6503 Building IQ Issue 5.indd - Clipsal

6503 Building IQ Issue 5.indd - Clipsal

6503 Building IQ Issue 5.indd - Clipsal


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Spowers and Sydney’s FJMT Architects, thecomplex includes four buildings, that housethe Corporate Headquarters for the University,the Vice Chancellery, as well as the Schoolof Business that consists of office space,tutorial rooms and computer labs. The complexencircles a Graduation Courtyard and featuresa number of striking architectural elements,including two pyramid-shaped buildings and aseries of jarrah struts, which wrap around thetwo front buildings.What’s more, with a commitment toenvironmental sustainability and the desire tobe at the forefront of technology, the complex isalso equipped with <strong>Clipsal</strong>’s C-Bus Control andManagement System.Manager of Electrical Services at Edith CowanUniversity, Stuart Downes, asserts that C-Bushas successfully achieved all of the University’slighting objectives.'The system was designed to achieve a numberof outcomes, including high energy efficiencythrough the automation of lighting and flexibilityin lighting control,' said Stuart. 'Theseobjectives were met.'We can now provide greater flexibility tobuilding occupants, particularly in teaching areasin respect of lighting control, whilst still optimizingperformance from an energy perspective.'Introduced to the technology by electricalconsultants, Engineering TechnologyConsultants, Edith Cowan University hasemployed C-Bus to control both internal andexternal lighting. This includes automation ofcorridors, offices, meeting rooms, laboratoriesand tutorial rooms, as well as security, grounds,architectural, building and event lighting.Centralised control of the system is achievedvia a <strong>Clipsal</strong> Touch Screen located at theElectrical Service Managers desk, providing24-hour monitoring and control of all internaland external lighting, security lighting andthe integration of the Fire Alarm system withlighting. In addition, a portable touch screenhas been provided to cater for events held inthe Graduation Courtyard.Numerous energy efficient features have alsobeen incorporated into the lighting design, tomaximize the natural daylight in the teachingrooms. These include light level sensors thatdim lighting as ambient light levels change,reducing output from fluorescent tubes, as wellas occupancy sensors that turn lighting “off” inunoccupied areas if no movement is detectedafter 30 minutes.'Such actions have secondary effects,' saidStuart. 'For example, heating loads within thebuilding reduce, therefore reducing the overall airconditioning loads within the buildings.'There is also the ability to load shed lightingallowing a degree of demand management.'Overall, C-Bus has successfully reduced energyconsumption in lighting, achieved a reductionin demand through dimming and switching andconsequently a reduction in heating and airconditioning loads.'Bond University’s Film and TV School inQueensland is another campus to haveimplemented C-Bus technology. Integratinglighting control and audiovisual services intheatrettes across the campus, C-Bus has provideda cost-effective automation solution that could nothave been implemented in all lecture theatres hada different interface been selected.Control of the system has been achieved viaa touch screen and an infrared output deviceproviding access to the data projector, DVDplayer, VCR player and matrix switcher/amplifier. The touch screen is located besidethe lecturn in each theatre to allow convenientaccess to the lighting and audiovisual services,as well as create a user-friendly lecture theatreenvironment for staff and students alike.With lecture theatres scattered across thecampus, each C-Bus system is then networkedback to the engineering office via SchedulePlus and graphically displayed on a SchedulePlus screen. This user-friendly interface allows24-hour real time monitoring and control oflecture theatre functions across the campus.It also enables the programming of scheduleswithin each touch screen, that automaticallyactivate a set-up mode scenario each morningand provide an output for the standby switchoff for the data projector when lecture theatresare vacant, thereby increasing data projectorlamp life.As with Edith Cowan, Bond University is extremelyimpressed with the result and is working closelywith <strong>Clipsal</strong> Integrated Systems to designadditional systems that will enhance the learningenvironment for students in the years to come.With automation technology now more widelyaccepted and the benefits of it proven time andagain, the question is no longer why equip anew or renovated education facility with anautomation system, but rather why not?7

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