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Pasifika TradesPasifika students gained newopportunities.We supported the Government’s Pasifika Trades Strategy with scholarshipsfor students of Pacific Island descent. The Government’s strategy aimsto train 300 Pasifika people in the trades required for the rebuild ofChristchurch and to support infrastructure developments across thecountry. In Wellington WelTec and Whitireia worked together with PacificChurch Ministers to launch the initiative and to recruit Pasifika studentsinto the programme. This involved students learning carpentry, paintingand decorating, brick and blocklaying, plumbing, landscape construction,mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.In 2012, 15 carpentry students of Pacific Island descent studied for aCertificate in Carpentry at WelTec. Their final project for their qualificationwas the construction of a house, which required excellent team work aswell as great carpentry skills. The students impressed their tutors withboth.A unique feature of the programme has been community support,provided by Pacific Church Ministers. Reverend Nove Vailaau,Chairman Pasifika Scholarship Programme Committee and member ofthe Fellowship of Samoan Ministers in the Wellington region who wasright behind the initiative from the start, commented that it was a greatinitiative and heartening to see Pacific Island people succeeding in theirprogramme of study.WelTec’s Pasifika Advisory Committee, with members representing allthe major nations in the Pacific, also provided liaison and support for thestudents who came from many different backgrounds.28 | WELLINGTON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY



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