Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes

Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes Part 6: Detection and Prevention of Foot Problems in Type 2 Diabetes
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Willoughby D, Burroughs D. A CNS-managed diabetes foot-care clinic: A descriptive survey ofcharacteristics and foot-care behaviours of the patient population. Clin Nurse Spec 2001;15:52-7.Wylie-Rosett J, Walker EA, Shamoon H, Engel S, Basch C, Zybert P. Assessment of documented footexaminations for patients with diabetes in inner-city primary care clinics. Arch Fam Med 1995;4:46-50.Young BA, Maynard C, Reiber G, Boyko EJ. Effects of ethnicity and nephropathy on lower-extremityamputation risk among diabetic veterans. Diabetes Care 2003;26:495-501.Young MJ, Breddy JL, Veves A, Boulton AJ. The prediction of diabetic neuropathic foot ulcerationusing vibration perception thresholds. A prospective study. Diabetes Care 1994;17:557-60.Young MJ, Cavanagh PR, Thomas G, Johnson MM, Murray H, Boulton AJ. The effect of callusremoval on dynamic plantar foot pressures in diabetic patients. Diabet Med 1992;9:55-7109

Willoughby D, Burroughs D. A CNS-managed diabetes foot-care cl<strong>in</strong>ic: A descriptive survey <strong>of</strong>characteristics <strong>and</strong> foot-care behaviours <strong>of</strong> the patient population. Cl<strong>in</strong> Nurse Spec 2001;15:52-7.Wylie-Rosett J, Walker EA, Shamoon H, Engel S, Basch C, Zybert P. Assessment <strong>of</strong> documented footexam<strong>in</strong>ations for patients with diabetes <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ner-city primary care cl<strong>in</strong>ics. Arch Fam Med 1995;4:46-50.Young BA, Maynard C, Reiber G, Boyko EJ. Effects <strong>of</strong> ethnicity <strong>and</strong> nephropathy on lower-extremityamputation risk among diabetic veterans. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Care 2003;26:495-501.Young MJ, Breddy JL, Veves A, Boulton AJ. The prediction <strong>of</strong> diabetic neuropathic foot ulcerationus<strong>in</strong>g vibration perception thresholds. A prospective study. <strong>Diabetes</strong> Care 1994;17:557-60.Young MJ, Cavanagh PR, Thomas G, Johnson MM, Murray H, Boulton AJ. The effect <strong>of</strong> callusremoval on dynamic plantar foot pressures <strong>in</strong> diabetic patients. Diabet Med 1992;9:55-7109

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