 1 x R-0645-C Total <strong>Alkalinity</strong> Indicator, 2 oz, DB1 x R-0687G-C Sulfuric Acid .12N (green cap), 2 oz, DB1 x R-0736G-C Sulfuric Acid .6N (green cap), 2 oz, DB*Kit contains only one of these indicators.TO ORDER REPLACEMENT PARTS AND REAGENTS CALL TOLL-FREE800-TEST KIT (800-837-8548).PROCEDURE:CAREFULLY READ AND FOLLOW PRECAUTIONS ON REAGENT LABELS.KEEP REAGENTS AWAY FROM CHILDREN.P/M <strong>Alkalinity</strong>NOTE: For 1 drop = 10 ppm, use R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N.For 1 drop = 50 ppm, use R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6N.1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198G) to 25 mL mark with water to betested.NOTE: For results in grains per gallon (gpg), fill to 14.6 mL mark.2. Add 3 drops R-0638G Phenolphthalein Indicator. Swirl to mix. Sample will turnpink (Fig. 1) if P alkalinity is present—proceed to Step 3. If no pink color, go toStep 4.3. If pink, add R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N or R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6N dropwise,swirling and counting after each drop, until color just changes from pink to colorless(Fig. 2). Record drops as P reading. Always hold bottle in vertical position.4. Add 3 drops R-0637 Methyl Orange Indicator. Swirl to mix. Sample should turnyellow (Fig. 3).DROP TESTP/M OR P/T ALKALINITY (1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm)5. Continue adding R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N or R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6Ndropwise, swirling and counting after each drop, until color just changes fromyellow to orange (salmon pink) (Fig. 4). Record total drops (Steps 3 and 5) as Mreading. Always hold bottle in vertical position.6. If R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N was used, multiply P reading by 10. Record asparts per million (ppm) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate. Multiply M reading by10. Record as ppm M alkalinity as calcium carbonate. For 14.6 mL sample, recordP reading as grains per gallon (gpg) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate. Record Mreading as gpg M alkalinity as calcium carbonate.If R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6N was used, multiply P reading by 50. Record as partsper million (ppm) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate. Multiply M reading by 50.Record as ppm M alkalinity as calcium carbonate. For 14.6 mL sample, multiply Preading by 5. Record as grains per gallon (gpg) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate.Multiply M reading by 5. Record as gpg M alkalinity as calcium carbonate.P/T <strong>Alkalinity</strong>NOTE: For 1 drop = 10 ppm, use R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N.For 1 drop = 50 ppm, use R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6N.1. Rinse and fill 25 mL sample tube (#9198G) to 25 mL mark with water to betested.NOTE: For results in grains per gallon (gpg), fill to 14.6 mL mark.2. Add 3 drops R-0638G Phenolphthalein Indicator. Swirl to mix. Sample will turnpink (Fig. 1) if P alkalinity is present—proceed to Step 3. If no pink color, go toStep 4.3. If pink, add R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N or R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6N dropwise,swirling and counting after each drop, until color just changes from pink to colorless(Fig. 2). Record drops as P reading. Always hold bottle in vertical position.4. Add 5 drops R-0645 Total <strong>Alkalinity</strong> Indicator. Swirl to mix. Sample should turngreen (Fig. 5).(OVER)Fig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3Instr. #50845. Continue adding R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N or R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6Ndropwise, swirling and counting after each drop, until color changes from greento red (Fig. 6). Record total drops (Steps 3 and 5) as T reading. Always hold bottlein vertical position.6. If R-0687G Sulfuric Acid .12N was used, multiply P reading by 10. Record asparts per million (ppm) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate. Multiply T reading by10. Record as ppm T alkalinity as calcium carbonate. For 14.6 mL sample, recordP reading as grains per gallon (gpg) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate. Record Treading as gpg T alkalinity as calcium carbonate.If R-0736G Sulfuric Acid .6N was used, multiply P reading by 50. Record as partsper million (ppm) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate. Multiply T reading by 50.Record as ppm T alkalinity as calcium carbonate. For 14.6 mL sample, multiply Preading by 5. Record as grains per gallon (gpg) P alkalinity as calcium carbonate.Multiply T reading by 5. Record as gpg T alkalinity as calcium carbonate.DROP TESTP/M OR P/T ALKALINITY (1 drop = 10 or 50 ppm)Fig. 4Instr. #5084Fig. 531 Loveton Circle, Sparks, MD 21152 U.S.A.800-TEST KIT (837-8548) • 410-472-4340 3/09Fig. 6rev. 072312

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