Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes

Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes

Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes


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QUESTIONS KEY WORDS NO.ARTICLESIDENTIFIED5. What is the mostpractical methodfor detect<strong>in</strong>g loss<strong>of</strong> protective footsensation <strong>in</strong> theprimary caresett<strong>in</strong>g?Total for Question 5<strong>Diabetes</strong> mellitus/ ANDmon<strong>of</strong>ilament.mp/ M, CIDiabetic neuropathies/ ANDcl<strong>in</strong>ical assessment tools/ CI(Mon<strong>of</strong>ilament.mp OR screen<strong>in</strong>gtest/) AND (diabeticneuropathy/co, dm,rh,si,ep ORdiabeticfoot/et,co,pc,di,rh,dm,ep,th) EM121633 (M)9 (CI)6958NO.RELEVANTARTICLES7314 (M)3 (CI)315ARTICLES TOTAL FOR LEVEL I LEVEL II LEVEL LEVEL IV TOTAL NO. HIGHESTIDENTIFIED BY REVIEWIIIREVIEWED & LEVEL OFOTHERSTRATEGIESGRADED EVIDENCE12 17 2 2 13 0 17 I(diabetic neuropathy/ OR diabeticfoot/) AND (mon<strong>of</strong>ilament.mpOR screen<strong>in</strong>g test/) EM 99-026225Mon<strong>of</strong>ilament.mp CO748Risk factors/ AND: Diabetic foot/<strong>Diabetes</strong> mellitus/ CO1256. How shouldperipheralvascular disease beassessed cl<strong>in</strong>ically?<strong>Diabetes</strong> mellitus/ AND riskfactors/ COTotal for Question 6NIDDM/ AND PVD/ ANDsymptoms.mp/ M, CIIC.mp/ AND PVD/:639085 (M)0 (CI)261 (M)41 (CI)0623 (M)0 (CI)9 (M)5 (CI)2 30 1 6 18 0 25 IAND NIDDM/ M, CI4 (M)2 (CI)1 (M)0 (CI)PVD/ AND NIDDM/ AND riskfactors/ M, CI28 (M)3 (CI)8 (M)2 (CI)IC/ AND PVD/ EM18710PVD.mp AND (IC.mp OR pedalpulses.mp) CO1373Pedal pulse.mp AND NIDDM/ M227<strong>Foot</strong> pulses.mp/ M331132

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