Tracer - Force

Tracer - Force

Tracer - Force

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Brief about PetroleumActivities at IFETor BjørnstadChief ScientistInstitute for Energy Technology (IFE)tor.bjornstad@ife.no

Subjects not to be treated here• Multiphase flow in wells and pipelines (OLGA etc.)• CO 2 and H 2 S corrosion in transportation systems• Hydrate prevention (MEG-technology) and mostother flow assurance aspects• Geology/geochemistry/diagenesis/stable isotopesignatures• Micropaleontology/biomarkers/production allocation• Basin modelling• CCS• Application of tracer technology during exploration11.06.2013

The «<strong>Tracer</strong> Club»The ”core” of the tracer development is the ”<strong>Tracer</strong> Club” which is anindustry-supported program (JIP) which are being carried out in welldefineddevelopment phases:IFE <strong>Tracer</strong> ResearchCo-operation ADVanced (ITRC IFE SOR1991-1996 program (ADVISOR) Reservoir Tracing <strong>Tracer</strong>s in EORMain focus on passivewater tracers Main focus on 2002-2007 (TracEOR) (TracIntel)1997-2002 (ResTrac) operations Intelligent tracersand new gas phase-partitioning Main focus ontracers2008-2012 2013-2017tracers environmentally Main focus on Main focus onacceptable tracers trac. for functional EOR tracersoperations for reservoarproperties

“Industry standard” non-radioactivegas tracersPerfluorinatedcyclic hydrocarbonswithcoordinated lighthydrocarbon(methyl) groupsare excellent gastracersPDCBPMCPPMCHCARBONFLUORINE1,3-PDMCH1,2,4-PTMCHPETRADseminar Vietnam10

Fluorescent and radioactive nano-particlesParticle coreemissionParticle core andfunctional layeremissionParticle core andmultifunctionallayer emissionPETRADseminar Vietnam11

Nano-particle tracersTor Bjørnstad12

Interwell tracer simulator• Successful implementation of ARTSim tracer simulator• Tested by IFE, Statoil and Total on 5 field cases. Conclusion:very fast (5% of reservoir simulator CPU), simple to use• 3 journal publications, 7 conference presentations last 3 years• Presently coupled to Eclipse E100 (black-oil) simulatorARTSim results in FloViz (Eclipse suite visualization tool)11.06.2013

11.06.2013<strong>Tracer</strong>s in reservoirs

Tracing ofinjectionfluidsInjectionwellPreferential flowdirectionsHorizontal Production and verticalcommunication well betweenwellsPermeability strataSweep volumesLarge-scale heterogeneitiesStratified reservoir11.06.2013

<strong>Tracer</strong> response after WAGI2PMCHP4 P8 P7 P511.06.2013

Petromaks KMB, technicalHistorycontentmatchedmodel.φ,kGeostatisticalmodelingTodays workflowReservoirmodelAssisted HMUsed for predictions /decisionsProposed workflowφ,kGeostatisticalmodelingReservoirmodelAssisted HMHistory matchedmodel.Used for predictions /decisionsAdd tracer andproduction dataCommunicate lessons learned back to geo-model11.06.2013

11.06.2013Remaining oil saturation

Passive and partitioning tracer flow in aflooding pore of formation rockFORMATION ROCKThe partitioning tracer becomes delayed withrespect to the passive water tracer.RESIDUAL OIL11.06.2013

K-value (partition coefficient)• Partitioning tracer in waterand oil• Non-partitioning traceronly in water• Water moves, oil is (closeto) stagnant in EOR casesK = (C Tr ) o /(C Tr ) w11.06.2013

Relative respons to peak concentrationPartitioning tracer – Lab Experiments1,210,80,6Silica-packedcolumnprepared withresidual oilT = 40 CP = 170 barSOR = 15.7 %WTP-1WTP-2WTP-3WTP-4WTP-5WTP-6HTO0,40,2040 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140Eluted amount (g)11.06.2013

Estimation of S o by scaling x-axisScaling x-axis of the partitioning tracer : x' = x / (1+b)11.06.2013

= 0.6 gives match (So=0.24)b=0.6, K=1.9 gives saturation: So = b/(b + K) = 0.6/(0.6+1.9) = 0.2411.06.2013

RTD analysis of PITTsMust first correct for re-injection & extrapolate toinfinity

LAV-1 results<strong>Tracer</strong> β K S o [%]IFE-WTP8 0.6 1.9 24IFE-WTP7 0.75 2.4 24IFE-WTP3 0.50 1.5 25IFE-WTP2 0.50 1.5 25IFE-WTP1 0.70 2.1 25IFE-WTP4 0.80 2.9 22Results are consistent11.06.2013

LAV-2 results<strong>Tracer</strong> β K S o [%]IFE-WTP8 0.55 1.9 22IFE-WTP7 0.65 2.4 21IFE-WTP3 0.45 1.5 23IFE-WTP2 0.45 1.5 23IFE-WTP1 0.60 2.1 22IFE-WTP4 0.70 2.9 19Results are consistent11.06.2013

SWCTT stage 1 injectionNPAEtAcEtAcNPANPAEtAcEtAcNPAWater and ester is injected into watered out section

SWCTT stage 2 hydrolysis shut-inNPAEtAcEtAcNPANPAEtOHEtOHNPASome of the ester hydrolyses to alcohol

SWCTT stage 3 back productionNPAEtAcEtAcNPANPAEtOHEtOHNPAThe ester partition to oil and is delayed, compared to the alcoholThe water tracer is catching up on the partitioning tracer.

Concentration <strong>Tracer</strong>s (ppm)Concentration <strong>Tracer</strong>s (ppm)Single Well Chemical <strong>Tracer</strong> TestProduction Curve20003001800160014001200ProductAlcohol<strong>Tracer</strong>Material Balance <strong>Tracer</strong>2502001000800Unreacted Ester<strong>Tracer</strong>15060010040050200000 500 1000 1500 2000Volume Produced (bbls)011.06.2013

Partitioning interwell tracer test (PITT)• Exploits the delay of partitioning tracers compared tonon-partitioning tracers• Works by injecting partitioning & non-partitioningtracer simultaneously• Saturation can be estimated by:S o = (T p − T i )/(T p + T i (K − 1))= β/(β+K)where T p = T i (1 − β)11.06.2013


11.06.2013Enhanced oil recovery

11.06.2013CO 2 –EOR challenges

Synthesis of 35 S-labeled surfactant• Synthesis of the sulfonation agent acetylsulfate:H 235SO 4 + CH 3 -COOOC-CH 3 CH 3 -COO 35 SO 3 H + CH 3 -COOH• Sulfonation of 1-dodecene to get the surfactant:CH 3 -COO 35 SO 3 H + R-CH 2 -CH=CH 2 R-CH=CH-CH 2 - 35 SO 3 H + CH 3 -COOH(R = C 9 H 19 )11.06.2013

<strong>Tracer</strong> response/a.u.Less liquid, more CO 21.00.8CO 2Water14 C3H35S0.6Surfactant0. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Number of pore volumes11.06.2013

CountsUsing 22 Na + tracer to monitor water front200018001600Water containing 22 Na + displacing waterFront end of coreFlow: 1ml/minPressure: 307barTemp.: 89.5 o C140012001000t = 40mint = 66mint = 100min800600t = 19min0 100 200 300 400 500Position of scanner (mm)11.06.2013

How can CO 2 sweep efficiency beimproved ?CO 2 /foam: What kind of surfactant?Increasing viscosity by polymers:What kind of polymer?WAG: How long (frequency of) slugs?What are the displacementmechanisms with supercritical ordense-phase CO 2 ?11.06.2013

11.06.2013What injection strategy to follow?

GasWaterCO 2 foam flooding: Parameters• Foam stability• Foam quality• Surfactant retention• Component separation11.06.2013

Production andflow assurance11.06.2013

11.06.2013Well inflow monitoring

11.06.2013Complex well inflow monitoring

Generator principles (2)Aqueous solution(complexing agent,salinity, pH)Aqueous solution+ complexeddaughter possiblyextractable intoorganicsAqueous ororganic tracerMother nuclideExample:52Fe 52m MnAnion exch.column,elution with tartrate11.06.2013 Tor Bjørnstad 46

Experimental setup measurementsof scaling kineticsBalanceHeatingcabinetLinepressureDiff.pressureComputerloggingBrine 1HCO 3-ppHelectrodeBPRH 2 OPumpBalanceHeatingfluid HeatingBrine2 coil+ tracer= 47 Ca 2+SandfilledAl pipeGammadetectorSamplecollection11.06.2013

Counts per 100 sColumn scans10000080000Column scansTime: 25 – 90 hT = 99 C, SR = 4.466000040000200000-10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230Position X (mm)

Counting rate (cp100s)Selected column scans120000100000Selected CaCO 3precipitation curves80000600004000020000t o + t o,y97,38 h81,04 h72,58 h62,71 h52,84 h44,38 h37,33 h31,69 h26,84 h0-10 40 90 140 190 240Position (mm)

Counting rate (cp100s)True scaling rates at x i and x j120000100000X i = 30 mmX j = 90 mm8000060000400002000000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80Time (t o + t o,y + x i t c , hours)

Shale gas andhydrofracturingTor Bjørnstad51

<strong>Tracer</strong> projects and contacts world-wideField experience Common R&D projects Technology contactsTor Bjørnstad52

Warning: Spider on drugsDrug Free Spider Exposed to mescaline\Peyote Exposed to LSDExposed to MarijuanaExposed to Benzedrine/SpeedExposed to Caffeine

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