Download the 2010-2011 Annual Report - VTAC

Download the 2010-2011 Annual Report - VTAC

Download the 2010-2011 Annual Report - VTAC


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GovernanceCommittee membersTHE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chair; Chair of <strong>the</strong> VictorianVice Chancellors Committee (VVCC) Vice-Chancellor nominated by VVCC, as having<strong>VTAC</strong> liaison responsibility Senior TAFE representative nominated by Skills Victoria, ashaving <strong>VTAC</strong> liaison responsibility Chair of <strong>the</strong> Management Committee; appointed annuallyby members of <strong>the</strong> Board of Trustees. Deputy Chair of <strong>the</strong> Management Committee;appointed annually by members of <strong>the</strong> Board ofTrustees.THE EXECUTIVEOF THE MANAGEMENTCOMMITTEE Chair of <strong>the</strong> Management Committee Deputy Chair of <strong>the</strong> ManagementCommittee Chair of <strong>the</strong> Scaling Committee <strong>VTAC</strong> DirectorTHE MANAGEMENTCOMMITTEE Chair; appointed annually by <strong>the</strong> Board of Trustees. Deputy Chair; appointed annually by <strong>the</strong> Board of Trustees. One (1) person nominated by each University for a period oftwo years, who may be re-nominated Three (3) persons nominated by Skills Victoria for a period oftwo years, who may be re-nominated One (1) person nominated by Australian Council forPrivate Education and Training (ACPET), as long asACPET remains <strong>the</strong> representative body of <strong>the</strong> majority ofparticipating independent tertiary colleges Chair of <strong>the</strong> Scaling Committee, ifnot already nominatedBoard of Trustees• CHAIR OF THE VVCCProfessor David BattersbyVice-Chancellor, University of BallaratCHAIR• CHAIR, <strong>VTAC</strong> MANAGEMENT COMMITTEEMr Ian MarshmanSenior Vice Principal, The University of Melbourne• DEPUTY CHAIR, <strong>VTAC</strong> MANAGEMENTCOMMITTEEMr John MaddockChief Executive Officer, Box Hill Institute• VVCC MEMBER RESPONSIBLE FOR <strong>VTAC</strong>LIAISONProfessor Paul JohnsonVice-Chancellor and President, La Trobe University• SKILLS VICTORIA – DIIRDMs Kym PeakeDeputy Secretary, Skills VictoriaScaling CommitteeAdvisory committee established by<strong>the</strong> Board of Trustees• THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNEMs Lin MartinCHAIR• THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNEDr Sue Finch• MONASH UNIVERSITYProf Rob Hyndman• <strong>VTAC</strong> DIRECTORElaine Wenn• <strong>VTAC</strong> MANAGER, RESEARCH, MEASUREMENTAND REPORTING,Paul LivingstoneEXECUTIVE OFFICER<strong>VTAC</strong> Management Committee• AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITYMs Joy Magee• BOX HILL INSTITUTEMr John MaddockDEPUTY CHAIR• CHISHOLM INSTITUTEMr Peter Harrison• DEAKIN UNIVERSITYMs Robin Buckham• LA TROBE UNIVERSITYProfessor John Rosenberg• MONASH UNIVERSITYProfessor Merran Evans• RMIT UNIVERSITYDr Amanda McMaster• SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYMr Tony Reed• UNIVERSITY OF BALLARATProfessor Todd Walker• UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE (THE)Mr Ian MarshmanCHAIR• VICTORIA UNIVERSITYMs Lyn Bayly• WILLIAM ANGLISS INSTITUTE OF TAFEMr Nicholas Hunt• AUSTRALIAN COUNCIL FOR PRIVATEEDUCATION AND TRAINING (ACPET)Ms Julie Moss• CHAIR OF THE SCALING COMMITTEEMs Lin Martin6 Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (<strong>VTAC</strong>) <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> 7

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