Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes

Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes
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Miller LV, Goldstein J. More efficient care of diabetic patients in a country hospital setting. N Engl JMed 1972;286:1388-91.Molyneaux LM, Constantino MI, McGill M, Zilkens R, Yue DK. Better glycaemic control and riskreduction of diabetic complications in Type 2 diabetes: comparison with the DCCT. Diabetes Res ClinPract 1998;42:77-83.Mondillo S, Ballo P, Barbati R, Guerrini F, Ammaturo T, Agricola E, Pastore M, Borrello F, BelcastroM, Picchi A, Nami R. Effects of simvastatin on walking performance and symptoms of intermittentclaudication in hypercholesterolemic patients with peripheral vascular disease. Am J Med 2003114:359-64.Moore JW. Prostheses, orthoses, and shoes for partial foot amputees. Clin Podiatr Med Surg1997;14:775-83.Morris AD, McAlpine R, Steinke D, Boyle DI, Ebrahim AR, Vasudev N, Stewart CP, Jung RT, LeeseGP, MacDonald TM, Newton RW. Diabetes and lower-limb amputations in the community. Aretrospective cohort study. Diabetes Care 1998;21:738-43.Most RS, Sinnock P. The epidemiology of lower extremity amputations in diabetic individuals.Diabetes Care 1983;6:87-91.Mueller MJ. Identifying patients with diabetes mellitus who are at risk for lower extremitycomplications: use of Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments. Phys Ther 1996;76:68-71.Mueller MJ. Therapeutic footwear helps protect the diabetic foot. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc1997;87:360-4.Mueller MJ, Minor SD, Diamond JE, Blair VP3rd. Relationship of foot deformity to ulcer location inpatients with diabetes mellitis. Phys Ther 1990;70:356-62.Mueller MJ, Strube MJ, Allen BT. Therapeutic footwear can reduce plantar pressures in patients withdiabetes and transmetatarsal amputation. Diabetes Care 1997;20:637-41.Nabuurs-Franssen MH, Houben AJHM, Tooke JE, Schaper NC. The effect of polyneuropathy on footmicrocirculation in Type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 2002;45:1164-71.Nathan DM. Long-term complications of diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med 1993;328:1676-85.O'Brien KE, Chandramohan V, Nelson DA, Fischer JR Jr, Stevens G, Poremba JA. Effect of aphysician-directed educational campaign on performance of proper diabetic foot exams in an outpatientsetting. J Gen Intern Med 2003;18:258-65.O'Hara DA, McCarty D. Complications of diabetes in the hospitalised population in Victoria 1993-95.J Qual Clin Pract 1998;18:177-85.Ollendorf DA, Kotsanos JG, Wishner WJ, Friedman M, Cooper T, Bittoni M, Oster G. Potentialeconomic benefits of lower-extremity amputation prevention strategies in diabetes. Diabetes Care1998;21:1240-5.Olmos PR, Cataland S, O'Dorisio TM, Casey CA, Smead WL, Simon SR. The Semmes-Weinsteinmonofilament as a potential predictor of foot ulceration in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes.Am J Med Sci 1995;309:76-82.O'Rourke I, Heard S, Treacy J, Gruen R, Whitbread C. Risks to feet in the top end: outcomes ofdiabetic foot complications. ANZ J Surg 2002;72:282-6.Paisley AN, Abbott CA, van Schie CH, Boulton AJ. A comparison of the Neuropen against standardquantitative sensory-threshold measures for assessing peripheral nerve function. Diabet Med2002;19:400-5.121

Miller LV, Goldste<strong>in</strong> J. More efficient care <strong>of</strong> diabetic patients <strong>in</strong> a country hospital sett<strong>in</strong>g. N Engl JMed 1972;286:1388-91.Molyneaux LM, Constant<strong>in</strong>o MI, McGill M, Zilkens R, Yue DK. Better glycaemic control <strong>and</strong> riskreduction <strong>of</strong> diabetic complications <strong>in</strong> <strong>Type</strong> 2 diabetes: comparison with the DCCT. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Res Cl<strong>in</strong>Pract 1998;42:77-83.Mondillo S, Ballo P, Barbati R, Guerr<strong>in</strong>i F, Ammaturo T, Agricola E, Pastore M, Borrello F, BelcastroM, Picchi A, Nami R. Effects <strong>of</strong> simvastat<strong>in</strong> on walk<strong>in</strong>g performance <strong>and</strong> symptoms <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>termittentclaudication <strong>in</strong> hypercholesterolemic patients with peripheral vascular disease. Am J Med 2003114:359-64.Moore JW. Prostheses, orthoses, <strong>and</strong> shoes for partial foot amputees. Cl<strong>in</strong> Podiatr Med Surg1997;14:775-83.Morris AD, McAlp<strong>in</strong>e R, Ste<strong>in</strong>ke D, Boyle DI, Ebrahim AR, Vasudev N, Stewart CP, Jung RT, LeeseGP, MacDonald TM, Newton RW. <strong>Diabetes</strong> <strong>and</strong> lower-limb amputations <strong>in</strong> the community. Aretrospective cohort study. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Care 1998;21:738-43.Most RS, S<strong>in</strong>nock P. The epidemiology <strong>of</strong> lower extremity amputations <strong>in</strong> diabetic <strong>in</strong>dividuals.<strong>Diabetes</strong> Care 1983;6:87-91.Mueller MJ. Identify<strong>in</strong>g patients with diabetes mellitus who are at risk for lower extremitycomplications: use <strong>of</strong> Semmes-We<strong>in</strong>ste<strong>in</strong> mon<strong>of</strong>ilaments. Phys Ther 1996;76:68-71.Mueller MJ. Therapeutic footwear helps protect the diabetic foot. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc1997;87:360-4.Mueller MJ, M<strong>in</strong>or SD, Diamond JE, Blair VP3rd. Relationship <strong>of</strong> foot deformity to ulcer location <strong>in</strong>patients with diabetes mellitis. Phys Ther 1990;70:356-62.Mueller MJ, Strube MJ, Allen BT. Therapeutic footwear can reduce plantar pressures <strong>in</strong> patients withdiabetes <strong>and</strong> transmetatarsal amputation. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Care 1997;20:637-41.Nabuurs-Franssen MH, Houben AJHM, Tooke JE, Schaper NC. The effect <strong>of</strong> polyneuropathy on footmicrocirculation <strong>in</strong> <strong>Type</strong> 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 2002;45:1164-71.Nathan DM. Long-term complications <strong>of</strong> diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med 1993;328:1676-85.O'Brien KE, Ch<strong>and</strong>ramohan V, Nelson DA, Fischer JR Jr, Stevens G, Poremba JA. Effect <strong>of</strong> aphysician-directed educational campaign on performance <strong>of</strong> proper diabetic foot exams <strong>in</strong> an outpatientsett<strong>in</strong>g. J Gen Intern Med 2003;18:258-65.O'Hara DA, McCarty D. Complications <strong>of</strong> diabetes <strong>in</strong> the hospitalised population <strong>in</strong> Victoria 1993-95.J Qual Cl<strong>in</strong> Pract 1998;18:177-85.Ollendorf DA, Kotsanos JG, Wishner WJ, Friedman M, Cooper T, Bittoni M, Oster G. Potentialeconomic benefits <strong>of</strong> lower-extremity amputation prevention strategies <strong>in</strong> diabetes. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Care1998;21:1240-5.Olmos PR, Catal<strong>and</strong> S, O'Dorisio TM, Casey CA, Smead WL, Simon SR. The Semmes-We<strong>in</strong>ste<strong>in</strong>mon<strong>of</strong>ilament as a potential predictor <strong>of</strong> foot ulceration <strong>in</strong> patients with non<strong>in</strong>sul<strong>in</strong>-dependent diabetes.Am J Med Sci 1995;309:76-82.O'Rourke I, Heard S, Treacy J, Gruen R, Whitbread C. Risks to feet <strong>in</strong> the top end: outcomes <strong>of</strong>diabetic foot complications. ANZ J Surg 2002;72:282-6.Paisley AN, Abbott CA, van Schie CH, Boulton AJ. A comparison <strong>of</strong> the Neuropen aga<strong>in</strong>st st<strong>and</strong>ardquantitative sensory-threshold measures for assess<strong>in</strong>g peripheral nerve function. Diabet Med2002;19:400-5.121

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