Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet

Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet
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November 30, 2011First Wednesday of AdventAs Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers,Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, castinga net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them,“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Atonce they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:18-20This is Good News! It shows Christ's pursuit of us and the foundationsof His Church, His mystical body. Yet it also means thatwe ought to respond to God in the same way He pursues us. Thatis, in total self-giving love. Though the Apostles would make plentyof mistakes, here we see their immediate obedience, walkingaway from their occupation and family for Christ. Because thegrace of Christ does not destroy, Christ would transform their occupationto be fishers of men and their family to include all ofGod's children.How can we radically follow Christ as the Apostles do here? Wefirst must talk with God in order to know Him. Two people in arelationship talk frequently in order to: know each other better.They share wants and needs and have a good time. We should betalking with God for the same reasons. As a couple grows closer,they try to spend more time together, doing more and more activitieswith each other. Living a virtuous life – acting with God inmind – is similar; by God's grace, doing things according to Hiswill draws you closer and helps you do more such things. Thisleads to having holy habits of mind and body, which is virtue.Prayer helps living out all of the virtues, and vice versa. In prayer,we can best hear God's invitation and our “yes” to Him is love.Radical love for Christ is how to radically follow Him.Heavenly Father, wonderful and mighty, thank You for creating us in Yourimage and for Yourself. By Your grace, strengthen our faith and love so thatwe may abandon ourselves to Your will, which is our perfection. We ask thisthrough Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with Youand the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.Phil ListTheology I, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

November 30, 2011First Wednesday of <strong>Advent</strong>As Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers,Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, castinga net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them,“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Atonce they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:18-20This is Good News! It shows Christ's pursuit of us and the foundationsof His Church, His mystical body. Yet it also means thatwe ought to respond to God in the same way He pursues us. Thatis, in total self-giving love. Though the Apostles would make plentyof mistakes, here we see their immediate obedience, walkingaway from their occupation and family for Christ. Because thegrace of Christ does not destroy, Christ would transform their occupationto be fishers of men and their family to include all ofGod's children.How can we radically follow Christ as the Apostles do here? Wefirst must talk with God in order to know Him. Two people in arelationship talk frequently in order to: know each other better.They share wants and needs and have a good time. We should betalking with God for the same reasons. As a couple grows closer,they try to spend more time together, doing more and more activitieswith each other. Living a virtuous life – acting with God inmind – is similar; by God's grace, doing things according to Hiswill draws you closer and helps you do more such things. Thisleads to having holy habits of mind and body, which is virtue.Prayer helps living out all of the virtues, and vice versa. In prayer,we can best hear God's invitation and our “yes” to Him is love.Radical love for Christ is how to radically follow Him.Heavenly Father, wonderful and mighty, thank You for creating us in Yourimage and for Yourself. By Your grace, strengthen our faith and love so thatwe may abandon ourselves to Your will, which is our perfection. We ask thisthrough Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with Youand the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.Phil ListTheology I, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

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