architecture design - Norway

architecture design - Norway

architecture design - Norway

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<strong>architecture</strong>1PHOTO BY SPACE GROUP23by thomas aastadnorwegian architects: building the futureNorwegian <strong>architecture</strong> is hitting newhighs with numerous iconic buildingsbeing built across the country by bothnew and more established firms.One of the more recognized Norwegiannames in the world of <strong>architecture</strong> is Snøhetta,whose credits include the library inAlexandria, Egypt, and the planned WTCCultural Centre in New York. In the UK thefirm has received widespread acclaim for the2007 Serpentine Pavilion in London’s HydePark, which was <strong>design</strong>ed by the firm’s cofounderKjetil Thorsen.In <strong>Norway</strong>, Snøhetta <strong>design</strong>ed the newNational Opera House (pages 2-3) whichjust opened in Oslo. The firm also just completedthe Petter Dass Museum in northern<strong>Norway</strong>. Dass is one of <strong>Norway</strong>’s mostbeloved poets, and the museum is built atAlstahaug, where he was the vicar from 1689until his death in 1707. The historical importanceof the surroundings made the task ofdetermining a site and <strong>design</strong>ing a new buildingsensitive and challenging. Snøhetta createda new site by cutting into the landscape. Thecut allowed a freestanding building, which involume balances the mass removed. This boldsolution creates a fresh but respectful relationshipto the historical site and allows anexpressive <strong>architecture</strong>. The museum contributesto visualizing the historical span fromthe origin of the church to present time.8<strong>Norway</strong>’s second largest city, Bergen, isalso being treated to an iconic building bySnøhetta. The National Academy of Arts,due to be completed June 1, 2009, is built onthe shore of a lake surrounded by three mountains.The new academy building will look outover the lake and the distant city skyline.In its new location, the academy will helpgenerate urban development along the lake,and become an important symbol of the culturallife of Bergen. Preserving the existingtrees and buildings has been an importantaspect of the project. Parts of the existingindustrial buildings on site will be used as elementsof reference, mature trees will be integratedinto the large entrance plaza and theold stone wall facing the road on the east sideof the site is to be kept as it stands today.The firm Brendeland & Kristoffersen wasestablished in 2002 by young architectsGeir Brendeland and Olav Kristoffersen,both educated in <strong>Norway</strong>. Their practice haswon numerous awards and commissions,including social housing in Trondheim andnew houses on the Arctic island of Svalbard.Their housing project for young people inSvartlamoen, Trondheim, has received interestfrom around the world and propelled thefirm into the international spotlight. In 2007the project was short-listed among the 40 bestarchitectural works in Europe from 2005-92007, for the Mies van der Rohe Award (EUprize for contemporary <strong>architecture</strong>). InAugust 2007, the office was selected for theinternational architects’ panel that is going to<strong>design</strong> the Athletes’ Village for the 2012Olympic Games in London.Tommie Wilhelmsen, another young architectmaking an impact, is based in Stavanger.He wants his buildings to challenge people’spreconceptions of what a house is and shouldbe. Elements such as wind, landscape, terrain,sun, light, and climate are crucial in all hisprojects. “Each house is a unique projectwhich is <strong>design</strong>ed for only one particularplace on this earth,” Wilhelmsen said.Wilhelmsen is best known for theAurland Lookout (pages 9 & 14), which is a50/50 collaboration with Canadian architectTodd Saunders from Bergen-based firmSaunders Architecture. The Aurland Lookoutis a seamless curve of locally harvested timberthat sprouts out 98 feet from the road, beforecascading into a fjord. The naked eye canhardly register the wall of glass that protectssightseers from the edge of this amazingstructure, which has become a landmark in<strong>Norway</strong> since its recent completion.Another Stavanger-based firm shapingthe future look of <strong>Norway</strong> is Helen &Hard, which was founded in 1996 bySiv Helene Stangeland and Reinhard Kropf.PHOTO BY INGE OVE TYSNES2 34 | news of norway | summer 2008

<strong>design</strong>chair and thereby silje bekeng and mats silbergNorwegian furniture <strong>design</strong>ers have been perfecting their models,upholstering and varnishing chairs and made sure nothing wasleft to chance when preparing for the 2008 InternationalContemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) in New York in May. Amongmore than 600 exhibitors from 38 countries, nine Norwegian furniture<strong>design</strong>ers presented their works.Visitors at the fair were greeted by Inside <strong>Norway</strong>, the conglomerateof Norwegian furniture producers, as they entered the Javits Center.At the fair you could check out furniture <strong>design</strong> by several Norwegianexhibitors, such as Mokasser’s Whole in One chair, inspired by the patterna body leaves when sitting in the snow, and Fora Form’s round,pop arty Planet chair and the 3D-veneer produced Copenhagen chair.Scandinavian furniture <strong>design</strong> has made a name for itself all overthe world, and with this year’s ICFF, Norwegian <strong>design</strong>ersare proving that they are ready to break newground in the international market.Norwegian furniture producershave traditionally found inspirationin classic models.However, from the 1930sthey started cooperatingwith professional<strong>design</strong>ers, and the1960s are usuallyseen as the firstgolden era ofNorwegianfurniture<strong>design</strong>. Duringthat decade anindependentstyle wasdeveloped,focusing onsimplicity,functionality,and quality.Producers are still often small,family-operated businesses,and despite high wages andstiff international competition,half of the furnituresold in <strong>Norway</strong> is made inthe country.The 1990s saw thegrowth of a range ofyoung <strong>design</strong>ers makingcutting-edge furniture.Functionalism and the pioneersof the 1960s are stillinspirations, but the <strong>design</strong>ersare increasingly open to ideasfrom the international market. Theindustry consists of about 450 companies,and more than 30 percent of theproducts are exported.At the ICFF this year, Mokasser andFora Form were joined by VariérFurniture, Aksel Hansson, andCathrine Kullberg at theInside <strong>Norway</strong> booth. Alsopresent were DesignersGo Playground,KLOSS, and NinaEdwards AnkersNea Studio, makingsure thatAmericans gota glimpse atsome of thefinest furniture<strong>Norway</strong> hasto offer.PHOTO BY MATS SILBERGBLUE CHAIR: Mokasser’s Whole in One is the result ofa student assignment at the National Academy of theArts in Oslo. The <strong>design</strong>ers were inspired by the patternsa body leaves when sitting in the snow.www.mokasser.comWHITE CHAIR: Variér Eight brings your kitchen tolife with its outstanding comfort. The hidden tiltingmechanismallows you to sit freely and relaxed forhours.www.varier.noBLACK CHAIR: The Copenhagen chair is a Master’sDegree work by Lars Tornøe. The project demanded useof 3D-veneer. Compared to conventional veneer, thismaterial allows more creative laminate shapes.www.foraform.com6 | news of norway | summer 2008LEFT: Inside <strong>Norway</strong>’s stand at the 2008 InternationalContemporary Furniture Fair.www.insidenorway.nowww.icff.com

norwegian “moods” in san franciscoby cecilie klaumannMoods of <strong>Norway</strong> was ‘born’ inHonolulu, Hawaii, the brainchild of<strong>design</strong>ers Simen Staalnacke and PederBørresen, who had just completed their studiesin Australia and Hawaii. “The idea for theconcept came after a party,” they said duringa whirlwind spring visit to San Francisco,where their fall and winter 2008 collectionswas shown at the 16th annual <strong>Norway</strong> DayFestival in May.The two creative <strong>design</strong>ers wanted to tellstories from <strong>Norway</strong> and make clothes for differentmoods. Every Moods of <strong>Norway</strong> itemhas a small Norwegian detail or twist. For2008, a small and tastefully embroidered tractorcan be found on breastpockets and cuffs,bearing a number enlightening the happywearer as to how many tractors are registeredin <strong>Norway</strong>.The collection also pays tribute toNorwegian winter sports idols such as legendaryfigure skater Sonja Henie and crosscountryskier Oddvar Brå. Images of Henie’smagical spin, Brå’s broken ski pole and the 10mountain guidelines for safe skiing can befound adorning T-shirts and hoodies.The <strong>design</strong> duo is skilled with color, astypically seen in their men’s suits. An impressivearray of plaids and solids mix and matchto make a couple of three piece suits into anentire wardrobe.But the pièce-de-résistance in themenswear must be a paisley/psychedelicprinted suit in hot pink, lime green, blue andblack, in which the wearer will no doubt bethe talk of the party – if not the town.More than anything, the clothes are functional,fun, easy to care for and well-made,embracing rustic and downtown sensibilitieswith flair. A collection of eyewear is also inthe included.They were extremely well received by the<strong>Norway</strong> Day Festival goers in San Francisco,where the area around the stage was packedduring the 45-minute show, – which alsoincluded selections from another renownedNorwegian label: Oleana.Barely four years after the initial brainstormingsession in Hawaii, the company isnow represented in polished shops and showroomsin <strong>Norway</strong>, Sweden, Denmark,Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Benelux,Iceland, Australia, Japan, and the UnitedStates. Its flagship store opened in Oslo inFebruary this year, located next to a LouisVuitton boutique.Moods of <strong>Norway</strong> has its headquarter andshowroom in Stryn, a small town famous forglaciers, salmon fishing, and, according toSimen and Peder, one newly opened escalator.BELOW: Moods of <strong>Norway</strong> falland winter 2008 collections shownat the 16th annual <strong>Norway</strong> DayFestival in San Francisco.www.moodsofnorway.comPHOTOS BY LEE BLADES/TROND GILBERGPHOTO ERIK KNUDSEN/MOODS OF NORWAY

PHOTOS BY HUGO FAGERNESby anne myklebustarchitectural ‘detour’Road trips are often considered the best way to explore thescenery in foreign countries. By taking a detour on the road in<strong>Norway</strong>, you may find some surprising architectural gems.Soon, some of these scenic highlights can be experienced withoutcrossing the Atlantic – when the exhibit Detour travels to the UnitedStates in 2009.Detour started in 1993 as a collaborative project between theNorwegian Public Roads Administration and the foundation NorskForm. At the heart of the project lay a wish to integrate contemporary<strong>architecture</strong> into Norwegian landscapes.rather than simplypromoting norway’swell known naturalattractions, thesearchitects wantedto draw attention tointeresting locationsalong the less traffickedroads, hopefullyluring touristsoff the beaten path.With this goal in mind, Norwegian andinternational architectsand <strong>design</strong>ershave over the pastdecade located 18suitable touristroutes in <strong>Norway</strong>,and highlightedthem by creatingclose to 200 innovativeand visuallyappealing viewingplatforms, restingpoints, and picnicareas along theroadsides.Rather than simply promoting <strong>Norway</strong>’s wellknown natural attractions, the architectswanted to draw attention to interesting locationsalong the less trafficked roads, hopefully luringtourists off the beaten path. Like many recentarchitectural projects in <strong>Norway</strong>, the dynamicPHOTO BY 3RWbetween these constructions and their immediate surroundings was atthe forefront of the <strong>design</strong>ers’ minds. In an article for ArchitecturalRecord, journalist David Sokol describes the project as a “dialoguewith nature.”Inspired by the initial success, the Norwegian Public RoadsAdministration and Norsk Form wanted to bring these eye-catchingconstructions to those not able to travel to <strong>Norway</strong>. Now,instead of you having to make the detour – the detour exhibit travels tothe United States. Curators Barbro Westling and Peter Johanssondecided to look outside the perhaps obvious choice of crisp nature and8 | news of norway | summer 2008

<strong>architecture</strong>PHOTO BY KNUT BRYstripped down <strong>architecture</strong> for inspiration when creating the travelingversion of the exhibit. Instead, they looked to early tourism and earlytourists’ penchant for “the mystical masterview” for ideas.The exhibition displays a selection of the constructions through astriking brass-trimmed display case from the 1900s. The case, inthe form of a rotunda, echoes Victorian England, and allows visitorsto view the installations and their surroundings through binoculars.Models of the constructions have also been created, and are displayedin glass cases surrounding the rotunda, with explanatoryposters.The contrast between the sleek, modern <strong>design</strong> of the installationsand the antique style of the rotunda adds to the unique experienceof the exhibit. Those visiting the exhibition have expressedfascination at the feeling of entering another world when lookingthrough the binoculars.After having been shown in Berlin and Paris, the exhibit can be visitedat the Norwegian Road Museum in Lillehammer throughout 2008.The National Building Museum in Washington, D.C., will show theexhibit from early 2009, and the exhibit will travel to other cities inNorth America in the fall next year, and into 2010.PHOTO BY MAGNE FLEMSÆTERTop left and right: Tungeneset and AurlandLookout. Bottom left and right: Flydalsjuvet inGairanger and Askvågen in Møre og Romsdal.Bottom: The case through which the exhibit isviewed is in the form of a rotunda, and allows visitorsto see the installations and their surroundingsthrough binoculars.PHOTO BY TORD LUNDwww.norway.org | 9

environmentPHOTO BY SAM BRANSON PHOTO BY BEN HORTONEllesmere Expedition 2008 CompletedPolar explorer and environmentalist Will Steger and a team of six 22-28-year-old explorers, including twoNorwegians, just completed a 1,400-mile dogsled expedition across Ellesmere Island in Canada, sponsoredby the Norwegian Embassy in Washington. They documented the impact of climate change in theCanadian Arctic, an area on the frontline of global warming. Read excerpts from their blog below.compiled by caroline schønheyderDay 1: Sunday March 2008: “Our first day on the ice, what a greatfeeling to be finally relieved of all the pre-expedition stress! Ahead ofus lies 60 amazing days, spent with 6 incredible people and 30 greatdogs. This will be a journey!” Eric McNair-LandryDay 2: “It was pretty cold on the face today. You have to be really careful.My nose had turned white before someone pointed it out to me.Luckily it was not deep and all was okay!” Sam BransonDay 4: “Another great day on the ice, as we start to eat through ourfood and the dogs start to eat through theirs the sleds become lighterand we gain momentum. A large portion of that weight is dog food.”Eric McNair-LandryDay 5: “After being spoiled by awesome terrain the last couple ofdays, we ran out of luck. Dead ahead lay patches of rough ice. We managedto weave our way in and out, hugging the shore avoiding most ofthe bigger chunks.” Sarah McNair-LandryDay 27: “After 27 hard days through mostly rough ice conditions wefinally made it to the remains of the Ayles Iceshelf. This is one of themain goals of our expedition. It was a dramatic moment when we sawthe 26-foot tall ice wall of the Ayles on the horizon. We camped thisevening below the edge of the iceshelf resting after four pretty brutaldays in the roughest ice we have experienced. As much as it was greatto get to Ayles it is also sad to witness this great iceshelf floatingaround in the sea destined to disintegrate. Only three years ago,Ellesmere’s coastline included a much larger Ayles Iceshelf. In a matterof minutes much of this iceshelf broke off and became a floating iceisland. It had been in place for at least 4,500 years before it broke away.The ice island calved off from the Ayles Iceshelf because of unusuallywarmer temperatures and persistent offshore winds.”Toby ThorleifssonDay 30: “We took a rest day today: a great opportunity to read, write,and take a sponge bath. The latter gives you a chance to check for cutswhich may get infected and to keep track of where your body is at,health-wise.” Sarah McNair-LandryDay 39: “An absolutely incredible day. This morning the sun was shining.Not a breath of wind in the air. The huge mountains beside usstood in full glory as they basked in the sun’s heat. Traveling in conditionslike this gives you a real chance to take in your surroundings andappreciate where you are. It’s amazing the perspective it gives you. Notonly being in such an inspiring place, but being so detached from theoutside world. How people get so fixated on little things and actuallymiss the bigger picture. As big and powerful as this world seems it isreally a fragile place.” Sam BransonDay 40: “Exactly 110 years and 3 days ago on May 5th, part of OttoSverdrup’s team traveled up this coast mapping and surveilling. Theyreached the location were we are now camped, where they were forcedto turn around because they ran out of food.” Sarah McNair-LandryPHOTO BY SAM BRANSONDay 6: Ice chunks can be a great danger and the team must move morecarefully and at a slower pace. The ice chunks can hurt both the teammembers and the dogs, and break their sleighs. Polar bears pose anotherchallenge. “Today we crossed polar bear tracks many times, and amiddle sized bear showed up sniffing around our camp at dinner time.”Sigrid EkranDay 49: “It seems impossible to really capture this place with a camera,or even with words. It cannot capture the feeling of sitting aloneatop an iceberg in the frozen sea listening to the distant howls ofwolves. The howls set our dogs into their own symphony and thesilence of the sea ice is broken. We made today a short travel day, notfor lack of energy or difficulties, but simply because the region we justentered is by far the best environment to see wildlife.” Ben Horton10 | news of norway | summer 2008

PHOTOS BY B. JAHNSEN/NORWEGIAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRSArctic Nations Cooperate on Climate Changeby caroline schønheyderOn May 28, Norwegian Minister ofForeign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre metwith representatives of the other fourstates bordering the Arctic Ocean: Canada, theUnited States, Russia, and Denmark. At theconference in Ilulissat in Greenland, the ministersadopted a joint declaration on how toapproach the challenges facing the ArcticOcean due to climate change.The meeting was based on the legalassessments made at a conference in Oslo inOctober 2007, at which the same five statesmet at a senior political level.The declaration establishes that the existinglaw of the sea provides the framework forfuture national measures and cooperationwith regards to environmental protection,research, establishing the outer limits of thecontinental shelf, and shipping. In his speechat the Ilulissat conference, Minister Støresaid: “In order to respond [to the challengesfaced in the Arctic region,] we need twothings: a legal framework and sound policies… In my view, the challenges we are facingmay have to do more with a lack on implementationof the existing rues than with anactual lack of rules. There is no lack of rules,there is a lack of policies.”The need for sustainable policies is one ofthe reasons <strong>Norway</strong> has placed the HighNorth as its strategic priority, something thatharmonizes well with <strong>Norway</strong>’s chairmanshipof the Arctic Council, a seat the country willhold until October 2009. In addition to theFrom the left, Denmark’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Per Stig Møller, <strong>Norway</strong>’s Ministerof Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre, Greenland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs AleqaHammond, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources Gary Lunn, United States DeputySecretary of State John Negroponte and Greenland’s Premier Hans Enoksen.<strong>Norway</strong>’s Minister of Foreign Affairs JonasGahr Støre and United States DeputySecretary of State John Negroponte.states represented at the Ilulissat conference,the Arctic Council includes Sweden, Finland,and Iceland, as well as the participation ofindigenous people of the Arctic region. Thecouncil will play a central role in furthercooperation.As the icecap of the Arctic melts, waterwaysopen up, giving new opportunities forexploiting the natural resources of the ArcticOcean. At the Ilulissat Conference, Støretalked about the Norwegian policies for managementof Norwegian waters. He highlightedthe integrated management plan for theBarents Sea, which addresses energy exploration,management of fish resources, transportationand environmental concerns. “Thepurpose of the plan is to facilitate long-termvalue creation based on the sustainable use ofthe sea areas, while preserving the structuresand productivity of their ecosystems. I believethat the basic approach of the plan – ecosystem-basedmanagement – should govern managementof the resources of the Arctic,” Støresaid. Since no agreement has been reached onwho is entitled to which Arctic resources,many call for pragmatic collaboration.Day 62: Expedition completed: The expedition ended up taking a differentroute than planned as melting ice had created a terrain impossibleto penetrate. Back in civilization, the team met with Al Gore, andwill now share their observations with scientists from the NationalSnow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado.“Despite the trail being massively more rugged than anticipated,many good memories were catalogued along the way. It seems like theharder the conditions get the more it draws people together, to participatein a singular goal and to help each other in times of need.” EricMcNair-Landry“We have now started to present our eyewitness accounts and shareour experiences from the frontlines of global warming in the U.S and<strong>Norway</strong>. In fact, this is our most important and most challenging partof our mission. We need to try as best we can to use our story in anattempt to empower our generation for the time’s most important issue.As much as it might seem overwhelming to be faced by the complexissues of global warming our generation also has been given a gloriousopportunity to collectively do the right thing. We have a magnificentchance to develop international cooperation and to make our mark onhistory with positive connotations.” Toby ThorleifssonFor events presenting the expedition's findings seewww.globalwarming101.comwww.norway.orgwww.norway.org | 11PHOTO BY BEN HORTON

foodSt. Hansaften: Eat YourPorridge and Light Your Fireby caroline schønheyderSt. Hansaften is the ultimate summerfeast in <strong>Norway</strong>. On the evening of June23, Norwegians light bonfires, pickflowers to put under their pillows, and celebratesummer and light.The St. Hans celebrations have rootsacross northern Europe, and were alsobrought to Canada with the first French colonialists.In Canada, the celebration is calledSaint-Jean-Baptist Day or Quebec NationalHoliday. The celebrations take on somewhatdifferent forms in the different countries, butthe origins are much the same. St. Hans is aChristian holiday to honor Saint John theBaptist (also called Saint Hans). The day ofcelebration was set to June 24 to outdo thepagan celebrations of midsummer or summersolstice. However, it is the celebration of summer,sun, and light that has survived in countriessuch as <strong>Norway</strong>. In <strong>Norway</strong>, celebrationstake place the evening before June 24. Aften,as in St. Hansaften, means evening.The tradition of lighting bonfires on thisoccasion came from the pagan belief in fire asthe protector against evil spirits. The sun,which in the Northern hemisphere is at itshighest at midsummer, probably inspired thisbelief. The night of St. Hans was supposedlya night of magic. If, for instance, a young girlpicked seven flowers and put them under herpillow, she would dream of her future husband.As on any day of celebration, food isimportant on St. Hansaften. When asked whatshe associates with St. Hansaften, IngeborgNygaard, the chef at the Norwegian Embassy,said: “bonfire, rømmegrøt (sour cream porridge),cured ham, barbeque, midsummer,sun, family, friends, children, and my childhood.On St. Hansaften I get together with myfamily and friends and go to a field to make abonfire. We bring sour cream porridge, curedham, barbeque food like sausages, and justhave a good time for as long as we can stayawake. It is all about celebrating summer withthe people you love the most. When I was littleI was very superstitious. I made sure tojump seven fences and pick seven differentflowers, put them under my pillow, and tryhard to dream about a boy I liked.”“Why we eat sour cream porridge on thisday? Well, it is a tradition. Eating sour creamporridge on special holidays is a strong traditionin <strong>Norway</strong>, and St. Hans is s special holiday.Sour cream porridge is a tradition thatgoes far, far back in time. It is such a simpleand timeless recipe,” she said.Rømmegrøt (Sour Cream Porridge)Often served with cured meats and flatbrød (crisp bread)This recipe serves 4Ingredients1 pint thick sour cream12 tablespoons flour1 pint milkSaltPreparation1. Boil the sour cream, covered, for 2 minutes. Add half of the flour and stir carefullyto bring the butter to the surface. Skim it off, reserve it and keep it warm.2. Stir in the rest of the flour and add the milk. Simmer the porridge for 5-6 minutes.Season to taste with salt.If one prefers a slightly tangy sour flavor, half of the milk added may be sour milk orkefir.Sour cream porridge is eaten sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon and with the reservedwarm melted butter. Some people also like to add raisins on top, as pictured above. Redjuice, such as raspberry or currant, is usually served with the porridge.PHOTO COURTESY TINE/WWW.JARLSBERG.COM12 | www.norway.org/food

The Plot Thickensby silje bekengNorwegian crime literature continues its success story in the U.S.with the publishing of What Never Happens, the second book inAnne Holt’s popular Stubo/Vik series.Anne Holt is no newcomer on the literary scene: Her books havesold more than 3 million copies, gaining her a worldwide audience anda reputation as one of Scandinavia’s foremost crime writers.Her American debut, What Is Mine, was published last year andintroduced readers to the crime-solving team of Adam Stubo andJohanne Vik. Back then, they were working on a case of kidnapped andmurdered children in <strong>Norway</strong>.In What Never Happens, a new series of gruesome murders is terrifyingOslo’s residents. Stubo and Vik are caring for their newbornchild, and are reluctant to take on the case. But drawing on a lectureshe heard as a profiler for the FBI years before, Vik developsvolves atheory that she and Stubo might be the murderer’s next victims.Holt’s first American publication received remarkably enthusiasticreviews. Booklist wrote: “Holt proves herself worthy of being knownas the Norwegian Henning Mankell … exceptionally well-drawn characters… essential for all mystery collections.” Meanwhile, KirkusReviews called the book “a savvy, sharply delineated suspense novel… immensely rewarding.”One of Holt’s strengths as a crime writer is her in-depth knowledgeof the law and police work. A former minister of justice, lawyer, TVanchor, and journalist, Holt’s books offer not only chilling mysteries,but also a glimpse into a world often hidden from the public. Holt hasalso spent several years in the United States: in Dallas; Farmington,Maine; and Harwichport, Massachusetts.What Never Happens was published by Grand Central Publishingin February 2008. What Is Mine is now available in paperback, and thenext book in the series is due to be published in 2009 or 2010.booksKarin Fossum Wins LosAngeles Times Book AwardNorwegian writer Karin Fossum won the prestigious Los AngelesTimes Book Award this spring for her novel The Indian Bride.Fossum, who lives in a small town in southeastern <strong>Norway</strong>, istaking the world by storm with her “heart-stoppingly suspenseful”writing. The crime writer has gained an enthusiastic following of readersin the U.S., and on Friday evening, April25, she was awarded the LA Times BookAward in for best mystery/Thriller, for hernovel The Indian Bride. The novel is one ofseveral that features Inspector Konrad Sejer.Karin Fossum was nominated together withBenjamin Black, Åke Edwardson, TanaFrench, and Jan Costin Wagner.The prize is awarded in connection withthe biggest literature festival in the U.S., LosAngeles Times Book Festival. It is usuallyawarded to English-language authors. TheIndian Bride (Elskede Poona) – translated byCharlotte Barslund – is Fossum’s fourth bookon the U.S. market. The novel takes us to thetown of Elvestad, where one day the batteredbody of a woman is found in a meadow.Everyone is shocked by the gruesome crime, but Inspector KonradSejer understands that in this town, no one is altogether innocent.Fossum’s crime novels featuring Inspector Sejer have been translatedinto 16 languages, and she has received rave reviews in the NewYork Times and the Washington Post, among others. Other L.A. TimesBook Awards winners this year were Andrew O’Hagan for Be Near Me(Harcourt) and Dinaw Mengestu for The Beautiful Things That HeavenBears (Riverhead Books).PHOTO BY LAURENT DENIMALWhat Never HappenesBy Anne HoltGrand Central Publishing$24.99 (hardcover)What is MineBy Anne HoltGrand Central Publishing$12.99 (paperback)The Indian BrideBy Karin FossumHarcourt Books$14.00 (paperback)summer 2008 | news of norway | 13

VOICE OF JOY VOICE OF JOYFor a complete andupdated calendar ofevents please visitwww.norway.orgon tourmusicVoice of JoySEATTLE, WA, July 11, 7:00 pmRock of Ages, seviceSEATTLE, WA, July 13, 9:00 amand 11.15 amWestgate Chapel, serviceSEATTLE, WA, July 13, 6 pmAurora Church of the Nazarene,serviceNASHVILLE, TN, July 16, 17, 18Christ Church, Music & WorshipConferenceNASHVILLE, TN, July 20, 9.15 amand 11 amBrentwood Baptist, serviceNASHVILLE, TN, July 20, eveningChrist Church, service/concertATLANTA, GA, July 26Marietta Seventh-Day AdventistChurch, serviceATLANTA, GA, July 27Mt. Paran Church of God, serviceThe Norwegian gospel choir Voiceof Joy will perform 12 concerts ontheir 6th tour of the United States.They have released three albumsover the past five years, the lastone being a live recording from theBrentwood Baptist Chruch inNashville, produced by DavidHamilton. For the past five yearsthey've also travelled extensivelyin the U.S., England, Ireland and<strong>Norway</strong>, performing up to 50shows a year. Voice of Joy will bevisiting Seattle, Nashville andAtlanta on their tour this summer,and will participate in the majorMusic & Worship conference inNashville from July 16 - 18.Info: www.voj.no orwww.norway.orgnationwidefilm"Reprise"The award winning drama"Reprise" is one of the most talkedabout Norwegian films in years,and has finally made its way to theU.S. The film opened in New Yorkand Los Angeles on May 16, followedby a national rollout. Thefreewheeling passion of youth andthe unpredictable perils of fate areboth the subject and the breathtakingform of Joachim Trier'sdirectorial debut, which travels alean and kinetic journey throughfriendship, love, madness and creativity,which the New York Timescalls "the brightest sign of life insome time in Norwegian cinema."For screening times and venues,check your nearby movie theatresor online:Info: www.reprise-themovie.comor www.norway.orgeast coastexhibitCounter SurveillanceNEW YORK, NY, through July 13Vibeke Jensen uses good old spygear in her artworks. Throughthe surveillance equipment, sheexhibitDetour at the National BuildingMuseumWASHINGTON, DCEarly 2009.In recent years, small but sensationalarchitectural projects alongNorwegian tourist routes havegained national as well as internationalattention. Inspired by the initialsuccess, the partners behindthe exhibition, Norwegian PublicRoads Administration and NorskForm, bring an exhibit showcasingthese eye-catching constructionsto those not able to travel to<strong>Norway</strong>. The exhibit opens inWashington, D.C., in March 2009and may travel to other cities inNorth America. See pages 8-9 ofthis issue of News of <strong>Norway</strong>.Info: www.norway.orgcreates a "counter surveillance."At the Queens Museum, BulovaSatellite Gallery.Info: www.norway.orgexhibitInspired By HardangerNEW YORK, NY, through Sept. 72008 marks the 100 year anniversaryfor the birth of poet Olav H.Hauge and pianist and composerGeirr Tveitt. Get to know theirworks and beautiful homeplaceHardanger, as the two artists arehonored in New York with a specialexhibition. At the Trygve LieGallery in The Norwegian ChurchPHOTO COURTESY OF NORWEGIAN FILM INSTITUTEat 317 East 52nd Street, New YorkInfo: (212) 319-0370 or online atwww.trygveliegallery.comPHOTO COURTESY OF SCANDINAVIA HOUSEPHOTO BY NILS VIK14 | www.norway.org

calendarfilm“Sejer” in New YorkNEW YORK, NY, July 2 - 31Wednesdays at 6:30 pm &Thursdays at 2:30 pmKarin Fossum's main protagonist,Inspector Konrad Sejer, has madehis ways to TV screens in <strong>Norway</strong>,and now even to New York, asScandinavia House screens thepopular series this summer.Fossum is an internationallyacclaimed writer, and recentlywon the Los Angeles Times BookAward for her novel The IndianBride, which features KonradSejer. (See page 14) Four ofFossum's Inspector Sejer novelshave been made into film seriesand were originally shown onNorwegian TV, where they wereamong the highest rated shows in<strong>Norway</strong>. Bjørn Sundquist has wonboth a Norwegian Gullruten awardand an Amanda award for his roleas Konrad Sejer. At theScandinavia House, 58 ParkAvenue. Tickets are $8Info: (212) 879-9779 orwww.scandinaviahouse.orgjazzJostein GulbrandsenNEW YORK, NY, July 23A native of Namsos, <strong>Norway</strong>, guitaristJostein Gulbrandsen playselectric, acoustic nylon string, andfretless guitar. A graduate of theManhattan School of Music,Gulbrandsen recently released hisfirst CD as a band leader,"Twelve," on Fresh Sound NewTalent. He works with the MattGrason Motel Project and coleadsthe band Randal with FredKennedy and Roland Fidezius,and has just finished a recordingwith Nate Smith Quartet.Info: (212) 879-9779 orwww.scandinaviahouse.orgmidwestfolk music2008 Hardanger Fiddle Music &Dance WorkshopDODGEVILLE, WI, July 17 - 20The Hardanger Fiddle Associationof America is hosting the annualworkshop on July 17-20, 2008 atFolklore Village in Dodgeville,Wisconsin. The workshop focuseson Hardanger fiddle and dance.Folklore Village is 35 miles west ofMadison, Wisconsin, and set onacres of restored prairie. Everynight is a dance party. There willbe bunkhouse accommodationsand tenting. Children and teensare welcome.Info: registration at www.hfaa.orgor contact Loretta Kelley by email:workshopchair@hfaa.org or call(301) 270-4925festivalNorsk Høstfest 2008NORTH DAKOTA, October 1 - 5Norsk Høstfest, North America'slargest Scandinavian festival, iscelebrating its 31st year. Tens ofthousands of people attend theevent annually to celebrate andpartake in the Scandinavian cultureand entertainment. TheBeach Boys, Kenny Rogers andDaniel O'Donnell are some of theartists that will entertain at thisyear's festival. Entertainment isdefinitely on the menu at NorskHøstfest. But then, so is food, withdining ranging from family style atnumerous food booths around thecomplex, to upscale, at theacclaimed En To Tre gourmetrestaurant. The cuisine as well asthe clothes, art and jewelry areauthentic, fine quality and exquisitelyNordic. More than 200 internationallyrecognized artisans,craftsmen and chefs participate.The Nordic history and heritageare alive from the Clog Shop andthe Import Shop to the Sølje Shopand the General Store. The experienceis an eclectic array of contemporaryand traditional.Info: www.hostfest.com or call(701) 852-2368celebrationMinnesota's NorwegianSesquicentennial CelebrationROCHESTER, MN, October 18As Minnesota celebrates the150th anniversary of statehood,the Norwegian Statehood PioneerProject will recognize thoseNorwegian pioneers who werehere when the state was born andcontributed to the development ofits institutions and culture. Join thecelebrations at Mariott Hotel inRochester on October 18, 2008.There will be displays and demonstrations,an afternoon programwith speakers and entertainmenthonoring Norwegian-Minnesotanswho lived in the state at the time ofstatehood, and an evening banquetto end the day.Info: www.mn-nspp.orgfestivalNordic Roots FestivalMINNEAPOLIS, MN, Sept. 25 - 28Hot sounds from cool traditions.The 2008 Nordic Roots Festival isthe "10th annual and final" - theculmination of a decade of celebratingthe new sounds of oldmusic from the Nordic countries.Beginning in the fall of 2009, thefestival goes international andbecomes the Global RootsFestival. Nordic music will still bepart of this annual event as well asthe Cedar Cultural Center's season-longprogramming. Bandsfeaturing Norwegian musiciansinclude Frigg and Waltz With Me.Concert and workshop program tobe announced online.Info: www.nordicroots.orgPHOTO BY MATTI KIVELÄcanadanew museumLittle <strong>Norway</strong> Memorial BuildingMUSKOKA, ONThe new museum is situated atthe Muskoka Airport and tells thestory of Little <strong>Norway</strong> – wheremany Norwegians were trainedduring World War II.Info: www.emb-norway.caexhibitSámi and Inuit Contemporary ArtOTTAWA, ON, through August 17."In the Shadow of the MidnightSun" is the first of its kind to investigatethe differences and similaritiesbetween the art of the Inuitand the Sámi people. The exhibitwill be shown at the NationalGallery of Canada in Ottawa.Info: www.gallery.ca/musicRoyal Norwegian Army Band inQuébec CityQUÉBEC CITY, QC Aug. 16 - 24.The Norwegian Army Band isinvited to the Québec CityInternational Festival of MilitaryBands. During the summermonths the city is known for itsvibrant street life. This year,Quebec City is celebrating its400th Anniversary.Info: www.fimmq.com andwww.forsvaretsmusikk.nosummer 2008 | news of norway | 15

news of norwayRoyal Norwegian Embassy2720 34th. St., NWWashington, D.C. 20008(202) 333-6000 www.norway.orgPRESORTEDSTANDARDU.S. POSTAGEPAIDWashington, D.C.Permit No. 251cover shotPHOTO BY MOODS OF NORWAYNorwegian <strong>design</strong>ers Moodsof <strong>Norway</strong> showed their newclothing collections at SanFrancisco’s <strong>Norway</strong> Day inMay. (Cover photo and page 7)Cert no. SW-COC-2142News of <strong>Norway</strong> is printed on forest-friendly paper. Number of trees saved: 12.39;total energy saved: 8,776,250 BTUs; greenhouse gas reduction: 1,147 lbs.;wastewater reduction: 5,263 gallons; solid waste reduction: 582 lbs.news of norway 2 2008PHOTO BY EMILE ASHLEYnorwegian architects:blending buildings and natureStavanger-based Helen & Hard is one of several Norwegian architecturalfirms shaping the future look of <strong>Norway</strong>. Like Snøhetta’s Petter DassMuseum and the Aurland Lookout, Helen & Hard’s mountain lodge onthe path leading up to the Pulpit Rock – the cliff overhanging the Lyse Fjord– blends nature and <strong>architecture</strong>. The lodge includes 24 guest rooms, a café,a restaurant, and a conference room, and its placement is well fitted into theenvironment. The main construction consists of a rib-work of massive woodelements, which create spacious public areas and individual guest rooms, aswell as intimate zones along the facade.read more about norwegian architects insideILLUSTRATION BY HELEN & HARD

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