Download the 2010-2011 Annual Report - VTAC

Download the 2010-2011 Annual Report - VTAC Download the 2010-2011 Annual Report - VTAC


ForewordContentsI am pleased to present this report of a busy andsuccessful year for VTAC.A major focus of our activities was the VTACStrategic Directions Project, the review initiatedby the Board of Trustees in 2009 to consider thelonger term strategic directions for VTAC in lightof both the Bradley Review of Australian HigherEducation and the Victorian Government SkillsReform and Tertiary Education Plan.Key reforms introduced over the past year wereto allow institutions more flexibility in makingdirect offers applicants and to communicate withtheir applicants during the application and selectionperiod,I would like to thank the members of the VTACManagement Committee for their leadershipand commitment. On behalf of the ManagementCommittee I also extend my thanks to those whowork for and with VTAC to ensure its success.VTAC is looking forward the future challenges andopportunities presented by the changing highereducation landscape and we continue to striveto provide high quality admission and selectionservices to its tertiary institutions and to applicantsseeking entry to courses in our institutions.Ian MarshmanChair, VTAC Management CommitteeVision, Mission, Guiding Principles..............................................4Director’s message ......................................................................5Governance .................................................................................6Committee members...................................................................7Member institutions....................................................................8About VTAC................................................................................ 10Organisational structure ........................................................... 11Key achievements ..................................................................... 12Applications and offers.............................................................. 14Tertiary Admission Rank............................................................ 20Communications........................................................................ 22Publications................................................................................ 24Applicant survey........................................................................ 28The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre strives to ensure that participating institutions, applicantsand Australian Secondary Schools receive high quality services by exercising leadership in the tertiaryeducation sector through promoting effective quality management practices and services.This report provides an account of the initiatives, events and operations of the Victorian TertiaryAdmissions Centre for the period 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011.2 Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) Annual Report 2010-2011 3

VisionTo be recognised as aninnovative, high quality, flexible,responsive and service-orientedorganisation committed toMissionbest practice processesat all levels.VTAC’s mission is to provide high qualityadmission and selection services to Victoriantertiary institutions and to applicants seeking entryto their courses. In doing so, VTAC aims to promoteand encourage participation in tertiary education.VTAC supports institutional diversity, flexibility andautonomy in selection through the provision of acooperative and open selection system. The system issupported by range of services benchmarked againstAustralian and international best practice.VTAC supports applicants for tertiary coursesby providing them with accurate and relevantinformation about courses and access toefficient and equitable application andselection procedures.Director’s messageVTAC has had another busy year of growth innearly all areas of our operations. In 2010 weprocessed over 88,000 applications for tertiarycourses and issued around 74,000 offers forover 2000 courses. For the second year VTACprocessed applications for mid-year entry in 2011.VTAC has been a front runner in its onlineapplications and offer services and this year westrengthened our web presence with enhancedinformation services for institutions, applicants, andcareers counsellors.VTAC is recognised nationally for its informationprovision program with links to all Victoriansecondary schools, community groups andcounselling services. Last year participants fromover 500 schools attended 29 information sessionsheld throughout Victoria.VTAC’s success is based on the dedication ofit staff and their strong relationships with ourinstitutions and I would like to thank you all foryour continued effort and support.Elaine WennVTAC DirectorGuiding PrinciplesIn pursuit of its vision, VTAC is guided by a set ofprinciples that support and promote:• institutional diversity• institutional autonomy for selection• a tertiary selection framework based onfairness, transparency, explicitness and ease ofcomprehension for applicants• comprehensive information and applicationservices to assist applicants applyingfor courses and to receive offerswithout unnecessary delay.Annual Report 2010-2011 5

ForewordContentsI am pleased to present this report of a busy andsuccessful year for <strong>VTAC</strong>.A major focus of our activities was <strong>the</strong> <strong>VTAC</strong>Strategic Directions Project, <strong>the</strong> review initiatedby <strong>the</strong> Board of Trustees in 2009 to consider <strong>the</strong>longer term strategic directions for <strong>VTAC</strong> in lightof both <strong>the</strong> Bradley Review of Australian HigherEducation and <strong>the</strong> Victorian Government SkillsReform and Tertiary Education Plan.Key reforms introduced over <strong>the</strong> past year wereto allow institutions more flexibility in makingdirect offers applicants and to communicate with<strong>the</strong>ir applicants during <strong>the</strong> application and selectionperiod,I would like to thank <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> <strong>VTAC</strong>Management Committee for <strong>the</strong>ir leadershipand commitment. On behalf of <strong>the</strong> ManagementCommittee I also extend my thanks to those whowork for and with <strong>VTAC</strong> to ensure its success.<strong>VTAC</strong> is looking forward <strong>the</strong> future challenges andopportunities presented by <strong>the</strong> changing highereducation landscape and we continue to striveto provide high quality admission and selectionservices to its tertiary institutions and to applicantsseeking entry to courses in our institutions.Ian MarshmanChair, <strong>VTAC</strong> Management CommitteeVision, Mission, Guiding Principles..............................................4Director’s message ......................................................................5Governance .................................................................................6Committee members...................................................................7Member institutions....................................................................8About <strong>VTAC</strong>................................................................................ 10Organisational structure ........................................................... 11Key achievements ..................................................................... 12Applications and offers.............................................................. 14Tertiary Admission Rank............................................................ 20Communications........................................................................ 22Publications................................................................................ 24Applicant survey........................................................................ 28The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre strives to ensure that participating institutions, applicantsand Australian Secondary Schools receive high quality services by exercising leadership in <strong>the</strong> tertiaryeducation sector through promoting effective quality management practices and services.This report provides an account of <strong>the</strong> initiatives, events and operations of <strong>the</strong> Victorian TertiaryAdmissions Centre for <strong>the</strong> period 1 August <strong>2010</strong> to 31 July <strong>2011</strong>.2 Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (<strong>VTAC</strong>) <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> 3

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