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Bits & PiecesWe’d like to introduce you to Sheilas – an exciting newinitiative of the Victorian Women’s Trust. Sheilas is amonthly, national e-publication. We unpack news andinformation through quality analysis by top shelfcontributors. Each issue will cover topics relating toAustralian women alongside some excellent writing onsocial issues at large. We also throw in some arty fun justto keep you entertained!To visit Sheilas, follow this link: http://sheilas.org.au/We would also like to offer you a free subscription toSheilas. This includes monthly email access to each edition,and a monthly round-up of outsourced relevant news linksbetween editions via our Sheilas Monthly Mail. Tosubscribe, type in your email address at the top of thehomepage (you are free to unsubscribe at any time, simplyby clicking the link at the bottom of your Sheilas mail).Spread the word to friends and associates! If you areinterested in supporting the initiative further or have anyquestions, please email Sheilas editor Sarah Capper:sarah@vwt.org.au, or call the VWT on (03) 9642 0422.Writers, Contributors and Photographers Please Note:We welcome contributions and can offer payment oncertain pieces. If you have an idea for an article, pleasesend us an email at sarah@vwt.org.au.Photographers of all persuasions should check out theKeeping it Reel section celebrating ‘Pictures of You’ – thelived experience of women. If you wish to submit a photofor publication, please email us at sarah@vwt.org.au.Grazing management project at JarrahmondAn exciting project is commencing in Gippsland that willsupport the farming community gain practical knowledgeon the impacts of different grazing regimes through agrazing management demonstration.The 48 acre site is at Peter and Jeanette Honey’sJarrahmond property as they, along with many otherfarmers, are keen to understand whether changing grazingmanagement systems will better protect and enhance theirsoil and pasture assets, improve productivity and befinancially viable in this region.The project will be focused on two identical sets of threepaddocks. Set stocking will be compared with a mediumrotation and a longer one. The aim is to examine theimpact of different stocking rates and grazing lengthperiods in relation to pasture recovery time, feed qualityand total production.One block of three paddocks will be top-dressed accordingto soil test data and the other left un- treated. Data will begathered from the soil and pasture to test for any changesand the economics involved in adopting differenttechniques will be examined.Regular field days will be held on the site, with the first oneplanned for September. If you would like more informationcontact stuclarke@y7mail.comFriends of Errinundra working beeI would like to express my thanks to those who wereable to put aside some time to help with the installationof the Delegate River Campground info shelter lastweekend (July 14-15). I was quite pleasantly surprisedby how easily the structure went together.After a long day’s work on Saturday we had thestructure erected and the concrete footings poured andthe only job remaining was to put the roof on.I was able to go out the following day with my father(does this make him an honorary member?) and screwthe roof on so that the timber will be somewhatprotected from the elements until a second coat of oilcan be applied.David Butterworth, Parks Ranger_____________________________________________Aust Post, farmers team upFRUITS and vegetables will be delivered fresh from thefarm to the consumer's doorstep in a new Australia Postprogram. For the first time consumers will be able tovirtually `meet' various farmers, see their farm and buytheir produce at their prices through the internet, PerthNow reports.Australia Post's pilot paddock to plate venture is calledFarmhouse Direct and marries the country's largestdelivery network - servicing close to 10.7 millionaddresses every day - with local producers.The promise is to connect "you directly to the best localproduce'' and make local farmers markets and "artisan''produce an everyday experience, Australia Postcommunications manager Melanie Ward said.The pilot program started out as a collaboration withthe Victorian Farmers' Markets Association this year butits popularity has led to a national rollout involving 70producers and 680 products so far.Australia Post has set up a website - atfarmhousedirect.com.au - where farmers set up shopfor free and set their own prices. Users can explore thewebsite by region, product, produce and even by localfarmers markets like the Flemington Farmers Market toorder online.Farmers prepare the shipments, which are either pickedup by Australia Post from the farmer or handed in to adepot, and Australia Post looks after the delivery."It's an exciting project for us. Still in its early stages, butthe popularity has been overwhelming,'' Ms Ward said."These days it's important to set up an online presenceand we are helping some of the local smaller businessesdo that at no cost. The producers are the heroes.''An official launch of the program is expected towardsthe end of this year.http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/article/2012/07/17/510941_business-news.html

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