Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet

Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet

Immaculata University Advent Reflection Booklet


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Jesus said to his disciples: "What is your opinion? If a manhas a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he notleave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray?And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over itthan over the ninety-nine that did not stray. In just the sameway, it is not the will of your Heavenly Father that one of theselittle ones be lost." Matthew 18: 12-14Today, shepherding and sheep may not be as relevant to our timesas the were during Jesus’ time, but this parable still relates to us.We all know the story of the lost sheep, like the lost sinner thatleaves the herd and goes astray. Every time I hear this reading, Iwonder why should we rejoice over one lost soul? We rejoice togetherwith God and with the Body of Christ, that a sinner hasbeen restored to fellowship with God. He desires that all are savedand all are close to Him.Just as Jesus tells us the shepherd seeks out the lost sheep, soshould we. In our everyday lives we should strive to be seekers ofthe lost, finding those who do not see God in their lives, or thosewho seem to not have hope and faith in the one true Lord. Just thesame, we hope that if we go astray ourselves, someone will be thereto guide us back to the herd. As we approach Christmas, let usgrow closer to God and during <strong>Advent</strong>, even at all times, I encourageus all to try and be modern shepherds in today’s world.Lord, I ask You to guide me on Your holy path. Help me to find those whoare lost and have gone astray, to bring them closer to You, and show them,through my actions, with Your grace, that You are the one true way.Amen.December 6, 2011Second Tuesday of <strong>Advent</strong>Amanda MorrellClass of 2012Fashion Merchandising

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