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Executive Management TeamLinda Sissons, CNZMCHIEF EXECUTIVETim AllenGENERAL MANAGER,BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTMark BroadbentHUMAN RESOURCESDIRECTORAlan CadwalladerACADEMIC DIRECTORPh. D. (London)BA (Victoria University)BA (Victoria University)MMgt (Massey University)Diploma in Adult Education(Edinburgh)MA (1st class Honours)Advanced ManagementProgramme (Harvard)Linda has been responsiblefor the strategic managementand leadership of WelTec since1999. Prior to joining WelTec sheheld university and Institute oftechnology management rolesin New Zealand and the UnitedKingdom.She represents the New ZealandGovernment on the Board ofGovernors of the Commonwealthof Learning, is on the Board ofWorldSkills NZ, and is a Director ofESITO (Electricity Supply IndustryTraining Organisation). She hasbeen a member of a numberof Government commissions,including the Tertiary EducationAdvisory Commission.Linda holds a PhD from LondonUniversity, is a graduate ofthe Harvard Business SchoolAdvanced ManagementProgramme and is a member ofthe Institute of Directors..Graduate Diploma inMarketing (VictoriaUniversity)Tim leads the developmentof new opportunities and thepromotion of WelTec to meetits objectives. His areas ofresponsibility are marketing,international and WelTecConnect.During 2012 he led thegrowth of WelTec Connectparticularly the furtherdevelopment of commercialtechnologies and products.Tim has also led the growthof WelTec’s internationalstudent numbers and thecreation of more studentwork placements.Tim has extensivecommercial, marketing andinternational experience,gained through seniorroles in a diverse rangeof industries includingeducation, shipping, sportsand horticulture.Diploma of Education(Guidance)Diploma (Youthand Development),(Commonwealth YouthProgramme, Asia-Pacific)Centre Ernst & YoungExecutive programmeMark is responsible forWelTec’s human resourcesstrategy and changemanagement as well ashuman resources operationsand capability development.With more than 25 years’experience in humanresources, line management,and development rolesMark’s has worked in awide range of organisationscovering the not-for-profitsector, government, stateownedenterprises, andeducation.Mark is a member of theHuman Resources Instituteof New Zealand.MBA (Otago University)As Academic DirectorAlan is responsible foracademic leadership atWelTec. His role is leadingand managing academicpolicy development,including learning access,student support servicesand resources to ensurehigh-quality student learningexperience outcomes. Hisrole also includes leading theInstitute’s research activities.A career in the vocationaltertiary sector of more than12 years is complemented byearlier pursuits in commerceand business. Alan hasexperience as a lecturer inbusiness studies as wellas head of school. Hisbackground in education forbusiness management andhis interest in New Zealand’ssmall business sector fitwell with WelTec’s appliedresearch and technologytransfer contribution tobusiness and industry.10 | WELLINGTON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

James SmithCHIEF FINANCIALOFFICERPeter CowperCHIEF OPERATINGOFFICERMichael HespDIRECTOR,SPECIAL PROJECTSJulia HennessyEXECUTIVE DEAN, FACULTYOF HEALTH, BUSINESS ANDSERVICE INDUSTRIESAlan J Peck, ONZMEXECUTIVE DEAN, FACULTY OFTRADES AND TECHNOLOGY(TO SEPTEMBER 2012)BCA (Victoria University)CA (New Zealand Instituteof Chartered Accountants)As Chief Financial OfficerJames is responsible for thestrategic financial frameworkand operational financialmanagement and reportingactivities undertaken withinWelTec.Prior to becoming the ChiefFinancial Officer Jameswas Financial Controller atWelTec. Previous to joiningWelTec James was theFinancial Accountant atThe Open Polytechnic ofNew Zealand, and held anumber of roles within InlandRevenue.James is a member ofNew Zealand Institute ofChartered Accountants.In 2012 the COO role involvesmanaging the AcademicRecords and Administration,Information TechnologyServices and Support,Student Experience, Facilities,Procurement, BusinessAdministration, BusinessIntelligence and changemanagement business areas.As well as these infrastructureand capability services,Peter’s responsibilities includebusiness process changeinitiatives for core studentmanagement. Peter alsoleads the Shared ServicesProgramme for WelTec(as part of the strategicpartnership with Whitireia)and Chairs the SharedService Governance Group.Peter brings many years’experience in leadership,managing complexand technical businessoperations, third-partysupplier models andoutsourcing, contractmanagement and leadingchange. Peter’s previous rolesinclude managing TelecomNew Zealand’s operationaland delivery business areas.He was Head of Science andEngineering at BRANZ and heowns Quorum Group.Peter is a Member of theMaritime New ZealandAuthority (the MNZ Board),is a founding trustee of thePorirua Digital Trust andmember of the New ZealandInstitute of Directors.Master of Applied Finance(Victoria University)CA (New Zealand Instituteof Chartered Accountants)Michael began his newrole, having previouslybeen WelTec’s GeneralManager Corporate andFinance, in mid-2011. Therole of Director, SpecialProjects is to provide adviceon specific high prioritystrategy developments;manage investment andcapital projects; and developWelTec’s long-term campusplan.Previous experience forMichael includes a numberof roles for FletcherConstruction; being amember of the team thatprivatised Works PropertyServices to become SercoGroup NZ, then holdingthe roles of CorporateServices Director andFinance Director for Serco;Chief Financial Officer andBoard Secretary for theNew Zealand Wool Board;a number of consultingand contracting roles fororganisations includingthe Department of Labour,Healthcare Otago,Wellington City Council, andthe Correspondence School.Michael is a memberNew Zealand Institute ofChartered Accountants.MEd (Victoria University)MMgt (Massey University)PG Dip HSM (MasseyUniversity)BA (Victoria University)DipN (WellingtonPolytechnic)Julia has the overallresponsibility for themanagement of the Facultywhich is comprised of sevenSchools and the AcademicManager’s Unit.Prior to becoming theExecutive Dean of theFaculty, Julia was previouslyExecutive Dean of theFaculty for Health, Businessand Service Industries.Previous experience forJulia includes GeneralManager, Mental Healthand Addiction Service forHutt Valley DHB and SeniorAdvisor at the Ministry ofHealth. She worked in thetertiary education sectorbefore being appointedRelationship Manager forthe Central Regional HealthAuthority.She also taught on healthrelated programmes in thetertiary sector.She is a Fellow of theCollege of Nurses Aotearoa(NZ) and was a memberof Nursing Council of NewZealand from 2008-2011.BA (Auckland)Diploma in StrategicStudies (University of NSW)Graduate (Royal College ofDefence Studies, London)Advanced ManagementProgramme (Harvard)Alan was Executive Dean ofthe Faculty of Trades andTechnology since February2009 to September 2012.He was responsiblefor WelTec’s schools ofInformation Technology,Creative Technology,Construction, Engineering,and Automotive Technology.He was also responsible forthe Trades Academy, whichopened in 2011.Before joining the tertiaryeducation sector in 2005,Alan served 40 years asan officer in the Royal NewZealand Navy, with a varietyof appointments both at seaand ashore; in New Zealandand overseas. After leavingthe Navy, Alan worked inthe Ministry of Education,and the Tertiary EducationCommission before joiningWelTec.2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 11

James SmithCHIEF FINANCIALOFFICERPeter CowperCHIEF OPERATINGOFFICERMichael HespDIRECTOR,SPECIAL PROJECTSJulia HennessyEXECUTIVE DEAN, FACULTYOF HEALTH, BUSINESS ANDSERVICE INDUSTRIESAlan J Peck, ONZMEXECUTIVE DEAN, FACULTY OFTRADES AND TECHNOLOGY(TO SEPTEMBER 2012)BCA (Victoria University)CA (New Zealand <strong>Institute</strong><strong>of</strong> Chartered Accountants)As Chief Financial OfficerJames is responsible for thestrategic financial frameworkand operational financialmanagement and reportingactivities undertaken withinWelTec.Prior to becoming the ChiefFinancial Officer Jameswas Financial Controller atWelTec. Previous to joiningWelTec James was theFinancial Accountant atThe Open Polytechnic <strong>of</strong>New Zealand, and held anumber <strong>of</strong> roles within InlandRevenue.James is a member <strong>of</strong>New Zealand <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong>Chartered Accountants.In 2012 the COO role involvesmanaging the AcademicRecords and Administration,Information <strong>Technology</strong>Services and Support,Student Experience, Facilities,Procurement, BusinessAdministration, BusinessIntelligence and changemanagement business areas.As well as these infrastructureand capability services,Peter’s responsibilities includebusiness process changeinitiatives for core studentmanagement. Peter alsoleads the Shared ServicesProgramme for WelTec(as part <strong>of</strong> the strategicpartnership with Whitireia)and Chairs the SharedService Governance Group.Peter brings many years’experience in leadership,managing complexand technical businessoperations, third-partysupplier models andoutsourcing, contractmanagement and leadingchange. Peter’s previous rolesinclude managing TelecomNew Zealand’s operationaland delivery business areas.He was Head <strong>of</strong> Science andEngineering at BRANZ and heowns Quorum Group.Peter is a Member <strong>of</strong> theMaritime New ZealandAuthority (the MNZ Board),is a founding trustee <strong>of</strong> thePorirua Digital Trust andmember <strong>of</strong> the New Zealand<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Directors.Master <strong>of</strong> Applied Finance(Victoria University)CA (New Zealand <strong>Institute</strong><strong>of</strong> Chartered Accountants)Michael began his newrole, having previouslybeen WelTec’s GeneralManager Corporate andFinance, in mid-2011. Therole <strong>of</strong> Director, SpecialProjects is to provide adviceon specific high prioritystrategy developments;manage investment andcapital projects; and developWelTec’s long-term campusplan.Previous experience forMichael includes a number<strong>of</strong> roles for FletcherConstruction; being amember <strong>of</strong> the team thatprivatised Works PropertyServices to become SercoGroup NZ, then holdingthe roles <strong>of</strong> CorporateServices Director andFinance Director for Serco;Chief Financial Officer andBoard Secretary for theNew Zealand Wool Board;a number <strong>of</strong> consultingand contracting roles fororganisations includingthe Department <strong>of</strong> Labour,Healthcare Otago,<strong>Wellington</strong> City Council, andthe Correspondence School.Michael is a memberNew Zealand <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong>Chartered Accountants.MEd (Victoria University)MMgt (Massey University)PG Dip HSM (MasseyUniversity)BA (Victoria University)DipN (<strong>Wellington</strong>Polytechnic)Julia has the overallresponsibility for themanagement <strong>of</strong> the Facultywhich is comprised <strong>of</strong> sevenSchools and the AcademicManager’s Unit.Prior to becoming theExecutive Dean <strong>of</strong> theFaculty, Julia was previouslyExecutive Dean <strong>of</strong> theFaculty for Health, Businessand Service Industries.Previous experience forJulia includes GeneralManager, Mental Healthand Addiction Service forHutt Valley DHB and SeniorAdvisor at the Ministry <strong>of</strong>Health. She worked in thetertiary education sectorbefore being appointedRelationship Manager forthe Central Regional HealthAuthority.She also taught on healthrelated programmes in thetertiary sector.She is a Fellow <strong>of</strong> theCollege <strong>of</strong> Nurses Aotearoa(NZ) and was a member<strong>of</strong> Nursing Council <strong>of</strong> NewZealand from 2008-2011.BA (Auckland)Diploma in StrategicStudies (University <strong>of</strong> NSW)Graduate (Royal College <strong>of</strong>Defence Studies, London)Advanced ManagementProgramme (Harvard)Alan was Executive Dean <strong>of</strong>the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Trades and<strong>Technology</strong> since February2009 to September 2012.He was responsiblefor WelTec’s schools <strong>of</strong>Information <strong>Technology</strong>,Creative <strong>Technology</strong>,Construction, Engineering,and Automotive <strong>Technology</strong>.He was also responsible forthe Trades Academy, whichopened in 2011.Before joining the tertiaryeducation sector in 2005,Alan served 40 years asan <strong>of</strong>ficer in the Royal NewZealand Navy, with a variety<strong>of</strong> appointments both at seaand ashore; in New Zealandand overseas. After leavingthe Navy, Alan worked inthe Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education,and the Tertiary EducationCommission before joiningWelTec.2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 11

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