6503 Building IQ Issue 5.indd - Clipsal

6503 Building IQ Issue 5.indd - Clipsal 6503 Building IQ Issue 5.indd - Clipsal


CASE STUDYFITNESS FIRST HEALTH CLUBSfitness first health clubsAs one of Australia’s fastest growing health club chains, Fitness First iscommitted to providing its members with high quality, comfortable fitnessfacilities that inspire a pleasurable gym experience.The recent installation of Clipsal Integrated Systems’ C-Bus and Mindertechnologies in its Parramatta branch has not only provided them with theability to create a dynamic and welcoming environment for clients, but hasalso streamlined the routine operations of the facility.8The BuildingBoasting more than 350 clubs worldwideand 870 000 members, Fitness First is thesecond largest health club chain in the world.Established in the United Kingdom in1992, Fitness First arrived in Australiaseveral years ago and has since expandedto over 30 sites in NSW, Vic., Qld andWA. Over the next decade, the chain isexpected to grow to more than 100 sitesacross Australia.With clubs ranging in size and shape,the Parramatta branch occupies the oldpremises of the Parramatta movie theatre,making it one of the largest Fitness Firstfacilities in the southern hemisphere.Spanning two levels and a large foyerarea, the gym houses open areas forexercise equipment, therapy rooms, as wellas a number of studios for class exercisesincluding specific cycle studios.The RequirementsIn 2001, Bolton’s Electrical in collaborationwith CIS Consultant, Phillip Hodge, presenteda case to Fitness First project managers, onthe potential operational benefits and energysavings of C-Bus control to their facilities.Initially cautious of the concept, the projectmanagers agreed to trial the technology ina couple of smaller test sites to view the realbenefits of the system. They were so impressedwith the functionality and expandability ofthe system that a standard C-Bus/Minderperformance specification was created andis now used as the basis for Fitness First C-Businstallations across the country.This specification stipulates automated control oflighting, exercise equipment and air conditioningzoning to suit the schedule of individual gyms,with minimal staff input or control. It also specifiesa solution that not only minimizes the powerand maintenance costs of these systems but alsoprovides built-in contingencies for fault tolerancefrom C-Bus or any other subsystem.

IQThe ResultWith a philosophy of creating inspiring,convenient and flexible surroundings formembers, the C-Bus/HomeMinder systemhas provided an ideal management solutionfor Fitness First.Incorporating integrated lighting, airconditioning and security systems, eachinstallation follows detailed performancespecifications, with schedules customised to suitthe individual routine of each Fitness First facility.For energy efficiency purposes a combinationof full and half lighting scenarios have beenprogrammed. Each morning on entry to thesite and disarming of the security system, thesite goes into half lighting mode, providingsufficient lighting for staff to move around priorto opening and for cleaning to be carried out.When the site is ready for the public, a singlegang key input located at the front receptiondesk will activate operational mode includingfull lights, exercise equipment, televisionsand air conditioning. Half lighting in changerooms and studios will remain on until activatedby movement sensors, while illumination instair, toilet and shower areas remains on fulllighting at all times the site is occupied. Duringoperating hours, the only way of shutting downthe system is by arming the security system.However after the programmed operatinghours, the reception desk key input will returnthe site to half lighting mode.One of the unique features of the gym is theirvirtual cycle studio. Painted black, floor toceiling, the walls depict a cityscape that can beilluminated to represent a daytime, evening ornight scene. In the night scene, the cityscapeimages glow under special UV fluorescentlights creating a dramatic night-timeambience. A key input unit at the instructorspodium activates the different scenes, withMinder programming ensuring the instructor'spodium lights remain on at all times duringoperating hours for safety purposes. Forenergy efficiency, each cycle and exercisestudio also houses a movement sensor, whichis programmed to shutdown lighting and airconditioning when the area is not in use.As an emergency backup, the provision hasalso been made available for a secured keyinput to monitor the state of the security system.Should the low level security system interfacefail, this key input has the capacity to activatethe arm/disarm state for HomeMinder.The BenefitsOfficially opened in June 2003, thecustomised C-Bus solution has allowedFitness First complete control over theoperations of the site, with the added bonusof significant maintenance and powerconsumption savings.In Melbourne, Clipsal Systems Integrator,Watters Electrical, has been responsible forall the Fitness First C-Bus installations. Basedon the same performance specifications,C-Bus and HomeMinder technologies havecontinued to provide improved energyefficiency, convenience, security and lightingcontrol for Victorian Fitness First facilities.Requiring limited staff involvement, the timeefficientnature of the technology, particularlythe one-touch power up and shutdown modes,have provided a convenient and comfortableworking environment, enabling staff to focusmore of their time on the needs of clients.Fitness First Australia were so impressed withthe outcome, that during a recent visit frominternational project managers, a presentationexplaining the operational benefits of C-Buswas conducted and it is now likely thetechnology will be implemented in otherFitness First facilities around the world.Photography: Mike Chorley Photography9

CASE STUDYFITNESS FIRST HEALTH CLUBSfitness first health clubsAs one of Australia’s fastest growing health club chains, Fitness First iscommitted to providing its members with high quality, comfortable fitnessfacilities that inspire a pleasurable gym experience.The recent installation of <strong>Clipsal</strong> Integrated Systems’ C-Bus and Mindertechnologies in its Parramatta branch has not only provided them with theability to create a dynamic and welcoming environment for clients, but hasalso streamlined the routine operations of the facility.8The <strong>Building</strong>Boasting more than 350 clubs worldwideand 870 000 members, Fitness First is thesecond largest health club chain in the world.Established in the United Kingdom in1992, Fitness First arrived in Australiaseveral years ago and has since expandedto over 30 sites in NSW, Vic., Qld andWA. Over the next decade, the chain isexpected to grow to more than 100 sitesacross Australia.With clubs ranging in size and shape,the Parramatta branch occupies the oldpremises of the Parramatta movie theatre,making it one of the largest Fitness Firstfacilities in the southern hemisphere.Spanning two levels and a large foyerarea, the gym houses open areas forexercise equipment, therapy rooms, as wellas a number of studios for class exercisesincluding specific cycle studios.The RequirementsIn 2001, Bolton’s Electrical in collaborationwith CIS Consultant, Phillip Hodge, presenteda case to Fitness First project managers, onthe potential operational benefits and energysavings of C-Bus control to their facilities.Initially cautious of the concept, the projectmanagers agreed to trial the technology ina couple of smaller test sites to view the realbenefits of the system. They were so impressedwith the functionality and expandability ofthe system that a standard C-Bus/Minderperformance specification was created andis now used as the basis for Fitness First C-Businstallations across the country.This specification stipulates automated control oflighting, exercise equipment and air conditioningzoning to suit the schedule of individual gyms,with minimal staff input or control. It also specifiesa solution that not only minimizes the powerand maintenance costs of these systems but alsoprovides built-in contingencies for fault tolerancefrom C-Bus or any other subsystem.

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