Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes

Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes
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Diabetes Foot Problems: Other ReferencesAbbott RD, Brand FN, Kannel WB. Epidemiology of some peripheral arterial findings in diabetic menand women: Experiences from the Framingham study. Am J Med 1990;88:376-81.Adler AI, Boyko EJ, Ahroni JH, Stensel V, Forsberg RC, Smith DG. Risk factors for diabeticperipheral sensory neuropathy. Results of the Seattle Prospective Diabetic Foot Study. Diabetes Care1997;20:1162-7.Adler AI, Stevens RJ, Neil A, Stratton IM, Boulton AJM, Holman RR. UKPDS 59: hyperglycaemiaand other potentially modifiable risk factors for peripheral vascular disease in Type 2 diabetes.Diabetes Care 2002;25:894-9.Albert S. Cost-effective management of recalcitrant diabetic foot ulcers. Clinics in Podiatric Medicineand Surgery. 2002; 19: 483-91.Al-Delaimy WK, Merchant AT, Rimm EB, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Hu FB. Effect of Type 2diabetes and its duration on the risk of peripheral arterial disease among men. Am J Med2004;116:236-40.Alogna M. CDC diabetes control programs – Overview of diabetes patient education. Diabetes Educ1985;10:32-6,57.Apelqvist J, Larsson J, Agardh C-D. The importance of peripheral pulses, peripheral oedema and localpain for the outcome of diabetic foot ulcers. Diabet Med 1990;7:590-4.Apelqvist J, Larsson J, Agardh C-D. Medical risk factors in diabetic patients with foot ulcers andsevere peripheral vascular disease and their influence on outcome. J Diabetes Complications1992;6:167-74.Apelqvist J, Ragnarson-Tennvall G, Larsson J, Person U. Long-term costs for foot ulcers in diabeticpatients in a multidisciplinary setting. Foot Ankle Int 1995;16:388-94.Ariyo AA, Thach C, Tracy R Cardiovascular Health Study Investigators. Lp(a) lipoprotein, vasculardisease, and mortality in the elderly. N Eng J Med 2003;349:2108-15.Armstrong DG. Three questions can identify ulcer risk. Podiatry Today 1998;5:34-6.Armstrong DG. The 10-g monofilament. The diagnostic divining rod for the diabetic foot? DiabetesCare 2000;23:887.Armstrong DG, Abu-Rumman PL, Nixon BP, Boulton AJM. Continuous activity monitoring in personsat high risk for diabetes-related lower-extremity amputation. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2001;91:451-5.Armstrong DG, Harkless LB. Outcomes of preventative care in a diabetic foot specialty clinic. J FootAnkle Surg 1998;37:460-6.Armstrong DG, Lavery LA. Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, diagnosis and classification. Am FamPhysician 1998;57:1325-32.Armstrong DG, Lavery LA, Harkless LB. Treatment-based classification system for assessment andcare of diabetic feet. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1996;86:311-6.Armstrong DG, Lavery LA, Harkless LB. Validation of a diabetic wound classification system. Thecontribution of depth, infection, and ischemia to risk of amputation. Diabetes Care 1998;21:855-9.Armstrong DG, Lavery LA, Harkless LB, Van Houtum WH. Amputation and reamputation of thediabetic foot. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1997;87:255-9.114

Armstrong DG, Lavery LA, Kimbriel HR, Nixon BP, Boulton AJ. Activity patterns of patients withdiabetic foot ulceration: patients with active ulceration may not adhere to a standard pressure offloadingregimen. Diabetes Care 2003;26:2595-7.Assal JP. A global, integrated approach to diabetes: A challenge for more efficient therapy.In:Davidson JK (ed). Clinical diabetes mellitus. A problem oriented approach. New York: Thieme:1986.Assal JP, Muhlhauser I, Pernet A, Gfeller R, Jorgens V, Berger M. Patient education as the basis fordiabetes care in clinical practice and research. Diabetologia 1985;28:602-13.Baker N, Letherdale B. Audit of special shoes: are they being worn? Diabet Foot 1999;2:100-4.Bell-Krotoski J, Tomancik E. The repeatability of testing with Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments. JHand Surg 1987;12:155-61.Benotmane A, Mohammedi F, Ayad F, Kadi K, Medjbeur S, Azzouz A. Management of diabetic footlesions in hospital: costs and benefits. Diabetes Metab 2001;27:688-94.Birke JA, Sims DS. Plantar sensory threshold in the ulcerative foot. Lepr Rev 1986;57:261-7.Boer H, Seydel ER. Medical opinions, beliefs and prescription of orthopedic footwear: a survey ofDutch orthopaedists and rehabilitation practitioners. Clin Rehabil 1998;12:245-53.Birke JA, Foto JG, Pfiefer LA. Effect of orthosis material hardness on walking pressure in high-riskdiabetes patients. JPO 1999;11:43-6.Boulton AJM. The diabetic foot. Med Clin North Am 1988;72:1513-30.Boulton AJM. Why bother educating the multidisciplinary team and the patient - the example ofprevention of lower extremity amputation in diabetes. Patient Educ Couns 1995;26:183-8.Boulton AJM. The pathogenesis of diabetic foot problems: an overview. Diabet Med 1996;13(Suppl1):S12-6.Boulton AJM. Guidelines for diagnosis and outpatient management of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.Diabetes Metab 1998;24(Suppl 3):55-65.Boulton AJM. Lowering the risk of neuropathy, foot ulcers and amputations. Diabet Med1998;15(Suppl 4):S57-9.Bowering CK. Diabetic foot ulcers. Pathophysiology, assessment, and therapy. Can Fam Physician2001;47:1007-16.Brand FN, Kannel WB, Evans J, Larson MG, Wolf PA. Glucose intolerance, physical signs ofperipheral artery disease, and risk of cardiovascular events: the Framingham Study. Am Heart J1998;136:919-27.Brearley S, Shearman CP, Simms MH. Peripheral pulse palpation: an unreliable physical sign. Ann RColl Surg Engl 1992;74:169-71.Brown AF, Gross AG, Gutierrez PR, Jiang L, Shapiro MF, Mangione CM. Income-related differencesin the use of evidence-based therapies in older persons with diabetes mellitus in for-profit managedcare. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003;51:665-70.Calle-Pascual AL, Duran A, Benedi A, Calvo MI, Charro A, Diaz JA, Calle JR, Gil E, Ibarra J,Maranes JP, Cabezas-Cerrato J. Reduction in foot ulcer indicence: relation to compliance with aprophylactic foot care programme. Diabetes Care 2001;24:405-7.115

Armstrong DG, Lavery LA, Kimbriel HR, Nixon BP, Boulton AJ. Activity patterns <strong>of</strong> patients withdiabetic foot ulceration: patients with active ulceration may not adhere to a st<strong>and</strong>ard pressure <strong>of</strong>fload<strong>in</strong>gregimen. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Care 2003;26:2595-7.Assal JP. A global, <strong>in</strong>tegrated approach to diabetes: A challenge for more efficient therapy.In:Davidson JK (ed). Cl<strong>in</strong>ical diabetes mellitus. A problem oriented approach. New York: Thieme:1986.Assal JP, Muhlhauser I, Pernet A, Gfeller R, Jorgens V, Berger M. Patient education as the basis fordiabetes care <strong>in</strong> cl<strong>in</strong>ical practice <strong>and</strong> research. Diabetologia 1985;28:602-13.Baker N, Letherdale B. Audit <strong>of</strong> special shoes: are they be<strong>in</strong>g worn? Diabet <strong>Foot</strong> 1999;2:100-4.Bell-Krotoski J, Tomancik E. The repeatability <strong>of</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g with Semmes-We<strong>in</strong>ste<strong>in</strong> mon<strong>of</strong>ilaments. JH<strong>and</strong> Surg 1987;12:155-61.Benotmane A, Mohammedi F, Ayad F, Kadi K, Medjbeur S, Azzouz A. Management <strong>of</strong> diabetic footlesions <strong>in</strong> hospital: costs <strong>and</strong> benefits. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Metab 2001;27:688-94.Birke JA, Sims DS. Plantar sensory threshold <strong>in</strong> the ulcerative foot. Lepr Rev 1986;57:261-7.Boer H, Seydel ER. Medical op<strong>in</strong>ions, beliefs <strong>and</strong> prescription <strong>of</strong> orthopedic footwear: a survey <strong>of</strong>Dutch orthopaedists <strong>and</strong> rehabilitation practitioners. Cl<strong>in</strong> Rehabil 1998;12:245-53.Birke JA, Foto JG, Pfiefer LA. Effect <strong>of</strong> orthosis material hardness on walk<strong>in</strong>g pressure <strong>in</strong> high-riskdiabetes patients. JPO 1999;11:43-6.Boulton AJM. The diabetic foot. Med Cl<strong>in</strong> North Am 1988;72:1513-30.Boulton AJM. Why bother educat<strong>in</strong>g the multidiscipl<strong>in</strong>ary team <strong>and</strong> the patient - the example <strong>of</strong>prevention <strong>of</strong> lower extremity amputation <strong>in</strong> diabetes. Patient Educ Couns 1995;26:183-8.Boulton AJM. The pathogenesis <strong>of</strong> diabetic foot problems: an overview. Diabet Med 1996;13(Suppl1):S12-6.Boulton AJM. Guidel<strong>in</strong>es for diagnosis <strong>and</strong> outpatient management <strong>of</strong> diabetic peripheral neuropathy.<strong>Diabetes</strong> Metab 1998;24(Suppl 3):55-65.Boulton AJM. Lower<strong>in</strong>g the risk <strong>of</strong> neuropathy, foot ulcers <strong>and</strong> amputations. Diabet Med1998;15(Suppl 4):S57-9.Bower<strong>in</strong>g CK. Diabetic foot ulcers. Pathophysiology, assessment, <strong>and</strong> therapy. Can Fam Physician2001;47:1007-16.Br<strong>and</strong> FN, Kannel WB, Evans J, Larson MG, Wolf PA. Glucose <strong>in</strong>tolerance, physical signs <strong>of</strong>peripheral artery disease, <strong>and</strong> risk <strong>of</strong> cardiovascular events: the Fram<strong>in</strong>gham Study. Am Heart J1998;136:919-27.Brearley S, Shearman CP, Simms MH. Peripheral pulse palpation: an unreliable physical sign. Ann RColl Surg Engl 1992;74:169-71.Brown AF, Gross AG, Gutierrez PR, Jiang L, Shapiro MF, Mangione CM. Income-related differences<strong>in</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> evidence-based therapies <strong>in</strong> older persons with diabetes mellitus <strong>in</strong> for-pr<strong>of</strong>it managedcare. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003;51:665-70.Calle-Pascual AL, Duran A, Benedi A, Calvo MI, Charro A, Diaz JA, Calle JR, Gil E, Ibarra J,Maranes JP, Cabezas-Cerrato J. Reduction <strong>in</strong> foot ulcer <strong>in</strong>dicence: relation to compliance with aprophylactic foot care programme. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Care 2001;24:405-7.115

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