Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet

Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet

Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet


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December 13, 2011Third Tuesday of <strong>Advent</strong>Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are enteringthe Kingdom of God before you. When John came toyou in the way of righteousness, you did not believe him;but tax collectors and prostitutes did. Yet even when yousaw that, you did not later change your minds and believehim. Matthew 21:28-32Jesus words here may be startling to us. They should be! It is aloud reminder and call to humility. We must always be ready togive people a second chance. To listen to others fully and rethinkour first impressions. Only then, will we be able to enter theKingdom of God peacefully and with a clean heart ,with others.Lord, help me to forgive and forget. Lead me down the path of righteousness.Help me to give a second chance to everyone you gives me a bad first impression.Amen.Karly Blynn MirandaClass of 2015Music Therapy

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