Bismillah Fiqh - Age group 8-10 yrs 1. Is it wajib or mustahab to ... - ALI

Bismillah Fiqh - Age group 8-10 yrs 1. Is it wajib or mustahab to ... - ALI

Bismillah Fiqh - Age group 8-10 yrs 1. Is it wajib or mustahab to ... - ALI


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<strong>Bismillah</strong><strong>Fiqh</strong> - <strong>Age</strong> <strong>group</strong> 8-<strong>10</strong> <strong>yrs</strong><strong>1.</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>it</strong> <strong>wajib</strong> <strong>or</strong> <strong>mustahab</strong> <strong>to</strong> say Adhan and Aqamah bef<strong>or</strong>e offering daily <strong>wajib</strong> salatA. Mustahab2. Adhan and Aqamah is rec<strong>it</strong>ed bef<strong>or</strong>e the salat time sets in <strong>or</strong> after?A. After salat time sets in3. Where should a person be facing while calling out Adhan f<strong>or</strong> <strong>wajib</strong> prayers :A. Qiblah4. Name any one difference between Adhan and Aqamah?A a.Allahu Akbar: 4 times adhan , 2 times ikamahab.Qad ka matis sallat: 0 times adhan and 2 times aqamahc.La illa ha illa llha: 2 times adhan and 1 time aqamah5. What are the <strong>wajib</strong> actions of wudhoo?A. Washing face, washing 2 arms, wiping front part of the head & wiping 2 feet6. Name 2 things besides salat f<strong>or</strong> which perf<strong>or</strong>ming wudhoo is <strong>wajib</strong>.A a. Tawaf of kaaba,b.wr<strong>it</strong>ing & <strong>to</strong>uching the w<strong>or</strong>ds of Quran7.Name 3 things perf<strong>or</strong>ming wudhoo is <strong>mustahab</strong> f<strong>or</strong>A a.Bef<strong>or</strong>e going <strong>to</strong> sleep.b.Bef<strong>or</strong>e entering place of w<strong>or</strong>ship.c.when one gets angry.8. Name the pre requis<strong>it</strong>es of perf<strong>or</strong>ming wudhoo?A. Niyyat, water must be tahir,mubah & enough f<strong>or</strong> wudhoo, all parts of body should be tahir, <strong>it</strong>should be done step by step & w<strong>it</strong>hout any interruptions9. Pick the right answer:- <strong>wajib</strong>, <strong>mustahab</strong>, haram, makruh, mubaha. Act a person must never do- Haramb. It is good <strong>to</strong> do- Mustahabc. It is allowed <strong>to</strong> do- Mubahd. Better not <strong>to</strong> do - Makruhe. It is compuls<strong>or</strong>y <strong>to</strong> do- Wajib<strong>10</strong>. choose the right defin<strong>it</strong>ion:muslim, kaafir, mushrik, munaafiq, muminA person:a. Has a higher pos<strong>it</strong>ion bef<strong>or</strong>e Allah than a muslim-muminb. Not a muslim-kaafirc. Subm<strong>it</strong>s <strong>to</strong> the will of Allah-muslimd. Believes Allah has a partner-mushirk

e. <strong>Is</strong> a muslim but in his heart doesn’t follow islam- munafiq1<strong>1.</strong>What are the roots of religion calledA. Usool-e-din12.What are the branches of religion calledA.Furu-e-din13. Select the names of the Ulul Azm Prophets:A. Nuh a.s, Ibrahim a.s, Musa a.s, <strong>Is</strong>a a.s , Muhammad s.a.w.w.s14. Wr<strong>it</strong>e the names of the Prophets <strong>to</strong> whom these books were revealed:A. a. Tawrat- Prophet Musa a.sb.Zabur- Prophet Dawood a.sc.Injil- Prophet <strong>Is</strong>a a.sd Quran- Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s15. What does the “water must be mubah” cond<strong>it</strong>ion of wudhu mean?A. Taken w<strong>it</strong>h permission16. Which of the following cond<strong>it</strong>ions should be observed in the clothes f<strong>or</strong> salaat:A a. Clothes must be mubahb. Clothes must be tahirc. Clothes is made of part of Halaal animal that has feelings (like skin) that wasslaughtered in an un-<strong>Is</strong>lamic wayd. A and Be. All of the above17. What are the 5 Usool-e-deen?A a. Tawheedb. Adaalatc. Nabuwwatd. Imaamate. Qiyaamat18. Surah Ikhlas best explains which Usool of Usool-e-deen.A.Tawheed19.Define KhumsA. Khums is paid is 20% on yearly savings. 1/2 is given <strong>to</strong> Sehme Sadaat (descendants ofthe Prophet SAW) and 1/2 is given <strong>to</strong> the 12th Imam(A); during his Ghaibat <strong>it</strong> is given <strong>to</strong>the Mujtahid.20. Vis<strong>it</strong>ing a the sick is an example of what action:A. Mustahab2<strong>1.</strong> Choose the right answer:A. Amr bil Ma’roof, Nahy ‘anil Munkar, Tawalla, Tabarra

32. Just bef<strong>or</strong>e going <strong>to</strong> sajdah , Sajida realized she has not done ruku , what shouldshe do?A:She should get up, then go <strong>to</strong> ruku and then do her sajdah. her salaat will bevalid.33. During Sajdah , can f<strong>or</strong>ehead be at higher level then the <strong>to</strong>es?A: No, they have <strong>to</strong> be at the same level.34.Maryam did not rec<strong>it</strong>e the first 2 salaams and rec<strong>it</strong>ed only last salaam , isher salaat valid?A:No35. We learned that in Wudhu u need <strong>to</strong> do actions one after other w<strong>it</strong>houtdelay , is <strong>it</strong> the same in ghusl?A: delay between different actions of Ghusl are allowed.36. What is the name of the special night in the Holy Month of Ramadhan whenour sins are f<strong>or</strong>given (if asked f<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>giveness) and our duas are granted?A. Laylatul Qadr37. What are the three things that invalidate fast if done on purpose?A. i)Eating and drinkingii)Saying false things about Allah,Prophet s.a.w.w.s and the success<strong>or</strong>s of the Prophets.a.w.w.siii)Making dust reach one’s throat38. Zaid was feeling very hungry while observing his <strong>wajib</strong> fast. He realised no onewas watching, so he ate some chips <strong>to</strong> calm down his growling s<strong>to</strong>mach.What will Zaid have <strong>to</strong>do?A. His fast is invalid and he will have <strong>to</strong> do the qadha and give kaffara.39. What is the kaffara f<strong>or</strong> missing a fast(intentionally <strong>or</strong> unintentionally)?A i) Free a slaveii) Fast f<strong>or</strong> 60 daysiii) Feed 60 po<strong>or</strong> <strong>to</strong> their fill <strong>or</strong> give ¾ kg of foodstuff(mudd) like wheat,barley etc <strong>to</strong> each po<strong>or</strong>person40. List the three days when fast is haram?A. i)Eid -ul- F<strong>it</strong>r,ii)Eid-ul-Adha,iii)A fast kept desp<strong>it</strong>e illness4<strong>1.</strong> On the day of Ashura(<strong>10</strong> th of Muharram), fasting is:A. Makrooh (better <strong>to</strong> avoid)Tareekh Syllabus f<strong>or</strong> 8-<strong>10</strong> <strong>yrs</strong>1) Name the angle who brings Allah’s message <strong>to</strong> the prophet?

Jibraeel2) Name the angles who s<strong>it</strong>s on your left and right shoulders and wr<strong>it</strong>es down all the good andbad things that we do?Raqeeb and Ateed3) Which angle is responsible f<strong>or</strong> bringing down Rizq?Angel Makaeil4) What did Allah ask Prophet Nuh <strong>to</strong> do when he asked f<strong>or</strong> help?To build an ark5) F<strong>or</strong> how many years Prophet Nuh a.s preach Allah’s lesson <strong>to</strong> his people?950 years6) Who refused <strong>to</strong> enter the Ark w<strong>it</strong>h Prophet Nuh a.s?His son Kanaan7) Where did the ark land?Mount Judi8) Name the ruler of the time when Prophet Musa a.s was b<strong>or</strong>n?Firaun9) What happen <strong>to</strong> the box which prophet Musa was in?It went <strong>to</strong> Firaun’s palace<strong>10</strong>) What was the name of Prophet Musa’s tribe?Bani <strong>Is</strong>rael11) Who were Ahlul-kisa?Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w.s, Imam Ali a.s, Lady Zahra s.a,Imam Hasan a.s,Imam Hussaina.s12) Among the Ahlul-kisa who is the focal point in the event of Kisa?Lady Fatima (S.A)13) What is the relationship of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.S)w<strong>it</strong>h Lady Fatima(S.A)?Father14) Name Lady Fatima’s s.a. children?5 children: Imam Hasan A.S, Imam Hussain A.S, Lady Zainab,Lady Umme Kulsume A.S,Mohsin A.S15) Name our fifth Imam?Imam Muhammad Baqir A.S?16) What is the meaning of Baqir –al-ulum?Revealer of Knowledge

17) Name the Parents o f Imam Muhammad Baqir A.S?Fatima binte Hassan a.s and Imam Zain-ul -Abideen A.S18) Through which companion Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w.s sent his greeting <strong>to</strong> our fifthimam?Jabir ibne Abdullah Al-Ansari19) Name our 6th Imam?Imam Jaffer as Sadiq20) Name one of Imam Sadiq a.s contribution <strong>to</strong>wards <strong>Is</strong>lam?He opened an <strong>Is</strong>lamic univers<strong>it</strong>y in Medina21) Name the ruler at the time of Imam Jaffer Sadiq A.S?Manso<strong>or</strong>22) Which place Imam Jaffer Sadiq A.S is buried at?Medina23) Imam Zamin is associated w<strong>it</strong>h which Imam?Imam Ali Raza A.S24) Name our 12th Imam?Imam Mahdi A.S25) What is our responsibil<strong>it</strong>y during his ghaibat?Be on the righ path26)What does Shia Ithna-Asheri means?Followers of 12 Aimmah27)What is the t<strong>it</strong>le of Imam Ali A.S?Ameerul Mu’mineen28)Who is our 12th Imam? <strong>Is</strong> he alive?Yes, and Imam Muhammad Al Mahdi a.s29)What is the name of year when Lady Khadija died?Year of Grief30)What was the offering that this family made f<strong>or</strong> which a surah of the holy Quran wasrevealed and what was the name of surah?Ad-Dahr in the holy quran “in praise of the offering madeby this holy family”31)How many eid do shia Muslims celebrate throughout the year, please name them?5; Eid ul-Juma, Eid ul-Adha, Eid ul-F<strong>it</strong>r, Eid-e-Ghadir, Eid-e-Mubahila.

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